DS A ae ee CHAPTER XII.—Continued. what he would, ha could never the tablets of his memory. Moreand more did he recognize the fact fost even should he live long enoug! bury the events of ate garia re the debris of many » the of time would be casulficieat to bring forgetfulness and the recognition ad, too, sufficient religious feel- ing to make liim uneasy as to his fu- ture fate, and possessed’ a certain amount of imagination, which was at this time’ all directed toward that aw- ful day when he and his dead fa- thér must settle their final accounts. ‘Already in the quiet’ nights he would wake with a start, thinking that tha inevitable time had come. Superstitious fears also would seize bim wit! Jammy fi a price, and that price had not been Paid. But the bond was good for all that. And so he would brood ay after r the wages of sin is death, but surely what he felt surpassed the bit- terness of death. His evil-doing had not prospered with him. The snare he had set for his father had fallen back yipon himself, and he was er Put ctioede atentioda Vanieiinidia Be Tt affords a catious jasig dition of Bama sulication Bor, Daeg fongettulnes of G ‘God, 1s S eplant of no deep gro uman heart, Sacs\ael ots ere turned e of that innate knowledge of a higher 1 the foundatio of ev , and on which are ¢ ough ¢ our feet ht of repentence. not paatare <a fal downs woe aay “Lord, L have sinned, ‘Thou my in from me.” Indeed, he was. ni 50 r it as fear- and broke his spirit, but rather his ural sorrow at losing the only creature he had ever deeply loved, cha- of his position an t the sl tis failure of his hopes, aad the icy fingers of his SP ipalnger fears. ‘The crisis and passed; he had sinned against his Father in bea ven and his father on earth, and he n to God. But his pride eal that remained stom ofatreng’s wickedness; the flood that had Brent 2 over him had paged away not the evil, but the good. from the evil it only: took its con forth he sins at all, tis will PE a0. bold and treacherous Ajax no longer defiles the lightn- ing—he eas curses on it beneatli On the evening of the double faneral —which Philip did not feel 1 Saaniiie. ann ab whieh Gute a e mos i band and | witl he a accept it. ‘hat con- ‘is €: he was, on artis at the Abbey House, asked without bs see face,’ said Philip to the clergyman as he en- the “this 1 isin- ‘tolerable. I lone = as Stow the comagod AONE bes Laren man's Lhe a Sprearance, was tical {enemy of your Petr friend.” ow, much anxious s thought inst about: this Y | time se tee ene medial author Dathizer In theso delicious moments of Ae * Philp satoa bitterly as he answer- ed you rough wee misdoubt By 5 had first introduced him. When . single blow of BY, wife ae my for- rae, ha es ut SE of chro vith his Legis meeoel bens nant driven to it by fear tae fatner! “sh rimony had not falfitled ti Gr all Ont that’s at ight, Bellamy pores thn, e_ br id fear different, fort on, ee any that t have al nig he ot tte bapa Sefer dernee sa our ao ee cise Ser “nae eer meditating it oy halt ble, paaties) ag ie added, Sith @ a wor the solitude of his office, Mr. Bellam; 01 in_her place. cout his personality had gone by anticipe- itis one thing for husbands of the Ba yo like vtnst while I live, I will never rest When George had gone, Mrs. Bel- jown in by no means the the great pupils of her sleepy eyes oe ui ger- eather 2 tee shave strangely mis- she “Well, you might take a little no- any ‘about oe this morning?” sell. T Bek cra a ne to make him sell ‘ot; but, remarkable so 0 has been f he puffed out bie Tabbed his hands, and'looked de~ laid her head back on laughed with exquisite te mets “Really, my dear John, you will Kill she ‘said on for man, kind in’ et rial er ‘Well, in my smali neve OB, Re ‘ee an freeatt fo may ta rauaen't pay any herd a little “There, you S cgrattonae tithes