Milverton Sun, 30 Sep 1897, p. 3

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~ The. Ailverton Sun ———————————— THORSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1897. The. rush, seems ‘now to be from Klondike to Dawsop city. The Toronto Telegram suggests that the United. tes. establish a close season for niggers. Tt is announced from Ottaga. that Sir Oliver Mowat will shortly sueceed | 7 Sir George Kirkpatrick as Lieutenant Governgz,-vf: Ontario and thas the portfolio. of Justice has been. offered .to | and. id Mi al on., ‘The Russians are beginning. our grain for seed purposes. Ten tons: tect, these islands and to hold her epal seas.” are to be shipped from the Dominion experimental farms to Vladivostock, in Siberia and to be distributed among the farmers there in the hope of im- proving the grade of the wheat in that | per a territory. Even burglars have tender hearts ; Evidence of this was given the cher’ | night in New York where a burglar at | bad # night entered the house of an old com woman living alone and demanded her | ™y past unacknowledged tq quietly give up everything she own- 4. He made a grab for her arm but sha, eluded him and plied him with the, following questions:— My God! Heayen'fyqu a mother? Is she old and | for: has. sho,, grey. hairs? The burglar answered, “Yes, but she is dead,’ and the battle ended there. He departed as he came, muttering as he went, “Your grey hairs saved ‘you to night.” Althéughicapital. punishment is on the Statute books ag. a penalty for |i murder it is to be,hoped. that it will es seldom be inflicted, ag. the. moral in-}1 fluence of a hanging on a. community |* is ten times as bad as that ofa.murder. To kill a fellow being while-under the influence of anger or hatred isaterrible thing and fills one with a sense. of| error at the thought of murder. But for the State to deliberately take upon itself the right to punish by death drives from our minds . that sacred horror we have at seeing human blood spilt. The pomp and importance || k of law has its effect upon the mind of} ,,., thg, illiterate who believe that anything igy as that is sanctioned by the ¢,,,. Eypry execution that we have pplibse from the sacredness uf human life., Let.ns have afew more and i will nop, be , long The Stratford.'Herald’s Millbank correspondent last-week had the fol- lowing item among his; news. notes. “A number. took in Milverton’ fair| © and saw their hard-earned Mornington | read this boo “taxes go to. help, pay for.. hippodrome| i races.” The: writer of the item un- necessarily goes.out of his way to in- jure a farmers’ beneficient institution on which much labor has beon spent | f in building, it up to, what itis, now-| y ‘Although many township councils.- in: the province-give grants varying from $50 to $100 im-aid of the show beld-in| and their township, the Mornington Agri- cultural Society:.would . probably ‘better withopt. the. moiety of ; $20 which was granted. with’ such unwill. ing spirit. “Although, writers like the abive would have some other: fa ato find, he would not have the: satisfaction | Pro to feel that he contribated in,taxes seven teriths of a cént towards eiding Fages” are concerned everybody. is ‘well Satisfied and if the society. , oa a8 e sys pain, clidme ang, mischief of ate two yearsin, the.eastern polic: Y, rang. m, the, _ [thousand eni been |slaughtered, with no security against Government} before we will] ty, have men. advocating hanging as al ki penalty, for,other crimes than murder. | oy People So far as the {‘ bippodrome cb tly chiite opened: i‘ oS the eet + Armenians hay: a repetion, and with great e Secondly, Turkey | seas than at any time since the war. Thirdly, Greece is weaker than any time since she becai