Milverton Sun, 8 Dec 1898, p. 6

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Gresch & Pfeffer. { Grosch & Pfeffer } Grosch & Pfeffer } Crosch & Pfeffer * MILMERTON’S BUSIEST STORE. * THE ONLY WAY In which we can keep our Patrons posted is through our busy paper. We especially want to keep you posted in prices from now until Xmas. Kindly watch ioltions from now on, it certainly is to your interests. Never in our History, have we had such an enormous stock of AML goods suitable for the Xmas trade. | But people insist on being surprised here, They OSS COON come in and find better goods than they expected to find dst STYLISH “LOWEST PRICES - BESTEITTING. and pa much less than they expected to pay. We ob- serve with a degree of pleasure that there is not one bit of constraint among those who visit this establish- ment. They feel at ease to look when they please, and buy when they are so minded, knowing full well that they will not be importuned to buy simply becausethey have asked to see something that struck their fancy.’ We especially want to draw your attention to our carefully selected Stock of Readymade Clothing, Furs, Dress Goods, Groceries, Fancy goods, Toys etc. MEN'S SAIN IE SS SSM ea a eae et ae ee MEN'S ULSTERS Double Eines ney oie Breasted Suits Extra Heavy Tweed, $5. We are near enough to give you quotations and worth $7.00 also endeavor to save you money by buying your Groceries from us. Trenor’s selected Raisins, 3 Ibs for 25c. Vostizza currants (recleaned) 3 Ibs for 25c. Crosse & Blackwell's peels to hand, Lemon aud Orange 20 cts per Ib. MEI 5 cts per Ib, Brand nal Raisins in 1 lbs cartoons 12c. box. Moa Candies 5e. per | Lozenges Candies Toe. Pare Horehound any iy per Ib. Chocolotes 15¢ per Stick Candy 10 ets, a Soft Gam Drops 10 Ve have an ripets Aba of Candies on hand. NEW NUTS — Make sure this season, that you are getting new Nuts, cold storage nuts are plentiful this season. We quote you new goods. Extra tine Filberts 10¢ Tarragona Almonds 126, 1b. Grenoble Walnuts 1246 Ib. Peanuts (roasted) 10e Ib. * Nigger Toe Nuts 12}e 1b. Men’s Ulsters, in all colors, extra linings, extra heavy frieze, well finished & ind guaranteed, for the — small of ...... $7.00 worth $9.00 HE ele le le ie oe ee te VERE IE NE TE TE IE EEE TE EEE EEE IE EEE HEHEHE ME HEHEHE HE Lined Beautifully, Workmanship guar- anteed, extra value at $9.50 WORTH $14.00 Men’s Blue and Black Overcoats Shephard plaid lin- _, ing, extra heav beaver, well finish- Boys and Youths Ulsters, to hand, Plaid Lining and prices from $3.75 to $5 LADIES JACKETS, in esol beauty,extra heavy Satin, 36 tn. long and se for $35. EEK e eee eee Eve eee eee ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee 4 [adie Gnauttor ia Porsine lamb, Grey Inmb Electric Seal, Greenland Seal, Astrachan and Coney, and prices from $3.50 to $9.50, DRESS GOODS SALE In the ubove we have w heavy stock and ced. Note the fen prices : ress. Goods, 3 plugs of McDonald's Chewing or Smoking for 25e. 7 bars of y bar for 25c, How is w Clothe ride ve per dozen. A fall sue of key Biscuits to hand. Tin, Si Sodas 28 eae We will allow you 3c. for every box re- turned in good ries Grosch & Piefler’s 1lb Eating Powder for 1c, 2 cans best Salmon for 2: McLaren’s Imperial siicad fe stock. Castile Soap ron, pale Be each Sulphur 5e., 6 Ibs f ine Gold isteach toe. seats Froasi in 100 Ibs kegs 4. 5C ing, back lined with heavy satin, Velvet equal to tailoring for......$12.00 worth $15.00 Dress hat ee patterns, vine cn were selling — 0 $1.00 per yd., all for the g cf Pe y, Po pat price, 50c. ers Dress lengths we haye a beantiful range and 3 tee from $3.50 up to $6.50 per dress, In Black Dress goods we carry an enormeus range, and prices from 25¢ to $1.00. Ask “i see our Black M figured dress goods “ 30c., a record breaker. Brussels Salt (fine putea) $1.10 per barrel. ME ie, alto cary, a, large stock 0 si especially in 3 can: a ees Corn and Tomatoes for 25¢ Rs Coen i Kindly ask to these beantiful patterns. We aes ery a nice assortment of Jewelery. ayes ert heey goods, well made and We hive a Stock of SILVERWARE to ee which is to be body ined for 0 given away FREE: Call and find out. Over $200 worth given % ty ries s of sak ele een nea ty: 12he goods, away ath Don’t you want some for nothing 1 1 apa 5 Ibs Tap Figs for 25e. 36 in. picts oats patterns, al- -row.... $12.50 , ci % wereld for 124e., Try a i rot ‘OUR Wi INNER ” J. sapteEee for Baas Do not forget shat ea fies wll Orie Clothing, and im PURS pelipney ead Hey bt Sg ee Relegation certa eintiees stock than any one in D, fit, larant eo : se ae almost entirely sold out. Our $15 Black Worsted Suite mie te noice we have had an enormous season, ex- pecting the ‘second shipment in the course of a few days. Dark Goat Robes 42x66, full fured and a beatiful robe for $6.50, worth $7.50. A fall stock of Games, Toys, etc. We extend to Ap a cordial invitation. A new stock of Case ponBess also without cases. Ask to :ee our 25c line’ ice assortinent uf Lamps, in Hanging and reps small and large. Welave pearines into stock a Sasnple nnd Job line of Men's Ties, Ties that alw. m 25 Jc, lovely patterns, seli2 FOR 25c. Boys’ take advantage ‘aioe Dee = & Pfeffer. ge ole fe le he le he he te ote Men's Fawn Overcoats, Cee ee ee ee ee Rg (aan well worth $15.09 Me Ne he ole he te te oe le FE RE IE RE RE REE EE EE HEHEHE IE EE IE LS suf hea A fall stock of fleeced Wool and Cotton Underwear yy to hand,we also carry a large stock of Woul Under wear. y, We bave in stock a beautiful line of Fancy G such as fancy Crockery, Fancy Work boxe, Tait Cores, Handkerchief an Gloves, Boxes, Cuff and Col ele ole oe RE RE RENE NE % i all shapes, from now until Xmas, we are going to ‘ter from 13 to ho Choice eal if guaranteed fresh, 17¢ per doz.

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