~ HOUSEHOLD. HOW If IS ASSUMED BY A PROFES- TaN HOUSEKEEPER, ‘The Wolrk Which She Does and the Salary| Which Commands — A Grow! ata espace EE ment for Capable Women. Tt seen{s funny in these days, when much attemtion. As a means of livelihood tt hids fair'to be one of the most lucrative gage in, ang there are many smart wome who realize this and are being trained or FS AZO, rapidly fellawing on the English Tines, a and’ serv- ained for differen’ A 3 over a large st work, are one an impressed w feet ks co a rer Solis pal money is the cleverest thing that ki vy in life will consist in seeing that nothing is left undone in tmmense establil Th of la B _honsokeeper are many, two kinds of house, The viniting housek must Rot live in the hduse, but. is none the less She to the lady al, must then give or- sl eis to boa eon 806 tl servant is derelict i large that sel 6 an a genera ar? wittiont her In jer words, the resp| lonetbiity eruiehauee is on her shoulders, dnd it own ining room and sittify, as of course her own bed: re is als made out of it, for the r nities Te ‘the rule is Ba light task. If she has suvoee iad nb: ‘a good butler and a stafy of mon navenie a Aetvess nd upon them to jew York Press jhe a Stayer. One of the longest visits on recog js one that was made by a woman in the south Perhnrs such a thing could not biave kap- pened in a less hospitable part of the eoun- isitor was one 08 @ Bost which cannot be hired.—New York Times. ue of Cleanliness. Cleanliness is indispensable to in most kinds of cookery, but ii cially to be o! making of all dishes where tho lightness of eggs is to be attained. reasy pa jcate preparation are to be wi! okery For Boys. I In reason p 1° ys of the family to be brought up toa 10 cookery. Still every boy should be sufficiently instructed in this art al cook without making a dis- gusting and unpalatable mess of it, the a5 of good husbands.— a Deer Finger Rings, As enticing as rings are and as beoom- ing to most. people one’ groans inwardly fingers loaded with jewels, and yet one sees it constantly. Rings Gasnhue never be worn in the SIMPLE GYMNASTICS. How Women aoe Acautre and Main« tain Symm: Many Mae look slp 3) setemati = SHIP FROZEN SHEEP. THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC AS A OUNTRY. m work inay be 50, lo exercises which combine sim- plicity with the best re: irst.—Stand erect, an instant and then sink back on to the is 20 times a day at first and increase each day to a reasonable Tin! —Place the hands on the hips, | § Secor and, ee: all the weight of the body on the rig! Second Fins? Ture Fount» be served for breakfast. Ono is as inap- propriate as the other. ff a woman can afford many rings, {6 is well to get them with a view to grouping —that is, putting them on in sets. It aives palma a pleasant variety, and they th an idea to the frock woe English women have a knack of wear- mistake and apt to be extremely ugly. ‘more Sun. Ra Repairing, renovati igs is a business all by itself. Owners of these costly. am ishing do not perhaps know the fa- ati Within Ghety reaohifor’ the led and stains removed. ‘The work is done by experts imported f purpose, who are trained rag workers, knowing all rete of their A pe bit of “Bente work f tor the fn: gers is the making of on Pequises'a Its patience and make a monogram you must first packed your initials upon a piecs ately. Print them rather large and cub ouboarefully, eo thatench letter 1s per feats (Eayiuie letenral sige Ge Wires cr a many as you may have in your initials, upon a paper and carefully intertwin them unti have secured a pretty com bination, upon a pa- per and mark carefully around the out side. Re ters and you have a perfectly drawn monogram whic! sh SHerean ny gant yous tanlo aMUea He clothing. Naming Rooms. nglish custom of naming room: Hegel sy el ahaa he ine! commends itself to the ssthetically in clined, Who would not rather lay berseli down to rest i blossom’? or vilege of meeting those estimable relatives when in the flesh. We seem to have no accredited adjective , active duchess fond of axercise or somebody else. M. Davis of Lee, raises