4 The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, D¥CEMBER be A iat 1898. GENERAL NEWS _CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Jd. MeMurrich is a candidate for ‘01 wal Al vthe Mayor's chair, Toron ator MeFarlanre died at his shome in Wallace, Nova Scotia last) ’ week. It is now understood in European diplomatic circles that the British “occupation of the vlehgpd of Orete isto become forone 7 Mis: Reet wer of Hamilton. is hapless ae for .$200 damages, al- leging that’he broke a bone in her jaw while pulling A toot late factories in the were shut down this. week by the tin plate trust which is a progeny of the Dingley Bill. The Conservatives of Manitoba under the leadership of Hugh John "Macdonald are confident of winning the next provincial elections. At St. Seliolestiatty pe Judge! ou Viai 10vh day of Mareb, \ in hanged on the 809, it thé mutder of her aes band. ab Ferguson avenue at rs. Christmas and New Year's Day falling on Sunda rney- setting apart the Monday following in each case to be ubserved as a ida It is said that, Saturday lias been a fatal day'to the royal family of Eng- Jand for the last 185 years. © William TIL, Queen Anne, George I, George JE., George IIL, George T the cope of Kent, the Prince Consort, thy and Prineess ‘Alice all died on “that day. ery serious accident happened on band was “drawn in'by the cogs’ of ‘straw cutter, ly abated “that doctors ‘were obliged to rem ‘the eaiiqaee at the last joint. McLean was convicted at Benoa. te Inreeny on Monday and Sentence to three months’ “men in he. Brantford jail. junn was in charge.of the pris own home, where MeLean was ‘main over night, but he got away and is tee at large. & S ‘he regular Lape meeting of the Aid of Stratford for offices ‘for sche, ensuing year: President, ‘Joseph Rankin; vice president, Mrs. ‘Wm. a eal Mrs. Endeox, Mrs. AQr)D. Fraser. gee a Hagarty, Ary Bock’ and Mrs. he young men of the oe would be wang ‘ take. hold of ithe matter ae they did last year. The Church Times of London says arker's new novel, ious. quickly Gissipatoe any such half-formed io fear, eneis Jaidin Jersey tie cadena lade century, its ‘hero, or chief personage, is one Philip @Avranche, a brilliant nayal officer, and, bya freak of fortune, the suc- cessut happi- » Phe ckilfal development of the ‘story, the subtle portrayal of very ‘various types of character, i pictures of life in tlie tiny island, a in the ‘France of the HeVolitiol ar are passe excellences heh enable us to ‘mend it to our no less ig fre healthy Vigour of ite morality. | Strongly sepoqiare by Mr. Leighton McCarthy (Ind.) was elected in North Simcoe last’ Wednes day by eminjority of betwoon 200 and en: treasurer of South Australia bas introduced a bill for raising a loan of £1,794,000 for publie works. The penitent feature of this loan is that £1,-) 250,000 will be sent on reproductive The colony is now drawii i ts per cent on £18,750, 000 sony in public works. Antgbud neieiol of monopolies ue aes tealasian colorie es are perhay world. Mr. Donglas (Lib) was elected ov Dr. Willoughby (Con.) i in} ag se re uaiberland last jority of 586, * The following constituencies in the bye-elections last week returned liber- als: Prince; Prince Edward I'd., Montgomery and Bagot, Quebec. oar 92,466 votes were polled last month in Louisiana, Mrsiotop South Carolina, out of a voting population of e| 920,000, This isa falliag 0 820 votes. since 1870. hiefly due to the disfranchisement. state ps more vanced than any other country in the of ah negroes under the new Abave used Ripans Tabules with so much satis. ‘vave Deen's great sufferer from fection that I can cheerfully recommend th serorerdee! ae Ncutng gave me any vellee, Bave been troubled for about three years vith aa sb ene Beata at what Lealled bill Tegalarl feet and only @ dane psmece. owas tata by dierent yepeetant ‘advertised tm our: her ita caused by bad tooth, of whieh had ‘pouxcht some and took them as direct- several. I had the teeth extracted, at t three there, Hipans Tabules in'all the papers at had STabules, Tem eure papers but had no faith 11 to Ripans Tabules. in them, but about slx weeks since « friend in ono a only ick amount of g00. mn one me you like. gas Fables induces pe to ad mine tothe Sirs, Many GORMAN CLARE, ind timonials you doublons have t8 your Ic I havé been suit ance whe a thle a ‘Tooud never Haoine Re oe ian fuse without getting a jeadactioand sick at my e| REPANS reieag a % = iets ack -_ found such relfef from 2 The modern stand- etke teen, aoe Gljard Family Medi~|p isos, and wiicine: Cures thet Vs SY Seven grand resulta, i) aera old, You are weloome (13) Neeley SOR > || common every-day ara cocaaeaine ce 5 | ill of humanity. 