Milverton Sun, 27 Jan 1898, p. 3

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\ hs The (ilverton Sin eee i THURSDAY,, JANUARY. 27; 1898. ‘That government pig is a bore. Hartmier now for game warden. Tt will be with general satisfaction ‘that the ratepayers of District No. 6 receive the intelligence that one of their representatives, in the person of Mr. James Torrance has been dis- tinguished with the honor of the|w. ‘Wardenship for 1898, Ellice shares the honor in,a double degree as it is only a few years since Mr. Kuhry held the same position, Mornington had it a dozen years ago, but Milverton kas never had it before. With, Mr. Torrance in the chair the County of, Perth will be represented by a strong man, a man who is up in, the order of procedure, a man who. understands public business, thoroughly and.has a, keen insight into public affairs, We have no doubt but that he will fill the Position ina manner that will be a credit to himself and his constituents. ‘Dhe County of Perth has a right to be eongratulated on, the choice it has made. Since Yankee Hays has assumed gontrol of the management of the Grand Trunk Railway old and trust- worthy officials and employees have heen living in a sort of nightmare, al- ways fearing dismissal. Like the average American Mr, Hays is fickle and his ideas. One day he hits upon. a scheme that is bound to gurtail expenses and before it has had fair trial he is experimenting something else, which of course, al- ways results in the dismissal of trusty employees. It ig manifestly, unfair that men, who have by industry, and devotion made themselves efficient. in | hom: their particular lines of work, be at a moment's notice cast aside because el” suits the: whims and notions of a skill-, edincompetant. It is hard to ‘make |}, gn institution so large and powerful as the Grand Trunk cognizant of the in- justice they are doing but there never yet was a tyrant so strong, but that his victims could be avenged when ways and means were sought. ——_._ Cr) eat atch ANNUAL, MEETING, The Liberal- Conservative Assi tion of North Perth held their se meeting in Grosch’s hall, Milverton on Thu day last. Considering the very disagreeable sti the weather ‘ood representation of the various tunicipalities was p t. As principal work to, be done at the annnal: meeting is to elect office: President Monteith, after a few —pre- Campbell, Listowel; Hon. John Watson, Mornington; pres. H. B. Morphy, Listowel;. vice- pres., Mayor ‘oiDoneehue: Str: atford; sec’y.-treas., Dr. Berger, Listowel; Hgsoutive com: |j . mittee, Ellice— ulton, Dy A. Dempsey. Elne—Thowas Eullarion, Thomas J. Knox. Listo: 2 P] o nn Keyes. Milveton-Hleny Hasenpflug, W. K Mornington—J. Seas Wiles Wales {North Bast- ope-Wm. Makins,) George. Martin: Bipatford=<80 Redon Jdbn Rand, Wallace— Geo, V. Poole, John Strong Anitors—S.J. Malion, A. HL, King. Me The ater M RSet ri issue and stated that he was this year more than ever a mark for Government arrows, but expretsed the pepe: mw they and not he would be defeated. A. few ibheey spoke. briefly af ee iene the meeting closed. SIGNS OF TI REVIVAL the year, and | referential clanse in’) en psa ch ibe supplied with They ask only. two gnestions : How muh, tan you sehd us, a1 Taka ean a ge &e.?. ee he ig tis tat” | 12 C.0.F., | of Mrs, James | guest of Miss - | of Miss Bella McFadden, the nis| Qonservative Association M. sada, | JOSEPH. GIBSON, finds that the amount that dog firm ‘eoutscturera could Lea is in the se country ort trying to work up a trade in paper. Canada sends, yal Tadegtend, but Hittle af ave ie 8. were made und it Tt is ees now that Mr, Clerque, of ort Arthur, in addition to, sending pulp to reat Brizain, is about to up a large mill and send paper also. ROSTOCK ) _Mre. Kreuter had a mat bee an Thursd: soon after escorted the ladies to the hall Fava of sion Heat ol tes mie dancing, singing, » etc. is Wicke spent Sunday with his wir int Sake Here in Mitchell Many from Ellice wé last otk attending the wait ispute over some timber land i ima. mill is doing a lot of custom sawing already for those intending to build next summer, uite a number of cases. of diptheria are reported in the southern portion of the township, TRALEE John Love, of St. Marys, is visiting friends andrelatives in Maryboro, s Ryan has returned to his duties tie i Micl chin Roach is preparing to move his iaariend Goat eal ceawa fehbah veto Mr, M of Biddulph, is visiting James O'Grady, jr., of Maryboro. Conkey has returned home frovs wgaha