Milverton Sun, 30 Dec 1897, p. 4

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Chronic Diseases a bt night ah Itt NFS il il NUTSHELL. ee ae fam best Local Newspaper in the } unty of Perth, pst R ta oak i i; | ies area Mediu um. Rates ie oe Subse! ear, gree ty Sabon gticns #1 poeienc oto oe ys | THE VERY LATEST FROM | besten ALL THE eee MacBeth, Publisher. I ADV@RTISING RATES. intersting Items About Our Own Country, 1mo. | Britain, the United States, and | un Berth of te" Oise anc Assorted for Easy Reading.” space, | Year. |6 mos.| 3 mos. { | column../$50. ae, 30 00 $16 i 00} 39-00] 16 00] 9 00] 4 50 Ses ag 32 Go| 9.00} 6:00] 3 so| , Pazliament. will meet on February 10 00] 6 ed 3 00} 2 00 § 00, 3.60] 2 90] 1 00) The trolley system has beén inaug- rated on the Hamilton & Dundas Batlway. W. H. H. Graham. of gabe tnd. Preeuaige sdvertecualleeechctg:| per li e@ at the 8c. line, nonpareil, | has been rapes States Con: first insertion, and sep rline| sul to Wi for each successive insertio St is expec ia that the Molsons Bank A jof Montreal, will Tee its business by Medical | evening. a eee cee B. >BE. M. D.C. MacGuaig is suing the| si | cits. ot Monireat for $6.500 damages for | wate of College of Physicians and Bar| Gee cenrine a ssaipor as for ital, eae eee his hospita Me etatiilte of Ottawa, Milverton, Ont. ‘Telephone connection | who shot with Poole. I Bronaer, Lutheran Chureh | thief, and Rost ng with iatent, = ies) bean: acquitted. inion Government has se : ed to adopt the postal note system mute |__| prevails in Great Britain for. tne | Sey pentist | transmission of currency through the D. saints oR j also | nin is. member of the Hostel Post Graduate sent 4 cheque _| tures which are worthy of our atten | eutpnenal | faerrak without firiar = is oow mistress 8 Ne A dispatch from Pon says it bas | it that the Princ ieee, shut up by. her | for the last sine re Years sending * letter | it ta faltte: foveabie bamreinrecigess sees Buns - RUSSI3N MARKET CUSTOMS. Some o! Them Might Ke Adopted in this | Country. ussian markets have many fea-| The Russi: tion and some of their be adopted here with profit | the fishwife will stand w from. her | iW e have again taken first prize great,| ; Wedding Cakes Made to 3 ye used $ bef Sinai coun acieacae tis erie dean aeere | ones are the dried ones. mo GEO, GUENTHER, a |in ‘stone vats of runnii as water, and | ers sep: Ask your 4, it or writ: “ ‘sampleotine "* Model Policy As issued by the Dominion Life ASSURANCE CO., WATERLOO, ONT It is DEFINITE ete simply a promise LIBERAL. Containing Practically no restrictions as to pal for our bread at the | Mornington show. | ‘ Cakes — AND DAINTY — Confectionery always on hand. —Order.— ily eral ing genera section, Ladies paid tal al “ike ibstain- ely, giving each class Hs a rae & of its own “mortal- these marble vats;about get a rae ed with different kinds of fish. Russia has some of the greatest fish- eries of the world, Millions of worth of fish are rom the Volga, the Caspi k Sea, and all the caviare of the! w oad comes from here. You see this caviare So! shot sprinkled with salt wate: made up of the eggs of the abe which are killed for this purpose, It j say that caviare| ability. | should not be more than & month old | 6 mi 'g : | to'be good, and that you oe ot get rc away ‘BARBER SHOP - - - ‘The Best Bread, taken. every set The Best Confectionery, The Best Fruits, tubs in the markets. 