“It Shines For All.” ‘Vol VI—No 33 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 60., THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1897. MALCOLM. Mac! Editor and Pul The Milverton dpa ee “eth ie is the bat a Adversiog edine Rat reasonable, Subscriptio Al per a strictly S50 it —M. ER, 1, PURLISHL ‘in advance. {AcBer! ransient eg appar get Sa rate 6f 8c, per ‘line; nelatiel eae and Se, perline for each ee inserti MAGWOOD THE MAN. At the convention of the conserv: pire of Nats Perth held in Crosch’s hall on Thurs- re was quite a iarge delegation Porteuus, a he § are Li W..EGBERT, y uate of he ae of "Payee and Surgeons raduate student of Mifice ce, Paget, connection with Sag Brunner, eran Church and Rostoc! Dentistry ieee PORT ee Ss, practice of his profession. LL oitetvenlt deeiori eee Oe RSE SES ‘DR. BR. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Soe to 8 Nitrous et for pain: lessextracti work aspecialty. Veterinary Toil. ENGEL, V. S, Milverton, Ont. ‘Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Tor- onto, treats all Of domestic animal Scientifically. i pte fire hone or otherwise, Miotey and Chronic Diseases a specialty. BN. BARR. VETERINARY SUR, ie wetennar? Cal i operpere Colle; cs ty 3 Ont | ‘Ostato Veterinary College, es Toronto, Ont: aiewies: proaisely WwW. ood stock of fresh dengs | Societies Sap eoeee Milverton, meets e' of every, m Or at euker & Barthy Rearing Secretary. Ba Sia PING. “silver Stat Lode it Dm, ib their hall, post office building. ig brethren always welcome. Mi wAppek N.G.; Win. Grosch, KO. T M.imest) every. frst and third “Thursday of cach month at 8. o'clock p. si the 0, 0. F. hall, Gourd Schuenker, sCom.; W. M. Apvel, Be M Dentiate ment of the egies was next commented.upon. In partment, the management was to say the least wagant—the dairy yarnent hecho per yea of $4000 the meeting hriefly ‘and hoped for the retu of the Conservative Vat to Tong saw it and reti tired te out. M addressed the meet- ing briefly after-which it closed. tokened wet weather. Arthur Smiley of Shawville Cage ‘Business | Cards WD, WHER, Anctionset for the Comm: sties of Perth and Watotlon, Conveyai Deeds, Wills and Mertgages drawn a aod Afidavite ee bail Bb Division Cot. Clerk. Office, over Grosch's Suis Main wireet, Milverto DOREANDS. BUS TINE, Milverton, Bus meets all trains, Al and Bes dflore calls promptly attended to, Wim, Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, and igs | geuge ate. apecialty. Won Torrance, ra Maple St. dure ibaioong Hotels eee EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. Best liquors and 2 ee aause ochre enone CEES GRAND Panache! HOTEL, Milverton, mn for reial | &S Tigu ee and ci Ss. se streots, C, Haseapug, See, Cigars at the plenty of shed oy prop. Miscellaneous W. MOWAT & SON, “Cheque Bank.” for the They rag ee sarpasoed fniities tx offer business men unsa bankin; eke ised {ration at par.in Canada or the Unit ond Cheqae, Bank ques sey the world 0 fort ctrmellers ike, Write for ‘particulars. interest cent aliowat on deposits in the Savings Depart-| M at 5, 5} and Hentai Stocks, Bonds and Debentares eogicd sold ; cent colentad 4 Deeds, | al Willsand Agreements accurately Tnenrance effected. asin ob hg Pe ene on Shoe. sed suicide by taking strychnin In June the Spanish Gartsbient foie lSined the cx ‘oops in rCaba §40, ,000,000, Arrangements are nder way for starting a new biogels factory in hoe don. The schooner Opal of Yarmouth has been seized by the customs authorities ™-J at Moncton for illegally selling liquor. It is reported that the shape fever .