Milverton Sun, 29 Jul 1897, p. 2

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«TRUE ACLOUNT OF ae in the house RUSSIAN HORROR; | rus corer votion. SS. Aone Grand Ducat 2 al = emi ort me, digging Without ‘hesitati ion : i in my 45 if we ware not ware of their pres (This story was written by the'Oxir- iy ee Thrusting the plan into my bresst- | me, 1 bet Kong to lgok at it, and on Fae ren ears oven eo area intended for private | entered, careging tw tae. pocket, I ran lightly up the steep nar-| (i Ticee opportunity I quietly sli on Bo you're ‘caught, my ies, fellow, the im adresse 9 Prince ie row path and caught a glim a some time, | away at the loose earth, and i in a ttle perial family. ga Hee Majesty figures in| % to a the ae telegram man hurrying away. Though it th: “I had | time dragging out it under the name of “ Princess Tella.”) | to him,. but Weripoloff explained that only. glance, it brought my night ; I thought ny father's substitu ute, order you, tn Tt was in the early fall of 1894. Prin- stiquotie fort to open it in er prow me ence, read her mes- my mouth, for the man was Nee ark} one: pcompaied cess Tella’s betrothal to the much-be-| ence; “So Princess Tella, read her, mes; Jackson, who had i, 1 finds it. ‘whe rounds, fefused, ad ‘tothe loved, Nicholas, t the Czarowitz, had just teat by the Someta seh then — back ¥ 5 5 treaty, conse ar- family coun- ‘Em sorry,” ptm enr oe he that’ all fair aad | angement. The other kegs were drag. | Beem desided upon in the Figg Sen out speaking, so he w you might give a poor, ship low a heartier welcome, though we be such friends over bara friendly | ook. he lot between * As it on ee i ape a soot ged. out; yen. the two men Loe peas ai sight; then getting ou into a ex ‘ish ed pot the quay, and drag- ; but found not ape cil, Semen se mar gs ae, cons. Officially her Hii of sian Grand Dake dine in the he. 0 See ilities the Sinister of made and chness was. al- imperial pavilion at your Presently the announcement that the train had to proceed, and frente eT tall Heticed Rina! oe OATS Sel ea éus king that, 28 ‘a foreigner, ber bere inted ‘the Interior. I trust it’s was |, and Weripoloff, jerk nu chatat aie std some difficulty to the eottage. yw noon.” ness might my | ore ve et trong a a of er nothing {ill after breakfast, sone palpi vl: an Lascivad te € mle eee acne we 5 » with a 4 4 in the a tee of b rel, Relceite to | station master at Kornoff at 5 a.m: on| S17 — "ar mace hie Sage ten fo liewill, rapped wissen, ope wondering eves a glittering mass |Septe ia offended the ne great lady. If that be the say 1.” “ 4 r day talking ‘on the beach down yon- Sthe tes: when-exaptied ont ‘Half an hour later the Adjutant case, vernor, Wi ing tals hich hat |on to the floor made a perfect hillock the | euffarer ‘in the en From uffling 2 ei yen da about Sharpes fee Par on eae Meiiaeds Wheres recovered our | the Governor General eacaye cuties f"The General fumed peetacts to te he spoke, I felt sure he “eit dad wae a mate of Quin’s. fatber in th, inted the treasure; but |railway official's bedroom to ann‘ a Drage man look aad ing us nd a my inven | cnany @ Tun of goods, and he often said | Fm afraid to tell now much we msde |that hie Excellency, aud’ entire . stafé| “ate % bouee: | Zour m ‘the presence tious remarks ; + as there was | ro 7Sid man had stowed away. 8 rich | it, lest my veracity should be doubted. | oid receive her Highness with royal | of her Highness,” he cried, “and on the no help for that now, cut him short, | cargo, which ain't seen the light since, | "he nelihbors were, very ee ito | would Oujer sds of te aA wa vial ards is cause cousin’s suc reve seems aaa te cat aii 5s brea diae darren Peeeee pia iat eo ‘ake oes ise in the world; and though young | Prince Weripoloff to superintend the Regie your dat a : into | Oat, for youl cone Off all the worse, | Jackson never “heard anything about |arrangemente! ‘The station master|{ will nor stand it much longer” kithe the oat in a few rtiapate her | en ‘ell the fifth