Milverton Sun, 2 Mar 1899, p. 2

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FE GAG BERET AG Bey = oy eae 9 Fesult of tt before ten years of age in pis | expires wither. Home! Let the world dle - sneer recta praise his | in jake struggle and be — Se sont 9 ion of understand you ‘3 ages |Saly ae 2816. From 1849, as the various THE ROYAL BOX. j Sg ie te 10 D GLORY OVER CEDUIseze"it ses ae No tears. No d Renter concer them into his great ones ‘The Prince of Wals, it 1s sald, recently i ‘ | Phare the agency and in 1861, when the cable was | remarked that h bafeved he would never VEY y ’ acter, an ren are very apt to be Cecheines, alent. and ranon, he, | eccun the bintas ‘of Brose Britain, . Rev. Dr. Talmage’s Sermon Recalls the Hal- the second alton oftheir pareoia Abra: Death ot are cee trar, Grand |Ttstored hs hie office to London Tie chal be tbcra Mia oylad 446, ihe? } 7m begat Isaac, so virtue is apt to ani ii a ane? des “8 ban, i cyon Days of Youth. down in the ancestral line, but Herod ge A.F. & A. M. fieate donee ‘Gage: ae shall, Thee hove: back Yd Uerctstopeant rslert “¢ t : begat Archelaus, 6o iniquity is tranamit- t Denby ile, Ont., died Saturday morning | upon whom that title|has been bestowed— pan desler valine rigdievnes Seas trom pne ia. Deceased was Grand | namely, Amadeus VI of aver, Otto Int : 4 a a of the if » | Ge ant vufus) Eng- ¥ He Draws a Vivid Picture of Two Contrasting Homes--A Man’s) Ob, make sour home the brightest FATAL ICE BOAT COLLISION, | Bazistr of the Grand Lodge beiligpenpod eats Uxawngearr ies: : 7 on you would charm your n True Character Comes Out at the Fireside-- children to the high path of virtue and | cay ame ses ee nas Poggi a renowned for pare sor nis bogs el ¢ | Parents Are Writing History. ea ea an ae eee os The feed and :trraliionk of James Lacey, a Montreal Man, Killed) 45. Gath was a member of the County } turn the blinds the wrong way.» Let the ee Be in Land ors 4 bashahe; Wis rf all a iias ai tateere of the aan. . i Mens, which puts gold on (sel ke a rites pheasant! i sons survive him. , Washington, Feb 26.—Many tender bsp eae Aes ape. 88 ‘spots the pancy, pour a Living, bave ih to do with the ex- ir frost one aes atirred by Dr Talmage’s| 4% at sunsot sometimes the wind rises, aoreiiinas! Do not expect the pond if ar tof their profitable period. i of Waubashene Arrested at Pamerrerers : rse, and scenes of boyhood and| ° aftera sunshiny day there may bea to Do time should they have anall corn ration, Sarnin—Claims the Poulette ONE-SIDED STORY. 4 eis days wilt be lived over again; | t’™pestuous night. There are people who | but it should be supplemented by m : 4 text, L Timotby v, 4, “Let them learn | ! public act the philantbropiss who at | bran, slop, grass, etc. Corn is the pe Petatee A Tale of Miners’: Woes From Across the a first to show piety at home.” Ciegil es Cen 8 Presl hurch at Minned Fi aL BR to give a sow—tbat is, for a main : ‘The Presbyterian Church at Minnedosa, i aT OKEL,MALILRALIAL NAL Wa wha HATIONAL f By isch ata’ Mill sa hyiimesion, 86 article of food—but often it is the only 4 a es bre ny ri "AGWERS eae PAGERS FARMERS FARMERS TARKGRS FARMERS ai RS "FARMERS foreign travel and the watering places, ties they get.’ A sow fed through the q i ican flag has been raised over Feb. 27. Col- GAMDENY COMP) IM IP) MI ANY COMPANY | hi steamers are thronged, but inter on corn alone, or with mayhap | * the ember 3 “Cebu, east of the Island of umbia may. Heosmi Aes ig tig ere ‘usually epent, ith Halgiaren oath her children. ATION NATIONAL in the winter it is rather to gather in tnoke it of slop occasionally, is not in fit ‘Negros. rar, gTO out of the discovery of gol = FARMER FARMERS | domestio, alrsles, and duriug there condition for farrowing bealtbily. Hee “ | George Holzer, a. roofer, fell 175 feet In the Allin Lake district, and the alleged eign . Ad . rte i months we