ma Le ae | Former Seattle Macttuist Whe Is Now at Dawson City, Herman.A. Guenther, formerly bsladajee in the employ of the Seattle | Ww; Traction Company, and: residing at817 Howell Street, this city, is now at Daw- son City, and has written a letter to! his wife; under the dateof October be immediate family, but all contain more or less of general import, and the! weather. public are occasionally favored with generous extracts when such Jets can or secured for the. pat r, Guenther arrived at Dawson on ne Teh of October. He-end his com }panion built a boat twenty-four feet: ‘long and six feet wide at the rails, and ‘were nine days in getting out the|? ‘Aumber and building the boat. “We crossed five lakes,” the letter says, “some of them as big and as) ‘rough as Lake Washington—using the| tent as asail. I trolled for fish onthe’ lakes and rivers and had fresh fishihalf the time. I caug! by-three inches Hie abst te than any salmon .you ever saw. Well, at that horrid seanyon you have heard so much about, where the boats get broken up—when we got there we never stopped, but ‘went right thr -of people “abaeiey on’the banks, shen ting good-bye an but ‘were through in ieee prea batailion ‘safe and sound, ‘though it makes a follow’s hair ned onend. We pulled There were lots | ©" Miss Belle fe aia is visiting her sister Kate of Has ee _-}tertained a number of our young epane Friday evening. Mrs. J. Sheppard, (nee Miss Annie Witt) of Chicago, is spending a few weeks. paces the parental roof. Mss . Chalmers and D. Mc Milken iatdied the Dairymens’ Con- vention in London last w Miss Bertha Daub, who has been | visiting her sister, Mrs. Doersam, for the past few weoks hasreturned to her Wel in Baden, are sorry. to state that Mrs. W. Cy cies is slightly under the Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnet and Mr. W. B. Chalmers have returned from '| their visit to friends in Galt. ‘iss Lizzie Haines of Cassel is re- newing-old acquaintances, rere ieee ATARRE CAN BE CURED, ry'@. Carroll, M.P. jouraska, ply en Oue ot Bilt embers af Bare nat Who have Successfully Use and Endorsed Dr. Agnew's Ca. feebalvancert eu Henry @. Carroll, M. P., of Kemourasks, Que.; tells over his own signature of | the good au ualities of Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal owder, not alone from personal use, but as amedioal wan, Upwards of aguas reread tt vie suffered tarrh, have | use medicine wit success, Sold by James ‘Torrance, Sohn Walters, a demented black- smith of Stratford, tried to commit suicide on Wednesday last. ‘on the oars 4 all our might ai ‘kept the eat in the middle—but once ‘is enough for There were Mtellows there who took boats through at $10 apiece, making da Whe: sas high as $200 1a day. we} seame to the White Horse Rapids we ANTED — TRUSTWORTHY AND P steady, » Re pelt adilrease Af staxiped: ‘epvalope,!-( Th Dominion Company, Dept Y. Chicago. - GROSCH & PFEFFER Go town. x Sariiecs {4 boxes cornstarch for yds for $1 price 8c per yd. *¢.[sale lasts. |for 80c per pair 22 Ibs granulated santas for.. a Ths gc iffee fo lbs good Japan Tea was 25¢ Ibs for. Best seiabiry Oil fam our stuff after bringing it that far,| though lots of boats went through, some people losing their boats and all their contents, Two men struck a ‘rock before entering the canyon and ‘lost. their outtits the day we came G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. rH, GorNG souTH. m, Express. .9:20 a.m ixe p-m Mixed... 10:23pm through. “When wi we got to the White River| the ice was flowing owt of it into the Yukon in great ‘chunes. We waite four days for it to quit, but finally | seoncluded to come down with it— ‘about 100 miles on the last of the trip. “While it has been so cold that our ‘bread freezes solid at night near thell fire, we sleep comfortably in our little tent. Never felt better in my life and} ‘can eat bacon, pork and heans three ‘times a day. I haven’t had my clothes off in six or seven weeks, only as change them. Hewen’s had a cold nor ‘a cough since starting. We have been ‘very lucky, even with the: custom: officers. Our daties only cost us 316 » swhile some paid as much as $100 They ‘made some pay for everything they had ‘even to the Worn-out clothes on their ‘backs. We can’t understand how we igot off so easy, unless they mistook us rfor Caaunke with our whisk uenther closes, a few days Hater haa the above date, with the te formation that he had secuned a job at 1$15 a day, but hurdly knew what to do] with his things, as it was risky to leave’ ‘whem as thievery was getting too common,” In ee letter written to his wife ‘on Nov. 27th and forwarded to his brother Gecrge, ot Milverton, he exys: “Tonight I am cooking beans and baking bread and could eat: ‘twice vas wuch as T can cook. copie is} rich, Sunday but we work on Samday as well as Monday. The cold shene is in- nse; you cannot go a bleck without freezing me ue if itis mot comered ‘ap. number ‘going back out over the faa tie a