keg, yet a evidently in some Seba taints when‘ he lpatd ind es you execute my PEE SS totl vjottan, ea r epaulets. REPRE [aA Rowen ctiuroend tsi staggered with this; te er Gere ea re. endance upon & SR te Toe nein ee aeons page tata al ar See meee aie a (The End) Princess was ‘bad enough, but to sat-|¥"tind no cause for complaint, upon soak “out of of si end) hearing from, i id not answer, ack - ag lag oa plbenatetiery retura, And by thee way, that red- pte ig et ly did. As I ais ty gov if son gave me another threst, and then UP Abies, tine sas oiecet Jepeesl, peat Tolan c mer hope that sneaking scoundrel did- dropped, vehind, but followed. 1 X-RAYS CONFOUND SMUGSLERS. oe ing the impossible. stant tae gracious enough : fey, > must be sent fo the capital at o1 Sr pe Nb Dae aan ese es Ot Lier breaktast, as there was nothing — ‘With this the mighty one 0 our cars. “It's lucky he betrayed | to keep me at home, I got leave from | wien a Aia ogee rye ee Con- ts tees hands were at once engag- mee and drove ‘tt As on (eS Nid! Shapeathatel Belay Weal eetigae my father to stop for a night or a ed toclear the tation and its earronnd-| Wae Out of heating distan ria further ; so let us hope there's no great whe Fipcshoh beer} ‘not surest a Te kare ma “wich bars bees ings of antedeluvian dirt accumulated |was stationed 'Schelinsky,” he snort- harm done, after all.” Fee ae T iaineae ona Liang lak log for eiecral wusckke Ay thes of years of slovenlines, te | ed, “may the devil take jou and your “ What's done can’t be helped,” quoth gained, the J hill-top, and Jafar walking | toms ice of the French Garten floor & the building were scraped and pepe ap) recep oh asia sol no i ee Ben philosophically. “But, as you have- distance, sat ne orericate, a ment, regarding the examination. of metal work and Saddowa high: Sees linle secon onan eitled tribe n't told me yet what you've found out, ras, 2e fess one trunks and packages by s of the |], eae. ‘The ners of the town | enliness you represent. Where are your Tean’t give an opinion.” amine 1 Te was as Dig as Bed atone | case wee the otter $87 | wars nest laid fey contribution, fo eves man! Of coarse, you placed no Bale ee demtiironcnas ci Tet B Sree sera pat sed ga-| Witt a practical application upon thirty child would have known better: but sister said hher father told her he had a | Shonen fd creat ‘were scratched the ng you appear to think authority, was giv: Snug nest pat away in bank. but Bat | itters 1. Qui. Hasty getting apt it for no ofr reason Out, Chat she could find no account of any money. | started at a run. and did not st es in places where irrendighe ts sed cil cee cepa Ena ate gee ee ae arm thing, asncral that red-haired conclusion that ¢hs paper I at first | i.) The bank, at this part wos te scout@rel who dared raise his eyes to found in the keg referred to this mon-| for the firet tine thet they almost bid | i wi there is anything at all, it’s in Danes’ Camp. sat oar got to do is to hit pon the exact spot.’" dow Ben had a looking intently ane while I was explaining, and now gave vent to ‘his feelings in a Jong whistle. jen | a low mound. | Im zinasionk its shay eatenion fifty. if ht me toa be oval: and turning my face to the "fong paces, which vered above the I Jev- re drawn for nothing. But after all these it’s likely it may have been found out; still. it’s worth trying, and if wi nd heavy with dew, tothe head- eS heat th this affair, it's Bae Pi Fose in a bad from the | i©! actiued Tobe, to-night r level land below. Right ahead, looking can smuggle gle a pickaxe and shovel Other articles, al in the brightness that now over- to the beatin ap old all whom tt fala Tite eat of oi and touch, e near rig: ned spread cha 3b, apllty mre reopen od you io We along | women’s: Dette ead wove, di cine three miles away, appeared low Until the evening, he'll most like- | merable articles of jewelry; a i the ancient | be han bout all day. When ak of eset Gang sheen go one Tne boat, he'll think there's] |The last p emu bad been | 1 brisk