Milverton Sun, 1 Dec 1898, p. 1

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may “It Shines For All.” Vol VII—No 47 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 00., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, (898 MALCOLM Mac! Editor and Pul her The Milverton oun ae best Local Ne ewespepee in f Perth. It is the Best Neetea! Medien. Rates reasonable. Subscription $1 r, strictly in advance. $1.50 |. —M. MacBetn, PcR.isHer. not so'pai ADVERTISING RATES, 6 mo. SPACE. | Year. column. 350 00/0 00 $1 ati 6 00) “3 9 00) Kerr, Miss Etta "| M Mi -ARTHAGE., Quite a few of the Soe had the pleaaur® of attending = weddio Mrs. ki ta ott among those whos ase he nuptis of Maggie Frazer and and Mrs. ie. ‘On Thanksgiving Day Mr. D. .. Re if Charlie Kerr ‘bel, rr and G. ¢ Elma and alorsbertor = THE LOCAL NEWS, Division Court to-day. Read Grosch & Pfeffer’s ad. on page 8. Read W. M. Appel’s advt. in an- Me-| other column. The slight snow fall is being utilized by sleigh owners. The sleighing has crowded the grist mill to its utmost capaci Don’t forget to read °c 6 Kertcher’s advt. next week. Red FI Mr. Melville Large naa nsient eer are el tthe rate of Se, per line, arose, ca ects the thet th ee e patrous are bringing ilk to our butter factory. | Me ng tl 5 he Holines, the ‘prapeietot is auniling three days Bevin a tine or teow | Hon eon pccaddias ne has a young daughter. — Master ime mey, youngest child at rs. S. sick with ws nsacted., Drafts issued Bt nitpaiats in Canada and the ea, Money to Joan on notes and 1 discounted and notes and ceived and , Milverton, atcconnts elected, | Deposit trates of interest a scurent Fatt RANNEY.& CO., Medical HGBERT, M.B, M. D.C. M., grad- of Phgsicians and Surgeo Of Ontario ; slvo uate ital, Hendon ne post Otice, Milverton, 0 “Telephone ‘connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Chureh and ————___—— | Mi Y & CO. spears ae scartet as vel eesisioe of g engine broke a shaft of his buggy. Winn Robert m, blacksmith, however repaired the Garinge and the young men proceeded on ir way, ROSTOCK. Ratz, of Stratford, spent jas been working in Hanover for some time’was also for aig rane of Sebring- Dentisery BRUCE, &. PS joa) siete f R ‘onto; also to e Haskell Post’ Graduate Schoo! ry, Chicago. Office, will it Monde of every im for the practice of his Frofession. dont R. J. ROBINS; of Strath init} jniversi 'y Saree hate of ‘the Roval ‘ate of Vental Surgeons, Toronto, will visit Milver- ton the Bret and third ‘Thursday ot every from. am. to pm. Grand Central Hote tel. oe i . whetios used for pat ‘All work guaranteed. ‘Veterinary H. ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont. Gi pass ‘Ontario Vaterinary. Gallege, _ Tor- to, treats all diseases of domestic tonal lent Il calls. promptly attended Dentistry an J. W. BARR. _ RR SUR- v if Strat sg ated and Mrs. Wengfel- rave been lecturing (Gs lange econ Stet, sen for the past week, Mra, Wendland presented her husband igi pare a Thankagiving day. __ Mr Sum. Ohm in aleo the proud fauher of eh Wena has ot rtf sold his horse to Sieh epeat ie cerloo. We are having pretty fair Magi here at prose SUPFERED UNTOLD MISERY, ae eee Rheumatic Care Thwarted and Cured Him Outright, ae * Gibson, Seo Peml 1e best rheumatic remedy on earth.” Sol afere ‘James Torrance. ‘GEON, stern former; raute of Oota teriuary } College’ Toronto.) ftreats all diseases of domesticated animals. ca by talon ot vaherwies iia tended ivery in co aeeea asa gree, and. figs: at a gage transfer, Commercial driving & specialty. ‘Societies C. 0. F., No. 99, Milv second and int ‘vee ahnciey aetna Bo'clock, i ir allover Schneu ker & Rothaermels oo then al- sways weld: John eine ©. Ba; Barth, Recording Secretar 0. F. No. 202, Milverton, might _ in theit hall, post office building. il brethren alway Engel 3 W. K. Lo a ie ste replied, * hi “Silver Star| pit THERE 18 NO PLATONIC LOVE. ‘Do you believe Platonic love is possible ied woman,’ I feline then the color mounted to bi ather hard on WY ait lanl for et idie kets er akc aay colors up without acause, Thatred flush, & S oe cpt lve subsist Business Cards: bibedtir en ts for the Coun- ties hi "er , Conveyancer, Village Store, cto atceet Sil Fic Z EARL ar i ese est DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. ets all trang All citizens and travellers calls promptly attended to. Dorland, Maple St., sc fee Motels We eh ss i cee EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont, fiquors and Hale 8 accommod GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. Vt accommodati ommercial 0 and others, large sample Good etabling. Best brands of | d' and cigars. S. W. corner of Mai Liqnors sanehill strests C. Hasenpflag, Proprietor. ‘QUEEN'S —— A abresc Ont. The Thest accor eee rcial iat Cigars Good releeny ae Get