spond many of the hours stem is apt to be feverish and the | from a scaffold in Buffalo and was in- Bigs ch-handed action of the Government TONAL! } sella doors, and nee Sponile. San to i Pekan ee grassbopper’s leap and a i S | ony “ailled Saturday. oa zsiels in attempting to corner it all for deat atts ' 8 a reise q 14| themselves. i Christian amid all such cireum- va oe es ee 4 | ee ee is is thé tenor of advices received NATIUN HATIONAL FE 7 garrulous streamlet, which fr the | alla! has made an assignment, gene 7h q mances, “Let them learn ‘rst to show wn. to } said to be abont $3,000; from Skaguay yesterday by the steamship FAR MERS| FARMERS piety at home.” t eine $2,500. Warnallon, Srartlig ewe wos brought COMPANY COMPANY } ere ate a arent many people, longing The legal machinery has been set in| Out from the interior Feb. 16 in a letter toe t i for some grand sphere in w! ; Rv baftag lag ren Ra een : u procure for the former street i Full strength: fend prane i c scan ge il ad estate to th Pow ent of the Skaguay newspaper. Its public ; 1 pre cation on the following morning caused ANNU AL MEETING eee Full len; \ great excitement in Skaguay, although 4 tothe pound, Full ey Patek | ee oiecalred tegen eghte fr "Filo, | BO details of the threatened rebellion were ae teach bale. No clogging in the al g | Btven Afth annual the r—compactly wound; made alleged to bo due him ae salary WAC)” Aciording to Me. Mecarthy's letter, sharsholuers of oie sean was aia at entirely of pure Manila Hemp 4 | British and ian subjects, together | its offices, Toro iq | Si is public and who is irritable in E the Baltimore & Ohio Railway has| with a few Americans, whose claims are | Feb, en ion Gea a. sta hes bef Peta ‘ é private is making a traudule put on a new style of sleepers, the rates | included in the recently announced Gov- | cupica tie chair} aid MnP. H. sin who SOPO RELY Nea ate t pred wuiclirgie 400,00 MODEL POLAND-CHINA. q for which are 50 per cent. below the | ernment reservation of five miles along | was appointed toact as Secretary, read the mnadian farm: t gut Dave wwaer much plea ide -ofit. ordinary Pullman car prices. the west shore of Lake Atlin, have banded | following. bills in lrealation with mo specie in : Stier ceckany Ai cp feed Heuer The Privy Council has refused Joseph | together and pledged themselves to resist ANNUAL REPORS, 80 lbs. NATIONAL BIND- ¥ , : ‘comes: a}1: shie soanet! And y Lesh ei ; Leduo permission to appeal from the| the proposed forfeiture of their mining | ‘The Directors beg to sulmit the ¢5th ER TWINE FOR $11 OASH 4 thet sus from among the eaves end up| enous foods. A rye natsh makes excel | decision of the Supreme Court of Canada | claim town lots to the Gorernment with | ane Tepore. of ae Company, enbresing ] with anyon of the following val : Soe rey mathe a boca pte tac seo aa fo hose in lea in the Three Rivers election contést. out trial of their rights or judicial pro- | the transactions for the year, cnting ae : Tiememers Gintla‘ana a grass or roo | ie & | cess of any description. : ae Oa creniige 5 B. ihrongiog all abou then feed plenty dt brat ‘and | Cee ene are oO, Out oes | A petition has been prepared and. ex: pes Mag ae ie x Pe ee ,aopeEEEEEEOE PREMIUMS: 2esHHHHBaaEODE | 4 oe in slop. A liberal variety i: a < » Sun. | tensively signed, binding seer every |" In the ire Bra yaad IN ; Re. pel ator wa | Han for ba en sa See ce AM calin| mete Si rr oat ae | ee Mec a see | MUM SH COU er ATED, ATG, er La mage Righiy tevt of character Responsibility of Parents. es, too, up to within a month or . about $10,000. property, Te frig.” matistnctory> ga moderat is a oaueya: BARTALUBe COMPANY | ighty What you OMI er—lady 8 leman’s size— 4 two of selling time should have a good F . Tomeplraoy of the injured miners was dis: | Mardy Steen Socwthetunding the fact ATIONAL |} Aloe tedeor-ogsey «6 bin a) bother you