W. D. WEIR, J. P. Notary Public, Auctioneer, Convey- ~ ancer. The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1898. If you want money on mortgage at low rate of interest and suitable terms of payment, TO W. D. WEIR. t If Patriotism is selfishness spread over aati ae: ms thee a WEIR. empire. If you want to buy a a farm, GO TO W. D. WEIR. The Toronto School Board are go- ing to ask the Legislature to enact a| If you Ng to sell your Stock and Jm- law giving. them power to compel | Plemen OW. D WEIR. every child attending school to produce | If you want to bay @ a house and lot, a certiticate from a qualified dentist GO TO W. D. WEIR. stating that their teeth are in a satis- ee Eaecore A opnalbiogs WTWilG abl lagi [Ce on ae ee yee lature is in the act of framing this law z it should insert a clause compelling all | /f you want an affadavit made, teachers to part their hair in the GO TO W. D. WEIR. middle. Tf you vant. your Will, a Deed, —_—. Mortgage, or Agreement drawn, ENGLAND AS SHEN FROM ABROAD BY AN ‘O TO W D. WEIR. GLI is Private or Guages Loans negotiated. f on want, %°| Business strictly confidential. no | OFFICE :— Over Grosch’s Shoe Store YOUNG LIBERALS’ ELECTION. The election of asset ton the Stratford = iberal Association took plac on Thanksgiving Day, aad after a mos exciting contest the red ticket, with R. 1 at its head, was declared ‘the Polling took Dace from 2 p.m. 09 p.m, Three votes were vast for the ‘an Englishinan in the made the ba —-R. 7. Hating 1 eats _—For Sri, P, J. Reaked 95; for oie Easthope, A, 153, Robert McGui; yay for Bouin ia .. Ros: ). Treasurer, Thomas Ballantyne, jr., 200, Thos. Trow _Bidt of millions sterling i D a oo Sastiaiacstieel or the Soin a8 (1 ae i i any, without regard either i All this is bad showing for ‘Tilley 174, Charles Welsh 1 is tees candidate: “FJFTY TWO WEEKS WITH GOD,” A fascinating study of the Internation al Sunday Schoot Lessons for 1899” now ready. No Christian especially Clergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of two colors, with stiff boards. PRICE ONLY 35 CENTS. Strongly recommended by leading Clergymen. On sale by all book sellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of the pricefby, The Bradley-Garretson {ese PustisHeErs, Toronto, Canada. For Sale or Rent. A two story brick house, with kitchen and woodshed attached. For fnrther_particu- lars apply to WM. HARTMEIR, Milverton. NOBBY AND ecu SUIT W. J. RIODOLL’S c Newton. . AML Work Guaran‘eed. Wetting Suits a special : First Prize Bread It is acknowledged by everyone that our bread is the best on the market, Even ‘our competitors acknowledge it. as they all re. fused to compete with us for a prize, Though we took first we do not bake for shows alone bu: make good bread all the year round and to prove this, we as! that you give our bread a trial and we are sure that you will be convinced. ve WEITZEL, The Baker. fd EY lak A COLONIAL PREJUDICE. imeoe Reformer points out that the 5 who go into burroome| q. Cassels, John Clark V. 8.,, Walter type of een Gi the Ni ok buee Ree aap ack waasillog td Au Ha an on ene until these ideals are cnet Has Saved an Army of Sufferers From the itr of Indigestion and Nerve 8, of Parrsboro, N.S., was . pre res Fill about. a. year’ ago" with nervousness and indigestion, aud for some time was completely prostrated. He con- sulted est doctors, but they failed to. help aper advertisement brought ———_—— ___ THE HEART WAILS, Of Thonsands Have Been Turned Into by: (the, Also | he ew’s Cure for si It Relieves in Thirty Meee meccnnons ee ee ie Serre Mrs, Tan Ki ntapathee of Gananoque, wa: Boat teste “ some time under experts in %y 2 ospital without getting any bene- on the New England coast during the She com- | recent gales and the loss of life is heavy. ©] Cut rates have not been injurious to che earnings of the G. T. R. as the pain left her, and she has ba no return of | following official returns of traffic for 35 vessels have been driven ashore Ti aud ascribes her cate to this. greatest. of the woul taded, Navenbok-tiny SGOR nt heart remedies. Sold qy James Torrance. cae § 8 ai thi tte #13, 20 1897, $504,980; increase, yr WV ae 23rd, a robe Five, on Weineeday, hes ee has surrendered to the Uni States her sovereignty of the its archipeligo and Guam Island, one the Ladrone group. In tien of al Doring the winter and summer, | claims to indemnity the United States British consumers want, fresh favored, | will pay Spain the suin of $20,000,600 evi-| in gold or its equivalent. ‘Bon yield- ed, however, under protest v Fire broke out in the aie of the and not heavily salted. They also want n Company, Woodstock, on it pale in color, lighter than ordinary ivi moroil but was straw color, at most seasons of the} bro, rs tee passing, I may mention that WANT MILD FLAVORED BUTTER STRAYED. to the premises of the undersign- Gy penises yearling heifer. Owner ean have same by proving property and paying expenses. HOS. E GIBSON. “ bacon, and they eannot be tem; cept: by a very low price, in bajing stebne flavored ane: or strong-flav 1 MTF YOU WANT © RELIABLE TI ME Let us repair your Watch. We will make it do its very best. NICE LINE OF Watches Rings Chains, etc. reatly| Ladies’ Long Neck Chains from $2.75 to $12.00 =|TRY US. BES Se ¢|P. H. BASTENDORFF Juwe.er, Next Door to Postoffice, Milverton. .