“It Shines For All.” Wel VI—No 50 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, (897, When dem JING LING JING ~ Then its a sure sign that Christmas will aall kinds of goods. soon be here and people will recognize the ‘ndisputable fact that to buy from the largest and best assorted holiday goods, they must come to this store—net only that but many have had the satisfaction of finding out that they can spend their money to the best ad- vantage when buying here.—Is it any wonder then that shoppers come to this store to buy|f ‘their goods. Special prices for December in Bells Go.: Ladies’ Goats We are determined to clear ont “Ape! Coat on hand, we will sell as prices to startle you. ona. that were 10.00 for $6.9 ae: were 7.00 for $5.00 and. so on Men’s Overcoats “In order to sell out our Cape Over- Coats we will a a $10. coat for $5.00, i new supply a s ‘hand in dark cone Dress Goods We have still a rs sie on hand —to many to ein and see tor yours Black Goods a Mhallinery faving made angement with Wie Bunion Millinery department will be open every day till Chistes tod i 1e oink Miss Bundy’s usual good style. Handkerchiefs. ‘An endless variety in Silke (fancy ns wi Chinaware ‘A complete range, such as Cups and Saucers, Berry Dishes, Berry Nets, Fancy Tae ete. Don't Aorget to see our Cotton and Wool from 85e to $4.50 pair Blankets, prices Candies Groceries ~ ‘1 Ibs Coffee for. . 36 NUTS ‘A warning! We hav ap- proached several times within the last few weeks by sravellera offering us cold storage Nuts left over from last year at a much lower roe than new fruit but as we always handle the ay quently we rel tes guard and don’t hay waa siamaasl ® ts but come to us and buy new Fruits of 1897. THE LOCAL NEWS, The days are growing longer. ‘The Sun two doors of post vay is the last cheese pay day of | * this _Oyuersawn at Kertcher’s on Sat- ights. ye mill pay you te read the Christ- ‘mas advertisements, The boom in favor of 4 skating rink has somewhat relaxed, hold, The Shoem: ‘The little coke that we have had has given quitea trade. Read J. B. Wiederbold's oe re man 's, rnpereantess ‘in this Frank Turnbull, medical caden of Toronto, is home for The snow fall on Wednesday ‘morn- ing guarantees sleighing for aang Beware of the fellow who ‘doesn’ lieve in any Santa Claus ee ness.” for which the highest cash prices will id. While the Moria peibe is whacking at es the decent “vom Millbank will get a res New goods suitable ee Xmas gift just arrived at-J. B. Wiederhold’s ae Shoeman. The Rev. David Miller, of Toronto, will occupy the palpit of Burn’s church next Sabbath. eae the last snow-fall wood is be- gi Py. of the villagers. ‘inger sewing ee ee needles are Bees on hand, . Wieper- HOLD, The Shoeman. Don’t forget that a special reduction is given on all your purchases at J. B, Wiederhold’s The Shoeman. Now is the time for your Praley: We pay the highest prices. butter 15c, eggs Yoo. H, Gime Mr. Maitland will-be in his studio on Friday 24th, day before Xmas, will not visit Milverton again forfour weeks. Mr. Fred Schaefer of Carthage, is making a great clearing sale of dry. goods, groceries, crockery, ete, Read posters. The township councilors and officers were in town last Friday and sat in a group and were photographed by Mr. Maitland. J..G, Grosch: has just received a ew line in men’s felt wearing shoe which are patented. all and sec em. Miss White and Miss Ethei Egbert left on Saturday last for a three weeks visit with friends in Welland and Danville. mee Jos, McIntyre, of The Sun leaves for Paisley oes ee ay) where hems ill’ spend C! oe TOY’ Its impossible to quote prices as the assortment js so very large that space would not permit. Call in the store and see if we have not the largest and t display in town such as games, delle, toys of all descriptions. Fancy Biscuits | need that for quality and price : z fro Give us a call and be con-|;. of. The Milverton Gun Club on Christ-| oat lide and Jake Kelter- ne on red prgeiias a hog for Mr. Th t dressed 600 Ibs. This is a srs peas Boy oe J. H. Schmidt and family leave | j; ednesday morning next for Mascehici Michigan. The wish ae ‘Sun is that prosperity may attend m in their new home. ae and Mrs. Justus Lippert, of beeas® are ab drier on visit to ‘ho has not. pert as ke used to Sanda: — Chri ‘their church Christmas remember oie oe a shoemaker ‘The Evan; fore will nad hale ‘mas day will hold a snag match on Ge parl Pigeons. The contest will be ine the planes ship and only thos who are paid up members will be allowed to compete. Mr. V. Nid: here 29 beara the pe wade from Mr. Schmidt, on ony and is new Mr. led as Cash paid for hides by J.B. Wieder-| T Chiet Hartmier is again buying far| yy of] rig at the station. to eome in again, much to the : them | bee, for’ ie Bebe Many in Mitverton =i of Merry Christmas and s happy Ae Year toall. J. B. Wiederhold, The r5 man. r stock of string instrametits