“It Shines For Ali.” Vol VIII—No 9 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, MARCH9, 1899 MALCOLM MachEI Editor and Publi The Milverton Sun s the best Local Ne exspepee in the of Perth. Ie i the rap een < Mediam. se * 0 ‘ipti 1 a: rtctl in advance. a i aaa Macb RLISH! ING RATES, mo. | 1 mo, ADVERTIS! space. | Year. “One column, Sy set 30 00) 3 % 2 00 ii fight ies 3 00) 100 9 00) 6 00) ineb.. 3 09) 6 00 10 09) 5 00) _ Transient ‘Advertisements are charged at Se, per, live, uonpariel, ‘Gor the . per the line for each’sue- first Verto serti ISTABLISHBD er oe ee transacted. path ines Cana und the Upitea States. ad utes dis outed Eras collected. Depos Current rates of intere R. RAD D.C. M., grad 1 Ww. Gr ke senckber ot tha ve ‘Prone tie of Stratford, Honor Toronto, Milv ie Veterinary Colles of Sopa avimals pro attended 0, bs mae e or r oeneeniae, iy or night. Dinvetry and Chronie Diseases a specialty aa SERRE . J. W. BARR. VE SUR "GEON sinternonner lo Veter te of fecouta ll Gib Calls by velepbene or rater ine prompely feabeaet (ey PTET Baggage Mencice: Gonmercial driving « Sectettes No. me Milv Lydia meets ever every month, at ial Visiting “iret al- hn Langford, C. Bes A. . ea og in pail Rescicerrools store, sways welcoms Barth, Re “Silver Star Milverton, | t y might at 230 p. their hall, ding. Wisiting breton siuass wel ig, N. . K. Loth. "Business Cards WEIR, Auctioneer for the Conn: tact Perth aad Watcrlos, ich Deeds Wills and Mortgages de wits se Bailiff a. Con Silage Cler! coe etal Bia Store, Main mesial verte: Bice ok Salah eS ALLS Te a DORLANDS BUS LINE, Milverton. us meets all trains, All citizens and fravellers calls prompt tly attended tox Wes Dorland, Maple St., Propriet unty | ‘To $50 ——e 00] $16 ribet: $8 00 Te COMMUNICATIONS THE ace or THe Sv =I woald like space in you ly to a Ratepaver’s communication whictrappeared in!your last management says, ot ibe apes boys have to mp is tien, that there is ont of the di pail in ‘the sch it advisable to Shaw the pump out during as the childeéa, gould provare plea er degond water from pel wells, The trustees did not know there pail at the got notice to that iets hy Ratify tho tedahek ak trustees, und not rush into public print with bie g the Secretary of the Teustes e Auta feed Ue cosh dintpiinn pal a elaben te a thor open th to A notion was “pase ed section, at “oth her parposes than I sont eae him ander ab a trustee would Tf tan SnsTune that hor ou! Jo not know thet: Uh be longing Se bs wos yaa Bale yxblie five o they are. He is at perfeot. li iiss at ge bk tar tatora Vode Pabiia eal: Beapectnntste the: Miinwsier obkets ucation that they inay deal with It to the Billoo steatcot tia 1a, in conclusion T would advise him in futare, to brig all the ratepayers at d und if he wishes to not ot the teacher on do $0 ‘eonaly oc by pity tale thes Lord Herschells death p tically puts an «to the Interns sunt “Commission of which he was chairman. | Gr case of th 4 cor, und though Canada’s eae ii ikely hh shoul tb ing the wate bo will have to be sh nuless Boron Herschell has 6 enc autt cat ldlainen feporth of This is be ne The. th Sonim had realy lost the ee nab 0 at in the person anole ty i h the Uni ates, tl courwe taken by ia estan "Tis etl e tae important ‘personages practical- ves all the matters under nay have been w chairman of the Commissi at Tabaill Gebers Ate ceed now it. is impossible. _, Lord Herschell was a man in whom the Motels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont. Sohn Gropp, P-oprietor. ors gars at the “Bilan at tion and large at (GRAND CENTRAL HOT EL, Milverton. ccom fur wercial no and ciga corner of Main ar Sil treses, dasenteg Proprietor. ge eCEENS HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. Th odation for commercial tex Cigars at the bar. _ plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, prop. 7 Miscellaneous | JOHN GRUPP, dealer Lumber, Lats, ‘Brunner, Ont. in Cedar Posts, Shingles, | Pamps;’-ote d te highest “positions were by buth {Liber: Tory +" aici 1 Commitee Council had eecilg Wing bales iceaia ed by his cvlleagner, aud “ei ata Leagne ees "Ptmaater. obtain a treaty witl scope of his, work was . R. Time Table “Trains due to leave Milverton. beth ufter the good of te Mehole get the people of this country firm- ty beligee thet Dow reg E heancdantess Mr. re oratigen EEG | antes performances an if id ry | Go ahead boys, yo BRUNNER. r. Henry Schmidt anh ry his trat- ford for bee which is covsidersd as ‘of | good pri Mn William Sit, who has been engaged with Mr. ani as they always got along mah Rl eihes: “MILMBANK. Quite a num besiiiom rt one t | a most successful: wi Robert Hendeodig. Toosday Me Mr. Henderson gave the young people a dance in the evening Mr. who has been ime past, with his brother shortly take a sto Alwi are st in w ing them s . Reid wil imp son the The suow storm ef Saturday night has again made the roads in go ood sha There ii cexitcel of everyone will join. 3. This stock and room in this village for a Yeport the death of M vA the townline of Wellesley. Be had been ill for some time and*her death was not un- She leaves a hus mall es n besides a numerous nds and relatives to mourn her decease. One of the oldest — settlers Wien township passed away on Thursday ata good old age, The touk plage on Saturday to of Sleighing i: count of the r Vy) Mr. Ke eat ays Iustoweek visiting at Mr. A “person ay a_ politician would do well to. consult one of sour ‘oung men. on Saturday und the eownell met again on Monday. Me: nice csekuen aud fusnily spent Sunday visiting friends near Hesson. Messrs, Fiauck & Mitchell had an- other car load of corn delivered at thi: ‘A young anan of this village last summer wrote his name and address on an egg and asked the party whotook the i ‘ egg out of the case when it had reached its destination to answer and. let hun know. eeks ago he got a letter from a dry goods clerk in Seot- land th taken the egg out of the case rprised to see his address on it and wished him to con- tinue corresponding. Quite a number of our town’s people are suffering from la gri Mr. Dawes shipped a earload of hogs "| frou: this station last Monday. nuinber of our young men attend- ed the debate at Milverton on Satur- day night. They report the storm being athe coh at abel journey bom. * young men’ still continue thete he} tinue we would ‘mot key of some of the broken, be surprised records ieing are rashing oe at present. Mes uck & elilisl shipped a car load of! peso on a: Our stores are a * rushing business these days. : The young men of this town are talking of organizing a football club. ou're the winners. ne of our young men is talking of getting bike this summer. We would ott ise get a partner tor life vo help him. MARRIED. Hovstos—McKeszie — On Wedresday, March Ist, ~ the res oS bri ae ee ee > father, by And Nellie McKenale, aungiter # Mr "Danes McKenzie to Mr. Benj: Westra: TTRIDGE ep Seah em Milverton, by s » Snowdon, Ph ‘em Tocaday. March 7th. Benjamin W "Westman, to ide, coe of Sora: The Court of Revision was held there | "| buy asingle animal. Mr Our blacksmith and . carriage-maker had th ‘LOCAL NEWS It is now open season for spring | °° poets. .8_No. 12, Mornington, now has a pail and tin cup. re Moment is at present visiting friends i in Lor Miss Ada a Bye returned from visiting friends in ve ate Mr. Charles Seaforth spent Sunday as ey ne Milver- D. For a first-class sewing machine at ve bottom prices try J. G. Grosch & Miss Minnie Patterson, of tees is at tb Pee the guest of Mrs. J. ‘G, McKenzie, uf Guelph, present visiting uheir daughter Mes (Rev. ) David Anderson. A fall line at school -supplies at Torrance’s, ent for the Steinberg ana esmoltoips Bain nn thing s line to do callon Schaefer & Stiaatshy Milverton, Mr, Free. peels oe sold house and lot o Bolton for the sun ane his ‘ounp—Abbout a quarter of ‘a mile west of Topping, on the boundary of Mornington an eal an good nearly new. Owner can have same by proving property ca pong cost. of this advertisement v0 