“It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, (898 MALCOUM MacBETH, Editor and Publishet The Busy Gorner Some things in this list stand out more pecial than others and those interested enough © come early will have the advantage over later shoppers. These values will sell fast enough without much advertising. We make special mention this week of . a‘special department of Crockery aad Glassware which we want everybody to’see, the ‘stock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, China, etc., ever shown in Milverton. forbids us quoting prices this week. give you Prices later. Space Will In Xmas Toys, Nuts and Candies we quote the following prices. CANDIES Fancy mixed.. Cream mixed. reu TOYS "As usual we carry a large assortment such as Games, Purses, Jack in Box, Guns, Pails, Dolls, Tea Setts and ‘Toys of every description. 4 Num Drops 5, Ib. 3:+eo% NUTS ‘We give you strictly new Nuts at cold storage prices. 12hc 1 Groceries Lemon Peel, Try a 1lb. Tin of Glendon Tea ~~ At 25¢. Ib. TIN BOXES. i 4 Lemonsand ¢ + Oranges Next Week. * California Raisins 5c. Ib Package * — Our Clothing Department Another lot of those heavy Freize Coats came to hand which are going at the old price $6.00 or $5.50 Cash, worth $8.00 - A nice Beaver Overcoat at $6.50 or $6.00 i fe Cash, A nice line of Children’s Suits, single de ae usa a 10TH & CUENTHER, largest} Fancy | ne in ® | tanner’ ‘LOCAL NEWS A candidate before the day their And things have gone ‘hegther ea Of course he dosen’t know you. Oranges at 15 cts. per dozen at C. S. Kertcher’s. $ Mixed candy 4%ts. per Kertcher’s. It is some time since wi such a protracted thaw it Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Livi at bome to a number of last Thursday evening. Fancy tea-pots, tea- ware and other Sota Xuns gifts at Finkbeiver Remember the Gravelridge concert tonight. Mr. John Barr. will accom- “ villagers intending to go out, Ss to see" the Crockery Ft ‘Giaaware Loth & Guenther have opened up. The largest ¢ollection in win, b- at C. 8. have had December. gston were eir friends kota ada - poe for When a man ceases to be a sub r he does nob 2 to. be Pag he variably becomes a bor Just arrived at Bastendorff: plete new at of ladies’ Yond gente rin; iamonds, garnets, _opals, auerlde dogblecs and carbuncles, Have just opened up ‘the cans of catia 3 Xa a5 Togs ever ceived in n. Cull and see ibea c.8. Kenhe, Red flag store. Canes of every discristion, such as krokinole, ahaskeee old maid, lost heir, Peter Codle, nations, lesters, authors, ips dorsindes at ©. 8. Kertoher's,Red flag stor The cealieee of The Sun of late hss been increasing by bounds. Ifyou are not a subscriber become one—we always furnish in- teresting news, We have on and a fine pera of the best silver spoons, for nives pent will tae sold cheap. “These all warranted the manu- tctaiee Schneuker & Rothaermel. coe fmnenther show the nicest er- ea ico'qieaent tut ya ote Me nah Mr, Albert Haas on Monday return- edfrom Meaford where he had been ntsending the faneral of is, rather illed through being coughed cieesirine subee dais Fe A meeting of those interested in getting up a tea-meeting in connection with the a anniversary services of Burns church on Jan 15th, will beheld in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening next. A good attendance is required. Municipal polities in i village are quiet, although it is un thi Reeve Goodhand is in the eld for re: election. Mr. Appel, we, understand, ig aha with hie Goodhand for the The parties Library books “Thaddeus of Warsaw,’ “The Count of Monte Cristo” and “In Savage Africa” had better bring their fines “along as the books are out long over time. The interest in Knechtel’s guessing contest is increasing daily. | ° Already a large vamber of guesses are in and are coming in Sea Tf you have not yet mi all and do so— you may secure, hers cobby suit. M David Robefts _ wishes, through the columns of The Sux, to ebely thank the officers. and _mem- bers of Silver Star Lodge for the holding. the Public Me! The generosity of the sul panded and Mr. McRoberts desires to make public acknowledgment of its kindness. The annual election of officers of aga s and|Miller for the sum of $ bean |™ @ assortment of ladies’ long] ,. neck chains at Bastendorff' Mr. John McCloy, of Macuinetons is in the field for councilman this year, The Evangelical church will hold their annual Christmas Tree on Friday evening. Mr. John Langford will be a candi- date for Municipal honoes in Morning- ton this year. r nuts and candies at C. 8. Red flag store. Entirely Buy yor Kertcher's, new stock, A late arrival of ladies’ and_ gents’ diamond and garnet rings at P. Bastendorft’ pranbaaies are holding services regularly every two +weeks i Methodist church, Elina, Try Loth & Guenther for fancy goods, such as collar boxes, gloves, handkerchiefs, trinkets, e Finkbeiner Bros, sell the “Grand Jewel” stoves and ranges, the best and most popular stoves m Just opened out an entirely new stock of pipes, prices from le. to $3.00 at Kertcher’s, Red flag store. A full line of silverware of all de- scriptions at Schneuker & Rothaermel’s suitable for Christinas presents, The largest variety of the choicest brands of confectionery manufactured will be margin above cost at -|C. 8. Kertcher’s, Red flag store. . A. D. McIntyre, B.A., brother of Mr. J. McIntyre of the Sun staff, who was one of the applicants for the position of principal of He) eles school, has since been classical master of pe sonar high school at a salary o! Mr. John peste uh iralinued from Mr. D. Alexander the place lately owned by Hugh Witt, for the sum of $4700 and intends to commence farming. Mr, Roessing sold bis house and lot at the station to Mr, Philip 1024. Mr. Miller will take the job on the railroad vacated by Mr. Roessing. Mr. Wm. Waddell, of Burns, has announced himself as in the. fiel stay for the reeveship of Mornington. ination day, however, will determine whether Mr, Waddell is to be elected y acclamation or have a race. Miss White’s musical recital in Grosch’s hall on Tuesday evening was a huge success. e concert was well patronized and the ebay of talent would be hard to ne visitor remarked that it was ee Jargest col- lection of pretty girls that he had ever seen together at one time. Mr. Wm. Dorland Bay through the leans of The Sun to thank the | people of Milverton Bea ths travelling public generally for their undivided ee, during the last twenty years. le hopes also to retain it in the future And says that he will always still be found at the old stand doing business, He will continue ranning his bus to meet all trains. Mr. John H. Schmidt has secured the contract for carrying the mail from pees to Ads seen for the next carried the mail for 24 years and never’ in that time did he miss a mail. Schmidt will no doabt also prove a faithful public servant_ and may yet leave a record behin: MoPuerson & Co. Srrarrorp Furnmers—We might say to those de- siring to purchase Furs of any. kind | should call on\McPherson & Co., of mi Stratford, the only Fur manufacturers |, in the west. We carry an immense; stock of Ladiés’ Coats, Collars, shee raubious Men’s Coats, Caps and Mitts, Making ovér Fors of all Tt kinds into new styles is a prominent feature in our Far Department, Purrson & Co, as Messrs, Pfeffer Bros. bt, | take the place of eight saikary reel The next Bee) of the Lodge will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 4th, and all a members are urged to. be present as important busiuess is to be. transac! Come along and see the aew 0! bolters. Another important feature of oe hitherto in nse, The mill will be ready for Sd in the course ja few days. {Locals catia on (Bags 4. SThe | ‘ FLAG }sTORE C. 8. Kerteher, Proprietor. A Christmas Store Indeed-——“=— You will visit this store at Christmas if you can? — It will pay you for your time and trouble. The © store is like fairyland, you get waited on court ously, and the goods are entertaining and beauti- ful. Here are a few of the Dolls we have : Dolls Jointed d'ble jointed Rubber Chna Dressed Kid bodies Dolls from ic. to $1.50 each. Some people would rather buy at the Red Flag Store than at wholesale houses. WHY ? er Sound Advice.. Buy your Xmas Goods early ; if you can come in person vou will find Less irritation from crowds FULLER STOGK to select fiom : QUICKER SERVICE And so you: will have | "greater | Pas dic. S. Kertcher