1 ok ke ie ‘The Best of Everything PROFITABL E. c As the Dominion pan create by the ‘Dominion has quarter of a ilies canis wae full govero- ment deposit and is ma: naged by.a joard of Directors compo: mea well known for their eee -- AT -- Rac Gs Koure, Eso. Vi 2 aes Managing M. Bricker, Berlin Ont, eneral Agent. HORSE BLANKETS, Bee --- IN CONNECTION. ‘ v. Ogilvie has School of tices, Ci Seen Tea sage, Ottice, Pe Malt Street Lis? ae : “ eaditton ¢ face brings bight prices, even in Russia, and towel, Ont, ‘Will vist, pe eat ae thousand dollars to the Winnipeg Gen- fever ae PSE tel verton, the v= 1 hospital! Dy , Russians eey month from 10 am. t0.7 pam. 10F | "Oy tne to the dehnands of tke Yukon the eee Oty his protession | district on the Mounted Police, it is f Stratford, Hon- | likely that th; i paar good caviare furthe: | will abandon i jared intention to! \, ja "Grade sot ‘Tenis Waves. roduco the forco, ond, instend, augment Volga t eed Solent oe ee at oon | it -consideral ihe, meat of Gs soaraoony atlar'the of De 3 y vat Milverton every Thursday from| There is key 1s be trouble betwee fas been, made from the eggs, 12 a.m. . Office at the Gras lent and a New= ‘w-| is salted and sold; you can buy it for ntral Hotel. Nitrous Oxide and To-| foundlana ees nerstip Of Labra| ghout ton cents ite of for painless. ex-, dor. 0: ve been annexed to) 1, 4, re enary Festi Orta bridge | Newfoundland for judicial reasons, and | (ied fish are eaten by the people. work guaran} | now the island would like to claim all.) GREAT BRITAL Cr work a specialty. All teed. 5 aaa geen widow of Sir John Mil- fe president Roya H. EN of the Scns teeate aig ae seals Oaioe| to the objection of Right Hon. “animals beled €ifeally. ‘All calls prompt-| 39941 psa Tae in, he reduction ly attended to, pete ‘or oth- | ote nants ofthe ‘irom, & Sem a erwise, or wien Oe Dentistry and | piper Ta grees STATES. ‘The New York Sun says the United | States ae rols are ypadded” BAI VETERINARY SUR- BON. Milverton, formerly of Newton, io Veterinary Col- 2 vats,” an Tee. Tepes) Tee 11 disenses of do- | Yond belie! sold in blocks ches suit the customers. animals. y telephone| Charles ie Bolnay sill fe hanged at ‘The dealers buy them by the ton, and or otherwie promptly attended to. Liv-| Bridgeport, Con) 1ith, for the |store them away ca tisir retail cus- ery in ion, Fi rs Goon Nichols fomem' of the winter. manufacturers of Fall Mass. have decided upon operatives appear to | and rigs at all times, Baggage trans- The fer. Commercial driving a specialty. | Societies. Renee’ | ent adduced to show | mat the gag, BU erode or nD dP fogs ery month, at 6 o'clock, ‘in thelr pall | ase in the Protestant Episcopal House of Mercy, for Girls, at Inwood, N.Y. Visiting ure always welcome. Gleiser, C. Rj A. Barth, Recording Sec- once Johnson, of North etary: Dakota, vost the United ee 1S 924,51 make . 0. E., “Silver Star, Lodge,” unsuecessful claint for damages te-| 2, Seivenion meter ever; Frias oy | fore the Paris tribunal op the night at 7239 p. their hall, post’| fisheri fice building. Visiting brethren al-| 4 pees x drome: Waabineton ways welcor Tori N. Sabie that ——s PSone K, Loth, RS, third Cpnureday of each month at 8 | sion. o’elock p.m., in the LO.O., bail. Con+| Oh yo. werbert, dai | wighter of the | rad Schneuier, Com; W. M. Appel, R.K.| | TESS Tells Mentor’, tod States Navy, > Susiices Caras Si steer: ieee Bee dpbeasett 3s Bi i . : ing head-f from the third | Ww. DW Auctioneer for the | 3 fice widen qiame tative senidancs: veyancer, Deeds, Wills The jury in the Aes of George A. awn & fidavite. mad ae a ver- of not guilty of murier, the d fitth Division Court, Villas cierNcin | fence being that fhe man died from shrecky Milverton. search- RLAND'S BUS LINE, 3 “ainvertor,|. T ons were injured at a Bus |crossing of the Delaware, Lackawanna travellers’ calis promptly attedr Wm. Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. Hotels. XCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont.,| of Passaic. Johm Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors and cigs rs at the bar. First-class sc- modati Son eit large stabling. Banks int Bombay, and Bengal, India, | dl (GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milver-ite Teer ome, ate of discount from | mamodation for 7 GENERAL. here renewal of conflicts Coesarcial Gravelqn anil others. Three |, 2S Musnuimans and Christianson . Good stabling. tie Tntand ot Cee gars. 5. Main gnd Mill streets. _ Pra Tmpexisl Chaoston ig dea Sto | C:Sasonptiag, Propristor. | man Imperial {QUEENS