pace, I soon got over the inter- | Pive thee int tor it tne atoatuess, to | geric without value.” The X-rays ehow- vening ground, and climbing the old/ tackle us by himself, he’s almost sure ed that ‘there was = very sail ‘collec. ‘k, commenced my search. | to go tack sof his. ‘the, moon of that tion of i Oe vot sheey eee broken down in’ some places, | Precious cousin consignment yplian cigaret eer th den chee o¢ | B@.UD by the time we lan male oy English matches. ‘This was such Cotanpierats ied Ss Batak ton to pork oe atk hanes |e flagrant case, cigar - gorse and fern and the graceful trail- considered, a, itll go hard with us, if we | matches are a Governmer ughs of the bran ft whe can’t be and it is second to highway robber: ing ing bo te meee tert a taliongent ly Ben's pro-|to bring into the country anything spel z Se ie; and, as he predicted, Jackson |that you can smoke, and eee Easy ae afloat het ee aaway haled before them the - joat, he hurri 2 f Sepa Camere ‘cheer | if the direction of his home. With the |the pareel and abowed ‘him the he living aitakesed iat alice nour shoulders, we leaped on|image of his crime. This is 4 edge of tbe cliff. ‘which: here. tom. the gap; and making our boat |case where something Ao Sy; will great height. it the near- | fast. we foiled up the steep path. and | happen. ie oe ‘consignees corner, Iked round tl 2 as. moon. iy fe the eit my hand, eiteat peaces cnet the hl jand by ite tight a very lively. time is expected ity of the to. wor al new ; Saupe tea GERAD cia ace |aeeroL even tie cath under the bush, |to work, at the frontier, customs sta- ing that corresponded to the plan. |and had @ good sized hole when | tions, which is promised which consisted of an oval with the | the pick etruck with such force t | Eatnre. pointe of the . At the |3 stone as almost to overturn Ben who south-east circles, en- | was wielding it ‘here’ a i i something as hard, here George,” said , SAND-MILE CANAL feees ate’ ea keto tomaret atic | be suetatiy amt sat t-| RUSSIA'S THOU i agai me, and it was, wher sione, I spied a gold coin, and ‘had just | mi Eee scram! Orit! said he, with wl meant to was n, led the tind ree By it his piy atipcaael ing ge gn he, © went Jape ns eee Baltic with the Black Sea. _ Russia is about entering = ‘inter- ; ot. Hi ae teh the Governor and his suite drove ic this station O la ignite ds’ sho ~ Bverytning in periect order,” eal wos tb Bim whe teenslet ionmaster, Fupt ngiy; ha trend alee oe eee acetate Soe Bp oMeanhar Sohalins aN oe ape special No. 17 actually roll- ed into the station, and the music of the Hessian in: ae te mont ave co eich sa improve oe Yea i ce ret pee 5, sets jerstand, and if I had any in- fluence in St. Petersburg I would sure- ‘exercise iv in your favor. tious aon my min‘ station master. present-the ontire force hie, shed me.” were at stake, 3 e and die here,” replied Weri- the Czarowitz passed through is Imperial Highness honored gee: smite have been Pe oy The Lreutenant bowed submissively. ro “ And what is to be done with the fel- Prd ee ri there i and Posen r of your er ee eeeaeer tke stern Gover:| book. Iam aterror in my own ne hor changed to a happy, cour: | way visit my displeasure, if He rushed the x of | feel any, on quite a goodly number of “salon carriage with his own white | people. is this Mischa, for oa seen re Sty | Sige po as ha as a Le oe pring “ottibere:| Of tia Wide Wea wil sox thismEiac see Syalkced down the: steps. win aude Heme Pee * said Princess Tella, ‘for ts te actives: jt hours I have. adi 4 2 RELIGION IN-THE ORIENT. Remarkable Movement Now in Progress tm Japan. ‘The savamts of Tokio and other Jap why |anese are studying Ge just now ld you fear i Iose your post? Xou from a yery practical poin' ‘erwa: Sn ine opsib Inter on” toptae eee Moral eat a fie Saepeg ont Sone laughed Princess Tella. “ ‘These ‘ fod in the bape ot alving the pr em ‘ compa ni incess Eslaff and Goun-| now much awe pak ire pein Adeep and long | tess We ‘The gentlemen know | scholars; that is why the. Gccident has i con- | each other.” Then her Highness ordered ind os y the Occident has ap tg ere dira a ost bree eee i ly by everyl 3 ly they Wien cele was brouy ‘ineess | clusion that, the strict morality i ingore: Tella, who Gov- | ane et suas ernor, said.