m. Orr, Milverton. Mone’ OANED. mortgage is due, or Sf you borrow money on first class. mortgage, come to the undersigned, Lowest rate of interest charged. Your with us wil Le strictly private,’ James Torranct Rev. Mr. Wright of Millbank, was ne away Tuesday, Mar. 7uh, by the of a friend, Fred. Forster, ae be ce will not be able to re- turn till e w His appoint- ments dasa the week are iets celled. \ Mr. John Bonds of Milverton, aig ea Burien fa Mr. T. 8. Ford of Mitchell, itt celebrated standard- ee trotting stallion, red ‘ise, and ave him on the road durin; hy ha season. = erpr present standin: Mee aang stable who is ‘peated to talk terms to a Ade the inclemency of the une aie attendance at the curbs on a Suceay evening was small and as Snowden gave up his ed with the Presby. DS, little acts such as this that ie Mocioitonc ns feel akin, Mr A. F, Ewing, B.A., formerly teacher here, Gees few a in the village t week — ren old fra sree ss is the intention of | , . Ewing when spring opens up tw go as far west as Calg gary where in- tends entering the profession of law, Mr. Andrew Easson one day. last week purchased in Milverton’ eight head of heavy-draft horses for export to the British market. American buyer was ulso present but failed to success lies in the fact that he general- ly pays what he considers the animal is orth, a, aie Burton a week ago misfortune to fall over the fiers his stable breaking two his ribs.. The fracture brought on a ‘ing his ailments h go tbe but keeps upon his fees as usual, Mr, Hiram A. Burton left on Tues- day for North Dakota in company with the Evers family. Mr. Burton is a young fan affable nature ‘ial genial qanlities nud we hope to hear of his success and prosperity even though he find it under an alien flag. _A very quiet wedding was celebrat- ed xt the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday Uae when Miss Maggie Atiridge was ‘The young couple have all their many friends wish them pi - want a new bicycle, or want f business | 6, piace of pleurisy but notwith- mi Winter has been re-invigorated en! snow-fall on Sunday morning sate ah covered the aS to the about one foot in Agni Adam Doering has pu Jaundry business of Mr. oe Shier Waterloo, and takes March. ove with him to Waterloo. pi their departure will 1 rextened by all the old sae ot Mes Sacre Knechte] and W. M.- Appel on seen peg last swappe ed pro- perties; Mr. Knechtel giving his llauee “ nd $1000 for Mr. Appel’s house and ‘e understand that Mr. App usiness in the fut jome newspaper CRESS often’ ae why-a publisher will keep on agelion a ve pe the subserip: ‘tion hai he reason is this : My hen whe aaa plid price is paid to certain time and is ‘promptly ‘diseon- Diced at that time many 'a subscriber vs his‘angry passions to rise the publisher for insinuating thi it is not gy That will inks nig average man mad. Rather ie cast sa EASA BERS ssa the. ib sty e aebe it has Pp rafter the subscription pas expired, although the large dailies weeklies do, enerally follow oir 8 er ahi Ghibes to send the paper Te The meeting of the PAAR, Bociet on The programme was not an one but what there Among the numbers shorns il su) he aflirmative while Messrs McFarlane and negative. Should any strangers have wandered nto Milverton on Friday Jast they vs no ae Lady chou that we were holdit the si BRE ade upon our reets, Eve re prominent farmers frum Mornington Wellesley, Biles. a ‘A Easson’s | x seven. pa in the morning uses hands were em- ployed in unloi SSbuE Gees duce pogeeiet Piece led up town where 0 hark were dined at the receive notice of the delivery,are goin: not tind a place among se farmers of this vi y who aha patronize Canadian-made good: H. Debus,of Nobles lives resided near Milverton Lae their | Wi through life They lefts ior their honeymoon on Tuesday and will visi London and other points west be fore returning. prosperity his fa e6: Langford will do duty for the — in of | stood upon the riding ates rabies he a extent of © as a away daily, Foreign implements do ie.