Milverton Sun, 14 Jul 1898, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol VII—No 28 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1898. MALCOLM MacBETH, (Eaitor and Publisher The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County of Perth. It is the Best Adv ertisivg Medium. Kates reasonable. Subscription $1 per aan sea 8 in advance. not so paid.—M. MacBrru, PURLISHER. ADVERTISING BATES, 6 mo. | 3 mo. spack. = 9|$20 00] $16, 00 Sete ontams: 30) 16 00 Quarter col..| 16 Highth ool. 8 3 Une ine! 2 Trausent Advertisements are chi the rate of 8c. per line. nonpariel, for the first insertion, a Be. sessive insertion. Orangemen Celebrate. A GALA DAY FOR MILVERTON. 2000 People Present. KEEN BASEBALL MATCHES, The morning of the tveith broke pret and fair, Nota cl ypear- in thesky threndauag disaster t had been hung Peer PN Sa HSE ak R. RANNEY & CO., Bankers Abe Estam.isHep 189: banking busivess apa. Draits igauol a tall points in Canada and the W. EGBERT, M.D. C. May grad. tate of "College of Physicians and’S of Ontario also Es raduata. 6b a al, Lonton, England. sone eae post Otic’, Milverton, Out Telephone co cee “5 vain Poole, Bi Lutheran Church and Rostocl BUS E nies WwW. Lica Graduate. of D. §., Toronto member of the Ha Peat Gratuate School of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chicago. Monday of every 3 i Fo for the practice of his profession. . ROBINS. of Ses Honor Graduate of Trinity Univ ‘Toronto, and. Gri he Royal’ College of Dental Su ngs, Toronto, will visit Milver- third Th Phuraday ot every. @ Grand Central Hi Seats wiea’ Bie pales Tess extraction of tecth. Crown and bridge ork aspecialty. All work guaranteed ¥ H. ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont, na ate Ontario Veterinary College, Tor- jomestic aniinals ary y. to, by telephone De Bs Coat and Chronic Disease WTERIN N, Milverton, ‘ore of A olGad: lo y CollegesToronto.) "of domesticate telephone or otherwise canes in, couneetian First cles horses and rigs at all times. Dageeee Led Gucnereaat arivivg 6 Societies wrton, meets every ‘of ‘every month, at ver Schneuker & e . Visiting brethren al- Sways welcome, Joba Langtord, C. Re; Barth, Recording Secretary. L 0. 0. TEE cies meets in their hal Visiting brethren alw. Meclog, NG; W, K. Loth Business Cards. IR, Auctioneer for tbe Coun: , Conveyance vlesiaoge oe c. 0. F., abaety ‘and’ ine rend a « Silver Milverton, night past ‘office moon oe” Grossh's ‘Store, Main troet, Milverton, Pe RT SE AAS RIE SAREE EAT ES bd erat Og BUS LL tat ilverton. Bus m all trains. ens Me eee) pa promptly aitendet vo. Wm. Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor. sled hotels and tents struck C.S. ice, | Mil on vn Wales came in, quive d Nitrons et Shoe Motels "EXCHANGE shea Brunner, Ont. John Gag ape t liquors ‘igars at re Vion and age stabling, Migty CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton, accommods commercial ee accommorla- Jiquors and ci; ‘und Mill strects, C. Hasenpfing, Proprieto QUEEN'S HOTEL, ightolnem Ont. The t —— ‘ion for commercial leg ‘elers and others. Two large seep tins Unly, the choicest of Wines, Lignors and Cigars at the bar. G wer tables and plenty of shed room. one, PrOP- JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, inner, Out. G. T. R. Time Table ‘rains due to leave Milverton, xpress 120 pm Mixed. 300 pom . 8:02 p.m. Mixed 1623 p.m rs and ete. | expe profusely around. Old Sol burst forth in att his glory and the hot beams shot all day making many a man in panes swelter. Preparations had gone on days before to make the walk heea success. Five large arches spauned the ich hu multitude in the way of meals by the up in front uf tcher's and F. Karly in the morning; lodges began to come in, Mr, bert. Hanna and the War’ tburg boys being the first to Shortly alter Pool, a fey accompanying the Stratford lodge. Mitt ataare the visiting brethern assembled at Exhibition park inent streets ia their delivery consumed fiearly three’ pours butthe interest never fugged. Av the close of the Lae Salas the r 6 ng parted for home, we believe well satis- ted with the days cast. Orangemen