Milverton Sun, 17 Nov 1898, p. 4

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A BEAUTIFUL - PIRATE By GUY ceipicsietd Author of “A. yr Fortune,” “Phe Marriage of iatine ate ANAAAIAMAAAABAAAARAAAARARR SS [Copyright 1898, by D, Appleton & Co.) HOW 1 COME TO HEAR OF THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE DEVIL. The nae was sweltering hot, even for Hongk “Hello! onWho's this?’’ said Peckle. “*Poddy, by all that’s human. Watch- man, what of the night? Why this in- lecent haste?”’ 1@ newcomer was a short s and almost marmalade colored hair. “epoddy 4s auffering from a bad att of suppressed information,” said Ben- well, been examining hi critically. “Better prescribe for hil je. Normanvill h, got you dont fe one another. Let me intro- Horace Venderbran, Mr, er! De! Teun) Nowe you're acquent, as they say in the fe “Out with it, Poddy,” continued Packie, digbing iim iar tue be with the butt of his oue. “If you us soon, we shall be ely ee pelled to Roe the first place,’? begart M Yandesiran, “you must kuow that the inadat “Well swell, skipper—Perking, mar- itinat and tactatalen: Gbiek ofioen, fade mm; otherwise the China sea liar! What about her? She sailed this even- ing for Shanghai’ “With a million and a half of specie aboard. Don’t forget that, “Went ashore y-ee-moon pi o'clock. yanded by Hunks fnsanty skipper aise Aenea is, lancente for eanein Po and, like most gun- Siesta frien fc Late 66 be ef aby 80, Apologies, Peckle, old m and ten men was th the money is gone—goodness knows where! Now, what diyon think of th Jor n¢ ‘My ee ciou: “What fon were they?” “Nobody ke dis Sey sesinocn pues took) Bight ene ay our very noses Criminy! Won't the Beautiful White Devil again, 1 sup) Pooks Tike it, don’t it? Peckle, my boy, from this hour forward the papers will take it up, and—well, if I know anything of newspaper: i house, Faeahe aEaiatel White DH fl; club chow, Yoko! hama—Beautifal every yarn differing. an tty etc by miles. inning to feel very ee oak nae Bach of intone men started in toex- plain. I held up my hand in entreaty. “As you are erg, be merciful,’? I tried. “Not all a a One of the leat footed China boys brocght mea match for m: held it until I bi ‘Then, throwing ieee back in the Jong cane chai, I bade them work wicked will “Let Poddy tell,” said Peckle. “He vis a ery prolific imagination. n, and don’t spare him.’’ pada ai Dulled bimselt together, signed for silence and, having done so, began theatrically: Who is the Beau- rit Mystery. Wheredid she first ler name of Singapore, junks sprang ded her in spite of en ship’s ted her bullion ve of 300 000 fy aac passengers of £3,000 eeeBat W hat reason have you for con- eon the! Beautiful White Devil with “thie yacht hanging ae all the tobe hers. Send them and when ea money Pela ba niger 3 straightway carried “Quite quiet for three months. Then the sultan of Surabay: ‘achanced to make yacht in pao Priok, presumably to say g Having done so, she coaxed him aloe sailed off with him there and then kept him under lock and key until he had paid a ransom of over 400, - woman staying at this very hotel. Basa ih “Well, V pe was so sl ad smitten that be wanted to marr d Staak aa uk aati ent one day a him r fora cruise in his Of course he jumped at the pace His undying ove, and all thay of thing, you kno y lady seep GesiWves ta nis head ad nate im heave to. A boat put off from the stranger, and lady and friend boarded her. fove, the mone; nail! Chinese government against her forabduoting a mandarin of the gold kntton, They tried to catch her, but failod. ‘pnglich cruiser went after her for two days and lost her near or Silence again for three armor and wife ing ont ae on ship, the Ooo noe ‘Her lady- ne llevie wenn maa her a diamon: rth ere Was yaa £80, oe in gold going up to Shanghai. It is sup- ae, ee pas they arivan av? pechekune’ both bullion, diamonds and purser were mys- teriously missing. Couldn’t find a trace of ’e haan orlow. Whether they went nalelee ori foe, whether they were still need ws on board, nobody ever Pelaojonl ooonts gst leet tlie, Bum story, eee ine Has anybody ever onl ibaa just think so; sultan of isn’t she worth being enthusi- satin about 3 Jovel I'd like to know her history. hinese EN these aeatie neath to to the present. Look at She’s here today Whit m fe ports _n soley: ‘The police and the poor old admiral are turning grey under the strain.’ “By Jove! I’d like to see her.’ "Don’t say that or you will. Noboay ever knows where she'll tun up next. Tt is certain that she has agents every- where and that she’s in league with one es a the final You should just hear the lattes Geel pton of the yacht es its appointments. aod % es creep when he told us how ‘would sit on deck, looking sim Se and through ont of her half closed eyes | 1 till he began to feel as if he’ 7 have to get up'and scream or sit where he was and go mad. He saw two or three things on board that boat that he says he’ll oie forget, as ss a ee he "t want excursit the aehiyrs eboney." 8 common ‘It seems incredible that she should * getting aboard direct rose and ae round the ta- ble to where his ball lay under the all aa Go on.”” “And de io you mean to tell me that bebe ony a glish, American, French, peliove, Dr. and Japancse fleets can Arriving at memory I recollec' being more like the into the uttermost depths of your soul.””| @ B00 an. have I pitiful is the vanity of man this time forward I began to look w “And ni any objection t legitimate mi is it ie ‘salt very strange. your cere a explain mysel bh ae oushion. The be nape inh aca called the score as if there had been ni paused as if irresolute, and then, \Z Rane I'm afraid, for bered the laws “nou 2eegins mi desire to consult you be alone?” . “We shall be quite free from Ae enti there.’ Ais will do excellently, ‘Let us go it.” “You are a stranger in Hongkong, 1 be my room, I lit a cand ed a chair forward for him. Kk up my position knew. gone; that wi side en windo “ ganeek font aveches weak fukiaus Jina | street below I could: hear the subdued wana ite aye alt hem oak li ip worried the admiralty so with dis-| voices th ssersby, the rattle of] pardon for 3 altos doubling. you, hae ‘patches that two cruisers were rant C kshaws and the chafing of sampans| " «Pra; understand with instruccions to look for her. They| Slongside the wharf. I remember, too, | the evaiival. phe hs Evra ateuiad vos about and at last sighted and| that the eae was just rising over the} to divulge a ce of the ae ee any to the ae nee wnainland, an how ho or- | living soul n: : they joe her in a fog. Thos tant things ae, engraved ae re. of hospitality. Surabaya, Vesey, native prince and all| ‘‘Before we begin reaps he oat Tes Is it very severe?” the people staying at this house when | You some refreshment?’ I asked. ““B. y. There have already sek near: je was here.” bani ? Whisk; aed ly 1 Hee pane ut of which quite 50 have What description do they give of m obiiged to you,’? he answered. | proved fatal. Your position will be no her?”? sah ‘ain I ‘will take a Tele whisky, | sinecure. You will have your work out “Quite a young woman—eight and ik you, out for you. twenty at most, tall and Rue oh beau- at put my hoa. nel of the door. A] So it would appear. Now, if you tiful feature, clear cut as a cameo; ex- | Servant wa: pass! will excuse he I will go ont and en- quisite complexion and ee eos eek bring an ‘whisky pegs.’ deavor to — oo lymph. We shall Dr avoice like a flute, figure like| Then returning to my guest, aT and, need all we ca: Venus and eyes that look ieeanba yours | ‘‘Do re smoke? T think I can give you “You coog oS “put yourself to 80 cigar. He took one from the box and lit it, tine the smoke Iuxuriously throught mare a stranger in Hongkong, De Normanville?’’ he be- ‘Not only in Hongkong, but you might say in the east Béabeatly, Fan-| gy, “Tam out ona Bua diseases for a book I am writ- tour to stud; a hiéved considerable half the junk pirates slong the coast. “Tt mncertain,’’ I replied, {70 BE CONTINUED.] Glad ne not a man worth al ting.” + | “bat I almost fancy another six weeks “But in spite of what Pe aye: ill find me ups Ban boat See see Re hardly rate pe it’s possible for "3 homeward bound.’ Best Way to Preserve Quinces. wo ee i ays uch @ trade. It’s “And in that six weeks will your| Wipe the quinces, cut them in qua: like time be very importantly Grete ne ‘sand remove. the ins and cores, “Tpe not like te it faa romance, anda| ‘“‘Icanuot say, but I should rather] Weigh them and allow an eqnal weight pretty unpleasant te Sultan. of| think not. So far asIcan tks present | of sugar. Cover with cold water, and surabaya and poor ol Vesey were glad | ™Y. ne soon as it begins to boil put in a lit- let me ‘o earning £: Yt th east,” i ee with a chat “What man would have, provided, of aes Z canearn it in a See a bastiated Oobaiacratlo oe tention upon the treatment of smallpox, I believe?” “T have had sole charge of two small- >| many to be the very best ‘Well, this U iret in which £1,000 i ti PSS at SER without Sone or ene pees Bae. ganas oak ‘Transplanting Berry Bushes, Etc. ar 3 “ In answer to a correspondent Vick ““He’sa man blessed with good sound| ‘And you wish me to take charge of ‘on sense. ‘That's what he is,” ite? tells that currants, blackberries and “That is exactly what Iam commis- si ‘otiate."? re Pad me? Sais rather strange, aed is altogether an extraordinai ay busin on the other hand, the look- and confidential Ts shere au room i the hotel rr as yolk of a hard boiled =n bered to have Suddenly I remem- come to tésineay To put Ae antl, nae you| press them d = But with self pause in the game, and the match was | pay is eqc2!'y extraordin: « ce more getting under way when the ieslinel igg ie Coches = swing doors og and an ewe, man | dertake the combating of an outbreak entered the fe was dressed in iIpox on the following terms and white from fy cue os a 2 big um- | condition: aneration shall be brella and wore a broad brimmed solar | £1,000; the doctor shall give his word topee upon his head. nee: taslaarte'l ne dinnte Botte diynlge the business to any feed oa he ne 1 set off at once ine that he goes.” ‘And Beiinh must he start?’” ce. without delay; o'clock tonight. a is nearly 11 n1 MAE a aiecwe ation Come, Dr. Dy Nonnanyl ille, are you prepared to rtak “T don’t really know what to say. There is so much mystery about it,” MOE that is necessary.’ ym in saute net ae oni what answer to gi Should I accept or should I decline the cay 12 at length, “Pay me shar the Graney anid batore tnlact asa guarantee of good faith and I’m your m: iver good. I will even meet you Ho put bis hand inplds. bia coat and lle | drew out a pocketbook. From this he took five £100 pe of England notes and gave them to ee es you my word I will not.” en that ig settled. Tam much ootge to you. Can y ihe wes Reedy a eeeaighe? “Certainly. I will be there without And now tell me something of the oe pe aoa "that it has been attended to. To provent any suspicion arising pans your have laid in a stock of everything you can possibly need. “ery well, then. Iwill meet you on harf. “On the wharf at 12 otolock precise- Hor the predant adieu.’ ¥| He shook me by the hand, picked up his hat and umbrella and disappeared down the leon while I returned to my room oes hang sae ‘The last at otroks of 12 at Pies boom- g out on the muggy night when I stepped on to the landing ted toawait m: ae hotel | servant whi down and, having received his Denig, 6 me. them bail slowly until perfectly tender and jon; you eit have jelly. ‘This is thought by way of Bee serving fesieirs says The American itchen. raspberries can all be planted in Ootober in the spri A cur- case of fall planting of any of the pea ta men- tioned it will be well to rie after setting asking for such a thing, we| cen! see Sasi omit dai said wahlgs fo the aff sted spot a be shall stil DE KOLS. ige imee! o reveal nothing | wh: Leadt ir tell me where 1 can nd. a oe of what bo may haveheard arte when 7t wuceometios Produce bom Bice anied De Nesmanile?” he returns here again. Is that clear to| Henry Stevens & Son ft New York “I-am that