“It Shines For All.” Vol VII—No 12 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 60., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1898. MALCOLM beanie? S Editor and Publisher The Milverton Sun Ms the best Local N Apwaneper in the Vornty t Advertising . Rates beieranye $1 per , strictly in ee any $1.50 ashanti) wa —M. ‘Macl ec inuie: ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. Year, One column... |$50 00) .| 38 00) 00 10 00) 5 00) Transient Advertisements are charged at Bhe rate of Se. yer Tine, nonpariel, for Oe rat insertion ade, per line for each su ‘Banking, R. RANNEY & : CO.Bankers a> 1805. soca collected. Deposit t rates af ee allowed. R. RB. SHORT STORIES RETOLD. up in his eet ih Parliament and asked Mr. 8 “ What is before the peaks - <Oune tonight and was met with the answer: “ An H, sir !” A good story of Peublont Kruger is told, in an article on Mining and Politics in the Transvaal, in the Feb- ruaty number of the National Review. ff the President’s young rela- do ete + fer the high offices of the State are in firm hands, and for little Sanne: you are tou stupii ‘A delegation of preachers from n President spokesman ecclesiastical dignity by saying : NEV & CO., Milverton, | Lord Medical W. EGBERT, M. B., M.D. uate of Collegeof se seslaty d Surge: of Ontario uate student of Tondon hospital, Eondon, Engle ain rear of Post Office, Aiea One “Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Watheran Church and he replied, “ but isn’t it. strange that He should send His message by way of Chicago !” Two boys who were out oppossum hunting one asprallet night met at CLOss-Tot Th gs were nob on gualy bara) and er eg yo enedl atl “My Dentisory BRUCE, L. Dentist. M. tos also wy 2 of 8. ~member of the’ Haskell Post graduate Seid Monday of every m mn for the pe of his profession. DR. R. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor Graduate of Trinity Univer sity and Graduate of the lege of Dental Palette ‘Toronto, vil visit Milver- ton the fret and, ent ed Th day ot every month Pp. ‘Office at’ a Gea Cent a | Hotel. Nitrous niestheties used for pain- a bridge Orown an ‘Veterinary . ENGKL, V. S., Milver = by telephone or otherwise, Pnetry and Chronic Diseages nate BA GhON, Sveron formerly of Newton(Grad- Aate of Ontario Veteri -y College, Toronto ) wats all diseases of domesticated. animals. Calls by elegbh or otherwise promptly very in connection. rigs ab all times. Baggage transfer. speci Societies 0. 99, M. ers meets e ways W elcomi Barth, Recording Secreta “Silver Star ting brethren always Gs esate N. th, RS. W. D. WEIR, for the Coun- ties of Perth and pie Conveyancer, Fe Ww af s iy in Village Clerk. Store Main street, Milverton, DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton, meets al All citizens an travellers ih Scorstly aitacatiei Portand. Maple St., Proprietor. ‘Toronto, nt. | be should te once kicked the King of Spain. R. VETERINARY SUR- good, fio Commercial driving a» wish,” he said slowly, drawing in growl at each other. y dog can whip your dog,” said one young hunter to the other. The hunter spoken to loozed at the dogs but made no reply. The challenge was repeated. “IE h ii | does,” replied the silent anes “Til whip you. “ Well,” said the aggressor, “T guess the dogs wou’t fight When Don Jaime, the Catlist pre ender to the throne of Spain, school-boy at Beaumont, College, in England, he had to submit to ill-usage educated royal personages, master saw a large boy kicking Royal shines “What has he done?” asked t Ne > replied the Sulpelts aba 2 he may the King of Spain by and by, and I like to be able to nee that I It is eee ay a very nice lit Sunday school h who had. a very| ean went to her one day in teatfal but blazing wrath, com- plaing ol jevous treatment by a comrade, and vowed that he pal “ make it how” for the offender. ‘ Ob, my dear son,” remonstrated his ate eee 3 but, after a moment's reflection, added, i in a . a triumphant tone, “ but He's a-goin’ There was, some months ago, alarge meeting at veces iu the Wave) and after th chairman suggested line hit was a experience! one Ciera?” said an elderly mai Pe was so bem the oe was Ra bale one public-house in California, t——” He stopped, and the expectation. “T th sieane waited in i breath, “that that solitary public house Hotels Ni Se EI cael penne tee ear a EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. Jolin