4 BEAUT «PIRATE By Guy Boothby. And week went next after that, with pacaia b a tok fe 100 cases in the ain wight ays, 12 in the Beetle six, while 15 more were added from the pasta ~ during the same period. must say something about had volunteered Toca nursin; “thei cael ae its bower eee tet sal ever ding they di And tees I should also like to put on record Alie’s wonderful devotion ceupied about the different huts, helping and reproving, chiding and en- ce was like a ray h seemed to light the place te after she had left it. The whole of Kae! sa ei he think of her- self.» The pi she considered to be her ated lag tte ae and the Beautiful White notorious adventuress, the irae i: rich mer- ch: the terror of the China seas, trod it without murmur or complaint. Tt was a wonderful exhibition of wom- ‘anly gentleness, forbearance and endur- her, tired and almost ERR by the results of the noted how she put all this coed ‘ hes ie to spealr an Victoria nuteh that first evening, I felt almost as_.mearrand Soke as it _Wae possible for a man to CHAPTER VL A TRIP INTO THE COUNTRY. Sixty-four days exactly after my tak- ing charge of the health of the settle- ment the last patient was discharged ‘in and re- aponaibllity had had a more severe effect ‘upon me than I should have anti Alie cae ‘of all the workers, ‘ntouched. Her indomitable will would not permit her thing as fatigue, and for this reason the Jast lie oy or ee found her powers as kee! energy teat unabated as they bad eeu d on the 1 noon of the ‘day following the discharge of m: ber ‘with that interest my mi ee affairs always scemed to inspire in “Dr Be nville, ies) yeh aid her little white bands Mites the arm of the chair, “‘I have been acute you lately, and I have come mnclusion that you are thorough- ly tired a There is but one cure for that—rest and complete change of ai de PricGet eay/ yiisklpee ken acu ecupons 1am worn out?” Lasked, wiping a pair ee Ee that 1 had been = ona five mi and put- nelassified flora risk ot tak a ave an expedition tet out today. morning w will leave pry ria plun but have you to say to proposition? “| should like it above all things, ” I pauy could not be anything else than dehghttal k Having gained her point, she rose to “1 may consider it settled, I eup- pose?" she said. “At daybreak tomor- row ioruing we are to mount our po- nies 10 the square down yonder and set off. You need not bother about t rifles or Ay hmpedianenta ot that Kind, that you are well provid saying, she withdre: nae Ile cceeeontee that day. The rest of the ternoon Iwill booted and pastas the village square. Early as I was at the ‘Yous, , Alie was there befor: of pac Iie Eicaet ie charae of halt pen e shall not oe ep Heovislons aeine our travels, id, happy isnah, nd Mee shy Pare our breakfast, so now if you are ready ney start.” ier to march was thereupon given, Patt me tmmodiately set off up mountai ‘When the art Sit dozen miles were seen toting ieee Toward 8 o'clock the trend of the country lay upward ang continued s¢ until we had mounted to a eae elevation, when an exten- sive panorama ee unfolded before ihe ‘The island must indeed have been large one if it ui bs indgea by ibe extensive views we had presented to ns of it. ets on the setteniat side could see sca, while on the other the forest nee away as ar as th eye could eh. read A little before sundown Alie inform- ed ine that we were close upon our des- who had preceded us that tee ais a erected for our accommas <i faced Salley the, naka aie a litt ace oa ane relay in the extreme. oe itand for a short distance be- “How beautiful it all is? said Alte. looking up at the winking stars. ; then the under: TO} n again, gradually eur aut’ Ghats ta preae tea! an ‘ight, @ left, while that Hs the center was set apart for our din- ipa room an Dg TOO! ma it ‘we want- to be indoor: kely); i fourth was lesan ‘or the accom- modation of the cook and from it al- — resounded the clatter of pots and Perall of curiosity to see in what sort while seninit the opposite w ee neaily is rack, Ww cee Be ie tinaE bad rrnabed Of “eho aline Of Gxivel andes | changed my riding costume for a loung re suit a native gong bad summoned ui hc ioge aa meeting om the Rnieciobey: aptacy a4 gether. If I bad been surprised at the com- different Phin I should hardly b have known that we were not in bunga- low at the setiieanelis The hie cloth, exceptionally g0oa a spirits a and forth most de- ve |lighefal fash ie sand osees wetter eee ata outside into the gathering gloom and It was indeed a verhead the tropic stars Bone in all their beauty; of the forest; cts the right sounded Mae same the dosp no or the melancholy hoot of an hectare al pt an Alie, ooking up at the winking stars. ‘Then "it only we oanld’a able st this, how much “Do you Saad Pa we should?” answered. think it is the iyild anteaeua tunnel ae tie ues to say nothing of that poiegecd psi sling, which make existen weet speak of your own world!” “Think what my world is—continual plotting, endless Panna ing 0 ihenville you ‘Tittle riot a pa of fe 1 lead?” iat why do you go on with it? If only | might"’— Teheeked iheees suddenly. Another fatal words would have e her thus and e was almost ight used and was looking away to- werd ee ark forest. 1 go on with it?” she an- se there is no one el aes etaes te them but me. “But supposing ght? | They would have to Rit Ccemauiiel then. “I shall never be taken alive—that is, except by treachery. No, Dr. De ormanyille, come rebate may, I can ‘uty Jies before ave caeare to do it lee Lat me I must strive todo it the ut. ut itis getting late, and we ae BA a long distance today. Don’t you ae Ne had better bid gk other ood nig As eae ie rose, and I followed be example. Then she shook hands, ished me good night and disappeared Me ita her own ae us oe at her heels When she bad g ated myself, lit another aie and fell to work upon bts. the darkness be- yond the leap Gres a Samb hur deer, Probably disturbed by our Z to his mate, and in a tree night bird hooted dolefaily. meee firs fa ek of ue evening pas ow an unutterable meta? Day ee to have iaid its hand upon it. my cigar was finished, I passed ced at my rifles to see te pal laa ‘Heh eae and it seem. ed but ates from the timo and ‘it si wtruck mm me e that she yard ood deal over what abe had to my agent sy gen ia Hons. to com whence you started. Your work pleted, and now it only remains for you to say—well, to say when you wish to ve us.”” is speech, following on top of what Thad been thinking myself, put me in fa strange position, and for a minute did not know pon my lips, bi dfodbo enin tis toc ejection “asked acim: “I hope that A have done my work to your satisfactior eee a such a thing?” lone. ber voice trembled a little, and her Beaute ful sealg led filled with tears—‘‘I cannot you as I would wish to do.”” einer her tear laden eyes or this ex- pression of her gratitude must have de- if control, for when tree, ita tala ate oee ieee thinking of my words: Rialto, eaves you see that there can Gh, tbe don $a loved? | Haye my AShoNg ur eekarten them: a BE CONTINUED.) AN OVERSIGHT. The pia Too Hasty and n Saw His Mistake. “Now ou have put us in a nice Gee Sehr: te aeatiral tanner of the sensational daily as he strode in- to the room exchange editor. “What's the matter now?" demanded the exchange mi “Haven't you seen our claim on the etre baa ft ee the largest cir- orld?” inquired the general mbar a tee reply. “Cer “And Naan t you seen it stated as well that we do not claim a circulation in exvess of 2,000, 0002? “Yes” ‘Then what do you mean by clipping an item about some publication or other ee ag 9 olrealation cot! 200,000,000 heavens!” cried the exchange editor Salted “Did Ido tbat? What in the world is the name of the publica- tion?” e—the— By George, it Pi er alae to it, s course. item says that hasa A of 200,000, 000 copies. "? —Chicago P: Fin de Siecle. w slavey was ordered to set the laid my PH a pet my pillow before my aon was waking me to the newborn sHinmedtatly breakfast was over 1 imen cases and a light ‘ied lie aad two ir aye yee dived into the g forest, on collecting thoughts intent jBut the profusion of subjects was so | [ase chat grag’ cimeale bo Eng quite | where to begin. At every turn some aM euliar Use some plant, some shru | would arrest my Pie tion, while in ue air Hilcberttien beetles and birds i erable seemed to call upon me to catch tad catalogue them wrichont delay. Alie good spirits by this time, and fae Gan grasped the general idea fo! lowed her new hobby with the sai icued ardor that was noticeable i in everything she under- fe sy were full to bursting, so we retui the saa pe lunch. In the afternoon we coutiu: our work, but this time without our ates tive followers, who, whe1 as said and done, preferred chattering to work- | ing, 8 nel in more ways than one were in the the ae "Se un declined upon | r boxes Were once more i, our heads cam: ward, following on our hoineward Pa e stream we had Liste tbc Eos our enters journ and wi! Baik oa ieee ve orb ed on 2 little tise to look abou | ‘lie seated bertelf ona fallen tree, and fively. Enjoyable ax our excursion tad | island nearer to a ea ae we the could elp feeling that, my duty pee te “hove me to be moving on as soon as possible. And ven the wack of seayhig ote Rinse had flashed ioe and Rilisi T bac oonie a) > desperate to love, was agonizing to Alie rolled a small cake into the ave Saey below us aud De De. a acaianyiiieg she begaun— e N.S adm: d to put ii ee Wesolne aetna oy get it. A morning or two ago I asked if any, ae ane jot one. Laat the bait again? “No, sir; uot me, sit, I put the trap under the wire dish cover. poe es can’t get at it there!””—Ally Sloper. He's Engaged to Two Others Now. Harry—Say, old man, I’m in a horri- le fix. ‘Fred— ‘What’s Harry—I've Petes and got engaged ta two girls. Ho w the dickens am I going to get out of Fred—Oh, thats easy enongh! Just contrive to get them together so that they can compare notes. — Chicago jews. “You keep you “hand = 0 therm Peanuts!” exclaimed 65-year-old erchant who had set mi eect liebe ae sirict tie patty dwelli “Iwon'tnather!"" replied the 5-yenr- old customer, helping himself again, “My dad’s the p'leceman on dis block!" —Ghicago Tribune. Philo: Nippen—I was any yon’ hes to bring my umbtella back yes 1 got wet through for the want of es Koolwan—sorry, I'm sure, but conidu’t return i seer without RY CAME AIRY Cee WINTER BUTTER MAKING, An Iowa Cars Sineaters: Atal From His Own Expe! ennen of Towa writes inter- ‘he Creamery Journal as road, and that is what we ing for, In the first place, I never chill amount of stirring, ay the ise wil be that the next morning the be ripened nicely and will aie veda bh ondition: a taken into conidration ie cream W! a temperature 56 basa sa I think isa tate temperature for winter chor: you ate Ney. this way of banding ie have not lost our grip on the tempera- ture and atthe same time have beem leveloping a fine flavor for the cream; also we are ready to proceed with the cburning without delay, which will alse be quite a eaving in the matter of fuel. “Ido think much of the ii of holding cream m an a pak inte, ee Tat i Now tl ve comi arm ae ea with the. asaine: = POWER BUTTER WORKE! which, of course, is done in "the usuad milk I proceed to draw off milk. Then I especially “alee ae wash water, and here is where must use utmost care and e: is keh 8 judgment. 5 in this tank to warm it to 56 or 60 degrees, according to the temperature of the room and weather. By using the water thia way the butter ‘ich butter SRR aRLII to cinicorets fr the Ge aaide or oor gitaraRre ID telling “here fa one thing natto belong which is an aire Becomety ina well combiued coburn. Bad Flavors In Chee: is a very important question to rloedae of a cheese factory, for it 8 a serious loss in revenu mane Mies cle ice Son eteesn ly de jivered an interesting lecture on thie subject. ‘the ain argument of the B10, ture was that bad flavors in chee sanlnen a Snag the milk or oie water or eating contanoated food. ty baildings, dirty uddere, dirty milk- ers, dirty disbes, tiny wees and irty water irk, Ti ors, terial organi Filth of any cort was the one and only breeding ground of the malign aahecia, producing bad flavors in t mysel man is bound ta; Me An : for biaeele first, you kno script. Theory and Practice. Citizen—I am Jobn Smith, author ef ie well known economical treatise on- jel ‘What Is Money? Police eee wae whut can we do for y Citizeu—I base Par been victimized by a green goods game.—Detroit Jeur- Mr. Smith, Chronic crank might find. this moral in the cessation of the football season. ‘There is at tine to stop kicking. —Phil- adelpbia w.—| ment ai cei abla rapidity, i ae that the slightest speck of fil troduced into milk will seenslly mean tae introduc- tion of a rapidly increasing colony ot infective noxious germs, Hoard’s Dairyman. y Enough. The old'man sighed as he took the golden haired, laughing little boy upon his kpee, and, stroking bis sbining DAVIDS ARE WANTED. Not Only the Nations But Each Community Needs Leaders. Dr. Talmage Points Out the Way in Which One Man May Make} Himself Worth Many, as the Old Prophets Did--A Lesson for Us. Washington, 8.—! eobaty. sere ‘Defore discoursed upon | .. Talinage In this sermon shows bow | ‘some people multiply their resources for carted the mieten of the country. Fedwaight of metal, or cause a lion which ik Yoared at him In rage to roar with pain rom are worth 10,000 The Lessons for Us. that nation then and hone who have ae ‘oppor- lal graces, ial Sepoothl talent, eepea make up by peace assiduity and consecration for those who have less ‘opportunities and lees gifts. You ought to do ten times more for Go rath when they said, Thou art worth 10,000 of ¢ Might Be D. I admis that this thought of my text, one- Me of what he once was, or one-ha ay ‘t she once was. riginal 5 reduced one-halt oi pea original status and ar ‘Then the entire poptlation of that originally were, and the other 500 peed eh nged neither bales . OM Sebi fa cadition in the scale of holiness and generosity text | in the woods of Ephraim, his work in retirement. a natural warrior. ae ‘The glitter By opposing shields fired at bom in the saddle, patting the neck posed plot He obeyed the a the troops whom he would like to have precipice and look off, or go amon, thas day did Stay at Home He Oh, the world needs a aay ot “judgment | many of the siay aé homes proper | the | or 1 Dee ck or bal tletold pzpowed Siesta aad years