“ bg YOUE Van willy 1° amid laree tocr pr aaTEnS. Out with it, Bacelleney. ef thinkers at, Tolsio ‘rit is quickly tol told,” ee loff. sidering tiie idea o's “T dr ” igion. 7 Oe ea wien Y garni Sisppent the | 2° is Christian and ‘Buddiist Tell fis the gum I mean” queried ber Highness. | 6, ‘ted the wait OF alice. Dei “Three months ago,” the best ani the river Dyina, theace by canals from | Princess ‘ella, laughed. “I must| iaiing (the Dest principles syetent Dvinabarg fo Lepel, f fur [gompliment you,” she said. “on, your ther ito = | onceath SORROW'S WORK. 2 terial! priate Le istians are genee- oie whole. srr ntry. | clive sou would have transported at| iy" ya wc, bare been sore tried, Shi that hitherto went by way of the : e : Zing this Princess Tella walked to| destrove a the window and Jooked out into the | pene Se eee courtyard below, where a number of |Dring forth what is more refined: If bed drawn up in line, | work, it will do thi it attired in their Ledeen careers CC way we not think that wo are inued. “7 eat that fel Cello on the the (Bevege Or 5s renee mas eas it wing. I never saw a et a tends. aga aa y the tat. | tin tas at Brae ate saa ing the man va St. Petersburg, bing [| Which is far better. nai si camiittcn, SRR SPR Se reas items About Our Own spans Great Britain, Mr. ouchere, who was one of the HEA WIL, == eee the ‘iene peearin te ms that the ra Cecil Rhod ‘THE VERY LATEST c FROM ALL THE |r eeeeorek ees mate list of Privy WORLD OVER. | Councillors. con: |AT QUAINT OLD TADODSAG, louse Uns he Ay FIRST add ies U NITED STATES. ' At New oe bar silver a Sonia gees s Kuckboard, am cot the ce pie Mabit is Pony — marvertens ee aris and Color— therefore, you raathy ties tevel. rod be: tween you wonder tures im the s] Fine one A were, you cannot “belp n shade of al pointment In five art) or, YOu and you have driven oift for’ the ex- of seei whee the rocky bitte 5 and the river if garden sea an were wre the < only fea- Interestii eer inutes, how: know — ae ee ay the gral fields be- RELIGIOUS PANATICISHE, STRANGE REVIVALS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF mele WORLD. jed to the lows he Cemete: ee there has been i ‘in’ G 4 cl Seta ie talks ti apparently a sim- All Parts of the Clobe, Condensed toa | It is patie V “ha Tis name is Se ‘the only queer thing creep ae amnng 0 men eeealans whieh ultianeous revival of fantistic religious Assorted cy may sto be i tbe a about Tadousac. Everything is fixed sisal ree Drone, ond then the as famativism within the past. few mi ADA. ae ee in the lup here; fact and fiction, fashion and | stamds waist in sand, Fe to remote parts of the Chris- ‘A big demand for lumber is reported American capital next fal cuihitiemsaiae ee ett Hee ates a advancing = 7 x i ey Maan The Dingley Tariff ay ‘passed both | Primitive simplic aig Suittieg sand snd | tor sar then there i no grains No-| tai world. ‘The shocking of all Shela tore mor peck met) Bena, esc MEER a [aes eTain Ml, at Se | cht per poo nett eon as § y President McKinley respondent. Everything seems the e: SAND AND SKY rer last and cube until far alon; img company. easy. is The new directory of Ottawa gives eme op mething else right | and, to the right, the dancing waves of towards 5, spring bef: pe Tere made fhe population: as Bien a ie eee tee oon given tua it.The little Jesuite chapel, | the St. Lawrence, twenty tiles wide. | public and stoppea ae ’s town hall is to have a - Jubi- say a | the oldest church, so they say, in Can-| At your left the sand gradually rears During this interval Fedor ovale must return to Cayuga for trial on the into am enormous ri It is Fe eal eloae to cost $1,000. charse of ering he ada, sits persistently in its forlo rilliamt and so strange that it d zt » buried! alive Heavy cattle