Mhe Milverton Sun " THURSDAY, DRCEMBER 16, 1898. GENERAL NEWS KIPLING ON THE SOUDAN, _ The Aylmer Canning Company took London, Dec. 8.—The Times pub- % to lishes a poem by Rudyard Kipling en- |" jos: ni a reine! The special new os cent card ny, re typical of the | #4vertising purpos vier by battle, of 16, 8 and singly. live, ©, P. R. officials estimate that one- third of the Ontario laborers. who ish ‘Mad, the|ently in the province. Several cousins ‘or ‘A’ anise agate “Manage BY all ie Lord real, who recently eee ier the pesning of ‘oreéd ur Sea. t the back, jistribution among his relatives, live! in he ‘earth with dead, South Essex. a OP sae board of trade of Woodstock re- They walle inarmed by tw call the ving to scl WER $25,000 f i yy-law appropriating $25,000 for rOarceak, ue wa “ Pf pis sue promotion of new industries by the their| purchase of a and erection of neces ,|sary_ building i RePPe An oni farmer near Belle Wherefore, ained Ye tre bond to shat Beye Biver bought one of the cars of wheat 0, Hu! eee ae haste ¢ apd lei which were dumped out in the recent accident on the G.T.R., for $25, and som JORATE MERIAL PENNY succeeded in gathering ap over 500 » is en posta | bushels of marketable grait Limited,} Lord Rossmere’s co-operative colony near Victori ., has collapsed, and the founder is out. $150,006 over ie Utopian adventure. Idlers crept ae the golany'gud sapped the life out A quantity of wood around the ‘cent, postage pen stove “in the sitting room of the ‘try comes into foree on Chris te Arlington Hotel, quite seasonable. Orly ea Gai koces ing ¥ with syoh ‘envelopes issued when | laze di na PS tage became the lawinGreat| heen burned in the floor” Damage ee ie a an by slight. v the ae ers at the rate of ce. per! Ste, be sckage of 25, postage paid, “or can he}, oceP® Ate be to taken to establish» op from lo er ook who have cater Avs wee ne red a su ‘list containing the es of 112 anhor in Kent, repre- senting 477,454 pounds of tobacco. Allowing for the growers not heard ‘rom, it is estimated that the whole ae for this year in the county will] mount to about 600,000 pounds. Canada is moving fast these dived Procui SHORT STORIES RETOLD. From cancer of i stomach Haring that Kipling’s new book bed cost its Dubliahioee shilling a word a London wag wrote the author saying ig ir | 837 aos in 2 as SFOPBARES “ine mh eluded. The C.P.R. int to reduce mui Be ene peg from ‘54 to 47 hours. rin the Highlands, aan steamship service was inaugurated Bhi Palco td x week between Paspebiac, Que., and Milford Haven, which wil.’ ext two Y | days off the ocean voyage. aot keep proper Radcliffe, the Dominion hangman, his arms, ie met a tae who thus | has written Sheriff Inkster that if his “ Losh, John, is it no’ | services are required in the Brown hanging, he can be in Winnipeg in e|time. He hasan execution iu andier wi’ a watch Scotia, and one in | Que! bee the spel pat of the | If the law takes its course the ndon ily Mail notices a curious will Re conte with the authorities Ig into | a8 to Ra fe, but if the Toronto man emus cleared | does not come ne'sheuif Tukster will take} She he” i charge of the execution. phase We pe banging every: Inspector Murray of the Provincial attempted pass coe “te ut | Detective Department i is “investigating there was: one Se in the shape ‘of an old woman, who was allowed to eadeene will along the open space Doubtless fhe Turks Spee thought she was” ritish tourist, ness eccentrici are everywhere repected. The following am ae incident hate a. and i night sixty out of i . | seventy fine animals were dead. 2 ee HE See ‘Dominion Life Assurance COMPANY Waterloo, Ont. ire my foes increased, il ebay pie | gual i tickled ba Head Office, - Authorized Capital - - hoy