“It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, {899 MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publisi Crockery and Glassware SALE In order to clear out the|"#s balance of our Dinner Setts Tea Setts Toilet Setts Condiment Setts FANCY CHINA AND GLASSWARE We will give for the next Fifteen Days 10 per cent. off For allcash and produce purchases This is a Genuine Sale You will be convinced when ‘you hear our prices. Come early and have first choice. Highest prices paid for all y Farm Produce. Early Closing We have decided to close every evening ‘during the months of January and February at 8 o'clock, Saturdays excepted. The Milverton Sun Is be | ae ae in the Count; t is the Be Stim tes reasomi ADVERTS) Year. ING "RATES, SPACE. 6 mo. | 3 mo. $50 00) One column. Transient A Advertisements are charged at the rate of 8c, per ling, nonpariel, for the rat insertion e. per line for each suc- tanking, By ‘ABLISHED A gent pay Nace eceived and urrent rates of intcrest allow R. RANNEY & CO, ” Milverton. . | colleges at Toronto ‘resume their studies. at R. RANNEY & Co.,Bankers ‘| Church of Sate on Sunday evening Mr. a Mr, bibs pulpit at Millban Medical W. EGBERT, M. B., M. D.C. M., grad- London hospital, Leon Englan in rear of 01 iverton, O' Telephone connection with Poole, Bruner, Gatheran Church aad Rostock. 8 o2 | Perth Liberal-Conserv: int. | Will be held in Grosch’s hall on ‘Thurs- Dentistry W. M. BRUCE, Graduate of R. ©. D. member of the Haskell of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chien Office, 5 Main street, wel, Will Ha tos Queen’s ho Tee ddiieertan, eh first Monday of every month from 10/4. 7 p.m for the practice of his frofession. st. ¥ also Graduate School R. J. ROBINS. of Stratford, Honor Graduate of Trinity Wuiversity, ‘Toronto, and Graduate of the Roval College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, will visit Milver- athe first und third: ‘Thursday of every bed from fe xt tho Grand Gowteall Hotel work aspecialty All work guarantee Veterinary J. H. ENGKL, V. S., Milverton, Ont. to, by telephor pedi Rete Ghronie Diseases a specialty. BARR, VETERINARY SUR- ao diver formerly of Newton(Gr: ‘terinary College, T ted animals. First class horses and rigs Baggage transfer. Povaihecial driving specialty. Socteties c, ae pstcan ares ever’ cin aa iae ‘Tuesday of © nth, at 8 Taha, Lanetebls Oo Fs Barth, Recording Secretary: F., “Silver Star Boe, Milverton, ae oo ai, in oping ah nt LGondate, Jas unilegsy, i weley aa present at the Burns Church tea-meet | she has been heard in Milverton he- es. | fore it is not Fie that we offer &| Mr. Beirnes is a titet class a ‘LOCAL NEWS Bengough at Millbank to-night. ‘The meeting of the Farmers’ Insti- tute at Atwood will be held on the 21 Most of the students attending the have returned to About 500 cords of wood wanted at Pfeffer Bros., Sri $1.65 a cord for the best, Read the ib of various speakers that will address the Farmers’ Institute meeting at Millbank on the 20th. Lost—On Snnday last between Unionville school ai rton, © Finder will please leave it Tort e Rev. T. G. A. Wright, of Mill- Tote certo the services in the while the Rev. Mr, MeMillen seen’ other week has passed over and our ist of subscribers is still climbing ave your names. The annual meeting of the North ative Association attend ay, January 19th. is from each ed. ‘A. good municipality est Saturday last was genuine blizzard eather. fariout usly and the driv i lot from Mi eir and intena during the coming symmer to erect itable to the n of this station. i si 3 The annual meeting of the cenit ton Agricultural Society was held o inesday when the Auditors’ a aliowing » handsome surplus of $116,- 9 was rea icers. are as follea res., » Win. Connell; vice-pres., TPG: LR 2, Wats bson, Thos. Burnet, a Poh B. Both F, Wiederhold, J. B. Wei hon. directore,_ J. ce Trim. Miss Hotham, of Mitchell, will be|& ing and her singing will be one of the features of the musical pragramme. As |. any recommendatio: Mr, Joseph Hic ts lured the ositio n of hei with Mr, Wiley, of Strathroy, and leaves on Monday to ossume his new position. in his wi trade and has always been hustler : he will no doubt Hib his reputation in Strathroy. Membership in the Farmers’ In- stitute entitles you to all the reports and experiments conducted in the On. tario Agricultural College, and at the th ing brethren lv al Reeniag, NGs WB Lath, Business Cards WEIR, Anctioneer for the: Coun- jrosch’s Shoe Store, Main street, Milverton, DORLAND'S BUS ital Milverton, Il citizens and rs calls promptly sn wo. Wm. Donen Muple St., Propriet Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont, John Gropp, i ge Best liquors cigars at the bar. Firat: comm tion and ange Saliteg GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accommodation for commercial travelers and others. Three large sample rooms. Gi ing Beat, brands ‘of liquors and cigars. f Main SEA epreskan iG) Hesenplleg, Pripaeiers QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Out. The est aveommorlation for oaher trav- elers and others. Gly: ths’ cbelvcst of | Wines,“ menaced Cigars at the bur. Good warm stables plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prop. mi and oda- Mixecilaneus Seika’ GROPP, amber, Laths, ‘unner, Out. dealer in Cedar Posts, Shingles, Pumps, ete. | ce be CRs various ‘dairy stations throughout the Twenty-five cents that entitles you to membership. The Village Council for ’99 was sworn in by Mr, Weir on Monday evening and consisted of the following gentlemen: Reeve, Nt pe and. varie! (ip ays A e bers of Board of Hes J. G. ‘cron, Dr. Speci and If. M. Schaefe this to attend the final of Mis hall equipped nodern styl raised and exit and aed wings have ant Hill Farm, oa The anniversary services of Burns church Milverton, will be held on Sabbath next when the Rev. P. Me- Leod,M.A.,B. D.,of Atwood,will preach morning and evening, The anual tea- — meeting will be held on Monday evening. Monsy Loangp. — When wane ¥ mortgage is due, or if you want to_ ged. busi Piaanwil La certolly a Sante ‘ORRANCE. Word rokeed bere on Tharedayew the sudden deoth in Vauglin township of Thom tetsrer Ada Hantiog: ge Hamilton and Mrs. J. Fleming. nse ae MeLellan, Py eH township. ‘They left theenmia dey —Herald Cor, We notice by the Chri: ber of the Can: saint M by the pba eae for dumb at Belle: maximum mark of 10 in each dep ee rv. John Grosch is eae! ne singe { style. The wage i me ae in, it is at ig a drop cnitata sector cal a ae as Milverton can oc casionally boast Richard alba of Mount. Pies. ntly received the recent aiaae of his son, Rev. at to Miss May Fulton, a wealthy - ag Jody a Hf: Hognenibang, Es a Rev. Mr, Hamilton has had charge of the Anglican church, at Fort Coving- ton, New k tate. We extend ngratulations to our old friend.— or Herald Cor, The Milverton Hany society was | turday evening writh 8. the following officers : Grosch ; Vice-Pres., A. AB ec, Langford; Treas; Dr. pane Committee’ of. mee 4 v. W. V. McMillen and Messrs. W.. H Grech and M. MacBeth and Mrs, W. H. Grosch i B ell. in nominal prices, namely, 25 cents to gentlemen and 15 cents to ladies, The first debinte of the season ill take place on Saturday, Jan. 21st, when Messrs. D, Smith” /and John Rothaermel will debate the merits and faults of departmental stores, The groom of the Silver Star Lodge goat in his hurry to Hee the boys rene BSE he festive board aj his way through the outer hall door. that ancient not in the ‘et_as to whether he is sul paring. i large or again nestling ii customed stall. The comin of that hea ilies it has convinced al maeaad cline keep a the 0 Oddfellows do in reality “| goat. gtk Sates Personals. js edesucl NGsas abnttied afer poate amonth visiting in Dashw McKellor, of Gay Mr. and Mrs, enn waaay plesen the guests of Mr Schinidt. Miss Ada Long has an hh following office in-| after ean 2 w the. sll, for (29 in Silver Sar Todge A, ton sing, we Val, Weitzel, V.G.; W. Kk} Teh S. sJun, Torrance, F. 8, ; Jus K “Hina R.S. Tickled LLS.N.G.; duvtor ; Geo. Wes Curtis ee 3. Geo. Jas, Kerr, Warden ; Dr. Egbert, Con:| : D.{ ss Bly: 1 deputy postinistress, ing at her home r, and Mrs. George Pfaff last ae funeral of Mrs. Pfafl’s