tebe SB Ke The Turks have po war songs excep those they ha Subscribers who do not receiye th cogulariy wil please notly usatouce ee Apply at this office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1899. Something New. fee rentie! Beslan tent has ribs similar in carriage tops, the ends be- Lave Pheuei aie ft rien Wd they may be folded in small compass, with the cover stretched over the frame after it is MILLER’S COMPOUND IRON PILLS Anerosss the pow:r of assimilation, thus creasing Weight and strength. Minard’s Liniment Lomberman’s nan’s Friend, Murried in the Ruins. @etermined bridal pai the |® ti tor perform the cere- mony in the ruins. itl by Mr. pinch of Makes a A HAMILTON CASE. Grocer S. Ross Very Startling Sens ave Been a C: le All His mn, March 13.—“I do confiden: used Dodd's Kidney pr bread upon which is spread th agai do male ee es Beat si: of milk, a fh ga of salt, a little pes and cinnamon. ix eggs, add half A dose of Miller's Worm ill Hamiltor believe Ts ould have been a ee i ie street, to ral friends and acquaintances a few diys | Moth Ge ond porind with nites ¢ paeateins small stick of mash. Cut two days’ old bread into ices with the mashed raha n sift, thin pence After e ting this well dip the quarters in‘o th ure and fry in hot lard. keep the fois p the Boilers Filled, ocensionally Kt the Differ. healthy. The Man "Who Didn't Know—t think you pay too Bauch tent for this | nOuse, meen 1 boilers o} ae v Quarters Denna cs aR Ses ies 001 fi New lite fora quarter. pound Iron Pills. Miller's Com- | boi ‘alve to draw the water into the | Queer Collection of Cigars Serena % aise London man who always takes a cigar a eh cot ela A Camas to lacreaee your throat znd lungs aud run the risk of when inv.ted out to dinner, though he| filling a consun shen, bY . aco at'| the nmuely nee of pickle‘ AnteConS cumulations, each bolgar | tive Syrup the pain cau be allayed and t the beled ‘and | danger avoided, Th is pleasant Ton ok whieh teteae taken the taste, and ‘unsurp: forieligving, ‘0 limping and whining about your corns, when a 25 cent ho: tle of Ho!lo Wway’s Corn Cure will remove them ? Give ft a trial, aud you will not regret it. Record Hirth of Lions. Victoria, the lioness at Sanger’s circus, near London, has given birth to after Ginn Victoria's ‘orces cost them nothing. Miller’s Worm Pow: throat Cm shitis, ete ete. Health for Worm Powders. Zs, colds, co’ the children, Mr, Addlopate—Whore iss, you know, ’tis folly to be Miss Willikin: ading Misery. is—Yes, ' t you to Laue that y% all jammed in an healing and curing all fections of 1 s, bron- Miller’s ignorance is wise. Know. Sill it eT re And he felt ee ae half an hour. wou! iste ble Wan. indiand is now the sixth are a wonder-| producing country in the world. copper Frames for the Nursery Pictures. ae nine cen ’ Home Journal. ther # Graves! Worm iGetdrminator is you think. ing of buy- ing a new wheel? and lf so, be sure see the GENDRON the IGP tANG ten’ son suet Wigteont¢ ARDS EraNe | of the mange with MIN- CumistoruER 4 pie asint to take; sure and effectual in pepper can be shaken inde- | MF- Ross is one of our shrewdest 8 ‘an oi ormis, Many have tried it pendently froma newly designed box, a Sete fouls business men. : ate partition being Recntee ith lourishing grocery business at tthe « Frets on Ziti fore you purcha: the sifting eap for ed of two layers of | Sddressiv A ee have been tried on zithers, Catalogue; either fingliah or° erren metal, with the per orations eo arranged | “WAY grid inde photic eoreedon ad and Lave is said, been found to produce G oe bee Shay wil rater with bu one cham 1?” asked one of his hearers. rvelous i endron Mfg. Cc “Well, you all ofsmy povere falr\|very cleat why’ this hana: bs tor ta y, Ss