Milverton Sun, 26 Jan 1899, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun ig SET ae Farmers’ Institute | ~ (Continued from m Page 1) Be they would see that agriculture herrea ane? emt tah the | 5, feb and it THORSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1899. The march of irae eeahe: oes CROSSING THE BAR set, and evening star, And one clear call forrme ! 1 ‘And may there he no moaning of the fae When I pat out to sea. But such a tide as moving scems asleep, ‘Too fall for sound oF-foam, When that Ve, hich drew from out the bound- jess dee “bara again homme. ‘Twilight and eveniog bell, oe, « that the ‘dark | no,sudness of farewell, ke. o For tho? from suns of Time and ace ‘The food may bear me far, to see m. tt face to face Wien thape edie the baer CONSERVATIVES MEET nd representative meeting of the -vatives.of North Perth assembled in MBhureday to et attend the dis- | in times past many farmers who look tary-Lreasitrer. was composed of the following, gentlemen from each manieiy ipality = Ellice -Albert Scbenlk, 2, 4. Bempsey. ma.—Thos. Salon, Td Settee —S. R. Hesson, Joho. Read Listowel.—R, T. Kei Hawkins North. " Easthope. —Wm., Makins,, Geo. Martin. Mornington.—J. P. cae Wn. le peas! Milverton.—H. Hase ion was passed to the effect that | no ofilesr hereafter should ueoosarily hold r meeting than adjourned with cheers for the Queen and the. respective leaders of ‘the party. LIVINGSTONE’S SUIT SETTLED The United States Government's $18,000 damage suit against John and The Livingsvones who have been large ship DLO Gut of the land Taushe noisy to keep fendants until 1 meantime John Livington bad James Livingston, then, tase Bofliinger with embezzlement and in- American, government who, ee $1000 ng payment of claims. MA DOLLAR, The monenge indebtedness on the Hospital For Sick, Children, Toronto, entails an ee Sac each year, a. hea sourers of this aie Chint ty. he remembered that in a recent issu of this paper the wangerful work of the They had agreed to retire that portion of the mortgage. A generous response has been made, but there is still $3,000 ageded to complete the fund asked for Over $22,000 his been paid in, sume of ik came from the readers of this paper. be pe vf the, ‘Hospital, Trusi MP. nother man in your Pee white hp the helpless child ven with a, dellar?”, rtson says that. exery seen us a worthy _ charity bears. uses for the donor. _ Three thousand single dollars will do the work—will. you F 3 ee ens _ The hockey match for the wes will he played in, Surat ane hardy) shiek andV, of Ty ‘A. St, George | ni © | than in tilling the soil, even if the | get a farm | and hey haa put one e | mometer below Le to get the I jenny that brought about the remov: from England ‘and Scotland of thou- ie, WI But whatever wrought in future discoveries in science and future ‘inventions, the land, from which the farmer wade his living, would ever re- main the same an a source of tabnent lncdnie'snd of) ever-increasing national wealth. But the land must be cultivated intelligently and’ faith telligent and must be thoroughly ed- ucated for the position he had to fill. Then farm life bad many advan- tages for the individual. There were ed upon. the life as being low, and who: spoke of it as adegr: radia slavery. Too many farmers had thought ‘ths, and they were not all dear F their prosperity went the prosperity of t only was the farmer in- his. 0 they ‘heardsof the failures, and it had be said “hat ninety per cent. of the young mee abs left the the Hee gs were decreasing yonrly. While a certain proportion of yous men would always find room in ace cities he would assure his hearers that there was no line of life to-day where there were more or better openings y had to face a mortgage in order to Tn order to ee the ate a success they would have to pro | tistuselves and as all th claims arising them, and to maintain the ‘ectiivy ofthe soil. With 1 te, intelligence wid rystem this could n be done and the mortgage once lifted they would bein a position to