“It Shines For All.” Vol VII—No 15 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1898, MALCOLM Mi Editor and Publi The Milverton Sun. ig sttncrptin vance. 1-30 if Miciern, Pees Medium, Be essonel 81 per year, ste not 8 ADVERTISING RATES, \ SPACE. Year. Nabe 3 nw. One colum 00) lg30 00) 00) ae Half column. 16 00) TN cooing Hage aang are cha: ne. nonptriel, current rates of interes! R. RANNEY "x “00. Milverton, poe of oe ntario 5 ie Loniian Tospita a England. im leon! 2 ice, Milverton, Ont. Een ih ee Brunner, Tater vCash and Rost ~ Dentistcy ce ly; “and ay yez were SHORT STORES RETOLD. When Capoul, the great tenor, was at the height of his populasiey half the their hair a la was twavelling fingered his make so bold as to give you a bi advice I should sny change it, sir; it ged at may suit the faces of some people, but for the | auc- itis pot becoming to Once when in Trend the Solicitor General of England, Sir ‘Robert Finlay, Q.C., met a drover proceeding with umber of cattle to a fair i in the south. «Where are you going to?” he enquired. “To Waterfcrd Fair, yer banner.” “Indeed? And how much do you ex- a he head I shall not de badly!” rey Pat. “Ab, that’s a sample ee ae country!” said Sir Robert. these heifers average fourte “Just so, yer Tuner eat Bat prompt- to take the Lake’ of Killarney to purgathery, yez would get a guinea a dhrop.” Just before the war sectional feeling ran high in Congress and ¢he Southere ist. | fireeaters attempted to intimidate their a ns, ‘Toronto, will vi ton the first and third nat ot every month from 12 ‘am Offs a8 The rand Contrat ote nuestheties used for th, Grown and vide “QIU work guaranteed. Dental Surgeo work fo Ne evinary, Rae ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont, nate Outario Votorivary Collene, Feit to, by telepho , Dentistry and "Ghronie Diseases « specialty. a. W TERINARY SUR- GON, Milverton, form auate of Oxtario Veterinary College, Toronto.) and rigs Bayynge transfer. Giaietdel afiving ® gpecialty socetios vw No. 99, Milv: pee Re Yast Tuesdag of o'clock, in their hall oe Schner Rothaermnel’s store. brethren al- ways welcome. Jobn ree a |, C. Res Barth, Recording Secretary, erton, meets evi om . ‘Silver zs se you must abide | consequences. g he - Bacal Columbia for Sett *r¥ likes and appreciates the fellews who were susceptible to phe form of treatment. Senator Wade, ir i] the course of a. spe criticized Senator Bob Toombs of Georgia in vigorous style. Wade with a view of arranging a duel. ‘Senator Wade,” said the > friend, | SSenel ‘Toombs considers he has been sulted, and unless you make some the | 5] looked the messenger “the eye and replied calm- ly, “Iv is jast whav I have been ex pecting. We Northerners had a con- sultation the other day about whe manner in which you Southerners have: been Haid und we decided to kill four or five of you, und I picked out old Toombs as my man: ar his challenge along, sir. ht. | the right to select. wenpons and Til take my old rifle and layhim out at the first whack. Toombs was ey very familiar with rifles, though an expert with Pistols and the ‘ahialeni¢e was never sen newly | published volume, ttlers, Mrs. Maney igives a sympathetic and very je sketch of “Father Pat,” the Hog clergyman at Rossland. Father Pat, she tells us, thoroughly miners prospectors; and his feelings are na reciprocated by them. In proof o which Mrs. Macnab tes dae story which well bears reproduction. She writes: As I walked with him in Ross. land I occasionally overheard scraps of Business Cards Ds ties of gare and W: Deed: ae “Afidavits me Bailiff fivy Villas ler WHIR, Anctioueet for the Coun: o Conveyancer, se Cl we, over Gr Store, Maik ol Milverton. Bee ssa 1 BO SL LO Le ghaoeepiti = agrig fedishah 1 All citizens an travellers eal Berar atter le Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. yer reverence, I was there. time for thirty years, I coulln’t stand too much of it ata time, though. So, just when it was getting. abit long, i went outside and hada smoke I say, «| yer reverence, it w went in again after Lhad had a bit uf.a smoke, and it all come back* to me asI_ was used to it when I was a , nae I tell 3 I camedown like on them mel Motels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Sohn Gi oi tion and large stabling. err tee hee Micah CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton, accommoda- Tiquors and cigars, end Mill