shipments to England! Presiden’ ‘Kinley message ‘ing ground between the big white | ceives the vision. You would guess it | than twenty-five persons, from Winnipeg. to Congress on Satu: ray AAvocstin the | hotel and the villa which Lord | to be several hundred feet high, only— | his ee his wife, his two ¢hildren it jihtt the ©. BB is county a Saarethu system of the 'forin built. Up-to-date tourists sit on | tt {hat moment, nt Fou nes an enormous ise, wil ak atiy tended from. on into cA and suj it bir jack iy, flapping aie a Pipestone coun monies Souiuibaion torcerad appoint= the back seats buckboards and rent wis sagninat the sks) where the pai With this bateh of victims were ‘The tot cheese a the port at eaten English questions into the un- The bird | five others, making ten in all. That this season far exceeds the] The Pittsburg council of the coal|comprehending ears 3 the habitant on "ts large ‘as an meade oe as (fore! was in Four days later he Guantity sent for, the corresponding pe- ae ne sige eS, Fenolation cal a who occupies White | dn inward conviction tae eran, buried a batch of six men’ and women, Mr, W. W, Buchanan of Hamilton has ine a ee is | whales” alsport Chamba ta ine bey, Gough it looks an eagle, | Karly in February he buried six more, coal miners’ strike. and the black Saguenay waters run one pees yon tae te. about computing and in ty. others. (oe. Whitelaw 1 ia. ited | why in the Sa and another in “hs al ee ot li fTand cose are mar-| All the victims sulmitted without! 8 envoy Jubilee, states that | the afternoon. gic an eee eats, al fava seed to the ordeal. They had essed by the profound de-| From the very f pea t h yotion of the English people te the ere so ish Es. 5 he aa Queen and their desire to be on good | Fal ou the Steamed the oonfunion be sen le of plied bial Pea pitch: of religious frenzy which had rms with the United States. gins. You are sure to arrive by steam-| The are exquisite. e pony is ae ise areas, With them A private telegram from ar Wit-| — twent ty prisoners in King’s | er for the that there is no other | not scampering now. He is plodding, | hideous agony by suffocation un aise ne erat he Aug: | some County, N. Y., penitentiary have of getting here. pier is in) 2nd you hear the sound of his ee ak panes oy Shovelful the earth Meee eee ee ee ae cee Caer arinine °C tol tutta cove betwen ifanes granite | Sule, Ae a finer a slowly thrown upon them, as they fhe Grand Trunk car car works ae result of the Anti-Convict Labour big st er er | merciful is ‘beast, ban icorea a iy sien packed Recetas in the! shal- Bisatiord ‘tave been closed lew ase in amid a great elatter of bells, | and is trudging thas ankle dee; id been dug for structing the employees Mr. T. V. Powderle: bree ap- pi, which rise the patois greetings | hind the ve slaing as nothing to the to apply for work at i Pointed iby President. Com. i over fences now, possibly even over 1 . apply 2 ati is og igi ‘of (Seer sy fey natives om the pier. You are! roof of a house. Fifty years ago sie | seat to which they believed they guortly weit ee ets of ona sels ‘hts of Labour ro ee tooth cialently panioky at Mask }You aio a] lion this “‘the Jesuits” Garden.” I .) The slightest ‘effort on % poted by. the ete! Gen- ‘coast to prevent sonfirmatio Je missionaries who first cd ‘and Dr. Borden, Minister of Sic eal th to be Tadousac. Nothing can in-| § it probable’ that the Wieduies eee canuiede avbitration @ eat ‘question mi be 8. ae! ak ote: ea ad ‘opel i—so ‘ Mounted P ser ei beg, Uoen cereees to ie | Oe ad seraament etitinee cad on | ecoadaed arcs accu ane Gi the railway construction ‘works. = | ceptable ¢ te the United States and Brit-| tants gets you into his buckboard— Mrs. S$, mot Jentine | ‘* ate ee le des which is unlike anything else ever Pee cath a nee aia pederes: ba broker, wo Teoontl ppeealated. ‘on | dFeamed of im the betel ire waste e pai to imprisonment for life, has returned | He. w: with hay- ig imposs to Canada, and it is believ ed an effort to obtain’ his pardon: will be made ing made to get work on the Crow's Nest “eS in connection withitthe yes Raton ne fire ma Re ue ‘some time a Bo owe ‘Toro: Sunday: with i ‘llega! sie qanateeeaices ods in Jus for the purpose of defrauding their cre- dred and a epi tre immi- ive agriculturists iy cal lng, and, ere ok to make'go od. set id tons, the schooner Tas preferred a claim through the British Government for $3 ‘The Archbishop of St, Boniface. is make a determined era! ae an ea BRITA) Miss Ji Ingelow, the me poet and aovelat, ae on bier oe! ion: The was seventy-seven Aes ir John Wh the found- ers of ‘the volunteer movement in 1859, dead. ‘He was eighty 5 of age. le plume of Shirley, adi Joba Skelton, Scotch weiteris is ras sixty-six years of age. ion of erjevances : fov ce a”? ste dieses erworked” post- een’s Prize at feed was won by Brivate Ward of the First Devon- e regiment. In veage of heir denials, a London, mil clubs regard aie ime n! Enquiries in England yi Tesulted im the rae that Roland G. Barnett, of Montreal, is;no relative s ¥ Barnato, the’ deceased African Thast-foale ther ld Culloden castle Meyer etre Prince Charlie, The Queen purchased hig walking. stick for ove hukdred and “le & confides lently expected United States commission at -present in London that Great Britain till ate the International Bi-metallic vention to be held in Washington. It is announced that Lgrd. Handolph Unicel, itt ete urcbill, will stand 10 Parlmnant ta the, “ine ding to London Vanity Fair, the London season, whfvhris now near- been remarkable £3 its end. 1 ing into prominence the in| ate habits of society, the women be- as 085 ceed to Behring Sea, is regarded as Lord Sal tary eres writer in ae London pate Mai Bog British Govern- to ame tier Sherman's "he is not Heieee whl iain to se | . reply, while Eee and coushed in diploma alt £ g a8 # 2 ing made $2, 000,009 in ae oe = val months. aan Moss, ay nt GENERAL. The Harvest in lungery will not be as; great as last yea: Thea ie Preussiche aca adyocates a feature of Metz to France in con- sideration as ee ratification of the an- mexation of _ The best ; srientific, op in ‘Bertin is eer sanguin: ites sueoees of Hi Andree’s ees to reach the North Pole ise balloon. is Jt. show ‘ing at ite Exhibition aoe is made by mated reat Britain pone @ good scorn d Ger- The Tedsen Government has decided re prosecuting a number of editors of native papers who have of late been vr pdhen ay commander-i chief of the Turkish Gore in The iy, shine ‘sent t ». accor ing to a report from ‘ ‘The trial of twelve we nd b The Japanese ib has agreed to the proposal of fe devia Geovera: ment to submit the question at issue Bien kod broievonnn ts os bitration Emperor William's incessant, ai ference 1 ia _Polities is weakening the Government ranks, while the ranks of the ie Gotlnte an and discontents are swell- Bers Ra toes and ammu- ition are stored on the bor- of Spain for the Carlists, and in the event of ne he Cuban estion Carlos may try mck a ne” Custon toms Committee of, the Nor- wegian adopt areport roposing the faction of differens ial tari Saree on several argicultural lucts, | ee ee hit iotnnes) Whee tease Bt e —are you in’? Can't yer sce that’s ter. be only whur ph do ot 4 es (gurg! know ir wie) I just had a eos SEs le, ah igutele, gurgle, gure! whi Nor HIS FAULT, $e spate ib ins teommetiasiegia eer core 2 here, don't 5 Jou know a better than to try. (aes rations street, New York, in the past has Mone » from ‘The little Canadian pony sc: uD the hill for a quarter of a sigs he turns over the brow, and then you see THE REAL TADOUSAC The pony rattles down {he hill @ pace as he went up, t several immense old out- h re cast anchor in the my, away bi 1545. was the earliest settlement made in mn Onnas, It had a long way Sari pe of oe amd the other places oui is eye, iis thes Parnilh us of the Atlantia by sea, and will be the terminus of the Pacific by land.” mean time, while aeatice the fulfilment of the saguin joy more violent ae here in the course of am two than are