ave Guenther’s. | o¢ ¢, red’ day, Septem’ No did not mi aamie of tnuch -dispu Mr. Smith will likely play si return match in the near future pects todo Ham on their own grounds. MORNING GAME. by innings ss Milverton i. Hamburg bt 3 } 6 i i *Last Shin ” SESS. eas pre —Wm. Smith, ss; Hard: oodale 2b; S. Grosch, if; D. Smith, a Bai rf; Peffer, 1b ; W Grosch, p: Baker, NawtHaishaise ee = Bearer on Donohue If; Himbecker,p; Keough, ss; Raeo, cf; ‘Heppler, 2b ; Morley, 3b; Kratamier 1b: Clark rf. AFTERNOON GAME. Score by innings, Milverton , 0000711103 8—30 Hamburg 9001402 435—27 ace W. Smith,cf; J. Hardy, p; Spencer, c;S. Grosch, s8;D Smith, rf; ae 2h: Bundscho, If; W. Grosch, 48115; Baker, 3b. Hamburg ale by same team as in tthe morning gam Following is the list of the Ontario ee \ abdicyea) with date and place eat Bigin—St. Thomas, Monday, Avgust 29. West Elgin and cross petition—St. 31. Novth or ee Thursday, Septemb jout ‘i "Peli i Seal toot est York — temher 12. Niptising North Bay, Monday, | to ptember | South Saas and cross petition Whitby, Monday, Septem North On tario—Whiby, Monday, ‘Toronto, Monday, Sep S| Septem! North Renfrew -PPens oke, Thiirs- ber ittawa, Hnwkine Lumsden--Mon- day, September Ottawa, Bande y. Powell—Mon- | dng, Septem uth ied and Hoe ue — Geet Thursday _Septen reason lo tele pn br htetaielanigriwo nee hrm prevail Jed throughout and the day’s is was not marred by one jdcident iat could be considered lerogato gentleman. ment rere Sane that many ex pres themselves favorable to levion the se Ne me here in the near future. Al hose present we noticed those old (eaten Mr. Joseph eran of Donegal, who has march ‘consecu- tive years never failing to celebrate in all that time, and Mr. Lupton of Strat- ford, who hi se mes taking part had to carry Shot gi i Ge of the day was the basebull een New Hamburg and piner of some note s bat in the ater for Milverton and went in the tS morning, though _ oecasiually ti rienced « Tittle difficulty in con ultg the ball. er played the star game and made « couple of good catches. ‘The visitors were ap-|e parently a gentlemanly lot of boys and as a result che game was ch ‘i le- cat October Len: b Novem! the ay ede Siyatnees Boaoes ‘Cornwall, Friday, Sep- Northumberland — Cobourg, Friday, Bepenibed Tie ames Tuesday, ants Police 27. North Toronto — Eas Tuesday, September 2 Gehtke Biticoe.— Eatin Wrednead ays Staal fforin and eroes heal Rae vile panna, September un—Kingston, hie Sep- pee ie Lambton — Sarnia Tuesday, Pee ane Frey Owen Sound, Wedues- lipo South Grey Owen Sound, Wednes crash apanee, Monday,October Vest Huron—Goderich, Thursday, octuber 37 Octoler Tsoi Bite Madey, Octobes West Durham—Cubourg, Thursday, ber 3. THE ADVANCE ON KHARTOUM Sir H. Kitchener is reorganizing his is y | essentially British in tiie detibgge? tion with which Kitchener has planned and carri He sealed the doom of ‘ish power before he Medes eta fd Soudan. His progress bas been as d . | liberate as a holiday parade, but it hes heen as cetain and resistless as_ bcd imonths’ hal ergies to ts another crushing iow, He ist reach his goal as in in its orbit. Mr. Robinson that very littie chewing. umpired the game in ® manner This is che ay be is carving out an African bor oi for itain, out this ae campaign. | Lunch if Dervi THE LOCAL NEWS. Millinery at cost. Grosch & when he ex-| Pfeffer. Fruit jars at rock bottom prices Grosch & Pfeffer’s. Fine pink salmon 10c. a tin a icrvernn & Pfeffe fiers, Mr. ©. 8. Kertcher has put in | ascetylene gas plant. at Po fruits at Groscl Mrs, tees Schneuker is spending acouple of weeks with friends in ronto. iss Wilhelm, who spent her hol-| days around Zurich returned home last week. Mr. Jas, Perry has been employed yy Mr, Dayid Kerr of Brunner as a farm hand, Mrs. Chas. on the sick list, we are store Kertcher, who has been glad to note is John Scheonhals, of Port Alber, is spending Edel bith fiends in Milve pa " jewelery stock of Schaefer 50c. $ he at "Photer have bought Bros. spent a few days last week latives and friends Mr. and Mrs. aes, of El Paso, Texas, are spending their holidays with friends in and