rary Fourthly, all this is due to the Enropean concert, that is, the — hhaseed and diseBet of the power STRAINED | AND 0 UT OF GEAR pon, said, the British army machinery was “strained and out df gear ” and ated. a sufficient increase to meet all emergencies. nein OIG ee Commander-in-Chief remarked:—' G sized- army of stations beyond BE UP AND DOING. Sir Leonard Tilley once advised basiness sail for ine of pros- at bis of ad s cassaikacrablie man, when the wind comes, it will nak much of a voyage ; and now that : prepety is upen us, men must make use Io Festsons men must braveh out as they have not done in, de- ‘osperity will not hunt MEN OF STHON ‘The other day I . SHORT STORIES RETOLD. Sis famous Thad. Stevens had a lored servant in Washington named Mati, who one morning smashed a dish ap the buffet. “What have m broken now you — — black idiot?” exclaimed he: ter. Matilda meek- ly responded: “Tain’t de fo'th com- mandment, bress de Lawd.” Sandy Tamson hada wife whose tongue was quite equal to the task of willer.”. One very wet, the rain. ‘Dear me,” said the minister, “what are you a outside in a night like this?” sheiterin’ frae the storm,” sai seny somewhat Sadly. A iar its ee ootside to what it's insi lasgow paper has a story about the sale ation Army. commercial. te | traveller, well known throughout the wi Hed tan |, strol into. an —Hallelujah | A commereial travel- lersaved. He can save to the utter- -| most.” The Portiand (Me.) | Express tells the following yarn:—A m that town he | recently hung his Ghycts cra the ost ran to the highest part of it. unable to stay on the top of the tire, but couldn’ get enough foothold to jump to-the wall. When found next || morning the mouse. was very much ex- £| hausted, though still running. The cyclometer showed that he had run 93 miles. |. He asked his ‘Phey belong to the replied the ‘King. Th eee monarch: looked sl: Pee at his Seek ees pe enquired, “ Beaven you any gallows tat it and found myself jo. not from mouth %o source, infinitely coms temptuons ‘of meaner men who failed to his mind great balks of t id dross, and with: furnace-heat an ip-hammer pounded out such shapes and designs as purpose, fait imneelf, i < ae auch men You will atlents find, | if you are not made'to regard Cromwell, |) thea’ if-vill be Carlyle who will 80 sitmpress [© Ithotigh you may not accept Crom: well at the rating “given him, exnsor find grea of character in the man who worshipped, i Daag power. to think. etree in Saturday ‘AN AERON T's AWFUL binae g) Ealls, Ny Tis September 25.— yade’a balloon ascension i t he will probably remember to the end lips to asthe many. thousand Bo Wi Bde for nding the pi ‘Se stated that as the day (Friday) was clear and mild he i'd go consid: ably bigherthan usual, In uence the v ow. biz: to a’sitting posture § afles taeiexplosion, und seizing the ro to ae pes threw bina spars ‘an held bin, b i con jst Bie, ited é The Sethi Ie depen, 4 exten © ores hinc-been ig ae lng! , | who flo ee. [ee rd head. oe Avene year roupd,| ,18.1845 oy pay) terwards Earl meaningless to theniselves and’ to ua, Tt “f veer was st political | ‘was one liver Cre ell’s wi a“ —a_ vol of his letters, ge edited as ‘ Gatlyle, Having never reid this well tat ainpoke Sue He teemcl 9 aryse a working- and grimy hands, who. uot os yas be articles you of dat. leading question, one > that would adwi ar, | first thing [lFadmit free-of duty will soap—soap, sir, soap!” The, grimy President Lincoln once-: told a goor story.on bimself anent the amouat of terror in cold steel. It wasduring his younger days in Louisville. He was w it.! very grown man, n men. only, | walking along.a back street about.mid- hould read Corlyle on Cromwell If you} mght, when? he was nly. con- x mk