cove. Henry, Ross, peep. Misceltaneous JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, ‘Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, ete. Brunner, Ont. G. T. R. Time tole ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. '@ NORT! Is, wil a creel n and 2a ros aged re “ail Me cnt gash ec ie a ‘latonic ceelny satirely, ‘The truth is, that theve is no such tl love, it ot from the ain, cellencies of is rer ldoogh screatal esti in any cases is the first cause of the lov tie clea coe tires ok ex predating aff bon R auy one is by means of a caress given with ie bunds, arme aud lips. This is nataral aud right wl e affection is allowable— eaped smear eaetn child, fusband and wife ur brother and sistes Govenvmext sc SCHOOL GRANTS Public School Inspector Irwin has ington, $10; Mornington, $10 8.8. a, $5 ia, $10. S. 8. 2, Wale 8 ae Wal- lace, $10; 8.8.2, Elma, $5 ;8.8. 6, Mornington, oe 8.8.10, Mornington 310; S. Bianshard, $5 ; S. S. 7, isenthia $5; U.S.S. 8, Blanshard and Usborne, $13 $15; 8. S. 4, Downie,35; S. S. 3, Ellice $i x love: ting bell int abiey egards the mind | g and i q ci Stig That last clause, egarding the mind only,’ upsets the theory. 5 [Of iron to withstand the hardships whi gaged £0 teach theieEeaulia’ school next yea nee Irwin spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the village inspecting the school. Mr. Geo. Goetz, of Ellice, will again bea candidate for the Reeve- as| Ship of his own townshi Just opened out an entirely new stock of pipes, priees bye ie to $3.00 at Kertcher’s, flag Ned who know age ito ike the dice ke ’em nice” earric off | § several agers last Thu The railway isatan end and ne traveling abe will have to “go their jeans” and pay A ie pa a voit e just opened up the largest case of children's Xmas Toys ever re- ceived in Milverton. Call and see them. ©. S. Kertcher, Red flag store. In Messrs. Grosch & Pfeffer’s store may be seen a handsome specimen of the golden pheasant. It was bagged by Mr. Jus. Trim while in British lumbia. A number of citizens have petition ed the school board asking that they may be permitted to utilize the old school building for gymnesium pur- poses. Games of every discription, such as krokinole, checkers, old maid, lost: heir, Peter Codle, nations, letters, authors, fie domlioes at ©. S, Kertcher’s, Red flag a ie Grade rstood that Mr. Jas. Dickson-will contest the Elma district in the coming County Couneil elections. Mr. Dickson isa man of wide muni cipal experience and will not doubt is} make a g itt Among those who returned from the rs. Si west last week we noticed Messi f Hunter and Harry Waller: Sid brought with him several specimens of wild fowl bagged by himself while on a shooting expedition, The cits variety, of the choicest, brands In musical instruments we still carry a large stock such as Guitars, Banjos, Autoharps, Violins, Mandolins, month organs, etc., at Kertcher’s, Red flag store. N! Loanep. — When your mortgage is due, or i to interest cl with us will e sorictly Hed aan ToRRANCE. The London een) Lighting Cs under the Presidency of 8. 6 s re ins in upon na daily may necessitate sah addit ae demand upon ours: averting space during the Ghristesas limited. subscribers will | bes patient wi we are trying to gather ewan afew ere will ah considerable stir in election matters this year, it being the year that County Councillors are elect. strong Will contest the district, ich A. Kuhry and will no doubt make a suc- cessful rum, will be made on the m knowledge of the subject and would no doubt throw out several valuable hints on that important but neglected depart- ment of the farm, tree culture. Mc. Fred, Baechler and Miss Bridget wal wishes of a large circle of friends go with them for happiness and Goin o their new home.— tock Gazet Peni old ey of ile in the of Mr. George Thare departed Lah is life on Thareday morning at the alin Saag just arrived and will. be sold at a narrow margin above cost at C. 8. Kertcher’s, Red flag store. Mr. D. Smith on Thanksgiving Day played rayby with the Stratford team at Guelph. Dave, however, does not claim to be responsible for the large score piled up by the Royal city boys 10 | who defeated Stratford by 19:0. The council of Elma has shown that over the get library and have made it a township affair open and free to jah) rtapeiee in the town- ship. There is nothing that so adds to the rints as a nicely pr it will bring from Qne to four cents per pound more re. Ti Box h son hand a large fete of he fine ee and purest parchment paper wih can be had done up in large or ots. ss pe ikel y that s Langford will resume work on the G.T.R. It takes constitutions under the . | Fresent mode of management. To enable shen to pay in « new oiler, fer Bros. have of elenodl earn uhrin Hoare chopping . | mills and will remain cl