Milverton Sun, 17 Nov 1898, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol VII—No 45 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH ©0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1898 MALCOLM MacBETR, and Publisher The Milverton aun Us the best, Local Newspaper in the Perth. It i Best Advertising ADVERTISING RATES, THE PROBABLE CAUSE OF PREPARATION ‘When it was rumored that the Emperor of China had been murdered and the owager rag Res ator bert ffairs, it will be remembered that a China- = of hi, fled from Pekin an finally turned up in Hong Kong under the vices of the British flag. Thi the my adviser, who is sup] srace. |Year.|6mo,| 3 mo. | 1 mo. | to haw eat — | which is. ee “One column..|$50 00)/$30 00} $16 2a “ 35 00 Prot mi : ich i ..| 30 00) | ‘ion Ww he Sait eel 16 00| 9 00) 6 00} 3 50} Suspiciously little has been b Eighth col 10 00) 300) 2 00/0 ici is inch.. 5 00} 3.00] 200) 1 00 on it may a transpire that he carried with copies Transient Advertisements are char; ged at oth moe anes ae Sau Piece whe ihe rate of So. per, line, nonpariel, Pa oa Tete Cine viewed, 01 e: BST s0 per line for cach aue- i. 1895. 98 transacted. sant Drafts isened at alt points in Canada and the Whited States. Money to loan on notes and mortgages. Notes discounted and notes and cconnts collected. Deposits received Lag of ee allow RANNEY & CO. Milverton, “Medical e guest of the British Le Hong-Kong, intenied to kill both him and his confrere who been W. EGBERT, M. D.C. M., grad: paar jistant province. his way uate of College on hy sicians and Surgeons | Li Hung id the Dowager Empress " oO; also post graduate student of | would have prevented any information leak- London hospital, Etndon, England. Office |ing out, but th lan fuiled h [have in Post Office, Milverton, Ont. | not seen the suggestion made elsewhere, Telephone connection wit le, Breener, | imagine thet Je will be food thet the ‘Lytheran ‘Church and Resto British Newspapers and ofcials are Keepin the fugitive for very goo Dentist Sen ans Saturday Night, Le PEs L._D_S., Dentist. RAILROAD CATANTROPHTES Si Toronto ; also ‘member rot th e saskell Post Graduate School Tragedies ocare in cycles. of Prosthetic Dentists hicago. Office, | Perhaps that is why three wrecks on the No. Main street, Li 1, te will ae cast of ‘Toronto! “ure to be chronicled wisit the Queen’s hotel, lemmas the first Monda: ee every month a.m. to werk aes no lives were lost, though iene! 7 p.m for the practice of his Profession, cape DR. RB. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor on the Canadian Graduate of Trinity) University, Toronto, ay after ‘and Graduate of the Roval College of | noo dashed Dental Surgeons, Toronte, will visit Milver- |i and, third Thursday ot every feet from 12 emis to ice at the Grand 1 Hi foal Anaesthetics used less csobead of teeth, Crown ani work aspecialty All work guaranteed. Veterinary J. H. ENGEL, V. S., Mil ilverton, Ont. panne Ontario Veterinary - | the express 5. Uollege, Tor- Trank nt 9.15 Monday night, at Bowmanville, when irom Montreal dashed into an open switch to a siding and crashed into the rear of a freight. The third wreck — ‘Trank. Boltevil toatl discaces of domestic avimals | Hill, near Trenton, sce Al calls promptly attended _Ble-engineer, W. H. Brady, of Belleville, telephone or otherwise, day or night. fireman, John MeDonald, sls Boos pd Chronic Diseases a specialty. Bahteville, and John Casey, of Belleville, ne engineer who was goin, wmanville to R. VETERINARY SUR-| tale charge of Rapley instantly city, iver formerly of Newton(Grad-| killed on ess engine Percy ve of Onin terinary Colleges Toronte.)| Waller, of Bellevelle (Catey's fireniau), vas $ of domesticated animals. | hadi Cals. by telaphe or otherwise promptl, Ivis Pata Has there ate nine killed wattender . Liver in connection. abd they bl and rigs at all times. Commercial driving a fiujured were hrought, to Selle ad plavad f in the hos A French or Italian woman way those in the hospi cart ae Bocleties one, Andrew Carey,cattle buyer, of Cobourg , No, 09, Milverton, meets every | Aaron tech is Sit, sllagataiatian ot wsecond and last Tuesday of every. month, at | ¢he disaster o'clock, in their hall over Schneuker & ———_>____ Rothaermel's store. Visiting brethren al- carats OF 1896-9, ways welcome. Job Langford, CBs A.) corsoren axp BETTER THAN EVER, THE Barth, Recording Secretary. Weexty Heraip, Srratvorp, courts 0, #., “Siler Siar| PUBMO Pron Ay ox rin tags Yo. B0e, Milverton | The question ofthe survival ofthe Stet recy Friday might at p.m. iu 1 theie hall, pos st ofice build Visiting brethren ulways weloo McCloy, N. G.; W. K. Loth, R. rig is nj 2s spplica pers as it ‘The public ie print. t vicars rity iwady to the Business Cards WEIR, Anctioneer for the Coun- ties et Berth and V — loo, Convey: sensei an fidavits made. Bail ta fi ion Court. igs Clerk, “Office, over Groseh's Shoo ; Main street, Milverton, ee BUS LINE, Melcet on. eets all trains. AM cit and travellers calls promptiy aitended to Wi Dorland, Maple