riders who do not receive thetri paper loilo. ranaormation of a rend a einfnent man is are that rake ‘the heart latter. > ean see no merit in imself. Language—Somethi by lawyers to conceal the thoughts of their clients. pay- stomach from bile v ke hich howe become century. St. Ethlbest fis temple bes Me tdt bee by, lam ane a riltabis eal ue vail oe the eta, gan taken, act tapeaitfous ve condition, you, row ad anon ae d. ‘Did [Youever hear the story of the living aig i Ointments for Catarrh evel ” “answered Mr. Corntossel, “I Tallers sil have my s'picions about the lolloway’s Corn Cure is a specific for the removal of corns and warts, Wehave never nee cer failing to remove even Veet eat teres tte world, Washing- | ton street, which is 1734 miles in length. Miller's Ahi Powders make the| | tablished Will be Firm. ae Fa oS 2 ny Filipino Cabinet, Goreral ome sire ret arrangements for his voy- age to Toil" _ Mabani, President of the Cabinet and surrender of the ecko military and civil officials and other Aguinaldo Holds 11,000 Prisoners. also 1,900 civilians, including several provincial governors and numerous officia. cial From Manila, Madrid, Ets 6—The following oficial despatch has been received from Manila: Gen, Rios has now opened direct negotia- tions with the insurgents concerning the Aguinaldo Still President. the militant wing of the party. MeKINLEY'S PROCLAMATION. ‘Text of the Mess f the United States to the Philippines. Washington, Jan. 6.—The fc ples is the text of the instructions sent to Gen- eral oe in command of the United States forces in tho Peps, to be aeeitiinane to the Filipinos of the purposes of the Uni ted States with Cec to eg em: @ destruction of the Spanish fleet neha ier of Manila by the United and the suspension of Spanish sover- ei in, yy th “With tie signature of the treaty of pga tetera HL UBIGU Baten Gan. Epain, by thelr” respective jlenipotent: ari arms, the future control, disposition and government of the Ebiippine EERE | ceded to the United Si Rice eee “In fulfillment of the rights of sovar- eignty thus acqured. and the responsible obligations of government thus assumed, the actual occupation and administration by tte United States In the city, harbor and ay of Manila paper ety ith all Possible despatch to the whole of th cxde “In pat forming this duty the milita commander of the United States is en- ke the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands that in succeed- sovereignty of , in sever- ing the former political relations of th isto be security of the persons ai perty ple ‘of the islands, and for the con- firmation of all their private rights and \eir_em ploy- ments and in their pone and ealetne Rule Will Be Firm, “All persons who either by artive aid Protecticn. All others will” be brought within te seta rule = have aseumed, with firm if ueed be, but without aot develop intoa murderer are Fagabond. AGUINALDO IS ACTIVE,| = fo President a Resist he HOUSEHOLD. ONE OF A HANDSOME PAIR OF ENG- A Sprain and Bruise will come together. All the same, together or separate, HE HOLDS 11,000 SPANISH. nd smal! need of prisons, insane asylums will promptly cure the pain an President MeKinley’s Proclamation to and wipe out the bruised spot. Bis Laugh W but Could Net Resist Such Reckless Lad; of Sic is one ae the most beaut | DOLD WLC SIT How He Won Freedom For Himself and a Fair Captive. STAKED HIS LIFE TWICE AT CARDS a Fierce Indian Chief, ool Ni farpishes the srooklyn bale ote the folowing literary curi- oat esi caiioly sore wires ern era Conye saree Han dapley a charade x the Bhe ne her sister Violet are the rapa ory Was Acquired. “Wildcat” Sinith one Caldwell (Tex.) flicial telegram Penses of government, whether general or , local. the make up of the the Associated Press, ‘he Cabinet is described as homogeneous, every member being pledged, according ‘0 these advices, to resist the America duties and other eee as shall be re by the ictal 1 is wadded nd twittod “Finally, it should be sho Bais and away, but ‘‘lefs Manila for the moun- We tainous panty behind Cavite, in order Free, with Guard or Chate- laine for Selling 24 Pine. 2 Vienna, Jan, 6.