lay by something for their ut they must not neglect in follow ing their occupation, the cultivation of vie mind. There are no class of Demme had better opportunities for doing this than the farmer. He had the long winter evenings in which to read and study, an man whose wind had. been improved by good read- ge of books relating eile occupation, was the best citizen and the most contented, and happy man. MUSKOKA WEATHER The weather in Muskoka at. Hunts. yille has just been a ae. eos of late. Lhe thermometer reg’ be: we at T. Whaley eee the Ms x, = Thee degrees of frost. It was 50 at Burks Falls, 60 at South River, 70 at North Bay and-at that rate it would be belov. one thousand at the north pole. aley, youre’ son of three Whaley, ‘of Hunts has resigned his position in the, Pane bank and. bas secured a situation in the Dom; inion chartered bank, who are now opening a Huntsville. NO SUFFERIN From Dread Catarrh— rh— Dr Agnew’s Catar- ‘rbal Powder Kills the Disease Germs aud i Pi Relieves: in camp. If you want to sell yo your farm a GOT maby Tf you want to. buy a house and lot, 0 To: fully, the fertility of the soi! must be| Tf ee Nomi 0 CREDITORS Notary mt ese, Caney want mortgage at tow | a rot f ath oe suitable terms of paym GO TO W. D. WEIR. O W. D. WEIR. Tf you. want to buy.a a farm, GO TO W..D. WEIR. ie you want to sell your Stock and Im- ments, GOTO W. D. WEIR. W. D. WEIR. Tf yon want to eel 5 your house and lot, 0-TO WEIR. If you want an affadnvit made, O;t0 W. D. WEIR. you vant your Will, a Deed, Mortgage, or Agno drawn, O TO W. D. WEIR. Private or Company Loans negotiated. Business strictly confidential. OFFICE :— Over Crosch’s Shoe Store RITUALISM CHECKED Sir jarcourt has won his battle against the ‘Bical and forced the Bishops to.put on the brakes. Legally he has won, and: nobody ot knew any e Jaw and history of ul th could doubt that he had both apon his side 28, which the Ritualists Plier pcre 1 factor ne by a political assembly. compo: men of reeds ausl none, deference to the irati its members, is Ee Rett thre peacilcaere i Seek which will give them ieatel reed ae James Ward, of Eden Grove is building a grain elevator at Chesley. Bruce county has 21 cheese factories. ‘tice is hereby given, pursuant. to the ee: ute in that behalf, that all creditors and one Ma jog claims agains st th Hilt tewelp of gion, aud James Torrance, of the Village of Aiivertony ity: rth, (Milverton Post Office) sof the euid estate, Mar 1899, Parties entitled thereta b ‘0 the claims of which th iaane batch distribution, er Langford. executors Dated us ‘eth day of January 1899. THE GLOBE, TORONTO, CANADA. The Leading Newspaper of the Dominion. re rezalar eireulation Wey. dave wheal 4h ad 21807, “pad —neatly 4,000 more one “yer ago. GROWS BEAT: HAS ALL HE NEWS EVEBY DAY. The SA eee With its 24 or 28 pages every Saturd its illustrated eupploment, its tneny ope and Sket some a strong rival to the best monthly magazines. IT iS CANADA'S. istresse Leblane, of St, Jerome, Quebec, sa ~ Agnew’s Catarrhyl Powder for cadet catare buyé if for camp use sat faith foits as the cues relie e bead, and si saat pay So iby James Tor Lito) dsfeat Al Seafo Seaforth » ag- ee ronrin’ geane on: Prida by. I. | every part of the World, and morevespecially. You can have THE GLOBE every day fhe SkreaoAr Iubenrnames; for about the Se iseteaie hats taper incamag the smallee dailies The WEEKLY GLOBE ad several new features added. bas all the news of Uh dined keepe dts: reader one Own contzy. Subscription, rates and fall particulars can be had nt tie office of thi, paper, any newsélealer oz postmaster, or send direct ni Do that for us. WE DON'T Goods must Schaefer Bros. Oid Stand. WANT A CENT Of your money unless you get value- received for it. are always glad to have around the store, and learn to know how much better you can do here’ than anywhere else. For that reason we- you look All Winter be sold in order to: make room for our Spring Stock which is arriving daily. E. KNECHTEL, Mityerton. In One Thing, and