The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MARCH, 23 1899. Judge McDougall sentenced two men the other day to five years in penitentiary for chicken stealing, and at the same sitting sentenced another man to three years for having illicit relations with his thirteen year old sister-in-law. Another sample of stern Canadian justice Sir Charles Tupper though in his seventy-ninth year shows remarkable |J™ vigor and yitality. His opening speech on the address from thé throne was of four and a half hours duration, pro- ably longer than that of any other since Edward Blake delivered his famous|? speech on Louis Reil, barring, of course, ers when obstructing the Remedial Bill. Seant Ji moan r ‘ap _smendiment fo the libel and rabiecs Lg SatareaO as quite 9 slander act introdu . Berkeley | provinces, it could be included that F Wine : 3 he Earl of Musto, Powell, M.P.P. for aoa will sim-| the affirmative vote should be not only | then, gund, also ada hte the COMMERCIAL. ly have the effect of giving news-|a majority of votes cast, but a reavon-| o ada, as military = ‘papers some protection against the ex-|able proportion of the total vote, and Uo ga Corrected weekly,by H. M: Schaefer. nse to, which they are subject y | then the Canadian patriots, who have s BO hie ciate Mmuverton, March 23, 1899. the advantages which the law gives to| given unselfishly of their time and pposition firing off| Fall wheat per bush. 3 6 65 the plaintiff in a speculative action. means and talent to this work for agrestess of | Spring parte per busl 65 «65. 2 Pisieatl may be re juired to pro-|many years, would know what was re nt we ct ride ising security for costs in libel actions| quired in order to move forward. If discussion Hon. David Mills, then member | Peas | 62 62 ere no, criminal charge is. involved. |a able. path of progress is opened tawell, and the- Opposition leader's Apples Beer 1% 75 The Legislature deemed it hardship ee oe io prahlattoasls it is all we ask. ° - | Potatoes ** 1 00 that a man,to whom a erime had: been | 1 Guardian. ne pee ei Z ee teed ~ en vernor- | Butter per i wrongfully imputed. ribph eal an meeting Parliament for, the first | Eegs per doz it yn shouid bed tier of his right of $ CASE. bi is month | Turkeys per pound 8 8 sola unless he could give security for Doctors Bald He Must Die, But He Rallied rate. thee ay pound. x ae “he theory af shi exception to the| Duties Hus Abin Cnr, | Siti Thomo nina ate sit per rsa: 88 , wale of requiving security for costs} A Prominent Jeas! light ee responsible forike that, fis Mxcellency 4s was that a newspaper should not be| Western tow and dieted for pi mer ae Viceroy 3 i ‘tai for what she tetas Giagnosed wn inoura iNls—"His Ex: 7 property. the speeches made by opposition mem-| basi a A terribl The fire le fire had bo quit his LOCAUST, occurred a York on Friday last when the Windsor hotel was burned to the ground result- ingin great destruction to life and} yy was caused by a careless guest throwing away a Tighted match after lighting a cigarette, w! landed in a curtain took fire spreadin, Tn a very short time tis ible building was in seething which pee other draperies. ames. Avenues of i d pletely surrounded them cutting off ali |cidenta that have occurred in former. years, | 08 account of the les of escape. Sixteen of those| one of which we here gi to the palle; registered in the hotel are knowa to be| he words which | tts a bakes ee addresses to the assembled ** gentlemen oi NO MORE DUNNERS. oe ctneaareette na se ae in- the common and “honourable gentlemen ate losses to guests | of the senate,” ase not his own, but those] ‘The official postal guide sh and proprietors run up into