Milverton Sun, 8 Dec 1898, p. 2

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Subscribers who do not receive thelr paper regularly will please notify us at once, Call at the office for advertising rates, THE ATLIN DISTRICT THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY. DEC. 8, 11898, Will Be Administered by Mr. Graham of Revelstoke, B.C. The Tag Ends of Things. One- apa are of the ie ams Spain are nobles. Wish with white flesh are SMALLPOX IN THE QUEEN CITY. John 7. ee: the Montreal London Life list of protests that oars few noth. ing. Saturday, as no on red for the Less aa. Osgoode Hal onan Lis Street dismissed the cai feet Aereg tin Rossta: Guelph, Des: ate Morris, Guelph Township, has seceived word stating that Boon seaespaee a pion os ST. VITUS DANCE. his death. He was about 35 years old. digested than fish with ‘owls are plucked alive in Malta, the public markets, and in some parts ef England. A gold mine under the town of Hal- England 4,000,000 "inthe ag hoa oe Helen their hold fo 1 Tdla, where oe have been-in use ruped kno} it exhibits an esting a swim- position ing in a nearly ad ‘dart- | _ Rev. Dr. Blackstock of Toronto, whil the surface speed eave if not superior, to that of many fish There never was, and never will un Mareninei | in one remedy, for "alt Ils to which flesh is h y aticanyourarieent being = bid germs of other a ‘oronto, have given to the public She superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, he market. crags sell it. Volcanoes Are Not Rai 672 known Goldson in ae, wont 0 of which 270 are active; 80 erica, 24 in Asia, 2 in Africa; pa Hieg 100, 28 active. In New Zea- Jand, within an area of ‘et ply there @re 63, ranging from 196 feet to 900 feet in height, Minard’s Liniment the Lomberman’s Friend, |” am stitute. ite for Bote has been in- Srare oF Ono, Crry or ToLEDo, Iuucas County. tee t) sat he oo the ich a.1d every case of Catarrh red by the use of Harts CaTannn CORE. - Svorm to, before me and subserited In e and subscriber Bresonce, this 6th day of December, A. D., td '. GLEASON, Notary Public. mac Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts nthe blood and mucous surfaces of test‘monials free T CHENEY & 60. ‘Toledo, O. winter. Hi Worst foes of the memory are too mu: food, too much Pea exercise and too much education. athing a Shi Sheathing iar jase ate bottom the action of th ‘A Suggestion of High Jinks. Tommy—Mamma, why are ‘papa’s watahes always bigger than’ mamme’s "ois * Mother—O it seems that mien | officer to can’t get along tone having great times. —Jewelers’ . wvioted in Eng- A man was recently com Jand of having enlisted as a 15 places, decamping each time with etna Te vi both o about Spa England leses bert Bond, the Toronto bf doa was bay hurt by a runaway on Sasur- day morning. |. Pour pera il were baptized in the Emmanuel Baptiss Church, Buffalo, Sanday night : nH, Tilden and Mr. Teetzel win te ‘te ‘Hemition mayoralty can di- lates ee Ty. D years closing with 1896, in school ren committed 98 Kiduer of A1thur shot him- self accidentally while going hunting, in a fow minute: York druggist has made the mistake ot putting up atropine for mor- phine with serious results. acar repairer in Buffalo, afternoon on the out walking on Saturday ‘night, aipped and a) breaiing the small bone in one of his legs. vay. the western elevator king, Gilneiaeimiae g mber of eleva- ik tors along the Northern Pacific Railway The Spanish Cabinet bas discussed the inistry of the Colon- probably e- t Hull a true bill bas been found. by against Andre Riopeile charge of murdering Leon ley, Que. ‘Phe Grand Trunk Railway's earnings anan Avery Nov. 22 to Nov. are as “compared “with ter! }629,508, a deorease of $8,545. aH A recent attempt to cross the English Channel to France by balloon proved ateeoues to the aeronauts, ees they will recover from thelr injuries, Home the clos: Hospital. The vigilance of ‘The fire is still burning neloadty! ha mire laid down his Gouble-tarrelled gun, while he proceeded to di ‘ iv vrolock Sunday morning in Sk Michael's | fall charge in the right shoulder, ‘bad shattering the shoulder blade a Arrangements have beon completed for | bone. |The patient is seriously injured, ing of the Cobourg Smallpox | but may recover ATrouble Thekauee ee ee Its Victims CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Pras ae a brown holland ae one of ¢ kin ype ek. for i age ‘Countries —— With a Winfred Schofield, of Gaspereau, N.S, nae