|epidemic which caused the death of nine people of the ‘Township of East oe ra last year has broken out afresh in the same locality. Michele Angine Golli is the name of the muiderer of Premier Canovas of Spain. He is a Neapolitan Anarchist, and comzaitted the crime to avenge the Mr. John ee ex-M. P. for Hal- terested in the sahniecie of the cutting of logs except for home manufacture into tumber. It is coming to that. Rev. Mr. Hind, St. John’s Church, 8, and pe for abe burial of 2, it cannot be called overcrowded. Mrs. Gooderham, Toronto, who ie fourteen years has been president the Woman's Missionary Society fie he Methodish Charet ‘of. Canada, has resigned. It is sai resignation is the direct result of the difficulty rs. Large, late one of the so- aay missionaries, The dispute -has lasted fuar years. * «| the tees of his barn on ” | afternoor “| rains. e| motion in the breas . find hher wheel locked and the key hid; | when she wants to go out for a spin t yor} a Mr. YY | for Belleville Acuenes ? No. mibstities Boel Oe Manlace eebating es ; deaths of the Barcelona bow theow- | ¥ | James N. Grieve, were laid to ‘THE LOCAL NEWS. The rural schools open August 16th. This is the hutkleberry season and many are the pickers. Mr. David Allen intends raising Saturday If woud are a lover of the beautiful read “ A camp-méeting in Texas,” in | another colnmn, After next Sunday there will be 2, regular Sunday evening service in the | Methodist church. P. H. Spencer, Milverton, is among the graduates of the Shorthand Hd partment of the Stratford Business College. The harvesters are badly handi- ped this year by’ the incessant Every day this week there has been a fall. ‘As Mr, J, Schaefer, aged 80, was 08: | vetting out of his rig at the Sebasta- pool church last Sunday he slipped and broke his leg. Ezra Finkbeiner fell off the seaffold e|0f Geo, Hoffman’s house and received be-| such injuries that he has been confined his bed ever-since. What on. earth creates such com- tof woman as to to Messrs Loth & Guenther are mak- ing improvements in their store. ary are having the floor in the ‘back pai of the store lowered se that the Bias place will be wnifortt, The Heralds Sebringville corres- t their baseball tea € te from, Milverton for the Donegal Orange Tag, the big cole of their suits sist * mist ena hot Strat- r there were professionals on the team. Geo. Hoffman left on Monday Siwver Star ge, 2, Milverton, at ‘the sone aie ord Lodge of the 0.0.F. vel August Doerr, of Brunner, | thé other Fiat th.eshed for Geo, Kerr, of Poole-1200 bushels of wheat in one day ld like to 4 his, eee they were defeated by a score :0 they have no * kick coming’ they’ were défeated fairly and are that they were well trea’ The Listowel team will play Mareen on Friday on eating park when the pees team edeein itself. ‘he Bayfietd St of the es Nesiood displays. rare feeling in the following: “The Queen's flag was flying at half-mast on Satur- day afternoon owing to the departure of Miss Miller, of Stratford, and Miss Hanna, of St. ment of all. gretted on all sides anc in one or two cases especially so. ‘The romain of Mrs Grievs, wite of rest on Wednesday afternoon in the North Mornington Presbyterian cemetery. is funeral was very largely paige ‘Thomas Ballantyne, G. G. MePhei W. A. Moore and JA. ae which is in session, ‘there this a a .| Livingston, of Milverton, PERSONAL. Miss Keen, of St. Marys, was in town on Friday last. Mrs. Harry Spencer is visiting friends in Stratford. Miss Parsel, of Linwood, is. visiting friends in Milverton. Mr, Lorne Scott, of Sebringville, spent Sunday in town, Miss Mary Smth is home from Detroit ona visit to her ‘mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon spent Somer at the residence of Mr. Fas. Mr. Spence, of St. ‘Maryn, se Mil- — a visit on Friday of last week. fr, Jas, Egbert who has been away on: nn holidays returned on Tuesday. ‘Miss Krasser, ‘of Listowel, is at present visiting’at Mr, H. Birnstihl’s. Mr. Weir Acheson, of Stensbang, i is renewing-acquaintances in the vil Dr. John Robertson and his oie of New York, are guests of the Rev. John at rs. D, M, Coulter leaves this week to join her husband in British Colui en aes Egbert Jeft on ‘Tuesday | }: ith friends in Dunn- of Stratford, is lays with friends around Milvertor Mr. Jackson. ie Miss MeLean, of t| Listowel spent a day in town with. friends last’ week, Hghdiey and Miss L, Lehman, of| woe, Wisconsin, are visiting eds in the village. r. Ernest Sty of. Brantford, aa Mr Hippler, of New Hamburg, spent Sunday in town. mat an i and: Mrs, C. 8. Ker enc ‘ tow days wnaee tried th Wate Berlin News. ae i and Mrs. } J, Schaefer, vines are Ma Mr. and Mrs. A. Sippel, to ] Mr. J. A. Langford and his d: DISTRICT NEWS Some Interesting Items Ciilled from tit