Milverton Sun, 2 Sep 1897, p. 4

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BIRDS OF THE BIBLE. THE Sse: ELIJAH AND THE eee FED Hi ‘The =e Por Bread Phyl and ech al Famiaes — Dr. Tai on the Vast Family ved pally Without Fall by &od the Father, Rey. Dr. Talmage.on Sunday preach- ed from the text 1. Kings, xvii, 6, “And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening.” The ornithology of Bible is a very interesting study. The stork which knoweth her appointed time, the com- mon ‘rows teach’ of God’s providence; the ostriches of the the lapwing, the osprey, by the mand of God in Levitious, flung out of the world’s bill of fare. to Bae at with Christendom. What wonderful crea- tures of God the birds are! of them thii hing, like the songs of heaven let loose, bursting th fea’ patties ‘ Ke neck, th el ‘he neck, the to bie eye, the third par an extra curtain for graduating the light of the Some these birds and some of them orches- ‘a Thank for quail’s whistle, and lark’s caron, and the twitter of the wren, by a the king of birds, because when the fowls of heaven went intoa contest, to aie should the highest, and the swung nearest the sun, a wren hee the back of the eagle, after the eagle was sprang up much higher, and so was called by the an- i ponevaucels: Look at the bolted a ike a dart from yates to (ke yale of owl, giving the keynote to all croak- Raed God. There baffles all ‘the fe mst of the wi ‘The had ae cul Crone ‘amine the ees a cave by the brook Cherith text that | "8! wonders sat minister of God, Elijah, waiting tor me' toeat. V by did he not go to the neighborst 3 ere were no! (if there had been, they would have been dried up. Seat ed one rnil tt the eee! Ne eit with which to bring them down! But as they come r, he finds that they are not ible, but, unclean, | ing and the eating of them would be spir- iti . ‘Dhe si ng th of their beak, the length of he blac] of their color, their loud harsh, “cruck, cruck,” prove be rave They whir Sore a ree et’s head, an n flut— tering wi Paula tithe level ef his lips, and one of the ravens brings ead and another brings meat, and after they hav ar} ir tiny cargo, they others come, until” after awhile the prophet has enough and these servants of the ing say that ithe ravens got their food from pious Obadiah, who ih in a habit of me say t ry is improbable, these were carnivorous birds, and, the fit te | oa Hoa this story of the text Notice ies wory x yt allow Elijal i nec’ tnaity's at fhe ree ae 4 3 Rg 3 E i i a family back there was. Con: New England. The water dis- | an intereedi ow, Goa ia ina Bethe, and we are | S24 minors, and He is and feed py clothe a h fantile _ Those ravens ips never break on the rocks. mks never fail, He has the supply for you, and He bas the artes a ceemeptee bring enough pn Monda: toJast all thd ook, ‘They did not bring enough on morning to fon, aay; “AH t) ou maly have a tcher and baker. cha: io resource. When the God city ve Rochelle was besieged, and the inhabitants were dying of the famine, shale Berg valleys "aud had ‘them Se at the wel and the fou and with his family oe ite will find Blijah’s two rav- ean or two ravens a the Lord, the one on, bringing bread and the other bring- intains Birdsey man gathered his white Pi = the me si ittle a tw. ohands + | ished. je chat ed down eee ning. | are - better ences do not al lost in eae and th even live poe your spirit tee2 behold the a & pardoning' God, s < air on your ¢l food they carried was torn flesh bed gathered the slaves house-| the juc edieiae bata font weretore eee bondage tent vogue | ter will monially unclean, or it was carri ¢ Connecticut—and on their knees and would hi been unfit for the hp is as water, ; and the prophet. Some say they were not | family si ; 7 “i Fevens at all , but thet word }ing ee at that, altar MARCONI'S L. transla “ravens” i y ‘text | that the ‘family perish for cught to bave been translated “Arabs.” |lack of water | and 8 hat ‘the ‘herds and phy which Sig: So it would have read. bs "the fam i : brought bi