Milverton Sun, 2 Mar 1899, p. 3

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5. = . SE, Skee, Bs eas : | goal of a strong provincial policy, con-| commonplace.’ The way to- make home leyees gent of srong province! Pavey: 28; | wile pace to dwelins co trong « wide WD, WEIR, J. P. 2 THE oe The Milverton Sun | ,,The 700 emplovess az the Mawwes| 1 ceo hy allowed rezone peed pon, it may count upon the solid Usepegeey fey ae in ag! roe . . 2 : Dominion life As 4 a a OG Meee eho dor into their country bat after they had been | support of every member of thie ies | ee ee a reermntes ipod ome be. so tetany: Sualiny Foie Convey- 6 ASSUPanee: THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1899. Teak os ite the Rancrer ie nae Pe oe er rely there were some great issues we | she is able to keep her head steady and her com esaienn revere aren tue retro f th his edi The Milverton, Sun | eould strive together for, surely there| heart wadisturbed over we etches OMBANY: RAL government of New Brunswick 41 oat oro (force anti about tno years ag, decides was comm a cto GEOL eee ek eee ates Iu ean mone en mange st low |Head Office, ~ Waterloo, Ont,. GENERAL NEWS of the 46:seata. epee: eee ey = h part jamcoukl stand: upars 107 aie. remarkable le“terms of ae The Laine Selchenter South voted | trade and the promulgation of the Gospel. HORSDAY, MARCH, 21800, sabe oh. thE Gaendchions Food.” unnecessary things.” payment, GO TO W. D. WEIR. Authorized Capi Capi 5 ay 000,000 | CULLED FROMALL SOURCES. | +h. pepeatiof the Dunkin Act Thurs- ee Secon ete ome we v't. Deposit av Ota 3 50,000 di f _ Tuesday, was Nelson's Trafalgar. POLITICAL INJUSTICE. ee ee es star aoe "D. WEIR. Sater Capital 7. 957,600 Rockefellers fortune is said to: be ‘oan summoned to tae melee | meds he ae Life's Obarm Van Yanishes—No Care of Heart nid ow Onplial 1a ee cies ere ge ip seal eet on Thursday. March 16, ney the BRUNNER. i e papers of Sir rt Peel,| Disease That Dr. Agnew's Cure for the TE ycdennttahay of The Dor Life has pee ee yye-election for the Commons in ——— ae gn rh vake much, Btock fwhieh nee ost been published, pre-| Howe Will Set eles in 0 inate Wee nano we werk | ee vey come ake dig $ ‘ Winslpeg will bo ds layed for some ppt ef cea, from the Peace| Wiliam Debus, com. 12, Ellice has e liberal candidate. sent in a strong light the malign in- gape 4 5 Has Gained , time, owing to the necessity of pro- sold his 50 acre farm to ‘his brother call Nene cf party onthe sharacter’ ‘oh yeenn eestor ae er eee | Lt vod wank $0 sell y fl your Stock and Im-| 72 No.of Live -Asnred':'- 8S per een viding new lists of voters. Rivervale of an stamp of ety Henry, for the sum of $2600. Mr. Eines Merit Sei ail AAS mm Sk Mary people hare avenged |stvermen. Peal le a » bad |r from acute heart “Hetagement endured | plements, OW. D. WEIR. [In Number f Hie 5 : ‘ . _Returning Oficer pGands_ bes mele oe eta thine] eee ee i Solaaredae MOST STYLISH-LOWEST PRICES - BEST FITTING. the ti i E _ ~ rm b , atten _ his in Am it As dd 0 at statem 1e iy a e turning down of Prof. Dale, thoroughly dispose, as wells eminent daily work, any exertion cand great fatigue | Tf you want to buy » a hoave and Int, [I Interest Receipts | uc Ret emcee ticctinn deolarct oe ooning ti ‘ay. te ap nla township. Mr. Debus will be missed 1 ora erie ec ly qualifeato govern in the brand | Cure rte Hort, i be aS hie W, D. WEIR. [75 Surplas ovar all Each "bm rer eet Ne is Saag For tlie Next 39 days we Will Offer: , J. M. é . ub great benefit; four bott rove every | TE yon want t Aen ki ‘No Company anywher on q isle a i i = gol mies eae eae coun peer, 00 mblstiha rag bean fom 8 paige: CE Se ee biti bys) our b ae mL {mens canbe or more Taser