By ery is ld a v TAL CAL Torna ta aekigosa¥a) potter gn an ley sidewalk threo years ago. ‘The | stringed instruments ciemedtyers Ge ghisheioaiataeleer aft impurities in the | SoCkor my Kidneys were injui jal changes produce in nt effects. Leslee is curved ater iy | SYerely. I suffered the most azonizing |. slight change in the position of the rue liek ttn catise the cater Salta 6 ony Kk and loins. doct sound-post in a violin may change a poor- PRE as Hae Sian enn tne n't help me. ‘Nether did any of the |sounding instrament into afiné one. ‘The Sone In, tha boston medicines I took, till I using er been Jestlataabartly ascor: fue toes K.dney Pills, the best health restr rol dap oe guleky sharpened by sold. boxes of them set me on sak Rica titel cg la peta cdg Rad feet, mate me syund and well in every ie kaaweiaw: flexible material, Se aieias cease fs idney Pills are truly | “Paddy, do you know how to drive?” paaed on ie fae ener abutretee bein | Mae ete mei in gold.” id,a traveler to the owner of a raat 1 folded over the ‘back of the razor 90 that ait Pest ial e\ ete a Ripe FAI Ris retin) anlorund acta aa ee dads aa oon iction meld by pis one else who has | “Sure I do,” was the answer. pve P 0 rp dt ev ‘es ¢ Kidney Pillsfor anyform |i61 upset your honor in a dteh two (ON N n Ohio woman has patented a mateh- | “peqae rae, Oe) ARMIES FARME box for pocket use, which is opened at the | gona gauiney, Pills act so rapidly, 80 IM PANY COMPA Bottom to load, ches being pushed | trern ice eh plat See anere: tes Minard’s Liniment in the House, Miberes INATIONA| fone ata time bya button on the side | Testorine them to their natufal health and a a GRACES Hautes FARMER: ae Se err ara ee ore meng in such shore pace of iy wean Influence on Voice. | COMPANY SPAY ig over a roughened surlioe 20 igaive iy | Hae those who use them are surprised ‘Temper, tays an authority, has immense | NATIONAL NATIONA| gers rosette! muri 0 ga | ern, "And three gsi on ani [ venom ton of Se angi vlag | (ARMEES cg laa Het sqiont ging int he ground Uy means |e mates how long toy bo, | an marue or auerwlous persia will MAUINML | Setieie one leet eerie Resta WM 2 i ’ ¥ Je en . on cone with a shank at the top on whic! dd’s Kidney Pills positively cure all | Voice, which is perceptible in singing q FARMERS | =n soe ert ot ays Fade neha FARME! a Ay forms of Kidney Disea: as much asin speakiny COMPANY | Ganadia 0 lbs. NATIONAL Bi fd short post is placed to drive it into the | rents D 7 , includii a WATIONAL| $22 ABEL With bay wenct ile ilegina taba COMPAN' ground, a strand of wire running to the | matism, Paeee bt Es Leet FARMERS IS: NATIONAL the post to stea .y. it. 4 babies, Ue - pan’s onivers: ‘ P po yi. carats alee ea Psy, nclanan’s Nitti anniversary COMPANY | 14-Karat GOLD-PLATED WATOA, stem-wind |{HPi e Japanese nation proposes te hold in | NATIONAL ing and stem-setting, guaranteed reliable time-1 cee NATIONAI ‘A Magic Pill.—Dyspepsia is a foe with SPER BLAST 1899.a great fair in honor of the fiftieth | FARMERS. er—lady’s geen’ size—maker’s guarantes rhinos: constantly eiappling bug A workingman purch: per ele nniversary of the opening of that coun: COMPANY with each watel ae rninace. Subdued, and to all 'y estern civilizati I Sannot extermiva.e, "Suhtuos ut'to ll | ga'agan looking vume bearing deiner | Coaeemmeeilzation. Ie is notemorthy NATIONAL SOrLD GOLD ‘RING set, with genuine Garnet and /HATIONA! {ts appenrance it another direction, Ta | 1540. ‘The man tried to roud it but threw {awakening to new ideas to th COMPA Pade M ers | FARMER a rasa he digestive apparatus is as deli- | UP the attempt apparently in disgust and | C odore Perry fey eatke s a Mai and guar COMPAN Bt Care Rees OR URE galls ae ae remot aby An Cleans 