seribers who do nct receive the:r, paper vegubariy wil please notify usatonce” Call at thaoffice for advertising rates. _ THE MILVERTON THURSDAY, DEC. SUN. « 29, 1898. Fated mare. ie hy, what do amy mean?” scres. wife. “Are you as Li rcatieg as jet Will ee too, look on and hi ind her innocent ehilaea: treat Pomneee eA G8 laeac. veld your. self. It's only ra fai on the uilding, that's a iad hase saaia a vittle ol’, advance! Syrup will not cia a hehe Chest, it iva specific which has tiever beet Bapyay rial romotes “a free and expectoration, Saas removing the phlegm and gives the diseased parts 9 chance to au Bramavel ie eblenlid. anes eam in ff is ite a “Bean > time a sans eee for faleantay in Ask for Minard’s Liniment and take no other. £ — - ge 8 rman electric roads have a (oid device ins es Ahan ot the, pis folding (anal which can, if oc- be forced up and ou lot, oy as it is, or low- so that thorough given the same cars on and ee eae D0 as, rant d, Cuteyey males oath that he is the sen orpartuer of the fin. fF. 3 rE Co.. do'ng business in the Gity 0 ‘PMedo. vy and Stateaforesaid. ‘anh that ‘ald firm will ay 5 HUNDRED LARS for Sworn to before m- and sulser presence, this 6th day of De- jase A. W. GLEASON, cee seat } Notary Public Hols 21 Cacarct Cure is taken internally and acts ‘blood and mucous sur‘aces of & CO., Toledo, 0. Year's ices ns inning of one’s own est by another. Yer an excellent resolution for a youn; savings every dollar earned during the year.” When children are pale, peevish and _ restless at night they require a dose o- two of Miller's ‘They are pleasant quired. Giue From Seaweed. lishment aan i raiiglcritone ms the district o! _ ‘Stuvanger. 0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quivine pais Loveland the money if it faiiato € Sensi tiar teet aee, Earth's Hottest Region. Banc rheum remersd of the are cured en's ‘Orman Tron Pills. Worm Powders. | John A. to take; no physic re- lets. All con- the use | | WANT NO ALLIANCE. | man Caine Says Yankees Are Friendiy to | England, but That They Want to Go It Alone. Kingston 1s Iiksly to have a new shoe ft | “whe French Chamber has voted a oredit of ott sag 000 francs to complete the mew pe Autilla, a Spanish transport, as acivea at Cadiz from Havana with troops ee ie A. Shaver waa inducted Congregational Church Pe per pate on Thursday. An inter-maritime conference has been arranged meet London in June next to disouss collisions at sea. The American pela Berlin is ashore at Hooeton Bay, moy, China. She sailed from New ek on July 24. e Cuban Junta in America ine ope baoleg d, the signing of doing away with the reason for ‘te care ence. ‘The steamer Lesbof, from Constanti- nople, ian arrived at Hamburg with a Sultan’ ’a presents to the German Empero on board. John A. Severne, perintandens of the ; erty Sood Company, nied sulgide in Detroit ing him: The railroads of the United States will on a scenic railroad map shown at the ay. by 8 Tho steam yacht built in Kingston for B. Strond of Muskoka Lake ad fs ee ae ct the commer howl at Milford Archbishop EE esi of Montreal ress to avoid the publication murders in Northern aa e men in custody was found disinibutiog arms. in is in a fever- ploy 40,00 sone ‘out, and the owners refuse mise, ee emment to «upp anama Canal, of the Nicaragua United States. jecretary of State Hill says javlois urges the French jort the building of the against the pretensions Canal project of the ie Church pines rests with Congress, and not with | instmations for the form 1 terraces are grou oem aa sa Aree and Greek com the ce ies: lien tinctly Jewish in a them have pleasant places for repose im hours of heighte aiecaue: ward the Mc and | st te of arrests | ‘tie th Chzrles H. Spurgeon’ contains se of what may be termed an early hig