Tae aed bieesl gual OM tie brent | BEE Ee Bid ean, oak Bly wal? aad | og. Calle ing.” Anything but se ebe Bite fo | walked ‘over, the hills, and in a place be a ce fe Hel bose eos of times with ‘Hew t thi: til all | out no ar one the es St pune. "Go om with. the | the ground wad very dark, and he took | leting process, but know, my. bro-| his staff and ad | Signor Marconi’s ther, that you are robbing on-y one | water started, and he bec od ty prises and that man is Jf—of one | servants, and they cai en te ae of the most comforting, beautiful, pa- | buckets until all th m hed them—God. I ny who taught them wi to fiy- can tel you who told them at what cave to woo) I » Hf any man shall take away words of the pro} of this shall tie away, ofthe book of life and out of Bly Uist place doven to ya fee wn wuspicate that we have our most forceful ter flowed,and it is a living aa Sis the presses me o that Creat bets tot ec ra mex} es was a Pee og fake ane repulsive out, of jt—ravenous. That bird jon for picking out the eyes daily electrical will prohibit foreign-bred on is to prevent. in the event of wai said el flew tar of your soul. But one day there peinigerss of chi immortal sot ioe and ts clang nt chariot, “ene whole mat- be demonstrated. in Italy by royalty, the gover the press and the public, says the West- minster Gazette. Generally speaking, ly destined for bed Be While, then, we watch the ravens]of men and of animals. It loves to . tending Bijsh. ict the ewitt dove. of |maul the sek and the- dying. ieewat-| AUSTRALIAN GOLD CRAZE, God's we Lape ppetgaednon with | lows with vulturous ev @ivine ood. and on wing jit can put its beak on, and yet all the Bes paule at the By of every soul hunger-| food Eiljah gets for six months or «|THE RICH DIGGINGS OF VICTORIA is su] is ss fern Ge fiat in the story | 3237 is,from ravens. So your supply ig | ATIRACTED MANY THOUSANDS. my one there. That me tite its two feet in the ver; tes sanctuary of your atfection, and wit! it took hold of the il- or croup, or tteri the ing, A ansetions. the pulling at the dre ‘th tf eciead of ehilaren Stoo ee = Saat leaned! he 6 cradle ward t! and tock ‘the te bar 5 his a into the bower of ing a king ef piece only once Mformerly, you are se ot iva ali & a a5 i By They came twice a tomeas Te that rought you the Feat cengh fir obe tania Ww as te ting Oh, it was the yellas at pe ap awa as fret of the world | dark shadow on the onl * it was the fg loot ‘fet it the ES ees mn the t TB AGRY was } and oN laine ‘enough for fifty years. | the adow on your broken heart; eee more ao the Wasb-|it was the brooding of a great black land than | trouble; it was 5 it rav— eves im the oye bank of heaven, |en. Dear Lord, this le that peopl te providences do not always mean advancement, and that black. provid- ways mean retrogres- tent with b. If in the| sion. morning your eats up all the| | ML food there is in the b beaut ab | Seana eponi nt a and cry and say “fl don't know'| take care of you. where the m¢ is om. | two, or three times every day? That About 5 or 6 o'clock in ning | most marvelous. I look Ke and you willses two black |der that God has given ts sky and you will hear the m Twas t very at very night Imet the 3 Se eS re as Rateh sini ae eign | SUahE-on the Platform. ‘They alight on jelifish to feed the whole city. Goi of all the ey ood. ‘There is no mistake about that, |#mong the arches. Ravens! Ravens History tells us that in 1655 in}England |" Blessed are they that hunger after mus for they shall be filled.” . and the sorrowing, cliverance comes this ou see nothin; aad deformities, back and you see nothing but wasted i rwar om jade ent and indignation, which hall wour tile adversary. But look up, and whipped. shoulders of 1, and the face of eeu and th of an opens heaven. I hear the whir their . Do you not feel the rush Check € Ravens! Ray- TEST PROPHECY. The experiments in wireless telegra- nor Marconi has been con- iscovery is caloulat- migrates FOREIGN PIGE PIGEONS SHUT SHUT OUT. In future the French Government the