enecally obtained by weakilot travel: The Jie as before explained, lies the shores of ese [Se Lie Be the Bees hata is iit of All the Doris, oint. a bad ¢ one, eee ane some strange kind of re- as you wills a@ cha > tinal ae oe ne serves the attention of a ! pony, and| drift together in S| eee in see Fee ae ee ie opened Point you go, rolling like i gale. At ax silo Share is Pii'ct| . Bobby—Say, did ou ever tie a pack Rave ang has serrenty doy te of freereciets a oct ty fore ormation, No, sir, I ¢ y mamma’s Smeval backbone of the earth. ‘These | taught me te be kind to Mca enantio ie as ne _,Bovty—Hub! What fun'do you have fal first families at ths wi ranite hills were stand- lot. above. v te Set? pony with his stubborn head par knees. and the cis 2 oats rs through you? up the ravine, and you fancy | ¥as on ee along the shores of a lovely little He feoradare pro- r| the results are exceptional. Some of in case, you will ihe te anda shore i ae a omnis high bluff eine ae oe coe ore, since every | 1¥. however, ‘aro e uéterly indistinguishable in rosses are | Mrs, all awry or raul ne these or ki oponaly stout he cemetry, ig ig tho record are few. drive deserves | of on who died not a t02 ore and 10 mont tol Ms Pa cot ta ale coy a the Stent cet oe bodies lie head! sand even the recent inte} Slee: Su Cawker—The; u_notic~ etn vit a delet es thi et Why, it elon naires ee a standing with its out bul im was 0: @ hill, but lain on level with the | sand around te dts fields and fen have disay yond great sandhills and sand plains the rock pee Aad genly begin again, and here ni BAUDES The stones are turned, sometimes, by ony fe Perel is 24 ay oh this i as aed Be! 's cue Te as tl Chastain asin of the country people the left shore | d men er to be seen. ithe historian Parkman viver in a skiff, aware. in x historians tobe: tell lees about @ place one can ng in developi d when, they Join, forces, the most interesting of the traditions are those which centre about the Bet a Brosse. . ‘That there was such a person there is not the slightest doubt. If you are in- is a Tig all graves, outline, and the wooden prone. Which i is kicl dat is piesa te tl oldies boards are lost. Infthat shifting ments soon pr eTGOM | just set mine off be —What did you think of Mr. ¥ were an all-fired —_——____. ae THE ee neers rerton aiint f 9 aah, ta, ‘They "mm eHiten i champagne for it. Friend—Are there aaah new soda- water year? there are a number of new names for old sirups. a tradition! for they are no long-| People ‘erruptea jn thelr progress néar Tadou: x flatea ce Gaunt Eereae ecu ore to meek at the imstant of death itself, ; Im preparation for es cere- feet they had clothed themselves in e| bad thrown shrouds. | Before taking heir places in the graves they eek Tay pies gt RELIGIOUS SERVICE. ials were in the peed ob bien 6 and the graves were made in the gar- adjacent to the cottages of the arrested only regret- ted wang it ere not been his good for- Ges so to far away Rus- - | sia to find etme of this religious be pa in Nebraska the siete Reuben yd the ote poneas: iat the, rn ete lov- one-ey foun ure to back bien up fa bis iaiths ‘the brent ty-second verse of the sixth chapter 2 “Lf, therefore, , thy, whole bod: full of light.” ‘Rev. Mr. Blockim in- terprets the scriptures Literally. | He over ‘Then fe Imocked ak one o “tis eyes. is now so inflamed that bo be tineetaed oteH total blind- But this did not shake tl in his work. progressive aa Tostead of. their. suf! a Others podten eee ae ea | spreading like a contagion, among rtioular it | Hess. pit iee hitter ee . bas broken out a: ne myer te the eyil eas it wnt for the si sc t a iar is y . Wrath 2 i op they. swoop en sal toh ine out of doors aind id the church. He dodged them ant one Whare thes dori siete it GomELelS, : < ; the fost his. tradl bers of the ation attemy See er ae ee but the fanatics still, hold full ‘sway, ANOTHER WAY OF It, Do you think Miss: F ‘ I when she casts her PEt Gu! a‘ ce si

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