Milverton Sun, 18 Nov 1897, p. 5

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Flbente rire st 0 “A gold, grey dawn above the hilltops old 3 "pale light, groms—a pallid hint “Through valleys dun a mass of vapour ro * Wraps wood and field in man} nity fold All fea yed.and tangled by the trees af m, From verge ito verge the heavy clouds hang tle is foids Tia that waver to and fro, yy gleam or siry rift-of blue. thes folded hills in sodden quiet lie, : res sis bay dave Octet al eats wraithain cloudy shapes go Dy eal oD Seles empen be a aaeee an they pene “No sundown bars the loud with paling Noevening etar glows in the darkened | j fold, 4 : COMMERCIAL. :| Corrected weekly & by. Le Schaefer. first it cessive insertion. See ‘Medical WW, HEBERT, WM. B., M. uate of College of ‘Physicians London hospital, London, Enj (Grim shadows all the silent ‘hills enti ~_And rob the sunset of its wealth untold. “And :so the blind day passes to his rest. ear of Ontario; siso daate student neo aad ts Apples, per bag Potatoes, per bag FEATS Y Ci, SMO 2 Se aba Prof, Benjamin. Leggétt.| W. M. BRUCE, = D._S., Dentist. | Bags ae (| Gradi D. '8., Toronto; also| Dressed | ceca tef the Haskell Post Graduate School | Beef. per owt WILLIAM PITT ate mba aes trys via oe Toronto, November 18, 1897. Main street, wel it Pitt, first Earl of. Chathem, born ii ithe Queen's hotel Milverton, the Sat ibe ee ak $ $ “agi November, 1708. The following | M every month from 10 a.m.' to % etch is take Dictionary of | 7 ny the practice of his profession. | Peas e “Ridin! igre ae Barle ham was pe eminently the DE. R. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor | O° °¥"-" Satins Kiawoos ee ‘English political fines Gute Trinity University, ‘Toronto, | Fr 8 8 «during the eighteenth century. By force Graduate of tl val Ere ce of his 0} ies and his extraordi tal S , Toronto, will visit Milver-| ore ong “popularity be be foremost man_in | ton every ay Grou Dam, to $m A eer e nation, motwithstanding the prejr Office at the Grand Central Hotel. Nitrous tal “entertained against him by George Ii. Oxide and local Anaesthetics used for pain-|). 4, “him -saye Mr. Lecky, ‘the people for the |less extraction of testh. Crownand bridge | Tu rjeyg <first time ‘felt their powe: was | work aspecialty. All work guarant peas: vessentially theh otatoes 4 52 < avowing itm! was the Veterinary ook 2 Be fuling passion of his life, but « it was ambi i ‘tion ‘eociated with worthy objecte—the | 9-H, ENGEL, 7. Bia Meiiorkons Of eels ee pee (urepatation of his country abroad, the in-| Graduate Outario Voterinaty: Orie ois 4 a 5 ‘of her free institutions at home:"| era tee rE conpely attensiea Da ae In spitevef bis many foibles and weaknesses) (° "by telephone or otherwise, day or night. womate genes, His mind was, singularl Dentiatry and Chronic Di i at fertile in resourees, ‘The vice of irresolution VE Y SUR- ras unknown to hi s conrege was in- | GHON, Milverton, formerly of Newton(Grad- domitable, his energy irresistible. As a] uate of On srinary College,Toronto.) War thi atness is beyond | treats all diseases of domesticated animal ‘guestion. | Though bis military plans, were Calls by telephone or otherwise prompt ‘often faulty and sometimes unsuccessful, he| attended — to. ecto e revived the spirit of the Reis and ip-| First. class fae and rigs at all times. 'e spired all those who worked under aim | Baggage transfer. Sete cal alivins gle for their merit and not for their rank. his discernment that selected Wolfe SS Que ‘Zam no more an en beatae mn you,’ wrote Walpele le of than aa friend “ole” mr knew his faults and his defects sound. Nations that are beaten spans istakes.’ Jn the other pee it mt of war, ape was indifferent alike to the eee it caused iled. en in private society nes cand attit ne A BRULLIANT MAN ir. A. Fy Pirie of the Dundas Banner est, Oration’. ever in along patriotic jines. e of his ecto at oer ns and atin of the i i ng eke anion shades af polities, If once elected to one of our parliaments Mr. Pirie would quickly fill 3 lace man of suel ec-as. popular ‘throughout a oes it ace e iasues ar and wi : my opinion thatthe attensiow and approval sal the province sau be won. with om Sanne ered Mr. James Gaston, Marchosts af « Visi |‘Lerrance, x G5 us F | travellers cos promptly at is re and oth Good alt; Secieties KOT. eet every rst and third Thursday oe each fou o o'clock p.m. in os 10. 