Milverton Sun, 30 Mar 1899, p. 2

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Subscribers who do not receive th regularly will please notify us aronce, P Call at the office for advertising rates. THE MILVERTON SUN. ™URSDAY, MARCH 30. 1899, Boil” parrots at ta tata. orned h Squash, 20 to ‘20 minutes mon, cubical, 15 minutes per pound, Halibut, cubical, 15 minutes per pound. MR. W. DUNN'S CASE Dodd’s Kidney Pils ¢ Pills Cure Another | undas Man. Saf hex Afflicted With Rh for Dundas, March 20.—"Gentlemen,” re- marked Mr. William Dunn, a well-known telephone lineman, toa group of his oe “Gentlem: ing to give me relief, although fa rece two say Tam thorough {io ly cured. You may talk of doctors and thelr medicines, but give me Dodd’s Kid- ey Pills nn’s remarks are in a line with thes publicly expressed assertions of thou- other grateful men and women Who have been cured of Rheumatism by tym rer is caused by Uric Acid in rie. ren is left in the blood by di Kidneys, which are unable to filter it out, neys ee do it unless they are strong and healt Doda i's Kidney Pills make the strong and healthy—make them ao al rok properly by making them able to do There can be no Uric Acid in your blood. if you use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. That is a ‘ry them and be convinced. No Compromise Possible. No compromise can be made with God. He fs unbending in His righteousness ‘Ther , and never will be, universal panacea; iu ong remedy, for'alt Alls to which flesh is heit—the ver of many curatives being such that were the gerins of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill_ in aggravate the other. We have, however, in Q im, He will hot sunul the force of any law that He has enacted because of the a fidence in God and His purposes, They Never Knew Failure.— Careful ob- obtainable in nadult ‘aTemedy for many and grevious ils, | gradual and. judicious use, systems are led Hirai nee Dine exerts on Nature's own rest Itrelieves the drooping spirits with whom a chronte state of morbid Taaeee Pisgit es lis waits ar rs blood, | which, being stimulated, co out the veins, strengtheving the healthy. animal functions of the system, thereb; ya necessary result, Herengthening the) feamey aud giving. lita to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased, substance—result, ite Proved appetite. Northrop & Termin of ‘oronto, have given to the public hele superior Quinine Wine atthe usual and, gauged by the opinion ay ealeiclsue this wine approaches, neu erfection of any inthe murken All druggists soll it cree yoming deals with the question of drink. ‘here 3s no doubt that riding long sel ilen even pastime, generates a consider: servation of the effects of Parmelee’s ually scl medicine, sae even in such eses these bring relief when all other so-called reme- dies have failed. ‘These assertions canbe | substantiated by many who have used the Pills, aud medical men speak highly of ualivies. Growth of J. Tap: It is eighteen years since te firs ¢ Jal japan- 00. ese newspaper was established, and now there are in existence 675 daily and weekly Papers, 25 law magazines, 85 medical magazines, 11 scientific, and a large num- ber of religious journals, m: flicts upon its victims. Icould get noth- entirel; red | =i Miller’s Worm ls fem saa cal Women Are Doing. urea 300 female doctors. The aye peso nt for women only |Fcoutiy opened in Co animals and birds sy stat se buy more than hal the dogs. | A Norway (Me) girl has jus | writing a novel and has putit into type | with her own hands. Zi coo! juman body, Lae gine hygiene and The duties of mother- suf- | Chine e women, at least about Shang- peo new weekly Fenining Magazine's staff is ly composed of Chinese ladies. he great lung healer is found tn that Socenmpeie Sy sold_as Bickle’s Anti i the sensibil ofthe throat and. air pa ereigu remedy evvess, pin or xo ete. It hascured many when stiposed tobe far