person,” I said, rising id A ie "pnt, Dat eo ame ota | Wiech tc “I hope you will not think merude,”” | 4iary Bev tervie bh ©, W. Jennings, pub- he continued, ‘‘but if you could allow 1 grant yo you itis Bat it is a chance} ished in Hoard’s Dair ‘Mr. Ste- me the honor of five minutes’ conversa- | that sev men would care to let slip i expressed great preference for the ae you £ oe be obliged.”” Faaabes ; is the person undertaking De Kol family. He said: ‘We have De ‘ith plea: ie place?" Kol I di = I crossed the sted Bahce he stood | {1 will arrange that myself.”” ily, eit " tte ee eeord * hae eae eid diotca him cng tes ‘And how is he to rotor from it/g onnocs iu soven days ite largest “*Bardou me,”” he ani ‘pnt the busi. | @Rain?” breed. Watatoat fs “He will be sent back in the same fecord of any ow inthe breeds It aw Fe agriculture made the test, time the cow was milked and ¢ tak: day's yield was 48-10 pounds of ae We think this official record qui ly substantiates her earlier onda one, All of her daughters, with one ex- e: De Ke Il’s Queen, asa .s -year-old, 28 ound ounces butter in 7 days; Netherland De Kol, at 2 years, 20 pounds 5 ounces in 7 daye, 827 pounds 12 ounces of milk in 80 days, oe large st milk record by a 2-year-ol eres Sp uline, al offi Gnade tae winning ¢ in the official test in 18: averaging during the week 4.36 p . Mildred de Kol, another daughter, arobased at the Hayes sale at Cleveland in December, 1897, has a reported rec- ord of 60 amie testing 4.6 per cont fat, 2-year-old form. Later she gave 12,000 pounds of milk in 10 months, testing on different occasions as high as 6 some There is no other herd of the breed on this con- tinent so rich in the blood of De Kol IL as is this one. “One of the leading bulls is Manor the two richest weed. Another mene? bull is De Kol ite Batter Boy I in bi c = quantity and quality.” ran For Dairy Cow! price and what must be paid in the spring or winter will give a good profit, saying nothing of the advantage is ‘having 8 a fall 1 op when needed. but in supplying a comple that a there is ration, so ie bane te of © dea. “Dve gota plndian system for pre- merous fatal accidents each ting these ni Caused by deer hunters shooting ” “What is it?” ‘Let only one man hunt at a time.’” THE PURPOSE OF LIFE Dr. Talmage’s Sermon on the Aim and Object of Existehce. The End of Life Should Be Action--Premonitions of Usefulness-- \ The Necessity of Specializing--Paradise Shall Be the Reward of Labor. { © Washington, Nov. 18,—To all th ho feel they have no especial mission the eering revelation; out and ti similar finetetors swept bah river j Then the body was taken out ete = ut f a deeper pool, whi: c ame the center of similar wroharad ds and aqueons distur! Thor hese are fanciful and false trattions, ay show the execration with whi the world looked upon Pil yas betore this ) When eared ee thi: = born, ough, aisncugh all earth and hell Sereticree ep him down, he is to-day empalaced, Beene oe coronet- king of earth and king of heaven. t he came for fand that is Be the time a child reaches 10 y question, Seking i until it is. 50 that the\young man or yo can say with as much tinth as its author, though on a jee oaat soale, ‘To this end was I The ieee arposes much divine skill shown aeienas to spots and walls scrolled paneled, and wainsooted ab eeaenientttn more Wren lifted . foaoh discharge you from al stesity for most of your environm: a are ¥ responsible for your parent- me gran You are not re- sponsible ta any of the cranks that may in your sairas line and who sauenas a the fact Jas your t amen’ nguine, or melancholic, or billeus, er lymphatic, or nervous. are you responsible fo: sed age eos of your nativity, topes amo. ite hills land, or ty ches: plana , or on the banks et bn ite Shan- bother yourself about help or about circumstances that you did ‘not decree. Take things ‘as they are and decide the gone, 80 aire you ce be able tals to say, “To this end wi orn,” ‘will you deal it? By “direct spolcaion to the o1 ig in the universe w! compet pee “ell you—the Lo ar ing whi happening in the ‘ancestral line, and for thousands of years dam, sions. The re dead tint og is chat parente decide for children { they sball do, or children them- it have now in sn palais nas raeeee sermons a who ou; kamith shops making Setters, 2a wo bare In: the law those who instead of raining the of clients ought — pound. shoe lasts, and doctors wi el col yor ynces to ee at ing to paint naa be whitewash- Ensicapt who ought to g board fences, mle there are others ught to be pica are " affinities for certainstyles of work. When the father of the astronomer Fort 0) what present he should bring each ona them. The boy who was to be an astron- omer cri ing me a telescope!”” Signs of the Futui nd there are children “pices and you kno Ana’ Anns are found pian 7 years of a crisis that God only can dec! there are those Laie for some Scot work and their firtnes: until quite late. When Philip Doddridge, hose sermons and books have counted souls for glory, began to stud: for the ministry, my, one of the ‘wisest and best mer him to turn their serait, in boyhood have turned out the mightiest benefactors saying thal nays what ls she moat nourozriat thing parno saying, “Yo this end was ‘What Shall I De? But my subject now mounts ped us y that y¢ wheels and eae flying and the whole | 431 hay at faculty and you had memory but no aang or judgment but fas! will, and oul with only one capacity, aufyors live all jae, it the Tife of #20 otter im- ortals were of the You dred ow. God ane pe “8 a ough to know. A factory runnin; of $500,000 but it with such faith and such satisfac c “To this end was I born. Act at Ouce. Do ni tions. greatest victories seated. ui if you wait for som ison cephalus to ride into the conflict you never get into the worldwide i! all, Samson slew enemies New Testament s' dake a) es Gee you have and Lord, kindness, and not finding ont unti ‘a pivture of him, and woman, this Breen cae and g last summer. on your hat, O mi a go over al nd 200 that “vane erlast “yo in your soul, It may be "teal it I recite my gard. ” \d_ never prayed, and ee cae direction, and wrote it dow! memorandum book and Tent, Life Is Brief. yer thi tion they bled him; if he had rhew make out pet whi the 1: ever had pict may b a what you wi after Goa agar the spirit’s regenerat ing tay I -I plant this platform. I direct it toward isa path on which you can start ea extraordinary qualifi ‘Dole, the. conqueror, gained his ht at with the jawbone of the aaailhey aes created. i nese pa ee ee hye woisale: ae ithe biind ee aw sin the bat I have! Show me mn, one of the — distinguished ae chien in heathen lands, oars wondering who did for him the Christian il ina im to Africa he Put on Hos hat, O qd com- fort that young ae mig leet hic tbe was compelled yesterday to make an as-| and t and then the reunion, Only a Ii transflguration. h century Go and sing tor Oy tarted for ie work then as plainly as I see it now. I come to the climacteric tiam they bled him ana if they could not aneet to take the pictura? 1 see ison heaven would not tion as oe “decrepit ade and Bu- pS will 1@ apostles and prop! most exalted fe ninine, of ail the centuries. Sa The Eud of All Lite. it gon realize that it 1s an pal say? man, | hopes exhi who sting and then th 8 ‘was threatened $e of Poland, come down for the relief, own Vienna watched al until on the moraing ind | that light ie a im; the swor ld the helm deliverance? Lot rather than let heaven go. Now William Waldorf Astor on American shes sults of thi the | Were perfectly con! ou f Rallway ix Chin railway ae seud coolies to tear up th sleepers, them on a desol: ‘spot of Formasa. A Lnst Resort. ‘There io only oné thing ¢ that can “What is ry uma atter weary you would not jeski, this | they “had sent for help, should awith his ept. ‘unusual and un are young again, though you died ia eal beats though you coughed ae aatpaeds youre tes d martyrs souls, masculine and is. what the apostle whil 100 or 150 tag! and think shat Natta ieee ity may yeu that prolongation, for