ELMA COUNCIL B. Morphy to look after our (ea saser al c appeal of Ales. Rre against e nship re 1¢ Municipal Council of the township of | wards us with the French flag flying. e tow # imme met in the Agricultural Hall, At-/ signalled them to al sae Foal ir. Cam eriall oe ae Mr. Griffin th: , on June 30th. 1898, je purpose | thar the steam, th Trerpape| Gunso o wo ndfourn'to moet. vf holding Court of Revision on the 88- from New York to pace A that she had | the first Monda: scl % drainage by-laws. Minutes of | gone down. We tw all day, and_re-| quests to ter last meeting reid and sigued. Members| ceived on Ritoat) Si oaetiors keen Meee Cattied. 2 Wareox, Clerk. being then sworn, it was resolved that| amongst the prsseugers aud crew, reported Court of Revision on Logast Ontlet drain ay in all avout Seer law open, wit eve in Rarer “ Severai of the rafts. roLu: ppeats being made against said. said uasese- | without dal ete be, ryotantesrs AEevoLorienens 2 ment Cour drain, do now. ope st Court ypen accordingly a. 3 ast Cot by Mr. Smith, ait the Court of Revision on the assessment of B; sap No. 82h; known as Gevarainene ‘ein closed. Cary ese he te general r. Smith, seconded . st the Clerk be anthor- ized to notify all persons for rties id considered by the Curried. yy Mr. ‘as now read id. Carri led by Mr. Me- be pai t con. i 81. Hating hammer ie 3 ral . Fan cll $1 uel H. Wilso: gravel 5 Ds i, $3.20 ee Obra id: "Petrie $6.80, ‘illing gel ani aravel 5 J Chipman, $1, cleaning award’ con O! Struthers 260.; n bridge con fee date $150 | © 3G. Smith $8, part salary as roa tevenson $2, r nox and rat oko slosed. And | f {a italians aud other me thirty tons of exes oft un frabold i inorder to” lighten tl tre OF THE GRECIAN. N.C. want 2 tly waveamer bore down towards, us weil to be the Grecian, bound from recian agreed to take the passengers on 1d ulso agreed to tow my ship to Owi the condition of my ship L accepted the offer, and we proceeded Once to transport the passengers and get ready onr line. At had made a nection and proce w of th recian towal ifax, having put a ba over the broken take part of tb 7 etrain of the collision bulkiead, ‘There was a that time fourteen feet of water in the fe ke”? Gian Use Knives Ox Tus Women. or] Scenes buard La Bourgogne | 9 - | just Ge rages at was terrible to wit- 8 ness, Men tuught fur posi! aed ravil Ttanninos, jiacs, women Ww: k from boats and trampled down by men or pie self-preservation their fi ae ject. On board were lar; r foreigners. thing; in one boat was a of forty women, but so great was that nov a ‘as Baise to aint in er launching. ‘he occupants, fete dcraiid Oka rata when cha shigt 9 wih an awful hissing soun 1» down. desperate was the situation that wn tatian rew his kuife and made direct at one who, like himself, was endeavoring to reach the boats. Immediately the action imitated in every direction, Knives nd used with effect. Women 5] Christie Brunon Surge strike a pussenger ov thes al “Ae Lady roped see egear cenget beta the boat in which te sulor wai iox overseeing pile driving well $3, overseeing pil 3 J. Hanne $100, aumente of bridges. Carried. | would ai Ape AS vai i thwell, seconded by Mr. | loug agi Smith that By-law No. 378, known as the Pi eae ieholgon draiu by-law, be tinal ed. Juried, Moved by ‘MeMane, ey rhees dag tie beastie ad ore hat By-law No, The comcil met xv Douuslley's hall "on ei ea ees Caan Merete Ce ee HAE init eeintted by MA BMWs sue| nae een eee the Clerk authorized Mitchell Bede ess » that if the said Co. do we and work continuous- mei do now aijourn to. meet ou, the Bad July nex at 10 olelack a.m. | Garrod, T. Funua cast Halifax, N. S., chip Cromartyshire morning by the hei uly e British iron ‘cgertitirhag icity d passengers and seume) Grvoian; Whlok cate lon Carr. ape s i) verty W Robinson S0c. overseeing contract; The rent the mi le be oa! by | Riddell & Robinson $10.40, for gravellings| WGC) Stew ne {ship A Dowd $3.25, rep. a h_ to bridge; aiscy miles wath of Sable get ee ee oercinn 3 tiation ste Cane pe Tecamven, | ditching; J berg for watehi mt Freeborn $64.65, for raveiling; H four or five knots per boar bur Kerr £3.50, gravel rerdearar et ‘as being kept going regularly | pagers $39.20, gravel tractors; J. m Cassell $6.63, See eee u Cook S1L93, to bee for gtavellings r gravellings searing YerS|M Stemier 84 pod All ts : swien ake haan : ‘ everything “attached. dere