St., Propri Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. John Gropp, F-oprietor Best liquors and cigars at the bar. First-class accomm tino sod large stabl GRAND i elnbioa HOTEL, Milverton. for commercial Tiquors and cigars. and Mill streets. C. Basenpflug, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The accommodation for commercial trav- ‘Cigars at the bar. plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, proj pec 10 retain either he _cunfidence myport ts. The publish tra uf The Stratford Herald long ago recog: aised did na s ce set abot to make the publication un: ‘ir control the pareve ofall the news and the went of the best interes! per is a comprehensive market report an¢ in this respect The Weekly Herald knows no rior in its district ving the ensuing “year no effort will be make The Herald sustain its hig spirit. im of $I. Serafond Herald Printing Company, Strat- Dilton t (EART—DIZZY BEAD, Life was a Living Death, bat Dr. Agnew's Care Heart: Heliovetl ih ATuity Miscetlancous so troubled with heart CARTHAGE.: The young men of the neighborhood who have been away working during the summer are gathering home to d| spend the winter. Mr. Joseph Martin has returned from Wallace. Mr. John Burchill bas come home from working on the 16th line. M uu. Smith of Toronto is the se. | cuest of the Martin family. Miss Rachel Harvey, who has been visiting here has revarned to Toronto. Mr. James Baird did » considerable amount st chopping for Mr. Robert Johnsto Our ihageee factory is doing a good business, ae Smith.) ve been lynched tae cia ‘Bough iiiclibe, on the charge that oue of them had killed in uncertain, si re the lynchers iilled ‘thea! both, hoapitane su6 shen jery, A negro was killed av the same ti r reasons unknown. In Louisiana, on the and, a gro in a quarrel, ‘There is another case in Alabuma. This in one week, We know that there are ieee kinks in human nature, and be inconsistent is not always to te sere Otherwise would i ible to believe that the people among whonr the lynching of negroes mn pain? Wie Spalierd over itvorse ehiove 61 than thes W. D, WEIR'S SALE REGISTER The farm, stuck and implements of Alexander Stewart, lot 15, con. 6, Mornington, near Millbank, on Fri- Sale to commence at The farm stock and implement of Thos. Hammond, lot 1, con. 12, of the day, Nov. 29th, Sale commencing ac of Wellesley. le to commence at one o'clock. Usual terms, FATAL EDITORIAL Wilmington, N.C. Record, organ of the colored population in that city, led to the fatal election riots, in which twelve men were killed: “We suggest that the white guard their the newspaper is readily seen in the very lar; culation which the paper enjoys, iseettag a va cso the wind! thi pee ial came afin bo eat eat people in the rues weaclics din -scinie section hate ats/vers Paty bOUESIB Th. tha women of tha which it is not a welcome weekly visitor. é i any {he aim of The id the after of clandestine d will continue to v red thes! then “are | the roughly as its local news purveyor, not lonely the more im 1 general news sf thie kind 8° on for ane vie, sa “the of the countey, both home and foreign. An | Somau's infatuation or the ‘man's boldness im ature in an lass news | Tins - ntion to wl the man is pa ro Iynched is called a burly, Tbliale brave: a iaee aly ave thus been dealt. with hed shine te girls re an tent in love with them, as is parcanvates ANOTHER GRIT OUT. The Aegis Perth election protest case was up for hearing before Chan- ceilor Bayd and Mr. Justice Meredith on Saturd he bal charge taken up disease rega SOM GROTE: Sere Ja ee pe Sr i Gatsg ap atac oF. bolas | by themeath apne tae atten oars toiaralse pei y iarie Day sta Srdieny atte, Jepegit. st s violent Pal | rejected by Mr. Justice McLennan, on nia en teed many, remed al. After argument their G. T. R. Time Table sicians without relief. ships announced that they had de- ue 5a nie ee of wes Care forthe cided that i Sena shonld be void- z sb ewo ed ot having been. fair ome som, ganrosoens, | sight rt, raf th oui "T thnk one, ig sn cnt alot Mixed 3:00 p.m! Coll; yet, 32 Pacific avenue, 2 ins Sold ~ tached ni any nese Mixed.. 10:23 pm by James Torrance, ied siete had been found innocent by a coroner's | POS? be|nounce that western section of Wellesley, on Tues-| Y one ee Friday, Nov, 25th, the farm Cae and implements of Daniel Henry, west half of lot 7, con. 16, lice. Everything goes. On Tuesday, Nov. 22nd, the farm stock and i ents of Leonard Schade, lot 8, con. 2, western section To! ‘The following agree printed in the s publishing el pariicaeee THE LOCAL NEWS. apple packers bare soe Skee in this district for Remember the aseas? 