now thi eb there; A Condition That Frequently Causes Much Suffering. of Kentville, reves Mrs. Harry Giffor the Value of Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills in This Condition. From the Acadien, Wolfville, N. 8. The Kentville, who some time Ag was ae bie ce self as pleased at the prospect of having ‘an opportunity to a publicity to her remarkable cure. “I have told all my friends about it,” she said, “but have often felt that it was my duty to have as my case published im the papers.” Three years ago this spring my system was in a badly rum is condition ed of t nd exe treme painfulness. For ni weary mo} wi unable to turm my head and my _ heal became such that I could not exert myself im east. Several physicians were co! ‘ttle while, al) Europe and trom every roof and ome the awe of Slork, at 16 years of age, Issarched titles, | “caoge, and’ tha day not only Vienna haturalized foreigners, recorded deeds, | hus Harope, was saved. And soo you not ed the confession of judgments, | © ye souls, besieged with sin and sorrow, ‘and juries and gra Cyantidl is claiming js one e war, We ated to have William ‘in | ashamed of a orashint on Post. : einia $3 & 2 nthe coast on earth “Not having any money to spend.” RE A COLD IN ONE DAY rake Latutive Bromo Quinine Tal eo. Al by the want of action in the bil Mr. writes: Parmelee’s ¢ Pills ere lead against ten in stock.” He—" “Did you hou She—And yet You grow! little he. it cost mother a carriage napolis Journal. Colic and Kidney er makes whic! the other afternoon.’ they bled b olen ime phlebotomy was deat oad this has ‘Sho Had Net. foam baat she ‘way jx ath ope “ffave you been married previously?” clude that the tite, ssraranee companies | **5cd the “icense hake fat ave to change their table of tisk jaw,” the young and ing a mor clings “but paw, he be te thinks 70 than they used to do when he wa! 0 I getting marri usly and no more premium at 6 than when dow." Atadianapolla Joie he was 40. advancement of siedical science Lia she wine int- | Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, ance with the laws of health and the fact IS Na oan Dyspepsia or Indigestion is_uccasioned iary ducts, be taking the ich [have would sree a to work a paniatio for ara an about the and me for ”"—India- sulted, but without the slightest benefit. ‘The swelling was finally lan cpen only aggrava' matter blood was eo impoverished that the “itson id not heal but developed Heed ne seize fect health a of spirits re d. Since that time Mrs. Gifford has had implicit confidence in Dr. liams Pink Pills, and has used th for any physical disorder of herself oF ildren with the same happy results. rr. William: create new blood, build up the nerves and thus drive from the firs fen In yah aoe ey have cured 2! all ee medicines had Figo ded thus Company, Brockville, Ont.» \d they will be mailed to you post pai at 50c- a box, or six boxes for $2.50. _—— Condensed. ‘An amusing story is told of the edi Lissie “Get down there as hard as you can,” a roprietors have so mi wers, that they oir One Hundred or any case that it falls to eure, Send f of te rer te Sw J, . CHENEY & Co., Toledo, ®& pa Drugeists, 7. ‘The Beginuing of It. fe-You look good enough to sat this morning, ShewIndeed! Why don't you eat me then? BES deron told me to eraid Worn nae feverehnen moaning and Wilder, J. P., Latargeville, the Sweet Girl. Mabel—“Do you have any effect upon the Mr. J. W. N. Y., write tacks of Colic think the war will price of can- dies?” Jack—Wouldn’t be surprised if it did. en why don’t you get s leasant, sure Con B your druggist has Sra ‘Worm E: effectual, tock, get him to procure it for y« Courting E: “My girl’s father pt me a bill for their rad clock. “What did you “have to do with Pa 4 oe it back barb fi sight and got all out of order.” Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Vienna has a cabman who has beew fined twenty times for ¢rying to pone bicyclists to to grief. Smatipox is the most infectious dle»

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