0. ee Gaara. Scbneuker, 3 W. M. Bee I have built up my rep- utation by combining all the highest points of ex- celience in the garments 4.|which I turn out. I stand ;,| to-day in the yanguard of :, advancement of fine tailor- ing and handle only such “| fabrics as tasty and fastid- iousdressers can wear with pride and satisfaction. Businexs Cards w: D. WEIR, ‘Auctioneer for the Coun- ties of i pera ae Village Office, bes auee je | Store, Main satreet, Milverto DORLAND'S BUS are Milverton. ts all trains. All citizens an attended ta. Wm Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. 2 Hotels EXCHANGE HOT! Bas igo an John Gropp, ae st liquors an cigars atthe First-class accommoda- tion and large reaniine eee wee GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class a Cates for commerdi ers. Three large sample etabling. Best brands. of iguoee and ciga Nechat of Stat .d Mill streets. re Basenpfiug, Prop: a nat QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. ‘The best accommodation Gots at the bai plenty of shed too. Henry Rove, prop. Miscellaucous W. MOWAT & SON, [Established 1863.] Bankers and Brokers. ssued mylene in Canada 0 the United Stat eeGheque Bank” chen payable the ed orer, convenient for facts rs, for alars. ts collected. aco at dS ree ae on deposits in the Savings De; tet z of Wilkes- re, Pa., wites: “For nine years Ihave | been See with teiter ouany dasa | face. hav effected on Mortgages at 5, ne ae Bands sul Debentires Lesestees Sast have frond ‘cure in: Dr. Agnew’s | nts Te betpe ewe tum the first -ap- ANTED —TRUSTWORTHY AND plicat a jor two sence petiomes ee to travel a onthed belted mpaneatly ented | for responsible, et cave in On- 2 as myskin is elder Sir Oliver Mowat will be sworn i today (isis) as Lieutenant- ‘Governer of On! - Mr. Lavergne, i fiberal candidate 7 for per and Arthabaskn was: retarned eee on Saturday by | for responsible, a majority of 1300, about _ nie _ times: ‘phe wajority received by 1 eandidate at the rane! A aaa soft and ag from | tal every blemish.” Sold by James ‘Torrance; A $65.00 and expenses. Refereni ie ce, Enclose self- ¢ Dominion JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Lamber, Laths,” Shingles, Pumps, ete. Branner, Ont. wae D — TRUSTWORTHY — active /H. G. HASENPFLUG, MERCHANT TAILOR, Milverton Ont. —|Building Material. Lath,Shingles,Sheet- ing, etc. Planing and Flooring At lowest prices. Come in and get your supply. " picture Framing Done Cheaply. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Furniture dealers and Undertakers. Mitverton. soae'|RTRST PRIZE BREAD We have again taken first prize for our bread at the Mornington show. BUNS, CAKES and daint CON- FECTIONERY always on hand. or-| order, _ Wedding cakes made to Hot Time in the old town. We are expecting our second shipment of UNDERWEAR in on Saturday, so if you want to keep hot call in and get a supply, for the cold weather is now upon us. COTTON AND WOOL have a large variety, prices cents to $4 75 per pair BLANKETS we ranging from 85 Don’t forget that we carry the largest stock of READYMADE CLOTHING Fit guaranteed. in town. In PANTS we are sure to please you, an- other shipment just to hand. Call in and see what we have. Our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is still on the hum if you have not selected your Hat or Bonnet, give Miss Bunday a call. She will be pleased to show you through whether you buy or not. GROCERIES we keep nothing but the best and quote a few prices. 10 Ibs good Coffee for -- $1.00 6 Ibs goods Figs for ead 25 1 Tin pink Saimon for. 10 11Ib Kolona Tea mixed.. 40 11b aac ilar sen patsed 25 “ black 40 and all other Groceries in same proportion. LOTH & GUENTHER. TES] Ea Dissolution of Partner- ship sale Having dissolved partnership with Charles Koehler and having taken the whole business over into my own hands I am desirious of reducing the stock and to this end will offer special low bargains un- til Christmas which it will be to your ad- vantage to secure. Here are a few prices : $20.00 Suits for $17.00 18.90 = 16.00 15.00 ibe y 13.00 11.00 mi sf 9,50 : 13,00 Ulsters “ II.cO 11.00 a 8.50 As the dissolution of partnership necess- itates an early settlement, all outstanding accounts ef the firm of Koehler & Knechtel must be settled by DECEMBER 15th. 1897. E. KNEGHTEL, Merchant Tailor SCHAEFER’S. OLD STAND, MILvERTON. B.—In Gents Furnlaniies we carry a fine cand GEO. GUENTHER. ay asworted tec 4 G

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