ubscribers who do not receive their! paper ‘egularly will please notify us at on Gall at the\office for advertising rates. has proved _atedhive, or the persons sl lestinies: phe illo fe aes thelr ira, they can- i MPRE AND AND COLONES, |= THE MILVERTON SUN. “Hy sf iertaater or tem fect Reply to| or to judge between them and their duly sen representatives. I have, ete. *(Signed.) Chamberla’ Mr. Chamberlain’s Newfoundland’s Governor. THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1899. Pulling im Their Horns. Head Lights. “ To bear disappointment bravely is to 8. isconeert the fates will associate with you. our ide a girl’s cleve ee marrying it is be met her equal among men. ‘There never is cutting tect “Mamma,” said Dorothy, ~ him sick when se cuts his hair CURE A COLD Take Laxative Bromo Qui Druggists reiuy.d ti IN ONE ini acca from Joh eae gran’ma’s bon Sleeplessnesss cine ine coated, cont are guaran! money will be r ning 0 In fasti shy is sy ahead of all rivals. What the Girls:-Have Learned. to win a man is to he you [bout himsolt.” yp very pleasant and perfectly harm- ay ve if 000 guineas. New life for a quarter. pound Iron Pills. (te EES eas Sealy ‘as, and never will Mingle folly with oy wisdor, or no- ‘We are well alana when «ur wills ean control our prejudice: Faith is higher then reason, a: Hoyater is ward, both time and mper, but clever ale pe away loaded for the Colonies, i ich the Secret: . 80.—I6 finally and. definitely refused to disallow | tbat the bottle sent to young Cornish, ne Rell railway contract, or to ed to contain bromo-seltzer, ani 7: re in colonial affairs, the purport of which really was loaded with anide of every body else say which previously was made known. tassium, and which killed Mrs. Kat inessage is regatded as a ri tl ams who took, as she thought, Governor and is considered an important | bromo-seltzer for a headache, was not the ‘onouncement 01 e constitutional and | first bottle iy tongue keeps her ause she has not 1 pe of Mra Adams, Killad by poison on Wed- ats, Bremen y romana antl atten have had onportunity of expressing thelr | nosiay_ was arrested yostorday and taken (al adual aad judicious use, the | views on the question at a general eleo-| to police headquarters. With her was a rales ey eieaibl age led sntaiohavalesseneh | tion; nose on Pe LAS ated waite deebak. wicoe tale and strength, by the influence which Qut “Pho step which I am-urged to take is| Who the detectives anid was the son of exerts on Nature's own testoratives. | one for which there is, no. prooedent in . Hogers, but who, it was also stated, Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those | the history colonial administration. | was the son of Mrs. ith whom a eran morta easure, the disallowance of whic! mdency and lack of interest in life is | is sought, is not only of purely local con- isenees and hy teauaniliaing! the necves,| corn, “bat ‘one’ sue peo sions of; which |. REBELS rata aban eR map aS dispo und an¢ shing sleep— | are almost exolnsively of a financial and | ca, cuinar, i imparts to the action of the blood, | administrative character. Tha right to} “"=™nery Tiel cl casita which, being stimulated, courses through: | complete and unfettered contrcl over ssnyton ‘ua eut the veins, strengthening the healthy | financial policy and arrangements is} Calcutta, Deo. 0.