advanced ia consump- ron n for Good Co} ‘What dense tia bore jing each cow’s milk by r Veteig kud/antertnin (Geauch hatte they |pay for their keeping and give a little pro- ‘They can be satisfied with a small profit, but cannot afford to keep cows at a Joss for the benevolent purpose ot supply. ing dairy produets to consu cows Kept only until thelr places can be filled by better. ep Minard’s Liniment in the House, Dorset Sheep Are Fight As eal people know, a cow or two pas- tured with sheep will protect the sheep from dogs. But with dairying, as prao- |ticed nowadays, it Is not everyone who can spare to act as shepherd. A Maryland breeder says the Dorset sheep |ne eit] ws ni pherd, bein; | abundantly able to fight their own battles. | One of , he says, left the flock to get which way h: intended to go.” Powders cure all ail- ments of children like magic. ‘A French. cerca Fist that quently the ficken, which yetnes when coal is n_ be seen like a Tesichaet he tne aiMiny at cuales projected upon a fluorescent scree: Minard’s Linimeat is used by Physicians, Expensive Hizh Co ‘The high court of Eng! easiiond ihe country about £200,000 a ee the expendi- tures being an ipts £400,- ‘The salaries of the judges come to £148,462, an € other officials to £248,863. pensions of retired judges amount to £20,575, and those of ex-officials to £55, | 1 and physical activity are pro- | duced by Miller’s Compound Iron Pills. Dainty Frait. First Proud Parent—I am a daddy, and it is a peacl Second proud Parent—Iam adaddy, too, but it is a pai Ask for aed and take no other. tion and respiration. A Purely Vegetable Pill.—Parmelee’s Vezetble Pills are compounded trom Toots, herbs aud sotid extricts of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kid- hey complaints aud in giving tone to the aystem whether eufeebled by overwork or | deranged through gxcesses in. living. | They require no testimonial ‘Their ex- cellent qualities are well known to all those who have used them and they com- mend themselves to dyspeptics and those subject to biliousness who are in quest of beneficial medicine. Home-Mudo Ginger Ale. A, simple sway of making plata ginger | rk, and tie down the corks. “ Mitard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend, N mb. German biologist has discovered that the two sides of the humai eye is strongor than right ear is always higher than the Miller's w back for 50 cents. Bldney Pills and Plaster. ‘They Camr From Brazil All of the carbons used in mak! One weighing 97 was found in 1895, It was sold in Paris wr 100,000 francs ($19,800). It {a not what yon cat, but what ag stmilates that nouriches, MILLER'S IRON PILLS oure faulty the other, and the | U2 left. COMPOUND sadimilation. ness in the country in every direction. Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children. Dominican Convent at Colog: Deafness Cannot be og by local applications, as they cann $ reach I diseased portl n of thecar, There is ‘only cme ay to cure Deafness ind that is by, coustitae Honal remedies. Deafue 8 is cave: an flan fed ennaition of the mugous lining of the fchian vube. When this + bling soun id tube, gets in: er ow have a“ unblipg r imperfect hearing, and when its outhrely es fosed Deafness ra eee) unlss an ation can be Ce oer ie ithe tubs “y a D its normal tion, heartne all be ‘isatroyed: forever} ten are caused by. extarrh, ty Dut, an inflamed ¢-ndition ot z ndved Dollars for avy exseof eee (eaused by eat.trb) that cane Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send f NEY & CO., Toledo, O, n. mes Mouat, who died recently at the age of 83 y% on the Victoria ss at Balaklava by volun- ing to go out ess vhe We of x lying in an exposed situat the Russian fire. Miller’s Worm Powders cure fits in children. Inores: and civacity follow the use of mrs # Compoun Ulron P Cancer We ocnre without keife or plaster. No Sore yw bad the case, wr.te for par } STOTT & JURY, BOW AIVILLE ONT Lounep a Horse of the mange with MIN- ara Es dcametees (RISTOPHER SAUNDERS, CURED A Horse, | adly torn by # pitch fork, wits HINA RD : Gar LENT. 2 Epwarp Loigy. { CURED A Horse of a bad swelling with MIN- akbs LINIMENT. Bathurs ‘Tuos. W. Parxe. A book published in Japan 1,000 years ago notes that at that time Doc al silk was already produced in 25 provinces of that country. are said to be fewer suicides ‘There among miners than amorg any other class of workmen. | Thousan? McLeod, Severn Bild e, Ww: owe a debt of |grasitude to Lr, Thomas’ Eelectric Oil for curing me of a severe cold that troubled me Wepely aa oe winter.” m For Everything. | Inaue ‘eicie thie pilgrim came to a great town where they were holding an interna tional exposition. | “What,” he respectfully, “is the rpose of your exposition?” | “Te celebrate,” Feplled an inhabit- | ant, with cow condescension. “our great industrial schon en better off by rea- shee Walla} cate tet qrocsieied toe jotion of being imperti- “Certainly,” replied the inhabitant. “But for these achievements how could we have an exposition’ Whence the pilgrim perceived that there ts purpose in all things.—Detroit Journal ‘ank Seem Though the first tan! acl ons a only thirteen years ago, there are no | tank vessels in existence, nearly al steam ii ais Richest of Go! The richest gold pees i ds; Fold isin ee ee es Age the thriving own of Ballarat, and in 80 years it pr yielded $150,00, 00. ance SEs 2S New life for a quarter. Miller’s Com you think- ing of buy- ing a new wheel? Ii so, be sure and see the GENDRON ‘ore you purchase. ater} either Englis! i ny Piineks Gendron Mfg. Cov NATIONAL RATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL HATIONALN) MATIONAL NATIONALNATIONAI ARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMER: ted GOMPANY COM PANY agi oh GOMPAN nial NAN coh FARMERS FARME! COMPANY sOMPAN NATIONAL INATIONAI FARMERS FARMER GOMPANY }OMPAN) ee NATIONAL gaams Peer tal tate Fel HAE feet Otis bounds. Tull worght: 8yioe teeesh bal COMPAN meee the binder-compacily wound ; made entirely of one oat H a pees. rant o absolutely the best ever offered the GIMPANT | Suita Soe AN OAs ca Po FARMERS is FARMER 14-Karat GOLD-PLATED W. ATION |? "ing and gems sting, fuarantoed rehab time: Keep. OMA FARMERS: entleman’s size—maker’s guarantee | FARMER! COMPANY mith cach atch MPAN NATIGHAL SOLID ee LD RING set, with genuine Garnet and /RATION * “COMPANY Teaae™ Mark and guarantee aan NATIONAL UT CLOOK, glass sides, in Nickel Silver and | 4ATION, FARMERS) oie a pandas Srnament a a ccurate time-piece. | FARMER! | COMPAN A never ending pleasure in the nn COMPAK' | MAvtONAL) HOW IT 1S, DOMES eral tamer Sorta NATION FARMER: ts, does business only for eash, malkes no lossee— I FARMER} COMPANY| Gellar doce ts fant duty a TWINE on hand—so1 COMPAN N 'y_thousand han farmer in | FARMER COMPAR! This Company reserves the right to refund your monoy ifthe price of Hemp advanees by reason of the Philippine war or other causes. Mantle Hemp aE bat From ti ppine La ands. ORDER AT ONCE and make ‘ore "Te ‘tou Henisterod Lotter, dressand alo the rail the Twine, You Pay frei: eo Ewh TORONTO, nd you the premium prepa! pr to. “Observe above directions care fully 50 make am: ein forwarding your goods. Say the nt a ‘a Lady’ at Clock oF & Eire inrae acta nolens wer ion Gr hapar dike reatre i ay Address all letters and make all remittances payable HUWIA) NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, "(ui OMPAN NATIONAL TIONA FARMERS ana crass ae rat ape iA Co pars eh hat eae aoe ||) | WALIONAL NA NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIUKAL NATIUNAL NATIONAL NATIO wae AnMERS MARRS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS HARMEN TAMERS FARME! GUMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY cOMPAI EPUBLIC MINING STOCKS. Tinvite the intending purchaser to write for 4 ini ” a'eopy of