Milverton Sun, 26 May 1898, p. 3

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ya Poe a : yas pes be 4 POULIN ER, CSBP REG s fap: EG st. PRP FRYE “a % ep ‘ as ¥e ee ite at e + The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MAY 26, 1898. The prohibition plebiscite: campaign will soon be upon us. EUROPE 15 SN UBBED, sacre of the Armenians. British pab- 4 lic opinion would groan still louder if 's Government should: join of her crimes. Jani gether.” ent on the United States. Can Britaii part of supreme law givers to the whole universe. there are no Gladstones in the United States, and proceeds. to. give the fol- hy. : “When we read of the. career of @ladstone—statesman, orator, scholar, brilliant youth and Grand Old Man— the question inevitably suggests itself; lo we not have such men in Am erican polities } To compare the dead English, leader with any living Am- geiaan, politician would be unkind. But why have we nobody with whom SrORe ee re are various reasons. desired, to go into politics he would way. If he bad Congress he. would have been dropped ‘as soon as the other aie happened to carry his district. He could not ree him, ond. he would. probably have seen himself distanced by a dark" horse or by the protege of a Hanna. © Very likely, i ib. suet circumstances polities and scholarly chance to become a Grand Old Mun. He would have been laid: 6n the. shel tics ever since, If he h same, time he ae have, been, good for nothing afte Hondnekd end dignify, banguets.” MR, BLAKE AT WESTMINSTER, says there are few places where it is so man’s chance there as too much, Then he, continues: between, the two. other night during the debate on i Lhe to and helmeted. sons of Belial, like the pe ey plank to be three inches in t pero Germany, shad they cannot play. the fispplied.for a few plank to-tuild May oan, ‘The New York World confesses that GF ths Ciel Engineers “eth such Co ae would not be Iudi-~|is he! Tf AS had lived in America and at the end of his term under the un-| “that “enough to defy that. rule. Gladstone | dale, Ost. became Premier 30 years ago, and has tracted that tatead rease—eaterrshs My deen a centéal figure in Br tish poli- |< adjbecome Pre- sident of the United States at the his retirement, but easy to get the character of a. bore, bat Tittle sen is almost as. fatal aie Hebabged tit tho. wise man will carefally choose “«T was thinaing of these things the 2,/of her neighbor clause of the Trish local, government || bill. bere ‘is no man in the House of ‘T ee 2 eran: better | rather enjoyed it ; was the firs cursed with a shyness and self-distrust, which not all the encouragement and affection of friends are able always to overcome, and he has to be_ bullied’ in- to speaking. And yet anybody who listenea to him on Thursday night in the brief speech he made on this clause of che locai government bill muss have known that he was no common man; d, the rapt silence of the house while he addressed it, which is the highest testimony that body can give off its ii in terest, showed that it ‘at once ree The United Kingdom is the home of | bave not heard in the course of this a free people, and British public opin-| Session shortspeech which produced i oncert. of |®° profound an impresiion, and yet here is this man with his splendid potentiali- a of being one of the foremost figures in the house, contented to sit silent and unknown, while bores rage, chat- ea concert of Europe: in an effort terers vex the public ear, and charla- tans advertise themselves with the amplitude of a poster on a dead wall.” STOWN PARLIAMENT, af Milverton, May se 1898. that sees Great Britain and tl varies council met this p.m. : United States weiked ny whee ie the chairs Members aitean bo aoara joined in the friendly | appel, Engel and Spencer, Minutes of bond of a commyn purpose, will be the | former nd eonfitmed, ‘Tenders best day that has dawned on the world | were received for the pales of the side. “since first the morning stars sang. to-| Walks on. Mai illiam Streets; tenders Canada does not want to pe de pead Noll was-ucsepted for building the sidewalk on Main street, from Ring street to Wieder. lias no abiding belief in the durability | hold & Honderich’s factory, and ere of the