to the E | { osepl Dunlop, the former proprietor vege I ox Bras a Hac caaalaness you Bargains in <a the present system of bonusing among | in j i i alin Bases 6: Dorn RIP al ; of the he Chicaro Dispatch tenced:to}in M: ib: municipalities has been ‘carried to ex- inte a ati mae ae aa a ee Tf you want an affadnvit made, putting on more Life Saroranca baat i} | a term in Joliet Penitentiary, has been Reside ete a Sec visting ere yee cae were | Ai Sai Saf SESS IES SAMS Ye SIS SEE SE eess, Et isa well known fact that| justice. when he coneeded Catholic] oy. yaraensof 0 TO W. D. WEIR. | 5 ses Isxes, M.P., Cun. Kooy, Ea ¥ 7 Ban ae “ede ebbing * new peredaapars one Geena gead Rae A ¥ Tnany municipalities in their eagerness [e@ancipation he was deserted by his | ys le burdens of war are hardly tele while] 7¢ yon want your Will, a Deed, President. Vice Presi 4 ae Grr Cilitcago im re enter public life, ie qe ta noel EST Vogt and sister re aa : G di ° R's may muniiplin ip the eer [pari and left fal.” When he mete gate Stipe tte | Mortgages o © it, 9 De ree eg ried a sven pape is Ons fg fag Probable the wil do awMr, A. Doer's on Friday Dr y-Qoods, Groceries, vs give large money grants or exemption. Hisea nag ae rae tax, though the pecrerisy a ceestee by war Faveron GO TO W. D. WEIR. H aamapunt te orks civilised world, Tt hea cone all the ayster beds i rain on Senda ight Le the Rv i famishing, party vengedince | Now that the fighting is over, the American i ave been frozen an . oysters | water to a terrible heigl from taxation for a number of years.| stabbed him in the back. Ver: a stan to rales" In thelr Private or Company Lr ag econ FOR THE _ ut news of Sorel a oe during the coming season will ran| Mrs. T. Popper was visiting stil! ‘ ° bd This is often a gross injustice to some| things z ae ent mi to make bim the| feed enough for reflect a Chuitman | Business strictly confidential | 7 illness Oba Bate b Rare. id t is) from $1 50 to-$2 per gallon. Fruit | Mr. H. Schmides on Monday last. ea y-ma € lothing, etc. ”% other muhicipality that probably years|best, on the: whole, of the British | of the Committee. on Appropriations says OFFICE : 5 SE e L Bi § most earnestly hoped that Providence) raisers also say that the peach crop has Mr. G. Schmidt is busy. Motitng. ti Ry before aided this very same institution. inser ‘a his oenjury; bot hey did a pate erly thane eye =4 #5; Over. Groset/a Sige Store i ae ieee eis camara been frozen and that there-will be a|plements for Wm. Zitamerman;. ile % i “| them in despite of party, which, eve i | the nations as his death w: al dearth of peaches during the coming | Milverton. \ f The operatives are often ieft stranded | whon Se alromie | ‘ | Jd-wide cal = me MESIAL SEMEL SESS eS SY SSM SMS ; sie : forced to accept his leadership, ' world-wide calamity. season. Mr. George Reis, st. intends to , 4 F in the municipality deprived of alregarded bim Mil cagocioat sp ple 4 : ‘A movement has been set on foot at] Ty is reported that Joseplr Wilhelm | erect ® new barn nextepring. He has} : faotory and have to hunt other means| who could never be its perfeot.slave,| tet ; ome I Q { St John's Nid for anetenive re | Nov Baathops who hae for any all the timber and stene on the Something ustter than has ever been offered’: of livelihood in what may be an already | *2 Dy its vengeance tragically marred eeveae ee be 1 procity scheme between Newfoundlan?) years been 1 he ground, Mr. J. Reberg haswhe mason in thi: i i 2 ib 3 | spelt BA a local preacher isthe New in this community. | of lineihood fa/whas may bean already lis beneicent carer. fears aces an, Tee, terse : avs nd the United States, including Ssh] Mennonite church there, has been "OPE: Z ead Aitelin ntieag) ral Moe creee rece evenly pat, uote galt of expenditare| in SUTT NGS i | Te eae pede re tie eee WE DON'T WANT A GENT qi * ‘hy constitutional legiaauion eG AMERICAN OPINION hel apes ise Leading te menin| in OVERCOATINGS All d : pulp, minerals and‘other products. said to be the head of . the church ” in SHORT STORIES RETOMD, ( : rk ave gone to Washington to pro-|} | we will endeav f i In the British Columbia House on| Canada. He works a furmon con. 9,| In the courso-ob a conjugal tiff, the | means.should be sought. Beier Daber emer that Mr. Wrainigiad egoerts ie Milde aoied eee TROUSERINGS 1 the b. a ton | Sarurday the antiChinese resolution | North Exshope: Ale oiewekes haben BY ea ile of your money unless vou get value received for it For~ oe he ies ee Be ware against polities, unless t presents iteelt in] in DRESS,SHIRTS clear off the balance | that the Dominion Government be ask-| People of a broad and tolerant apis Be Tnstead of flying inten passion, | that reason we are always glad to have you look around the» rission, O- form of a 4 je means of per- y & e 3 | ed to increase the per capita:tax to|do not coincide with the views e husband, very. composed, took up THE NEW ONTARIO, ee ves the: commission refused | Suasion in its hand,’ "In the management of in F ANCY SHIRTS of our stock to make : Se ioe eaiied bye large taajority. | by the Listowel Police Magistrate He me fae bas toes. a el bP | store and learn how much better you can do here than any One.offthe ablest speeches del lth tga oe nthe in UNDERWEAR m. > the Salvation Army isa como n| “Madam, six yeuts ago, when I solicit-| Where else. pe est speoches delivered {Lynn Cansl. American papers of bay Cee he named. Bandy, living 18% nuisance. ‘This isa f d |ed of: vinne outed cUtth in the, Ontario Legislature for some {note h in BOYS’ * AIG: Kos tation) smallpox and ta| Woiennee, This'ia free country, sad [ed ob pos" Dareake Loum ee ot| Mi ye Ae ec gi Ur boeee aate | e cone Hera ihnl Me Bite in BOYS’ COLLARS; Suites and. Setts. Ascenso aantine in hie own |i the Salvation ‘Aemy choose to wor-|suspeated the use you would. make of HUSTLING | Biya ce Bucatoectte: dibcevdny (coke Dende orien Mowe Goauce a pansged by pollstians in MEN’S COLLARS Bargai le hes house. ‘The local, authorities try ip the Diety by.singing and praying |it an the budget. Mr, Stratton urged journals, delivered itself floss 2 in MEN’S TIES eT A Oe he 4 tldkd it appear that he caught it in| Pom the street corners they have a] Jeabafter his return to vsatineee that both politieal parties unite upon} Those who want friendly relations Cer ee OS in DRESS BOWS given. Call and sec... « : Detroit, as he has been there ’.| perfect right to do so, and moreover, | from-spending Christmas in) his low: It’s ee get-up-and-hustle fellows that get the business = some broad progressive policy with the| should not hesitate to make some sac- ‘alates: i 7 H visit lately, bus it. is much more Tikely they should he able to claim protection | home,.Congressman Hepburn was ase now adays. We've been doing quite a business the last two sh Sb ease loning Our resources. |rifices of American interests, It is sur-| On Wednesday, March 8th, the real] 1 GRADUATE TIES toy 4 ‘ that he caught itynesrer home, as her eeouplehe ae ae den ed by-Clerk MeDowell, who looks after weeks, for the reason : tales we alesis Gformadil iad therefore, to find that the pre-|estate, farm stock and implements of} in GENTS % HOSE Wiederhold: aa aioe | tare township Pe cate of Oona Her aa | Here are a couple of extracts from it Cane eunen ac titres We D: Heid, 10k 16, con ee y| in SUSPENDERS, etc. & ae Pever Fraser SAG doaclig® ah (RL eye oar ee Dll