_ sweep the Americrn merchant marine from on The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MARCH 224, 1898. Self-righteousness and hypocrisy we'll wager are the make-up of the two magistrates at Singhampton who con- victed and sent to jail a little thirteen- year-old boy guilty of stealing a pair of rubbers. It being his first offence he should have been kindly warned and then handed over to his parents, Some magistrates haven't enough brains to warrant them in holding a cell in an idiots asylum Sir Henry Bessemer the famous in- ventor of the steel which bears his name isdead. He became famuus by his invention of a method to convert pig iron into steel thus greatly re- ducing the price of that article. It was due to this invention that the liberal party were driven from power in 1878, The Hon. Alexander Mac- te aenaie, the then premier, purchased steel rails at a figure that was acknow- ledged low butshortly after the pur-|tos chase the price of steel was greatly re duced through this invention and as a Scot consequence the government suffered, being charged with extravagance from every platform in the country. HOME RULE isa quaint moment for making alt to revise the British constitution this week in the House of in elaborate scheme to Adjusting the rival claims 0 of Iveland, and of then persuadin, seannot be ioado tor dare for. ang witer things. ee CANAI/S TRADE STILL GROWING. ‘The official re the forei; n ate of atiads, made ep to March 1,, a an in- crease of $27,000), tek s eet Bars 00 $ ears ono Exports... 93,192,000. 119,644,000 ‘Total trade ~ $108,470, 00 203,420,000 Duty collected... 12,711,000 14,150,000 Produ cae expo 105,938,000 is. excl me iN fe bullion in both y ibe bates eames iss ea BARD Wwosu, FOR THK SPANIARD. atches to,the effect that there are Binety privateers in Spanish harbours ready commercefrom, the sea as soon as. ae open clared, are quite interesting. Tt is to be hoped that these piles Span ish vessels will be prepared to a ae Ga B best steam coal. HAUGHTY oceeiy icy proposes to the high seas has got its work entant, The easiest part . The trouble ‘nls be es find any merchant marine on the high se v Americans‘ go down to the: sea in ships to Fo do.business in. grea waters” lag than the and Stri the Riser privateers will have to steam far ore they, find a United States merchant vessel to shoot at, Bie MINE AT ES TATE. IN REPUDIATING, va Erantaral is oe to ae been speeches. in Russel daily during the fe nf the releetiol ait closed im Evanturel was elected in Prescott by acclamation, yet all through the general elections he preserved. absolute silence, although the other leading Liberals.|ji were putting up. a fran in the party papess next a feah sha openly claimed hum. Next day he sent out a sbatement from Montreal | first indignantly repudiating ee idea that he bad contemplated. a, to. Mr. Whitney’s side. His inlisealion was in ow vicinity lst w 5 eaeell ihe year round ; not all | cbeap, or make a fellow feel chesp, r .| noted for his wit, was one ver nothing to say in the general elections may a cia ve twit! on that sudden jis voice and orfoipda which Meabled bisa to plunge recklessly into the contest in Russel. No t long ago Re ev. D.C. Hossack- of Parkdale in a sermon told how Gideon, stint a battle, was approached by the ina posed great valor a friendship for Mec cause and chided Gideon for not having called them to his aid. The preacher declared that after battles of every kind there are such men, and that in polities especiat- ly they should be called Ephraimites. Ss ph Loe deta eae tbe streets of the city are at ror tbe possible rexeeptlon of Chatham, seems to calendar, were paetpa (on close Tue afternoon, No cases of any begins Lae attention of the ¢ inet ‘The Public Library with quarters above the Bank of Montreal, will, ahaat the first of next month, remove to the rooms lately vacated by the Y. M. oye O'Donoghue has Salted a meetin, ratepayers to m Thursda; pole in the Court Heaets ihe por of discussing matters in Capac with th rebuilding of the City Hi Of ery ton, conducted st th nin, veni ey Bight he delivered a lecture on the i Ly Hae ssible Scotchman,” anc rs to his own satisfuctior and probably were no other people umler the wan a ichly endowed with various virtues ao the “BURNS. te The 17th. past of quietly here. There were Ro demomon- strations, and no DureeAude except the postoftice On that day and on the following ae