ot ete. | ‘raser did not answer him Im- There i guapeally one ask ovat and out comes the true character. Look you one of t ae Tichest and. most. pow- erful men Jf you will ot, Is Tehall shale fre will rise alone. cklaces Tigust and wal and Ifyou wall not riso with me, I How the Czar Ix ur determina 5 le If elsewhere. I rains, eoete is nothing | shall not be And now I think ha ox! everything. It lunch Bat Bellamy wanted no lunch that ts ter all,” self between the an joquized to him- angs of ar: he brought on of his outburst temper, “time sometimes brings its the his wife's | fp es and, if it does, you may look To Bo Continued. lita ad THEY SHOT HIM DOWN. protected When Travel- ee in Russia. The Russian Emperor rarely travels aie by rail ine any distance from ae erent: ing St. Petersburg without the death being is expecta. recorded of some unfortunate indivi- ions. 's young | dual who has rene was barely th perl to rude ai for, once married, it rh in com- Ee savances the | Petersburg to Warsaw, and the fact ig more frequently did. “‘It| to him by ae sentinel. her eeply distressed as isthe 5 Crsinn i @ occurrence, no bla ire soe uso of it| tached to the soldier, who ry ac arg affairs Lara orders which he had received. For days once toe oh all,} sides by Fane oh who are stationed re S. atest of But | fea thinking in this instance proved an w-| jj, on, and she gave it! lineand the train,and allowing no ‘ire the sapphire ol teh: hay opan tie that moment 2 her husband: entero the nei took no notice, merely | peror has passed. Should any one at- tempt to approach they have orders to to form high-stomached | tal is J 2 Ras herr position,” the rifle being slung Fesolotions: and Re ere ae eel Gua crictliaan Bixee ie Sipads pe is doubtfal ie Mr. r. Bellamy ia up. and down nate every men- Peoniky amet uk ‘THE SENTINELS, 100. Anh oer before the imperial gentleman spoke. em se-| ues to roach in spite. of ehellenge ything emark- looking in the ee efficacy and warning they have orders to shoo Nor is this all. Few, even in Russi save among ary men, are aware of thefact thateach sentinel isunder orders watch on the sentinel rail the soldiers—that is to say, those of - the ordinary line regiments, who are tne | PUEpOSe of prevent arboring nefarious designs from ay proaching the track, but aie Magee he ject sdicharg ee slowly by at its reentee -five- mile rate of sj YOUR BIRTHDAY. on. |. The following list ot Hap the gem, would | flower and: zodiac sign for the month __ jof your birth Tacky cane Snow- aglance at his} drop, A Feb: ye. ager rat 3; March—Bloodstone, Violet, Aries; April—Diamond, Dai: i ke it; | Taurus; ee Hawthorne, Gemini ; Honeysuckle, . | Cancer; July—Rol bye aw ter Lily, Leo; tate perv Virgo; Sep- tember—Saj ceapphire, Glory, Lubre; Oc! Hope, Boorpis ember—Topaz,, | Chrysanthemum, ittarius; ‘December—Tur: Holly, Capicor: REMEDY FOR COLIC. This remedy is nothing more nor less than glycerine, as shiver as _the child will It is best with a teaspoonful, but ieee. is no fear of giv- ich. The first effect is the quieting of the cry of pain; the sec- iching of you, the readiness with aie tte le will suck it from the THAN A HAIRSBREADTH, DR. TALMAGE SHOWS ey NARROW AN ESCAPE JOB Am Eloquent and Powerful Sermon view a Unique Text — The Noted Divine Gh - Encon: catego ah Seams Whe Are = ye less . Dr. Smulinade i reached on Sun- aay’ ‘from Job xix, 20, “I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.” Job bad it bard. What with bolls and bereavements and sepa and 8 fool of a wife he wis! and I do not blame rete His “flesh aa ae en wre ary. ae teeth wasted away the enamel seemed left. He eries ee “I am escaped with the skin of my re has been some difference: of | 53) comion about this passage. St. Jerome PB on Job's teet ‘ou deny my interpre- m and say, “What job know about the 