is, your, d, go back to) fronted by actough-looking indixidual, suddealy.. sprang before. him lourishing @ weapon apparently three feet long. Seeing that his victim seem- ‘ed to takes considerable interest in the proceedings the burglar finally yelled Wit, as he steadied his knife close to young man’s throat: “Stranger, kin pe vend me five dollarsion that?’s | “I never reachedsin my. pocket’and got ont money so fast in all.iny life,” said r. LincdlIn’ I handed him a bank- note and said: ‘There’s ten, neighbor 9 | BOW pub up your, bales ee A. country lad. went up,toa man who pit ~ yaw ! Where is.itz and what was.on itt” "Tvs doun the tead ahi it was a cairt 0” think ye can come a “Oh, yes, Tl co come as soon as can, bat I canna leave iy horses here in the middle o” the field; as. con get to.the- headrig, Til come an’ help you” ° “Div yeno’ think ye ‘can come the noo ? he.said, seratching his “No, Uw sorry; et TH come as soon as I ean,’ “Aweel,” he said, in a tone of resignation, ‘f faun just «| wait, then; bus I wad hae Jikit that ye could hae’. come: the nbo, for the bang thisg3s that ma faither’s owt!” = ae A despatch¢from- Dublin says it is ¢ highest authority that Gibson Ashbourne, Nast fiaher' me isqstate: ibiteren be ce SLOAN’S INDIAN TONIC: Cures Salt eae and Seald Mrs. Thomas Holder, of Aylmer, says + a great sufferer for a good many has now been four years since I too! and the disease has not returned y« Price pa ae All dealers or petites THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. . mil The King of Siam has. a quaint juror, and though a most civilized, erson on the whole, occasionally. og. How Stylish ? How Neat Fitting ? And So Very Cheap. Ts just what you hear the Ladies’ say about our New Coats. We highly rec looks and wear. They: are the latest in style and of the best materials. d our ALL WOOL FREIZE COATS’ for, Nothing to- beat them. MILLINERY.—Miss Nelson has taken charge again of ‘this. department and will be pleased to see her many customers. Pyices-lower than ever in this department. DRESS GQODS.—We-have a great priées. yariety and at all You are welcome to look through our stock even if you dén’t buy; but do so before-you make your Fall purchases. We as | can Save you money. REMEMBER THE PLACE Sic CLEISER’S : GASH STORE. All kinds of farm Produce highest market prices. | NOTICE Owing to the extreme heat, the great rush, and bulk of the five Crawford peaches are now in and now is oy ts to buy them G7. R, Time Table Tretia das to leave Milverton : GOING SOUTH. zt + 9:26a. m. ppres Mixed +. ANTED — TRUSTWORTHY AND (THIS WEEK) tlemen oF ladies to, travel h for respons ‘established house in: On- Pp d C p tri" Montly" "$03.00, an exponse. eaches and urapes Frsition steady. Reference. . Finclose which will be sold for almost nothing. stampedienvelope. The Dosti Don’t delay ae Tl come next w ee Dept. iieago. or you will gi THIS WEEK 200158 GRAPES an 10BASKETS WE DON'T carry a larger stock, shan come EARBY AND ¢ Ger Youn (.S. KERTH RED FLAG STORE. GUENTHER, the. Milverton exhibition, all the business men» ii town combined bit we can give youy.a better choice We have nésteck ten-or twelve than those who do. years on.our shelves but all. news and fashionable goeds to. choose fiom at prices thatywill suit,every-. body. ‘st.prize for bread at He has always. on hand the fruits BURTON, <== The Tailor. of the season. OrpositE. Kengener’s ber Suor. fectionery. : a his con! How Heavy and Warm?” Call in his shop and examine. ‘ a ‘the electors on topics of the © The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1897. Quitea number ftom here took, in the sutord aie seand report ita good show. aie AMinenr, of Stratford, spent sonday } hooe Rastuer shipped a herd of 60_y cattle from here to Woodstock last Fiey. They ‘sore mostly three year olds and beautifal Yellow Jack is raging in the South. The population of Ottawa is 53, 000, ue Charies Gurney,” of Hamilton, i | Migs Wilson imho has been staying at es J. Corbett charges 400 aday some time has returned to for aise base ball, ochester, N.Y. Hon. Clifford Sifton, Minister cehé eee. m thea led Interior, reached’ Winnipeg en route to the Yukon. hi The government grant of the “At- y this year amounts} I wood bab se eed to $95 ve come through the a ee ive fall ‘pesizes of the province | “Y's rom here attended the ned six murder cases were set down | S.8. pies a neeidledsteh’s school on Wed: football ionic off be- tween the a and Wi burg teas, the; Se Ninod 2 ton favor of Wartburg, for trial one. cot which has came off. The Hon. A. G. pee bets from. sing on Saturday Moe Hon. colt pate pas left for a ai hand. DEATH FROM SUFFOCATION. ran away. the} 4, Fatality But for Dr; Agnew’s © oe Pay with niete engine, injuring | *mes)8 app cence Satis ‘a nember of people and killing a little} west boy. Aad Hiou-Co, ae Dudley Dawson, | cation, f the Grenadie! ers, dropped d on Sunday evening. A sell med Jordan. was killed ‘ini ore badly cee by the bursting of a gun with which they were playing. me on There is to be a large Liberah de- reac ease # after t fur Brusele on Oo 5 She role altogether left me. It is not So 00 wo say that it saved my life.” W. Ross, and E. by. James. frocrance: J, G. Grosch has just received’ ai newr stock LADIES GREEN BALMORALS' and OXFORDS, which for style can. not be-beaten. fall line of Ox Blood and Chocolate Oxfords.. J. G. GROSCH, Milverton, MR, GLADSTONE’S REPLY. The police department of British ing to fi —Replying to the , last month for murder. Sitmed to be a native of Galt. The cable from-London says:—Th " Dominion Government's test N prpmeut Wait of oe cases of Cal rs vomatoes on without it. The Fire Underwriter’s Association has. raised the standing of the city of ‘the | Straaford from clnss © to class A. Je a bet with a shop-keep- nd all he made to move him, ai re he sae and after a strennous in the aes since ae ae amt to get rid of his money in adver- Michael Odrie jumped out of a ‘sec- tising he had to give it up. The story ond-storey wincow on St. Paul street, finishes up with the curt announce: Montreal. , People picked him up, and, ment that Tt you don’t believe it, try he was not |it, and see for yourself.” ehase meat see us. Our By The: (Quarter. Those width topur- . Cobspany, Dept. Y Chic LANTED — TRUSTWORTHY AND ve gentlemen or ladies to. travel avsteady. ed Maid rh aa ‘Building Material. by the. quarter will do well to. meat: is in answer to queries he sai j oF hart | Thabo reenterd the ere Wm. Irving, the cook on the steamer properly killed and>.is and before the erowl had: dispersed he Fee Ly leh hall came down a second time from a third Spas ites Ena eke thoroughly bled. es> Spt gee abe or ap, peenrtulty ne home in Maryport at an. early age, |9° senitals to health. mangled, rind died shortly afterwards: | 4 tas been. a resident of: Gunes [bees In an article in the Weekl, in on ae neal Sinces-gving to ‘one-grent soure pean wealth” Chathaus he ee heard nothiug. of his pointed out are the province | family in Mi there are 2,000,000 Se, 1,700,000 | to sheep, aa 1,300, 000 hogs. ‘The total | wrote to = stock is $73,000,000, and Times, and the other day Mr. Jt ed word. that he was the iin to being ree+-ink. Kent Pie ae for $5,000,000 in Cae will export ail food products, with v exception of grai payaias the radislt men pedani ab ‘British market and will. have | three ew te gpomtenl: tomnatasy immense warehouses in Canada, one in |g, oaks do not care. . All the -tumatoes Toronto, one in Monirel and one in a| °cshered there will have to be canned city yet to be sele up underan.inferiordabel. Ifthe men The annual report of Gen. Dumont, | of Petite Cote choose, they hive “an ited States supervising inspector-| opportunity to extend their esi of steam vessels shows that nfl but Mrz See gays.the roost proximately 63,000,000 . passengers | be the best Sad veces Ohi «SOP: Piye cartied on steam ‘vessels during| plied byshimselé.* the year, that the number of accidents in loss of life was 26. - The | for use in his canning fac PERS 671 resulting a oS i ae b ts from ee ae) 189 odie of itching piles iv from three to six ight bo acinar c °|o - application brings comfort. For. blind compared with 1896 of 38. Of» -éhe e Bleeding piles js Ruse. eured Totter, Saft Rbewin, a, Barber's Itch nutaber of lives lost 46 were assengers and 137 belonging to crews of ves and all bagi of the skin. 35 cents, Sold ‘quarters at . 7108 Cts. ROASTS 6 10 PER MILLER & . We can give you 46. and 7 and the very best* from Per Lb. & CENTS KELTERBORN. Lath,Shingles,Sheet ing, etc. Planing and Floorin; At lowest prices. Co’ ia and get your suppl Picture Framing Done Cheaply- WIEDERHOLD &. HONDERICH Furniture dealers and Undertakers, MILverron. of Also carry a Ontario | HAVE JUST WHAT YOUWANT: ‘A fancy set of Single Harness ~ ‘A strong set of Team Harness -+ A nice light open Bridle, ~ Whips, Brushes, - Currycombs, Bits, ; Sweat Pads} ate. WM.SMITH The Harnessmakety-<: Ox Door Norra omGxmsnr’s* MILVERTON: _Photographis: Studio, Grosen's BLbCKs:.._ ‘The inexorable indiscriminaving law Miverton. of China, which condemns a patriile fo ier omite a deat by slicing. process we saute ive gontenan or, ae fave ‘the perpetrator of a Stl crime or| for responsible, saab) ite ou in On. ae ‘Fer pees m i y | ta 4 ‘expenses, " weal by eigish san Scar nd Prati yale. inclove self seer edges dressed stampeikenvelope. The Dowinion Pept Shag Avboy of F1 was] Gonvans, eee ch ee RPEAFEGT'TEA ing some atticle'irhisvhand, in A®PERFECT TEA rot when Fa happened to strike his ee from the ae sd was bec ta asi Voters’ List es. ; been made to fav f ap a so fare sa shave Rot, ybeen: ey His saiipeaskl fourt » 2 Reven ees ie Lewis Wigle says the tobagco crop | September at of ices es ae will ‘pot and Geterinine: the se be w of al¢ By million r datlars! Shere is ino wei Essex than'evor: be-| a i | pine if the: ese Se see ee, Kees Sun aemr je price will JOHN | of y of Moroingiam | for 1897. All pecons Having business vt” the. court.| aftend at said “jug and | TS0! Nisei. | Be ha Rabie nes sg ‘abe same | run Toe a bane or twelve “Sup: order aria Coat 2 aaa e - JOBN V WA’ Ries devel Court, + iG x a finest Tea TEA | ah) fr hé- quads etand- HE WORLD - FROM THE TEA PLANT.TO THE TEA CUP my pe FF amily. 7Medi- IN ITS NATIVE PURITY, i Giires the eerseseezeeets ||] sommonrererydey Regd beege toy ee ed | paeieup Seen aad oa non Siegal ‘et ie: of. humanity. | Spe, 1b, 2b. ring i ay oe aad never oben! Yi : GOOD GROCERS a z A your grocer ‘not keep it, tell bim to write + 9, Ph ‘ @ STEEL, HAYTER & CO. Ky t wang thand 13 Fr East, Toronto, | | _ | | Will be open every wy Pridayrantil farther ee Hours—from iFa-m ty 4 p.m. a. FrMAITLAND ‘Potatoes: Dressed tides: Beef, hindquarters Lamb... i Veal . wan ee = eeasies cn) ‘Phe way to-win.a woman ig~™no- secret > ‘tor The:Seeret : Is bys.wearinge: fashionable suits suchiae we are showing this spring... For quality and 4 style we-can't'berbeat in ‘Scotch and »Jrish tweeds. worsted-and:serges. - Spring, oyercoats—Just the? < sort you admire; most and: ath. jrightiprices. +, H. 0) HASENPEEOS,. Milverton, dave ta idea 2 Maer SeRnURN Gon LR eet See aa English E thle Naat

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