wcaniet reflecied fora aoment, and| i DRESS GOODS. gia e t aser, at Dr, Agnew: swede id: “Fi % of oe Lge Eas the Alaska boundary dispute on she o'clock: p. 5 Honderich Greets in Howard townahipappenre | or Me ea ae a veel aan cee ame oe fad Cis bby bialbeats -v+s+er+500 line-we've ever offered 2 -|same conditions as. the Venezuela b Sr dd cairare MeRinlog on. the | Ome 80 “ Leelee Sa eater and of the most| boundary. Here one finds the admin- MARRISp.. . RIiON sk ihge Nk ehnipe Sunihing the I4yearold| Alfred LeBlanc, of St. Jerome Que., was| A pew-openes i in England greatly 3 Ge “ a a “ varied kind. Upon the cteiienaieat istration ‘ playing off’ The American ae 5 gon of oats shar ek wanes oe great sufferer for,years with oatarrh of | astonish of women who were Wie pout ie j which depended the prosperity, of the | commissioners dectined to have an am- Nosores—Oonan—At Berlin, Fel 22nd, by % trary t D. Smith appesred pet errs Wire oeeves va: Catatrhal | eogatructing, ever Tee species andl e€ co cep on quoting prices, but’space will not allow ? ae pire appointed), to; deside in: case), six Now Beuiracee rotnate Ooauio} Ladies and for the shite lee who was the com-| had fled "eaay” whee hoe els | wreaths for Christinas by announcing |US: We are: doing this to make room for our spring stock. Reet ssivccion to Chase Corin of plainant ‘and the teacher defended {lum that atie had funnd: Saclay. be 16 oz. Cotton Battin,.2 f iy " Z. Ol mn Battin,.2 for 25c> ed in the iia spe upon facilities 2 arbitrators should fail to settle the | Next door to Postoffice. himself. The evidence showed that the |" ingress and egress. Facility of trans-| question, This strikes one as discred- ara s portation was the touchstone of the|itnble, for if ever there w ; Bonn Mitverroy. * G i : ie comfortable en ‘ a ee i ee : entlemen ea tl et aa ec mecha a” | a ceed fatka rise : inthis view the extension of railways| Alaskan boundary. ‘The English, it | Hzmx. Te on, Feb, 22nd, the |, I have much pleasure in announcing: ‘The teacher pleaded guilty, but. urged wha hey are sowueit cures them,” Sold [SMe tonto lege regardless of cost. For example a $12 Jacket for $4.95. became the most important feature of | appears, take a hopeful view of the sit wi of John Wartmany of x aurea ake Tee ntotoestion, Av fine wan iniposed | 9 James Torresce, Mr. O. F.Gill, who has just been a, big. provincial, non-partisan. poliey.|gation, notwithstanding this Hasies iPst iy the completion of my stock, which is are3 Ce ae keel ed fide x Queen's Hast the Job line of Men’s Pants, always were $1.25 to 1.50 going» ‘We-must tap the heart of the resources |Tf the American people will express COMMERCIAL. very choice in every particular com greatly excited over the case, ee as AN OUTSIDERS’ VIEWOR JAPAN hhappiest assurance, f any | at 99C pair. ofour.outlying districts, if we would| their views in favor of the English prising the newest lines jn a a usual, divided into two factions. Pr actitioner. While tate a pris- get the-benetit. Our wild lands —those| proposal for arbitration, the, preside? C ed. weekly by Hi M. It is asknowledged by goss q ; : ii The 1 ree, Mr. Shi er clinrged. with: ao a Bre We carry an excellent range of Children’s Clotking, tency which.are srable—should be pecpled “Probably cee Tgies Ungues Hae ‘orrected wee dake Schaefer. th Ladies’ Long Neck Chains, , | Right triumphed over might in the] |, 7he Keerune ib rhe ee r Shortt Jago, at the Central Criminal Court,|a two piece Boy's Suit for $1.50, also a 3 piece Boy's Suit ae settlers, and with railways and Lentox, Mareh 2, 1899.,, eb eenuresc os ote ce th Wedding Rings 7 conse of the Woodstock merchant who | of Toroute, nt Milbant, om vttine’ inost iu. |be rawsed topics which drew from the| for $2. ‘ Tauninnsaiod tunnished: tie h St Mbeagescese8 6 6 uarket. Even our competitors i | Sold astove to. a Indy a couple of |vercoting aud instruct the request that he would “let 75: Y : probes development Meiid ba sient: abe wheat, por bus s 8 acknowledge it as they all re- Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold: 1 alae age, asi Foti eae it livered ia i ple few weeks before [bygones be bygones.” The prisoner} In MEN’S: CLOTHING ass ly simplified. Capital: would see its w: i 33 (Og fused to compete with us for a and Silver Watches and back when the lady said 1b was nob OP | that field and explained it, fully from | Was.eventally convicted, and a Jong: clear to engage in the development ot | Tothe Hditor of The Sun: : are Be aves i : 5 : “| ay feirocantablonti:. The etoverwaaipur-| {het eae i eee orl bern det ene [lia ‘i ia be 4 BOP ee i a8 }op' Fash) w Fs i s 63 8 prize. Though we %ok first we Stick Pinsi ‘ hi hy PU AROdH ela rele the standpoint of one who bad been’ o list of previous convictions was read e carry a complete range. skit see our $4.50 Men $4 our great resources in farming lant ear Sir,—I i ples per bag 7 +s ae f j chased an f hi and. But Mr, Shot J vas fro 6 against the . “What b Sui Gtilee aed agiabeatas OP thats sheets oa Fa Ss ean ease xe is do not bake for shows alone, but | Best assortment in the village of Highs, 4 q but before it was unloaded: from the Ffostandpoint of ir ae 4 te oui Me Gill?” asked BS pict: was practically no end. Beyond | attention to th ‘3 ‘ oo make good bread all the year| Day, Musical, and Alarm Clocks. ap dray the lady claims to have discovered | interesting cou His Eordship. “l ly suggest.” In Coats and Ulsters, we still! have a number to sell. the height of, land. th :f me Yarodie ne enn eReaaE DY Oa i d and nh thatgeowad’ bow. whet Sie ierohant| mere cntetteiaing, Tis a meu tea hi diaper ebioge P STEEeUR Teele bee Herma ovat : No. 12, See cae “ sti and to prove this, we ask re A AOA Chr We ta ae vexed |b cole es eneivilized. for centuries snd oh ae oe ee promptly, Fancy a $15 Coat for $12 ;$10 Goat'for $7; a $6.50 Ulster , but unknown only in| frozen up and the boys ‘toidi that you iri fats { * hat thousand yeats it stood ava| chat Your Lordship should let by- aor ae soriog te veh wh aadige Meapego Et Sheets give ~ bread a trial| Watch repairing aspecialty~ at vein a ore again. But the merchant] standstil, while the area uationsof rope | gones be bygone 4 | for $4.75 +a $7.50 Ulster for $005: Boys Ulsters at $2.90 BEM a Ree ta sarvente on | vedi aball tthe sahosl-egc that they. 8 we * sure that you will be | \ wouldn't take it under any consider- and upwards. " the slope of rane Bay, a belt. of |might gev waters convinced. Agent for the Goold Bi | ation es told the lady so. The stove : sities Ore ell mace yrs npn fone : = De oes i po teow, wher Job Line of Metis and’ Bays) Hawt ana sol hira me sr Jand that doubtless.extends across On-|down under these circumstances no 8 V. WEITZEL, fe ee ee ne oe the soc to $2.50 each, going at 4oc. each tario and Quebec to Manitoba. If this| insurance could.,be hi nd i 7 ° deiner and the snowballs of the boys. i “et lpr 0 ae td Plone eee ene eee ce } Tho Baker. |P, H. BASTENDORFF The oer ng the merchant died Just fatey = each Aotle nee es ‘on the industrial interests of older On-| matter. Another thing that.I,would |. Next Door to Postoffice. take it in, and did so after consider- Und i natter. the! ; : lerclothing, 25 per cent. off tario would be.incalculable, Then there| like to know is, can the trustees throw TH E GLOB Misvertox ing the said action for over two weeks. u i batoaggee ye a : aoe as the ee open to a0 sel that 7 E; : A e bard is pred Dri le SHAWLS must 8@ cleared owt AT ONCE. Buy them» u ainy. River dis.|comes that way calling himself « by which Proprietor’ Koch, of the triete. If these greap, areas were| preacher? IE I understand it, we TORONTO, CANADA. | Queen's Hotel, lost $40. A fortnight at your own price. throwa open to settlement by means of | ratepayers built that-place for a school ago a young fellow upplied to him for In Men's Colored Font Shirts, 2 for $1.00. il plans pee Bag } Bs rallway.communionion they would be; and not fora chareh, There ae enowgh tats, per be % 75\The Li crofk which was given s,bim;s end: be come tributary to older. Ontario and| churches in the country, now without | But : ig. {4} 2he eading g Newspaper of was installed as hostler and general Men and Boys call in and get your Spring Hats. Ans would demand her industrial prodygts| turning the school houses into chapels. Egg the Dominion: assistant. He showed commendable excellént range of Spring Ties to hand. Dre zeal, and was allowed the fre f to the great improvement of;every line tyes of those who attend dé nov fon of inost of the house. By this means he ors of Soar ean ae ow how to condact themselves bub] "*" Pt Mt us hy nate e the past-been too great | resort to cutting and, defacing the eg he er he THE DAIL’ discovered where the money was ke} By ly divided on,party lings, and in the| books and slates in the, desks. If the | Wheat: white 8° 8 22) —sasover 12000 morereglr cna nnd on Friday night turned the dis. 44 piése Colored Tea Set for.$2.50. . Sonat of Meal gg shies a divi | ‘trustees do not put an end to this kind, i 7 Pied sal day. than it, bn ‘ | covery to account. About 8:30 in oS 97 piece Dinner Set for $6.50, $8.50 and’ $12.50... sion 4 ing i Ff 5 os ore than o1 « } Ee Sg faerie ARE ere eget oi | eae Opal at B)* Sere oo lee Diane So fet Salant $9 7 . s ensh- os ely Bitae bo,. patriots, placing| get a hearing the: matter will -be| Dets- 90 900 EVERY DA Byer wae te Y i f “ wler Ai on re i | papas ag et Mee ee eco eiced ended = proonbetetire the inspector that he Bogs, new la 1 a PE RR E 3 , hostler. A diligent pil ne im- e Ss OP I" NOW ! 5 A nice assortment of Colored: Bowls, witltigilt, 2 for 25c:%. ae oad. viet Ag: ee pain irks may deal with it, aes Sis z iter 30 30 q 3 - zs pe pale made, but the young “fellow g fl for |" 5 : ; ; oe the Aang of attend lool pctio in savages aes 8 13 ss speek stated FOR YOUR : q "The San Som senle was first dis- ais cari eps aten, sep tie Sengrestle carl ee iq | 4 Boxes Matches for 25a pb ee paely ob Pieter Baking 7% % < 9 nite,upon, a, large,|| MARRIAGE A.SERIOUS VOCATION = oe # _ With ed seontin ee peat B 4 covered by Prof, J. Hi Comstock, ear q z i 4 Ibs Choice Prunes for 25¢. Powder for ‘broad, compel eee policy,that shall}: . : SIF tort Stein, tad Bkageky Sasi dioes, 18% 4 Boxes Corn, Starch for 25¢. 2 cups Gillets Lye for 250. _ linge for ite main. bint tha; rapid de deg ne wches eons ewe Ye 8 | Bocas Kise es lie a mile besesb engi caress eee oots and Shoes £60 joa a parts. of the deh | Choice Lemons 25c.. daz \Fall stock of Ceyloya ‘Tea on hand:” ; velopment of the yen terputs. al;| tea rola to be skillfally and sugcesefally en- | Dressed hogs. 400 5 a0 [ofthe day, has become a strong rival to the 4 # : Choice W. Norel Oranges Soe) doz, Best package ten at.the price, . Try: ‘ Ries) Wesel ceviaaly seted of pra oi of Wich aes to be| Beef, hindquarters. bap 8 50|bet i: monthly magazi dust Takes the Eye snd, seg place of ori ts ee p Pat ank al be ai Seo a aN Re iat eens Te ; ¢ admired and Lat 5 7 IT IS CANADA’: | r3 s Ss i ‘ ie 7h ie ah eis ou soy teeamired and indulged centre, or mere | (nt 1 850 7.00 rig CANADA'S evarcn.