HOTEL, Miverion, Ont The| | Racial animosities in iinesee es accommodation for commercial tendo’ to the army, and there have been be- | of it, are pl River, |. a reduction | $n th Sef nL Te | sre M. meot every first and) Sonlers awarded by the “ein commis: | Taisi id, Prus- eH noayep sy than rie! would be ‘They. are cent in great crates all over country, and they form a large part of the diet of the peasant. ‘The consumption of fish is increased | by the numerous Russian | web the a may “The those of tbe winter; when all Sorts of} ‘and meats are sold in a frozen| inter is so ‘cold. that Russian w Guetiar me caught at the begioning tien WOOLLEN AND RUBBER RUGS, WHIPS, A Fresh ss Ste in for the Fall Tra Calland phraic my line of Fancy Single and Double Setts of Har- ness, Repairing Done Neatly and Cheap- ly. Sleigh Bells on hand. WH.SMITH FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IV ITS NATIVE PURITY. Monsoon” ae) ee eae oe ee amy es of Indian go nei gid t only in. the vrtginal Beef, mutton and poultry are frozen 6 same Way, anda butcher can la} | in during October bts full Supply , of \meats f in Yo Tb # Bd. Se ie pee were THE HARNESSMAKER, ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT, ONE DOOR NORTH OF CLEISER'S the next six mont Af your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write ve}; ——_-_______ thotts are frozen $0 dards tht a ate “cares HATER & E90. cannot cut them, and it is necessai phe ee to saw them up or chop them with an 2 REP-ANS jaxe. Splinters of frozen meat fly ‘ bout over the market, and children x and beggars ap eae these and take them A amenyed REFUTED. wo Th 4 . home to thei fo a -qhodéen' seande ‘Thereare many enrious things sold| Little Kmerson—It seems to me that 3 sta lim the Russian markets, and one can} these Haypsinieee eS pieces of wil ard Family Medi- poy =e ‘and snakes and chicken legs, | cak pales -, Be — as Li ‘ttle Browning—! i . raed TeAULA ‘bi urmordideat to Ont more. We wai ANS « Cures the are_ obliged to be content o Little Emerson—t do not peoearel Sy fo uae every-day oil, -| Browning, how any one can be ol 2 S Jdustries of this country is sunflower |ed to to content. 5] ills of humanity. Ing. Tho. peasants eat sunflower seeds i aS wD fave id a ‘ou can hardly find z man hi sunflowe: vhy do zon always have o | foods in nis pocket, and everywhere you | on 0 You see wore h baskets of these black and gre aeaas in feiss Ubes | Gy ae chap eo gatheri termeion seeds at the theatres. SHREDS AND PATCHES. | dhe greatest remedy for anger is de- y—Seneca. 1Grearetia bo @feue tion like, aaveraity —Disraelt. ex is the only one whd is glad tere are so many trials in life. vcs er his Frag cate fault, then.” He—His claim hr think ae oughtn’t, then know you can’t, ‘When you you want to; eee | then you" 0: ess you," is the old-fashioned | | summing up of sincere affection. with- | out the Teast Guick of stabil civility | George . _ Ne metter what his rank or position be, the Lover of books ig the richest hand happiest t of the children of me | ies Ceieity. Maxtl tor doniec people. to | distinguish betws een what they think | they re and anet they know they ‘The world is fall = feet: with no. ot! nce, who fore to sell ie Sr ay than yi pels men may run in the Veetclate (mui iotioes:lEwa tincae | foow mae etuoie hee Moraes sample r the choicest ot rac Wines, Liqu ars at the B bred Good Waren stables sad pleuty. of shed |, UCters, permis were explosion Anges room. -y Rose, prop. | Raiserstalll II. pit at Dorfman = sia JOHN GROPP, desler in Coder Ponts, aa, Count Esterhazy, who is said to be Lumber, Laths, les, Pumps, ete. | 1.0 “real traitor,” and not be Dreyfus, Brunner, Ont committed for trial by court ANTED is ageless Sets AND) | martial. The Bengal Chamber of Commerce has | ae ‘address to the Goverment ge! nat the tavee has acted CH ETORE ipe eit tind Serious strike disorders have occu: eddressed ‘stamped envelope. | red at Spain, where a band of ion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago.| Moreso. S rikers attacked the non-strikers and G. T. R. Time shay |many were wounde! ‘Traine éue to les ve Milvestor General Pando reports that the Age of autonomy to Cuba is rejected |ipsureents, and that the only way a {finish the war is by. wa has owed you $2.50. the channel overcrowded. — ays ee but somehow saw eae & PHILANTHROPIST. resp pe rele tak rt you please give me tr It is impossible to ise particular features that will appear in the “AMERICAN MONTHLY” during the coming yaee for it is, as the Bookman says, “a great monthly newspaper.” such, it prints for its readers an illustrated account of the notable things eae make the history of _ the month, of the political, the ed, in this | economic, and literary happenings ich are of value to intelligent warnalism with the women. The Editor’s Stee went Esgish one are ‘parely + “Progress of the World ” tells suc- : literary periodical.’—The Oudlosk. | cinctly an illustrated story of the "month. The “ - month, and give timely discussions by authorities on any question of immediate serious import. The result of this comprehensive effort to edit in one monthly volume the information needed by intelligent people of “live” instincts is best gauged in have seen fit to express. These For SPECIAL OFFER | a iness men, clergy- "80 The current number | then, editors, lawyers, professors, and the two preced- ! en wide-awake women 25 ing issues. 6+... .| of Amerca. They write that the bd } MONTHLY “is "; “is simply 2 Misa in itself”; is genius”: “the world under a field-glass,” etc., etc. Sey PRICE, $250 PER YEAR| American Monthly Review of Reviews 'B ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK 5 -open the gate. lee!” ~ Our Thrilling Adventure. “Now, f Alex,” said Agnes in her most ik mie our return, so that you can open the gate sey: for the know we mustn’t be kept waitin; igh she waved her fees ane tically, and Diamond trotted out of the jane into the r meekly, as he fastened the gate. “It looks like rain, but of course T would- n't mind getting soaked waiting for your dinner ona tray if you were late and—” “Oh, you poor thing!” cried ‘Miner- va, who was notj his sister, and who looked very beautiful under. her wide flue hat. “We shan’t be so exact- ing. You may read your book till we return.” “No, you'd better not,” responded his sister. ““You would be sure to get in- terested in it and forget the gate. ‘Tell mile of my room; and don’t forget to Get up, Diamond Jubi- And we trotted gently be the ro2d- But Agnes seldom had, her satisfac- tion in ene so she pallea up her horse agai “Ob, ‘alex” she called bac to oie ie Kitten some milk and A Pe what on earth, now?" “Don't forget to open, the gate.” ” cried he, coming back, ‘you'd take me with you, so I'll be ready to open it when you get back.” Minerva and I ed quite agree- able; in fact, Minerva eke delighted, “tell May —I forgot; this oe to show’ you our independ- ence, and——” “And you can’t get away for fear Yr i east to open the gate.” Minerva and I laughed, but Ded was no means disconcer! ‘That's for your own good. Yousaid ‘ou. believed we couldn't take care of ourselves, and we're just going to show eras | bet you a. pair of gloves, Ag,” , leaning his arms top gate and, one ing Tasehinely Aa ioter, 4 won’t come back bout, ines had the assistance of | a ¢ Done, Bio: eriedi” “Girls call you to witness. This 20th of dctober AD. 1697. What kind would you ad- ise me to hi “think 1 nite haye driving gloves,” said her brother, meditatively, “so that mu out for an airing occa- are to be bel don’t forget cdming. t look girls. ‘There is somethi But Diamond put an end to all this sun wall onion iti. vemere by trotting demurely She pulled up Diamond, .under oe vill facia heats lazing maple that grew on the edge oun, er, tof the. slope, a ited with her ties he 6 immediately. Hestood| whip down maa mane rpoldan onthe of leaning easily against it, and light-| the bolt of forest that fringed the lake. is cigar, a # on 868 Saeeed LE eaeaae a a | that. iepkce) bereatln tis oneartsint leaved trees in the hol- I conld see it all from my vantage ground, on the low, front seat; but, being very dissrect, “1 made re- marks, Minerva andI had come down from They were p, and she the merriest ot it to-day with the firm dakatniuates: to assert ow! ife ¥ more lively‘ and exciting’ than rive ina so we we thay prepared; tix pmiertee Ricuiae Ute cur. There could not have been more fa-~ voral sumstances for a drive, ni ess likelihood of cay uitte atoward happenin; fotied mpeokly ston. bls en Di ogee falling softly Say stretched a long 1 lovely. ‘averiue of trees ir Oct inall the) glory of _ alone through stretches| fee m Iands, with their com- oad. “Oh, certainly,” said the young man Miners: oes eal Why, we ae started on if [had to help | driver enily, * , | Sive vegetables. fluttered down upon us like a bene- ae WS, was very sensitive to boing | a ape Her infor-| that, ie varied, but,. alas, | r her veracity was a very doubtful quan- wh Aen cxtioed tof ii every point of in- terest as we drove alo en mation was wide ai tity. “This is she said | black 1 puffi turning Mianend debi down itleway. qin a tewvtect ad Our vost. le hill into s woody hollow, where be| | Diemond Jubilee. promptly got upon knee-deep in a rustling, |his hind legs, and we bree grab- y golden sea of lures. And certainly ¢ lines and implored him to come i looked as if, King Midas _bimse Phis very sensible proceeding exercising his magic touch \our Bart, Sho him dance and leap. emeralds in a golden setting. itathe lon ‘a, “on! ric 10 would exchange’ thie for ail the gold ta ‘Alas "fwonld:” respondedthe practical Ag- nes, "as we drove once more into “for then I co - year roun' x horse.” d teen @ toy animal out of Pen ee rope See a Jovel stretch of road with the breeze “Skittish, ain't hel” he ask with smpenf y ruffling her ra Seon coche acd ee setting her little red 3. rathes suspicions cough. “Want to hat jeuntily upon one ae Pa Aa uf the aiara: witheite soamp Reo] Tenant its untidy windows, crowded with a miscellaneous mixture of dry goods and rocer! Agnes went in for the mail ‘and we amused ourselves trying to Cansaenainn lozenges that g J ead the : : were femptingly displayed in a nthe wind | She ‘soon returl ned wit ithia bag of c: Bad je. syondenfelly. link etiep, masculine hand. fecognized the hand uwniting and the Tor , and being very syinpathetle. in ‘regard to such mat- ters, upon driving while A; ee vagvoured its Perhaps Minerva that when she received letters from a certain Ea Who at that m nt was the. ga epost | spatientiy, soaitine our arrival. ready less it was a Til oe We oundings. | suddenly, as she ‘dived into the eandy-bag, “I m bnough to say J got a man to help me pon her’. bro! his tall form and black curly hair. “We shan’t tell him,” said Minerva promptly. “Go on with your letter, ae @ drove nearer the gust of wind sent a SNE RAD * This ignes an opportunity deprived us of the chance, t in regard letter. had enaeaty ipo very satisfactory, for her spirits began to rise as fast wins ‘were just entering a lonely. little grove we ‘all started, ta si wv & awed “The Maple Leaf Forever” Land of the Maple,” in a ace the at solemn eS oF ‘tte golden -brown forest ring. carting ee ‘se Hele zits of Gioia when ore emerged into the sunlight and civiligation, and [ott to settle down to ati ge gece watts strange, bul m to have met our Siventare, fe ine. ‘a, im ed, Minerv: os havent inet hs aor who facing ‘tte water?” es?” whispered. Mine: Sea That 3, Where vive Indian braves are burie © Algon- ‘They ins, and lost thei ir pee ‘help jing Pthe hy roquois | Bi lesuit pee when gern pete a the eecre goes.” iG 3 ee eThat SES “pow.” said Agnes, em- jiamond a touch -iXour getting poetical, 7 have to get the as: ates of anetor ee taker gion bleak: and I can’t afford to lose nerd ae ane “Really you bave no soul,” rva looking lon; inaay ae at the beautiful spot. ecutlaven’t 1, though? Here, Martha, is