—Advices received animal functions of the , thereby | essential gevernment, and has | here from’ British East Afvion, say shat making acti n ry result, | been invariably acknowledged and respect- | on ree of rebels attacked a to estive organs, which naturally dealocty guarded by the colonies, The|27th Baluchis, comma by Lieut. demand increased substance—result, im- nial Gosstument and the Legislature | Hannynton, — whlol 8 marching to proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman ot ‘asind!, A native officer and 12 men Toronto, have given to the public their were killed and nine men were wounded, superior Quinine Wime at the 1 including Lieut, Hani ) who was and, gauged by the ion of scientists, shot through the right arm aud had bis this wine approaches nearest perfection of left hand shattered by a bullet. The rear any in the market. druggists sell it. guard repulsed the enemy and the s founded were couveyed 14 miles to Anxious Little Siste: Kisalizi, on the western shore of Lal sa baby brother who. Kioga, whlen place was held by a com- cently been ill with the coming through any of Balucl of his eth. The baldness of the th rebels Lost Later the baby's ‘ead has caused Dorothy grent rebels attacked Kisalizi and lost 25 men anxiety. She stood ab her mother’s kney ‘hn casualtics on the British side were ‘one day, gently patting the litéle fh two men wounded. Troops, advices “You know poor lit le brother is sick. will it make DA ablets, All Y if it fal's to cure, 2¢ ‘Teach Haein are does the rain —How so, inyour. aera other's. ae Drew Money Brom Hank, Hid It in Load hnnie—Gran’ma always sez when it’s ad, Dolled Macteaas raining: ‘J felt it in my bones four weeks 30,—Mr. ae ae well-to-do farmer of Mountain road, near Hull, was held up on the Chelsea road for 50 ere Miller's | the part of a colony would entail on tLe] by two me been in the city, Kiuney "Pills and Blast fest of the Empire rendered i¢ Reoestary | and had drawn $200 from the bank. Re- ° dof fertilizer, he q A Poor School. had his money in load, and i | s ii bbers an | Mr. Strongmind—I am afraid that wo- topped by the would-be ro men’s college 1] am sending my had not one cent in his daughter to doesn’t amount to much. i e Te f Mr. J. V. Bolanger, Well- Mr: Sioned sor had ee Na strict ted, in very narrow limits, he jom- | ington street, a, has been burglarized _ my an ee Ree aa Webo Ries years | Dlications ‘and contasion hi 1@ divi- $100 carried away. The thieves offect- Sect se doesn’t Took or talk or act ike a ervous excites ‘The del eatelg” conte ese teod. tate satiafaction ‘or the Fasting ts in India. ing feats the sect of Jains, mon, and. oni eae they fee ada foabetain from food 75 days. ?’s Liniment Cures. Distemper. him is to let him night, has LNA Nay Soe has just changed hands in Aus- lowed or app w didn't, do any such thing; she therefore, to the contractor, and would ial ie nice alg only aid to the slready heavy Mabilities pie iaonl ys WESAS Miller's Com) fiche colony. cede tothe prayers of | yy ial pica vigor follow the AShort Roud w licaltu was opened from chronic Gougte it Self-Governing Colonies Have Complete and Unfettered Control Over Fin Erovidente, TER, sales dian plant of the American Screw Com- cial Polley and Arrangement been sol the plant at passed out of its foihny NOT THE FIRST CASE. vidently Someone Was After Members of the Knickerbocker Club of Dd ys calsun an tepecnncl On ee Deliver: St, Jobm’s, Nfld., Dec. 0.—Gov, Mur- ray has made public the text of the mess- New York—Two Arrests. Imperial authorities may safely exercise oyer col-| Who lived at tha club and was onial questions, ess at Ni 5 d street, received a ‘The message of the Colonial Secretary, ‘age uf arsenic in mber, part of after acknowledging the reseipt of copies | Which he touk, believing it to be a harm- ‘the resolutions passed at the public | less medicine known as kutnow powder. He died 13 days later. The immediate cause of death was inflammation of the lungs, but the fatal result was due to the by a mineral was member snikacheoen ‘club, as was Cornish. rrests in New Yoo Florence E. Rogers, the daughter added, were despatched to pursue the bels. The Baluchis engaged originally be- 1. Soudanese force Macdoieald and took refuge at Unyore. GRIGNON HAS A LEVEL BEAD. sion of aut ete