streets, C. Hasenpfiug, piodtrined 5h Bla a AAT BED Ea PL QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The t accommodation for commercial trav- ‘Cigars at the bar. plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prop. Best Hquors and | “ Miscellaneous UOUN GROPP, dealer in fae Posts, mmber, Laths,’ Shingles, Pumps, ete. Dente, On G. T. R Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. core sour. The minister of Crossmichael, abou: j| cauld, ye maun get a grey worsit wig like Latte ” The anal the other a ave rendered them- Rslvek Fable Gs vets sie pulpit for “ gciping their pleydis about their heids”—the Kirk Session lan- donald suggesting that this was done as “a cleuck to ari sleiping in wee of sermon.” The beg of ae imprisonment ate: ing e ete » recorded to have given the “ bedall s to buy ane pynt of tar to put ie women that held the plaid above their head in tie church.” Ok Church Life in Scotland. cash in the vault of the New bein bank, has been presented with a band: m!sowe gold watch by the m jest is A bicycles for 1898. Call and see them. @ Toombs sent a second | f° , |hus returned , | will officitte. fs number of vi -| noticed the followii be] Alf. Gunther, of padois, the Kirk Session of Monifieth, in 1643 | Rose's; Mi: bed: upon | L. George Sterling, the defender of the | Atl THE LOCAL NEWS, Bananas at Kertcher'’s Fresh Florida oranges at Kertcher’s. Tf you nk a good cheap wheel, try J.G. Gro Mr. a Tangfordigent his Easter ned. | holidays av Ethel. Master Edgie Torrance is visiting | friends ab Gowanstown, Ewing,B.A is spending his se ALR, holidays at his home ia Elora Easter Monday at St.’ Marys. e adv, re the sale of Mr. Boyd's house in another column. Miss Bastendorff, of Drumbo, is at & | present, tak a her brother Perey. Mr. ¥ spent Ae with friends in town. Miss Annie Helem spent Good Fri- day with her parents in Walkerton. J. G.Grosch has received his new Paper hanging ae a eee done by |i Fist Schaefer. guaran- we present away on Wage Mrs. Win. hohday’s at Waterloo. iss Emily Large, of Poole, is visit- ing her friend Miss Hthel Egbert for a few days Misses Robb and Bell are spending their holidays at their homes in Strat- and Zurich. The Grosch spent her Easter ‘ohn Hoffinan’s of ubiie library will be bution next week, Master Ross Munro, of Port Elgi ut the Easter holidays with friends in this vicinity. Mrs, Boehmer (nee Lydia Mer lays wich ready. for distri- inger) is spem'ling a few wot parents in the village. Mr. Simon J. is _ makin; dinmtaie HEGee” aie aula liven on GOA viiey! Mr. Ezra Knechvel has seoured the aid of an additional bend in his shop inte person of Mr. Contad Gerbach, Glenalle: Mrs. Sinem a Cag arrived home on Monday 1 a protonged, visio among eineebd ied ta Mi Mr, Harry Spencer, jr., who has for the past four months the Exeter flax mill, Siturday. returned on The masonwork on Mr, Ezra Knechtel’s new house has been com- plete doh which the house will soon a rushed up. BS! L. enton, of Stratford, ad Mr. ep dar abe of Blandford, spent aes at the residence of Mr, Chas. Spence Mr. Henry ed tis, of Toronto, who has been for some time in the hospital health. Wants perienced wages. ieemaseanen ‘OF Stratford. i annual Easter communi vices of the Milvaread Gaal sate “i be held next Sabbath morning at 1 o’clock, and at Elma at 3 o'clock in The Rev. Mr. Wright .—Dining-room Lil snot t Mrs, E. Leaty’s FICE, Bisate ‘St, ia ae Easter always brings its meee tors to friends latives in Milverto song whom we and Mrs. at Mr. Gottfried Guenther’s; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wright, of Howick, and Mr. Geo. Dietrich, of Ayton, at Mr. Geo. Dietrich’s; ee fel: ona Appel, of ‘Ta Hasenpflug’ 2 Me oat Rayon of London, at his father’s; Mr. J. Good- he of Stratford Business College, at . M. aefer’s; Mr. C. K ey and Monier of Wellesley, at Mé, H isses Lina McCallum fand Elsie Rooney, of Sato at Mr. J McKay, of Linw. Rey at her pare is father’s; Geo. his father's Miss Jessi her parents’; Mr. R. Birnstihl, of Us a aie at his father’s. Moore, of Sebringville, e ex ie Wm. Bell, station agent of the R., is at his purchased for the] been working in| acres, rise lee tachora in|” hopes of recuperating his shattered Money! Money! Money! Money to Joan on first-class farm arity per cent. to suit borrower. Apply to James TorRaxce. Mr. Fred, Schmitt. who ‘been in Guelph for the past three weeks has