00] Coutmodiare to that country with a |” WATIDNAL MUSICAL LOOK, fas ‘sides, in Nickel Silver and | ALIUNA a a ies tn whieW even | A friond of his saw the book and took it to ney gece United’ States vowels nay coMPri Bares enon pike igeer Trely reath of air will make variation. With | the B; PAN) never ending plea: sure in the hom a sok ste fst | ron aaa oo ik Rw fie eee Aa st trivinl cau nade 5 ; 3 eats huslvanubringes ee FEN oe sum the librarian is allowed to offer with- |_ Uf the child is restless at night, has ame] anaes de ep fete at ee Ce Tees Veuetable Pills are recomended ag | Ut @ special vote of the trustees. re tongue. sallow complexion, a dose | COMPANY) ot a ty grey aie nk AA TIONAL BINDER | COMPANY crepe ain aba mustees. | Hadthe cr miners Worm Powders is what 1s re | NATIONAL) irveat‘ec'ins Toney Tocked' up, will amount to many thousand | NATIONA ae roan he auchoviteg /quited; very pleasant and perfectly harm | (ARMERS] dolar, We wan; tosaye ta: interert and i give itto the farmer tn ARM ER LTR rae te Foca nate pi PANY | tetarn for cash. ‘That is premium ecmes i COMPANY ies Win ue anied Bn actene eap) ecane His wok slip through their hands, Most tiresome reiteration of the oft-refui s.in fact, the first ted je Tires. D Aleka Season ot the LALO ee Oe Ce aires RE RICE statement that the tendency of a geno. |Gutenberg, and was “therefore almost ests of bioycle ites, tecontly_ mado by jing Tal is, ORDER AT ONOI ante Rie Sat laine ani duce | priceless. Tt is needless to say that the | PY6f. R. C. Carpenter, of Cornell Univer- one Hemp advance AT ONOL and make drunkenness in. the eoununity. “Surely | Peace Wad @ueician itt Baa penny’s | ity, show that, other things being equal, reecurs sad plese deer drinking Germany and wine drink a the larger the tire the easier runs the} & dressand also the rail it is Bane pnialy. aise your Dos Sr ina: wheel. A marked difference in ease of BR CIne tet SORONEO: Ge cond oO eke etre in apcaia SO thats time Fanning is found becween a A3eitinh ard a rom Torente, Daerve nbove tresttone to ntries begins | it erase aeiee beige th at demons me inch tire A si nat Be and then warning yoice of | invisibly through the ambient sid feel 3 than a double tbe « tire. a Ing fo enter inte men and rouble he o ane Vitaly oey phe ae ees sia, Minard’: Lit t is i | hat thw fe te out Fe — ing 's Linimeat is used by Physicians, aa tehim. And once he en- tersa mun it is difficnit to dislod “There is COM PARY Hees een one SP Soa surely tell if nae finds himself so possessed should | you are the long-lost heir," said the digni- | NALWONAL s7Enquirers are aoe Pan om NATIONA! rate fled m: to the applicant f FARMERS) ana tothe Editor of this paper as tour reapousibitity, © | FARMER eaetnble Pil which are ever read} tion to the pen cirplay Elave 3 ae COM PANY eloalipauat AT te enti a Atel : eady webs anti ogous Tefen Jour | WALIUNAL NATIONAL WATTORAL ATIONAL NATIONAL WATGHAL Rg CORAL NATTOVAL NATIO Pi Bane Mine below the shoulder " FARMERS Hanns fARMERS FARE EES TARMEAS TARMERS PARTIES ARIAS RMR led era (PER cli and forint epi | COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY GOM PANY GOMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY and pret big Premium iets Mongar a We give this beautfal Meavy, Gold our Fine Linen, Pull-sizcd Doylies oo ake Write and aol PHER SAUNDERS. I CURED A HORSE, | torn wig AUNARD LN cee ce a ers | 8 amp LINLIEY. Iccnep ARD'S es Cisne doa ceca Bathurs! ‘Tuos. W. Payxs. Plated Chain Bracelet in a dsinty plush-tined at 10c. te, and we send daylies, pe sip and our iberal and we at once forward EN DOYLY CO., DEFT. D.. ‘Toronto. Japanese Versus French Pear prec Twenty Bartlett pear omdegts 2 Riek 1896, at the Ala- Da gravelly soil. All