Suapreats of mere- areas tees ‘whereby for- tralia. Ballarat and Bendigo igo, in the colony’ a Victoria. pick miners” ed for gold; strange to say, they we: from a miner’ a8 soon as he had picked up the lemonade bottle of nuggets, which; he cet a her, wouldn’t be much longer ae ong, ieee the rich find was first ma no tent, so he slept in the with his pores an his clutch. passed in ON ee melee SUNDAY beter es be ag wiles sweet- eof his ade atte be 000 worth.” Weeks they now Facts like these than eighteen, months from ie ogemsational find at, Buningyong, gold. From that day, in Gre ‘until ‘been less ¥ was a curio- escorts which carried the fabulous treasures into Melbourne Rs that 100 he evar? the asj of a military pa rer ry Nant ee pene eldorad », but no one to figure out the aol oa farms, 000 miners were putting $1,000,000 a day in the ground and taking out less than $250,000. But inflammable tacts which lured a new batch a: ellow hope to the “Stale unlucky digger. Bendigo was _ seventy-five miles away and was aes leas pel as wl man along the whale distance, for men news Every hill and re was alive with men in search of the mei raved envben the whole country had been over and hone oe the real id thane tie weal Rees siraters ine prosperity from the mining in try set in. From 1854 to 1890, a period of thirty-six years, the colony of Vic- i 1,000 feet in Bellare and George Tond- sign spies would have the upper hend gpl gent the “190 Victoria North.” in Bendigo, down below its 3,000-foot level. prov- tobe the richest finds and the rich- and valuable nuggets found as on these ieighboritig fields of Ballarat and Ben- a re those without with’ the toes of their shoes. They cae ey! rewarded for their silly ctor i standpoint. of the luck of fe ia, Picking, dishing or <Eeine Or yee iumeo, Cuswick an D One could almost s; from man to| of ‘Then his joyous heart overieaped the hight of his anger, and he was soon the dirt about the gol rank ntaecand quit mining. ‘The “Welcome” is not the biggest ever found. | The largest is the "Welcome anger,” which weighed 2,3831-2 oun: orth $47.- sandlode ard and follow- an ina yt san Point Gutter : tent tite Ballsat ara ag much gold inj the gr the metal than she the it came from a, Austral feel it. She only e unrest and he temporary ioe rice of living be said that the ab- certs ae = é there is not a Bt because harect whole © ce ti miner thers exteratinates the breed by eati’ cleared up all the a available. food, at the terrible high of i a 4 rish 1 ceeding generations of man profit by the poverty, suffering ina iimres of t before it in gold ining, none ts fervor or folly. SHOWS IN “THE FACE. “Tf you don’t want the world to know that you have done a thing, don’t ancient philosopher. renewed force now, when ing more and more emancipated and are taking up the pursuits and oc- messy Ae sevele ee ee nearly every feminine stamped some impress of her favourite pursuit or amusement ‘The bicycle face is well known, with its tightly drawn les, bey expression, and an underlyin; death und Z Twill meet it with fortitude.” The long- distance lens eye is alo common, ‘but the card face is comparatively new. The more experienc ed Sherlock Holinses of society claim fiat a they can detect the difference face and the counten- laying so forcibly mse tteaae that it at the game, FERS es closely drawn brows 2 and an eye and watchful for an oppor RIDING ON A FAST TRAIN. VIVID DESCRIPTION OF A THRILL- ING RIDE the “Flying We ” the which has extended around the globe. writes a dent. It is : s ‘upo! up platform of the long epee at Newport, Mon- \ morning Jai easel i an“ pass,” |i fi gaan trains in the world. The hour was 10 a.m. the ee for express was got booked to depart another 18 ae and the station was almost desei i had learned, peanien that the en- had permissi gine upon Ww! per: jon to x jicked up the train at Newport. on its arrival from Cardiff, and even while 1 wi inquiries as to her whereabo! magnificent lo- the comotive came leisurely gliding up'the middle way of ey