character fa the am en, but just at in time his aera ‘ich the State Department. A court in I'inois State has held that i alien woman marries a en of the United States becomes nacuralizea, aud is pepeited to vote— where wi The Par ie yw murder trial was contin- day. Great progress was made. Halas shout aMariny at ELE has test against the proposed ex pansion ee Preah joriediction * Shang ai. He ry ritish to stiffen the Thats of wan't Hall Caine, who has fen i London, in the feeling for Hogan ‘s i fepaarys bay and ere 80 envel- "he aay that business was badly ntarterod ae land water. n steamships are standing ‘outst, alsin’ for ‘the fog to litt. me Kahn, wife of Gustave Kabn, ihe Parisian hoes Bed ee at mitted to She Cotnole Pe step in resentment e feuling against her husband's peo- fa Ty | Gon. Alger, - Washington. beech ete General Lee, a beet Thets are > thousands of destitute people 1a the ct a Dintin saya Shae Ds Catton, bas his financial scheme says Don Carlos’ fforts f | ‘The jury empaneliea thé death of Joseph Birdsall a3 throw! Pa while ae. latter was in fear cf his ii Silversides, wao manages McGillivray’s farm near Ux- briage, found his horses regsling tl selves witl bing agin of paris green, left Wednesday pee i injuries, was still w an sate hour this (Friday) morning and Corp. “william § Webb of Her Majesty's in Galt on vars: ‘ie fought at Alma, kerman, in the mea, and was tauenans aoeasuaion sora the rae mutiny. Born in Man- years in the is ce he breast by the Queen herself. | | Seaves a wife and seven children. u overrun with Scenes at Bethlehem. J. James Tissot, the great French ar ust, who has made the remarkable il- “The Life of Obrist,” writes of ristmas s Bethichem,” in ‘The pees Century. M. Tissot way he town of i came is een es in of a crescent, rece by terrace, on the side of oe in mm which it is built. On one these ped the ca build- vents, stands ag the eze by the peculiar grace ‘All the houses are di » with fat Toots, capped by cupolas, and many pointed archwaye which offer of the houses oe ns of the vie youd ot ra x of Bariwaleats spills and find st medicine fur Fever an gue I have ever used.” Spurgeon. ‘The Siobiceabhe of the late Rev. an ac- iness yenture and its influence om purgeon was brought up om Watt ¢ altogether willingly. His mount per hymn might have fall- our a shilling a dozen for all he “The oceupation of rat-killing gave ‘m more money than learning hymns. But,” Ma. urgeon chai i ys, “I know which employment has en the more permanently profitable to me. Solic eae nen Difficulty,—Mr. J. ay fargeville, der, a ae oe ct to severe attacks of Colic to cleanse and purify, chat diseases o most every nature are driven trom the Valuable Heirioom. a Nagasaki, Bb ther lifelike manner perform many like those of liy- kit Marie Antoinette’s oe Marie Antoinette was the bsurd fashion ar areeing of ul raphernalia of dress ts of moral obligation. Even at the juvenile parties nee bi Birthdays Celebrated in Egypt. The custom of keeping birthdays is many thousand years Irsdoverridiry eerie are eaten < tater be “te phe when ge f the the leving that it he were allowed to die se all the rest of the world weuld perish. ONLY A SPARK? It can destroy a city. Only a twinge ? ‘Who knows what years of St. Jacobs Oil KNOWS IT PENETRATES, PUTS OUT, CURES AND PREVENTS. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Electric Warous the Ch ni r cent. less than a petroleum mo- By their action on the Stomach, Liy- ind Powels, mailers “Worm Powders correct all such coe ba lack of Ap- petite, Biliousness, Drow: Sallow sxion, chee nice to take. The ew clgdeettes is raising trouble in Bn melana, In Liver- pool 1,500 girls will be thrown out of work, and many more in other cities. ‘The aap teil Heals from 550 to 800 cif arettes a mi ODORLESS ANOLVWIY) CLOSET. Features Connected With This Closet Which Make, _fuperior_ t0 Anything IN THE : DAPTABILITY- It is adapted to private ee We buildings, hotels, seh \col pes ik ‘can be placed in attic io tetside Iitehen, or In i a flue oF ehith HCALA Tt requires. no. disinfect nt of air passing ing accumulation, carries off Sl TREN Is only necessary once in fifteen or twenty days, when used by a family of from four to six pe cut towns, “ends. the une mfort- other single age ay been responsible for T#E WEEKLY SUN Canada’s Greatest Independent Newspaper. public questions The Sun ¢ It Dette Ao ae chat at ugainst the ba aha it is ever vigilant te 50 degh les A YEAR. four the tar guard his inter writers of English whole field of fore deal with social au ‘equal to them appears ewspaper. r the and Noting Canadian publishes in pees shirt iar en The bright * iy Rie oN nae zt ne of the paper. ae ner ach tgsue a e61a- 30 a. post: tal card "wi addtabe wuatve will nail fost tr t the Sun till the ne ants Be the Sun nay ute viness © ‘Advel ue ‘the it a a Hat 7 A 2 ee ‘the H Dhl Wor a for Be 3 a Wes. Send all orders to Ee N PRINTING CO., Limited, Torouto. imple Copy. end _of 1899 for Globe, Mal, STEM SET, STEM WIND at eae Seen FE Se ee aE aren E DR. west ‘OM Pit Cl 5 ‘Weston's Improved Pink Tron Tonto Pille 9 vod, forts rregpte, deca Tales, vee mata, backache, (2 T. N. U. FREE Meta settee to 3 oany “ saree WESTERN NOVELTY ACENCY The Odorless Crematory and General Heating Co., HAMILTON, ONT. irds making these vende fireworks has been in the m ion of the eldest child of the ily of each generation for more than 400 years. Minard’s Liniment is used by Physicians. erfully Guilt eos’ Neste, rhe aah bee fae her with of flowers, sey ouch as have very ors. They are invarial iably cut in aes so exact that no comp‘ them more true. pales SS 1 w back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney "pills and Plaster. “Must tear yourself away? she asked. * Yen” he he answered, struggling to leave his See it begins to look as fe Tmust’ He had been sitting on her Eee the greatest blessings to pare ss Steer Graves’ Worm Ex: bape ft effectually expels worms and gives halt i@.a marvellous manner to the lit- tle London’s imports of grain amourt to about 23,000 bushels per annum, 000,000 of which cons'st of wheat. Rich, red blood is prodnced by Miller’s Cor nd Iron Pills. ‘They possess the great vitalizing principle upon which de- pend health and strength. The rifles with which the East In- dian border tribes carry om ‘their strug: gle against Great Britain are made 2 England. meee eet SS Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House, pecriabstscamaressh ome absent Many rifles of the old Remington pat- tern are use im the Spanish armpy. ‘The oldest family im the British inlets is that of Mar, in Scotland, dates 008. 30 Breadalbane 8t., - Torente The Oysrer’s Strength. Commission if Preferre by us. Free, with Chain and Charm, for Selling clear stead; white the whole World brighter. ‘Tax Warrmuour Ws oor Sin ever met wit murs truly, most gem Von rans risks cnsold withs arene , P —T received my wat Hekate ste tpmuiy? ed 2 ticoeee Sel it beside a $40.00, srtch and i owt Satins by ae Jt Jor for geling 2 don. wicks. Please accept ‘Odessa, Ont. Nov. 9, "anos eolylitie int received her rate in pertect rer. She is very much pleased with it, as we all are. ‘sends her thanks. Gaon. Free, with screws, for = i ie the Perfect ick has aes Fe, with 600 Rounds of Ammunition, Bete £24 ae elping : ested ll Lh al MILKS. We Seas ee Hr Sone ahipment of the beet ete pri list of articles which you . ockay ‘Air Itifle, or a key Skates, any size Watch. Fey Sold Gold and Steving Silver Jewelry, cas ete ‘You tberely sell une Wicks, return ‘money, and