were your We charges: ea ool bes may be returned. Hundreds RHR onary Staylate—Just one more kiss, darling! Fast ondana shee" eo! | Voice from thet Stai heaven’s sake, Nan, give him one! It’s cheap at the price! fel The British admiralty purposes to try fans worked by electricity in order to im- rove the ventilation of the lower dec! svarships. of Flow to te Itisa seen belief ‘hates amm Tonia or process of ripening, which ends {m decay. Loose packages aud our ie penn, sie. money required. Me : flowers. rages bouquets, But all flows ths w ha iy ut every day before being placed in Goblets Fashionable. Dealers in o1 retui to the high. d goblet style of water ‘That In What He dean “He says he loves her for all he's worth,” | ders wwedicine for the ailments of se fe translated from sno’ pl moved 3 CANCER > Tneans for all she's worth,” added | ROO TS ‘gj no planters Pardiodlare free mew W, STOTT & JURY, BOWMANVILLE O4T ase It cannot be denied that goblets lore decorative in the table careless han while its stem is not as long as. t seen on the same glasses when they were in ost exclush for water service « i ‘Hsatinum rn Thimble Co. Laas TWINE AND ROPE. TARIO BIN TWINE CO., 124 Front St. West. Toronto, Ont. USE ULRICH’S ENSILAGE CORN 'H WHITE Cianr. PRovisic YELLOW IMPROVED LEAMING H.R. ULRICH & SONS. Springfe'a, Hts k your dealer for samples aw! (estimon! TPiLes, ee Sag Tits sips end safe and is fr ferers.” Bend address and get vt free. A, LEWIS, 112 Shuter Street, Toronto. . ’ wrung ins hand, and then, hailing cab, he jumped into it and set off for the police statiou. fore 12 o’clock I was in the ne densely packed with peovlo a catch Sere of ie famous Beautiful De White Devil, whose exploits wero al eost oralk kowit in England ae° tn the Every ran ti aoe a ee ee and wh ‘ook bis seat on the bench I no- teed that the chairs on either side of illustrious fortanate sweetheart, I could have found it in my heart to hit out like a madman af those round me. cisely at 12 o’clock the door ee right pao site of the court openc in o dressed entirely in black, a color ioe, before, displayed her he very 6 77 best prensa Eee | and Lhave erruuged to have my meals brought in to me from a restaurant out- ‘What did you think of Brandwon’s speech this morning?’ I then asked her. iat thanah pit. vey, clover an pressive, ’” = eee: “but s == not surprised proved o tril Ho therein very little thse far as I ean see. In a month the officer nga? ore will be in London, unless sometaing bappens to ae it I shall be sent out east to stand my trial.’ Somes must prevent it,”’ whis- pered Bat hat? You cannot escape 80 easily in England, I find,” she an- swered. M ephese stone ry strong, and the discipline is so perfect.”” je sure we will find a way to get ff va.” Then dropping my voice, ‘‘And if we can’t do it lenally we'll do it illegally.” “You must run no risk for my sake, George. I could not allow that. “If only Walworth were Lere! His wit would bit on somethin; “Walworth nnfortunately is 10,000 miles away. So it inno use thinking of him. Bat, see, here is the warder. Your Goodby, dear Janet. I pray that you may find it in your heart to forgive me for nt brought this trou- ble upon you. But Janet, who by this time had learned to love this fascinating girl with all her beart, would listen to no such oi talk. Vbhen kind sister she was, thus permitting us saying farewell alone. er again, I bad a litt behead Bork that seemed somehow eg man than I had been for pees own sates and then*went back to Cav- sho politely to the presi fore a man sitting in my own armchair, i ere i ret: dena her elit and| He was small and queer!, pe re a tl 6 examination comme! ®| long coat that reached ‘0 his fal White Devil had k arrived in 3 