nee and halted directly abreast of me, with the safety valve euiving off furious, = the whole massive shape thri with the Titanic forces ae up wi ae it. ‘My delighted gaze was cut short by the driver waving his han nition and beckoning me to com board. Somewhat hesitatingly. with a vague sense of penalties “ exceeding 40 shillings and co: dropped onto the over to the engine, climbed up ae Sao e the poetic element w: with thee dispelled, and the aspect of things became exceedingly practical. Several tons of damp coal were heaped into a big round mound in the tender at my back; the ruddy furnace roared in muffled thunder betwixt the hali- ibbled and jector, on, uttered deep, resonant, racking groans; the fe ty valve, was blowing off at that a pressure of 160 pounds on thesquare imeh, ’ HISSED DEMONIACALLY neice looked ess like. first, with rhythmic beat, from the short the engine commenced swaying occasional quick, sidewise lurch as asshe rounded a curve; the hissing from the safety valve c pt oe. war drowned in the quickening blast of the exhaust; tne saingled track. begai to spin by, the passing sleeper: to grow indistinguisbable, and within | five minutes of ieaving Newport Sta-| V° tion we were rushing over the levels and whizzing turoi grassy cut- tings at a speed wiied “was, swiftly rising to 6) mites an TSasconced: mayeslf. in’ a. cbuifor able corner of une cab, where 1 well sheltered trom the wind, and ai the same time out road of the fireman and driver. Througn the s tacle glass and a clear view of the line ahead, i rious eff rusbis us, train “was swallowmg up leagues of track. ed ou t Station, nearly) unbecoming ‘2, a, sat ms tobe warm, sufficiently rapid Ket, and, hoping to “ate oe eas eeanea ull abshed three hours ago, seein bave| much fun of his when he |to create a breeze that cools and in-| stepped up to the officer, and, ridges, wayside stations QU uecdigy|gone amazingly fast had it on thet he our wore it two oF "Eastead pu: rit politely 7S as tee elatity Whiten oecaley doube due to the novelty a if Youre three times stowed it away. afternoon teas and lunch-| “Here, sir, you have lost some money. past jie vilder pee Ute Ranier states n. in a closet w! tnused. eararye are now organizing | The officer stammer: is thanks, but Re Warware ite eye cares we Blided through the crescen' “One acy wiles attempting torid the ete rabell pi parties. While the manu-| the lady raised gn alarm, and Fred was Oo Ee 2 Nee ae te Bai ualeald Bee at Westbourne Eark t the Hous: offflies 9 brilliant idea occurred | { he new invention are do- | arres to jail. For a eee ee Drake: ih ahontad. 10 begins to squeak nce brought out the silk |ing the best they can to fill the | this off he sentenced to two fie to'nold on tight. 1 heard the grind- | Stind igaimst. the tires. The backs. of| hat whieh I tuought hed been, perma.| orders that have hem, they | years’ impriso: at ime to nold on tig! Be pcan their dingy windows,|nently discarded. vlacing itover the|find it impossible to fulfil the de- his oa: in Paris, and ing of the flanges: ‘ently, and mn 9 |feebly catching the pale, watery sui of a long window stick, [drove a for the Bae few yeas ice he cod ined his Meee ecie Goxtataly. oR ve which struggles through ough the centre of hile this is really a summer fad operation ms to Nice, Monte Carlo and manper which w: ies Se ee uncommonly squal-| into the tip of the handle. Then I be-| the bicycle tuanatentarert are looking { other one oable pleasure resor ts. He ian ane Teesn feet but fo1 freshness of the leagues) gan toexterminate the flies which had | at the matter in an. alteget! jore continued to pick ts as of old, imely wi aor which we have] taken refuge upon the ceiling. Each | serious lig] y say rea- | and he was seve) (sie sireg bikes ihe, Szeman. now slighted ,e lamp then, London| upward dab of the hat bron; own | son of the success of the shell is. that | imprisoned. Finally, he left France in tie tania: att our ee iain irom the|a victim or two, an joicing | the pants ae Something uae in