_ Cigars . the bar. = “lg Shines For All.” Yol VII—No 14” MILVERTON, ‘ONT., PERTH ©0., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1898. MALCOLM MacBeETH, Editor and Publisher The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspepe i aa he County f Perth. Iv paveresing Rates eres ei eri rs strictly 3a advai —M. MacBern, PURIASHEE. ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. | Neer. \e a 3 mo. | 1 mo. ae eounn, 850 00)880 00} $16 00] 85 $6 00 Hal we col a. - 00} 16 oo 9 00) 4 50 Quai 8 00) 9.00) fy 6 00} 3.50 Bight ol. io oo} $0} 3 a0} 2.00 One inch. 00] 200] 100 ‘Transient ctecdeemis ure charged al “tehe rate of lini onpariel, for the “art, iapertion, and Be, por line for each E 1 A general, bauking thusideas. transacted: at lt points in Cavada and the to loan on notes and "Noten diseounted and notes and Deposits received and current rates of interest. allow R. RANNEY & CO.; Milverton, an Medical W. EGBERT, M. B. . C. M., gt uate of College Of Physicians and Surgeons tarivs also spoxt graduate stailent of Tondon hospital, luandon, “Bnyglan Ain rear Office, Milverton, Ou *Pelephone sotibseih Poole, Binser, Lutheran Church and Rostoc seonimsoreia f Prosthetic ‘Deni, Chicago. No, 5 Main street, Listowel visit the Queen's hotel, Milverton, the Sts Monday of every month from 7 pin tor the peactice of his erpchion’ RAR Pi aaa own mbar ke ies aM DR. R. J, ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor Graduate of Trinity University, ‘Toronto, and Gradcate e, Roval. Kollege of ton the fis apne tee Office at the "amt Genta Howl. Nitrous Oxide and local Anaestheties vec for pain- Tes asractin a Crows and bridge ork aspecialty nt “work puonbeed. Veterinary, J. H. ENGEL, Milverton, Ont, iege, Tor: mnestic abesk BARR. VETERINARY SUR- GE srton, formerly of Newton(Grad- oot Oe ario Veterinary College, Toronto. icated animals. vey in rst class Ira and rigs ab all’ times. Le Cencuawarecg:s anes oy mites meets every, ae ni baci at r Tile Visiting Dreturen ale A. 4 Tochecr Langford, C. Ri; Rash foalookion HoH Barth, Recording Se sie ry. . F., ‘Silver 30 i ees shaie hall}, post office ined siting by always McCloy, Nes iW. K loth, BS Business Cards, W. D. WEIR, ties i en and yee sya Anctioneer for the Coun- , Convey ges drawn and “Affidavits fe z vision | Mee Village Clerk. Offi er Grosch’s Shoe St aie. Mash street, Milverton, ¢ & g ti fh (eile ses eee ee aA te DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. as meets all trains. ~All citizens and vtrayellers calls promptly see to. Win. Dorland, Maple St., Propriet Hotels BT cae ota TRIBE PE OE EXCHANGE HOTEL, Beusner. On Sropp, Poprietor. Best liquors and Seigars at the bar. First-class accommod tion and large stabling. ker & | take “| that the seen man’s” ie DISTRICT EWS Some Enteresting Items Culled from the Netatuboring Kress andt trom 01 ‘A four-year it mactok Jonie Beli was +0 the other day in Tilbury East for $ a Methodists of Chesley are ge- ing to build a new church at a cost’ of about $6,000. ‘The Brace County House of Refuge will be built in Walkerton, Tu took the County Council nearly a week to ecide the question. : A. proposition ihe been made to form a joint stock company to. take over the Livingston flax mills in Listowel, Mr. Henry Grant, of Arran, has team weighing 2,100 pounds, that re- cently drew a load of 35 tons to Port Elgin over bare roads. Tagersol is now an independent port of entry for customs. saab of dutiable goods here was $ 3, aud the duty collected $3,- The exports were nearly a $140,000. *Mr. Peter McKenzie, of Petrolia, has a hen ‘whieh Jnid an egg 5$x8 ce in ci erence, His fowl ave ntly maKte great preparations for rk 10 has been formed at Itis understood the “mills have ee ce,| rented for $200 a year. ‘ll rice of horses is looking up. Th to| The other day Charles McFadyen, of Glamis, delivered a team at Paisle: 0 , Saugeen, also sold a tentn for Joad of sixteen horses the price was not less than $100 in any case. The er fields—have nov been ‘ops—fall wheat and meadow better in this section for years, andthe roads have not been worse. We fai The case of Malcolm vs. Perth Mu- -| sual Insurance Company was decided d to pay certain insur- ance, on the alleged ground that the defendant had set fire to his house. John Drown, of ‘the mill road, By cet sowed six actes of pens on para g green peas EhlGA Wakes ok Virus he Drown isa very preporeus and: ener: getie young farmer, ie the lead.