Haig pe git ge Seba Astle a woolen bpaiiden w enti abont., 50 | covered only when a copy of the petition | that thers were some serious comilagrations a with ae va “RING i with gemuine Garnet an a waa 5 varioty of feed. months a i mitt icide at. % b during ‘the year, in wi ich the Company SOLID be g 1 Blessed Harbor, he corn should predominate, But it ; 3 Hope Be ect eiphi ti taking sean: jar pt goa "Deputy Hecorder opty ic ot, ebuader =o anne COMPANY Opa maker's |GUMFANT | watery SSE lta ed raid nd fond hla Byway of cottiowal men Dewt te * wis soo | omit a uot | Saye Noy Wecalina oct | MAMI obit a sagen ic, n Nicke Siva. [AMM * way of condiment. J Lis id stables to up hi - | last. h , rch, with ever and gone and eternity had come and wel me) bost time. to ee hogs is when’ ‘ ‘Peouldens eagle any wader Boner | fatinrs green kis rae at closing months of the yeur were | CUMPANY Gitta handsome Sriament anil accurate time: piece. COMPA $s, se are all placed in just the position | anon a skirmish and. a battle Qvete nll sogethar Miata An: oun Daw Nome) Ae ov aitat regardless yy prices. Some Seenz and Irenco Estrida has captured | In Skaguay, where the facts are well) BMTKed by @ succession of ps exeeplonnlly NATIONAL never ending pleasure I RMERS which w grandly © pitoh our tent and s bt ik cnn gh Phen pyar ae) eat selling halt fatted sto. ‘ Chili Mountain and Agua Calientes, thus | mown, public sentiment 1s practically | nine great lakes, qwnlen rosulied 4 a2 GARMES HOW ITIS DONE: 2832 National Farmers Co. | MUES cap, a of inany aonerations responded, “‘all| Ask them why and they say. ‘The corn! : Virtually terminating the Bleufelds,| unanimous in upholding the signers of | unprecedented loss of Ife and, property. a Uns Oe oe fiivechiba peneeleal. BOE VAN UNAL S ere Oo! ‘a Bass psack, we sleep until rt beet? A a eaty Ae cigs Z ae Nica: % the petition. The reservation includes | 4 consequence all com pogaged | ty the fide Farmers; employs n le men or ag “Aol FARMERS while ie but morning bngle calls us to march ere!” And whil ladness were| is worth more than the hogs.” To sell : gies said to be the sonofa|many hundreds of the most valuable,| business: of Marine ieee ER usiness only for cash, ee n0 es—every dollar | fey absorbing costioa with you and with | action, How pleasant it is to rehearse the running down our obeeks, a a half f hog ie not business alge 4 ere tandtare merchant af Montreal, | mining claims in the district; as well aa-| Bea"y, (one onth: the transactions of ce yeat,| GOMPANY| does its full duty. We have a lot of NATIONAL TATONAL : me ought to be, ‘Lord, wat wilt thou | victories and she surprises and the at- non cedars were! there is'a weightier reason than that of f 4 fas shot and. instantly killed in the | the town site of Atlin. tachi branch th any ‘nas shared | NATIONAL r Twin and—so much that the bank, rate | NAINA are de Nie and Bare! tad Tesisiat) Wal day acaba Sy Title gail clapping their hande, and the towers of! price to be considered. . Lees uncon: in the generally unfavorable ex FARMERS| of interest until after harvest, on the money locked up, | (uimay | ti Fe AR fire of the-home circle! Yea, life em great Mpls bone saber their Le Good shelter for all hogs at this time q ce Wash pA opera ‘ed ROP MINES PR pee ame t Js encou ging, hoarerer, Sn, consigentog ret will amount to ay yee galt. a i isi RATIONS | @ stormy sea. bivered masts and bese hile Petia obey i i i i | ra ° ‘ i e: Sabare Orsay erie caltoyp that interest and give it to the farmer in return 5 4 There ts one word in St. Paul's adjura-| torn sails and hulk aleak, we put in at shout and sing: “Home! “Home! ‘Home! peridaea Seca sree oo aes Silverstein, the ‘Toren eae es satne ia aptOr Fenched Liquor or peg tema Umeda airs ra EAMES That is where the premium in. CHR A he of home. A harbor ' oe Rend ; ‘ anita i Smoked -T roitable results of some = preceding, 7ears, a ‘There we go f irs in the di i, = Napoleon. ae ‘walking on the ice on the bay on Sunday a have led ‘general 4 nt 2 rte wi poe ey ie ne He was an ae hookine hittle ga } evening, fell through and was drowned | Toronto, Feb. 27.—Senator ‘asia A Sarina anced for mately adeee ‘This Compan: Latidleiniiodat 6 ri; set to refund your money ifthe patente) i ing man the lighthouse guiding him into e merrily whistling down tl wi Defore assistance could be got. Cox presided at the Canadian Temperance | ing rates and bringing about oth reforms Hemp advances by Bratt ae nipping wat or i AF Sanit, Menta ¥ | port. Children go forth to meet thelr street tho morning after the big snow.| warm and well fed. teepertally are dry, | Na Saturday afternoon John Scott, Hamil- | League's meeting in the Pavilion yester- quel de Pies secured yi piece ory ‘ ig nose wat hands and | ton, had his left arm frightfully crushed | day afternoon, and made a briet personal footing than for Several Yeuss past. al Note, Post Oifice Order, Express Orde age fi iy bis feet were in’ shoes several sizes too A cold pi dissat! i a by a machine in the i i erence. He said: In March, 1851, I pre- rectors feel that there js cause eet sitip che ines” ¥o : { , large, and his bat was held in. place by pe re i Mills, and at the hospital the injured | sided over a meeting of the Peterboro for ‘congrataion In the fact as tne mo Be Sona von the. peel a roll of paper under the sweatband. But i arm was amputated at the elbow. division of the Sons of Temperance, when | Company has passed through a yeet Whicls| % Prepaid by mall or express from ‘Toronto. ae 2 , had the honor to be elected patriarch. | ¢> {hose fale pie nay ete Ginerve ubove dinéctions carefully so we cannot make an eng piped a ike a 7m Grieve’s flax mill, which has been i to those enguged in Fire and Mari es forwardin; ors Ge nition an’s ora y's carried the shovel much as i ted for the past two years by the From my personal experience I can say | amce business, and paid its usual dividend Wateh. a Macteat Cie Glock 0 ‘a piece of string or ; marching soldier carries his rifle. ae. SEoriston Flac Mill. Cmpany, Limited, | tat it 18 not necessary to take a glass of | fo shareholders without making. Ta mater.) * paper size required, Brave iste lad wich his eloar ‘bine eyes| Onghbrede aro the most profitable, and) | wi capris ably Tae ely Saat alegre toe a or Stthes order to be thought | #4 Fe yy Bly or 1 thet ran ‘ determination to earn what he| they are so low that it looks likea piece q j f the ri cee cet or above years—from the Il re- NATIO! ( i tiolisinen te de witoak tier IE i ‘pcpediapn tc beeen ein an office boy, without any | Tora} eo Ee cited ARNE sect aa Pace SL Gh oaeareas TARIIERS Ae tie Hen She Sap sage ata PeEMeTHGT eoiavaks and YH teaser yeai cargo man in til ‘beer will reach that country. potas Halt ha a bos poor young man in t!-is oan. “How much?” from ae Jabot look-| you are ekeptical, get ing sg eta was asked if he wanted bi z ss . wal nts! : echoing the apnrerptl losses un- COMPANY adjust Be ay pein By NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, kneading ie Busch of St. Louis has of Ue _ * : best , oem PANY 3 tray. The dam gene tered eee, eae ae ae en ‘A niokol’s enough.” | banch of pigs you aver owned, A little uents to send boar to the ‘Klondike by an “duving all thas tne bare 208 Ba Wh Oe eee baer Suives: No Bible'on the shel ; a song, or pol ; ship load. ers are referr ne orca 9 Bible om the sell. ‘Sie Welt w groans But I've got to to the bast I can, and| better than scrub o: t be awarded | UE iia HET. malice aeeioe Paliaans | Coe Poem ene eee ce and {othe Editor of this paper os to our responsibility. business is rushing. Good morning,’’| them. Our motto should be ‘the best," mind runs back to one of the best NY WATIONA’ fee ere Bs at Trinity Bay, out seal hunting, was | any young man whoaspires to rise in the pragwneac a.) whistle filled the air as| for indeed the best igs none too good for iliexs Oflity contcnry winds aia yo Dale pare ela mpi aisles palin: Surplus to policyholders . .