one of our young fines ploughes loods ny not dd as much dam- age ee as in London or Brantford, yet our river overflowed its banks and left parts of our roads under .wo feet of water. We en, ‘ed some sane syrup made ‘ue it is the a fan ‘mer may f them take advantage of cursions except excursions in search of a housekeeper, which are always when the expedition ends in a point blank refusal. We vonderstand the W Davidson farm is to be worked this year by W. Watson, who will work his own beauti- ‘ul farm as well. Couples lately married oe ealor: ing their honey moon, lon does that hast? Until the bike oe the groom for money. MILLBANK. Rev. James Ward formerly, of Millbank, will conduct the morning and Senne sree in Zion church on ee ne Rev. T. G. ve Wright will condct the mnreary service in Haysville on March 2 Mr ait en Wier has had a delivery of three car loads of Massey-Harris implements. vr. P. Mulcahy is at noes con- ee tohis bed. May Oe Jobn B. Bahu and family i tends leaving for Oak Lake on Tues. day next. May PICS HER await them in their new hon Mr. A. J. Babb tas: just Ele opening out a large consignment choicest faa in Ritter has j just received a large Pe neets! of | Massey-Harris repays, WAVE YOU ASKIN TROUBLE? Have You Tried Ninety Nine Remedies and Still Suffer?—Dr. Agnew's Ointment is the One in a Hand ia That Never Fails, and Only 35 Cents, ir ould heauleni ace io the bat, heum, ringwor arher‘s ite, aloers and other skin pees acs ee Oinbmeut is the peerless and never ne appli- cation relieves the skin distress ima trice, A few days’ pAtaicenk ctecle a permanent cure. Cures in from thee to. five nights, Bold by’ dames Torren ed ek Ss Ne mon 3 we fe Bo Father Healy, the famous writs winter night sitting at home over the fire, when a little girl named Flanni- Kaige ae Jim’s he vented his| ) upon him with every Hay Se the priestly vocabulary cold supply. Jim ‘remained: eower- ing and silent. At list he protested : | dent of St. Marys, comm wicide “6 » NOV. 23rd., 1897. THE SLOAN ange CO,, bes ce sal! Han D: a years I was troubled with periodical sick headaches, being affected usually me y Sond, fl wobX All ea ronson ah ware arleerued ke rasan il oe most, treated b crepptloctor in Gucipy bos wihadb pany relief. “Ohe doctor told me i Was cai ‘a weak stomach, another said it w: ry and incurable. I was in: Indian Tonic, and an A few never rpbarued. (Iwas aloo troubled with aathina and nothing helped me like your Sloan's Indian ‘Tovie.” cau ely te commend it to ull and will be glad to give any particulars to any oneafilicted as I was. « W. € KEOGH. For sale by all druggists or address the Slocan Medieine Co., at Hamilton, Limited. $1.00 per bottte ; 6 for $5.00. The latest Novelties in - Spring Dress Goods =And Prints Have arrive with for us. Come and see them, they are of special value. Men, Youths and Boys’ Come along and take a look through our New Stock of Readymade Suits _—~=<> FOR SPRING Just as neat and stylish in make and } patterns as any Tailor made. We have them from $4.00, to $8.50. They willl please you, Don’t forget our Grocery Department, it “|contains the best of everything in its line. } 16 CTS. FOR CHOICE ROLL BUTTER and 10 CTS. FOR EGGS.——THIS WEEK. Yours, ‘Dug His Grave With His Teeth leiser *|You want to buy a good Watch, Clock, Wedding or engagement Ring, a Bi- eycle, ara Sewing Machine: OR GET You’re Watch, Clock or Bicycle repaired take them: to P. H. BASTENDORFF First Door piesa a: Milverton FOR A CHEAP and NOBBY SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT TRY H. 6. HASENPFLUG, The Leading Tailor. Mitvertom Kirst Prize Bread We have again taken first prize for our- bread at the Mornington show. BUNS - CAKES. TY —— Confectionery always on hand Wedding Cakes Made: to Order. GUENTHER. GEO. Was what a conyict was compelled to do in the bygone ages. Nowa-days the most efficient steel spades and shovels are used for that purpose and we have them. We also have the most complete ditching tools known to the trade. OUR BUILDING HARDWARE stock is com- plete and we cut prices fine. Our cooking stoves ase the best on the market, In TIN WORK we cannot be excelled and are prepared }} to do all Kinds of job work, evetroughing, etc. om shertest notice. Repairing done neatly and cheaply. We are pre- pared to fill all orders for pure Manilla binding twine. FINKBEINER BROS., Milverton Bakery. Hellow thero, good people of Milverton, I have come to