ae OPE: ‘Tells How He Obtained a Speedy - Proach yeas ie ee , the at- “igs 4 bas been called ing parcel can be sent fro country by parol and Permanent Cure. From The Acadien, Wolfville, N.S. ny cases brought to his notice ei feat declaration, will result n't is aks ing sent to the dead-letter office, post- masters are specially directed not accept such parcels without the customs declaration. FIRE AMONG SKY SCRAPERS. Momigzile sna OL marey Baildings in ww York Being Destroy. Yor! 5. broke out saniy night anes after 9 o’olock - @ five-storey building corner of Broa aes Street, occupied fe Co. The entire building the ray Gunning Accident at Leamingt: struck my foot and gave it a nasty cnt. t you can i left axes alone, and it was fore i had to give up My complaint warded. No second - veloped t bahay FR 3 Giaesnt Athletic Club on Satur- .» to box 20 rounds jay’ night, Deo. 17. Knaak’s reported release from in Toronto Satur- yb sh moment, and Knaak etl suffers fe alleged le: eae ‘ot Niokedun; aa are: the United States de- in inde- Since the systematic exclusion of for- eign cattle and swine from horse ani dog meat staple with the poorer districts, and notably Which occurred in the rol, egress pees exploded. The loss is sctlnoatod at 4,000,000 pesetas. Mr. Graham of Revelstoke, B.C, has been appointed Government a; and will have charge of the whole Nor- thern British Columbia territory, with large disuretionary powers. William Beatty, who 63 besides his widow, three daughters aa ne son. John T. Niblock, the Montreal agent urday when a zene wife visited hin ‘was most affeo! Paris, Ont., in threatened with a milk famine. All the dairymen have decided to cease delivering in town. ‘he board 1th a month ago decided to insist thas all dairy herds be tested with tubercu- line, pee cary pais ne . a for the sale of mil ‘The time for the test “axpines ia Matting? and Bractioally bas all have decided to god the disease at Covonrg, ately visiting; no source of Lato o known in the other cas2. Ever Hon bes boon taken by the snedial health prevent the sp at soourge. e North Hastings and Nipissing eleo jecember 37th, ith ominations one Wik earlier. organize a robelli som mining recorder for Atlin Lake District, the sate willbe ima to the National water untold misery r day with tain published statemen’ rithin le peoyisia St, Tho: against Axthe Cebasiot stealing 9 sae POLITICAL POINTS. are eof a Polally annonnced that the have sec preg grantin, Chippewa Indians in Arms. Indians declare they be jure them ann it the coi fiden th Six Men Sealded to Death. a 7 Se Mallory Line ‘The Maria Tere: Norfolk, Va.. Cure Heads e people uscum at Washingto: me neler’ aay ee Canadian “Drummers” in the U.S. Pretty art linens two inches wider and fou than the book. ‘Cura eins ae top and bottom, and imenrpibe une carefully around the boo oir, Farning the. extra Jongth inside, a e holly berri with ths owner’s initials in or & monogram, or the name of “hatin Kang seuss ee | Minard’s Liniment is used by Physiclans, Cost of an Electric Cab. It about $1,000 to build an elec- tie cb of the kind now in ut LIVE rr ARE WANTED. Men, boys or girls, who will make to house canvass for THE SUN. The ™ Suni paper to which A ayaiies isa regular contributor. © paper offers more liberal terms, FOR NO OTHER PAPER IS IT SO EASY TO SECURE SUBSCRIBERS. ONE Ape AYOLVWAND CLOSET. The best and most sensible invention of the age. Endorsed and recommended by MEDICAL men all over the country. PRICE SO REASONABLE that no home should be jout one. Write for circular to The Odorless Crematory and General Heating Co., HAMILTON, ONT. Washington, Deo, 8.—: Parmelegs Pills’ a Bogle eceisla trae Bilious Headache. Anything to Get a Wheel. In the advertising columns of a Ger- man paper of eS Hant Was SI wishes to exchange a well preserved 8, Ont., Dee. 3.—The skeleton for a bicycle.” COLD IONE DAY rake Ppkzatien Brome 2 Mineral Ke-ourees of S ain. ling mony, Ralcietiver tes lead a They Never Fail—Mrs. S. M. Bougi ner, Langton, “For about twe Gaece lean tected but by using Parmel ghai is likely to be favorably aeo.ued an early date. gulate the secretious si remove. all Sap Get a Concession. alaniaanat Peay joarding House Joke. Bacon—Have a at the house where “| Egbert—Yes; in the coffee. Borrow rete ‘Send your ad- fae poet the Buttons rostprid, Ask for Minard’s Liniment and take no other. ' such operatiuns. West Algoma is also to be added to the i ‘effort ‘will be mad concession in t! he Antilles. THE TOBACCO HABIT. er, HAVE ou cot 1, | 1T, AND DO YOU NT TO LOSE IT? A Chicago Specialist Says That Sure Cure For “My Lady Nicotine | Be Found In the Plentiful Us: | of the Humble Peanut. | The tobacco habit is not worthy to be classed as a drug habit.