millions. | put into bis mouth by his Excellency’ hiacel aliethaaneoeee of iesehenees e ihe sdvisera” He seldom bus any-|the regulations yn reeard ‘to the trans Ser TL Ve, ul age really todo with the prepaguti of| missions of duns from coHectingt “agencies. ‘The Witness’ suggestion e Card a elf. ¢ regulation probibi the Be ee estat bene exceptions, however, | Canada of any letter or other article of mail 6 Jad to notice the proposal | Oneof piss cit during the the tenure | matter upon side cover of which are Fee ere renee thee Enero. | ofoice of Lord Aberdeen, “Indee?, it bap-| any words tending to injrioualy aes. the hibition question be kept out of the ‘i prvesration at onde eee eer itt ing see ; py arb pat on tren op Ree regi vert ople will still asserting himself debt” appear, 0 the “dun may move became so bad thi whence it would have most weight, member of her P Mclellan, 5 aaa T Gibson, Re Mag: Majesty’s loyal Orpestion Ora Cites R New Fleming, wood, J Riley, D|?™ Davidson, R Kincade, 5 Turnbull, W F Babheens S Gordon, A Bellar, B D Ke Tae SERIOUS COL ; vbaamaien, Seneca 3Stemler, T Hanley, J Suet Doetane mat ine McAllister,” 3 Davidson, 3 Rei The opening of parliament at Ottawa bas | by, th | calledback recollections of interesting ‘in-| “ident is that the semaphore sleet and ice that adbered Dominion Life Assurance COMPA Head Office, - ad fea Capital = - e ‘ich | p, E > Sapee ci rs, J Atkin, WT Shearer,| men are lying in the Neratford hospital ver: $1,000,000 C Gel cope Afaleah Shearer: | badly, if uot fatally, injured, while soveral | COV" + "50,000 ras ey, J ee, W | cars and both engi ie lying in. the ditch Subscribed + 257,600" trachan, J ll. The council ad-| total wrecks. The Chicago express had just Paid up Capital A 64,400" journed to meet again on the first| left Stratford a as pl jing to Monday in April. tuonel when she crashed into a freight at| The Dominion wie ae ae ake aie avers guine in every. cesehtial faite dui nar a5 o s ¢ and was unable "0 get the whole train on ou THEY HAD TUE LAUGH one siding. Tt ee bs Ieee Receipts. - I Surplus over all Lial N more equitable or more favorable sured in all arrangements than the Domi Life. Call putting on more Life Asso: ies. James Ivxxs, M.P., Pre: ..- THE... NY : Waterloo, Ont.. : ompany anyw Sabi “slr, sounder, jo the as- intone on its agent ae thinking of “Cun. Komrry Eso., sident. Vice-President. . Tuos, HnaxaRy, Mgr, Director. "anee enti stills have been seized in the township of Peel a at bg | cellency ‘is no more - fovea than the Bosphorus. adds that he learns that the ely at St. Petersburg greatly ba eae cae by the additions propose made by Great Britain to her sea —_-+—__ Big Prodgs, From Advertisings, [New England: Home Magazine.) business man of Philadelphia said that Si ‘The. pia before a ane aoe in New. York. aR exceeded $500,000. ie vel rbikotee was opened; althagglr two firmswhich fe the Hine aie since. A. T. Stewart's déauh ‘ba _ “Bho réason’ of Lia Waniaker reat success, both in New York and | bo Philadelphia} se bis aiUfal pid baton pa advertising.” 1t has been his ri ee confine. iis, advertising ta, ne pope pi magazines, on whi ch a spent annually, more than, $300,008,in Philadelphia, Bhe advertising billacaf| J yn | Tri reater than those in Phitadolphia, jalmet New| ti “his New York: setablisbment, exceadead Mi! qyen that, sun iets yaar, navy, and that the lesser mariti powers hi ter ceuse augmenting) 494° for their navies, thereby depriving Great] oii. of Britain trifling excuses sh now | fre ol eizes to swell her war fleet. Other-| Jarses Rei ‘Ada te ee fucwaed ine 15 A bylaw was introduced and read a first time for appointing st and 55. “York stoxe has paid a.profit: from the: del 3 Ae Dowd, te Ellis aa eee spik J Sain, AHall, J rs, Eb, n, E-Loney, J Johnston, J T° Reid: 3 Goon, ‘Vogan, $ Anderson, A W.J Dowd, J Davidson, 4, Boyd, Benen x Welsh, {L Smith, Habn, M an, 3 Dunbar, 3 Pooper, D Me Kangies, Ek Me@uaiters,, Kencovie Shytle, S Hymers, bay ings were most ins ‘ ut i 5 setting in, and his sufferi: in; | deprevated ie “ first use bers the ex) pression asuit for libel. The intention was|tense Almost as» Inst resort he tried | in the speec! ‘the Throve.”” ood, but the effect of that intention South American “Kidaoy Cure, and to hig} After ite inser rai Sh ‘Thompson se Leon bo privilege. it“ Www; [Sua amane eiiaay te ors ease ce ie yers with the power to speculate in eae te thin greatest i of ad fn spells. 5 aaa. ‘ roy ew Je who ure Sinenead sas Sold by ceamat with crime, They make some in " officially. error in a police court repor' RTE (EES oaG rg i his Ex: of tes and wills init will 0 ‘The Meu With Thick Thumbs gale A saa alten to ‘ ve ast 3 @ rescue of any newspaper arliaiyent o! a, a which has acted in gord faith, its help | si winprente g co ee i esa es in his mouth by Me. Mills ig too late to prevent a great fice phrenglogical journal, has very thick | himself {who was Minister of Justice at th thumbs. So had Bonaparte Namber | sime), inywhich these words ocear—My im af hse in law cos One, O. Cromwell, so had test ‘a Wanada. aba no cease when my it The Powell diet ae isa mensure| 7°) ‘Bi z “| mission as: her Majesty's "Viceroy shall have a i af scanh justice vo newspapers which | VOU usmire™ & a very MAD | verminated.’ a a ine nob the slightest desire to injure 4 47 ny mun’s cbaracter, and the Leuis- fivatia mp gramgear i = Oats BM lature shonld not hesitate to withdraw Blew of i h thick fe Hay ret 900 the premium, whieh the present state nidd a3 he Pn ny Bab ue thi hoist with ‘his own petard, a1 ry feciganes ~ 30 os ede lax alases upon purely spee- ie? plant their heels so deep in the | members d it tee nsely’ tthe Batter, is ii re “ ylative libel, suits. hi rs A vanish into the void of | 8 8 sera sTacaxaRED, Victoria Times, - 3 B ‘A dispatch, to the Daily Graphic 0 ne viceroy : 3 = sas ne 400 520 feom Sebastopol says thas the est MORNINGTON. oe stiod haga ete snub Beef, Tina S50 8 00 mates for the British navy that wei hi for his too previousness should have been | La" < ose a few days ago to the House sos in Seu tec oe |Gaministered to Lord Aberdeen from the! Veal ~ 500 650 , fiicials Fe Maske sass ? ae naval headquarters at that! phe Reeve laid before “eouncil a on ee en of the pear fete from H. Biynstiil-in “regard to ~, shies 16.97 the] healing wagon ;.no action taken. The ra aL ee se a we ey was authorized to issue the ets in proportion to, the ree se 8 Boyd $6, eal Evhunps abe’ made i} wing orders: S d $5,, salary as | wuditor and reading, report; J. es to, pathmasters. A $20 was givan to $.8._ No. 15. zed to. senna Ee Next Be 30 4 Days i The Ri. ‘ : : is no experiment, but is the per- a coupled with experience, which , 4 !| has demonstrated'the fact that, ; | under all conditions of weather FOR THE. we will endeavor tes qlgar off the balance of our stock to make. yoom for Spring~ Suites and Setts. Bargains will be: given. Call and see. Wiederhold & Honderich MILVERTON. ECLIPSE — Bicycle: fected result of mechanical skill; and roads, the Eclipse is more satisfactory and practical than any other type of driving mechanism, the only bicycle», . é on earth with automatic Coaster « 3 and Brake. \. PRICE - $50.00 & H. BASTENDORFF ' JEWELER. Next Door to Postoffice. c At. PERRY'S FOR.£OUR Boots and Shces:, dust Takes the Eye ‘We keep Dalley’s Tan Paste, Dalley’s Rosset Dressing 2 Daley's Spanish Glveerine Oil essing. * Boots and Shges made, to order: German avdsEnglish spoken. D. PERRY’ Bow- bec neP Ae IY LE AEN BNET OS ot The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1899. GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES. The Plains Abraham have been surveyed into building lots. ‘The wrecked steamer Castilian i is re- ported to have broken in t The local option by-law was carried in the Township of Reach by about 100 majority. ‘The postoffice carried over 11,000,000 more letters in the fiseal year 1897-98 than in the Laie year, Th er-Massey Company of Hamilton Ee increased their em- ployees’ wages ten During the thunder-storm on Wed nesday morning of last week several barns were burned throughout western Ontario. By the wreck of the steamer Casti il- jan, the Walkers, of Walkerville, will Jose about $4,000, They had 40 head of pete cattle on boa Smallpox continues to spread in North ‘Gaaline Twenty counties have reported to the state board of health number of cases of the disease. The action of Ponton against the Dominion Bank has been postponed at plaintiff's request until the criminal charges are finally disposed-of. Madie Brown, ae: ea eR tramp gharged with the of P. Toohey, is now on trial a "his life be. fore Judge McMahon at London. Oliver Provost was hanged at Port Q, enc Garree and Dulvin on Feb. 10th 1897. James Spring and John Watts con- xicted of chicken stealing in Scarboro|® went down for fve years each, Spring gave the judge his word of honor to be good in hssild Hoh OF bis, featouey) The number of deaths from consum-| § ption in Ontario during the month of Pebroary.i is the highest in the history of the province, 205 people having died from that cause. The previous record for one month was 180. During the 13 years fron 1885 to February amounted to pe sumption ‘number cember of last yea: other contagious diseases smallpox during the mont! cat that my client di Brinn with which he stands charged. f tl shall show that he was Maan when | division did it. ju unconvinced, I shall prove an n alibi?” Qu relates the follow wi the ste crew h fellow was brought ashore unconscious. ate curate tunned to the apparent drowned !” poss ts?” judge and has the very "| of himself, stood asa Liberal candidate for epponent Smith Paisitas No ‘ow, that’s really reluctantly cy the existence Bein; had.a hearty Iaugh at a Hinda rd [eyed Ind, and, pointing to a prismatic compass, aske tes a ale compass, your prismatic Ontarios Mortality Heavy rding to returns received by of Health the cent. per anpum. Thir is the high- est death rate yet reached in Ontario being equivalent to 30,800 a year from all causes. The deaths from con- 215, as compared with 184 in January and 141 in De- The Giese Some for License for the oF May next, ind be recei srhooping en . | signed up to’ tl There were also se names of SHORT STORIES RETOLD. “Your honor,” said the Irish barris- his client's | ¢ s 3 g Pa 5 3 = 8 = 3 2 3 mE ry be March 13, 1899. iller-Couch’s Cornish Magazine ing when makiby, Such See: cation resident within said polling WM. CLIMIE, Inspector, Lisrowex, t | LICENSE DISTRICT OF NORTH PERTH. To Tavern-Keepers, Shop-Keepers and all others Interested. NOTICE is hereby given that application Salo of Liquor. in she 1899 1900, commencing on the Grst day ved by the under- First Day of April, 1899 Applicants » will be required to far h the’ sufficient eres Avy a ii Osr. of the dwellers on -standers: ‘How do you proceed in the case of one ‘S'arch his pee lawyer who is now a great isa man who does fa Superiee On one oceasion me Prince of Wales school- oungstere: had Highness,” id them; and when t accosted a bright- “What is this?’ the yaungster, albin a fiptter, replied? Something New in SUITINGS in OVERCOATINGS ia TROUSERINGS im DRESS SHIRTS imFANCY SHIRES in. UNDERWEAR in BOYS’ COLLARS in MEN’S COLLARS in MEN'S TIES in DRESS BOWS in GRADUATE TIES in GENTS % HOSE in SUSPENDERS, etc. BURTON, THE TAILOR SOME MEN WHO DON'T KNOW Have an idea that all Readymade Clothing is alike, and they goon blindly paying high prices to the Custonr Tailors,when they could get the same fabric, the same fit, and the: game finish here for half the money. tet The Average Clothing Store Is responsible for this condition of affaits be-- nine-tenths: of them are: forcing worthless,.. plunder om the people. The sale of such, trash works an irreparable injury to thes Clothing trade. + bt It Is Hard To Convince The Man Who has never been in our store of the great superiority of our Clothing. A man cannot put finer suits on his back: than we are showing this spring. et & This Little Clothing Sermon Is to inform you that we can save you money’ on. your’, Suit and give you better fabrics and better fits than the average man possible can give you. Come in and take a glance at our stock and lear what we are doing in the fine grades of MEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING. , Grosch & Pfeffer: We are paying 7e per Ib. for Dutch Setts. 1898, 108 persons have been condemn- Next door to Postoffice. Ge death ih Canade, fora toucder! AMI ee eae these 60 were executed, and 48] A cup of cata the Legis- La seb sentences were commuted. Igture once hy other roundly The South Perth regiatry bill has| i of; a, raling despatch from. Omaha reports Baten of a building in which a wae Yyod of lady, were pssst to jump from th dows, and two were killed Ae Pee Be badly injured. One fireman was prob- ably falls injure accabees was meeting. They ey, application if youd dare. Finally the hotter- Even market. “Ivis simply friend, no one ever The appeal in the onse of the North thought of Roee eaghern dog w the Waterloo Provincial bye-election was| Legis . Thefireeater remained dismissed with costs last week by the] 4t home. Gourt of Appeal. A writ for a new pan sae election, may be issu iy at any time. MARRIED. The 24th of May would be about as ha hat worRD—! ; atatlea nt oa the bride's 8 ster, ie he David L. MacKay, the | head of the| 16th. " W. Cameron, Aying roll community in Windsor, laid information Friday against Editor Dickinson of | the indsor rid, the outcome of the vera in the Wor! rid will be some weeks will Seen be able to Arthur Gravell, Renfrew, 01 minutes the lock, a opened. More tha» iaicaie on a different combination feoat ‘the ene known to the setae and Mr. Gravelle isha it on two numbers. the Foresters’ hall next oe ene ing, at 7.30 o'’clock,.to take wards securing an Ache oh vane em- ployment to from 2 hands, Ie is also pi Ricks & a Board of "Trade for the village. A full atten- dance of business men, citizens. an farmers is requested.—} MISERY IN A HOSPITAL. Bheumatism Made e Bifes Burden—Sout ‘American Rhea ure Permanent Cure. The life of John E. Smith, of Amasca Hos; Wood Hospital, St "Bhomns, wee ove wit! round of. rheutogtism. Peigh an manner.of ot enefit, After ha wing taken -| hat foie fod most nee the easiest an the public up to this d Lifted | Pp ee sacl Sec cl auton: i f: ra benie eumati half g.bottl merican. Rhi ic ae ifs ¢ Li and four bottles oe d by James: Leite fary Ann,eldest daughter dt Wan, MeForman, all of Sorsington : RirstPrize Bread It is asknowledged by everyone that our bread is the best on the our competitors acknowledge it as they all re- fused to compete with us for a prize. Though we took first we do not bake for shows alone but