Neighboring and'trom Other pete girls are- proverbial for their a waists. fai ‘of Stratford, has an rere living ia Treland who is 104 yéars old. Mr. Wm. Siddall is boring a deep well on his farm, south of Glencoe,and hdpes'to ‘strike oil. Jacob Nichol, boot and shoe mer- chant, died at his home in New Haih* burg on Aug, 3rd. Constable Boyd, of Chesley, is ret sponsible for driving the Kickapoo doctor out of Ontario. Henry Jones, of Kippel township near Owen’ Sound, shoe * big ‘black bear ‘on’ his farm last w Miss Ser ah Lanfer oe is Binget by having ught under “knife in Diet bed factory, Berli udson, at Wallaceburg, has exhibition a species of sword fish, whieh ae captured in the. river, dota withoit a reason ‘being oe promising young man in thé person of Wm, Hur rs and five months, died at Stratford on Thursd; y- ae Joseph Rankin, of Svrattord, of eran aetes 259 ‘bushels a el ‘or van Sakina yield of 3 aeons to th Dr. e Bari, formerly of Mickel was ay aeaele drowned in Lake Simcoe recently having been caught in a gale when out for pleasure. ‘A hot game of baseball is expected _ in Palmerston on the 17th, between, . Walkerton and Kincardine., There is. considerable money bet on the result. The’citizens of Wiarton and Owen 2 Maggie, of Lucknow, are at present; visiting at the home of Mrs, B. Park-| inson, ‘Mr. Herb. Torrance and his young: est sister and Mr. Dunn, ef Hamilton, | spent Sanday at the. vesidence of Mr. Jas: Torrance. Mr, and Mrs. M Grimm left on Mon- lay for Brown city, Mich., to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Weadland Clemens. Miss Lulu’Smith, who has for'some © 24) time been a guest of her cousin. Miss Gertie Hoffinan,, apis for her home in| Saginaw on Sava Misses. Agi nae Carrie and Mr. Hiberys Divlageigh, atreaded Me Peter Livingston, of Manitoba. and Miss Livingston, of New Zork, ate visiting av the residence of Mr. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boomer and their daughter Edith, of Linwood, Mrs. Sara Boomer, ‘and Miss Helena Boomer spent Mhapeday last with Mr, Mrs. Mose Grimm. ROSTOCK. Threshing has already commenced in } wy, this neighborhood, friends here last Wednesd: ‘The Wicke family have the sym- pathy of the community in ¢heir hour of sorrow. iss Oiere Detrich is able to be ross agai Large ero} er still visit the huckle- herry marsh every day, Th were an extensive crop. Mr. Augast Pike hed a. brie haul-|* ing bee on Saturday which was. well attended. Miss Carrie Mauer is rome for a few weeks vi i A threshing outfit nearly as good as D up , | Particular season no bids were offered. Be a ‘Mr, Saniuel and the Misses Minnie i and Clara Hiles, of Newry, visited | (ates themselves by stoning each other on excursion days, D. Burr, of Allenford, is 96 years‘of walks.one mile ture daily. He dug with a spade this year one . acre of land and planted it with potatoes attending to them himself. Mr. D: G) Anderson, principal of the Atwood Public school, and Miss Dora May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘G. Pelton, of Innerkip, were united in marriage on Wednesday August 11th. A pig belonging to Neil McDonald, of Fairview, near Durham attacked and nearly killed Miss MeKinnon, She sustained very severe injuies and had not help arrived would no doubt have been killed Mr, J. W. Holmes, of Dereham, last week threshed fifteen acres of wheat that yielded 45 bushels per acre. An ‘a wheat yield of 45 bushels per were ry McCallum, the Orwell girl Se jomas on Monday, and had as interview with Magistrate White. She is endeavoring to mete the mah te- arrested. A 3-year-old child of Robert Raney the railroad track about The horsemen aré arranging to a two days’ race on August 25 Sea’ 26. ted ie bernes $ six events in “i two of which will be running races, David Clarke, who resides in North Easthope, just outside of Stratford, lost a valuable colt for months old on Friday. A number of horses running loose in the yard took fright. at-a hay stack and in their rush to get away to| knocked the colt over, breaking his ~ back. Mr. we Luscombe’s barns, on Wel- li ia were destroyed by fire ea aida Saturday, © Two horset and two dogs perished in the wi k ms Department Bere is: