Yaull re “Yturlore shall 0 ‘Thursday ey Thneselbe tie tired, bat tore time. a Maurer spent Sunday at ‘Andy Wicke left on Saturday posrehe tua candgea ett Mend. for os fall k Fred. Harloff moved to Dg Wartburg haviag ‘odin pies to Fred. icke. We iegprrtckan! B; eae: enough to celebrate the do : power on this cont eT DUPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. ial arrangements with The I ariraies receive. eikedepisoda wo The Arena. in SEE ES =: s TWILL BE HERALD, eh. 3 wad to remain outsic DONPGAL, ties late Zor ias for‘last ° week. ) W.S. Buchanan, son of A. W. (one bad ‘hisdinger broken many Spee were pleased to see his “smiling ee McKean, proprietor of the ' , «St. Marys for a complete butter making ~ ontfit. “Tt is to laced in position ready for operation as soon as the ese season ceases. Mr. McKenzie - is to be commended ‘for his-enterprise. sd ee Pd NER In Letting the World Know Whats Boon Catarrh Sufferers Have in Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. John E, Dell, ee 0. says of Dr. ew’s Catarrhal Powder: ta ;qualities known'to those by James Torrance. wae: Rickard isa gentlemen wh as been building corduroy roads on ee wey satis eu venitia ne visions on bis back: to the land of cold, He got ed atrocious place. * Charlie, does it rain here all the time ?” No, not rain all time,’ said arlie ';* sometime he snow. Pal pose woke ing dying il Ui good | wife was tending a ne homely but e. Teams went back and forward thret “ eae nr little town which made it adively Tine 28 children were confirmed, the chuseh be- Hing oe than Se: and. Mrs, Henry Sunday Feith Me, Honey ‘oungbise, es bar George ‘Thare-spent:Sunday in North | gate 8 Metilda and Aniiie Cook, of ‘ullscon pent ‘Sunday with their sister (Poo tate for last week.) jaite-e number fron: ae hose attended ‘the adie of Dr. Zehr las' jay. Every- Mbiagrsold well, ase “brougit as high as “$83 a pair—3 yea CW ‘tburg, was in the ee last week sewing wood. | He was sawi on Bridey »and had a ay hee bile of wood sa fore night. Christ Sa ee iz. George Leany is engaged with Mr. HER ait wan Mr. Jol ~eouple of days with his son Fred last we dt spent: Sunday at “ats in easel iss Barbara Thar Gf North Easthope, “epent Sigh her ‘parents, of, this parts busi- as his ps aot aetna a : S. aaa while @ al it -y bad oye last | Seturdey ‘hich swiiay Pema sa faecal es Gee iedaliee iar te sic fie Ween tinis opty recovery a8 Geo. has lots of work on hund yot. —__+—— A TRAIN SUBMERGED, “speed “rails and toppled ae the em Hing aloug, with it the hi Secrest ie coatinstne CAPITALISTS LOSE) Ot BAITED STATES es ned with last year.- care, t you think you could eat a bit en sas He ohn? ow what can I get for you?” With .|a wan smile he answered feebly, ‘Well I seem to smell a ham, a-cooking som wheres 31 think I could do wih a * Qh, no, Ji she answered promptly, “Fon that. That's for the cases -on record by Hon. id : # Art thse he that troubleth Israel? ” ‘ir John did mot know that ‘he was quoting tke words of Ahab, the wicked king. but Mr. Mackenzie, having been a Bible student, peony retorted in the words of Blijak: “I have not troubled Israel, ‘but thou and thy sey etn Ao spent a [sal Liberals considered this much to the had just abandoned reveuue tariff for high protection. A. Alex. Lytle has been ré-engaged as principal of the Hampstead Public sehool for 1898 at a salary of $400, A. B. Smith, at present principal of the Wellesley school, has been eugaged as principal of the Clachan school, SS. No. 3, North Easthope, at a salar; $500. Mr, Smith taught this school taught successfully for eight years. His Perth county confreres welcome him back to this county. Miss Emily Atkinson, teacher of the junior department. oi stead si has resigned to accept a | position in Essex co $350. 2 | to lose ee Laer. as she hi prov most painstaking teacker vat atta young lady. The Str: assessment roll for 1897-8 pa slight falling off in both population and assessment as compar- In 1896-7 the po reduction i in both value of land and. ary comunissioners. Enropeau' capitalists have so utterly Gee fa the Unita Stats thi res seunot be persuade Unite States railroads or other oh ed S i an ‘Tameay, Now. , Mornin,- in all about $80,000, of which $60,000 was on ea to the “large ee of grain ‘aie are cnet chlag and eh : gene increase i the Canna teas hata al their! vill of the banks in Torontw during the last few days have been obliged to pay out: the ville of other banks, as all ele own circulation. Sach a rs dition, itis said, has not existed HS AS. many y A Aen recently decided that any who takes a responsible for the pay. that if any person orders his pay 10 Milverton Clothes. I have built up my rep- utation by combining all the highest points of ex- cellence in the garments which I turn out. I stand to-day in the \yanguard of advancement of fine tailor- ing and handle only such fabrics.as tasty and fastid- {| ious dressers can wear with pride and satisfaction. - H. G6. HASENPFLUG, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ont. Ready-Made Clothing. A shipment of Clothing just arrived at our store which for style and quality and price can- not be equalled in Milverton. In men’s pants we have a fine assortment. Come in and see them, prices ranging from 99¢ to $4.00 . We also wish to mind the Ladies’ that our third shipment of Millinery for this fall arrived ~ last week If you wish to be in style be sure you get one oforr Hats. Dress Goods. We have the finest stock of Dress Goods jn town, put up in Dress lengths, no two alike, prices ranging from 25e. up to $1.25 per yd. Come iu and see them. Ue Bical Baad Bsc Py ts PA 0 Bk rT Seas ef Fall house cleaning will soon be. starting, ‘Building Material. Lath, Shingles,Sheet- ing, etc. Att lowest prices. Come in and get your supply. Picture Framing Done Cheaply. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Furniture dealers and Undertakers. Mitverton. Planing and Flooring} every lady should be ready and have her “CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, WINDOW SHADES and OIL CLOTHS picked. We have a natty stock of above lines. GROCERIES. Werare always in the swim. ‘Granulated sugar, we have on hand Redpath’s and XXX Acadia. try us; we keep nothing but the white wine. A fine pink Salmon at 10c. per tin. If you are in need of good Vinegar If you have not dealt with us, try us this fall and be conviaced that you can buy cheaper from us then any other place in town. LOTH & GUENTHER. FALL WEATHER will soon be upon A “HEA STOGK. We carry a stock of $2000 and over and intend to give SPECIAL bargains from now until New Year's as our stock has to be reduced. Leave your orders for hand- us. Shoes. We have made Boots and|¢ ‘We have just opened out our large purchase of new fall . , ) Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Over- coatings, Pantings, ete. a very large as- sortment of Gums and Rubbers to select from. In Winter lines we have bought extensively and will give you bargains. We have one of the largest stocks in the country and can give you goods at all prices. Repairing Doue Neatly and Quickly and Cheaply. 7 J. 6. GROSCH REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY FRO Us. We buy in the closest market and pay spot cash thereby enabling us to give you clothing at rock bottom prices. We do good and reliable work and guarantee a fit or re- turn you the money. A customer must be satisfied before he leaves the shop. We buy as much new stock annually as some of our competitors have on hand altogether. We buy our fall goods early in the summer to secure the - latest styles and patterns and don’t wait for fall leavings. We don’t buy in $10.00 lots as our purchased fall stock amounts to $400 alone. We can take your order to-day and give you eae suit at almost any time. To every CASH PURCHASER of asuit of clothes to the amount of $14.00 or above we will give as a PRESENT an elegant Germanmade WATCH. IN eT : GENTS FURNISHINGS we are strictly UP-TO-DATE and make no mistake. Koehler & Knechtel, _ SCHAEFER’S OLD SNe, M ILVERTON. ©