make good bread all the year reund and to prove this, we ask that you give our bread a trial) © and we are sure that you will be|o V. WEITZEL, The Baker. MAURER’S DRESS CUTTING METHOD. You are cordially invited to attend Maurer’s Dress Cutting Schoo which is that I cannot draft, or cannot be drafted with my systew.” that the best is always the cheepest in the long ron. customers. MISS L. MAURER, Teacher. By getting MAURER’S DRESS CUTTING METHOD, open every day Waist, Seamless Sleeves, Sitirts, _ Collars, Wrappers, Capes, Coats, Lessons given to suit you have the d best that ever was brow ught before Will take,in country girls, and‘ we will also go into the country to teach if we get_a class of 4 or more pupils ; kindly let_us know. pe will be taught Seroseny ‘and get the system, or model, a1 is a systewp, a metallic curve, that wil for the sum of $4. fae and not.2,paste-board atl that soon wears out, .—This is an opportunity your daughters will not get every pupils in Hanover taught ul avin Spied T taught 10 Eagh and ¢ this a be in Milverton abypt 2 ads from March 18:Rq,Drafvisgy selica) in “HANOVER, ok. Tt AU RER, ant sph gg asisbon, QNTARIO cuURCH mERgUTORY. Mxrnopisr Cuvzcni--Rev, T. J. Snow- pastor So YEARS” don, Ph, B., |. Swbath Service, 11 a.m.and7 p.m. Weeltly prayer ark 2 every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Epwo League, Friday evenings at Feo'clock, | Ser- vice at Millbank at 2:45 p.m. 40 oLAND.—Rev, McMillen, B.A., Incumbent, Divine wor ship at 7 o’lock’ p.m. Service at Elma RS Trape Manns o'clock p.m. Sabbath School, 1] a.m. ©o prmiate A Buays Caunen.— Rev. J ndereon, any tng a sate an Eales ings AL, pastor. Sabbath Services at ll a.m, | galekly ascertain our opinion, ond 7 (p.m. Week Prayer meeting ‘on genes Peis Thuredw be ee at 7:30 p. ce at Zion church, Wellesley Tp. bers] srBauant a en re mg a reoslve Cuvrcn or THE eee Ses daberh See wht Ce fits, “ner | SelewtiTi¢, American. Sabbath Ser a.m, and 7 p.m. somely illustrated Largest clr. | Sabbath School, 11 : WP A. veecta| Saat. a Regt oa) newsdealere, ‘nesday sie ab berolod 36 try, "ric ba te wa, Hun,| MUMM SOO ocean JO B, A., pastor, sabbath Service sk Bt thave with eo much satte- Pema d ut eulfc that it was caused by bs A se kode font extracted, but the at had seen adve % inform you, fm words of highesé .., Sten derecy Clty. took Eran resvita, eee Mother wae troubled with weg fe ie ‘used Ripans Tabules fst T ean cheerfully rosomment then. threo years with Tog! lnements of are, oan itoring ‘¢ from headaches el Lem never Sdeta:, Forry intoe erowded at merortonte .aeh, Theargabout RiPANS ‘Bipans Tabules from an Sunt of mine who, was. tthe stomach. She had > found such rellef from he modern stands ard Family Medi-: totake thom too, and cine: Cures the peop a ues a. You are. welcome common every-day ‘to use this 1 v é ‘ “es ill of humanity. ‘My seven-year-old boy + sutered with peins 1 fils head, constipation. and complained of his . Stemeene He could not @eiike shildren of bis ane te de aad what be Cereccer RE EE LoL cert ‘Ho was (hin ons Ripens + Reading come of the testimonials in favor of Expats abules tried them. Ripans Tabules nos", rah have, | only Salles bus acraslly sure youngster, | ya wale the fermeriy wo greta borden or aga ‘mother saison os ie ! rondertiil ons c tego d aoe ger pee iaiescet hale ad opicits a am Rare ph on pitch benefit any one (from fees ‘nenray meni, sesimpereiliy Beier ‘iho | twacradioto ing e the economical. en oe pay mal ty ening fo ‘ocoy aught cesta to the TITAS, ‘New Yors--of a sinzle carton(TEx TADCLZS) will be gent for five cents (og barber shops. They baniah pals, ixhuow wewy and prvtnsg hie Cue gives relies 5 ‘i