aroun as heen visiting her friend Miss Lottie eat, returned home on Wednesday, Mr. Chas. H. Trim and his mother British Columbi, Washington Terri- tory and Oregon. Moyey! Money! Money! Money Ourrent rates oy Naar 5, 5}, and 6 percent. Ter Apply to James gunhein Complaints have been made us sour cherries is — ‘Bisanicn, Friday Tobia dese, ine A. bird is liable to a fine of $20. Mr. and spent Sunday with friends in teathope around Philipsburg. ruin the Mrs. William Hartmier North Sebneider nae that fall wheat satog progress when he was The appeal of Mr. Alexander Roe ad the assessment of the Town- ship of Mornington came up for hear-| ¥ ing before his honor Judge Tuesday but was dismissed without costs, aie el stating that the appeal should have been made against each sani in the township inatridesty, as a general appeal was not valid. Mabee appeared for the township. was in Posters will be out in a few. days announcing particulars of the Forest- ers’ excursion to. Niagara . Falls, ar- rangements having all been completed with the exception of waking the date esiree Huron— Goderich, Monday, | 5.57 with the Ningara brethern to reduced rates on the Electric railways for those who go on this excursion and desire to see the many sights which Niagara affords. Train tickets will be good for two days, ‘The garden party held in Exhibition Park on Friday’ evening under the auspices of Elma and Milverton con- nce Sreentons of the Church of England in every way a decided success, Pie erawdl va very large and crowded the enclosure almost wdered granulated sugar for raw h & Pfeffer. sul Miss Hendrich, of New Hamburg, a with v Phe: Olive Bonner, of Chesley, who} *S h| portance, Joan on first-class form security. |S rower. wi sire certain parties for the isin ia Another old settler has passed aWw: in the demise 6f Mr. William oay »ho departed ne life on enaey after- noon. It was only at the beginning of last week that Mr. went wane taking to bed n rining “nani oon the ‘avaliea re- snes ago, when a young mee he migrated to Canada, a time in the township of Paced 50 years ety he settled in the say of Elma where he led until he came to Milverton a few s ago. He sur- vives his wife by only a few weeks. The township of Elma is the home side, which side, however, is, pa jough we might say in passing that the side. of which young tale was captain, won, The lawn as crowded with bevies of the fair- ast girls in the country side, a fact was a particularly late However everything passed Two slight accidents oceurr- while Tom Cock well was knocked off a girt by a falling plate and received a shaking up. pe AR ANS SER BRAVE ARE THE EDITORS, ath in battle may be peta Me the battlefield. For instance, the Yor! nay in contemplating the death so many Americans in front uf San- tiago exclaims : * Glorious their doom and beautiful their lot. Then the able editor goes hom dinner and leaves the dead hovoas e It is utter hypocrisy for writers with is to sleep on at night bite regular © meals to eat “| glories of war. dren of the dead heroes to hymn the glories of death in battle. hat admiration for the death of other people in battle which the New ork Sun displays was finely satirized in 1878, when Beaconstield ordered the poys to Malta, The Gladstonians hastened to. thus paraphrase the cele brated jingo refrain “We don’t want to fj ie y and his beautiful Jot on the top side of a feather bed. on was served until quite a late hour after which the programme of ad- seg began. addresses though teresting were,as on occasions of oe kind, listened attentively to by th ininority. the feature redo Br flowed, ers have every reason to une the success uking which will ey them a cbacaatibe sum as about $98 was taken in during the} d course of the evening, ¥ appeajouraaul sidaigh ks MaAlt on is| MeMilian and his wor Rosriw.—I the “glorions ‘rein. rei aE te Rustin, of a inp, RY—At Milverton, on Snnday, July loth, William Henry, aged 79 years, —_— Charlie Ellis, of Stratford, is suing ie Chesley Enterprise for $1000 amages done - character by calling hima dead-

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