have ae ee on be std. cheap uring the holiday season. gramo-phone. ©. S. Kertther. his price with ‘othérs. The largest stock of confestionary in the town, one hundred varieties to select from. Christmas cochenesy and fruits to arrive mext week at Kertcher's, far ‘the noes and choicest assort- Bent in the town; prices right. Mixed exndy five cents per Ib. Horse ae foat-stools, walnut or oak, covered with tapestry or plush, regal jar selling ces $1.75, can be bought for ‘$1.25, Suitable for Christmas presents. WreverHoLp & Honpericn. a Money ! Money! -loan on first-class. farm security. e Gassean rates of interest. Terms to suit pabhatas Apply to James CE, White, of Elma, fell from a tad ‘of ne ‘on Tuesday and broke his Hat 18. treks her arm by being thrown from a The S.‘S. of Grace church, minl-|P* ie the town hall. tions, readings pate al logs f pee. ee program. Admi he bailar a not one of the large nics ‘ones, will necessitate an aablay. of about $30 to replace it. Mr, A. D. ane a retired farmer of Mornington, has purchased two acres of land from Mr. ae ‘Whaley and ong acre from Mr. Simon Rupert, near the station, and purposes building a ae oe ce next eee, Mr, retiring from oe farm and building a residence for himself on the vacant lot near the north Mornington — subscriber dee tis paper alleging as bis reasoi that we have insulted the priests, He aper has been concelled but we deny the charge that we bent insulted the priests. We probably made some strictures on Archbishop ‘Cleary who as is well known has insulted the whole protestant public. Tf occasion demands it again we will not hesitate to express our views about this prelate or sny other who assumes that he A cnn to the universe. linget, who has been in the naming for thirty-five years, is about to ret ‘rom business,to psu z dee r for the past fifteen years has had} i coupling, but it was not until Jast summer that the right idea struck him, bat he was not long in giving the benefit of his ideas to a have been waiting oe Read his an- nouncement in another column, - Mr. John A. Barron, Q.C., of Lind” a stranger to the county of Perth. His. father, who was one of the pioneer teachers of the county, was afterwai Principal of Upper Canada College. ‘vate shall be entitled to receive a-co] ‘Agricattaral College « aot Ezperitiental Farm, Onario tural and Ex- rimental Union. Dairym r the art Read Kertlior’s ad. and compare |" Money|" hi Medi mnmer of Michigan also fees tthe idea in his head of improving the] j, public who}; “Bach member of the Farmer's Insti-| sue °-| has hitherto Bled Egbert and D of a tumor from the side. markable. Little tots ainebed upon ut the audience in high good humor. Miss White isto be tulated on her work. STRATFORD. The December cession of the County court was held on aay last before His Honor Judge A meeting of the Ontario AG! gal Association will be held at ‘ansion House on Friday be 31st, ou which occasion Sere tread ‘hy some he Gauss papers will ‘be ablest doctors of Western his delivery, pointed in his illustrations and oftentimes humorous to an extent there are who call te ‘Tulmie & ven- sational preacher: far ‘better ‘vould iit be for christianity had we more divines of his oe our clmarches in place of the “Sabbath drawlers of old saws,” ponent of whatever he believes to. be right, and the fear of losing a large n, | Siving voice to his opinisns, in which matter he is very unlike some of his reverend contemporaries, whose only ae fone Ae to chee to their charges by submerging their congrega- tions in floods of jh ba latio ee ‘wesday aa the anual com: mencement exercises were held in Convobation hall, upon which occasion the prizes and certificates were -pre- sented to the successful papils. In fia evening a most successfui held in the same place before ® ee and fashionable audience. The privet- pal feature of the first part of the pro- gramme was the presentation of the first three scenes of Act III, taken from Julius Caesar. The murder of | the it Cuesar in scene I was very realistic, none of the conspirators fail- Anthony in the next sceme, was the ead oni repre arrayed, as it ‘coats, linen calla at the ‘the 87 model, and Tam 0’ anter hats. This same rabble also fi icuously in the last scene when it beat to death the fru: . cent poet Cinna, with the mailing tubes of Saturday Wishes Christmas number. of their meeting was that those awful men, the city were ex- cluded from listening to the wise dis: cussion of the city mothers. We have luates: iate, we relent, rad vill in future endeavor to be alt in our power. whenever opportuni ity offers, to place the Indies ina Peston whet by virtues, the mind and the heart, they @re competent to fill as be ytd puter man pacal ean ean imber regulations ae te “The ne Is| Ontario Government requit sae Da taken off Gheanieens st an lime ite inust be waved i Canetia a salary would never deter him from _