stantly m en Sct, They, the polies, did ne! propose to call witnesses at this AN beak when he stopped me dy uh banging heats hearing, ut a a, tk his voieo, said in excellent E at the information sl rear “Nol can see you dol we igs oe over, the evi lence o a abs a perus off his wig: ‘Well! Do oe = 25 Ee Bi 8 & ey ¢ 8 ah 5 ta s 3 3 3 wt thie point Brandwon rose to bie ing a quiet, sober atti- arge bein; SS a dilated up should be within the power of body like the police, without a aus ae ee at their back to bose Abel case arg to the police for ee sficiousions sufi nite unoalled for tion in the m hevevaid trigeetvday bis barangue was, i however, failed utterly in its purpo ‘he magistrate ae evidently ac raliseiasldned the case beforeband and determined ic and giddy, Iwas in the throng leaving the court. By the time I ‘reacked the sreet,,- my darling waa on her way to > afternoon, at 8 o'clock, Janet the room in whi 6d to interview their Di ‘What the two women I loved best in the world said to each other during a ¢_ remember. ww that Janct, kiseed Alle and ait ve v'her, and. that Alte xeceived it, all with that gentle graciousm was onderfolly penis the Beanti- |. Inquiries were in- ae mn the strength of| I thonght and tl them tho ee now in the dock bad sci ns teats eblieT Tbe geese cei other aniet, Lt ar heels, had gray hair, a ieduccale Agel ed_mustache and a short, closely crop- ped white beard. Tho effect when he looked at me over the edge of the paper Hapasyerasiog was most comical, For moment I stood bewildered, but I was destined to be even more so. when be and came eu fue baad abd pe oF ken English, “Pray, ber your very old friend?” th life of me could ith age ever hav ing seen his face be: I was about to arriv ore mere was Walworth! might is, awalted. and Coste inquiries CHAPTER XIV. PLOTTING AND recoidas Directly I realized who my I rushed forward before orsince. If Iba the pick of all men in the world at that particular juncture in m, believe I should have declare news, I su; view could T help it when every From the sie . drove Janet to her i me, holding out **Bon jour, iolisieudt"? ‘Then in bro- , do you not remem- ought, but for the and whined bis band id been: tae my life’s nino, d for 10 idea that you were in miles away. ve have heard the awful to Hongkong. They would convict her at once. ‘No, there is nothing for ae bai or us to plan cman verve one zo reas ve your head?” “Notat Leah pe it tad hid strange if I don’t hit w ery long. If enly ber iadyehip oo help nat one moment. Perh: ee T left Leg this afieieoo, he dk note, W! pune tard pot bana! "Lot vs abet le pay I took it out of my waistcoat pocket, opened it and read it aloud. It tg 8 ly ee oe germs of an idea ran as fol. nar ro been inking 0 over what we spoke of this morning, madi it seems fo me that, if Tax to escape at all, the attempt must be made during the time vs conveyed from Pow street to Holloway in the prison van. ‘The Guestion is whether suilicientemptation could be'pat before the driver and the guard. to in- duce them to assist me. Will you think thie 1? When I bad finished Bading, Is acked Walworth for his op nearly five minutes lion wed to escape him t ‘peers that he had heard my question, only laid himself back in his chair, looked up at the ceiling, and meanwhile slowly tore my newspaper into rags. When he bad finished hie Work of destruction, he at up straight and Aianped b his band om bis knee pis alwagp right. Ibe- rc Eien catsooct breathless excitemen “You must not aka just yet. PN = away and make a few inquiries first. conight at 9 o'clock TN come back 0 into the Have no fear, was Snot 80 strong an cionaene about the man that bis assur- ance roused and braced me like a tonic. I stopped bee however, before