trotting: horses jusband a few years ago left her with a apiece wiles ae bas otiee successfully managed and for which she is evidently Jrell ised, alehpuigh she was. fot aware of it until the necessity came. The old fashioned potato, penwiper is t potato set beside the inkstand of only cleans the pen, bint ia better than any rack for holding it when not in use. Pretty little brown glazed pottery dish that will fit ee ran openwork silver frames are largely teed {a the proparation be sent in nibing hot i the dishes in which they wi ed. ces EH. Mason is president of the National bank in Limerick, Me. Jt was founded by her father, J. M. Mason, and its interests hi promoted ‘under her age. r ing and remodeling beautiful articles of | creas extend it in foi of the body. Then bend | tand: at the knee, pointing the toe downward and bringing the foot up. ten times at first, the hips without bending the kn to touch the floor with the fingers. Day by day you will come nearer and earer the floor. This exercise will mako Riel ety miele oral eee Aten aise een ‘grace. the right arm, and, placing the left on the hip, bend to left reverse tod 1 the others, in cumstances will permit, INDOOR GOLF. An Adaptation of th ee the $I inter Bic in an area holes may be laid out, ‘he apparatus con- sists of frames filled with str’ pe or tapes of a cotton, Casitas or elastic One, two or three of zht foot, slowly raise the left leg and | is} The pete tears lay as much as cir-| Bu: of Sheep Sell—The Frozen Met Industry— Visit to the Biggext Frozen Meat Factory in in the World at Buenos Ayres. How w Weng: you like a mutton om old? Hundreds of tons of eople ers rather than fears farm ars, The grain-producing areas are lim re the sien cbt of erasing its anywhere else, and the tock legen increases every rasses improves by AN ARGENTINE SHEPHERD AND HOUSE. Some men @ send the ball back into the ‘rom or leave it irame cords vary in resistance a cording to where the strikes, hero it may be explained tha ieeakers abot ee al Se SS ure so sit ee that ifth court within easy holing Mteckioe: earners caveuliy “abate trifle of luck in the holing out, could make! every The second hole isa short one, say 200 yards. 7m the a quai fron shot fee put give 8 as value for this hole, and o nd b that it becomes a most eee game, fone, $00; whieh draws upon resources and calls for the dip of judg- ment such as must be shown on regular| Unk rae placed drive| now | every year: free: nd meat so that it will not melt brome @ player’s| 1s in froze! own ‘00 000, and vee Be cee 1) a month, or he may fark of! shares’ for. ouefoursh: ot and his obief food is mutton, his employer allowing him to Kill enough sheep to rutton has until about the estal ne tories —factoric ns of dollars’ worth of beef extracts —and factories for freezing thawed out for sale to the retail bute! of pe. ‘The chief branch of ee berhone d new it the busi- ness is growing can be pe the com- parative shipments of the last few years. In 1883 only $11,000 worth of sheep carcasses Were sent across the ocean. In nine months of last sales = freczioke about 3,000 sheep a day. It ii s be taken almost direotly steamer. The Sansinena isha fo Saba iahods Bad 16 be eck that already more than $4,000,000 gold have to reach it. shee! stand and feel tor their fellows, the kill- ing is rather cruel. Scores of them look on awaiting their turn while their brothers and sisters are butchered. In each pen there are at least 50 4 tre sleated aut fe sausage skins. The micners ena thelr fat THE BIGGEST FROZEN MEAT FACTORY IN ‘THE WORLD. are laid in another, for the kidney fat is the tongues and hearts are saved. The inglish markets, a matter so important that tl ondon market man here to superintend ‘The freezing is dong in great chambers, and laid Fatah in cold storage to await the Be uae mer, The err carcass weighs, when shipped, From 80 t0 70 means acoording as itisa sheep or a lamb. e sheep Jess than in vane ‘ap skins are dried and sold h and armadilloos are frozen for shipment to ed Db; The la Oa Hans saan reached for a long, light hats “whose is this?” * heans stoutly. rans observed door Im 3 Bar an “hode-ae pie dennant at t clinting tubes and lasses was faintly heard through the mn the door suddenly pened and the y profeade atta’ thres! Her face was blazin “Villain,” she cried, “it was bleached !"” But be had gone.