ing th suit you." And she once beside a great field of sped sees strongly-smelling tur- finerva, apd T uttered expostalstory shrieks, at the inco sas (BLS iy’ tf bes tame wea her whip tragically towards the offen- “Oh, girls, just think of it!” To lie eicet doi dear chose Great clods a e were j r out of the wages, Wl when! 2 Biamond m mere- intervened, ing off with ifully suddenness that set our orator down | most enmpbaticaly upon “her seat; andy But. the wind from the bay bad risen to quite a gale and threatening black to} clouds w ing to Py up in the north. “Oh, dear, it’s going to rain, and we haven‘ eae oe Saventure. se sek cried there, Diamond Jubi- th was es impossible to keep from singing, as we Hews ae me a irating breeze, $9 Parts of the Maple.” pog aay as ae let emblem of our country, danced ett about ‘us. like that in my utumn leaves alll the see Saproienis toes to) of the wind o scold Minerva for furious driving; and | fr feereioats both oe our etand ye rcmeetr, is shall rh Patriotic character, he | threw me re realized i mt in the midst of = a ring noisily in the barn, and a board, Minerva, ‘was on verge 2 of a Agnes was standin Ana then we forgot albatout our in- loves, and shrissel for help in quite a dependent the ent grinned, and leisurely tak- hoid o! i But we had suddenly begun to think ani a nervously at the black coeme intel de- sed that it was time “to tur se our rescuer whirled us erent and away we flew once m¢ lessings the amused fireman, who was oridentiy’ convulacd . wilt Geuppremea laughter. i “We've had our adventure,” gasped Minerva. my gloves.” groaned Agnes.” hadn’t scream I suggested, knowing all ihe witle that my own voice had soared above all the others. | They immediately ees cwever, and We ended. la auehing heartily at our own ex- AGRICULTURA ist Edition WHAT SHALL WE DO IN WINTER. What can we dp in the way of horti- culture during the winter, when yege- table growth is suspended and active operations in orchard anil garden can be carried on only at a disadvantage? To meet with the greatest success in any branch of agriculture, says Coun- try Gentleman, those engaged in it | penta te profitably employ- | ed all the year round. In commerce, Lanking, manufactures, transportation, and in the learned professions, winter is as frnitful in results as is summer —if anything, moreso: But, because the cultivator of thesoil cannot till in winter, he is ata lossto turn his time and labor to good account. ‘Stable ma- man; cessful agriculturists and horticultur- isis have e convinced, from ré way than in any other. es. The rains mmenct snows of winter dissolve the plant bitty and wash it into the soil ready to mae Renato ke a bugey pean by roots of trees and ae rattling briskly past, laden wi 3 i the family and a liberal cargo, of eS id bulacan 4 o att a an for r= rie to do their Saturday's shopping. | latter part of winter and early spring, then we through the golden | pruning and grafting may be done. I silence of the “Klondyke,” ba 4s ia is asa ania at SI her faivise doing it exceyt ola chur i r days, for it is poor ed ivy linging to its roughly-pl: one " ere: x So eee ee ee Sit building. It wa joa from the wind, when it would hai ly it building. It was P, | dw hare ck, discolored’ walls, ‘but min tant shone through a beautiful stain- Ss tered Adame ee if the Ue wich 2 st erie a tia i a nt OP does ath em bis he can per- AT MMP EE Ona Geenee, land Mass | fori, inkedestaat labor, aking plans end Uslipped nth Guo ete tiny hig | and. prepa arations for the work of the Packed pave neat the door, while’Min- | ensuing season. One can £0 | Pa ORe mingled wondrously wi TEA aad’ the watt eke om ne windows. It seemed almost like desecration, to We slipped ont and wad Peres Tae 100g Fae a Abe seen tomb-stones 3tood in @ corder Buroun e grove of great nes was Airaid Minerva inight be- so she dragged ce more. f wet and away we flew with the rain splashing into eget a he es -wild ride home were a donkey in | ic