5 w soven-yearold | Zz i) A Group of Little Pate The Howpital for Sick Children. Sho LIFI THE E MORTGAGE A GREAT CHARITY'S APPEAL {fo love abundantly Is to live nbun- Ing dantly. Tbe Bblical story of the Goat Samaritan is 3 were large in enter- | pikae: forthe adlavintips tl apd suffering of helpless 1 ttle chil- The building is One of the bos! aa Lay hospitals in the gorld, It. is accommoaating 175 sick shildrem: To-day there are.over 10) lit tle patients in’ the Hozpital. all being | reated Bee sicilful phy- sisians pe verte has been onerat oa during ar without stint. Over 5.030 children ‘were helped ne to benlth. Of these. 638 pationts were cared for | in the cots: One-third of the patients ; came trom places outeite of Toronto. | Tae Hospital is a Bee: institu- tion. Its setvicss free te the obil- | éren of p2ren‘s who eae afford to “pay the. email ae} imown have been siiifa'ly : fully performe! at the Ho pit 1 Many | d cause to bess t strong and etn ai in the years to come they, too, will bles tho work the Hospital and Tyetiieh Pow al? some tangible manner. ; In twenty-two years the Hospital for Sick Children has been ths hol sees 4 20,005 sick. children. } a grand institution though for 22 youre the Hospital has been, ‘k, the wo erkers in the ihe atts Me oariave:Alwave peas Bar| ebt—aad hampertd for need ; of fan { year the mortgage of _ $50,0: talis dus, and balf tho amount of cd mortgegs mast, be raid off. patients during tho Corie preciuded any poss) lity of saving & Single, dollar towards this o Si ‘The i the at; in this or ency, maze a stron: Te 07 On! Thi ns wort iy ef the sympathy and fale’ ak ‘a The Grand Work ‘of Gutavias eke Charity, The Hospital for Sick Children — Ham-' pered by a Mortgage of $50,000. Thay ask the aid of everyone who can spare ¢ single dollar. var arts) asked the editor of this foueren ts ond | oot. will omtaes mee ene) oun gift: thie onto ze chile drop gathers will do more this achdol children gave ese bap savant hey are doing thelx best x0 relieve of their comrades in dist vom, these staunch wards Ade There are +00 papers published in readers of this ak ones wl so Tanialst on beds 8s. They ‘ask’ only tor (he Molde ves oan easily, spun AS seang the past, beyond all | the ‘tantors, pleasures of life, there stan’ ours ee pes erect ‘of kindness to ion round. a you. et little too. trifling ti kk of, yet action’ which have oroadtnea & the joy in your yephe future of tng Hospital is fm the hands of its fri $25,000 is nee To give Auugdsatly is to got abund- antl Renders of this paper my forward contributions Rois, Hotertson chairman of th oe “FJFTY TWO WEEKS WITH GOD,” A fascinating study of the Internation- al Sunday School Lessons for 1899, Clergyma: without si Beaotifully bound i in cloth of two cvlors, with stiff boards. PRICE ONLY 35 CENTS. leeding Clergymen. sale by all sellers, or sent pad on receipt of the price by, The Bradley-Carretson ae deere UBLISHERS, ion Canada. Fitri ie It is asknowledged’ by everyone that our bread is‘ the best on the Even our competitors "acknowledge it as they all re-|™ market. fused to compete with us for prize. do not bake for shows alone but make good bread all the year round and to prove this, we asl that you give our bread a trial and we are sure that you will be convinced - v. WEITZE Though we took first we Sikearty moal. Ay 3 shee 1s ity years Of Ke nd of a sation color, eading come of als in favor of- ‘Pauls Tabules, Tate sem. m Ripans TabUlos Dot. t actually cured my youngstar,, ‘Dowels are. in; omplains of