Gropp, Proprieter: Best liquors and cigars e bar. First-class accomm Ter ald large nesting: GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. mmodation fe ial roo) liquors and Mill strecta, C. Uasenpflug, Proprietor. QUEEN’S HOTEL, tephee Br The laapiine a for jal trav- elers and ot Two large sat als rooms. Only the choice of Wines, Tigaore and Cigars at Good swarm stables and plenty of shed room. Henry belonged to me.” Then he was eject- ed. A smart Nantucket, Panne man, who had a real estate - | siderable local interest, came to Web. ser he great lawyer laughed and replied the cause was not shou Miscellaneous JOHN GROPP, dealer in ce Posts, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, ps, ete. Bronner, Ont. at the idea, spent the entire casts in Nantucket, and ap- G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. GOING SOUTH. e | take was a| pa} from his fellows, after the manner. of| Mrs, tle £0. | engaged wi S| dinner at Mr. | placed ii good | number of the boys. 7 LOCAL NEWS. O, for the dust to fy. Good Friday fallson April 8th this year. state—the worst in Another shipmedl ii ready-made suits at Loth & Guenther’s. Mr. Fred eid on pepoday left to visit friends arout A fresh arrival of es sacks and school supplies at Torrance’s. The nobbiest gents hats in town are "| to be found at Loth & Guenther’s. ‘Ask for our wall paper samples, all new ates at Loth & Guenther's, s. Jas. Trit es for British Columbia some Tacs, ee! ae cillnesy opel will petals abo of Aj Miss Zin, i ooh cat a few aera with Mrs. ©, Siegner last week. Slits waehing: calcimining and Reperhegains done by Wm. J. Spencer. Miss Stevenson, of Stratford, has been engaged by H. ©, Hasenptlug as tailoress. A nice range of waist silk at inl from 25e up-to $1 per yard at Loth Guenther's. Miss Johaston of ea oan a to| week biog her cousin J. G. Hauilto: Mr, been employed by as blacksmith. have any Dutch setts bring them to Loth & Guenther’s who are ying 10c. per Ib. Mr. John Shebben of Stratford spent a couple of ig with Mr. and J. G, Ham Thos, Sage, us Dake present under the weather from an tack of pneumonia. For nobby sush ribbons. try Loth & Guenthee’s, the itl spot in town for all kinds of ribbor A frost on We ‘a sday morning served to barden up the roads which were much in need o} ity ie ae dy, of Linwood, arrived Monday Mf eee Pe ed duties as saline for Loth & Guenther Gradually a wave of an weather has been coming from the west and will linger with us fora few days. Porterfield, of Listowel, be ‘Henry Hasenpfi combe, is at at- Mr. eee Shelter, who has been enry Hasenpflug as cgetien left for Hamburg on Monday. Mr. Daniel Shine, Cadillac, Makine informs the Sun that he iv- tends to pay these parts a visit in the course of a few days. . George Blackmore, formerly a cheesemaker in the Milverton factory, spent a day or two with Me. Goodhaud last week. snember the sale of stringed in- Sates at C.S. Kertcher’s. Sale of | commencing on Saeurday, March 19th, g 30 ~jand lasi Mr. erman had h livery of wae mnnebinery on Friday last. A large nuinber of mers had Cc. Hea finan The party who took a mower knife and wrench out of the barn after Geo, Witte’s sale will please return the same and save trouble as he is known, Miss Maxgie Gillespie, who has been engaged with Mr. Has- enpflug as. tailoress, returned to her hotne i in Millbank on Thursday last. latest in ing you want in Pfeffer is ready to wait on you Gleiser’s, Mr. Robt. Morrison is at rick wth nes summer than he ever did bet ss aaeinsit of books has ar- dived toe ls public library. ‘They will be selected numbered, labeled and position as soon as_ possible ee will be ce time in SApril. Kertcher and wales Whaley e. Potts) tet on Wednesday morning for Manitoba. A aecompal ied to the station to sce them off, The roads are in a most deplorable ss 4 George sho al Resneiber we start this spring with {all new goods in our millinery depts *If you are in need of a chamber sett don’t go to stores that have only four or five setts, but come to Loth «& Present indications point to adearth of farm help in Ontario during the coming summer, and already farmers in ee Guenther who h different | di inds to select from. Mowry! Moxzy! Monsy! Money loan.on first-class farm securi ity. Current rates of interest, 5, 54, and 6 per cent. Terms i Apply to James