Panett el an entrance by bursting the back door juty of ie Hajenty's '8 | open. Sua 7 s becanse they improve the powers of Pi and the est to increase so rapid) as to sume opinion, would be taking a serious ste f 10 response to petitions such as, have pires wuslaleg: en addresed to me, and against the ad- sacina pean 6 dea showi fe is a building. rises slowly, vioo of his Ministers. he refused to ‘assunt | so by day, through the 7. pats ae Ww ‘he failed to find other Ministers pre- | edifice which is rising sil to assume the responsibility he fie Fiery experi ev - Betion, and able to secure the support of | other life on ours, every influence that the Legislature, his position would be-| impresses, every b , ‘aing, in| come untenable. Any such step on the | every conversati , every Fasts ot part of ernor would have to be| act of our commonest days, adds some- taken entirely on his own motion, It is| thing to the invisible building. essent! for act of the Gov- ernor in local matters full reeponsibility children, Miller's should attach to a Ministry amenable to the Cotentat Taeielag ur erations 2 me g Her Majesty to disallow Health for the Werm Powders. It is stated that 14,000 decrepit horses are weally shipped from England to "act, apply equally to the alternative | tne continent of Europe to be used for a ‘that I should refer tendering ad vice to Her Majesty in regard to it, until Be people of the colony have had an op- ortuity of expressing thelr views on the Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget {n Cows. matter. 5 se atadpiin vores Naond: theif ONS sane eactore of straw is one of of 4 ot is alre z the most important industries of Ge contract to which it givus effect has been | T° re ivuetnigamesgna: of sip: eays | she cried for help when her.” Com n Puls. Mental use of Miller’= the petition “My ation throughout has been gov- xno solely by constitutional princes here are in circulation in China at coins a fe ae one the nt time bearing the ammbgo, a pen ft slosirable thas + should be made eae pples| crear that, cepting I responsi-| Dames of emperors ho Sine cons on =i NO MISTAKE 27233" Thomapae have been cured INEBURALGI ST. JACOBS OIL ft THE GREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN : You Want a Good Weekly Paper ? Why not try The Sun e Cardinal de Retz ask ey io caleeraser French critic “The best farm and home paper in Canada” is the unanimous verdict resent subscribers. O1AL meet t La ; Prepared exelusively p-t0-D: gricultural Information. tial rate Ay Fuil News Summary, Stories and Selec! ing . with the Witness or West ined with 5. abbiny Glove, Mail, Montreal pala: verciser, $1 per ‘Twice-a-V Sun combined with Daily World, g2.50¢ Evening Globe $3 ; Sun Rabiaed with ‘Ameri- Bena for specimen copy. SUN PRINTING ©O., Limited, nto. “ait Didn’t Show Up. t_Indiap of some w ealth aneea ae New York, a! ere claimed acquaintance with a gentle sae whom had met in C: e eee nextday. It h some friends meot the mashesr, and the therefore atais, put Iw Hix Sensations. rate—What brought you to the See that reporting wasn’t @ Wo- os "Sole man had lost $50,000 ona race and 1 asked him how be felt. ee TAKE NOTIOE. ring the year the space devoted to “advertising MINARD’S LINI- NT will contain expressions of no ui rea oun Tae Bee! Sides speak from personel, experience 65 the merits of this best Fo “Household Rei ‘The Cat's Rough Tongue. ‘The tongues of the cat family are cover- © common. enable the animal Pacinos ron oking i Spree Ce Sane St. Vitus Dance rapidly oured by ad * C Sases of she bert ot henigh ecessnry On eens (to deer) I give you a piece of the cake I ri st baked, will you be a good little girl Benham—Of course ee ‘vill; she’s al- ways good when she’s Minard’s Linimeat Cures Colds, ete. Cold Water a Stimulan Sthorlty, cold can Agriculturist .85, or with Country Gentle ); ing coughs, o f fections of the throat, lungs The average boy Is apt to know ‘That it ’s snow j shovel snov BILLIARD AND PO 1. TABLES, BOWLING ALLEYS AN THE REID BROS., 261 KE Ly ‘su PPLIES ig ib rest, Toronto. Fire only required 9 For cireulars write to roved Pink Tron ‘Tonle as hcches ne wa fa aoTolntotrn Dr, west Konrad nk Te et seanine he Sd fae bore dea eens Seer aa dee ee cere to“ ise or porto, er tere Oo a at atte Sig i gen poeeceetane THE DR, Wear TON PILE CO. . Everything for the Printer. SPCEPEEEH SESE INKS TYPE ‘The latest and best. Made by the celebrated firm of Ault & Wiborg. ’s, Miscellany, PLATES =: Serials, ete. ‘Best im pen Cast by the “Gat- fing” Process. ‘The only plant of the kind in Canada. Of all makes and :| ROLLERS Miller’s Worm Powders are a wonder- ful medicine for the ailments of children. Blow at Dae _ Halters 2 niversity has struck a blow jon of duelling by suspend- * students for four seme fa bei ‘C01 care aa i mi Miller’s Worm Powders ure all ail- ments of children like magic. FREE cere iy boy WESTERN NOVELTY ACENCY the machinery it re i work of legislation and administration Minard’s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. kinds—new and se- cond hand. other in Canada, presswork. STE Promptly and effecti' ELEC Fine deep shells, and clear working BREE SEESTYSED TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Co Co. 44 Bay St., Toronto.: 90 Breadalbane St., rdova er Water St., Hall a - The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1599. rediction last week that : howly different, the old school board ousted, entirely, and Mr, wtation of ‘incapables..” TrustEE.—Grosch, 103. " Merklinge, 68 ; Goodale Burton, The ah in ee township. w 14 i Langford. .. 56 22 L, McCloy... 6 9 12 28.7 eee REEVE, Gbetatby acoiaina nt R COUNCILLORS. 1 MORNINGTON. 4 Smatrong,- 35, 63 48 23 var 17 7 56 Armstrong. uhr, ality rmsteoug. EMPEEOR OR AUTOCRAT~ A Bystander in nthe Weekly Sun, “If you ure in some ie an ayyocray,or arbi ral kind. Newly, Winners and Losers. Mon- pee ey would close the most contested municipal campaign that has taken place in Milverton for Th Burton suffered defeat because he was boomed | a en who do not bear the rep- 107;3 Egbe 383 55—314 | ing 50—240 RESULT, TOF oe Herat DIVISION.) The resulv, * iy Coty Council ise but}, Mr. y power of some born as the seiaiest empireis,, the pty to autocracy f. is already, begin: to show itsel! Phe Breeden. shag devoid of per- ability, 3 in it Jisaciige and dancin 40 meet with your appro | 4 Yours. sinverety, JAMES TORRANCE | 5 J Kieklqnd, of Toronto| Com ata his by m-| Normal school, di in,, =e with her arge. ill. Oppe boy with his stan thi icinity. nd Mrs. Barnet Miss Re Miss ite iL. Newmiester his parents. _The annual ele 78 was held in ies evening Dec, Hemph ll, ‘After veral the Blue dej Miss Lia to teach the Tralee oming year. the anette the pas The « Sane held ee ee-was over $00. lor, while ‘her nox ‘accompanied Gourt attended the present all board, after whi tvs. Di present vig her. of this place r. Hauck hada. shipped here thi supply the wants of romored th went on his hoine at Linwoo Mr. W. Riddoll tnule’s on te Br li reports having a fine ing Pipe nd Me vr. Joby Danae ante el bis sitchell of St Mr. John MeKay, o Perkins, of town. 34| Mr. Jno, Rowe, Centra, syeat New 7 | at Linwooc ite an Sits ey [Beene nlae epee all for Great Britain strict the invariable rale. Let . Wilbur MacDow last week the guest of ry friend Mel Miss Lizzie Woody o burch, Elm leis estimated. that the epee oinas panied bride and ecoom were con, gathered C. Hou! fst. ane vee aes Me "Houk ef this pla ‘The friends he sympathy.of the commit in their 01 r ofa uccessor great iy and fleet, ih alld 3 wlcry appoint- someti o Pesad was dictate ing will not come to an en . POOLE