e boats out, anging over tir bow, and ins danger of panck- ing ipore halontils the so stew up sone rockets, and Hed sevordl shots bat, we neither sw gor head any moce of thesteamer, Shortly ul to notify the] ¢, 1, Rothwell; that Ror e Allan Liner Grecian, with | ¢ ‘and went to examine | Jy, communication from reference to Engi wwers, ‘The Reeye was wai the following orders: culvert an Y $l 58, for tori .40, for gravelling; Mr, Reinwald fpreuling gravels -R Struthers $5, fixing with row J Nichol $7.50, work na $ 6, mvelings for gravelling; C Scbueider 320. for spikes; ister $1; Tor grading: W White $4, $2.50 rep. culvert; ith $10.37, graveliing and rep. culverts] §; 5S Martin $16.45 toe pravelling) A al caubart $02.19, for lumber; HB Kerr, $387, for H. Kerr $4.25 for cal- bridge and approach; ineer, and ha apie ee as read sonfan a Ga is passed, Moved by Me Grif see Sr. Cambali| Tami e Veal that the clerk be authorized to w Ge. | Burley per bust A Anpes per bag - s| Bure 3, bree ve lean- | Beef, we by passed Wheat, white “red. tego No. 241, } President Cuestas, jowat order, in reforming ‘ina civil » service, one tiwe president of ube tieiicge ay avengteh the inmost viol that the world has 9 from barbarism. A despatch from Montevideo, Uregoay, tells of a revolution which was in 4 gyanded him with auquestioned, wuthority, eded him, aa who is still in power cba lers have been Dr. Hi Sir Olive: pe id to these names: and severe nleut disburber of private rights retained wiule emerging Canadian boo ks,“ Life A Peace now ready | Sells t field jhansieatledl Gone Hopkin, ce WANTED: Acents oe PE Serhes of i erybody. Busy to take $5.0U daily, Be first. Ja the 1. «| BrapLey-Garrerson Company, Limited. Toronto. heat, per bush, Sprin, lone Fall Wheat. +. Spring Wheat arle} BE opel es, pe Potatoes, ver Tak hogs... .s.s0- { Beef, hindquarters - SOR aee waoe COMMERCIAL. cy pasttoct, ‘a 1 80 Esa o 2. 9 7 0 8 8 8 4 8 7 5 6 4, 1898 80. Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. MILVERTON, aye 14, 1898 R| Fall wheat per bush. #0 1} 16 16 000 0 189R, 84 § 88 st 8k B 78 46 4 25 bay 2 50 875 17 18 30 50 16 18 18 16 40 60 8 10 5 6 45 35 Ce 50 8:00 50 7 30 00 ©6083 | defy competit +! from $2 to $5 on a suit. “| we guarantee a fit or money refunded. w rome | half price. GROSCH & PFEFFER. Boys’ Clothing We have in stock the nicest and cheapest Boys’ Clothing ever shown in Milverton, Suits from $1.35 to'$5.00 Also in Men’s Clothing a great variety and prices that In ORDERED CLOTHING we can save you all the way If you doubt this, call and see, and “In Dress Goods We have a complete range. Westill have a number of Dress lengths on hand which we will sel! off at greatly reduced «| prices. Millinery We have only 6 Trimmed hats left. This is certainly a good showing, and we have decided to sell these off at just 1.75 All Sailors and walking hats regardless of cost. Call and i é ; : examine and we certainly can interest you. A beautiful range of “|Blouse Silks, and Shirt Waists on hand. In fact our stock in every department is complete. Our «|GROCERY DEPARTMENT especially is always fresh and clean and can interest you. One call is all we ask from you and it certainly won't be the last. woe TRY OUR 25¢ TRA. GROSCH & PFEFFER, Importers. BUTTER 12 CTS, EGGS 9CTS J. G. GROSCH. This is hot weather YES But not hot enough to make a woman forget the most important adjunct to her dress— Shoes Bui stil, we know we must offer special in- aucements to make a woman come shopping these day, so we’ve made a hot reduction. You van see at glance, if you're a judge, that’s it’s no cold weather bargain. Wos. white kid and canvess slippers was 3 00 now $1.00 Tan Oxfords 2.25 NOW 1.50 Misses Slippers 1,00 now 60 Men's Balmorals, American make 4,00 NOW 3.00 Chocolote Oxfords 2,25 NOW 1,25 J. G. GROSOH. HAY TOOLS If you are going to make hay you will feel liké doing it when the sun shines. You will also want good tools to work with, and we have got. them i in Late abundance. SYTHES, SNATHS, i FORKS AND RAKES. We have a fine large assortment of these necessary tools from which to make selections, and you can secure just what you want. : Best Castor Machine Oil and =| Lardine in the market. We have it in large quantities and at prices to suit the times. Drop into our store and look around. FINKBEINER BROS., PFAFF’S BLOCK, MILVERTON EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.