furnish yon with yood BREAD, CAKES and BUNS. Wedding Cakes Made to Order. keep on hand a lange stock of Co~ ectionery Cigars, Oranges, Lemons and alli res of Nuts, also Oysters, Biscuits and [Cheese. Give me a call and see for your: self. If you want your Lanndry done up: neat and clean, let me send it to the Parisin Steam Laundry. ; Vv. WEITZEL, The Baker., R. R. Barloar, » well-known vresi- ANTED— TRUSTWORTHY AND by shooting himself Siaeh a heat for, reponsiblr, establéshed house in On- while mentally deranged on Monda: utbly _ $6i : i Penton seuty Hine becrtns Enclose self- The Rev. Geo. Salton, B. D., of St. | dressed: stamped envelope, Thonn, has fide sivanidned before | Pest: Debt = Coteagn. the beak for mingling with the public while under quarantine. WANTED: : bie Stes sons or-eth wr ff fai ir educatiim to Wanted lt Idea 23 ioe sarees a Pasorgahd hab te cee | 1 eoutilleo engage a rather elated se fae beem held in|‘ Ab, go amay, your xiverence ! I'm reserve so long that it waa, scarcely | imme fit slants to. li i to. bow! mptsuasive, and the mam whe had vaiea!™) eet ee ‘wrap RN & 00. Pittox | owmito tapaniions, ae PFAFF’S BLOCK, MILVERTON | EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. | ive gentlemen ot ladies to travel e Dominion | 50 YEARS” EXPERIENCE Trave Marks Desicns HTS &C. gate ekig aseersatt ous opinion free enti | Exral ees enti, compar | ee eee ren Scientific Fimerican, Heine THELINSCOTT COMRANY, ‘Teese i tere ak Sear rs f The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1898. ate re are now 16,700 miles of Sta all SB stock Tl railway in the Dominion. The election of oe Barr, of Dufferin is to be protested. Plowing is going , vigouly on at the Avondale farm, Tilsonburg. ‘The fall wheat fields in Western Ontario are louking in remarkably good condition. Mr. O. Guibord the liberal candi- date was elected in Russell last Friday by a majority of 740. Accablegram from Hong Kong says there isa famine in oe China, owing to the ei of Smuggling has been rte at Windsor to such an extent lately that trade in that city has become paralized. Arbitration may settle the railway G.P.R. Company says it s case aud abide who had goud sleeping bays said they. hiked it. ‘hie owners Gl epger bishes are re: gretting the shortness of the s As there is no , the sap ceased to flow. Mr, Abraham Dearing, of aio sold a hog in Exeter a ago, which was a bouncer. Te was nly ten months old and dressed 410. po Honolulu, the ret oe cs Be Islands, pineapples sell fur nts each, and other tropical fruits are coi levdatinny cheap; but butter seems to tween these islands and Canada. Wbulshiet genie aandon ufiOatard writes : © The public, especially those who Netestes be spartsiven, are to » |! large extent ignorant of the fret thar owls are protected by the Insectivor- ous Birds’ Act, and that it is unlawful to kill or take them at any season, except under permit, and then only for The insertion of this aper may have the effect of kein some of your readers out ‘of trouble.” The Dominion authorities, having a bacco, cigars and cigaretes were being nto Cnnada,have been on the alert, with the result that special ee haat ie) at different points such as Windsor and Walksteile nisi li worth of con- ronto, visited Stratford, and, with a the local excise st ea sue- ceeded in metine a seigure of abo $120 worth of contraband bis and cigars at Thomas Gillespie's 1 store. Suse els ai ion Algie, of AL ton village, recited in public briefs Tections from he works of Bob mie i Ken sll, the Loudon News proceeded "vo « William as one of the greatest living masters of the art of word paint- ing. Now, if the gentleman ill ob- lige with a‘ few stanzas of “Gray's Elegy” the New will hasten to te cognize Me ‘anada’s Greatest ES Living Poe! ud credit him with the glory of Serie the words und hich he eee —Toronto 4 THneli w Telegram. bh ung people were having | overal carloads of nursery stock that just. after ieemane Liane at Mr. Pritchard’s home in Pilkington, when Miss jessie O’Donahue, Guelph township, met an accident which may cripple ker for life. She was in the act of sitting down when one of the party pulled the eh away and the poor girl struck the floo She was a bright girl, smart aud active, aud this te: accident has cast a gloom over Polling the chair those a8 read this paragraph, that 3s if they have any sense of decency Peis. Edmund E. Sheppard, who went to Mexico raid South Avaériea’'as