$1,321,011 88 TIONAL WATIONA) i} TUNALNATIONAL NAIIUNAL NATIONAL RATIONAL nd'sin staring from the fi race as Karel Leahy sa val Detlee dpe bad galt] 4 4 ied erp sree Ct The Gollewing, gentlemen were wicca, | FARMERS FARMER FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARME and'ein staring from the fron “Go ahead and clean 'em," shouted | swine breeder. Mind, I eay ‘lives up to! spelen ana tig Se ¢ Pee eee serve as Directors for the ensuing year:| COMPANY COMPANY. GOMPARY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COWPANY COMPANY. COMPANY Vestibule of the pit. & fe ae Mb ies ue & it isa privilege to. 4 pace pla b reaaai 217 tross pM A Gavexnveene Unbig te rome Hon. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon, 8. Abe mechs ‘ ers Were dangerous! M Washington, Feb. 97.—The Senate | ©. Wood, S. F. McKinnon, John Hoskti - = el ee se teeta sreetest pocollpmret en ecb GaN al Peter Dore of Ancaster met with a | sommittee on "a cordial on Saturday | 0-0. ELD. H. M. Pellatt, R, Jaftray, Ds Fe: PRR OPS oe eal 8. Pt ‘siege unending funeral Bt ; | \ serious accident on Friday afternoon. He ‘to incorporate a provision in the | “4. MYT ctine of the board held ag zi (Nothing ae like ‘suecess, pile. Awfal word. It is There are four eases breeds of ew: wine,} } 4 ‘was attending a steam chopper and his | sundry ‘vil appropriation Dill providing | quently, Hon. George A. Cox wae, saested In view of the recent discussion in the Poprcencteongen ilo peyidiyt "estan 2808, it weeps with ruin, it chokes with ‘with some others of lesser fame, exe . right arm was caught in the cutting box. | for the construction of a submarine cable President and Mr. J. J. Kenny Vice-Pre- pailiaetit mt ae Tree) Meaqeanse! Gooden Ta ‘ a wi ee leat = perhaps just as good in their sphere. Before he could remove it the knives rd connecting the United States with the This now over habf a prec cas 2 sary bright pitas iad scecinen ie anes te iP rect escent Ge “ar Saee ae mit Mipers. pa dest : isi eprom tele rea aptrerere feedepapersgh 25 When the World Will End. old, and has become a great uationsl Inau- « ” into fer mn the mumbers, 3: ‘or no fe vi for the laying of ie cable by the i a a sme Mee, he ee childhood I will forget theo! fet, with porheps the Berkshires bold) } cat, ria Tomball, Darcstor, of | United States and for its subsequent |, St Robert Bal says the wold willcome Giiioel? aA: an es i ina sy ti, ‘been notifle ty bctaakat by the Government, the Navy | to icitpe von opines pipiens vaca pas Pa ae ‘ostmaster-General of his appointment to ‘0 @ service, and | through a thin spot, which must exist 6 er ie. the Galt Postoffice, made vacant by Tom | the cathe § ‘when completed, to be operated | Somewhere, and come in contact ith the : rly asia tae Tpbae least (at least in size), "4 i operate’ | raging fires within the globe. ‘This seems ; b . ‘Cowan’s death. Turnbull will accept the | by the Postoffice Department. ome as a ab ar) be are the Duroc-Jerseys. With such a list position, and will enter upon his duti rational enough when one rf. calls the ex- pall fey hed isposition tn sabtig may les. br of notables to choose from, why breed| 4 on March 1, The office has a salary of Killed by a Train. Plosion which opourred in the eae. ntre, Toronto, This decision is , while in private it ls | enough moral principle to make the fam- n he went with bi: i ae —_ ] (3 oe sia annum. Peterboro, Feb. 27.