| We keep Dalley’: Tan Paste, jeotured to be Japan. Six years ago ore you to complete, post eal, Tt pve rule at once. It cues Bi ey ai an Ponto 3 Tapigen Be. lbeh, } . ; policy that shall not be, the policy,| ties,” writes Helen Watterson Moody in the : a rae Dalleys ‘Names Dessite 4 Sieres’ discove Sh Nhat Fenatern ees ninereaibly short time. Hundreds of cases of from 5 to * standing 3 good Brooms ‘for 2 Rice 5e.. Ibi i ; of any:party,bat the poliey ofthe prov.| Marc Ladies Home Journal. "She knows the Stooay fasearns ea ERE q States, where it was introduced six pore acts ke mage a eeyrin catarth Dat im colds, sore throat, cous i Sudas ti 25e., if ting returned. [6 Tbs. Salpher f6r-256> A rte a ue may, ub seen road. Lod ening vet he emigre TENDERS price as yi have to pay for mary of] Drew te Spamish Glycerine , Oil years before with some. infected. plum| fig ay fever, loss of smplt, deafness and allsimilar diseases : ‘ek “~ may travel ; we shal), bave| orice. marriage not thinking bow es The smaller dadliba 7 trees from Califorma. These plums Mz.C.G. Archeajof*Brewer, Maine, writes as follows :—'"T have had catarch for Pia fe pking bow much sh Will be by ” Pp several X a se Hate sadeaiuot nin Yntiers to-sqnaly | cor get ouuut it, bus how much, she-an put pL Easley ot fhe Men ey 2g crane The WEEKLY GLOBE Seposs and Aghes Inadepceer were brought over for che purpose of Tonite Ape mas ngocel oy. Dre Agnew Caria cadet cierto : WE: TAKE PRODUCE IN. EXCHANGE, be Bee le ove! where our connsry, is’ is thi conception of mat- } pose of raising the school house of S. 8. 8. No. Ger 4. Engl : obtaining an improved fruit which druggists. Bef Freitezs 14c For Good Butter: ie ; ncerned def, us have a big policy—an dwell, by. their|6. Con, 11, Mornington, and placing a sto had I new features added, has man and-English spoken.,_ Es Id be gui hi ke: Dr. Agnew's Cure othe Heart papain mmnoniyaa disease of TOP, BES: c For Good Butter:-.. 3 ou i h Dteh eiingcesaeecint witha bacs le cio og “ome Bee ae a ie news 98 the week in covcise form, ae should proof against the attacks the heart Sreliventn so minutes: Dr. Ag me ee as Liver Pills are at once salldcathart F, or. : 7 ea er Phat BO ASEM | oo monly cal ‘caro linitaot home; | naan sede et annie will be me [204 Keeps siz, readers in close tonch with D. PERRY , oo of the plum weevil, and, strangely fnviecrator and sytem renovate 2 gacws Oimmencrclcves. 53-4 ‘for Dried Apples. Ec ib Dutch Sets. Bae a w we ved on purty lines on les | Knowing well hat no trog bome is hcl recy 2p Relic Patt Spheres arabe e world, and more es} ox i egough, this landable object proved snights 35, i : : vg murano be as one man, im} sin ig to ‘the v ‘whole primal $pecifigations may be seen on spplication to | rr ON $98 | the means of inficting:a much worse |. %, regi a main. consideration, sep fo sap, ‘and work to | thé Séeretary. “The lowest of any tender Sul kita tated and rent particulars | 4 i vpest on the Ensterm, States. The |i; oe ¥ Aa ¢ oa that pabatcenapas ‘the political cozy, feathe ek pa ppoding birt, neeessarilmyaccepted. Address ali | can be had aisthe office of Gini coring any RR ‘eale has now found its way into ss = eats : a Bae oes 2 i i ‘0 : __.. | nexgadgaler. or, pesumaster, or se K ne : yi Se Gane 5 q zs Bree plexion Gs ctu Gammeiess ot the hous of busmaitp whic ens K) uae tay Bes THE G 4 a thirty-three States, besides Canada, | —_ cist 8 e \, gg. fage sl Aly PRSOIRIELY, tO, = bel i ace they, arg mos, aah ie As. 0a a : gq, Britjeh) Colum Sold by; JAS. TORBANCE... ; MILVERTON, ONT. ee ; i ia 5 i Ob i han SE pitta ot ethene : sea 3 ‘ Teen a :

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