notice of us, a fact which Agnes were lost in a shower of gold from me dismantled tree. We were be- ginning to have apprehensions of a ore serious adventure in the shape of falling trees, when at last we got a welcome glimy Bay View House, ifs tree-clad hill; and the next moment we are driving rapidly up the slope. { ‘The faithful “Nigger” is already at he gate, and another brother is wait- ing andah to noe dear mother comes out in the sracane es back; and ‘May comes hl with inuahter Fi ie practeiaated appear- certainly mast 2 Bary fad /your adventure,” they all “And from ur appeal Tahhotld’ Guppbes It was a tumble into the lake,” says May. Serie elie inet “Cer- tainly, not. why, Should: it sthere "Sinerva, who ¢ cannot Berge Ket a Ti ys, “Oh, yoiag Gate And Did 3 ou man fig a bicycle on sane relarat™ st And then Agnes suggests that we go in to dinner. Martha Graham. Orillia, Ont. THE PEROXIDE FUTILITY. fees to bleaching of the hai THE suspecrep WIFE. Xeast—Did you notice those cuts on. ‘Diamond Tubilee, who, as her name rfect hurricane. Diamond threw a ‘in the spring with mi ig |crity and effectiveness i hi | plans all worked ont, fully matured in |mind, “ready for material expres- |sion. If he va: smal u, Pend athe ¢ exact iu oe bad becom beated experiments, that better results | sw and down. of the amount you wish to store. side arrangement should be two rows of bins, five feet square, standing out four inches fr wall on either sive, with an alley between them to pa jn to Hill Soeas bing cliould ba dividon by 2x4 dis to give a four-inch ventilating space between each twi floor should also be raised f and if the back ch ig e or the dange) loss by frost is trifling compared to that from too high a temperature, which will usé sprouting. I would make the oon ee a ceiling not more Phas en feet F Nill ‘be eat control ae temperature tha i wer. The win G ends should have frames wide enough to fill the space jai hes, one I describe is not expensive. An oil stove or even two large Tamps,can be used in zero weather. TEACHING HORSES TO WALK FAST. Enterprising ee are not satis- fied with slow horses, says a writer: Tt makes very te difference whet- her they can trot fas y ral from fifty to seventy-five acres = wants that team to walk rapidly and ily. I never leave the field until y will oconpy, and. then eaten | ees and plants he | years: ag ist reauize oto Allie. He can the ae them, that they would nob allow actos: ating “ be | without $B z Se as horticultural meetings, sibiltiae experienced most profitable, and what varieties are productive and meet ost, successful fr have yet to meet, the 3 who chan, Hea nage Be it again. Tt is mar! ruit-growers the same as it is with a ir} wi rofit comes mainiy from part of his berd and comes: ly from part of his herd and who tries to weed poorer ones ay all my eee It vould be well to ee on it the unpro- fitable kinds before Bianting, but, fail- ing in that, in soms ene quickly changed by by budding or grafti A STORAGE HOUSE FOR POTATOES. A reader asks for ete a building a storage house for in Whigh to keep them for ee house can be easily and cheaply con- structed and may be either entirely ne Te &3 wal prefer that it be on sloping varieties | t writes Waldo F. Brown: Such a/| three tl ‘he good. eal Tike. ine aciyer and the dri as er is very much a Ne was ‘onld be a fine thing if some slow. puttering farmers could move a little faster. ei age es A GOOD PLAN. £xempting Workmen's Homes From Taxa- tion. In many parts of Europ: authorities are striving to amel he condition of the workingmén and encourage thrift and industry by of- e the local = g 3 oe kingmen, and which agree in helt Shartor that thelr dividenis shall not exces these privileges are = /Strietion to prevent, their abuse. For if th& worl morale Goong the months joes no! ‘Spvelling, within after it is completed, if and ij ground, so that at one end there will all oetaitly pee aa results,

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