thousand it is said, but some of them will surely reeze as it is impossible to go without furs, atid some of them are not very well provided. I find it .almost im- possible to ket tinually jumping around, mothing in this country ‘bat gol hardships—for new comers ‘hardships may he found in abundance re working thirty feet under the ground but if it gets much colder we will have to quit. Our daily occupation is cook- ing meals mending mittens and wyig to put in the time. There hasn’t becn a paper come in bere later thaw ANgine vad ee aie yeess that it is pretty lone: ——_— Dr, Agnew’s Care For The Heart Is a heaven-sent boon to sufferers from heart disease. No matter of how long stauding it will effect a TY cure, Don’t treatment if you suspect heart-weakness of Thin rout emesis en fst wea. ean ‘con: | | jostpone | - FOR SALE. -A thovoughbred registered, Ayrshire bull tor sale Aged two years, “He will be sold cheap. Appl; f to W. B, CHALMERS, Poole. Lil Oils MeDonald’s old 5¢ planes still in ratiok ab. Tucketts old T and B Tobacco also in st Our New Prints and Wallpapers to hand, $1.00 0) were 35e for, clearing sale...... 1.0 This is certainly a snap. 1,00|Finnan Haddie, finest in the land 5e can|2 bottles fine tomato catsup for THE BARGAIN STORE GREAT JANUARY - to pes. stripe flannelette, always were 7 and 8c., January Sale Price 20 SALE 5 pes. fancy stripe Shakers, beautiful colors, were toc., 32 in. wide, January Sale Price, 15 yds for $1 20 yds grey cotton, heavy weight, for $1 to yds of 12%c Prints, good patterns, for $1 36 in. bleached cotton, extra fine quality, was toc, clearing In DRESS GOODS we carry, without doubt the best selection in Call and examine, we can save you 25 per cent while this Another shipment of the celebrated D & A Corsets to hand, these are elegant goods, at popular prices. {pair of our celebrated D and A Corsets at 25c per pair 6 pair cotton blankets left, were $1 pair, you can now buy them Stout women ask for a Special danuary Sale In Groceries : ee a 25c|2 bottles of French mustard for 25¢ always was 18¢ wa “'98e per gall Extra fine chocvlat 16¢ per gal Extra aide Ener -5e each!o cans Flagship dl i vy HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE IN EXCHANGE 8 Salmon for. .250 pglA full stock of “Salada” and aaa Tena on hand, ae, Potted Tongue, Beef and Ham, fine for Rehdwianas always| GROSCH & PFEFFER Call and examine and select your Patterns, Sera TRUSTWORTHY aint e gentlemen or ladies to travel for PARADIS established house in On tario. Monthly $65.00 and. expeuses, REMOVAL : I beg to announce to all my customers and the public gene- «| tally that I have removed my harness business to ee shop lately occupied by Mr. Ge Pfaff where I will be found ready to do business at lowest prices for both repairing . and new work, GIVE ME A CALLA WM. J. SMITH! Harnessmaker, Position steady. mice. Binclose self addressed seamped envelope. The Dominion ny,Comp Dept. Y Chicago. Good-Will Toward Men. WANTED. Industrious Men of Character. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, TORONTO. Milverton Bakery. Hellow their, good people of ae I have come to furnish you with y BREAD, CAKES. and BUNS. dale Cakes Made to Order. lf You Are Energetic and Strong, | If yaa are above foolish prejudice agoiust canvassing for a goor bop Meepeniafcte The intonation gel atel Kage ut bundreds of men in. the of making money ; same of whom are now ich, Teun do good things for you, if you ate honorable and will work bard. 'T. &. LINSCOPT, Toronto. eep on hand a large stock of Con- Honus Cigare, Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of Nuts, also Oy: Cheese, Give mea call and see for your et If you want your Laundry done up eat and clean, let me send it to the Perio Buse a ary. Vv. WEITZEL, The Baker. Is selling a Ladies’ Dongola Butt Boot and Bal tipt. at $1.25, Rubbers is complete, and Valises. e eases. sare using SE in their aay paling Sold by James ‘Torrance. J. This is the best value in the market. Ladies Tweed Slippers 15 cts. Ourstock of Socks and Alsoa large stock of Trunks 1 GRUNGE Is a Christmas sentiment expressed by many as we draw close to this festive season but we are not merely content with expressing it, we make it patent to everyone by our manner of dealing with the public, we are now making clothing at small profits thus showing our goodwill in a tangible manner. Are You Short And Fat? Ave You Tall And Thin No matter, we can fit you perfectly. We have not been afraid to purchase the latest cutting systems hence our success in business. Hivery Man Is Interested. As there is no skimp in anything, no slight, no slip no piecing of trimmings. We know every step in making correct clothing from picking the goods to picking the bastings and are in business to stay. Our line of Furnishings is complete. Customers say that our choice of goods surpasses everything else in the town. Call and examine and you will be convinced. G. GROSCH Boies at SME sy Re wk ot ra