2h ab Milverton Station on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Geo. Berkner has moved his carriage shop up in line with his black- | : smith shop. Mr. H. Gleiser will on Tuesday next ship to the American market his car- load of live fowl. Mr, Thos. Riley drew the a fei to Mr. Gleiser’s seal jenus that handsome lady’s are Bhan alg ti left the most deplorable state, eater but slush ants sight. Mr. Thos. McCloy, local agent for the Dominion Life Assuran: Waterloo, is doing quite a successful business, You may secure it at the unprinted in large or small quantities. ‘A meeting will be held in Grosch’s hall on Saturday evening for the pur- reorganizing the literary society for the spree i season, Every body is cordially invited to be present. Mr. Will Torrance is advance agent. connection with the Flint Bureau, of open ine ies Ay as. was erronously stated last week. Mr. Tae Karn wishes us to an- Christmas Number of the Globe slong with which will be give large picture of our Canadian Militia in saree colors suitable for framing. uch sympathy is felt for Mr. Chas. ms seine who last week had the mis- fortune to lose his help-mate in life leaving him with Tittle children, one baby a few days Mr. Richardson, of Ellice, one day last week captured a wild sold it ty Lord Raglan of Stratford, who has put it inthe window of his cigar store. It is much larger than a goose and is being much adm Mr. Charles Koehler spent Sunday in the village while en route for Kings- ville where he has purchased a tailor- ing establishment. Charlie being a should do a thriving business, Money Loanep. — When ‘ged. with us will Le strictly pane Jamxs -ORRANCE, Sepa Kont itze has secured rooms in . C. 8. Grosch’s block and has open- in cae studio for particulars as to v. Father Gnam was in Stratford may on his way to ess rom a i Devroit and to: his home in Bot uron. The rev. gentleman phate s buying a small printing for the purpo hews among The Sox has just received from the publishers of Anderson’s Physical Education.” This is the latest. work of anaes the well-known Professor of Gym- nastics at Yale University The book treats of every phase ly Address, The ae Limited, 35 King street, west Toronto. Mr. James Trim on Tuesday night returned from his trip to the Pacific province. He was nine dayson the road, three days longer than the usual time owing to accidents that blockaded traffic, the worst of these taking place down near Ottawa when a whole train was entirely demolished and many ngers hurt. Mr. Trim says that] | his year British Columbia experienced n of the finest falls ever seen in that country. The weather was warm and elder » grod ordinary erop of timothy The farmers of suffered covered the meadows. Manitoba, however, he says Now is the time to order your butter Hi is agent for thea the sole care of five | oi swan and| He popular and exemplary young man|D Envelopes printed in accordance ith the post office department. reg- Saban may be had at the Sun office. SrratTFoRD in in our Fur Deparia Mc ae a Co, aes A social under the auspices of id will be hel ies’ Ai ld at the aes dence of Mr. L, Rae on Thanks- iving eveni ov. when a good musics bea literary programme | wiil be provided. Addresses will be delivered by ahs Ber T nowdon Millen, Miss ata ne Misi, td ‘signified her intention of will render pea »» The edings f the evening will be seat by games an home amu: cess will be declared ae Teattes. will beserved. Everybody will, be made iGotne aid wpond’ wad ceed chat. Admission 10 welcome. ing in social Ver eS endacnu D.D., gets ‘y of Missions of i Methodict eburch ot Canad delivered nn mission. wor th an address upo: Methodist aia on Tu it Seening, ‘he meeting, onpeee the state the re tended, audience with one of the most eloquent addresses ever heard in Milverton. His eloquence recalls to lad that old veteran, the late lamented Principal of r. ‘is address She hougrenstion Ribitebed " aberally to the funds of the Missionary society. i PERSONALS Mr. Fred. Schmidt of Galt spent a few days in the village last week. és Mr W. VY. McMillen left on Mon- day to spend a few days in Detroit, . George, of Listowel, spent.a few aye this week witb Miss Millie ‘asenpflug. ee ‘Miss Whitely left on Monday for set to attend the funeral of her ndfat a et Goodhand returned to Wedn« y after having been engaged all summer in the cheesemaking business in Mil- verton. —_-—_—_ MILLBANK. Henry McFadden, who has been at- tending the Listowel High School is at bios at present vee ill. We hope Hees id his s r. J. B. vote wi sty for the last two . Weir's withdrawal the loses a courteous and ent who was exceedingly popular with the farmers. ‘The tile yard hi down for the season but the farmers who ap- preciate vantages of under. draining their land are fast hauling away the tile which has accumula during the sumayer months. Wellesley township of a splendid crop of vale this year and the farmers of that township abe ise hwuling them away; fipad ates passing daily through the wlisee: Mn ga our village serelieny havin; ught quite. a nui hnctrols fon whidll ie paid the. Aghest market price. Wellesley township's annual plowing match was held on the farm Brenner, situated bade n St. ‘lghanes and Heidelburgy on Thursday, Nov 3rd. petitors dropping out. an old hand at this work was awarded fipst place in the men’s class,

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