ROW AN OLD ‘Date, 1795. Bound Volume of ie Evan- gelical Magazine for that year. ‘Could I, from heaven lassie as sure pe ‘To whom the rising year shall prove his 1 As I can uumber in my punctual page And item down the victims of the past; How each would trembling wait the rourn- fal On which the press might stamp him next m. ev sto And, reading here his sentence, how replete wv ‘th anxious meaning, heaveaward turn Time, then, would seem more precious than the joys +h he sports away the treasure now; ~ And prayer more seasonable than the noise runkards, or the music drawing bow. ‘Then, doubtless, many a trifler, on the Of hia sakchts hazardous und headlong Umored t va passe, would feel it good to} ¢ Told that his setting sun must rise no more. Ah self- ieee Yaa 1 ae I, Alderman Hodd of Stratford was elected over Mr. Gordon for Mayor. Mr. Mulock’s New Year's gift See eee BEAT CHURCH silsarztahy sins 9 ‘ PLEASURE os ETHODIST ia Ia thanking my num- League, Fri erous customers. and vice at Mill ete oe Bees MEV. MeMillen, B.A., Incumbent. Divine worship at 7 ]olock p.m. | Service at Hime at 3 F alegk p.m, Sabbath School, 3 p. a eenale ‘wuRCH.—Rev. David Anderson, sipeate, Sublath Services at am and solicit a continuance and7 p.m, Weekly Prayer meeting on mRRedag evaetiek ae 7.00 cm Service at E Zion chetch, Wellesley Tp- at 3-1; of the same for the pre: friends for the liberal patronage extended to me during the past vear sent year, wishing you all the compliments of on Tuesday evenings at 8o'dlock. the season, Lurneran Cuurcn—Rev. Wm. Blunck, 4 B. A., pastor, Sabbath Service at 2. pm. I remain, "Obverve the dappled foresters, how light ead and airy, o'er the sunny “One thlle—the rest, wide-scattered with uffright, Vanish at once into the darkest shade, ‘Had we their wisdom, should we, often ed, repeated watnings and at last, .Acthonsand awtul prin: he scorned, Die, self-accused of life all ran to waste ? ‘Sad waste ! for which no bens: thrift. sic ‘Phe grave admits no cure of guilt Dew- Meade Tay deck the tuof that hides the Eanes vt poaly eet nee ee ln Learn then, ye living ! by the mouthe, be] f all these sepalchres, instructors trae, | Bo ‘That soon or late, death also ip your lot pening grave may yawn LATE LITERARY NEWS. have the men who have demonstrated organization, is ot ie een oD pall the ieee ae fo in the ned Chale R. eee the dead of ths grout herent ‘house-of Flint, Eddy igam@flentions ia alm ne ld. Mr. Flint ela) very’ openl, for suece gs by the | Pa ig to fathom. the seer ¢ same line is an article, also in the | January Cosmopolitan, telling how Mr.’ Plave otguvized und conducted the cammpaiga for the election of Roosevelt. Tt is by gentleman who was actively engaged at’ the fropubliean /Meadquerret during the and the youngest political and aspirant will alike find foudfarveflection in Mr. Blythe's] pa Du WILLS FOR PROBATE. ‘During he mouth of December the #ollowing wills were entered for probate a “the local Gurrogate Court: Mrs, fone, Elina, $1,091 personal; om, Blansbards farmer, Charles Burro ereonal, § real Elsi Hibbert, farmer, pers Dox nie, fits wer $200 usbal; i Jai ou, Elma, ae La the, $4 Sho Gunn, “aniuchi, ot) Hal Hovale, Seat, ‘Williem Mason, \r sles personal, , farmer, a PRE RDRATEGY OF 1 wigan “7, William Matlock,” ie iadoed on alle iain “the was nob re- Bae se exception. nagyed a feted boon, ao comp a lett eeite Sue iat ee ir neral has heen seursed ined the ‘iitfovent dialects in the Dominion, and the Mail this morning dwetls ou a i two-vent rate with- nt rate within this last sob in the partisan chorus-of lameutation is "1, Willian Muluck’s” simple unaffected anvonncement that, beginning wit the New Yeu, Cana ie to enioy t p adcanbayes of a Ww ) real;| 4 fascinating study of the Internation al your humble servant, P. H. BASTENDORFF SAVE THE COMBINGS. Mes, Taylor wishes to inform the ladies df Milverton onl