—Hu z25 = ing wood in his father’s bushy Me Dee. Dennis, of con. & West Zorra, was almost. fatally injured. He, long with othern wie engaged in by a falling an | injuries jadi las tech eased ell say ite not anticipated that his injuries will -, | prove fatal. A terrible catastrophe occurred ai North Glencoe, aus jay about 4:30 o'clock. Mr. Jac sawing a log, he fell on to nd apa board, theend of which eaught in the fly-wheel, tle him back upon the saw. s thrown about, 30 IRE GP Schade’ CRBIE mangled, and fis death was in- GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, psebise oor Nal Hiquors and_ cigars. treets. Co igebevplias Proprietor. and Mill st SURES HOPEL, Milverton, Ont. The ‘best. modation for trav- selers oer ott nthe Onl plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prop. the Surrogate Court ih the County of Perth during the month of March the following wills were enter ain | ed for probate : Henry Wood, Downie $2,424. personal, $5,000 real 5 “Lavina Smith, Wallace, $7 f ; Albert Brandle, Iahorer, wel, $1,125 personal ; Jas. Grabam, Blma, $125 personal, $95 real ; Jacob Philiporth, farmer, Wallace, $533 pe 1, $250 real ; Wm, Krappetenel, Miscellaneous JOHN GROPP, “desler in Cedar Poste, ‘hamber, Laths,’ Shingles, Pumps, ete. “Brunner, Ont. Mitchell, $1,495 personal, $2,000 real; Peter’ M. Laing, farmer, North hope, $5,182 ‘personal ; David Dryden; Bary aes city, $190 personal: oti G. T. B. Time Table ‘Trains <lue to leave Milverton. Gorxe XoRTH, Mixed .... aae Mixed Pole Pa '$500 real Sou F ‘A joint stocc company with a capital i] East. | de , | Jan, vido house from Mornigton ‘THE LOCAL NEWS. Bananas at Kertcher's The March weather iscoming now. Fresh Florida oranges at Kertcher’s. stp ae a good cheap wheel, try J.G. Gro are like a plank floor. On Monday the weather was as keen almost as any day this winter, J. G.Groseh has received his ne ‘bicycles for 1898. Call and see them. Paper hanging and painting done by Aste Schaefer. Good work guaran- te washing, ealeimining and eleeua hanging done by Wm Mr Geo. Pfaff returned: feo ine Sea trip on Tuesday Tn February, the | even Me Thos, MeCloy has heen engaged hy Mr. John orate as farm hand for the Baie summe > Gu enuhel who has been for some cine in Brantford, returned on Monday evening. "Setvies will be held in the Metho- ae ‘ommercial hotel, Milverton, ng friends in Milverton this aster song-service Nae ie a Oo ai aisiMethndisy ‘eho ch hen the Ree My HARE MAibace will preach Wednesday (rekiarinyy and are Biel eal engaged in setting the: house in order wer! Moxey!’ Money a first-elass farm securtty. Aaa aaa of interest, 5, 54, and 6 per cent. Terms” to suit borrower. ot Apply, to James Torrance, ‘79th. anniversary ser will be preached in. the Bvangeljcal aia. Malvecsrin: by otk ‘ev. B. Fear on Sund ay April 24th at two o'clock p.m. A collection in aid |of the magne school will be taken up. Ivis lisely thata baseball club will nie. be LeEaien' in Milverton this prt A few want foovball bat iv ness Lo organize’ football, je ie simple fact that ig is hard to gev on a watch. Nearly all the als ges now play Seas i and we well e Puch to accept bf inevitable. The concert under the auspices of the Literary Society on Saturday. will no doubt be interesting. — Quite | ray of outeide talent hag been’ secared for the evening. Among those who have promised to come are Misses Lina McCallum and Elsie Rooney, of Strat- r. Alex. Davideon of New- vist Be restate talent wi gramme fron} home ‘von Let ior fog cone Onl: iacuseud Sigh ill go towards n pa chasing more hooks for ar cir ry. A rather sudden death took Ane at the house of refuge Tharsday last when Mrs. Marion Morning- had been suffering from heart trouble and dropsy for some time, but her enth was. She was Seciink ouliat bids gai anid without any warning fell over, dead. city, $1, .| After her hsstenge ces she resi 1; Henry A. cate i and on survive her. One is in Listowel, and as. Aste in this section of country i. -|midst, First Mrs. Weir passes away, ‘The dinesvors of the Ba nington |? th ‘Agricultuiil Society met the other| tending wp into the body. evening and revised the prize vist . pre- after she received! a paralatic stroke puvatory to handing it to the printer. following which she gave birth son. thoughta couple of weeks The family of the “Rev. Dayid See Wabi weet valipinatt eam Anderson arrived in Milverton Bacavuates collapsed ices of |“ towns and| ill) which he preached a able discourse on ee thie landscape- gardener, was one + week ad- mitted to the uae louse Refuge awaiting his transferrance the Stratford hospital | where he will ite have an operation performed on s jaw for cancer. Blunt is one of wee devil-may-care, let-the-world. age of | p to 5 "3 ij BD giving iso ‘on surds, logarithms aaa er roots. We hope that the doctors Pas fears may not be realized and that the lump on his jaw may be noth- ing more than a eath has again been busy in our and then comes news on Saturday that sas ‘been confined to her bed, departs his life for the life Elysian. Leet took place on Monday. patient sufferer and though she had| been eontined to her bed her death was. aria unexpected, Though ske longed death as a