—Sydney Flow- LL. D. been in | tale, which she made me promise I} this are HOUSEHOLD. MILLINERY MODES. The prisecseceete men aan k From the Ft s of the al i include ee 1 Some On cid) ae a a half an tae later,” 't_ know what id “ sviat's happened?! he ask Why, Mrs. Gadding, next re has here with such am extraordinary | comered bat, sof bine, vial ray, white It eppeers heey? buttons are to be kaa patronieg designs pela prepared rers in different sorts d there are many fancif by the untae The Pumpkin made a party for her of metal al THE PUMPKIN’S PARTY. coats of Meer plain black} ana Tro orchestra of katydids and erlok- oe hina Sete tempting because any woman. they are ape at r ets was engaged ‘That the music might be of the proper Pretty white leather belts will pe ‘The party place selected was the corn- worn with their ornate clasps, and ¢ However fantustic my parti many ge ones with cabochous of field by the wor ‘Where the shocks of corn stood soldier- like in rows, pce the glad occasion with a mili- and scarlet, having a color a8} turquoi would never breathe toa living soul, it has seemed as if I positively ps: it “faithfully carried out. In the | coul wai for you ga home to our patient) tell you about it A certain young lady against yp arin nai cee ‘certainly looked dark o1 Tightly of your method old that method. in small es imprest meitaly Sid at te aller day the young! lady volunteored to take the three um- bellas to be repa’ paclseniad to te for t! them before she ape Yo returned home in the afternoon, she friend, ludicrous as the idea seems, se ere reo ont hee Te part of w! in the vulgar peanut a charm t ‘was te t My 'y Lady Nicotine” and weer gulskeaent On risin; op she mechanically put out her hand take possession of an umbrella that se close by. It loo! ihe the patra She was coon brought her «That i is my sare ff ae a sharp 1d was laid oo liga to understand this, there is but a slight variation in on area of mental un. The ny) with faaets mauve velvet, had two up: For pee a anrlet felt with bl joth applique crown, encircled he dM wf Y. with the best effect. etched tal be embraert Vif desir 6 Romane with good made of denim, som pan grasped bee own sary Pi ive him urmbrella ort ‘and maved. fart positive woetsioon while he is ued aw the dangerous Bet lady. site me to the ie wing effect °Pirhat it ‘vill. bo. easy ¢o break hat ha will not suffer, despite the ee the fe cmbrlla pre ’s Compan had been stolen.— Dwarfs and Henry M, Stanley, in ooabtig ble joumey thongh the forests of Africa, pitied or sympathized with, because he Sere enact fas 1a will not be called fe $6 dieplay any heroic qualities of ¢1 it if he follows ‘ircion he will er from nerv fen acti pit of the dentiachs That he will begin at once to gain in i and arrows they looked like children’s playthings, but upon the tip of each tiny arrow was jon which would kill an esurely and quickly as by means of poison and tr: Fe they would seal through the dense mone g in ambush let fly right has he to 1 eel ba barn his inc: when his wife is aehiraty Bee an gown that is out of dat Thus, then, do I prepare the atten e mind for the lightness of the task be- fore him, laying special rel aa the One of fiealsonecet things about it was that their poison was mixed with honey. boat containing a man weighing 250 was getting alongside it was Charles occ! @ la nd muscular twitch ta rodden noise and i: will be in evidence, but ‘The man whose life had been sav' nk poecrashtne glum countenance fe showing uo great enthusiasm for, his med he pais iaeey ina tone of his own portly it his rescuer. ae New Files. clea haa given come ai- i what we desire to bring al Keep | the eur beg stiea ot ays the pe) busy eat aes peg such an extent as to become very am ane setngand cause additional work. V ‘Ab, my fiends, alee it is that | gee mechanics thoroughly chap fat ww. the topes that | the uso of files and the mot ey which they are utilized to the greatest Ravantage. Files bite rolled Salar ignee easily than cast, there- directions, stre! inst at ore of sickness from which tlie: roe 1 he ‘wo clean of ‘il tobacco, ae anoh Jonger service nihae lea indi nately employed. Teta ox arteous sometimes