OG ady, jr, hada very snecessfuh!) eile Fei bianaiupleranene Uriiee 45 last week relieve the unwary of some of i ‘o. buy some AY ase ina heel minus four, or five dollars of his money BRU! ER. Mr. Ernest Vogt toute Vases a piece 0 his summer already te material.on the grou pun or it, This will no doubt make a very large barn when it is completed. Mr. Jobn Hartman has taken OOF of te Elma swamp a host of cedar posts and is ab pr resent busily engaged in ae thon i harlid Rei has secured a job in 1e Moncton sa EAS ELerst Tosk Ea sold: aoa y should 1 not ses when you, can obtain a = 8 price like that 2 r. Fred Schram and Mz I. Akins held Geo."Zhara who has been very il aon ie Hoe ig now on Mr. John 'opgert had a very Make wood bee on Wednesdsy and Hl Schmidt intends |) to have one on.(to-day) Thursday; A ball and supper will be held in thetown hall wader the auspices of Court Nelson, No, Friday evening Rebraary sites Chas, pete of Stratford, is the guest Johnson. Miss Mina Beringer, of Rete toe is the It is our sad Bey to eronete the death of Mr, He months. Mr. Daniel Zimmer tat moved to Platts- ville where Mr, John Ritter has moved hig stock, of id stoyes to the Rutherford a3 made a great improvement meeting on Monday. evening, Jan. 81st iv. J, G. Shearer will conduct the services. MORNINGTON LIBERAL Will hold a meeting for organization at DONELLEY’S :HALL, NEWTON, on, THURS., FEBRUARY éri., 1898 t at 6.30 p.m. / & PUBLIC MEETING Will be held at the. sam8 place on the sam evening: at 7.30 p.m m those Pree wiftibe addcessed by. Mr Thos, Magwoo >3P., and others, » Eyverybod We Mg, WATSON, Pres. asks for is larger than the manufacturers in Ontaria-can supply.» MAPLE CITY ce, A few weeks ago enquir; y was made for| pm Pes ‘king wood, here again the quantity | ‘* ** PuILLirs, ie CHATHAM, OCT. 18, 1897. pele jot that which all the Duan Sims eo ¥ % ae the nose, and t was.ny chie! vas |, andia bottle of of it er 4 be in every household. ‘Tonio haa oansed a most remarkable change in 75 =n Combination Sleigh FROM A LEADING CHATHAM MANUFACTURER e time ago I was treated by one of our Best city doctors for continued bleedihg ‘treatment I was subject ened my stomach so that nothing Tconld eat woald agree with me and I could retain ere but bread and milk which tried a bottle of your Sloan’s Indian ards and at once began to improve and it yw partake oftany food no matter how ded it to several peopleand in every case it has given grand results Yours very truly, R, ‘t, PHILLIPS. INDIGESTION EERE CURED. WILLIAMS, CO. NORFOLK, OCT. 19, 1897 z Sirs :—It on hie reat pleasure to Feats to the fact that Sloan’s Indian ition, For fy wo years have any other medicine lay and ivi to try He cieay Tonio, I did ‘s0|- Iremain, Yours very truly, MBS. © PRICE: Fonsale at all dealers ovaddress the Company at Hamilton. $1.00 per bottle ; 6 for $5.00. I It might be a little too early How About Your Byes? Ifthey trouble you I can remedy it as I have just placed! in stock a large line of spec- tacles from which I can suit any eye. My stock of Watches, Clocks: and Jewellry is new and up-to- date. Call and see my fine en- st/gagement and wedding rings before purchasing. Repairing of all kinds of: Jewellry a specialty. Also Want 100 Cords of Good Wood Practical Watchmaker and Optician. For Some e Not Hor Us TOBE... CUTTING THE. PRICES ON ALL WINTER GOODS Almost In Halt We have a few Ladies’ Jackets left which must be sold re- gardless of price. Men’s and Boys’ Ulsters,. we have a good assortment, they must go. Take off the regular price what you want they'll be youts. “Fhe same applies to: our Stock of Men’s: Fur Caps.and Robes. GIVE US... A crack at Anything You like we will meet you. Yours, Cords of Weod WANTED Ist EXCHANGE FOR FURNITURE. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH. Mibverton, P. H. BASTENDORFF’ bread at the- Mornington show. BUNS = ——AND’ DAINTY—— Confectionery always on hand Order. GEO. First Prize Bread We have again taken first prize for our CAKES. Wedding Cakes Made to GUENTHER. H. Gleiser Coupler A New Thing, A Good Thing: A Necessary Thing. FARMERS, LOOK HERE A MOMENT.., I hove. just bad patented by the government my new sleigh coupler which is acknowledged by all who haye seen it to be the-best and most complete coupler in existence. Ido not.want to do any boasting but simply to eet the plain facts before you. It is constructed on the swivel system and cambe tnrned in the most cramp positions und is the best contrivance yet made for the busit and the