returned home and is tooking well. It his intention to return again pre at where he will remain for some ORuse ake approaches leading to the idge below Bundy and MeKay spent | station . Th eeting to commence ir. Ed. Finkbeiner has pes a job as salesman Ri Blau! as had conden efficient in his callin; ‘The route wagons i the Milverton cheese factory will sone to draw milk on the various on- to convey it will now ios an 0 market it will pay farmers to gonnnys butter making for some little time. Creameries or private cae well by calling at The Sun of ‘o doubt most farmers are aware seit ie prints printed ree n ae Toronto especially adapted for printing these weappers— it is not affected by either water or oil. Call and get our prices as they are away. down, We furnish parsinent paper either printed or unprint ‘Thomas Trow, auctioneer, on Mbt day sold some valuable real_estate at. Mitchell’s hotel, Newton. ars 1 consisted of the east half of lof, iy con. 8, Mornington, and contained 10 s. Tt was sold to Pade for $3,750. tbn.'T, MarpHorough and: spnbataits 100 acres, was bought by Win. Mi chell, of Newton. ‘The price paid was $2,150. The sale is the of a judgment made in an action in the High Court of Justice of the fae Mor tgage Loan Company v, Smith e The closing entertainment of the Literary fe was a suc- SS, ntertainment was of a bigh ‘. ‘owever, this may always be qty, The first number on the programme was a violin selection by Mr. J. Stewart, ae famous Scottish violinist. Mr. Ste: no particular serra at on he has _ already a Siilely-etablited repotation. He never appeared to be in finer fettle than he was on Saturday evening. He puts great expression in- to his masic i bn forth with great volume an was 4 companied on the oan by Mra, Weir who also has won ae aii pry | over the tone of i piano. t lex. Davidson, of Newton, though suffering rom # severe cold sang several songs that were inuch appreciate ued. sesses n deep rich voice of wonderful | w wer and his song on Canada took the house by storm. Mr. M, J. MacCnolay, .| the Trish comedian, caught the house His Trish pions to 8 responsive chord in the heart of the His son, run down a specimen well ae was loudly ap- next |B the Milverton exp was well received. Miss Rooney fe n Current rates of interest, 5, 54, and 6 Beirns McCallum, of Stratford, recii mbers ina way that Silay in+ table, She is a young girl, h inflection and es | though not strong, is sweet, rich, mellow aud musical and calls to mind the sing- y | ing of M. Barr. Her selections | were munst pleasing: Miss Phoebe Griffin are a reading that was well rendered. m. AS raett an ang two songs in bis od familiar and gratifying style. hite who is ever willing to aid dollars to the society. —_+—_— CARD OF CONDOLENCE To Mr W. D. Weir, Milverton. Dear Sir anp Bro We, the brethern of Court Milver ton No. 99 C.0.8. d | you The manager of the ener e wanting parchment butter ey | taker was, as we emplary charact em to all and will be sincere- journed by n abe ia whom she was Aare friend, She took an active in- terest in che altars) of the lodge and and influence will be Rie was a true mother an d_ lea that by looking forward you again meet in a Higher Court above. (Signed) : J. Lanerorp, ©. iy J. Burron, P.C. R. bi M. Souannan 2.0. R (rime Against mena Not less than four hundred thousand and i} Baaesie rate the Seren population of Cuba nae the Spanish lines. Spain to starve out the Cubart rebels by arving the peaceful workers in from their fields. Such a military measure was a ps not meant to be inhuman, but the rou eee general» was simply regardless of consequences, and the consequences to Mee, fot iondved x thousand miserable‘ have been simply. earuitiay: Ip is estimated, and the estimate has not fetg contradicted, that two hun- population of Cuba has perished by starvation. pulation of noh-cotnbatants, more than equal to the total popula- tion of Toronto, has been simply starved a deat ob so far nway as Armenia; e pos: Hes Catia will have an idea of how ell justified is war against Spain, if nae would stop to think of what is meant star Mees of two hu dred thousand men, from the pains of their own starvation on the hunger of their Site babes, and then whocan fail to sympathize with President MeKinley's fareiiahe appenred. ata twice on the programme aod ut'an end to the system under whic! such a high crime against. humanity ts possible #