con- rest in not saying chemi the most ke of the| ored velvet co} ho color came into the ches a oe ett ahaienis whic ee ater be abe Of and she evidently ruiteved| the festa res of the season. general tendency is to an in- in hats, ‘Toques, too, are in buckle and osprey 0 are to the fore noun and feather tri: med felts will be os specially smart wear biel a gow flat pata ied felt hat, (is a s ale in a placa fn ail gold seal ai these npon ‘The same is true with the Eee smurving quilleand ostrich ph ‘Aue General thing the hat promise: to be worn well back on the head ‘tis season, a pic osaeit a Toe oming atyle for the majority of w shows characteristic pra We the season, No. 1 isa black velvet tarned up in front vith a bow of the stove, where it handsome ostrich plum vet spotted vit isa on quills droop ing over the No. 8 isa plain brown cycling “hat with quills anid te standing bow of brown checked ribbon. ming For a cee own. terior of the room. New Wal go igan admirable ma Sizing for the g' ae 's Ech Costum: seem sa del be produc upon briny ing ee 4 a “two storied’’| cord one-eig! skirts, ied being the double One of re extreme panels i the tunio dress, which bas the eff 8 feature of I have never above ao were carried ou! tiple skirt ab the sides and faerie Denim For sanieurtyG Ete. ds wis and fore to be ware is sxeoodlnely Pretty with the Se oe ein inp shaped white close, on_ blac! ona “ quits petacing antl whee 7S OE ERs The es idea is to button your skirt the back. and’ 9 guard the timid maids from fan- Hubbard Squash, ise eonns ee. of richest st green, ee family, with all ame C Kigifot and the Beet with point Shoes in, ‘The Parsley and the Onion and Tomato plain blue pale and vers may it ‘The Sweet ty, ont the color is well to fect. canate and bolater covers are elaborate! mane ited, others plain with only a raveled fringe on three hae ee a white knotted fringe is oocasion: pists carats While te ice ta vows is wide and fanciful Beal poe “| Tt was the “d Wrcave of all ring designs. On either TE bata set between oe brilliants for men’s ‘wear. clear glass of a per fs yer designs wil) au shor 60 ner ee may (Gressed in red), and the “Pepper ‘with her temper well “| ana the youthful Dr, Cucumber, without ‘a thought of Ans the ee ‘Bean from distant Bos- t Potato brought of course her dearest Peanut chi ‘and the Stadia and the Celery were g- vein the Lettuce and the Parsnip and Potato, humble frien ‘While the, gan ¢ Head and Turnip ‘The brilliant dance was opened by the Be ful Gladys Hop th a vegetable of very great renown. me Jed the grand cotillion with a dig- unique th dhe alte between the stubble up rae arid milght be sioner chaneron tenienant smiled upon the ful bea: mn aney syle *rorgot their quaint and rural way! And, choosing ‘Siushing partners from the fair and modes st guests, through the g8y The Pumpkin served Glace te of a most delic ‘Though the ‘ish iat ‘all the guests pre- with stat italy manners, pee party that the ohio Gnd the Tumip sald the i Hd oars took a snap nian —Good TN EE See there is scarcel the piece that the star isn’t on ep jut I~er—I_ thought a star rather liked frais on of thin “Not ‘You must ae act, so that he can get aro’ to the ree office while the rion! iH howe jounted.’* Ab, Rr gaa o I see. Why To avoid sain rrionked it is often aie his Tots ¢ ie use rear aaa 8 sovel yaldn’t Understany “Well,” merge a the embryo states- man, ‘I don’ w he ever got his pull in partion” Retort Mra, serutsOh come Ee ote It's "| only 3, ih Lae ta (aber) Eo, could you, Bat go on the way you have with water ‘Berriet—Tt is only your busband, er the windos you know: me hat does it signity?—Bos- ection piel outside preeena while it will not greatly darken the elm. scorcher, For the Soooration of panels and wall ep ha erage th three stranded surf: eat aie fourth of an inch re diameter m gilded aterial w! cient Hlling. 2 ae ttern. aa "a ae a this fact into consid —Decorator and Furnisher. ence with the sick and wounded? ‘ir App! eer dai think re I’ve four brother: one of ’em and me shaven os hime with R apes eer A ented Minded e—The paper en athe ent 2 don’ Judes bave sense enongh to want fe consult their wives. —New York Weekly. rx i “I do wish brag cole States could 8. | get possession the Canary islands.” “Why?” éBeounse it would make good singers cheap, wouldn’t it?” ee A Tender Subject. Harduppe—Can a man ‘marry 0 on $1 ~=Town Topics.

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