—Mrs. Margaret | Ocean some sctr® lobe and absolatety fas with the the financial press, ¢ potest Nese rence ee ae Ou he went wish bis glowing ches icucbad es rg e boat collision on Saturday | Sheehan, widow of the late Cornelius | WAY? S™\h a of generally, and is oppo peli simeipiet 40 snake fear On ae Ra, ttle pete Tipster ate Poe nig Siilliam Holtham, a 10-year-old |Bheckan, Was struck by the Lakedeld | 6eifed an island or ty chiefly by Hamilton sentiment and a few i i na thes who| A writer in The American Sheep: 4 | son of George Holtham, Hamilton, was |train on Saturday morning as it was local men who are endeay av " gain sympathy from others on all sorts f * Sees aie neal od peeptcaytes Polieyholdera ieaaea ile Nahi iMaue ‘of Ath mae salle of d r fertilizers| oll bulletin pobtlabes by the] less than two hours. D. Wark, jr., and | to almost a pulp, being killed instantly. | Exposure While at Sea Brought om an _— CO thrown upon his head’ on the ice, and | drawing into the G.T.R. station here, A FISHERMAN’S TRIALS. 4 from the injury thus received he died in | The old lady was run over and crushed \ ee from place to United Siates e aa ‘aepartnicnt ‘Law were slightly injured. No person | She leaves a grown-up family. Attack of Sciatica Which poe the oon dent Ramsay (who e bappens bas he feels like it. 8} Lg ithe th of thé ch st Exeracintiny my. bose babéls of inquity recently shows that a large proportion on eitl Pe ee ee ai Gen Wes SEG ge ‘Sandford. has for forty years managed the company) which would oveprower and destroy the Cer Go Natiaeaed Gt. those fertilizers aire. no owe and a it being dark:a¢ the time. Port Dalhousie Rubber Company. pe ees Feo pe paar ‘and his able co-adjutors to continue the suc. storm thas upsets th The San Jose constantly | in many cases the money is not recov: opppn vena Re arbcesa py ewlay wt Catharines, Feb. 27.—After the carci the occupation of a Jif cessful management if this splendid oom be family. sail. will sink sc catagie altdisitiond ¢ah totes ered, but isa total enc eksiers nove tomione has bean sppre ‘pepo rd ference between the representatives of | {or Tuenily to. inclement wee. | = pany. the frigate of the constitution. Jails and parts of the south wasnt instano yet knowii of any loss sapepalcle: Regula ge Mapai rr, re line the 2 abe Company peal tog Coral ve Sa kve membre ees President Ramsay and the Board of Dk y trees. No ea ef ‘The charge upon which rt Dalhousie an arrangemen: pone iets Senne te Make Hieself. edhnks ‘id eapectad sis’ 100 wealttal ale = Papas Mae aeeneie ie “Do zou endeavor to profit by the mis: ness mem, and they know best what is fm best jousebold © | takes of others?” asked the curious one. i breaks and scolding pours fortl best artillery, and the pony of a heep on his idle lands practically everything a the pain he endured was something | “wt aven’s time,” repli m Pielijrininlagichyset Dente i795 and freshets. obimneys of our dwelling hou: the rope Lo sarees of turned out as old friends h nizing, and he was "ag - rs ge lo ANY | one. ‘I have to crowd things pretty hard pm mteaegi ses amneeuen ts peed the show of char: ments to safety and tri- not safe trees, al become gullied and wasted while lying, Canadian Hardwood in Demand. liar po rare Ra ksior sts haze} to profit by all the mistakes I pec cblle MS DENN EE/ ter, ee bouse ete mph. No home, no republic! aea pump fdie, bare and burning under the son. London, Feb. 27.—At the office of the | the doctor who abeoded him said that i¢ | Sf” Miller’s Worm Powders for restlessness: wilt pr a wer shadow. The lips make it safer. Idle land is always wasting, just as the’ high commissioner f inquiries | had also the spine. being Mone eer ee — od that i§ mixes the ofl wii idle time of a man is a waste ai have been made for the addresses of | under the of a poctor for severet| Used to be continually tired, now Iam moasle snd. I¢ is gain til Canadian exporters of hardwood manu- face i strong and well—Miller’s Compound Iron | An effort prevent the —< tis gaining nothing by the exposure expo months without getting relief. Mr. Shaw | SoG 40° ol Indians at ‘ne pa pacts Gh Wghk davetn thd ines ahne | and weather, and what little) looring oak and maple, also | giscontinued medical treatment and re- pcr end dian nin tell agi ac! Whe binds ave dorthade Gnd y favor, | of it is covered with weedy g are gets! of finished and unfinished furniture and ord se of Blasters and lintments, yaa EE Ed 2 hardware goods. it with no_ better rest ¢ ble soe es ECE Se berate hs aitgaueen amt it is etill hari oo oS ceaiueiend hag wih co: eerie ay De Williams’ Pink Pills and “Do you belesin’ ‘he Power a the hu. ! Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Frlend, + What the Fool Said. ripfebrwimshak cd pos bon LS aiaeaarare a fn iy died fod after u erie Orewa Hemp has been cultivated in the United 2 in a | little Yesstabe matter that may have Lord James of Hereford has introduced Backed by $00,000,000. Telict, ond in about two months’ time| | “Yes,” sald the professor; “the power of | gtates since 1090 ty. An old gentleman alighted, | been collected in the previous year, and Government merges Hae of Lords | New York, Feb. 23. . Rocke-| every trace of the trouble had disappeared, | the ere | is very useful—to see the wild out for | leaves the ac Siairibor ground poorer, aynach prc ah tee mien bree feller, jr., started in business life yester-| and he has not since been troubled with | beast cov or Resentment, Passenger did not| than it was when Bs was ache? Lens day. was elec ireotor of the ill ; 3 he oceasion- “ ” ‘And every ebullition of cases j any illness. Mr. sa ‘No, Miss Petherbridge,” said the you petulance and their sea just for! and every Sapeomealabte sissies payee im, and turning around, aenddeed's some years bt etd in his oven eee ae —— Delaware, Bye : ore Rail- | ally takes a box of pills to ward off any ere is danger in neglecting cold: ’ man, folding his arms and looking st the same reason that they do not let thelr | gignation will be fuel to their disposition = SEs, joeldental charged: nbbweknoedtya the) ss ane ee es eae starts | possible recurrence of the trouble, Many who have died of consumptiondated gg her. “Y fa talatone to ania Ad bao harry ot sc fentaen rec a pr ggasi onset oe ger tor struck bim an A { ed Carmien ona (oben te with practical | "Those attacked with solatica, rheuma- | thelr troubles from exposure, followed by peccty Mogae tery) R for the same reason that they B So's bad irk a quarter OF Gaiileky Some thc hae Ages Casey—Shure, Biddy, an phwat ae. ja iment anos manna with all the | taining and backed. ie "000, 000,000. tism, and kindred troubles, will avoid | «cold seine peas on ara alee ta iy you can’t get into mine?” * E. ta man in thelr stock oompany to! You pralse the Intelligence of your ebild bond: ‘ke Heer up would yez do if Oi were to diet 1d circumstances of the ease. Dae eras much suffering and save money by taking Dntent fad they used Bickle’s | Saying which, and, picking up his hat a Lo hts stock below par lest it opredtate too much sometimes when you think he | waa bear ‘mutter, "I. wonder what Mrs. Casey—Oi’d stharta bank ac- is Reba ie Pa at Nice, Paul Filipinos Leay Dr. Williams’ Pini Sad at the outset of en Tons uinpsive Syrup, bres it. was -and gloves, he walked away with his the yatus. Dot aware of {6 and you will see the | Sursnly sorrows how! like storms and | yvtoal oald.” count.—New York Journal. Falls do Heute, Baron of the Duchy of | _ Montreal, Feb, 22.—Senor Rivera and ee sein wg ness as Uae Doxes tar 2B | hae eid meciaine Gia, wa prea toe boise S Scr seiad nd Gotha, Veaeee Riego de Dios, the Filipino or ose ee -50, | spa ea FER founder of Heat ter’s Tel nO sevcatlves, ott last might for Halifax ing the Dx Williains Medicine | caring sav and ange. and all affections of | 4 new pack for 00 conta, Miller's oo suter’s ee Soma, thoie-gray to Kog! Co., Brockville, Ont. the throat and lungs. ahaa Pills ain’ Pligien

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