of See Gov't. Deposit sv tame - ‘In one i He bse: land counties of oe opie ral i adobe Paid up Capit The Dominion Life has 3 made handsome golored orci, which goins in pyery esesential feature during 1897. the aie ize! aie It Has Gained bysician agcosted 1 ae ko, Les Apanred. - 82 per cent he other ‘dey, Asse 5 “BS Sam, Where have y that’s serious. What did you pré- scribe,” “Ob eae fix him all| right, wid alnm and gum arabic. Alum to draw tha Behe eee and | patting on more de gum tostick ’em.” It may be in- CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. in 1,900 turkeys at their canning fac: Messrs. Garrow and Barber have a been re-elected in West Huron and Halton by largely increased majorities, by the Pastotfice Terareni in sees Ao Manitoba koivack) tincierligtiae fields every summer, remain perman- Mountse- con the council of that town to A correspondent from Elm Michigan,says : This section is literily buried in snow. For several days past a big storm has the; is now about seven feet of tehe beauti- drive over it, without knowing the river is. Other truthful people say it so deep in some pluces that it completely covers the forests. “FIFTY TWO WEEKS WITH GOD,” A fascinating study of the Internation, al Sunday School Lessons far 1899 now ready. No Ohristian especiaily lergyman or Teacher, should be without it. Beautifully bound in cloth of two culors, with stiff boards. PRICE ONLY 35 CENTS. Strongly recommended by leading "|Clergymen. On sale by all book sellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of the prigg by, The Bradley-Garretson Co., Limited. UBLISHERS, Toronto, Canada, ‘can cheerfully recommend the Eee eee ‘cooled tor abeat thre Voges wad attacks coming on regularly different physicians ras caused by bad teeth, of which T had extracted, but testimonial for anything before, but the great by ivene Tabules isduoar mo ta mtno tthe many teat jou doubtless have in. your fon Osseo ‘T. DeWarr. I want to inform you, Tha freer srs, ‘ au ae. eas me any t saw Ripans Tab) ashy en paper, Doubt some Ba Seif: aches e inca wae 8 lisae et Ie Ripreec aisoe ar r go {nto..cromded jplsca without ¢ getting & tox sige completely cor Geo. Bo cine: ies ern Zi ‘Mls Besa Winosas. NE GIVES RELIEF, RLP-A‘N'S The modern, stand- ard Family Medi- Cures the a common every-day ill of humanity. stomach, -Theard about ae Ps Fe faulgved by, thelr a and now takes the Tabutos regulary. Shekeepeafow cartons Ripans ale 1d cuys she will not be with ot le hav. and o} Rending come of the seinen in favor of oat me usartoura'eod sled diss peared the Indigestion - 0. gre wr her. O farally i wish pectelomaaectipet latih og al. Aly mother is Aifty years of axe Tabules, I tried th guly relieved but sctually 6 the headaches have ‘lssppear ny mp anow wrod, chabby fesed boy: Be. wouter Tanange Taveribate to Ripans Tabules the time isha Masten ‘and Winni-| 7 ho FirstPrize Bread It is asknowledged by everyone that our bread is the best on the market. Eygg our competitors acknowledge it as they all re- fused to compete with us for a prize. Thongh we took first we do not bake for shows alone but make good bread all the year round and to prove this, we ask that you give our bread a trial and we are sure that. you will be convinced. V. WEITZEL, The faker. THE Western Advertiser 1899 Only Seventy-five Cents Fo ae | ist, 1900. is thetime to subscribe es the hest Weekly Paper published in Onta Write for our low clubbing offers. ESS - Western Advertiser, London, Ont. EERE + DBIB ; Don’t be Too Late! THE GREAT OFFER OF Dae ee ee en The London Free Press ‘Will be continued for a few weeks ae whereby 3 yabegribecs, to Week- One Year $s Panes Free, acai ith oo he Volar mabe of a pam eases 1m Animalyand Ponty : a fall Ze spy hat tery farmer Son be his ows veterinary, % $3.00 fo $2. sot eekly and Fionn for on LIMITE! : & ie i i fe Pies a0: M4 LONDON, - - "ONTARIO. Ny \ Janes Inwes, M.P., Can. Kouer, Bso., ‘teresting to add that che victim re-1°°""° "president, * » Nie Preside saaas-ceced” uta bearer mecis, an tmnponslDiity before ae took Ripans Tables. the cr Scradie to old age) lf taken securing to diree-. E,W. Price. doen aa ret Sontinios Pax Susans cise cor, This tabule:) can a A eapen caren Cenk ies ee for elo pack low priced sot i steadied for be bad by mail by sendln 7 York—or a single carton Tas storekcoy pers, ner a agente yea relict, fod barber diopa, ‘They banish patn, indo seep oa prolong fe, Oued Call in and see thém. Sideboards, etc. and see us. For the boys. UNDERTAKING upon your intimate friends some token of good will. "As the building season is now over we are devoting ourselves more than ever to our Furniture Establishment As the Christmas season is approaching you will want to bestow Nothing gives so much“pleasure or adds to comfort like a good ROCKING or HASY CHAIR We have have some handsome ones in FROM $2.00 UP We have in a fine ortment of Bedroom Setts, Dining Room Setts Call in and sce our OAK TABLES they cannot be beat for the price. We haye also the finest collection of PICTURES that ever bung updn a wall, suitable for Christmas Presents. Young man if you intend taking up house-keeping it will pay you to call We have a large stock of the best of everything to, SEE OUR SLEDS Nothing will please your boy more than to present hith with one of our light running.steel shod sleds. Do not fail to call and see us before you buy your Christmas Presents. PROMPTLY AT: TENDED TO. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Miiverten SAVE THE COMBINGS. 0 inform the ladies of anteed. Al sheds hae promptly attended FOR A 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE _ switch was responsible for the Aide ” Engineer Gordon had @ cot The official count gives Mr. Garrow 45 majority in West. Huron. Sir Thomas Upington, Premier of Cy te Colony from 1884 to 1886, died Tow GENERAL NEWS oe __ The Milver Milverton Sun THURSDAY, D® DECEMBER 15, 1898. Ohi Sep store Nocsh Rees boy, his legs broken in CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. | Sans & MeDallogt's shops, Galt by a falling crat The open-door policy is not popular in Canada this weather. Willian Black, the celebrated acaties morning having been caught Rercaliciioisl we aber: between two drawheads while passing ew organ for Knox Church, anieact: ie Om Horne, a brakeman o7 Stratford, is being put in place, Owing to the impassable state or the Soar um’s death rate for the year roads th rougr snow blockades, the Dec 1 was 1.6 per cent. Stratford anaee was sparcely attend ith the result that n Walker has started a tobacco ; sebaiprasset jecet ual good Sandwich, owing to the low Sees at icned: : ‘The Prince of Wales has been vited to formally open the new Victoria | bridge next summer, ‘The gold. rivet | he rose into the old bridge in 1860 is| A rumor is current in Windsor that in endlranlecafives at MeNee, editor of the Wi ae Montrnt dhe [eatet Gio uid belay lated to succeed Hon. J. ig ean ‘remaved? lieutenant-governur . 0 The Farmers’ Binder Twine Company | Si ped bite year ending Oct, 15th paid a dividend of 60 per cent. rible triple murder was com- ane at Free Soil, ichigan, ¢ has been reported to Gave ne ‘ar y Walter Hotehins, a deme ated den Quallins that parties hav g deer in ad county uve ary wv. A determined effert will made to bring the Mbehiers to justice Five deaths recently occurred at Butte, Montana which are claimed to hhave been caused by sulphurand arsenic fumes from the | of Dr. Von Stan's Pinan minelters, for the thousands It is expected that at an early date ita stomach ii there will bea strike among tele- et will relieve—and persistence w.Il graphers of the G.T.R. and apropos of |" ents Sold by Janes Torrance, this the trying to secure} The New York Journal has fade, a all the new met it can that it may be| poll of the Democratic Senato in readiness. presentatives in Congress as t ‘The fast mail on the New York |% be the Democratic national leader Central Railroad ran intoa ng of [20d what, will be the chief. issue snow shovellers near Winspear bridge | 1900. One hundred and eight ‘on Tuesday morning killing eight of the They were thrown in all di- rections and the sight was sickening. aa ce erable aria taeda? Persistence Cu AY odd wbruple euaeat Dia apie oct ih the deadful | tion will succumb to. the all-healing power Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets s re for the old. leader ‘Pwo men attempted to kidnap little] oc ilvide enecnesalbn: pet Purdy, of St. Marys, recently. ae : Ntrack at hitn with «club, bat] The Stratford council will submit a Rico managed to escape. ‘The men | bylaw to the ratepayers on Juin both flourished revolvers. A reward deta ater they are w f $100 has been offer ier the con-| 20t to guarantee the Sagan of ar » Purdy also | bentures to be issued by the Whyre|* Packing Company for $30,000 to ex- tend over 20 years. The company Pe | will, iv is understoed, have a paid w capital of $100,000, and will expend cated with, and they estimate the cost 1 Naa tl sa Ficksty atom cxpecieg ee 21000 | Rauuatee tpoe torts we wk sake sa week at $40,000. The The fine sweepstakes’ cup, the| Society has elected the following offi highest honor at the disposal of; the| cers: Presid Me Fat Stock A at Guelph, vicerpresidents Mr $i ipsenvd Thomas Rev. EB; w. Panton ; secretary-treasur- er, Mr. W. ere rs, D. Davis, J. Beas at 1 W. into Mc Dunean Ste- “Pata Won. rel and, D s Oke, of Alvinston. ‘The ate eweepstake prize was won by, Mr. Wilson of Fergus. war Ae isastrous fload occurred in on Sanday tiorning Me St edie oe m 1 Tay ie can Mae clergy. ‘Phe collections thus far pr down trolley and telegeuph poles, risoned people-in their houges. nn¢ nearly drowned some who were-eaught| ® y the flood. The damage will! reach n Bible Suc Rev b ee Fallis, of penalty delivered an “lk about $500,000. dress at ae meetin eG. T. R, was killed at London ete the currency Vedio Of the sts a $50,000 to $75,000 on build and | it Stratford branch of the Bible |; B.| the hall again the There are six candidates in the field for — of Guelph. soll Pet Stock and Poultry As- ccintatatedll boll Gare. anisnall- eke an. 2, 3and 4, ES eer. Dr. Hannon of Stratford given acall to the Park st. Methodist shursil Chatham. Thomas Collop, a well known hotel- eper of Chatham, committed suicide last week by shooting himself. The E post, which means that you can now travel by train from the port to the nperate highland country, 4,000 feet | abo’ sea, and also that some of healthy, part of the gr jcovered. ‘The obstacles have been im- ne me fly, lio pea from West Africa, and it is now f a that they will be brie’ into Todi y | the eoolies, who cannot be induced to | jigger is an i quantity of country to be ragained asta as fee spent 10 be enormo: Besides it i gira aca seal satelopi and Heagoys *| animals abound. SHORT ST RETOUD. Tn a small vi ar Glasgow lives a worthy, who goes Spay tie coriode 00g b meb. him one day, and resolving to Wate Joke ni Roser, expanse, oa to call eye, “Edinna ken; but if ye why the people: ca! ye a mi ury tae tell ye?” ‘fe iniuistor ole good old Scotch farmer hada noted all up ti harp tongue, died, to all apearances, Preparations were made for. the funeral, and, indeed it had progressed so far as the coffin, Ww wr passive the well meaning it, smartly upon the The next minute the scolding ca SLAP pit dly-rlapaniee wife had conie to “ish Sie up in her surethav they were Healing with cies thing. But when wy np ne down b a Ro rihmasville, on Sabbath, Dee. ay fit y, second daughter of Rev, E. S. Rupert, M.A. The fan.ily of Mr. Charles Meggison, in the township of Clinoptarill, near Walsh station, lad a from death by poisoni They partook tt cider apple sauce, which gl Pie put away in earthern Torture South American Rheu- matic Cure Cures in 1 to 3 Days. orth, o} Mr. ’ Meggivon' 's life, while his wife and three of his children were alli made violently ill. he tario Curling Association has issued their official schedule of tbs The province tricts, the majority of which are com- ah "He begat "taking man, of Woodstock 1s the official umpire bes apes od for the district. As the big O.P.R. 100-ton freight engive 696 was about to leave the yards with aspecial freight last Friday night about 8 o'clock it came in col lision with engine 413, retarning light frown the coal docks. OB 13 yyone sending a sketch Col |OBBY AND feet ees FASHIONABE SUIT I espaol andbok AN ie ae a ernn es. W. J, RIDDOLL'S oni aera on. All Work ce ee Suits a ok while jumping and alee ceceived a sprained ankle-gn:t pig ani Ba neer Qui “| A Full andsCom;lete lineof Cents: Furnistings. Har HUSBANDS, you could not buy your wifga more useful and or» namental Xmas gift than one of our “Grand Jewel ” Stoves and Ranges the best and most popular Stoves made, or a “ Re-Acting Washing Machine” re*s: | which work so easily that it is a boy or girl’s delight to help mother on wasb-day We received a special line of Plain and Fancy Tea-pots, Tea-Kettles, Enamel-ware and other things suitabie for Xmas gifts. See our “* Winnipeg Heater ” with it you can heat your Dining- | room from your kitchen stove, or your Parlor or Sitting-room from the Hall | stove, or any: room up-stairs—Yes ! Heat them to Seventy Decress, AND bo | rv WITHOUT EXTRA FUE Would you like to try one, and pay for it when you are satisfied it will ; do what we claim. Price only $8.00. WISHING YOU A MERRY XMAS. FINKBEINER BROS.. ‘A Good Foundation Means A Solid Structure « Y¥ou will find this in every pair of Shoes J. G- GROSCH sells. A PAIR: OF SHOES Is the most useful thing you can buy for a Christmas Present. J. G..G. has &, fine assortment. Keep your POCKET } BOOK For buying your Shoes from J. G. Groschy where a dollar travels very far, Our Stock of Lumberman’ Sox /and Rubbers is complete. J. G. GROSCE =A NEAT FIT Is what all of our customers get when they deal with us. For years we have always maintained the trade of those who are hard to please and want a stylish fit. We cut in accordance with the latest New York fashion plates and have thus gained our enviable reputatiou as: e Fashionable Tailor Of Milverton. It is not necessary for us to toot our own horn, our work and prices: do that. If you have had trouble with your tailor in not get- ting your suit made in the latest style, come to us where you will have it made to the Queen's taste. Ifyou are in need of a Black Worsted Wedding OR DRESS SUIT Come in and see us. There is no use in taki chances ona good suit. Call and see what we will do for you in the TWEEDSLINE. We cannot nor will not be beat. Tf you want something swell: at the sume time durable, step in, and ¥ee ns, fine.line of Melwn’s, Beavers and Camel’s Hair Overcoatings as ever were brought inte Milverwns, Men’s Uisters made to order for $3.00 Fie Latest Collars latest Ties—the Latest everything. _G&.4 Koby Ties for 25: Drop in and see for yourself. H.C HASENPFLU Merchant Tailor. A