©. "wwo ivas oly "Holy Willie's response to McKi -proclamati ion calling upon the nation to "thank God for victory over Spain. who in the heavens dost dwel 0 1 Lord, 1 Would that oar lipe Thy grace eoold “tell—| > * Drive, wi h, the Before Old a Glory t { While our brave boys with ahs and shell Taint things ful) nee rye O Lord, "twas cen how slick a meat Thow Bilverizedst ( Cervera ’s fleet ecting Dons hie For hacks Geet ere quite a treat ‘Was the cut “ Dago.” * “Ta this, our righteous w far with Spai elas ie ty bullet to the brai rey may. the flesh of oe slain Rot ‘neath the skiee. ‘Give.us, Good Lord, broad streams of gore! widows, orphan: ralore Byers 38 girls.whose tears run o'r, ee their Ee ~ mh ; *Who perish on the Cuban shore Foore Yankee lead. \But:save us, Lord, from butchers’ bills! ih gel May they es i *But with the Done) may all copie ills Seize on their shape 1 “For-are they not the devil’s ah Can anyone who looks upon. "Their carnal foce atirm the Don our broi aa we felt: hitn ie 3, («clean gone, her.” caw indly smil epee contig isle, sy marae the lund so vile he us, xd (0, flesh is weak), or prien the Dons have munched | me leek, And if, 0 Ree a ee the freak, Why off it “Save us from pa pulfed with pride, mbly p fact that we can tan wield hide Of all ceati ‘ Een were is ion ey ‘Nick aie ut et Now banish, | Bey all Meal Weak 3 Light i in our hearts the en we're cal ry ie up Pitgher ‘We'll join in the pn choir Andshoat Thy name. ‘Robert IL. AMAVE EMOUGH DIFFICULTIES, A local “Canada has lost. much rench question whi podieleaatis Tag. ng “ation DOW U hal rete ies tiguool pease ot Newfound- ero quent in the History Eee ‘alspate or to de: one. thin; TUS enice we cates with Great Bri ran, Further- “aes Wecate Gulla Wall awots ‘hit hada Franch dispute in Cinada hers e election jout ny Most strenuous resist "yaa SOME RMen ES oaks reousitiated are over, 16 tip this countty in needed to introdic oundland of St. Pierre and igus, jae out the consent of Sat qoute Gab coudition | ie under. the ec coed circumstances ? arguing about Fights of Preuelifauerimen ou tbe coasts | erty haves sight i of Now buadig a beats ngs. aN pers astaingts| za all a shagand and ore. that crop up in the ueuteal, seni rneutral tectioty, or a _areny that ds to be new Migs W- | Just abvut the pte woulte politic get Newfound “tat row ‘ould be rebate geeatly pbanged si ce ‘trial. rats Uhe popalac opivior wan investigation as au outrage;uow everyone. : frat 5 sm inves: Mae ne ‘before the bank ro! jones ail town. These eA "ta be Pare and Sparen ‘Righacdean, is thought x os al the fesounds * Reve enge the the in “Z Sat: contemporary has stated that | P® 7 his story ie frst boouineintereuced own a leu Kingston sna. retanded: fe pei pee oa jer the same roof as ent to the jail te see Mackie, he was presented with document on, Esq., Jailer, Napanee, n by the name of Mackie A, Vanluv. nt mee W, S. Herrington, Act. 0.0 “July 1. 1898.” Robert Mackie is | the Robert son of ed into. meaning He is rather rest favone beens pla scorns the prisoi up from town. from, many sources shat Mackie bud been are putting away lot money in tl » even while losing heats at the races at le just re- ped pis tha rhs whey heres arrested in Belleville, having been in Napa These odd golna ate considered of great interest by al a the scen Big theveicpcise of tba whole alfa re- the T.2.,” having cub into it This board has been cut ont, the detectives. feuce was found a hole ands of But right under the about a foot in di Ww ols gare oes Syldeocrsputen fh dares consider to! ne wi e the gang that lived in the vieinity, =) N. HL, Jaly (8 —Ivhas traa- pired tha evige KE. Fare, the ede (eater yee antag oy bury on ing tke Domuion ry apaltbas anualhs i Aagust last. alls a complete confession beture being taken across the line for-trial in Ontariv, where the offence was committed, According to to from Mackie, ye olden, himself ind ber of nights the Yank Uy means of keys, and Pare See manipulator ‘of sufé he iner combination. | Kivery- ule Seabee tive eae so that ar ee it suy eda when they desired enter the fe. While Pare and Holden were working in- side it was Mackie and Holden ep Hac obitewhy during vhs daytime and ai whom They ping patiently for thé Sigal 'P-ston wi bridge when a large sum was in the e night w sowie was a tally comimited Pureand Holien e the bank, agen Mackie outside on ard ey were thiosg shel wor ve the danger sgl allied oi the etriig, “wad “ he they puiled to signal Mirbacks, ‘aud coming out the pappaiees utter eli epirid Avthe o babies id noises i nig ¢ of tue robber ‘e nut believed by the eaten tha they weut into Ponton’s the mone: eee putea athe pplountet to! ES 's confession is Ne bie by en officers eaieiteprovte chy en the - Gale, and Pallion pon Eases bag Mia tastes aE - | Dutiable goods. a Wusox.