Republic's friendship for|} 8. o1d one, ter all this is said and |, ene} Nas is Ae pea duty to cheer | corner to the Lutheran aes at 20 cents Appel, seconded the Reeve be authorized PAAR AU OH CE SIE ae WAN THERE ran wes Llpche hae IN THE livre in the village where required, tenders. received np to and including Saturday lagsinet hg aabenamcnbron 4 placed in the handy of the Reeve ‘on 9 fore the 10th day of June, ‘The council then adjourned to meet again, on, Mouday 30th, as 3, court of revision, POPULOYS.1 LONDON, No, figures can give a better idea, o! the. vast population of London oo those published in connection with the holiday-makers of £ Easter Monday ine 60,000 persons travelled up and down, have found, some ee unpleasant | Three railway lines carried, outward the 80,000 passengers. No fewer than les succeeded, in winning an election in| 38,000 piu ‘through the-tarn the Zoological Gardens. Tce as Hampstead Heath ping Forest atvracted, iv is believes 3 have taken his choice of a dozen con- some 200,000 people living in the east he and north of the mei Tower, the British Kew Gardens and, Windsor were. thronged with visitors, Every commen and piece when he tried. to rise higher. On his | of waste.ground in the suburbs swarm- er }ed with cricket and the groat pub- lic parks, especially Victoria Park in the East End and Peckham Rye in the south-east, were crowded with people content to take a holiday their own door, All the theatres did: a big business, y e suburban, as wel s, having ifhe had attained the! had to refuse ee at the UME Presidency, he would still, have had no we PEER RES: BRAKEMAN, Tells the Story of His osure—The Fate gre aa and ae be was Relieved of his Sul Ww. tar "6. Ty = brakeman, Allan: juugh exposare I con e all symptoms had disappeared. "I feel ot Speak too highly in recommending this remedy. It isa pleasant, safe fand quick care,® Sold by Jams Torrance. i 1 ata eo ales ee Abdurrhaman, “Ameer of Afzhan- istun, believes ia summary justice. eat in Kabul a beggar asked alms of her-of the imperial Parliamens.. Mr. TR O'Connor. the editor, in-mpersonal |, cee oi ih anicailanars aketch.of the proceedings in Parhament | poe “pe rea evens an,” the man replied, “Tama beugar: ” “Then,” said Abdarshaman, we can do without you,” and forth- with directed. that the beggar should An old lady from Oxford, Mich, who with her husband had. spent the winter in Californie was asked by on s.if she had hear earthquake while’ in California, “ “Yen heard. one,” she. answered, sand thing that happened: since Joha, aad ; have been, married shee he,did. not es I was ss beat the “Mank of Auster sie once sarcastically to an, evening songraxasien Bs L, igiee hel | i — all, to, Thee,” that, es hack esate pty ey RN eR eM woman who h: was in arms Sir John Si Johnston wl “but I mean said Sir Job: and without Dr, Talma is pastor « most’ people a al ad s appr coached ed alms. Thi and refosed. Feo convert do look Jike The New *|men who are using the United for every advertising from shirts take a hint Just not the Star: interviewer. Little Ch: Admiral P. the hjm out,” an word, crawl formed | the Wen bbey ie what angry years ago. the council, sed, and eu the n ? in the an’ not wast is layin’ a heard the sentiment more expressively or heartily rendered, but what struck not amount to ‘They were talking of the Civil War, j and the other menibers of the company | 20¢-have full assortments in- every line. had compared reminiscences. “Which the party, turning the quick reply. son of his, then a little boy, taught Latn. “No,” said Mr. Johnstone; deal better for him.” “What is that?” “teach him to shave with cold water ggar, very much out at elbows, k- pUnieames With a te now the Countess Magri, - She | pos: sesses a black and tan terrier, eich ordinarily; is, no c. | Spanish, the ribbon is Blue. “Why do not-puvour flag around a dog's ort | neck.” ibe | who reproved him rather sever be-| child evi wa3 emminent, ran out o! his mother after him. He took refuge under the piazza, deaf to all, her calls. Later his. fathen returned, yee J za, when the little culprit exélaimed: oe after you, too! immaculate dude from the ties, ye daft idiot!” Arie roucted outpoken Irishman f = = named Pat Moriarity was