bis, me hearty, meals. uu Impopeibiity before, she took Ripens Tabalen. the oF ar oale to old age) tf taken according to diveo «gy BW. Paice. ‘A bow style packet contatning FEN RIEAXS = some drag stores FOR ¥IVE CENTS vent cartons (20 tabi lao be had 8f some Grocers, gener rae docgek sia 5 low. ss sort is intended for the poor and the econo had by economical. One. by sending forty-eight cents to the Riraxe cokespors. news agents and at some liquor storey 3, Indmey sleep and proknigiite, Ove vives role As the building season is no: ourselves mgrg than ever to w over we are devoting our Furniture Establishment ‘As the Ohristinas season is approaching you will want upon your intimate friends to bestow some token of good will. Nothing gives so much pleasure or adds to comfort like a good 4 Call'in and see them. We ,|Sideboards, ete. the price. and see us. select from. SEE For the boys. Do not fail to call hee : | UNDERTAKING ever hung vpon a wall, suitable for Christmas Presents, nian if you intend tgking up house-keeping it wil] pay you to. call We heve.a lange stock of the best of everything to ROCKING or HASY CHAIR We have have some handsome ones in FROM $2.00 UP have in a fine assortment of Bedroom Setts, Dining Room Setts Call ia and see our OAK TABLES they cannot be beat for We haye also the finest collection of PICTURES thab Young OUR SLEDS Nothing will please your boy more than to present, him with ope of our light running steel shod sleds. see us before you your, Christmas Presents. PROMPTLY AT: TENDED TO. WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH Milverton SAVE THE COMBINGS. ‘aylor w hele 5 for the lidies of ty tha she 38 prepared ps mbings. Satisfaction er oe an aflene Tete h Mrs, Karn will be promptly attended A all solicited. at of a total of $19,900.33 on the Lisl cotteeent roll, about $18,000 been paid he mentee ee leave. only ‘about’ $1,500 yet to collect, Ww i a very. satisfactory showing, considering the “unusually high rate this year of 25 mills. About id in‘on the 14th, at $5,000: Jast day for paying taxes without a Lis The Baker. additional 5 per cent. ~The Milverton Sun _ THURSDAY, DSCEMBER 22, 1898. MILLBANK. “The Faglish church eh wil bold Ss anneal “ Christmas tree on Coun: 4 ramme will be wiven jocal_-hog buyer, : re tant that our. pottery-maker, i Ebnira. Fecent Teavy mow storms have been |: ral late mails. has been doing aru sh. tely. deserve. the ie veemarng an see sidewalk 370.3 Reeve G $2; Milverton ag joe January 15th, ieee. seine; Gane comnts ae Councillor “i , 8€0. pageant Areeted Clerk authorized, to iseue orders for the | conce several amoun' ‘notion of Councillor Spencer, sec. by uD the following parties were | waited refunded the amount set ite their | to names Seloe fn overcharge in. dog ta On motion opposi ton $1, Henry "Elabeth Molt “$1, a Byndsch ‘ouncilor ‘Appel see. firm o! Seti reet in Seone toe ir ing. | view of obtai for a term of years firm parpose “ein “aurin which th. y vase cA ‘Thos. Miia’ tet, sale on Tuesda guaran also Me. John Lennox’s on Wednestay, Mise F. Fink wlio has been “home Bs days revarped to Baden last ee ‘The Christmas tree under the au: Knox church Sunday choot well be Pas Friday evening Dec 23 ‘The Colle: ber. The NEWTON. As it is getting near Xmas and the people are merry they have awoke your Sorrespondent from his deep slumber | cht nd he is once more gracing the aa colums of your ee with the | straight « ea from this y over a DS. Williats spent a few days | deliberate working at his trade, to relate that J. J.