iss Soloma Snider of Berlin, spent last Miss td Wilhelm. Listowel, © was presented wi w Year's Day. ich.» spent, few Mis Gee iss L, Shearer, Elma, is valting friends je retarned Sane from a to Berlin and Roy Burnet, of Gait are the guests of thelr parcota Mr? to friends i in a beet r has co nes eid, Clanbrassil, is the guest of returned to his DONEGAL ction the hal Hat sed ., 8. . Achsesor HeLengan fas been engaged Public schpel for Knox, barrister of Toronto, *] spending Ine Ablich ye uoder fue aeatal of Listowel, . McFarlane in the Donegal Sear atan godfather, her. bride while Mr. J: NEWTON. cousin, Mrs, car, load. of ia ace ready his many custo: ab the Hender: Bo icomipacedjapeat kiana dla ud. Is spent Xmas at ine of Maryborough. e time. mY : Hewitt of Maryborough, a fag eduesday Mas ee sana friends in this place. of Moorefield, and N. Jraytou, spent. ‘bu bureday the». G Poser A Yea of our young. ladies ceived botit ee a hg Xmas p resents | j general agent “fos, ived CARD OF THANKS. To, the Electra + af County Council I beg take ths opportanity ort the you_ one and yee us confident riation him wor's in Stratford after spending a few days with mn eeting of L, 0. L Donegal’ on ats the fol- W. M ction OF net cers, of ser members were ‘advwi to during school house on Thursdey evening last, under the ew Aid society of | festive ch the evening was spent SD cco pie carriayemaber spent Xmas rand ting , friends the aft is r his ing the | Payment, was plements, ith a days If W. D. WEIR, J. P. Notary Public, Auctioneer, Convey- ancer. If you want money on mortgage at low rate of interest and suitable terms of 0 TO W. D. WEIR. lip wis veal elisa GO TO W. D. Tf you want to bay a farm, Go TO W. D. want your Mortgage, or Agreement, draw 0 TO W. D, WEIR. Ifyou want tosell your Stock and Im- GOTO W. D. WEIR. If you want to buy a a house and lo GOTO W. D. W EIR, T£ yon want to sell yc your house and lot, GOTO dD. If you want an affadavit made, GOT OW. D. Will, Private or Company | Loans negotiated. Business strictly confidential. OFFICE :— Over Grosch’s Shoe Store| WEIR. WEIR. WEIR. WEIR. a Deed, ge ES Ee Caane We desire to. thank our many customers for their patronage and support in the past and hope to retain it in the future. Yours sincerely, KNECHTEL, Mercuanr Tatton. Es We areonly e: was all grown half a centu: 130, his He} thr in re- ity, thouy of | will) Barbadoes, lied. suddenty. aren insets afierngon,, No sooner bestows twice the casting Arndeishenedelbs lieve tape whom she hus given presents for almost same rials on tl same recipient. Jewelry she ‘invariably gives to the ladies ef her household, and the diff fficulty of not duplicating as from yeur to ye and Mr. Dowd. The vote stood as ei 845 50. follows : iss Nellie McFarlane. will continue her. ieee: Aiton at the Listowel. High School after| Sava 6 me yeaa hatin wedi peta anything i in this nee. : ery. pretty, wedding. was celebrated | ; 2 a. sone as mat nreounes! , 38-296 | Gilmer, te his dunghter. Blizabeth, w united in mai John mastide she wi 6 tion, ‘The Rev. W. illen offlested 43—315 | and at the app. ide lean- [Collier’s Weekly.] As Christmas draws near the Queen, it is said, becomes a child again in feel- | ing. 1 does she return Seutand uae m Huaseuy ot novelties are sent to:her from, Windsor ous memory in this respect, a ear, may readily fe takes especial joy in Releintn eared tate har Mina avy great grandchildren—the grand. children, one might add, being near; up and married. Sh toys ee aad een faites which fi © majesty of plain r koiing and ore ab Christ. e them broadeast: ‘the city they , | Strong arguments Bahama Islands, Jamaica, poe Honduras, British East Africa, |» ~ Qonteal Africa, Uganda, the Niger F net Protectorate, the Niger pany#-Territory, Aden, agent: Sarawak, Malay; Straits, Ji ‘British, Gpians.. i