for about two weeks, shove Sana may and a half. Bros. are aged up to-date, expense “ eutting no figure” so long as their customers are satisfied. v. J. H. Moorehouse, of London, will iilteke the anuual meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary to Grace church, Millbank, at 2 p.m. Friday, Dee 2. the evening lectures in Millbank hail on “Cultivating a Taste for Read- os 3 ae in Crossnill on “How to Succeed in Life.” Admission, 10. early age of 61 years. Mr. TI g life had been a man of a vigorous constitution but lately through the ravages of cancer of the stomach it had been steadily declining until death removed him. r. Thare was mach respected by his neighbors and the arse f loses good citizen. There is at preant every prospect of a large winter's trade being done in beh Business men in all lines are preparing to meet the their cana and those wishing to seoure good bargains shoula watch the columns of the Sux from week to week and take Medel be what our ad- ertisers bave to o! The Sun isa jive paper, Maa OuaDohiansieade vance will secure it for you till the end of 1899, Send in your subscription. McPuerson Co, Srratrorp Furriers—We might siy to those de- siring to purchase Furs of any kind should call on McPherson & Co., of Stratford, the only Fur manufacturers in the west. We carry an immense stock of Ladies’ Coats, Collars, Ruffs, | EI Gauntlets, Men’s Conte, Caps and Mitts, Making over Fors of all kinds into new styles is a prominent feature in our Fur Department. mERSON & Co, Stritford The North Perth Farmers’ Institute will hold their regular course of mee! in the following places : Millbank on the 20th of January ; in Atwood 21st of January; in Mitchell, on the 19th of January, and in St. Marys on the 18uh of January, 1898. e nbove are the regular jeu ii plementa: follows : Feb. 2nd Feb. ton, “ Bounties F Bh “oun ; ¥ ‘Stal a Russeldale, Feb. 11th ; Wediaes Feb. 13th ; Sebringville, Feb. 14th and ores Fe ajor James Sheppai saris tat Joseph f Qu E. Aa ot Uxbridge, “will be the delegates for this devision. * | highest notes as clearl, rs. | Spent a few days in town this up | to provide oun as ; Thomas tb e revised aronicipa statute abol- iabing the office of pole reeve in meee councils peeviae in the prea O a reeve at a township coun- il meeting the chairman will he the councillor who took the highest num: ber of votes at the election held that 7 tPhe'soial under the auspices. of thé Ladies! Aid Society of Burn’s Church, was excellent, especially the ‘singing of Miss Hotham, who ‘as rich mellow voice capable of fae. the as the lowest. The proceeds of the evening amounted to something in an neighborhood of $14. One of Sue eA plead that ul mplet ae en Saaega ine ia replying. evening was social enjoyment after ue ms te wel la ee sins ad been a bestowed upon iad ai e Pros conscious atest that they had made one ioe. Waly appy. “FeMsowAns r. Chas, Finkbeiner spent Thanks give in Listowel. Mr. Cobo, of Preston. spent a few days in town last week. Miss Cinda Attridge returned from Manitoba on Wednesd Mr. Kontzie, of Ridgetown, is visit- ing his daughter in town, Mr, Jos. McIntyre spent Thanks- “at {giving at his home in Paisley. Miss Minnie Wilson, of St. Marys, week. Miss Hotham, of Mitchell, spent a few days last week with Mrs, (Dr.) eae iss Rutherford, of Stratford, spent ahecttueriae Day with the Misses eens Mr. Wm. J. Raycraft, of Blanshard, spent Thanksgiving with bis parents in Milvert ite pean McKelvy, ot Stratford, is at present visiting friends in Milver- ton and vicinity. Mrs. R. Hanna and daughter Miss Mary, spent a few days with friends in London last week. Mr, Samuel Wiederhold was last week attending the funeral of his uncle a John Thamer of Ripley. ‘s, E. Gunther has_ returned after woe a ieaila of weeks with friends in Brantfor was accompanied by ber daughter, Miss Bertha, who re- mains in the Telephone city. MEETING OF STRATFORD PRESBVIERY A special meeting of eg Presbytery of Stratford was held ai wna At church on jay oie, to sider the resignation Mr. Cooper, of Listowel, who purposes pursuing his studies at Edinburg! Amongst those present. were Rev. chell, Cameron of North Easthope; and ders Stewart, Riddell and Waddell. The resignation of Mr, Cooper was accepted, und after a discussion Rev. Mr. McLeod of Atwood was appsinted to moderate a call toa new minister. Rev. Mr. Cooper will preach his fare- well sermon next Sunday, Dee. 12, the anniversary services will be held and Rev Mr. Johnston will exchange pulpits Mr. Cooper and the meantime arrangements 1 randy the wrderator ond the session We D, WrRr's sau REGISTER - ‘The farm. stock and Tonal of Miller, low a est section of "Well les! th. Sale to o o'clock. On Monday, Dee. 12th, the ae oR farm © o

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