| Neither We are sorry her friend Miss Daw Mr, Hauck is aie “busy taking in grain these days. Tie model ahiel Bowed ys Pcjat nel ne, ich comprises Mess Irv Bi cual inepestar, olty-ydi D. Abe Se. and Win. ipiote, Mivehel etary Davison to a ia ae the the recent xumioaons, There ve 43 stutents in all—83 ut Strattord an but i 10 at Mitehell. All ue Pcacccatia ‘Whe list follows : ern ee Amos, ary: ic Stratford ¢ Jes wie Burnett, Carr, Str ; Hattie ugusta nce art ande Mn ae nal apse HY 4 shee pone Me- Alpine, Alviuston 5 ‘Alice | : | Macys Nellio Mefurlan alee Merten: } C. Murray, Newton ; Jessi vi werton ; Nettie Delton, procrgea te " Seott, Stratford 5 Lily ML. Stuart, Bel bron itee Geitemen <—Parey T. Gregor Ensson, a bes Hoffer, Mileron Fred. W. Ke eet Ae ma Edward Me dillan, Sees ¢ again on Thu 7:30 OTHE SIRDAR . forces in Sonthe wm ar neither app iy ithe Riddoi!’s residence was burnt on Tues, ieauene st Penn, eee cy ha: of yeurs’ sta rest of the world seert no. man as laid ae mea ‘ue i Wietertold ‘oot ee ployment of aby defiuite | the Stratford mayaral namber of or =) clor’s ere for a December W. D. Wer, Clerk. quoted in Black wood's ap- 2 ploture of Sit t Kit- es ssoerL of Bes esty's s sev ver six feet, ones, and looks out imperious- at mena heads ; his. motions FS 8 oes visiting his parents ab ae . he seems built for, tireless, steel-wire Li ood, ther than for power and agility Tae Steady passionless eyes, shaded by decisive Mr, Alex. Ross has returned home | eyebrows, k-red rather full’ cheeks, a rom Ae where he spent a month tong 6 stache teoeatly Pphich: you divine an immovable mouth ; his tace is harsh, and . nor any wearing: an the day night aes 1 o'clock, They sa essential sirdar, He no age but the part of the contents, ‘The cause of wie prime of life uo body bi ft one to earty his pete Inind, no-fuce but one to keep his brain,, be Beis unknown, hind, ‘The. bram and. the will ate. the ; Weare very sorry to hear of the} essence and the whole of the man—a brain = sad acecident which resulted in the] and a 0 perfect in their workings that, death of bashes Le late of Mani- deen ae Kail a din ity, xt ¢ ; iB never seem to know ruggl Mey ba He was killed by a falling tree. | cannot imagine the sirdar otherwiso than as +, Cl, His friends and Prete ances have| seeing the. right thing to do and doin, ub the deep sympathy of the community. | His pre sion so humanly uuerring, he is k ‘The corpse “arriv a ‘on the 10| more like a ‘oeanine th 2 ma ue my ; that he ought to be patented. indar is u o'clock train Saturday, nccompanied | never in a With Pia sel 1 by William Binpecn: brother of tke con Fe decease 5 ee Miss Babb of aan is visiting | ¢ sian Car ae r ved have purged meat amhtien left to ‘step on the way only by brill vee oadhand mpae ti sben- | not so of climbed “Councillor Engel { caution scsi al, and the Ree —jusi ‘are | Works in the Ontario Cabinet. in this me te the wigh as 8 to the rama 4 rho eal has h not to me ever pre- jut bi ms “ant yet, at any rate. ned, he is the m: who has sifted experience pateoeco UL ee “and © “MARRIE ED. |ADDES.—At ie the solenes of “ father, on Des bt. C. ood, to Paste "EB, Maddes, ide’ Henry, of Atw GENERAL NEWS namental Xmas gift than one of our which work so easily that it is a boy or girl’s delight to help mother on wash-day HUSBANDS, you could'not buy your, wife’ a more~useful and or ‘|“Grand Jewel” Stoves and Ranges the best and most popular Stoves made, or a “ Re-Acting Washing Machine ’ ‘We received a special line of Plain and Fancy Tea-| pots, Tea-Kettles, namel-ware and other things suitable for Xmas: gifts. “the pelts, CULLED FROMALLSOURCES. i aero. Seeks Giaipany a0 Bell aaa Company's losses in Brapttond ty thestorm amounted 000. to $i 4 a tra Indy searcher is empluyed in ul indsor custous office during the tetany season, Te is said that will be the next James Conmee Minister of Public Mrs, Hyde was tried at the Perth sessions on Thursday on the charge of pretences and acquitted by the has _brou; ht to he. Department of vt ine and Fi sheriea has been notified that eae Sey, are taking large quantiti off the coast of ipa ite rs, J. 8. Soarff, of Woodstock and T. ay e,of Mitchell, have been appointed as delegates to the Western Fair at London from: the Ontario Fruit Growers’ Association. Jobn Hoy, for many years an gineer at Dutton & Son’s will Bia: ford, died on ) Monday, after an ales of over a year’s duration. H. rn inthe township of South East = hhope in 1855, and had lived in Strat- ford since reaching man! ‘The swine vias wre enngtler ‘able loss to h ta as caused ts Saeaeanios in Warwic “i first ease of the flisense yet report ed in Lambto In view of fe evidence i a number of young