‘r this here 1d drill holl, wat ebay tho pene tw shade | called out fight — ive bei ‘reading the truce to 1 tauoy 1 poctooty legal mie LO exp th, considerable stress, “that T deubt eke eruce of the Eagle. Dol do see bebe @n injustice? WasI in ‘the cou ream: When I saw eta clawing the Lion, with the curdling screams ? How he Eee for yen Munro { but now e's looking quite | nt. ‘Ttell 1 yous youug fe i, (ee wu'd better watch t for the Eagle that looks like a eee ‘When the Bear was very pugnactous, and Peas and the Germans looked ird was lee ites the Lion, and try- ick out his His baci is mellow as music; i it hath a most ous **quack,” wore it’s all in good earnest, bat Z won't ke wny i in et Canuck, I hope you uel the wind, and keep yout Hone tar Tagle ‘tho woke like a duck | —The Kean, ang _ CUBAN ConquEST The native Cuban hi ate Sethe Aunertoas eeaniae jis is what the editor of the ¢ eae “Weekly of Metamora, Mic! ne aah of bass ips hen served foi bey at least of per- He is dirty, lying, thieving lnzy, , swinish, mongrel, pride of manhood and, if his con- is virility, w: without hope id Ae ba hore “Cuba: iow h, and we Brera talis nag ee bataie we met | 501 Shien We wave poked beans and corn beef rk and: white e a sore tl > and aunmunition aod We hav ar that that eration of tl “ liv in getting aides more, al more to do their daily task ti ‘incipals no matter what the sac BGAieaK Te shubeit koows ‘of ie! books; "st In His Steps,” he clearly 4 ave, reed the Wituess with mach in ee T cannot say that I know of S other duily paver in che Dale that is conducted ov euch high pr ish Ldid, for if ever “needed such a Hsiee tr acre conte jee they A States Let ress to you my appreciation * of the iGhrtatiai heroiti i nL eonsideration for a Christian daily to suc ‘You have proved thutit, can, 89 mueb + of the ideal newspaper in *In His Steps therefore re ay thes. oe ete cana te ssseil In your know a < more glorious op Pruanity tor building ap the kingdom on earth than by means of ism. I take th Hee tee pies of the in seniting Se eo 0 got ailue fur 0 wspaper friend “Very corially yours, “CHaRLbs M. SieLpox, ‘Topeka, Kansas.” £6. BLOODED MURDER — it Beaverton, Rao igual at spring (asnises. In pons of the oe me ace cee a hme tat. he vould wall mat a short dintaice mathont taking a rest week ago Saturday Joba MeHatti-, y pretty old Sheds cation abel w do jwores for Murray, 8 pit ar like tes Me- we the clunge to nel le was Pe said “ mes sig i ging stay Ae ai oie lef Seawe ne i grows jn the | ha bread into him until ae i 1b. ¢ Bek so we will nella gentlemen hae” we i rd - | chancellor of the exchequer, —_+—_—_ Agricultural Experimental Union Annual f any | Di e | an’ tae an ’ Association are both to: be’ Guelph on the Of and Sth if Decem| meeting . of oe Guelph heap. Peon made a statement to the constable about the key of mene land the: annual repudiates, but I Pooley Association on Sreangsmenta have been made with the tailway compa Gael ph te stead M to oe ‘puperipeatal sion and _othet interesting events ing that week t ‘of du it at Yeap) a cat and dig yes aay bait. Then tural $e i Ug no Pie teehee rane fe eae ‘aeiph, Ont. a boy aot yet 16 of Maga lew ennit tects den oe ie BW. Scout is wcting preasier during the “eee of Sir Wilfrid LEPE’S SPRIN Laurier and Richard Cartwright. If the Kidn Inport 18 POISENLD. cuuReH pI DIRECTORY, s These Dialeen eight 's Disease a pene tee Ba ae iy rae every Wertnesday a 7330, p.m. League, ings at 8 o'elod Peer iteante ae 258 pom ery di blood in iar the Kidneys for the impurities— day —while ie ss the body removal Tee te its ke "Ser- Mei ee ew Ena! —Vv ra Iicumbent. ani ivine worship at 7 Service at Elma at 3: o'clock "Bomxs Caunou:—Rev. David Andersou, A., pastor. sSabath Services at Ham. i Bright’s disease, pious ne It never James ice. fails. Sold by |Z tHe Ev. George, Finkbeiners vice an Sere School, jae Y. PLC. A. m on Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock, Luniznay Cavmcn—Rev. Wim, mie B.A. pastor, Sabbath Service a A BUSINESS-LIKE WARRIOR, e Sirdar has presented his Soudan expedition balance sheet to the British i most exacting critics de good use of his ar ities. Here COMMERCIAL. Corrected weekly by H. M. Schaefer. 1898. Cost of campaign gee 4 sae Be) 760 Pisce puesle To 2,800 mi telegra ee ant ey meee gun Munvertox, November £4 : Bal shen per bu S$ 66 ‘Te the Soudan Oat es b Anules per bag the Soudan, with its great rich natural jee od, its value Bay Turkeys per Hum per Pace ridges, ier are thetpaahty substaotdl ail fa ‘The new gunboats kind, ‘The telegraph ery substantial assets,” Milena Gailyrtaae ve haking ots Stratford, N Ae eM Weal jarley eee ‘Meeting Appice Dai : Potatoes, ver ban e “Union” el commence with ublie meeting in the large Convocation Halt on the College grounds ow the event of 7stig liste all ape Aeastone wibatl: au ate eoeeian al elise on Friday afternoon the 9th, of Deven! SSRUINaEy TELMILS of the, BAIA experi: year on over three resented and ne This eiooe Hi fortum eo-erative wor Bay Dairying, Bee-Keeping, Soil Phys isa the Weels of Ontario should the meeting interesting: snd: proseat We ulso notice that Prof. C.F. Curtiss rector of the ‘sgiealar periment Station of Iow, Principal of the Philadepie Cooking Scho! t an Associate ior of the “Ladies Hine Joaranl * havé been engeyed tu speak at the mecting. aha cabin "Fat Stock and Poultry Show, d the unvuai meeting of the Ontario Bee “She Carries Her Heart on Her Sleeve” jat a boon to many a man or woman ifthis were pea so—How ree beects are chee fobs this particular organ is shackled by diseaso—and y many times has Dr- Agnew’s ore for the Heart brushed against the oa ‘reaper “ind robbed him of his es Pou toes . Dre Beef, “fotqurter Lamb. Veal . to Ep et young alike—not insidious but violent, oth when the heart fails the wna mm suffers yuses here wil crit divas there of hope to sufferers from the belief that were itnot feriusgan remedy they world have long ago passed into the great beyond. rate aes tested Dr. Agnew’s claims, and to-day they ele: it in té medical science. What are the symptoms? geet ng ph dar pul to find relief from it inside aed minutes—a 1¢, Ont, after having been trea! Ixo. Frrzparnice, of Ganant aving been cared Dr. Agnew Care One dose relieved her of a very aci eee rahe: nded in Siapyin iment antl ‘a good fries fe forthe Heart. ee ate Boek gave biz selet ching skin diseases ¢ rheum, tetter, DR. 5 cent DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER reeves cold in the head or hay fever in ten minntes—will stubborn and long standing catarrh eases quickly and permanently. DR. Bi AGNEW'S LIVER LIVER P PILLS cere constipation, biliousness, sick headache, torpid liver—clear th = Sold by JAS. TORRANCE. . | sellers. 66 One Thing is Certain, and That is Aur Trade is Growing Rapidly WHY Is IT ? Simply because we carry the assortment, sell up-to-date goods at a low margin, keep exactly what people are looking for, treat people right, and what more do you want. We have people coming in every day and this is the common expression, (If1 want anything nice and up-to-date I must come here, of course I’m not a customer of yours, you have a beautiful store.) -| Well our Motto is Se AN DoE LINce But this is the kind of people we want, people that are hard to suit, and want first class stuff. This is the success of our busi- ness. One thing is certain, anything you buy from us, if not satisfactory to you, keep it’ in good orderand return to us, money refunded. F Our Sates In Ready-Made Clothing Have been very large the past week especially in s|Men’s Suits and OQvercoats i|We have a Ready-Made line, 50 extra heavy at That can’t be beat. They are Our Overcoats Inall colors at ...... $9.00 Are beauts, Also at $12.50 OO land $15.00, worth $15 and $20. Call and Examine. «<> 2 Men’s Ulsters at 5.00, 6.00 7.50 and $10.00 Boys’ Ulstets at 3.85, 4.25 {and $5.00 FURS =i In this department we are ulmost entirely sold out the largest season, al_ ready, that we ever had, You ask yourself the question, Why is it ? Simply because our Furs af right and at low figures. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT "= Is always up-to-date, Kindly take a look at our Dress Goods. a number of Jobs this week. Call in and see them. A large Shipment of Gent’s Ties to hand, selling at 25 cts. each. Grosch & Pfeffer A WORD ABOUT RUBBERS ee GROSCH has the largest and best assorted stock of Rubbers We bave ever shown. We can fit any style - of a shoe, narrow toes, wide toes, or any other kind of toes at the lowest prices. : SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Sraney RUBBER CO. J. G.