taught thoi ous rae to cate mole ogiten York is ‘Goad ae 0 years of age. But they , ye unknow: eh ‘and all-enduring pes ee ‘He was one of those men who wing cavalry horse, But he sup- command aces Some people think it is a bright thing unnecessary peril. to che edge of a defying vertigo, g contagions when I enineuatase ticle the next wor! Evil in nine Soe oe of ten the fatalities ery day rep: not the fault of engines or brake yr conductors or dit, recklessness ot ae at (aan or railroad ‘They 0 have the many evils of recklessness tl the world—funeral processions whipping owoatoher if evidently having 2 as to asiwoke from th pale or ane the journey to the vi ery 5 traveller on @ allsoas lize hoping that fore the tr right to put your a i in peril unless by such exposure something 1s to be gained What Timboolley in reer 24, merico- h war disappointed poeuse the surrender came 80 and they cou! not have the advantage of being shot at Ban Juan bill or brought down w yellow fever and ‘ant they got no nearer to tanooga or the en- mad as co a Sere because could not get to the soa hated ‘in oe ,000 corpses that being joxted from do justice to the Band bale was worth 10,000 of th Benth to meet 6) bee Lord’s enemies — son ar+ thou, young man?” and David, binshing with genuine sponds, “I am Jesse, ine Bosniehontta talents do the work of te: mothers and Stators Bs talents do the work of 20, Multiply your modesty, re- the son of thy servant, © Yourself a Davi ie another important ords of enenureesiaate Multiply the mber of boosia man in @ battalion, by your n God and now consecration be a ally Dares say that my old C. Lanphier of New altietsl 300, ‘000 gonls ‘were converted. 26, his anytbing brilliant in through falth u ant prayer he's shook the earth and enraptured was worth 10,000, yea, Christian Noes i00 000, ordinary how loved Dear old friend Lanphier, Mosque of St. Sophia. hat despair! But that which the ba now leader es, dpe atnes ap to wicked: God wh in the pope pro- thas that erates The Mighty Chorus. real: fee el ea fa reign in mcr the earth as and down through the ages, jhe soldiers ae ery out, “Thou art worth 10, 000 of ut here is one who tells before the world everlasting conflagration, and Atlan' | rolled out of thsi beds, and ate and our Lor ii same he is that id, thou Si Mary, Son of ot, a lain ‘worth 10,000 ne ee not close without com. ace yout thie wonderful Christ your pardon for all sin, much | sch and | faenlshed for 3 pulpit | service and preaca while on sbipboard The Duin, ras made in the shapo russ, and it was beautifully cateeked and tassoled, ‘The ebip got into the battle heir crew planks, tables, to i ‘the themselves. After awhile everything mov- pide is firth iahinleely mae fee 10,000 of us. “Tein # Great Eublic Benefit.”’—These ‘ ns ee relate to by ss and correctiv Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget in art Darning Stockings. Be ing. ‘When the hole is_as small as it can - Le eantally and then draw « oe ee basting hreads.—Ladies’ Home Jour: Your friend, Mrs.——, is looking uch improved in fo Zes, she is 8 different rsuaded try Miller's “Compoand Piron Tis vith the result you on Their T People in India wears Hanlon tele toes as well as upon their fin, take much pride in #2 doing. wvellers, but no m: of te trnvallere’ abtachients $0 the natives. Child Prodigy Attempts Suicide. a hibit prodigy, cently yee to commit suicide by jumy PHS Auorike, ante. hag but very alsile saseal pol ‘Tho pa re jo | Home. before coe oud the bevety of the | °° to Josh Billings’ Philosophy. A mob iz a private party who overates TetoeiF aan underates 38 ther ‘The man who phe courage ASE te devant} to win is ‘t bad luk enuff in the sin Whe sassyest man I kno ov iz a hen- pecked hushand—when he ia away from careless “abst in a family Iz one td and sluttish tho wild roso, ‘it wastes it swestness the ee air.’ alloy us think, if mel could live ain, A aL EXPERIENCE. A Story Told by a Well-Known Salvation Army Captain. His Body Racked From Head to Foot With Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains— Would Prefer Death to Undergoing Such Suffering Again. from which the anglais ian read the From the Post, Lindsay, Ont, drowning save | 7 nv this article, is 84 years a) re Ene on aL throughout many of tho leading cities and towns of Ontario Sten troubled eth ( chedmatie pains for to give up the Army i oe a sys, 18a ike ia n old man of age when she saw me strug- sine with the att of v0 joe His power bts add figures he had Tearned no ther waoans of earuing| children. At the present rate of lation of the 200 years. — iy recovery I Miller's Worm Powders cure fits in| (One ease ey have sdcures. — “The al of baggie ‘and correct — statement of mee earth wil double. Seeelt in| trust that a *) sh rennet tated, and Saul admiringly asks, ‘Whose ie q al | mii