he could reach the “One nee frst, Walworth. Do yon know the portice in which I. ah to- ard Alie! : “y wae hat you were to have been married within the next one wosks it ni Have yon any ‘aca in a er to basinése “without any further With all. the good will in ate World,” I said, senting myself again “Goon. Tell nx “In the first ae t have ascertained that the van leaves th that it cannot go on again for at least half an hour. I eantime anoth van must drive down equipped in every wal ae he real one. This one will take up the prisoner and drive off. On out cf sight of the station, it will drive se, bee veyance will then other street, bar Reckless passes feels into that and drives off Pullman ‘o pick us up aleetly we have decided where that la shall will ou! cabietobim with out excing suspic a Zed peel Aten dhe ABUT oats We havea seein at communicating of which I would explain now only it would be wa What do you touts ctu wbemet uy ands all right, but is it work- wet ily think so, However, we will lands it item by item and try and ar- ata . Lo been ob fasta jeot. If even £10,000 success, £10,000 will be spent. In. the first, place, we mnt find a conipetent coach builder at once. If Here he produced a duplicate. form from his rap eon and read it aloud: mmpic algae “ype ferns, Stra rans, West Strand tele des He ofl MAXIMILLIEN STHAGATS. [To BE cConTINUED.} "2 Poultry, House 'P: Too much glass in the ‘couth side'of the henbouse givesin winter a ‘hothouse’ temperature at noon, with ‘perbapsia ight, ‘The Skaters orheavy screens to Span on at night in cold weath- er. The latter may be made by nailing anvas on a frame and binging it on inside of they wane as shown in the il- Justration. Two screw eyes and a cord rightly aes “will enable you to raise or low eth screen from the entrance the how pest Form of Phosphoric Act ‘According to the Geneva (N. Y.) sta- tion, soluble eee) acid has th same valne pound for pound whatever Tireteese.” At promot ajteolvod rook in this is the phorio acid if they largest amount af satual lait to tor zero temperature board in the streets sets it forth and al the paper boys are bellowing the latest ews of the capture of the Beantifal White Devil? But I want to,know the 3” ‘ball know everything directly. But first tell me what has brought you Home in this rovidential manner be “I ca I heard that Bark- Teapeeeens ‘was Co! warning from Hongkong tae he ad w that if be ing himself for that affair out gapore. But he got away before me, thought 1 sean eyery ‘And as standing beste you all thet pad Good pele How do you mesh? Wasu'tita medium bass ‘mil: “wall Iwas that man. I’m beg ning to think my disguises are afer ‘why all a dingaise? What are you afraid ro am afraid ro oe friend sop isto toh eady familiar to him. If he should be arrest within an grees and is by no means an unpleasant one. 1 have some books and iting materiale, “Pray tell me who stood ow i yout| ment. 7 Took it’s you! ; I.was just [beginning to won- “Nobody would ever recognize me, at ae! bell and as moment later a ‘Mr. aker’ roan omit ceived | of potice 0 ping, ppose?** handkerchief, ‘No, I certainly “@id_not,. ‘and 1) wiped his ‘bis nose, and then ‘do you think of this Gx Kuaks up, beige, with” #0 shaven chin and upper lip, aud from bis dress might bave been # linen draper or me cathedral] A sup} De Normanville?”” “Walworth, “Yer IL bave see from t ahd som “No, thank you, have dined, and Teasley Now let us mu don had to.do io aa he re- much a ide please,’’ I cans "May T also 0 freshment? Perhaps coe rierents dined? 