that is We are only excelled in business s Blowing the Horn To Boom Our Trade. Our Soods and Customers THANKS: TOOTHEM. “av Just to keep the ball rolling, we have t| selection of valuable and useful PRESENTS will entitle you to one Key. The Presents Are: Fancy Couch worth ne BS 00 worth $5.00 Elegant Teilet Set. corker. i Daioy 8d 8 day halhour Block worth $6.00 Come along with jaur Cash and Produce, tbe Keys easttyou nothing, you are as liable to get one“ of the presents as anyone. giving ‘e have no favorites in thie Tue re week, and Ulster $4.00 All Wool Freize, all sizes. odd Pants and Vi Paes JACKETS from $1. 50 up to ie the line of Toys, Gaines, Baby ware, Albums, ete., suitable for presents for” old and young. Xmas Fruits and Candies We keep nothing but the best and our prices you will find a than others so largely advertised—beur this in mind that there is nothing you seé quoted we dou’t equal and often times better the price, Alt we ask, to allow to give the verdict if we are guilty or not of To be given away FREE to the Holders of the right Keys to «= | open the new sett of locks we have, Its done ia the same way as before—only that every Dollars worth of Goods you purchase for Cash or Produce— f= Note that word Produce. READYMADE eee ppeat order Ove te Seo that Bargains in ests, ve now again..a full assortment, 00., Anything you want in this line you can get from us at che lowest possible prices, UNDER ne This is one of o1 Special lines, Men’s ers ut Gde., Ladies’ Vests, af Klondike, at 25e., a All sizesin Ladies’ and Children’s Vests and Pants, Dress Goods and Trimmings We are always up to the mark the newest, NOW FOR XMAS with Ve can’t begin to tell you all we have in China, Glass- Tittle lower in many line us to show.our goods and you you the best. value for your dollar. Phankivg you for your past favours, We Invite You To come and see our STOCK OF Double and Single. Currycombs, Brushes, alk Sursingles, Bells, Driving Gauntlets, Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes, these robes are guaranteed to outwear Everything at rock bottom prices. GLOBE, "RelaoyTa, Caxarae! 7 Make: Harness, Collars, Halters, Suspenders} kinds of Bits and Blankets,.|, three Goat robes, also Robe}. liningandtrimm‘ngin stock | » To The: Public and Shoe store in , Mil- verton and will be pleas- have your at- tention for a short time to inspect our goods. We beg ashare of your English spcke . W. it. APPE Harnc: ss Milverton H. GLEISER_ I have started a Boot -. patronag German and |. PERRY. 4 { The fMilverton Sux THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1899. GENERAL NEWS ‘CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. Windsorities are much interested and a little alarmed over the prospect of the building of a railroad bridge over the river. It is feared that the railway companies may remove their depots to a point nearer the approach, which will of necessity be some dis- passing vate through. Canadian apples are finding their e markets than Britain, to for the pureb hase of our ap| 1p. Germany is now bidding strongly for a share, ax they find that the quality of i an they have tried, and already we are obtaining higher prices for them there ing Canadian agencies to look after their interests of next. season and ap- pear determined to secure a share of future crops, Who says our orchard area is too large? Several Nor thamberland pitmen wo were waiting to hear the result pigeon homing content began to dis cuss the merits of various well known breeds of pigeons. One of the miners aid he knew an instance of a young pigeon that hai never been flown, having been taken to Carlisle; a dis tance of wbout sixty five miless yet the first time i was straight bome. claimed'a well known authority.” yence howe twe eggs fra a che ‘a put ’em under h is a sad tl ey, even as the int osteo of ap id might reasonably be expected. On the 2nd of June, 1897, Ella Melinda Schmidt was married to rs, then Secretary of the settled down in their home in. ford. For some time past shie been looking forward to a plersant Tite in Clinton, where Mi she gi she never rallied, dying Friday night. Few men are better known or , wore highly esteemed in Stratford than her father, Mr. J. Hy Schmidt, the editor of the ‘Golonist while her husband was most popular -Y.M.O. A. secretary. To them both and the sorrowing mem- Lers of the family the heartiest sym- ath the community are extended in this unlooked ; fur bereavement.