a member r " of the council of » Western city some a fountain for a small par! motion that the fountain be purchased; tnereapon Councilman Pat jumped to his feet and said—“Oi Pie ther ion. we epee spind 4 public money for us ¥ ; j Se fe Your Attention, A Moment. more than $3.75. We earry one of the largest hardware stocks in the county: rst We are sole agents for the SHERWIN-WILLIAM’S -& | ROBERTSON’S MIXED PAINTS—the best on the market. Be | eee ee. oy DRAINING TOOLS of all descriptions on hand, such as. Spade, Saovels, Spoons, Grubs, etc. We keep Wire, Barbed Wire, Oiled and Onealed Wire, Glass, Putty, Plaster of Paris, Portland Cement, Nails, Hinges, to dosomething a great|and all Building Material, Machine Oils. nclair once asked Cochrane nether he meant to have a in. Why,” said the other, Milk Cans and’ dairying utensils always on hand and made’ a alae? to order. EavyeTroughing’ done, and all kinds of, tinware al-- age, hs a: on, Frank ene ways kept on hand. Best Plymouth Binder Twine. A ful? would line of Massey-Harris repairs kept constantly on. hand. real idea of his son is. One Schneuker & Rothaerme}l, Main Street, Milverton. INTING ES. We have lately added to our Job Department a number of new tonts of the latest type and are prepared to turn out the neatest work possible to obtain anywhere. Our prices are reasonable. Ifyou are in need of Route Bills, Bill Heads, Letter: Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, scale shat Shipping Tags, Parchment Butter sie tha side of she Wrappers, Invitations, Dodgers or oP Om the oer nde ve.) anything inthe printing Ine call the elder Talmage and as\ 6 doctor obje The beggar persisted. , “im one of your own “Yes, call S one of Frank York and Chicago business to soap-wrappers, from Mrs. Tom Thumb, nie ver, ‘yellow being rs and Stripes? asked the “Sir,” was the. reply, “I arlie, grandson of the late , displeased his ee ly thinking pun’ 0 the house, 2 ie = we ease, 6? nd suiting the ary te the led pes ler the RauRRR HE on ECE lood and some-|at the Sagat voice— “ Tm hoein’ tat, One night, at a meeting o the guestion.of purchi Burten’s Block, Main St., MILVERTON. NOTICE 2|We are Agents for the CELEBRATED “ SPRAINOTOR” finally one member m motion by substitutin’ the cart’ for thas of ‘foun. te it roo de mejum of ofadom’d old fountain, whin thedust} For SPRAYING, WHITEWASHING AND PAINTING. foot vick all over the city. Highly r Jed. It will pay you to see them Notiee Implement Mi: I haye opened an agency of the NOXON BROS., ANB coat Special -burgeins in Dairying utensils such as Milk and Creamery Cans, Pails, Milk Pans, etc. We carry a full line ofiSpades, Shovels, Spoons, Grubs, Rakes, Hes, anything in Garden and Draining Tools. We have again receivedia full line of Wire, also Nails, To Farmers ! > Watson. plows at steel; Scu faction. NEWTO A good stock sed onhand in my warerooms. c. aa have on hand a num- “ola Binders of Steel and Wood Frames @f Toronto, Brancford and | selling out for repairs at greatly | reduced: prices. Repairs for all kinds of/E@GS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Cutting: Boxes, Rollers; wood Re I hereby, solicit ye Eaeabed patronage “of the public and! xe earlondiof hogs from Safiogticld to|sauth of Bere in ears will, guarantee pesfect satis-| Zpgersoll ou.Tharsday, rd to | vatiskey Hinges, Glass, Putty, in fact all Building matesial, Paints and Oils. Anything in the liae of Tinware made to order. = Eave Troughing a specialty. Have you aay old Stoves you want to get rid of? We ‘| will take them. Inspect aur QUICK-SELLGR WASHING MACHINES. Yours.anxious to please, FINKBEINER BROS., BFAFF’S BLOCK, MILVERTON make which. | am our sho; victory for the eighth successive time | year. by winning the Queen’s guineas last} Revenue-Inspector Caven of Strat- aturday. turd, ih company Ee ee Me- igs Scott, Tilsonburg, wae Garthy, made fees, Turnip Sqwers,e FS us them being,averlogded the| ways cone north whenthey want i Re, PERKING,, Newkan, "7 ge OE nen ent vere pepe a May 28, has been fixed | for Gladstone's funeral. The Milverton Sun Bon Ino carried Seagram's colors to]. Our Queen is now in her eightieth, sth os Step abor. illo ale 501 THURSDAY, MAY 26.1898. GENERAL NEWS “2 H. wt ve Principal of e Woodstock Colleziate Institute is | = GUERRERO ALC SOUT ES ded WANTED ? Teachersand other bright ‘m. Sterling, V. S., of New Hav- | men for vacation or ‘The population of Waterloo is 3,485 bar Yee ‘of Stratford, died an increase of ye his home in New Hamborg, early Fri- | © Mayor Rumpel, of Berlin, bas offer- day morning of heart failure. ed to pay $100,000 cash for the town] A Chicago syndicate has ae waterworks, all the oat ron from Winnipeg to the 7 es risen George Way, u RE, Bosanquet, eas A incouger Oats planted a number pench pits in July to $30 a won. pitty dollars a ton is last, and the young trees are huw over ral of. six feet high and in blossom. Wn The Hicks Shay Micrel is soon ands, Mr. Geo. Davidson, NEW IDEAS00.. ‘Toronto. a Als > va STE AYED. Seeie V. 8, of New Ham-| , From oe preemies uneielarsianed. on 8 tf d, died 19! , black, “Poland-China burg, for of Stratford, died aso ven his Coie ih New Hawsbarg ‘ently Fri-| w nresbones will be than eae es resent Rie ceinai as decided tu| day morning of heart fai ey Waar. ‘and will be succeeded by his} Lightning stror fn —— son wales and « relative, who take] ing to Mr. Eckhardt Diehl, lot 25,c WANTED. . » on June Ist 6, Bilice Thursday morning at abo West ee inctading Diaisin; it ix o'clock. The contents, including a ati this iin 430 ‘eandi quantity of oats and other grain, were F whe eka Sheet Broan ie only reseved with diftiealy. ah loss val hacBeas the apa uteys | h beReys we theke. sea .00 Wanye: ANTED— TRC Wey axp rie ae .L. examinations 175 will| ‘The closing down of the Mirchell eatlenen of ladies. tray blow | for_ Diisbei honse in On- | ADVE) Mei ER, Se is charged that E, W fng to represent ae t of employment, and as ar Government in buying horses, for the ‘al young ea and a few families} Dominion aka, Dept ¥. Chieago. have hiewed to otlier. plice _ Reports on all parts of the pro- concerning the large perma re ih - | Book business is better than for y oe oer te tbe faster selling Real Dawei fects planation given is that the winter was fw leu were not ae \ pbert, videl as Mars n residents of died suddenly Friday morning. £ busines pare . ‘ike Ga a, k back in | young men name ed.‘ Paylor ‘and Sire ofthe ‘Ousteny? ‘re Diueaed got n leeson they will probably remew |Sapper.” Boo They disturbed Snlyation | Buapney-G. Seescon Gomi, Limited, | one ie ae bale Toro! BO di le rend the peper when be s time his sons fined on le i Davios Minister ie ae Sr yioie sentence ay $10 or 60 days. Wess s, has received a me: } ie a ‘ " nthe from ue Jolin Pauncefote, Messrs Ballantyne | and Clement); coxph cata at Washington, asking | him to| bave returned from Chicago, tario, | Mot ce Rec Wenncedey 0% they met Phil D, Armour, pipes acy Aites: be there on Wednesoay 1 pork packer. ie them | addressed stampe: vie ae 8 Cana fd the Pork Paeer san Company, Dape ¥ Chia e settlement of | TRUSTWORTHY Se aL. ae ane ant aoe bags hart wes Mesa Ballienr, oe author of Look- mls ere ty content with ten mig to) ie SPEC j AL | ing Backward, ly. Address * i} Vy —Oor— Waists: and Corsets Having bought a large lot of Ladies” Full front and long 1 ing "| Shirt Waists direct from the maker (Wheatley » & Co., Detroit), which were made to sell at Sicaee? Sayer commision om ¢1 up to $1.50 each and in order to clear Bultine, Tome! + the lot inshort time you can have your: choice for 99e. n_ the waist. Favorite Favorite is the name of a special line. of © | TLadies Corsets which are worth 75c., at our” |special sale you can have Sizes from 18 up to one at BBC... 28. ShWe opened up another lot of FLOWERS, TIPS, ETC, outstanding, diflerences. A second attempt was made on Fri » Ordno. postoftic : _ The New York Tribune publishes to show the magnitude of the H Au resent time ed by the pane aa tizens were | Bt! iy eae ces eps aroused BD ba ge fetes fifty-two ti that of Germany, three} By buying your Harness, is a prospect o} large! aad oy M times that of the Hob ne in this neighborhood; epee, a Si mi ghee ac ¢| Collars, . Sweatpads, Curry the trees came safely through | the | Tarope, ae rable as gine yi combs, Brushes, Whips, Bits winter, and are now white with bloom. | att the ku AU ovanmn orem hel apaiGhape Fabs } Sil fruits also. promise abundantly. |999,000 square wiles, vecupies ove fifth 000, = ent for ile apples | af the glob synenning ove fifth. of the to Baris | Or te eee et 30,000,000 mop WM. J. SMITH . ee human race, Re embraces fovr ae 100, Harnessmaker. isher was drawing |, oe 500 promontories and 2000 jas Sat Rext Boor to Gleiser’s Store. GIVE MEA CALA wizeo on be | the Cccewe | ho ghee The votal output loosening oe pOugUE: of 4 i aie to the fhe heavy Toad drove | ince of 1897 neiug valued at £32,100, site un ee the rs 56 i i Milverton Bakery. Fellow there, good people of Milverton, T have come to furnish you with ood At Mitchel ‘on Sunday afternoon | of the ec red. Wordel went t0/ triets north of Sy ree sinall children at| from the southern Mais. Powe The wolume of sinoke was see os ; aw stack near the barn. ° os dntinig: 106 mage rot the neighbors revente | fuob which angie that the Colony| Wedding Cakes Made to Order. d ‘om the Eau of the|Tkeep on hand a lirge stock of Con’ sof mining in New s 40, stack te the fee and sabes. small boy| nek, and that sone varctal andl Ai / kaide of Nite, Kiso Gyaberay” Bioopita ‘and arted the blaze, whic direction. self, Ifyou want your Laundry done Mr. TH Rolston, a butcher in Ac- i ton, re ‘a marvellous escape from in- Stant death on Wednesday last. He] oar vayina day, osoma, salt cht was eee farm of Mt. Wm. Gray, barley a r Crewson’s Corners, when a stornt} quic! lieved aud speedily cared bi nt. pisrases, | Parisian. Stean Laundry. P.S.—Repairing done neatly and cheaply... ie ie "BREAD, CAKES and 9 BUNS. why few years | fectionery Cigars, Oranges, Lemons and all WEITZEL, The Baker. In our Millinery Department, nothing eat new goods arriving every week. You are itt invited to call. BASTENDORFF | acraivdigon ung mew older ifs tit ‘young, in spit doubted iced good talkei Facoubltious ree titocs, car bud eiuplaymient a roth eause, with $40 per mont Cad wards according to abilit REY. T. 8. “LINSCOT ard ae ae o ‘oronto. ting to bo very popular yates ‘TRUSTWORTHY AND» risogentleman or ladies a, travel lished poneible,. asaubli Monthly, $65.00 Reference, f addressedist name. f ; . Company, Dep Because he is giving such a| good satisfaction in Watch Re_ ‘ial enterprixe is being encouraged | Cheese. Give nie a cull and see for your i pairing and such unheard of neat and clean, let me send it to the Bargains rf eLocks, WATCHES AND JEWELLERY the barn | Agnew’s Ointme aiBfort in canes of and will care in fr 35 cents. Sold by James Torranee. of 6p PORE oe 6 Pp, Hi Bastendorff. ad Mr sia Tonia life Assurance = dite was Steg on: fi @ head. and | the Depts ran Head il r Bis hereby given that] Authorised ital LO A sah OE paki Ee anemia ott at Ottawa orisix yards away. Rol Mornington will be held at DONLEY’S) St (Cou and.doing fairly well. Strange to say, | Uae eee WON, 00 erst ; hee hart ed 20 Be Monday, June 6th. 1898. Modes of securing deliberate action tg ther soonament voll f 398. nega the said court are | Tn N tend. Went aN WATSON, CLERK. Burns, May 7th., 1898. ‘ ater Municipality af Milverton. ca ed Lk sl generally mi in. tee hei ate crete he rig ares ta Harrangeigéuts than the Be tote pes "| Court OF Revision. |e ais en sheen doabt isa dificult problem But i be geese problems 1n aeons are ‘sometimes ditfic shale there seems to be no, reason why probler Seanes Tsxes, Taos. Huta) Mer Director. auncsnment £0 roll of the f Milverton The Goart of Revision and appeat onthe in poles should always) toy the yeur 1898, will vob iden "| Patel, Ont. | v= Tailori ing WE HAVE IN STOCK THE ‘The Dominion Life tas. “nade handsome re =a Finest and Sheapest | IN TOWN acs. : Now isthe time for your| ini BICYCLE SHIT. We also _fhave the Bicycle Sweaters Hose, for sale. Don't forget this name be easy, or wh, Id. despair of : their sstaes Y We fave now the re- Monday, May: pega wide and varied experience to| At the hour of Eleven o'clock COUNCIL CHAMBER. | The roll is phic kg ee inspection at the Cres office. Wanted D, WEIR, Village ¢ Gert ! Wate LANGE Let us pause, tl us take a step whieh, if it leads fo con- pect ane up. reyolation G. HASENPFLUG, Tho Leading Tale. P| FRESH «n>. Oranges. Bananas — Pineapples’ And all sea-- sonable. Fruits —AT— _ 8. Reh

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