1 them to bring y: whiskers, clean tay welcome to London yesterday was| with me be put his top bat down on a tha news of her ladychip’s arrest. You| chair, seated himself on another, m not see me at the preliminary,exam-| ped bis S a of Be sa gepraad returned the was a sentation at 900. tain a bigh w: quietly, «What and f b, I in his amaze- reall to say man in a much apes fe der how Ishould manage to rid myself} ¢;, a we coliar?”’ of Mr.’Samuel Baker before you should yw I come to think of it, it peor arrive. You are certainly a genius at. -| cancealing your identity, if ever was one.” some re- a Up) ing 0 t! milkinj Ghe talked m “T shoul St. Petersburg i jonal poultry show from the re 28th of May, 1899. Exhibitors will ss for their News and Notes. autumn sow! bronght out in Orange special report, is rem mmarkably Iatge, and, what is equally to the point, the plai made splendid growth before the peat of The Soscthaat Maize Paris exposition of ply of ealt, available sie ibd the cow wants it, ts ecessary to yield ep cade e not possible to have the poate reakisate, cleaned and sprin- kled iB oded previons to the time of ed for came on condition that ad be exported from Russi plied, “‘that Ihave reduced it to a Sci-| months after the close af the exhibition. "ne Fe you anything to report?” “A eal,’ he answered. ‘‘But bee ee tein ay Light cherot? 1] spe rored the sens mace of Git’ wot! trays you sm ‘Was food for heart and mind, ‘olite Person. “Quite pata isn’t het” He is so he can’t eal the ne unv: Al truth." —Cincinnal ‘Enquirer. is to have an interna- 13th as Judd Farmer's Propaganda is ws are x d free da within tw polished that MUST HAVE A STRONG NAVY. French Minister of Marine Tells the Whole Truth. In @ Vigorous Speech in the Chamber of Lockroy Made Some at Navy Was in no Condition to Fight During the Timo of the Strained Relations With Great Britain—Cable N Paris, Mai Chamber of Deputies yesterday, Sao the debate on the naval estimates . Lockroy, linis- fer of Marina, ekets ¢ Government program and gave a curious insight int the ne of uri unica anda Soicsta of able to fulfll the nevi ein ies s established, oF pable e to save the ono of lared, “our coa: are so much c our principal ports only: one-third of the batteries could be manned on the first day of the mobilization, and most of the shells had no fuses. Will Not Suppre M. Lockroy declared that i ‘would never hold from the Chamber. “have 88 the ‘Traut! wttnose fa mn obtained. after painful in+ wiries, ‘but, there “arg” mon ‘behind the guns everywhere hice, Ba went 6 the German system, of forblading | all re eighers on warships. Louis J Uta “Republican member ‘excited pro- wed with an M.. Logkray satisfaction regard’ poved. ge submarine boat vice. H po now eng! ine ot eae ee , THE TREATY SIGNED, ida igtth Queen Regent Has Sizned the 6 Treaty With the U. BO , March 18 18.—The Quéen Regent has sign ot pence between Spain and the Un United State ‘Tho signed f eave will. be fore ssador ‘ington, Mare! ot the ne sgn of we poate treaty by the Spain was conveyed to Queen “and tho officials of the ‘Administration through the bulletin of 0 Associated Press. Octal news of the ‘ action at Maria wag not oo onveyed to Stat before the ora of the papel: for the dag. M. Cambon, the French ambassador, called at the se ment about ton mines, to/4 ovel ee and, al ay, called upon ‘Aisean Secretary ie told hiv ‘latter that he believed the fad been signed. Everything for the Printer. HRhAhkkkRRRRRA INKS | TYPE The latest A PLATES 5%: Made by the belenented firm of Ault & Wiborg. the “Gat; fag) Drocess. The, only, plant of a PRESSES fi READY-P TS nalled by auy over in Canada, and pt STEREOTYPING. romptly and effectively executed, ELECTR ROTYPING - Bina dese shells, and clear working BESS EERE EERES bp bas TYPE FOUNDRY Co. 4 Bay St., Toronto. mies ‘646 Craig St., Montre! 175 Owe: 2 Wigmined 520 cordy Vancouver.” _ 146.Lo: Water St Hallians