—The ‘Tageblatt publishes this morning a state- matter whether the school keeps or not. EBs Istands under the free flag ie e United States. (Signed) McKinley.” mileage or p Ducion, che umber of ase was 35,445 came prom famous for thete comelt- jooaruring but an inch pit rt ae six feet in | Loved tert Pages ‘me not to get gay. PAISLEY a | By the Extraordinary Statement iJment: oe ae Pan to relieve na cure To Cure Round Shoulders. ‘The very best and most nourishing foods “REID et wer 157 sea — He Proves the Truth of His Claim—Says re take in “naming the baby after your Tick uncl 26 es “No, my love, your, mistake was telling dil bicycling may be indulged in when you inte De, Weston's orem Pink tron, Tonio Pale “What do you pasha asked one of his ponte to effort of eek sort will ‘erapit | Ido oe Jotend vo enlighten isp antl I boulders Instead Re dking shaiaty ber woman feel privileged eae really Ee ieeThat is quite true,” put in another pale sigkls ebildren should we Mother ator. ems |Everything for the world nine times out of ten will never Bee Some one nates said that eur eines de- BH WS US Ws Ob is Oss as “Nom, bepnegnes “see! Ki oe Pills cured or sit uprig! You should very often hold your hands strength they would ary aise themselves,” id’s pbanetan drawet A Chicago for making dining 5 beset Ella “Wheeler Witeox, writing oe The rere bring about the desired resal re tigate of. Bickie's pe arees ser a by those the Governubent.of the United itates-ta, fisnmation of the aoe and alt Laffections of these closets are now inuse. They are will re ath reward of its support and | ladies and children. era a TORONTO TYPE ear Reg otherwise provide, municipal laws of ‘the child who listened to daily talks ocrat, is just av antate he last ising Ce pe that dotioue band of pion the Indians to the mountains, Killed the 8 bee! a and in his old age he carries a soldier’s musket with a ed bayonet and continues to make w: $ the document tears upon the face of ‘der to ascertain whether the to the chronicles, occu! Miles Standish 7m a Sabyantes came tormy wave, And | rina etie ‘band was none On Vis nat rock they and We: ere thelr Hands, but ‘That pious, pilgrim band, ‘Ob, sad was it in thelr poor huts, wind blow, at midnight pour, led the savage {0 And when the Bt grim and dire, Hs jandiah was the mia. ; was made to bow || an. : roe in eke nun vane ‘Now deait a dreadful blow. th 99 fast they fell, 1 buried! And ‘his deus: wife, whose name was Rowe, Was laid among ‘the dead. ‘His sorrow was not loud, but deep, For her he did bemoan. aug ortuna ale heats name and the birds e slassed according Then to soho Alden he did 9 as his trienee “Pend J John, unto my wish pruy thee mow attend, che * ead, We ised tae gah aud ind “hay wild und savage land > Ho Air. Willian Mtiing, Phen, i ~ ila was this daughter's name; jomely and fair was she; kind art, she was withal, could be, SALOME BEFORE HEROD. Dancing pee! alvsl Bi ane of John oh Aiden, to oblige his friend, Ji ‘is tures illustrating | he iifeot Christ, offered Now, Mr. Mullins was a sire ‘ Quite rational and kind, And such consent would hever give, : ‘Against his daughter's mind, De. es all kinds of game and “varmints ” He inted to go to Cuba, and when the boys intaterl hint Ns wna tostlQ eA, iat he w off his coat aa challenged the whole company to im, Be ate oeasion es captured John Alden tf tis ehita MSnould be taelined that dance pe forfeit of which was the head of a Cantain Standish Spit, bees cinta re to say. then calla in his daughter ‘dear, y did retire, with er freedom Lag Jonn Alden had a bright blue eye, ‘as a handsome man, And when he spoke a pleasant Took all his features ran, pomatums,, 18 gonecounly dressed. Only | eet is arms are bare, ‘air naid, what, shall T i To Cartan Standish bear ?” Warm blushes glowed upon the checks ot At first she turned away her eyes, ‘Then looked at John again, And then, with downonst. modest mela, She said, with trembling ton “Now, prithee, John. why, diast thou not. Speak for thyself alone ? Deep red ‘then grew John Alden’s face; He bade the rag tore I-bye, No matter what the language said, ‘Which in that eye was rife— a In one short month Priscilla was John Alden’s loving wife. az A Question of Heads. from the blanket, while the thongs for ste! ing at the trump, a hideous grin spread all over his was sure that all wos lost and wi af hearts fone trump | He could not give nd 1 held both the ace and ie too, and ought to be principal of Public there was He sleet and snow rong thelr ‘have been to'd. low, e leave H ie consent. way, then; Pen eave ese. family, but every man in chy world will bee ety it is strictly true sy unterri pert tor id, “*. Bear splendent with bracolets, while her face te bE ate allan ally { ost aseurodly he ts,” was the irate to give ihem & mysterious nes sys good may 1 shouldn’t sorateh my Head if T wish A Kae nt good bu- are arrested for run- ning the end of an umbrella into this man’s re rN pM online a your Doubling the Ci-culation, “Shure Oi know how yez can double the per,’" said an Irish- the editor. “Then I should Sey much like to know how.” 1y wan buys a cony et yer ‘paper give wi another copy at ‘free, thin,’ ”* "spit he intly.. He Had His Doubts. aaa solid baby of yours, ‘enston, a nike te friend ' at i