as is universal, springs everywhere from the same restlessness, caused ie by the increased spe of travelling, abla ae one raral seclusion and attachments, CITY GIPY, FEVER ‘The city fever in England hns rene ed sucha height that wage, of, California, ig ati s neg dl who have probably not less to do wi e city fever than the men. employments are factories among ee = and if factory girls have to compl 1 City air less Gail Chass fie inthe aes ee neighbors know each other, which in be: jo not. of population Have- hee to-many by bitter experience, fae LE ad Wes OD The countries which up to date have ingdom, ia ‘Newfoundland, Natal, Pairs g overcrowded, s. _|In One Thing, from xcelled in business and that is Blowing the Horn To Boom Our Trade. Our Goods and Customers | Do that for us. . Just to keep the ball rolling, we have made another~ selection of valuable and useful THANKS T@ THEM. PRESENTS Its done in he appre | will entitle you to one Key, Saad een ne a ata efforts ‘ To be given away FREE to the Holders of the pene Keys to» open the new sett of locks we have, the same way as before—only (that every Dollars worth of Goods you purchase for Cash or| Produce— &= Note that word) Produce. The favors of is fond: Are: worth $10. some to worth measure worth $4. henpness A Daisy 8 day ik The| | strike ith All city this line. Present Fancy. Couch Dinner Sett. worth $8.00: | Tea Sett Elegant Toilet Set ‘ware, Albums, etc. ane Clock Hold und young. "| READYMADE CLOTHING A repeat order of Me week, and Ulster Overegats, $4.00 All Wool ee all size odd Pants and Vesi LADIES’ JACKETS See that great Bargains ins We hav from $1.50 up to $10.00. ERS ything you want in this line zo can get ey us at che lowest pofsible price NDER CLOTHI This is one of our § 00% corker, All sizesin Ladifes’ yee ‘Child's Vests and Pants, Dress Goods and gs We ars.always up tofthe mark——witl the newest, aud NOW FOR XMA Haar hgete We can’t begin to tefl] you all we have in Fancy China, Glass- le for presents for 3 head the poll by a large majority but} “Ove uf our enthusiatio young farmers has y also. be taken to ‘have played its worth $6.00% Xmas Fruits an there was considerable speculation as | disposed of one of his bay horses and bas in | Pats though less in Great Britain than e keep nothing bjut the best and our ra yhether Kuby ‘or Armstrong would | Teturn, «fine. young aie a te, as we atv Rage rices you will find a litifle lower in many lines toum of both youth and bean esent manage it, has, with all its han others so largely adiv » thiad get second place. But when it be-| “Hawke, & Mitebell sipped acar load of - rai lulersees Come slong with your dad sll kde, came known that the solid Roman] hogs from thi place me Wed oe and advantage, the disadvantage fe indix-| J @ysh and’ Produce, the | Mind thas there is novhfing you see quoted we Catholic vote in both Ellice and | Mr abipped another on posing to farm Jabor and ig to srs oie poe nothing, you t equal.and often titres better the price, All Mornington was going Kubry, it then ate 8. Hal uilton attended the welding the quest of lighter and whats are are ns linble to yeti one -of | 0.88% 0 allo » bow our goods and you became apparent that Armstrong vas be his cousin lat i sae y ce fancied to be higher eployasis apn the presents as anyone: to give the xernict if we are guilty or not of to go under which he did. Following|'” Miss J. Hewitt spent ow day at Mr the city. Urban excir d de- giving you the best. viplue for your dollar. ig ’s last She partmental stores attract ite women, We have no favorites in hanking you for; your past favours, H. GLEISER he S Shoe Store NS. Is the place to buy your Xmas. shoes. We keep the . best variety in town, Dont buy until: you see them, Te a The Ne n’s Suits, in this . ve now agai a ‘full; assortment, . lines, Men’s .