we at once: forward ou the a ye Prize you have earned, pert crar lente: upaeerstnaas metas Sidon ie know what Js in your wicks, but they are away ahead of anything Cunistoruen KeNsxpy. “at ligation ite ‘o have tt vinradaced, and we can well afford to make ts. Lose no time. wrder at once. Free with DO WHEN WRITING MENTION THIS. PADER AND? vie PRIZE YOU WANT. Chate- e Whitelight Wick Co. The We Have Hundreds of Year! but have Space for only a Fe Dear Sir,—I have earned am Drs * in, besos sway of mabdoline and penknives uta put toget | Sot ea your Diy Aire! Your orver Free, with aa for selling Guarantee “<*; One Year. - ep: or Replace “ pve fa anes Written | BlaauSl eating and as a protection to the cloth, in ‘of, as it should be, an ai tion.”"—New York Tribun influence of the B: all garments, sole creamy, fleecy, the silk and moet delightful combination of a ree a young woman, shi irl—took them in her hands with eviaant delight. she asked. d a price that Tui perioo the size of tho tiny shirts. asked the w yes” swered the saleswom: an. ate Customer put down the little gar- She looked tired and weak an bitterly Bimspcinta It’s heartbreaking le to. buy what you want for q ‘Show | me her ti ‘Th rakes woman, who had been look- whispering, “and the saleswoman returned From another ses a few left. ‘only’? was exactly half * the p price te clever]; ee sed hing cheaper. — Was! Royal Unselfishnes: wen and eight years ago, will Mustrato this fact: hit caplet! is ca eentt pollens in Bag of alleviate their disay eine ‘inderec from the out of amusements which they were expecting. Boston Transcript. Good Rules to Follow. on a very low pillow or none flat bed oes and loose clothing, Heaying. caren a6 Dome. You may fled enti irel Walk with the limbs swinging from the this _Keop he on is is the secret of a mge bath with as ‘Then leave there i is circulation of good air all Ebe for sleeping tgs hous @ night, and ‘kines ‘teeth added that there is a science ene” ¢ quite as real as Sane: Berek ee 1° Deine have no use! and will understand “This alae will invariably resuls ent in the calle abit ot simply used to allow slovenly ‘ould be customer something — something ebenper,” she said, swallowing a lump in at} And ‘Suited the song and deceived the will help to find em when you return or they will have and for eat- ke) ania Came 01 “Exouse Sonica lately store cloth jac] the vbite paint which she had just encoun- tered. you won’t think I’m try- ing to Air, tu Lowank, to tell you the easiest way to get that paint off. Just walt until it dries, then rub the paint 0 | woman was somewhat skeptical, but later in the day, when the paint had dried, tried the remedy suggested with complete suo- xs, Nota suspicion of paint remained © tell the tale. ie Cnrsonttite: trot fee boys ai yall apeelte niving 4 i “Asioara is: ad seen a horse A Poor Little Girl. She never ran wi 8 je | In all her da: y | It was to scamper and jump and rum; She was born to wealth and a house of pride, And must be proper and dignified. Dear little girl, I am sad for you! they have Sahat yor world of its rose- hue; ‘They have robbed the sweets. of your childish play And stolen away; nd you are a little girl no more, Poor little martyr in pinafore. T frankly own 1 would shrink to face SAE _aceusing throne of I tremble to think what the king may To the. culprit couched at the judgment vada ins eee a child that was made “Tose Dana Mitler in Criterion. It ‘Nat turally Fol ‘They say that harried oul get to look alike.’ “Of arse; a man’s wife is bound to look like him when yen wears all pie lle and cravats.’?— go Recor! A Boy Who Chums With Euclid. 