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. To the Happy Gu Yon Wave a Thatta place here, but doesn’t one become bored living out here in the vountry alone? She—Ob, no. Thank goodness, we have very few callers.—New York World. yn the Hens. Helene ae beautiful hens you have, Mrs. Stuckny Mrs. Siuokup—ves, they are all im- | PReigiborYou oe tell me so. Isup- pose they lay wo, Suk op (proudly) ~itbey conta as w proper, bi eaneas ateieanis shee my eae tensa fee quired to lay eggs every day.—Tit-Bits, A BEAUTIFUL < PIRATE By Guy Boethby. le Normanvyille,’’ she and Be must not 'y Pt be thought ecpelead mercy. whatl would like to do, be heart is too fall for utterance, bus is you cou if, despite all you have heard of you aro my friend.” you aro quite right in fo feel- fe. mT said. “Believe me, I have for- gotten all tho foolish atoricn 1 have heard about Yor.” “No, no. t know that you ‘onght to do lak is continued, “‘be- cause, you see, a great number of them rae,” wish me to serene them, then?"T orled in some surp “Yes,” she answered, “I think you bught to get a clow for your own guld- u too tired to listen to m not,’ I answered memories, why tell it to me? 1 Pee serve you just ae faithfully with- out peo ine it.” I do not doubt that for an instant,” be said. ‘But you must surely see, Dr. Normanville, that, being brought ate contact w: in_ life properly? lay I tell you my story? “Please do! It will interest me deep- She moved over from the gate to the oad wooden rail that ran along the path side and which had evidently been Pisce there to protect foot Leet: 0 West. Indies ana soon after be was fade commander He appealed, but what was b of that! ‘To a Ber headstrong man, con- bns of hi in England, resolve ever off his feet. He went to aa but result of the trial was kno ser’ ing a oo bunt ‘im, witb a large sum it a and at » teste res cle trosted them, and baving Lound these excursions that he met whose destiny it was to recognize him, and so busten the trouble that lay be- fore eae Figh words passed between iain, mo she bade them ean oft he zea may be imagined. A volley was th me 4 from tl ious now. port for fear of being arrested, and yet stores had ns be obtained for the stary is ve, this settiement and carry bad begun. been put of the six constituting the boat’s crew, incliding the officer in cbarge, fell dead. tail ie Baia his teat Yaieguined himself Reaching that port, he sent ism ashore t But he was resolved not t r,& man was killed, flood the sar ports even more firmly to him than before. al nd. a hea my father, ess cece by delib- Pont, confined the ger Pav ela 1k possessio’ whieh, it is cnly fair to say ark Alntined'the fash tn, the poles that hi had been robbed of his cargo under the very noses of the cruiser: "The description of the robber talbied with that of m: avant Theneeforward be de- imself open! society, collected round him wi levied toll on the ships of all Matlonk whenever occasion off ten red my enemies. My & adventure proved successful; my sec ined me. benthag on his trade a supreme effort "Bot they have uot succe: The same year I ba boat you eS oi built in Scot! nes then 1 kaya had s price self, I have Diaterially ieee ‘a gocd many. In some ca: @ sultan baya, for instance—I fa gone perhaps Raye! lal His-anstiiees ed the first foward for my father, oh yoara afterward for me. left him, it them thoroug’ly be: a me to, and those harbor were their schooner, and for ut_more ado my father got the part of bis former friends poi ie by, and once sland began to Cee ene anit men and sailed off for Cres }@ beaten, He could not go into any g man like a trading n of his Ponake Ha zt nied The pase LOR: early morning and pi y father, aud the hue and ly in res if 1 the ered. He ran many sighted and y father caught the fever wy the war be Label since en Som island enderest cz le by the antborticies isd ieee et. bh the Te) Ste; the ork in earnest. Ever |!