Torrance. seen Miss Bundy since she came back from the Sone wo ie oms? If not, come and see her and newest things in the Slbiaey i ite at ine “ ssa s. a record breal Sieg t pair AS in Milnes, ce A wonder when you compare prices and quality with thi millinery house and Bette ver this year. Millinery SoS at Loth Guenther’s on Saturday, March 26th. rower, | © hh failed on Saturday preuine to put in Had Langrill Weextend a hearty invitation to every | 9, body in Milverton and vicinity to at-| 15, tend, Miss Bundy will be in charge, Never before w eh i a a soar- e to vacate their present premises hers to the fact that they have no place to go. An Uncle Tom’s Cabin show is strike town next weel there is a &| show that should geta rest it is this one. It has been worked until it is thoroughly Hove out. Only bum artists handle it Sea Aes will be in his Mae studio on Friday, April lst, for the parpose of DHabeeeplia all who want work done (no April fooling) but good photos. April 1st is easily | j remembered. Mr. E. G. Galley writing to the Sux Amboy, Minnesotta, under date my March 14th states that they haye had a beausiful winter—in fact the best that has ever been seen in that Sete and that they have commenced ing. Farmers in this county are 8 well satisfied to commence seeding | c a month later than that. ere are yet quite a number of books belonging to the public library i ‘Among them are Mi Brown’s School days, Daniel Deronda, Romula, New Arabian Nights, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, i Camille. Parties having any of © are re- quested to kindly nee ee in. On Fiiday last as ae ate of Ellice was taking teany. into Hasenpflug’s ‘eis ahs ee of oey making for home. essage to Brunner set several on the ise out and the team were captured nd brought buck. Little damage was lone except that the animals tie afew Nepbeantied on the e in- cra invi : Pa Wright, BA, of Millbank, ee an interesting lecture on the lifo and works of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, in St. James’ school room Tuesday evening. Everything of interest in the life of|» ti The lecture Wednesday night.—Beacon, Mr. Richard Reid, of Berlin, shipped to New York a Catia pets The cow is a very some six-year-old, and during the time het meen June 1, 1897, and March 16, 1808, has given 7,648 pounds and ten ances of r. Reid is principal v mil of the Berlin ee a schcol and a son Mr, James Reid, of Mornington.— a Sun. ‘The Western Ontario Marine Band cornetist of the west and the calvation nightingale will resent. The programme will consist of 20 numbers, is a more worthy object of your bin ‘shows. Mocars Grosch & Pfeffer’ “aloe i a has| givi pose Di An epeellont musical programme will be on the boards. SEARCY SN TOWN PAREIAMENT verton, , March 21st 1898. Sa council met this p.m. in bers all nt. : out Minutes of former meeting nfirmed. ye assessor dean) that he had Best leoking atthe oath required to be taken by him after the return of his assessment roll had some scrupzes about taking ic in its present form as the oath re: ail that he put down all taxable income and to ai mation ay the matter. cided not to assess taxable income and to allow “the assessor to, use his own judgement in the assessment of per sonal propery. la to appeal to aK revision to nmmend the pie to suit the The auditors venbunitted “their re port which was read and accepted. The several recommendations therein being first disposed a It was moved by James sec by W! Appel that e abey be struck out and that the clerk procure fifty print mn copies that he Bay ch orders hereafter Check. Carried. Wm. M. Appe' paid a each for their services as audito! Tas council then mies to meet again on ‘Thursday evening, March 25th, at 7.30 p.m. ‘W. D. Wer, Clerk: EN eae Bs Rostock Several Stratford | boys came over by he Hickey ny his family to Carthage on Thursday where he will carry on the palms business. Mr. F. moved into his new house on Main street on Monday. We are Bleed, to welcome Mr. Murr into our mid: Jee ‘Wingfelder has a large gang of © men decorating the wal of the in- terior cf the Queen’s and judging from the work already done one can easi'y see fies at Joe never does things by Spine of Stratford, ihe ae, ware 1 rein the stand ily corn ied by ne A Mr. Lovy,of Piatt Hwrigs @ the past week nice and engine in the sawmil Mr. Dietrich ‘seale ison We mt Vy &