men at the Ponton trial nr Napanee last. wee'x us to the manner in which they spent their evenings an leisure hours, Judge Ferguson, the presiding judge, made the statement ‘9 | that the majority of the young men of e | the present seemed to spend time in frivolity aad pelosi Sekt whereas, when he was young, a great ata devoted tha Jeasure to ‘rend- ing and study, thereby laying the undations for ae prominence and usefulness. Th serious indict nent of the ol nen of to-day. What do they say toi - Marys ; Alex Con 2 : The Eee or the olka wid ing will not il the required no. professional TRY ° ifi : seoretar of ihe ‘hoard, Me, Wav, Da ise, Stratfor ; “Misses Carr, Keen, McKay, Nasmyth and ae Pan Jantl ie Agua nen iat a Torr Rachael i kK Kirk, Katie Purcell. Ther F Next ene ett D. McNay, A. M.| RBS Wouilley jpn 9 A ae COUNCIL MEETING. 5 pees rena Se a ary jAlfeel J. Pyke, = neil me Milverton C Reeve Caialeat rerent, Gooihand presiding, con- a, Cf, former meeting read communications from the Gapplies trom ‘ommitvee Merriton appealing for aid for the Merritou who lost thei " 2 some fut meeting when s Phe follo ing sate werepresented and Le. cantling 40c3 pos lumber $24. as “making Sits the William Street, stage tt ety ~ tration of deed Haag es $0 6. 52; George’ Betry. site, sea Petar tabs 3. G. Gtow hall ver Henry Spencer. sang sidewall Fo w. ir, ky pos +9 Le INSOM come to rest—I soUuTsa secarsvae eo wo REA RESTORES REST MNIA. -prejudic thought of resting to what he ealled tate he wasrecommvendedo ty Piece a, en a ot it ba i heen taken, b sleey fat thi twenty pounds in worry and for want to-day he says, “ Beet arene Ethos todotwo uae indigestion and pepo A few di good hanses in Woodstock. | 4, what we claim, | want a stylish fit. See our ** Winnipeg Heater ” with it you can heat your Dining- all Ald. cae Holts js a candidate for | room from your kitchen stove, or your Parlor or Sitting-room from store, or any room up-stairs—Yes ! Heat them to Sxventy DEGREES, AND Do+ AES OTR while postage willbe imposed | pp yrrHoUT EXTRA FUEL. roll was extended until the 29th of Decem- | 0? Jan Council then adjourned to. meet rsdey, at| playing to Would you like to try one, and pay for it when you are satisfied it will: | Price only $8.00. WISHING YOU A MERRY XMAS. FINKBEINER BROS... A Good Foundation Means A Solid Structure You will find this in every pair of Shoes J. G- GROSCH sells. A PAIR OF SHOES: Is the most useful thing you can’ buy for a J. GG. has a Christmas Present. fine assortment. Keep your POCKET BOOK For baying your Shoes from J. G, Groseh, where a dollar travels very far. Our Stock of Lumberman’ Sox ‘land Rubbers is complete. J. G. GROSCH = NEAT FIT Is what all of our customiers get when they deal with us. For years we have always: maintained’ the trade of those who are hard to please and We cut in aceordance with the latest New York fashion plates and have thus , gained our enviable reputatiou as The Fashionable Tailor’ Of Milverton. our own horn, our work:and prices do that. If you have had trouble with your tailor in not get- ting your suit made in the latest style, come to us where you will have it made to the et s taste. Ifyou are in need of a It is not necessary for us to toot ar |Black Worsted Wedding’ OR DRESS SUIT: Come in and see us. There is no use in taking. « chances ona good suit. Call and see what we:- will do for you in the TWEED L! LINE. We: cannot nor will not be beat. In Overcoatings SHINE _If you want something swell——something attractive and at the same time durable, step iv and see us... We have as fine line-of Melton’s,Beavers and Camel’s Hair Overcoatings as ever were brought into. Milverton. Men’s = Ulsters madeto order for'$8.00. A Fuiband Complete lineof Gents’ Furnishings. The! "atest Collars—the: ; Thay seem itis absolutely true. South American Pnovsbatie Oure and cares ater years of agony ave ath Cure cut der troubles. A few Sow acs betice ti eradionk Gure is never baffted—rdlieves in six hours been suffered. res Bright's disease, diabetes and tae latest Ties—the Latest everything. 3.4 Nobby Ties for 250. .. Drop in and see for yourself.