a: Onn: | APPS e in these south- are unknown, are sent either through Great Britain or the United States, and are credited to those countries, | Our boning priveleges| ‘The Bueter Advocate, says: The] Hl” ‘8 pnicy halts will’ be propo with the United States indeed, have| township of Stephen can bonat of hav-|f — tiohutely greater, re Gnubled United States middlemen, to|ing bad theNon's share of grembers of | RAFI Ae the Domivion hag a pick with southern re-| parliament singe confederation. Since capital of over w quarter of a + million dollars , with, bo oat Ppa BA do business directly the volume Greenway Nahin a Manitoba), J. of her trade wou! have to pay tribute to the United States in freights, terminal changes, snow and the frost is : ah * yan ladies fron E. | leaving to take up land “| gone and 500 wore are expected to | leave shortly. Cnnadian goods | i The Ayrshire Breeders’ y Association of Quebec and Ontario have amalga- rer April Ist the ay will at reduction of 50 per cent in the ae ndon jail, was shot and seriously Many readers of Saturday Night will be pleased to note that Sheppard cra resume bis pen on on journal. Mr. John Charlton, M.P., bas in- troduced an antiSunday newspaper bill. which has already passed the House of Commons. asses the| © Armenian pedlars are beginning to infest this country. Quite have taken up residence id Guelph and are considered no acquisition the city. vee from the Transvaal to peo- ple having large interests there indi- Re that serious trouble with Great Britain is brewing. British troops are being concentrated on the Mise’ Cora Mood: ddaughter of John ated, Sone at the} qu wounded by a turnkey while trying to] escape. Senate it will kill the Toronto Sunday | | World. @ number, tance below Cainsville, on the Rive ver road, i a|perience he will not care to have re- sated. Mr. Bailey was driving ietly up the road, which leads from on ns coe fall ue the ates upsetting . It then turned om the horse and the man. and chased him. Bailey lost no time in getting over the fence, and battle ensued with this barricade between. The horse walked feed and left Mr. Bailey to fight it as. that gentleman found that the horse was getting away he took off across the fields. SPREAD OF LA GRIPPE. Ditressing Nature oft of the, pees Phase of the Help From "of Blythe, was et at Ys we sae Porter, er from Lucknow. This i is the first grand gold medal ever awarded in Canada, The stock of Doering Bros, of Waterloo, has been Rae Me kN, liabilities were $18,275. ‘The Patrons have resolve to go out of business in Bruce county will henceforth be Frown’ as “Indepen deen ts.” Tn the recent elections, Bruce cane Kimmel, travelling sales man for the Berlin Felt Boot Works, has returned from a two-months’ bust ness trip to the Northwest. During his wbsence he sold $30,000 worth of goods. The factory will have to work overtime for many months to come, The writ has been issued for the. hye-election to be held in West Prince, Nomin: tiga take place April April 13. Mr. Perry, ifbernd (deceased) was elected at the eneral election by a plurality of 87.: About 1000 of Bruce’s citizens are in Manitoba 700 have already and the Northwest. The Chesley iiss Press says that. te section ae caterpiller eggs and that yohers will te a regular plague in the course of a few weelss unless steps of prevention are ‘An M.C. R. fireman named Hen L, Williams was arrested in St. Thomas on Friday, on a charge of seduction, after an exciting chase, The accased. settled the case hy warrying the Sie The ceremony was performed at the city hall on Saturday afternoon by ev. Mr. Drummond. The Minister of Customs on Satur. im to authorize the passing m of had arrived at the border the signing of the act excluding Ameri- an nursery stoc! rom. Thomas MeRobb, of con, 5, Chacha Hitt | township, lies in’ the public general hospital, suffering from injuries to the ay | bead which will result fatally. The little girl was walking behind # horse ul one SiGe crushing her head and face. Bryan, the ing. A Doering at 65 cencs on the dollar. The | fo, value of the stock was $9,537, the| my A 2 using it I hav tee oe day night received ’a telegram asking| gugemmmrmamy Canada be- hh ao geo z= = vt é z z ss 5 § z z & 3 4 : on andidate for the hare to provide for ah overfow meet- its five, Messrs Isaac Onrling, Hon. pia fe Bord of Directo De fare 8 “Cacrsha Pewder— embers of Parliament Bear Testimony.’ pe, this season; attacks:the head and “That remark- ws: Gita Heschel Powder It ig known th tinent ov G. yher, Brever, Maine, says: “I had eatarrh for several years, Water would run from. my eyes and lays at a time, Dr. eyes and ni at guew's Catatchal Powderwas the only. re edy that gave substantial relief, and since ot bad an attach.” Sold Weare. ED —TRUSTWORTHY AND ntlemen or Indies to_ travel for vesponaie, veatablialigd: house in Oa tari ily. $85.00) and ses. ‘ence. Enclose self- addressed stamped earl ‘The Dominion Company, Dept. ¥ Chic 7 ANTED — TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in On tario. Monthly $65.00, and. expenses, Position steady. Reference. Enclose self- addressed seatnped envelope, The Dominion any,Comp Dept. ¥ Chicago. AGENTS: “ Glimpsgs of the Us: seen,” fascinating box s the ae field of Dateeans abies. ne ry! oT Mr. Bailey, who raettios a short dis- SPRIN In all probability spring will open: some: «what earlier than usual and in order to: be om: deck in time we have our full stock on hand. ,|for early inspection. DRESS GOODS. We make a speciality of Black or: Fancy Dress Goods. We have no room to quote prices, if’ “a you should have any time at your disposal drop in and see our variety. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. PRINTS. The celebrated Walter Crums will be found here in large variety of patterns at 12 1-2c per yd, cheaper lines. < of Canadian make. COTTONS. A full range of prices including bleached and unbleached sheeting, 49 inch pillow cotton. SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES AND TICKINGS. choice is excellent in variety and patterns. READYMADES Do you want to look meat? If so, buy’ your clothing from us.—We are building up 2 reputation for our goods by giving the best in every way. Best fit, best.. finish and: best value. LACES and LACE CURTAINS. town, direct importation from Switzerland. cordially invited, CURTAIN POLES. A choice assortment: im oak and mahognay finish, prices guaranteed. : WINDOW SHADES. A very large: range of leading: shades and free from pin holes. WALLPAPER. Wecarry the largest stock im town, ranging in price from 5¢ a roll up ta goc. Your: The largest variety im, Inspection: We are always open for: business, our: methods. are the newest. Try us and. be con-- vinced. LOTH & GUENTHER: orders. Marvelous illustrations. pectns free to canvassers. Brapuey- Garnersox CeMpaxy, Limited, ‘Toronto By buying your Harness, Collars, Sweatpads, Curry cambs, Brushes, Whips, Bits and Snaps front, “I WM. J. SMITH Harnessmaker. Next Door to Gleiser’s Store. GIVE MEA CALL P.S.—Repairing done neatly and om Ask your Agent or write for mpl couse of the San Jose scale. As th sik is in force the stock ovuld not ASSURANCE CO., admit The igegota ast of WATERLOO, ONT. It is DEFINITE beige simply a LIBERAL. “entatalaly "Practically no tions as ravel or geenpation and allows ries ka be in extended, Assurance be “fore Policy is allowed to EQUITABLE id che pred Ladies a total rately, the he fall benefit’ of of Mite own a : ; ity rate. presidency, was defeated Ain 18007 he Ae Rca 40 cee polntntons appears as lively as ever on is'«. purely Coasdian compuny 5 platform, and to be a great drawing jes deuth rate ie ower. than Ege pa @ speaks at St. Louis lish or U,S. companies. The i- terest earning power of its as is greater thin any American or English company, and by haying its Hi fa Waterloo sie office and clerieal expenses are Tight and consequently the profts ment deposit and, fs inanayed by-a 8; scomponed of Ratz and Bi, Hilbe Han oubesdnie spe. using and for sea-goiag fians- Tikes Johnatos aged. 1 tee mouth, gu Sunday, the | ML Bel rarer Tia Whaley, ena wife maps General Ago. men well known. for their business abil }. Ines, e3 resi mE ussanoys Managing Director. Baap Pe. sit ei Esa. ‘STRINGED INSTRUMENTS Of all kinds ata ...... GREAT REDUCTION EVERY INSTRUMENT’ FULLY’ WARRANTED.. \=>— PRICES <= $6.50) 6.50., $10.00 Banjo for — -. 10.00 Mandolin for 18.00 Guitar for a 32.00. { 40.00 \ (‘tor ns 7:00" i Boo" tor nec eSON I 5: 00% 93 for - 10.00 6.00 Autoharp for -- 4,00 ASO) a tere eee 3,008 10.00 Violin for ; dis i i MOE ae) eee Sy ee at, your own price: from, $2 np te $8 Remember this sale only continues.forene month and hot ; longer at the prices , quoted, commencing: SATURDAY, , MARGEL 19th’, Come ong, come: alll,"and ‘secure:-your:-choiee: at:.almost ¢ heif price.. Remaining yours;.:, G@.S. KERTCHER: