Milverton Sun, 7 Jul 1898, p. 5

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pany 4 doh r pete : Conseil ot ths brwoship of sblace teh, hotel nights ie Agricultural Hal, ured | mepeiiers Fired in John Edward W The moved by Mr. Rothwell are Boys’ Clothing econ -feinimaa of ‘the sx ‘Goust, “Mr. Makins tt te eonipe ae ce ‘4 crs real, $270 We have in stock the nicest and ade Boys’ Clothing 5 re Mr. sel for firm and gin later years A Messrs las apie Thefolowing Miso bar ono sions a ever shown in Milverton, Suits from $1.35 to $5. ne b : a o si cause of | as * rices that connplain a wad toa, big anceacd, aod | pomscetog. ohuetbe Zt nursed ong Boe | Mooxzatnas pAutanpen —At Bition on) Also in Men’s Clothing a Bee variety and p re land than would be bene-| Carefully bred bscome the Iaughing-tock of} Wednesday, Juue 29th by the Rev. J-| defy competition tate inndl sagts Iida apa Seale shetibeonid the tawir. Ir wewee the old bachelors and at the beret of the 4 ere not asses): Win, Dov the old mois ad the wedded bat childless, brit mother, ce Mae A ison oe In ORDERED CLOTHING we can save you all the way ~ Jobin Rutherford, - papal ohaleines, ee h pase oer daughter Taf the late Joha Alexyuler. "| from $2 to $5 onasuit. If you doubt this, call and see, and SILVER JUBILEE we guarantee a fit or money refunded. or to such an extent as to injar: ts constitution, belongs to i $ need piv Uf the chi fee | ‘This great Live Sock ae Agriutaral We have a complete range. We still have a en a overstudy itself it would overdo iteelf in| showis, perhaps, the most successful ofan whi ill sell atly reduce some other direction. You neve! in Gauada to-day ost successful of uy] Dress lengths on.hand which we will sel! off at greatly ber of exhibits has beeu simply Inavelows prices. Hach year the direotors are calle¢ upon Cae accommodate the int to opted. tal overwork, ‘The world seems good aes es eye :R. Green, im with i i di G. Wood nd Wm. ‘rasel als | cent of me ool, and There has pie 71 te Soa added for the | | e r -diamissed.5. WV. + J. | pound his compeni em,, beat | horses thi Senta ‘Ths cargage,bulling bs Ronald’s property changed to W. We creased by 6 ‘square feet. Ure, tt le mui i i wo yall, os sorcery =| Western Fai, Londo, In Dress Goods a changed i them at ball games, and ransack his mothers , Ronald’s name struck | eapboard with such im ei that « . a Nie, ‘i 2 ters. ict We have only 6 Trimmed hats left. This is certainly a ‘tenant gad B Long's us ov ite e in his calculations. e other may | which will beraed tout Seat amuee* beng| good showing, and we have decided to sell'these off at just sillo’s assessment raise send iim to bed ani is i fee iedalo assessment as_m fy J. Po renee i ‘ bis bedroom. the’ next cian ne tigen 2A 1 gary je dis-| half price. W Horn owner of Tot 27, con. 55 J. David: | morning the same rambunctious youth Spey hin wilt eae the mani ‘son struck offs W. Wynn as mf, W, Gains Jentered it for pasiahment ce day befor mf, J. Gimblett fin N Guy and m f. | Don in Saturday Night. Mi mb fea by Mr. MeMane, ee tel ee Lie ee sribaladadedh e za th se a one a ite pein vliket 475 ‘ 90 ana aiznert by: 0 cht as the children of neighbors, Thal 2 i 0 be struck ‘ff roll for 1698, that tie ere Hh dba ba ition, Pe ie 7 rei they done the dWestens Wain in Le capig All Sailors and walking hats regardless of cost. Call and isin ran nij s Why ald | ped equa! to, if not better, than any ead * ¥ io cs Lali BEd Se in a veccher eG tu tench | peenotanfon ot the continent for exhibit examine and we certainly can interest you. || or linen to what thelitdekidmay guese?| purposes. ‘The half-mile spesding. track ie London nowledged to be the best in Cana: ate FE z ‘And ip did the Canadian ebila become | aow holds the a) reeoed), and " A beautiful range of rts of go delicate thatit cannot atudy a while in| necessary conveniences for exhibivors ali # Se Ae “ae now confirmed and that the |e ee a ae wrt | tae public re voally cat we reed’ | Blouse Silks, and Shirt Waists on hand. Glerk be authorized to make the en jea'ith | Fe sber sonar de'n Iai be charset betnec: dey vera nt alditions have. been f qene) ee a po ae Pe Nii ‘sed | ight, eat his breakfast by candlelight, walk | made in the ifveatock classes, and tpn | be adopted, an saneil now proceed i b : é ried. Council then ‘ati esas fered by. Breelere In fact our stock in every department is complete. Our Astociations. NUCED the home of the ‘Western Fair,” jondon, Weing situated ig the GROCERY DEPARTMENT especially is always fresh and and stock i always beer hi Jean and can interest you. One call is all we ask from you of Ontario, as well as thelr friends from fur f y y + nd neat. ‘This year, owing togthe resent and it certainly won’t be the last. val prospeets, it is expected to i Lreaker wut! a decided finda TRY OUR 25c TEA. ree ae 5 ee GROSCH & PFEFFER, : oo Importers. inetd the Prov a ox : é ‘welly “seconded ic Ae. ‘Smuts Lng Choe eeeene oats nel ia vere Enaneht bt Pode thie ge ih cone’ BUTTER 12 CTS, EGGS 9 CTS coon ded, ith, thet, the | theie ifs eveninee xed! there ; Court o! fick, ‘the dice ember Sh 17th é 10 reese te further adjourned tll ies, “How ths amp omon Stephen fetatieaniol a seisory was the hits ay iv ion | and ford : éppi ThEae z a guilty of the benious Bites feaick able nae Giaieuty sae Exhi ee ther s gt, the edge chen en soya aie This is hot weather Slveriay Wi Hobie ‘ illo 25, bantin; _. scoverir 3 W. Jury §2. of the most horvible vases of de- e speci will be ndvertieed in i epair 1 con. 17; 0. we engeseet| pravity that coukl xi y. this paper later, but it goes without saying + $3.39, plank ; C. Hiles $4, re side-| pri ife and two grown-up daughters | they will be good. Ripa do ke Wadler 98017 reg eWore foClad ving lived i 1 “veulvert and iene favvard dyuia cor relatiouship with the two girls for f é Barton $4, two culverts and iepaireg ight to and t ving] WANTED: Agents ay greatest of But not hot enough to make a woman forget Teich, ier $2, reps | ap hy to cont me sort of life with | Canadian books, of is - 1 = iat edivion, by Hopkin : i j Aish - $10, cleaning timber roadway and repairing [eae a by all ti wii for. their Tong | Prospectus now fend ct, everybody. the most important adjunct to her dress eu on. 16; A. MeMane 2, plank ;J-| silence in the matt Shab Uiey wore | Kay’ to rake $5.00 day. Be first in the » “Blayhany $2.00, eyes Dy MoAlister $1, afraid. Clarkson would carry out bis oft-re-| Gell, a) ‘ :grading & M.; H. Hanna $3.47, peated treats of killing them. Wvenun | Becoay-Cannueoun Contrary, Limited: a7 4 eae oat Siling holes, 1. L.R. & 3.'3 | fixate were not-free from the rav ages of this ‘Toronte. Sb, grading aye gravelling | brute. But still kn ust offer special in- Sievor 405 ling holes |” Peiomer’s counsel, Me. . D. J. Fase, Wena. ut stil, we know we m r spec! at : ee com - Gucemenisto muke a woman come shopping f pe : these days, so we’ve made a hot reduction. a mptly finding the prisoner guilty. | Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. Vou can see at glance, if you're a judge, eats BUR Mn Rothwell, that the | that i Noa of the, Hind ‘thi Mu.vertoy, oe “ 1898 it’s no cold weather bargain. 3 ® Wos. white kid and canvess slippers was $2.00 now $1. ae 0 Tan Oxfords 2.25 now Misses Slippers 1.00 now Men's Balmorals, American make 4-00 now “ Chocolote Oxfords 2,25 now J. G. GROSCH. Il. -yhas been xotil H ANUNATURA CRAL SATHER ua a ae oxbibi ns nas a ne G. GROSCH. . Fall wheat per bush. Spring wheat, pee bush: aley pet wee Ss i | Clarkson's family. sho acter to beceull SRTERESS ° ca CHILDREN NOT OvERWORKED. lashes an entering the priso Ee s been the -veek of school examina- Liaison ppeated stunned by thd ine ny _ SUSPICIONS OF FOUL PLAY, | _ Exeter, uly, 1 — String ar are be d regarding arance of “ gitls peas Gook. play a Handly ere, Sat Hrhure! ry. last, ee the fat! f the girl, at the so n of Reeve Urquhart, dug’ under Stratford, Sty, $ «diay, the untempered winds which shake the extent nip the shoot. acl of the idea s SAUD R EDD Su0d ait old oaithooas iy acasan Of tha’ bodys "ev Wheat If you are going to. make hay you will feel like doing it e tohave been buried there, | Fall Wheat. : z ts Tye eoveral hours labor, however, returned | 5 9 See when the sun shines. You will also want good tools to po rewia vireumstances surrounding | Barley i thes affair are leer to say the least. fee ie work with, and we have got them in great SU HE e girl, when agate 78 ube, was o ‘3 g es Apples, per bagi... ceo ry: pee Oe TORKS AND RAKES 5 FORK 4 5 of kd We have a fine large assortment of these necessary ing . . . h gicl twat ro Uo home i ec | nd ' sess 88 tools from which to make selections, and you can secure rared fy sees icanpeze, y “« ig pa 2 just what you want. Best Castor Machine Oil and | quest; exsinot be given to any ether’ peraee , | O88 : 2 Lardi th lz t - 7 we | Hay “, : ardine in © Market. PERTH COUNTY WILLS, i 30 50 We have it in large quantities and at prices to suit the 5 6 | | ‘The followin wis we were entered for Piste i : ‘ ne Kh isin Coats Be : times. Drop into our store and look around. T dari pupbes ‘ ‘wi cya eae weenie. «8 I NKBEINER BROS., ‘sf ck H dow, $159 vernal 31 Ns - hildhgpd are ‘ans, gh, i Hany cg, leno pom “ee Beek, ee Rene ‘ PFAFF’S BLOCK, MILVERTON ers oe ee Lim, he ge ae amy say | 587 ial, $12.000 real ; Joho ores tte pre het the. Aety shall 2c © puysty Gaia wars $2,500 real j' Veal a 5 : Eas TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.

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