deep snow—it is especially adapted for. turning out in ep snow. ‘The swivelleaves:the bobs iedependent of each- other thus making the sleigh less liable to. upset. TL-take the strain entirely off the centre of the sleigh and dis: .e | triflutes it evenly-oyer both ranners.. . The castings are maleable and.can be eae om any ‘sleigh fory $4.50 and are more ‘| arable than any other coupler.. Ia word simple and compitte, Do; not bry, a | sleigh until yon s09 it. RIP-A:N'S, The modern stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the — common every-day ills of humanity. ‘eine? ONE GIVES RELIEF. ‘ ’ ‘ A ‘ oN. Fy ~The Milverton Sun se THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1898. eens pace call upon paeppecdly for “I propose,” he said, ‘the “SS registrar for Wentwi Geo. Bi bya Sagas train. urg was visited b; erguson’s store being des “Architect Powell’s, plans and specificavions for a hou: cepted. Spe eG mE While ile er Nelson she was shelling out his eH tw revolvers pointed at the other at bis heart. A fire destroyed the stables on the other buildings were saved. < Premier Greenway and euss the Duluth expected the sarah re will meet February 17th Viau, the most dangerous convict im bs Vincent de Paul’ Penitentiary, reated some excitement by trying to saw his way through the Negeri win- 4 dow bars with a file, a covered, and, after’ a struggle, over. Ros about to present ‘a note to 3 Tce ie payment for the whole rales of the indemnity of the ie Russo-Turkish war, amounting to £28,- i. 000,000, with a view of eet the Sultan more docile in the settlement of 3 the Cretan question. : The adjourned hearing in the Diehl- Gee timber stealing case took place this { morning. A number of witnesses for the defence were examined, a the i latter swore sites the timber was to be taken off the front part of lot 28, and a that he was to get the fallen abentl in 3 tet for vag the standing tim He s burnt timber exten 5 rods, The case was further adjourned until Wednesday, Jan. 26.—Monday’s | Herald. —_+—— i STRATFORD. Everything is very quiet im town at present, our ony leteay being weather and insurance he big candle i “Shaver’s window was tempted as on Saturday afternoon placed in the London Asylum. ast Saturday evening three highwaymen - + held up milkman Low and Nelson Monteith, x-warden, on the Em road about two miles from the city. They didn’t strikea Klondike, however, as the result. of their ted them about forty: cents, a sum that might just us easily have been ob- tained by cracking an editor's safe, The police have been on the lookont for the bg sts have been made. here on Monday ualified for the big bonspiel held play the Trinity club of the Queen city.. “ ‘They were accom) npanied by quite a number *< of Jocal enthu: be wil ith the regulations of the new County Couneil’s Act, the represent- . lay afternoon elected aw for the ourrent ieee vertonians in particular and residents of the cou nty in general must bi 4 contemporaries,’ ause their views a not coincide re the legislative Braite to Elm: He jntyne’s a dispute as to h the larger cireulation, or whose prize map is the best. se alg SHORT STORIES RETOLD, Little Johnnie was sent. to. buy a 3 resistsjoining some companions in rbles,, By the, time the finished Johnnig-had for- ) He pro- Mr. R. K: Hope has been appointed orth. 01 ‘oth, a crossing roeticiioan at|tions, in spite of lax management, a London, vanilinigal ‘Wednesday last New fi as week, ate Commercial Bota and nean Fer} of Seto of refuge in Kent county have Sy ac- ¥ The Minister of Justice has see the Te one oe his the townspeople that the], I. deal quicker,” :|Farmers’ perpetrators of the outrage, but so far no| tf ~|. The by the best local ta health of all who are sick.” At one of the Mackinac hotels, new guest demanded a bath. uty |B lear sir,” said the rietor, “next year we shall have two of ite ee and ripped bath-rooms island.” ne a au this year tory | is told i in es Tenny-|§ ined with coailkee father, aaa | a they were at table when the trial of Mrs Sternaman for the May |S#id: Dr. Tennyson, I have tasted |G oy desises, ue will be held by Judge anise everything in my life, animal A Robert and vegetale, but there was only one that was a boiled bug. ‘When Sir John Millais was- staying among the Scottish mountains,.making a study for “ Chill October” (as.a mat- tev of fact ’twas on the borders of the w as he painted, asked, did ye aan try Photogrepeyt oN Bg, never,” answere illais “Ttsa Sandiniad” the braw Scotsman. ‘ Yes, I suppose mitted Millais, the place.” An Oriental story tells us of a man who was asked tolend a rope to a neighbor. His reply was that he was in need of the rope just then, “Shall “| you need it a long time?” Ik Ata publicdinner, Mr. Jules Simon ib equi e |B “But,” chiens the reset om Turl ie that turned my stomach, and Sp : Fe; hovs ,| Beef, per owt. p | Bar the braw Scotsman, “tis a deal liker | Oat ~ COMMERCIAL. Corrected weekly by ‘by H. M. Schacter, Muvverron, January 27, 180 Fall wheat,per bush... $ Spring wheat, seg uy Barley per sean per bag Bo otatoes, per bag 3 SSRRoS anything with a rope when you do not want to lend it,” was the reply. Florence, when in New the well known actor, course, be had a friend there—Prite— who knew his ways and Cae ae to the proper allowance of bay roi jowder. However, ee died, sd ic friends subscribed lower Florence being ira. aaihe largest cor was as! idea was accepted, of course, Stinging Skin Diseases, by Relic one application of Dr, t teething time, it is ie a peer. 35 cents. Sold by ‘James Torrance. NORTH PERTH Institute. Supplementary Meetings of the above In- stitute will be held in Atwood, February Ist Millbank, : Rostook, Feb. 3rd ; Shakespeare; Feb. 4th., when the fol- lowing subjects will be tedanio by the Speakers name Agwoop AND Miipank Stsstons, 1.30 P.M. Ist. John Robertson. Ingersoll, late Pro- fessor of Dairy Husbandry, New Brunswick, «Feeding and Advantages of ng,” and at Millbank, * The best Crops for Feeding Cattle” and * Rreed- ing and Feeding Ind, A. os of Manilla, at each 0? « Grow ray, Hitlawhy will. speak at Millan ob Griving Corn cesaANG MIA re At Millbank: leading Veterinery wil a paper on * Tubereuloss,” SVENING SESSION-—7.3 John "Robertaod, Thgeeeol, ioteete: farm accounts.” . Glendinning, of Menilla, Why farm. ughters leave the farm. pacleadion at pod od will be assisted Rostock AND Aakeviles Szsstoxs, Robertson, Ingersoll, Rostock, “Feeding and care “Breeding and feeding owle” At Shake pears ine ain apace crops farming,” and “Breeding “and Feedin Pigs. Ly Glendinning, of | Manilla, at exch ill speak on Growing-aud market; grein” «Wo big ony eo farm,” * Growing and iene ee ede Alsike clover d. mpszy, Stratford fal teas Ges e Goedi i gatocke on whe: t tbropor cure of milk in sending to cheese; factories» end creameries, ING SESSION —7,30 P. a. Robertson, Ingersall, * Butter- making in creameries and private dai D. Dempsey Stratford, “Selection: of Fruits.” H, Glendinning, of Manailla, ‘ Why. farmors’ cons and daughters leave the form.” Discussion invited on on nth he above subjaet ‘The Gadies are cordially invited to rte the Evening Sessions and take part. The eventing addresses will intgwspersed wi nth Mosic soak an Bent lane by the hest u fore Be EQUITABLE fey sped kd section, ers separately, giving each fall bene of of its owny mortal- Dr, rate. rd PROFITABLE, As the Dominion No fe 4 purely Canadian company 3 i sid at lish or U.S. companies. i terest earning power of its assets for feeding cattle,” Adtantages ats mixed | have Ask your Agent or write for sai he ASSURANCE CO., WATERLOO, ONT. It is DEFINITE being simply « 701 n licy is allowed to lapse. With asuit that you will not: be ashamed to be seenin any company.. Whether you pay’ a high orlow price for your clothing you have a right to expect full value for your: money. We make it @ point, to give the man who wants a cheap suitjust as painstaking” service as the,qne. who can afford to buy the most ex-. pensive grade of goods. EZRA KNECHTEL Fine Tailoring’: P.S.—We always take the lead*in Gents’ Furnishings 100% cords soft wood wantedi which highest price will be paid. expences: are consequently the ‘profits to policy are Riis tells tionately greate BAPE. > As the Dominion hes 8 capital of over a quarter of million dollars with full g ment deposit Board of Directo) esident. a. Hien, Managi in M. Bricker, Berlin, Ont., jeneral ‘Agent. LOST. On or about: June 1897, al! note, to the amount of $100, drawn in|; favor of Robert Bintick by Joseph negotiate same. Millbank, Jan. 10th, 1898. WANTED — CANVASSERS.|, “ia: He & 3 se | letter of appreciation. Sellibg-by tl ives enthusiastic satisfaction, make $15 to $40 BRADLEY-~ GARRISON C COMPANY, (Limited) TORONTO.’ thousands; | Camvassers 60 YEARS” ¥ ti iar \” TravesMARKS Desens ci eee alakig ascertain’ cow opinion frearybecher al Een nea See Patents Baits taken, Shout me ss an oe reediro "Scientific Alnerican. A tee i

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