pe and settled down in London. There, passage soo 1e nel rier im the st of my clever invention deere ugh geo has its day,| the e once robber ie we were down cutting the A REVERBERATING ROAR. costs,” I line, and, stepping | pr! onto n 5 full of shadows; the ruddy gleams of flying e Tl fhe cab tinged the piles of e of heaped ‘up in the tender, with vised: "ene fi and driver owy shapes, Not he faintest at glimmer came| Laat ee i a little romit forth from od invisil th Is, once we a little band of men working by torch- it wing like demons in the wavering glare. Somewhere about the middle of the tunnel another train spinning by in a long un- julating STREAK OF LIGHT, qwith ‘pele clonds of steam dimly vis- The roar and rattle raised ening, yet sbrili tative it all rose ally bl eet if. e swept ma Ehuader through thé¥- what they were 1 could not o edt breathing of an asth ad dvth he middle we ie thane and were era sal bers end ca the bank at the ant expression: “Seven minutes and wat = Snes REIWIXT THE FIRE DOORS and adroitly piles it. “I notice that he peed wide open and cl wo ga to deaw down some o srdor of the glowing mass, for nace is SO prodi i te the station Br now all the rest of the way to Paddi ton— A GENTLE GRADIENT, na gauge from 19 ds to pounds on the square Rock ‘kes nO tppreciable ditference in our velocity condition off grime ae oiliness, and. ‘peri ari der ne big clock which indicate “I know what 3.35 express di THE POPE'S COURT. SOME OF THE CURIOUS METHODS t and like a flight of fireflies into ‘the blackness behind. At inter- als to} Tee! the whistle, which the aera contin be. he liar task that my ae Uap ons e| gether at their thick ends, the ee of molasses and the he | 5 a clapper always stood a little open and a yal | hans -| gether with a sharp mg, ee “ mass li Rene cyieat Dra ytan, and) tiers ten red te neo uen aHckmmDy Ve sli ror esi Ly ST eoipr ete a ae Teginning to wear,| W8s Cut to the depth of half the thick- that idescribable salinw appearance| Mess of the stick. This allowed ‘the in- which betokens that we are mnearing|sertion of a steel spring from a dis- mdon, ‘while the clear, frosty wtmo-| carded ay aie ina sphere takes a int th igious that! 1) — arc < the press- is true—and the pod ert Maina deplorable be- slight sing- ae | matron, nd is triumphantly up a the ia, a funct “Three minutes ahead of time, si: 3 sir!”| tended to wear af Are in back With ust | Wel shall | be ro working the The court of Pope Leo XIII. comprises 1,000 ‘There are 20 valets, 120 chamber] 900 extra honorary (HOW 10 KILL THE FLIES. | WHICH hs USED. A Cheekercd ie ee 1t-5e Do Two Even a Husband’ wening party recently the vividly. cheractefatis\ ‘aa that which her armed with a big checkered pron and advancing upon the invading ame was a clumsy, ram- latter w open air. ‘So many sores of times have 1 seen mother engaged in this pecu- tinct picture o! lushed face as stood behind the blue sa wit that old familiar apron in her hands. AN OLD TIME ‘TRAP. An old gentleman contributed Nie “Two broad shingles were ‘o wings of the whenever a member of the household passed that way he reached forth his id smacked the Langee to- blo re of riclaceaa Pe the was the result of each contact ee tie shingles. » SHOT DOWN IN COLD BLOOD. ace billets of wood with considerable When I was offered hundred for all the flies killed ” ith table shooting, which resulted in plac- ing aan aos in my little tin bank. My om this source were éx- pended for slows squares of brown and sticky read. is. Ww SILK HAT. “Not very long ago,” said a young jamy husband won a silk hat oo an election’ bet. twas: decidedly usband entered the room. CAUGHT ‘Geaspek: When the laughter which ee narration had subsided (posi my puting the following experience: te ‘ting episode that ever possessed of a strong ea | which could Bot be safely sronsed: “Very early in morning we a ning stairs to the me dataa grandfather in his feet sti balls of other, Sart, of pare pet stuff should be brought int jong as Progen inte Bie bot ly the most en- We