—In Spectacles und Eye glasses we can suit you. Byes tested free of charge. He is a Wise Man That Knows His Own Business: If you would display wisdom an@ consult ycur own interests you would parchase your suit from E.KNECHTEL. He has on hand a lot of fine suit- ings and Beaver Overcoatings which he will make to order at tlw lowest prices. Why buy poorly fitting and badly made Readymades when you can have o suit that will fit and become you for less money. When looking at a ready- made think of the poor women that are Baving their lives sweated out at star- vation wages and purchase clothes from one who pays a liying wage and gives tter satisfaction. Disease is often carried in readymades owing to the: general debility of the workers. Readymade dealers cannot touch us in quality or workmanship nor can they approach us in price. Here are a few of our prices: ULSTERS $8.00. OVERCCATS $10.00 SUITS $7.00. We are always up-to-date in Gents’ Furnishings. Call and see 2 TIES FOR 25 cts. If you want a evit for Christmas call and order. E. KNECHTEL MERCHANT TAILOR. Specials This Week... | THE “| BEST-DRESSED MAN IN TOWN Will wear our suits this fall. The fit and style of them would embarass any other tailor in the place. Just step in and look at our goods. We have Overcoatings that willkeep you warm at the north pole. If it is a stylish Suit that you want do not) / go past us or you will get sadly left. ored cl The inorease i in the consumption of| SAVE THE CO COMBINGS. ritain is enor- so long as the guns is Tor wishes Seal bales the ieee! of kept fine, fresh-flavored and nl it ailverton vee arin A boon arsenite Labia _ is likely thas there will be a deme: ai ety aisnlor gf AN orders lett: equal to all gig increased production, | with Mrs. beet will be promptly attended ~ Prof. dW Rubertson, Aall calico, H. . HASENPFLUG, "The Leading Tailor. Butter and Egge Taken inExchango. - In Trimmed Hats and Sailors at almost half price. Repeat Order of Ladies’ JACKETS Yours H. Gleiser MILVERTON. J. G. GROSCH Boots and Shoes Jack Frost is a hard master, but our wool Boots & Shoes have knocked him out. Call and see them. Rubbers. We have a large and complete stock. Your inspection solicited. Trunks and Valises. We have. a full assortment. Save your money by deal- ee J. G. GROSCH. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DSCEMBER I, 1898. F. S. Rathban, one of the members of the Rathbun Company of Deseronto diet — at his home there cn GENERAL NEWS ‘CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Wallaceburg has.a population of 3,- 300, an increase of 400 within a year. Two steamers, the Tampa and the Robert Orr were Ati on Lake Superior. Loss $45 Thomas oe Bosiskillen raise ed 1,900 bushels of mange! acre and three-quarters. Stratford Masons on Mon ven- ing banquetted Judge iar cad a to his departure for Lindsay. Will, the youngest son of Robert Liddle, of Stratfor thrown from a buggy on Saturday Gia painfully in- jured. It is stated that W. H. Ponton, the Napanee bank dalesdbotewill tke the stand in his own behalf and will tell his story. Robert Taggart, a Toronto man, beat his wife to death with a hammer sed to let him come It is rumored that Mr. Hardy will be knighted at Christmas. Mr. Hardy was offered knighthood some years ago but refused the honor. Miss Fennell has resigned the lady Saperioiendanteip of the Stratford |. uiccessor will likely |) hospital a be app: vn Saharaday teks of Berlin, | ap Mr. former i Magits rd, heen pin tes u d district inspector of the Bell iy with poi Telephone Co. with headquarters at is, Ont,, has passed heir he Provinefal Government in+ pas a be The classical library of Prof. Otta ceased, Professor of | cost ibbick, lutely. de sical philology in the "University of 's, has beeu presented to McGill 1 treal. ‘here is a movement on foot to present Father Chiniguy. with some suitable testimonial on his ninetieth hirthday. ers are ed sent to Presbyterians all over Canada, Mrs. Rose Drouillard, of aie than ee infants during her 91 years eo. Rubertson, sen., of Stratford, fell on eae sidewalk on Wednesday ‘and fractured four ribs. Owing to the |" fact thut Mr. Robertson is in iis 77th year, und has not been in the best of health for some piers he is in acritical condition. Thomas Chisholm, sen., of North Dumfries, one of the most prominent farmers of Waterloo county, di rou Saturday. Deceased was an ex-warde ‘of the county, and had occupied biel aunicipal offices. He was a s eserve, aud would be cade the hart yecryplenie wall people are pecans te aes atlas of a man who styles himself “ The Ghost That Walks.” _ "He pei and is also thought to have set to Mr, Kee’s dwelling in the town. y Waite, of Woodstock, was