3 King The most surprising thing about the boy J that he has mever been to soboc! and is practically self taught. He began LEXANDER BOWLEY. old rical boy solv Aifioulé examples nt Janations of two ap: your years and your dreams TH be fixed for tl tnaiatin of shoulder which will Bb Is tehinined pink Pek ob ge the W rye ey nd win or in superim, ‘01 to study Euclid when he was 8 years| f7 sna usually enriched by much r is exooodlngly iy fashionable — MODE. Fashions For Winter Are Becoming Perman( eepe Established. lark cloth on cloth of a mt form of a ee and eyes seems e present and shows n¢ gin Jose they ecome tight all the way down in- VISITING GOWN, stead of flaring below the knees, but thi: sink = with bl Jopic CUOLLET, VARIQUS NOTES. Indicate ew apni ae and pay are she favor: vontinue to be a There are the gold, ver and enameled brooches, stickpl and pendants made in that fans and also crystal eae the only kind oF Are ted i: pestosicn, iD both wide = narrow sad and singly cravat of mauve silk. Rats avoid a house wherein a gui pig is vermitted to roam at will h trim- ack plumes and It is Great Catches as Remembered by Skillful Anglers. SCIENTIFIC AND STATISTICAL. ©! Wonderful Experiences Truthfully Told by a Colonel, a Doctor, a Judge and a Commercial Traveler—Se- erets of Successfal Fishing. ‘hey were four old chanced to meet in the awrence river qeoarner Ate nw n the Saguenay, the wily Ly hontai And, like most ale ‘ot talking about eee derful ex- fishermen, and they scales lying around loose. to have ecen that senator's jaw drop!" ge from, ‘Massachuse ie pte thoughts at his olga cir eater te Pidicuiaual faa co thon of 1" be ei “but spel is throat cnt by those fish! ing of unusual aeteiteeten 10, “Tw curiosity was aroused, 8 rean section on bey mith Tay ie Enife. You may not believe it, but he Bad potted zr wate siting ret cropplee, d me of them still erence: Did I throw thom away? Not much! I just dropped them in the ‘drink? for an hour or two while I caught half a dase more, When Tigot hame, ¥ gave the whole string toa friend of mine, whe e h. Now there was ni Wilron got hold of tot of fine in his pond round m pas and kept the watch wound up for "Bye colonel looked at the Judge, and judge 1@ doctor, but they reminiscent light in the cxloets 8 seyowben he finally broke silence. sai ing ntact ce avi uid ice I ert reading in. Mies ie ‘up when I felt a ei erd tug on my Tietle split bamboo 8 my line ran ous the reel anng. away IKé a grasshopper in an August wheatficld, and I knew I 0 pounder on the a open my eye: pee for I had not had a strike like that ne rata I fell PRES IE STORES Es agino wring to land atwo pound speckled. couldn’t see, with simply those thrilling tugs. oom Sade sn dou fleroo tags kept up, but Instead Vo coming es ise bh hanging creeks, and the mystery of it a made me Je and “That story of yours, colonel,”’ said tl joctor, Tghtiog a fresh cigar. ‘reminds “THAT'S A guid Goop on te ‘a peouliar had jetted a pectoichal friend dof nigere to in iva ed to strike my friend the doc “How ey une have you ‘got with you?”’ h rea abe 200 feet altogeth catch anything? Well, I ‘You may not believe it, but in Au minutet lyopsie spelcens, and might havo inne acieee more only his hook caught on the bottom of the well piping and he lost 200 fovt of my best line, ‘During the silence that ensued the oo mercial traveler from nowhere in serious sign. lage bigs is it??? said the judge as he noti fey Feapreiaa on the com: trav i vad Haas et thinking,” said the knight rai didn’t notice it at the time, but it it our last sack of bacon had and at | wire was uilled cub i by the tw od off alittle shred of fat bacon, ‘he maw with the team usual gonce wouldn’t never been up in that country.”? ‘The colon“1 looked at the doctor and the looked the silence remaindt’ unbroken. RTHUR J, STRINGER, of works: Baas, to Shal to take in ai ac the strangest fish’ Beare which cust $50,000.