first saw his is aitater ght. “Fly- Paper’ is a forbidden word in our fam ily. —_—__—_—— THE BIGYCLE SHELL. Viewed With Favor by Many Bicycle Dea ters, Paris has a new fad, and it belongs It is a+ strange structed after the li: shell. It is a sextuplet affair, and the six ines of @ racing done very well, when, with all the im- Petus the riders could give, it mi miles an hour. oe tion has done 15 miles an hour, Ne SE ar ayes HG a the limit has been reached. In fact, those who have become expert in its use say that beyond question there are possibilities in the sextuplet ale shell which will in time be p source of amazement Some of the young Laie who have tried to learn cues mastering this peculiar fl have Some very Seanad falls, for the oe eyeleshell like all marine contrivances is very apt to tip over if nt im- us from one side or 3° r the other is given. ‘The shell steers by the action of all six of the riders, and not through me- chanism, controlled from the stern. It is, therefore, absolutely necessary that the ie work in unison. And the cap- wast de ped as the coxswain in a directions to the @ boat is very buoyant and nob, at all, ee to preserv e it from all L twisting side: Wise motion which might easily bring about disaster. "The balance whee! a sf the mechanical of the bieycle gearing make one revolution the a|peller at the s es five. To un: derstand exactly what this means and correct idea of the speed of the Shell iat alee minute the pedals revolve 9 when rider Ther orig Sig thie by five and you will en mI ply iy five and you wi have the mode oe te oe it wn revolutions per. eoyety ote a act time which the shel. calculated. ‘The ordinary the rate of mot ts tee reason bisvelss great popularity is that it people constant yw the time Ba chances are tl size me: Gree of speed, and in inthe ver the ox can make can motion of the rors at story goes, ee the | Prince of Wales, the incident occurri at wi portunity for fag come when | stor ‘wish some method of sl ere is no | the late the squatic bicycle is the wheel of the KING OF PICKPOCKETS. HE ENDS HIS CAREER MISERABLY : IN LONDON. cara | Led a ree? Life in Paris—Wonderfad 5 Fred, the king of European pickpoc- Kets, is and, as a surely de~ serves an obituary notice, rien ie Fred's. ‘At the start a grave difficulty con- ds in every Eur and at all other fashionable resorts near the mses, and he thought no- thing of betting 500 louis d'or on a sin- garded as of considerable value. rule, he was successful in betting, and after a any he squandered his money like a An ani Teentianes he emed, and, no one had the slightest suspicion was a thief. Tall, dark and slim, with black eyes, ae a carefully trim- med mustache, he looked every the idle, wealthy man about tow: ese gloves never left him, not even danet he thrust his hands at me one’s pocket. He eed, the akillor s prestit tgitatenr the pearl grey gloves did not st an elegant gentleman who habitual- ly wore such faultless gloves. US LUXURIOUS HABITS. Fred's life in Paris was that of a passengers. id re turn to his hotel, and then, ee care. Hest attiring himself, he w« spend 's bank 5 1a Atpere agi eon the been Pred geniuly ‘thought of ead him, Fred, ever, anticipated t! began Storr reckived. from m hand” his cherished Pee undercloths, cap and all. HT ae LAST. Some weeks red fell, for the first time, into the | hands of the police. Tt was at tl ponnee zac Src. He had stolen a lar; from un officer and, Sofortangealy for Jady pee Ker Ge ie a ence “that wher he thrust his hand i inte the joptioer’ ‘s poss himself, red’s sang e are ae told that oR tried to rob one of the English ey pete but, ‘that the Bar- on, oho had yee | him i in Paris pered, with a ou have come all my money on the fa sure it would laat me jotker “day: “before ‘He silSsight replied Fred, coolly, litt~ wali {rath his ola ‘ime o polite i aa aaa poverty ertec ch came ash Test in cigs mn garret. The joyous days his early manhood, he s King in Paria, wore ever: pres

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