1 of the teet! He er provoking complaints Job, I think has added an exasperating toothache, and, putting a sae against the in- flamed face he am escaped with aa jenna Tigs et captain 5 sd toscrape | the trumpet to his 2p and shouts, “Cut | heating and sweating and are also capa- each Brea! the peat mas of yi of ly sealed, so as 4 & 9 a 5 Paul pees the same idea by different figure when he says that some People are “saved as some temptations until. the ey fe pastially get off- consumed, but after _—“‘saved as bj But T like the fij if Job a little | 722 ae better than that of Paul, becaus ie the as Prod pulpit as ot aay it ou, ae het frailties « to show you sit God wil help, that some men make narrow escape for their souls r some. le to look ou Fi pulpit. Mila, gentle. tractable, jeving. influence fae m. to ‘becom: to yor ag to the sto: yards ‘Grandon joined the church yesterday.” | Bible Your bi com! is | nothing. ve what might have been expected: | Surrender pee © always was of that turn i m; In youth this person whom ee was alway: an ir rch, per: looking neither hare the ri right Se ace ope yt to the lef: - but straight into the eyes|they hung ou hav of the minister, as ch he under- Stood _the “whole mi about. the | yi decrees. He never upset things | a eats Sati rea evi . He floated into thi 6 Kingdon sal God So gradually that it is the stempt after s @ Christian li and Here | is another one, who started in | tion an uncontrollable spirit. He kept was not a good day or they had not | on the right kind of a net, but we expect "eee aon no such excursion to-day. The water | met,” is full of fish, the wind is in the Heht pound interest for “Teuton they cot Z 20 rew fish, show us how to cast the net on | se, ES of the The is locked Men bolts and bars that an archangel then turn you meet me with weapons, it tation they they pes — off forever, But (a for wound and bidod tor | So sere in this be tl and woun Blood, but if I come and knock’at the door of your house you open it and im Do Saved as “with the skin of their if alia other hand you can ee eee is, be 5 S good. Ke He never laughed when nd fashioned. en At 7, be the God wl he sai Jong sories | swear af yo x ber of the « ear But if you will & vo ane stairs busi Kwright join- roosts te a are se muttons, qn paine of ighteoi atic polutaney hat tee ars and (aurevels| fad ete fi oe i summer; on paine | should do it to forfeit 1d. That the court-gate bee shutt each Pree aoa ae read ae dinner it just ca ine the porter to forfeit for every rey oon That all Ao hole) TS oie pomeena oth an Ege 3 & godley i . Bat what process of temptation the be altads whom God has to z “ERIS : 3 : bend Teese is means of dim- if ou. eraphis es in epee 3 goes Though the Tati Sromlde pf late | tok: itm bya! te to the of ate yt or an close the He pro: to get cren Detter results by the shall nev eal vale: has gra’ wen on his tomb two fi make but, a smail for z: pierre attempt to win ¢ app:aupe of the world, vat when he @ woman came rushing coked | rons rae sty iat ba Hay 4 | “Murderer Po int sd, en yes seer er hell, covered with ¢ “garees of every in France!” lany who ve. sed oom expected tho 1 te he weed have under its ee teen dig- oo find 5 ie west and that with a biood estness, OLD TIME DISCIPLINE. of it three hundre ears ago, judging from the following John Heseon They were fiat devised in 1566: That no sua bee absent from praier at moy or evening, without, a ae Seiae 9 be alledged within : every ies e 2d. ‘That none swear any othe. upon paine for every otbe=td. That no man leave any doore open that he findeth shut, without theare bee cause, upom paine for every tyme 1d. t none of the men be i: our Lady Day to iecias after six of the clock in the morning, ft his bed after of the clock at night; aamat no man’s bed bee unmade, nor candle-box unsleaned