release yet her family foal her demise pet especially her as her constant daughters to grieve for her.” is extended much sympathy. Tt is, of course, well mee in this vicinity that Mrs, W. Weir had y | for some time been confined to her bed with a complication of troubles. Over two a ago she fell down cellar the system -being had been “Gectining ever since the ‘amily of five yoone children, four of them. quite yout ‘act \infants, who haye the sympathy of everyone. INDUCTION OF REV. DAVID ANDERSON, he Presbytery. ok Sua held for the purpos charge of Has aid Zon churches | w A he Rev lerson, late of Guelph. be “Tsntn opened the session and Mr. eron read. the pone The | salina members | of Presbytery were present; Revs. J. W. had objections against the life or doctrine of the candidate for induction prestyietiae church that the member of the Presbytery conduct ee. workip, this fell ty the lot of Mr. Haig, of | “tle who took his 33, “And the difficulties of lit ev.’ Mr. Bea then recited terval that it was without a pastor and stated what action had been taken by the session towards iinister-)~ ing to the wants of the people and whut means hind been used’ to allow the congregation to select ‘The asual Mrs. Payidson, who had for over two sae ae : Davidson had for a long time ne “ales beads of wo you anen and’ off 0 | Ware. —At sMe Mistry 0 thecalnieah Abitive aaiEt sy ed dressed the congregation and pointed Hast to og their duties. He said that in christianity would be slow ae ‘onfruie unless the congregation worked in co-operation with the pastor, e new ee ies font ae duced to his peoy ae and Mn John Biel, balk ohiek all a grand spre the good ate of the boeertanton A FUNERAL Vicon aisha IN WEST AFRICA, For some time the dey boy had night ai (calling his father by‘name, for such is “My head * faithfulness and pie he at a ed his son. e was a nd, his work left Gidea that his son might cared for. He was always glad to see ns come in and wold say “thank you” when we would ask to have the in his house. The end came all 9 soon for about midnight on ea ne evening the death cry was heard, the spirit vad fled, and only the body was left to of attended to which was s oromely Jie and dressed. ress consisted of & bright colored cloth, ‘beads, anklets, | wee silver chains, ete. was placed in the coffin prepared for btm by our Christian people whe belong to his family. ‘This was placed where family bronght cloth, plates, pipes, tobacco, looking-glasses, combs, beads, "| perfumery, etc. A fowl was killed, one leg of which was torn off for the devil and the rest fin, Next a goat was killed, the left hind quarter was given * to the devil. He also got. the hoof, web or covering of the stomach was put on the head of the corpse and. with a large knife the devil-doctor put a pies? of fleshSinto the moth of the corpse. Then a little, bottle of rum. was laced close beside the head and then the friends began to tell the. corpse what he must tell the devils when he ed down and the coffin lifted onto the they 1 to the urging ground whieh is a ee rock in the How sad agents od s us in this dark land and we prauie Him that a number of people ere love and serve him. Yet the grace of u another column will be found a. Jetter from John Harrow, an old Morn- cee Haig, Bradley . BF, Cam- mM. L. Harrow, ,| ington boy wh i jon-| eron ay ay Elders, J. W.|Garraway, Feb. 4th. ary work in the West African Re- Chalmers mad can Stewart The HiT Oise pullic of Liberia, ‘The letter is dated | united can aegeaal of Milverton and MARRIED. Feb, 7th aud reached us Friday® night | Wellesley were well represented at the rage “in Walley, cee April Ist. Mr. Harrow has promised | meeting, sata aie mor net ke EU et to send us future letters on the habits} The Tey. Mr. Fear being present rice ly by the Rev, Bane of North and customs of the people of that hbe-| was asked to sit and correspond with} Easthope, George Pfaff, of Milverton, te _|nighted country which we will take the session: Mr, nton a as| Emma, Ls ie of Mr. Brrlett, || mach,pleasure in publishing. secretary pro tem in theabsence of Mr, McKibbin who is ill. i DIED, Milverton, on Thursday, Marcli le Elizabeth Neen beloved wife ml eats and 25 day: on Bitiaey aged 51, Higa At Mvecon: Api 2nd, Mrs, Ann feed ony 8, 2 ep and 20 ADDITIONAL PROTESTS. Since our issue last week twenty-nine. additional seats have been protested making 1 in all forty-nine. They are ag follows Liberal “Moreh York, Haldimand, Halton, East a apa Noh eae East Wellington, ith orth, South Wellington, ie Bie orth ‘iadlesex, jouth folk, North Peed West York, Nipissing, West ig ee lie Middlesex, iho Hastings, Glengarry, Stormons, Nor Gia tweaty-two are Conservative. If the United Bd ah the other has heen working in Strac ford for some time past. the people of ais As ie wats |; find out who's aoe y