¥ a hou free di upon my | Many cases, all the inhabitants be bead; but, 2s I told you on board the | dead, the buildings.were quite tenant- Lone Star, I can trethfully say that I |less. By ie bee bad finished my io bave never knowingly robbed spection it was 8 o'iock, an sid, bayou kee ae tr gous [8 fee aay Yar beesktaie: tiniest of, work was at once resur:.:d. ses, too— .. | Went out and began to prepare my wi become terribly m isers. It was on eh of | Pal these occasions that my poor mother ioe killed byan English bullet. ‘hres onths later in the Maniliag and followed ber to the idding me, a girl of 18, keep up er had volunteetigi to act as nurses, I bad it of my way to assist the oppressed taught wholesome lessons to ° 8 y father’s before © innocent suffer by what m deeply sorry for them. But do your nations in their on hae toward him. Now what bave ved “‘T can only answer that I think your character However, you will nat ink s0 badly of me for the future, LEN ee said this she came a little closer to me and pea me A es Lind pee ae bad I seen what “You are very good to Now, we are both tired, bait we af bales say good night?” ae no nt ae oe jos and for ouly knows iit T took it ar ering my ue me Then Alcs ane good night”? jurned a e, and, with a im at ne cine ee through the gate and among the bushes, that led to her abod When sh emus e, I stood for a few moments looking dow upon the ae panorama spread out before me; then I he ext ate ry story I bad mbled upon. my hour after Bear til Hiattine gato paw Bada their appearance. Then I had a bath in cool spring water, and, having reseed, for the day. peor een nade Sopa above the tree tops ee and his col- leagues, my trusty lieuten: me I glanced at her face. nt thers was no trace there of the sadness of the pre vious night. Indeed, if the truth must be told, the re was even a sort of distant ee about her manner toward as ae acta as aiimentt toabebant tie “Good morning, Dr. Mie he atid. as se put table the par bad it was Nose dow teuaue shri he Brie eee We ready to commence work?" dy ps to a man nam egin, sir, will you pte your deputies bunt up the builders and continue the syork at Then the huts till breakfast time?” 1 taroing tant other: “Mr. Williams, you' ight ta! e eg and erect four bed lariat ees Mr. Christianson and tho remand of you gentleman, if you will a Aft aia wastes filapeoua 2) the village.” Having dispatched the others to their various employments, ff, accom- nied by Alie, to begin the, ghastly work of inspection. It must n tested vigorously against it, but with- out result. heart was & set.apodt it, and she would not be deter: Hid AEGe oa dre$ ella kan aT one, built of adobe mixture and inbab- ited by three people, two of whom were down with the disease, There inally been six in the had perished. I ie nig ezAnitiatlons noted their case my pocketbook, spoke some ceed pa Garman ssed on to the next house. This was of wood, neatly ‘built, and contai ne patient who was quite alone, Lis 01 wife aud daughter having both suc- ones to the plague. In thenext there | case, nor the next, bet in the te ‘following ti there were eight. Hard- Every oue toiled with a will, ot the but builders to such good purpose that by midaey 19 fing hats were standing j ‘OF OCC! ve | SoReture a serious problem pene stroy co y a buildings, but at ‘won’ ie shes peaceable Na ges the same time pointed out to b Ww imperatively necessary it was that ever: your bampion for the future, come | 3! “woman could keep her month shut. Yonkers Statesmai ® number of stretchers made, and on these conveyed the sufferers to the hos- pisale Four patients went to each but. to those se the right rie of the street, the women to those on the left. By this oe persons ‘were disposed of, and by 5 o’clovk suffi- cient buts were at my disposal to con- tain as man: By parce age Geer sufferer in the place bad been sianven the nurses heir ae and installed, and the real pi f the diseaso commenced. But af this it I took tt and ratsed it to my lips. to her, told her how loath I was to de- \welling and any article likely to har- bor infection shoul got rid of, To hat satisfaction she met it in the proper it. “If it is bat ce for the safety of jain, there can be no doabt z Be as to what course we should pur- answered. ‘‘The houses must aa) And that being so, I must endeavcr the necessary instructions?’ Idid so forthwith, and in less than deal? Gc ans, oo tee than 60 houses, with their contents, were blazing on the plain, Worth the Money. A Cincinnati man rushed into a long distance teluphone office, carrying hie grip as train, and asked to be connected with his hom ome ad Kern left. First the wife ex- chan; aches ar of the five chi me and ‘ nolloed,”* told told stot their school trials and triumphs and re- lated the doings of the pet pony the cat and the canary. Every five minutes, as is the custom in costly long distance work, the ager notified the proud papa, but he al ‘Ways answered, ‘‘I'll take five minutes more,” until last of all, the baby Le been h pe inde pirate piped, ‘Hello, papa. ’ Then the Gioeintati man Lape 10 and went away happy.—Exc. Wild Collies, dog has hitherto been classed among the wild animals of Canada, but it would not be altogether wrong to put him into thas beamgoak a Manitoba bee per, The Western Prairie, vouches pane - the eet of wild he i a ae They tre di the great woods of the rtle mountains and are collies that fe) weaectally’ Ginies aad aed ata ache Ai ate | fast econ mbers, They belonged at one tim the half breed population, but ieee f civiliza on and wild, ‘They live by catching and devouring as wolves do, geuerally selecting a situ ation protected by brushwood or ae timber. Settlers are in the habit of caj turing the Jong puppies when a aes can be for he ena are easil ey posse and intelligence and are obedient and reliant. Hence Its Value. He—The mummy of an Egyptian queen who lived over 3,000 years ago was lately sold in London for $60. She—Plenty of living: women today are sold for Jess than “Yes, but you font” ‘that this $60 No Mystery to Him. id any attention to the pais as he Jaid down his paper. “Have I?’ answé ered the very small man with the massive diamond. ‘I’ the fellow who taught Tod Sloane how to ride.’’—Washington A PEACH TROUBLE Pe ach In Tes to miler to. “rent bei ircucinieet has bed manif?™ peach growers of late on scent Pes: disease called “little peach,” wi % the Jich has been reported froma numberof jie bas uly “‘rosette”’ and othere ‘‘a form f 1 lows.” ‘The wenealeal a th ee gan station, treating of thie t® bresar a recent behlelin. eedeae abt “ouble in i @ trees growth of the fruit stops. Inst ing premature as in the case lows, the fruit, if it ripens much Inter. It shows no req °* } streaks and seldom reach ee of Spteclgeg fall size, Bale Aes About midsummer the tré out numerous shoots ‘conf will dere branches. As if t! tho growths two or three be found dry and cracked, ¢[27* old will e cambium seem to re- neglected trees gradually bspecially the the disease, althou “4 ed to y generally certain that such may be ( the trees are be badly in- e isease has been 8, ee — sa ‘oubl the branches, and when tbo middle ‘of ct back below a Sajored ne eR nd healt ibn it about He enrigniess the ntaay ead eral supply of wood ashgphed w: b- nure would be desirable Stable mi growth, and a 1g tostart a now jount may be avoided, as it willJP™ « eee Sewn STOWE that A a ed oy “come speci ile aie cause of the troub: ris may be young tre into growth early in the spring, and a of frost would in either case produce an injury to the wood ach Sine aiid ‘iter agtouts would etat frum the branches. New Evergreen Ro mong ava altasteattons of the new and valuable (type of bardy ever- green rores originate ed by Ai Ac Mae da, Mechan’s Monthly selects the one a repeiooe of ibe Caidente Mid best showing traces of the male parent, Perle des Jardins, and says: It is difficult to portray the individ- aslity of certain yarieties of popular THE GARDENIA ROSE, lowers, but in this case the softness of the re shows the parentage ‘aba the the lossy, evergreen fol abundant bloom and eam! goth, 7 all bees Siac of tl jurai ana, prions uel erie oe Prove ich E,