after eight Bae clock in the morning on paine of dren word, oF "othe, on maine oe pera er a per or before oni paine ‘pat meate_ bee readie feat orbe‘ore at dinner ahd six fore at supper paine That no, 2 at come to a (ses ears ‘easonal id sand the cook peethlenk io forfeit ro oy with foule shirt on ace 2 hroken pees or shoose, or er goeth hei he agains within ‘EMENT. Capt. Colson, an eer army officer, a promising hing the time of exposure of photo- some of the light rrent, the | 49 fe vention of an O.a.Sea Captatn From uch Is Expected. word is & poor portion for your | over in sari ° An eastern king a eg pall for frenven’ No halts eee ees ened the sky s \ a hook sls hota a ean hear the faint- ee eee es suitable ‘for impioration for mercy water last. tanks, The ‘acti- Tehalt close this sonaoe i that fect i are r w red €: 01 gueh as you have never ex jerienced be- | bulk fore, you wilt start for the good land Ree of the gospel, at last to look Backs ant ing: “What a great risk Eran! At ost lost, but saved! Domestic servants did not have such an easy time after, upon paine to forfeit for That io man teach any of the chil- e peeche, or baudie| 5m rs Tepresenting as soun: on each other | from above are easily ¢ wyUtasnap, and under them the motto, | inrush of fe sent Cas phate oe use his stew-| 201° being knocked in the bottom of rigs BS ; way work wit do jetimes = comes a time on saapboara when ever’ ing th vfenkaite and and aueorar thing must 5 Wem ficed to save the above. The improvements give more passengers, 3 re as carge is Gees | effective ventilation to prevent cargo ell 1 iain hare (dgnteee ae i. rN ea a Tet “ereryihing eb slse| ness of & vessel elng vastly increase essenti, ba nd mt with the improved hateb tches and vater-tight decks the came oa have twenty-five if 1 Siztoan en! Capt. Chai ments have been submitted t ing reaes \eers, a practical a bath in Burepe eae ‘he United. _ States they have spoken’ Mighest terms. r oe A LONG WALK. Tnannda's known Land—Its Material Riches Alexander McKay has returned to wide, carrying about Caan ton. fortiation in cinller to that of” the Slocan ne McKay mea it will be ir havi 1g swoollen the meee It took 52 days of hard Wrang- was Teacked on the return Game was plentiful and mai ‘hat_no man tabl on without © Srencter i in hie baa except cepected showed $8 it be upon good cause, on pain . He met two Colorad Gutta one atnes by Gillespie, of mthet no man appointed to wa'te at suing up the Fran 2 'y table bee absent that meale with- e spring the itend- out, Feasonehle See pai ed on to Klondike, via Kell: Tf any man breake a River. McKay says that this is the aunewer the. price therof oat t To Dawson Ci at foe batloe Salk @ would not be afraid to make the entire. tb. with only a gun, some salt and plenty of blankets. BUYER. Wis een any fly traps? agree cer-—Hest in, town, On'y success, ful fly trap ene oe wmarket. Use ’em in my si i e. Let me show you one, Ye see, fhe flies enter here, throueh this apert 8 Bere to retu: jp im ee oe flies in no time. ne? You find them good, Hrabtieal effi- cient traps do yout O Rtwctately: Use them yourself, I believe you said, All the time. Make one to you real low as the season’s nearly bs ‘ou ies Idon’t. This trap is the it th er ie of ee ie} jive me two pounds DAN) ictal OF AN Al AGITATOR. His }.1.nma—Don’t you know, Jobn- ny, tha: ae, to Per! parents i Punishment. Hav you for: Hen that the commandtore ws Henor thy eae at oe mo- ther, ths. che’ da y be longin the the land? —Huh ie days are too ohne long al:eady. Wek want ‘em shorter! le QUEER rl oe Malinda L. Hurly, of St. Louis, ¢an- ni ET IT. is I wonder ote Prof. Waxter always is posenly a ales se pe cea Rest pe hel continually talking toss het ae non, that's the way with most 6f those introcpective fellows. T_LESCOPE BAICHRS. FOR SHIPS. 4 :