vicinity that she. 1» prepated to make up switches ara of hair combings. Batistaction phi feeds. All orders’ deft . with Mrs. Karn will be ase attended wo ita e Invite COMMERCIAL. Y ou Correoted weekly by H. M. Schaefer. Mutvurron, January)5, 1899. To come and see our Fall wheat per bush.. 8 6 66 STOCK OF 6 pring wheat, bd bush. arley per bu frece: 2 # Harness les por bag i Double and Single. ‘| Collars, Halters, Suspenders 7|Curryecombs, Brushes, all kinds of Bits and Blankets, Sursingles, Bells, Driving Gauntlets, Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes, these robes are guaranteed to outwear Stratfont.anuary 5, 1899. three Goat robes, also Robe $ locks Pane lining and trimmingin stock Everything at rock bottom prices. “i 25 pples, per Jag : W. M APPE Harness Cretan aiirad o dike 1) @ Maker p 5 aus a nnn Milverton’s Busiest Store We wish to thank our numer- ous customers through the columns of this paper for their liberal patronage during the past — year. We may say, the en- couragement is great and busi- ness has almost doubled itself ! during the past year. For | your patronage, we thank you: all, and wish you a long and prosperous life, Grosch & Pfeffer THE TAILOR Has decided to sell all 3| winter Stock at Whole- sisale cost to clear for : 16 s 00 Be é +400 7 Toronto, Jannary 5, 1899. Wheat, white. sce 8 pede eee ] 63 s 40 Beet, Mindgiarters Lamb. eal 2. Geese . : 6 bison %| Spring goods. 8 50 He also wants -100 “FIFTY TWO WEEKS |cords of wood for WITH GOD,” which he will pay the 1 Sunday School Lessons for 1899 |highest market price. now ready. No Christian especiaily Olergyman or Teacher, should be pe without it. Beautifully hound in cloth | obited boltieae ertth pedi? bon nis Noxt Door to Postetfies. PRIGE ONLY 35 CENTS. pyee heared Strongly recommended by leading eee Clergymen. On sale by all book- the prive ey, nal | seller, or sent postpaid oa receipt of | MINION Life Assurance a COMPANY The Bradley-Canretson Co.,Limited. (Head Office, - Waterlco, Ont. PuBLisHERs, —— Toronto, Canada, eter Capital - aa Foe on sit: eae - ° . Bee oatan . The Dominion Life has bandsom i gains in every essential role mincing 1897, It Has Gained Teis asknowledged by everyone e peels See that our bread is. the best on’ the | In Number of Policies tarket, Even our competitors tn Iuterat Recaps acknowledge it as hey ail re-| In Asx ese oe * Surp! ov Liabilitic fused to compete with us for a Tapa ove al Ll ay i prize. Though we took first we) more equitable or more fav fet rs do not bake for shows alone bat | ipallacrangeten tin the king of make good bread ali the year} putting on more Life Assurance. round and to prove this, we ask | ve Tesps, up Gm, owe. Bi that you give our bread a trial and we are sure that you will be eonvinced . sid TT oe IE rans: Mae. Dirpator Wanted—An Idea een Vv. WEITZEL, aay da lee ede ‘The Baker, 22 es inired inventions wan pues otee As the building season is now over we are devertiss ourselves more than ever to oar Furniture Hstablishment ‘As the Christmas season is approxching you will ‘want to bestow upon your intimate friends some token of goofl will. Nothing gives sofmuch pleasure or adds to comfort like a Pood ROCKING or HASY CHAIR We have have some handsome ones in FROM $2.00 UP Call in and see them. We have in a fine assor tment of Bedroom Setts, Dining Ro: om Setts Sideboards, etc. 4 1 Y Call in and see our OAK TABLES they cannot bef beat for the"price. We haye ‘also the finest;collection of PICTURES that ever hung upon a wall, suitable for Christmas Presents. Young man ifjyou intend taking up house-keeping i it, will payzyou to call aad see us. We have a large stock of the best of [everything to ~ select from. i OUR SLEDS For the boys. ‘Nothing will please your boy more than to present him with one of our light ranning eds, Do not fail to call and see your Christmas WIEDERHOLD & © Milverton <