wae OWradavainy by T. B. McCar- thy, high constable “ Perth, on the t. 17 last ob- 7, and it ral Sta iS yiaea Ventieg jeweler, About two months Be ine of Willian Devidson opened FA "POCKET T CURE —Dr. Va Stan’s Si feasip? ‘Tablets are put up in neav compact for ere dd you! 0 | amply aquipped and prepared to handle P y prepa “a gumbet ob Beitiah capitalists, in response to Mr. Chamberlain’s invita- tion, will endeavor to revive the sugar industry in the West Indies. Mr. J. E. Hopkirk, Inte of the ugeae postoffice, has been superan uated and will receive $700 per annum and back pay amounting to over $500. official ac Montreal denies the statement that the company is not he western grain business. The gambler does not always get a Lawrence Badgley of Harwich Town | « Good hand ” bat photographs taken by Mr. Maitland show the work of a 2| good hand, and live in the memory of crushed both legs so badly that one | those who receive them. Mr Maitland bas had to be amputated, made a reputation by his tireless effor Dr. Armstrong, of Tilbury, and Dr. |in producing truthful life like porte i —but this cannot be done unless prope eerie be rene Eloese come cary i in the day—from 9 a farm of Harry Rowson, Tilbury West, | 3 We will visit Milverton just and 32 of his hogs were shot by their] once Shehins Xmen. FRIDAY, DEC. 2nd. G. F. MAITLAND order. Wm. Mitchell, a tramp, who was sent down for Gee oye pice te ‘apson burglary, riends. Ps, ‘ We Invite jail, and paid age a fine $4.30, i al in 5 sy dge M ‘MeDougall ° mdalivering his Y ou sey Music Hall agai To come and see ovr STOCK OF neither the city nor the onto had any word to say in regard to H Double and Single. its disposal or management Canadian cheese shipments for the| Collars, Halters, Suspenders n Currycombs, Brushes, all t2| Kinds of Bits and Blankets, Sursingles, Bells, Driving auntlets, Saskatchewan the greater attention devoted to Buffalo Robes, these robes ae making, in which the margiv| are guaranteed to outwear of increase is considerably greater. The season has has been a poor one| three Goat robes, also Robe for the producer ot counting the| inj i i ‘eles pierre liner es bas ents bag: © sbeeoed the factorymen, it is estimated, will Rely Sing ae Lome oe! Paeey, be $2,000,000 out of pooket as aresult Hi Id jarness of their labors since last cht } W . Mh. APPE ) Maker Bobcaygeon Independ Ab! ae we have the cia summer, he gentla butternut maiden is here,| Cecil Irvine was aa ‘cooing voice, and step as light and | Y.M.€.A. rooms in a game of tite pit as the curling einude of smoke ay last week. Lord Mount Stephen has handed over $2,800,000 of his wealth to be spent by his friends before he dies. pag Pei The highest vote ever polled in the and bark of the birch! fs ate w York importer received Biscuit of 400 monkeys the other da 7, and the cynic at once wanted to eaaw the “select society” of that town was to be increased from 400 to 800. ever young, fres! oar soul with adoration for wondrous come to our beating heart, come, for we love sou A SURE CATARRH Aico ‘No matter what Zerous discase when a sure cure is within your grasp. Thousands of sufferers whose condition was writes —" While in Newark, N. eiaee omattabled wt 7 eatarrh and used Dr. “Agnew's C: and I have: parcummasnied 1 to Deen's among Se Minister of Justice of reapers on rere hia own signature, vi as wd é Dr. Agnew’s ie and. sympathetic disease of te, heart Relies in 30 minutes Dr. enieipenet purifier. aoc. for 40 doses, Dr. Agnew’s Ointment relieves in a day and cures ecrema, tetter his sas Talk About Blankets — There are poor Blankets, there are good Blankets, some: Blankets are made from good Cotton and some Blankets are: made from waste Cotton ; there are Shoddy Blankets—made from such poor material that they are dear at any price, neither wear nor warmth. If you want a pair of Blankets we get as, low as 80c. pair up to $4.50 Shoddy Blankets we donot keep. No, Madam, those you will have to try another store. * MILLINERY * As the Millinery season is drawing to a close, we give @ SPECIAL INVITATION to anyone who has not as yet left her order, to call and see MISS BUNDY and leave your order for a ‘natty HAT OR BONNET. * OMERCOATS * We still have a nice line left of those $6.00 Men’s Freize Coats, which are really worth $8.00. Callin and try them on and see how nice they fit. Youths and Children’s Suits We make a special line in Children’s suits. Bring your boy and let us try a suit on him, No trouble to show goods. LOTH & GUENTHER. MILVERTON, IT ISA REMARKABLE FACT That people will sometimes go beyond the domains of their own village to secure House-Furnishing and pay more money than they can secure the goods for here. We are prepared to meet all competitors no matter where they may be situated and will let you have goods at Rock Bottom Prices Look at the latest PARLOR SUITE out in our window. Drop in and inspect our Bedroom, Dining-Room and Deawing-Room Sets. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH ‘Milverton