— Beacon flee Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablets—A gentle tonic that in- jnices, ‘regnlates the ng the food, nt of the ie literary year will be, un- trans; aportation to Canad of three thonsand enerally believed es ine ey n of Connt ‘Tol STEEP ik pratean eta tee ate ot man and woman, and treats of the three phases of love—that of the youth, that of the young man, and. that of the man in nutitre age. THe Cosmororitay MacaaisE annon lesb aeanred Hac ale ABN ot publication: a oh Tehing, ‘eek ra Creeping, Crawling Skin Diseases relieved in a few minates. by cAgBe'a Ointanent: ment melee instantly and Salt, Bente, Soald Wend, Resema,. Ulocrs Blotches, and all eraptions of the Skin. is soothing and quieting in all Baby Humors, of Rashes during teething time, 35 cents Sid by, Janes Te A new driver was engaged at ae * yard, and went off to. deliver his rst where he had put the coal in the eellar, and had taken up his quarters in the The cook said shecould hos nd the driver was 6 nygant by suck-eonduct.’| , ‘LT thougtt- I was xe aviniag) by I. W. Steiuhof, * Stratford, Hl NORTH RERTEH FARMERS’ INSTITUTE. a Supplementary Meetings When the ® following subjects will *|spenkers named will be held in Town Hall LISTOWEL, Saturday, February 4th. @ In Grosch's H: MILVERTON, Monday, February 6th © In The Hall, @ MONKTON, Tuesday, February 7th @ In Wingfelder’s Hall @ ROSTOCK, Wednesday, February 8th ©@ In Temperance Hal! = SHAKESPEARE, Wednesday February 15th, 12> be introduced for discussion by the 1 PanpEer’s ADDRESS 2 Country Rous and How. to Improve them 5 Forty re experience in growing corn )f Planned ‘of Orchards, by Major Sheppard, Quecaston. 3 ene of the busv farmer, J M Vipond, Don cad, Renting ied erdohiDaicy Gone te ess and failures in Dairying, J. B. Gou Ixbridge. Mo Evening Session in Listowel. Monkton and Rostock Afternoon Seesions 1:15 pm President’s Address. Address by Major Sheppard, Queenston. 3 Address by Jos: E. Gould, Uxbridg only, Adtantagen: of ese and Buttee maki Evening Sessions 7:30 pm 1 Chuirman’s Address. 2 Four reasons why we till the soil hy Major Shepard, Quee 3 Addéess by I. W. peer 4 Care of Farm Implements, J. E Gould. Local Speakers will assist. Discussion Invited. For list of subjects at the other meetings see Programmes. sions enlivened with, iterary selections The eveni Musical and All invited. at Shakespeare, Feb::15th. . W. Campbell, Provincial Road Feb, 22nd at 1.30 pin. Rev. aherane Mr. Campbell Ae JOHN BRYDONE, Pres., Milverton. aaa, bane + PROGRAM * Milverton MONDAY, FEB. 6th Afternoon Session 1.15 p.m. 1 Presipest’s ADDRESS. 2 Plantin, and care of Orchard 5 perience in aus ing corn, by Major ‘deere ard, 3 The satan ba es of a rtial system > of Soi citings How 63 vain and aii Herd, ‘John I. Hobson, Ghelp rain Farming; Con- struction of Cheap Silos, and Value of En- silage, J. E. Gould,Uxbridge, eS Evening yen. tah \_p-m. 1. Chairman’s Addret ¢ Historical Der othe Niagara River, Major Sheppard, 3 The Healt thy. growth of the Social and Tntellectual Life in the Farm Home, John I. edy for over production and low E. Gould. Shakespeare WED. FEB. 15th Afternoon Session 1:15 pm 1 Addzess by Major Sheppard, Queenston 2 Economie feeding of Live How maintain the vitility of the Rennie, 0. A Cae Guelph ediag and care of milk cows ; Modern mt of Cultivating the Soil, J. BE. Gould Evening ae 7:30 pm 1 Chairman’s Addre: ‘Three Histor cal Dass on the Niagar® River, Major Sheppar: 3 Adatess by Jos Fi Goul Rae taken for the leading Farm Journals at reduced rates, a _averon on Tavsday, February 21st av verton, and speak on Forest D, A. DEMPSEY, Vice-Pres., Stratford 4 Beautifying the Farm, by Wm. Rennie. Don’t fail to hear Jobn I. Hobson at Milverton and Wm. Rennie, O, A. C., Commissoner, will deliver an eddress 130 pim., and at Atwood of Stratford, W. Panton, will JOS. 0, PUGH, Secy , Milverton: The Russian budget of 1890 is re- markable for enormous expenditure on railroads. This amounts to $9,000,000 roubles, and is a glaring proof of Rus- isha untclisled Burts an e<taudi iia railway system. “ We hold a vaster empire than bas been and hold one cent more in our vest pocket than we could under the old system.—Toronto Telegram. = SKIN 2 — BEAUTY! \ balm ; one application gives comfor five pcamim re, eee ON lg pe: Feo a et Went inc a life of eciuifn, and the sdoging pain of it was so intense that, to use her ov wort ‘She tt pr AGNEWS” OINTMENT BEAUTIHIES and Price, 35 cts, “ Handsome is that hand- some does,” is theold theoreti- cal adage, but after all it’s the skin-deep beauty that’s attrac- tive. It would take a big lot of handsome doing to com- pensate for a skin that is diseased and whose appear- ance is distasteful to all who see it, and the torment of the patient whose daily burden it D: tog, stinging sensations which Great Clearin In order to clear off all Fall’ and winter~ Goods, we have decided’ to-offer the fleas prices : Ladies’ Goats Coats were $10.00 sale-prive $7.85 is 6.50 a 495 380} 275 Crockery’ and: Glass- - ware: : we must have the De--. partment for Millinery pur-~ poses we will-sell-at the follow- - ing low prices Dinner: Bettas shan ce for $16.00 “ 5.00 res 4.00 Overcoats were $12.00 sale price $9.25 “11.00 “ 8.00 be 5 | Fancy Lamps i And so on down and get first Gnpe was $25.00 sale price $19.00 ee Come early 17.00 | choice. Man's ‘Gant 90. 00 Early Closing’ During January and February we will® close at 8 o'clock, Saturdays excepted. :A NE Is what all Of our:customers get when they deal with us. For years we have always maintained the trade of those who are hard to please and want a stylish fit. We cut, in accordance’ with. the latest New York fashion plates and have thus- gained our enviable reputatiou as: The Fashionable Tailor of Milverton. It is not necessary for us to toot our own horn, our work and prices do that. If. you have had trouble with your tailor in not get. ting your suit made in the latest style, comesto>. us where ycu will have it made to the, Queen's,.., taste. Ifyou are in need of a . © Black Worsted Wedding: OR DRESS’ suIT” Come in and see us. There is no use in taking chances on a good suit. Call and see what we will de:for you in .the TWEED.LINE. We, : aie rheum, scald ads ring worm, eczema, itch, ulcers, erysipelas, liver spots, and all eruptions of the skin—s aes allays the i Pe: esate ik Speedy ens; Br bli sg in an instant, and ae thieprto ronto gentleman, livingon Dovercourt eit ose fortune tn treatments and patie for piles i fie rst form, was treated by electricity sith, reoopaey relief only, azany ointments, salves at jalists on skin diseases epi so'd with ue ae wag. weighed! oe in? Fe Ro fever amd eat DR, AGNEW'S, LIVER "PILLS—Regulte the Seat “Tone the syectan Nowe roe, Plegsant iota aeurcieal Ona gion, performed, but was, Feconuncaded to try Dx. Acwrw's Orient e first Spplcation of it relieved tek. “pre distent he pe sisted in its use and Sees eee oe of _ smotheringyga eee and fluttering, A ifesaver in eases of 0 jeart_ troubles, ives, cold in the head ia Thames Cures hay va vial that st il] not. be beate. Overcoatin gS SHINE” Tf you want something sweil—something attractive acai at the same timedurable, step in and see ns, We have as. fine line of Melton’s, Beavers und Camel’s Hair Overcoatings -asever were brought into Milverton. Men’s Uisters - made to order for $6.00 Me j A Full | and 6 Complete line of Gents’ Halbing. The: Latest Collars. the -laiést Ties— th ‘Latest everything. 4 lease ies ig wea ef Drop in and see for yourself,

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