—In Elma ou Monday, July 18th., one junder vuat was | Limes. Ww. ’ Livres ian e * | Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. s Apes Der bag rds | Fall Wheat. ai Spars Wie: el fools per bag Pota ‘h ‘ ee Hideved Hay... Ponibieg ean ease eetdenve that she heacd | Ber ‘ouLou’s room ot the | Chicken thes pRStaeO aes bale tea figures for 1998 are ati more ‘atiatac Yo showing, as ney do, an increase of over $44,000,000 in the aguregate trade as pared with 1 e 1397. iu the rev- enue run the duty coilected is m- isover ¥ oficial statement, as prepared by Miatcaicinn De; cp to | WU0. your's imports over that of 1897 is $ip.336,000, wile the xy 996 ; increase, 944,059,852. Datiable ». $0 220,705 erga, 947 40,39/,yue “01,608,125 4,076,195 4,889, Total. $11,294,021 $130,630,195 Duty ovilec 19,881,997 21,880,200 ports— 898. Kaos produce..$119¥ tino give rvaerentit 4,082,011 Coin Rakvalion Bae, "550 ©! from $2 to $5 ona suit. Boys’ Clothing We have in stock the nicest and ised Boys’ Clothing ever shown in Milverton, Suits from $1.35 to $5.00 Also in Men's Clothing a great variety and prices that | defy competition, In ORDERED CLOTHING we can save you all the way If you doubt this, call and see, and we guarantee a fit or money refunded. } In Dress Goods — We have a complete range. - We still have a number of Dress lengths on hand which we will sell off at greatly reduced prices. Millinery We have only 6 Trimmed hats left. This is certainly a good showing, and we have decided to sell these off at just svi | half price. A $4.00 Hat For... 3.5005 87 1.75 Siang All Sailors and walking hats regardless of cost. Call and com-}examine and we certainly can interest you. Wain Lhe same mouth in the p.evious year, are as follow Imports— Free Goods, Coin and bullion. Total... $11,725,431 R ixports— 1898. 8 $12,504,244 YaTz, 832 T1761 _ S816 58 838 $15,054,834 1 cro) 1e ex he im- Ny moce 1 aa stuaslecl OE this, so the gue sate trade for te amok, over tliat of June, rears ‘igu. oin and bullion... the wife of Adam Wilsou, of a dauguter. ou: Schamihora, of Drayton, aged iene was instan’ tly killed there lase was en, in waking tile, oe hy was eauzht by a belt His head was fonipanced to pivees, ED: Acents for the greatest of ooke, | bite of Gludstone,? memorial edition , by Prospectus now reutl od. Eusy to wake $5.00 daily. Be first in Wee field. Buaptey-Garnersoy Company, Limited. Toronto, COMMERCIAL. ae July, 21, 18! 8 Fall wheat per ‘i e Spring wheat, per eee Barley per ba nA we ‘ Mies, Geese . Ducks . Stratford, Jaly $ AGUS awk ew Perens) , per bag Bat vats per ewt. goose. A beautiful range of 4| Blouse Silks, and Shirt Waists on hand. In fact our’stock in every department is’ complete. Our GROCERY DEPARTMENT especially is always fresh and clean and can interest you. Onecall is all we ask from you and it certainly won't be the last. TRY OUR 25c TEA. GROSCH & PFEFFER, Importers. BUTTER 12 CTS, EGGS 10 CTS J. G. GROSCH. : This is hot weather YES But not hot enough to make a woman forget the most important adjunct to her dress— Shoes But still, we know we must offer special in- ducements to rrake a woman come shopping these days, s9 we’ve made a hot reduction. You can see at glance, if you're a judge, that’s it’s no cold weather bargain. 3| Wos. white kid and canvess slippers was $2.00 now $1.00 Tan Oxfords 2.25 nOW 1.50 Misses Slippers 3.00 now Men's Balmorals, American make 4-00 now ““ Chocolote Oxfords 2,25 now Jd. G. GROSCH. HAY TOOLS If you are going to make hay you will feel like doing it when the sun shines. You will also want good tools to work with, and we have got them in great abundance, SYTHES, SNATHS, FORKS AND RAKES. We havea fine large assortment of these necessary tools from which to make selections, and you can oo ‘ just what you want. Best Castor Machine Oil and Lardine in the market. We have it in large quantities and at prices t to suit the times. Drop into our store and look — coustables rearrest fivers, te uy the of-| Lamb, 000,