my Reoeht publication, fntitled Republic Mining Camp’ nts ing OSE neibkescens producing > 3 3 3 3 3 3 arens in th mt exceptionally wet dan to. progrens of ev. nts ne Teel =A at any enguiter yy intending purchaser. “At present I San reGommend Lone Pines Hutte onion Penns bic, Welncecy.avd'Jum boy LY PAUL Mining Broker, 12 Adslaide Sc Es, Tore PERSIATIC Pig Wash ’ s Persiatic Fee Gor PER‘ Is the name we have copyrighted and applied toa a line of specia'ties for A tis paper in- tere ener Powder and vermio, We have madethename Bl eotahher rte pe slenatemnestiy is PURITY andSTRENGTH ERSIAT IC Laat res careful manufacture and the we of high — prociar ae ¢ ents, oods are ‘manufactured Gel Sec cra at our own extensive laboratories in Ste jowder under the supervision of mists, bas an RENAE CO. Limited, Stoufiville. ‘Vienna has a burglar who has been con- | visted of breaking into 200 houses. Wate, wich Toreeling 34oz, Stour full ‘Linen. Doyliesat 10c. each; Lad; SterlingSilver Watch for: 5 doz Doyli Bomgend perp ices BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES eee ce stagiy somes ed [Uoas, si STEELE . : BRISTOL, BOWLING ere: ARDS yeUPPLIES os. na oa THE REID Keune vat ring West ‘Toronto, Write us. £0 Extn BINDER TWINE AND ROPE, ONTARIO BINDER TWINE CO,, 124 ront St. West, Toronto, Ont. PILES PILES Tt cures all forme on after the knife has been used. ody, _ Jt 1s simple and safe and is free suiferers. et it rise wamderfal rem, ‘address anc ie co A, LEWIS. 112 Sater Street, Trot at has the Royal ‘Olympic theater, Manchester, to do i ne?”? In tho first plios, you e the fact that I a millien Stragaus, the world semen theatrical cutrepreneur, and that you are his secretary, Fairlight Longsman. Having rece! ve a rezly from Manches- I de open there ae Ey tntensly es xciti ison by aV Botany is the plininary annonaoeinent Thad it ere off this afterno edk Tes sahe eel bag he had net into the room with him a large theatrical poster, covered with printing of all colors of the rainbow. It read as follows: RoyaL pti acs THEATER, .NCHESTER. William Carrickford ONLY, ‘Commencing Saturday, Juno 20 Mr. Maxim: eae Stragaus’ World Heactid Company in the Intensely ci rama, “SAVED BY A WOMAN'S PLUOK.”* Detectives-Police—Blooahounds—Real Horve: and Real Sole Manager and Propleon, k Mr. Maximillien Stragane +--Mr. Fairlight Longsman There! What do you think of that ‘for a poster?” “very sartling, Tanswered. ‘But : must alas e my formor remark, that Tai uot tuderetand-ia) the very least degree ae a on eae aet ith us.’ “Why, ere, it nae that to- 0 that coach that owing to change of Y shave the van delivered this day week. Don’t you sve? If we hadn’t something show, he meh suspect. This poster, ¢ his mind Banas at rest and at the same time be an ex- . Now, you understand? “Ido, and I must say I admire your fwondertul rescurse, What next? “Well, the next thing will be to ob- stain two police uniforms and two trust- ive the van, the That, however, easily managed. The next item il be rather more dif igult!’? s that?’ id @ sure and certain ae of Maden ie real van on its 0 the Cea early ee driver and aes hey talking, 1 suppose?’? “We could ay it of, ‘course, but it -wouldn’t be sure enough. ight be conscientious man, you see, not ‘dike to idee) he may] sop Ae ace ‘ward hie up to ma lost time. No, we must hit on comething that will abcolutaly prevent ing for at least hal? 0 yet some in icertha’ taoet maigabeyand Gieeral working out to isvatte 10s pOboSwC 5H the way, be Ses aie for you if Ioall here at half past 6 tomorrow Racehiaat” Wel saee ACaY. ki aon ae by 7 o'clock.” 8 if you like, you will find went away and I to bed. Ati -o’clock I woke, had a bath, di and -went down stairs. Punctually, almost to the minute, a slightly Jewish, black ringleted man, wearing a profusion of, ing ea put in an and. Tena T should never ized him as Walworth, I felt peg it was he) so I let ae in and we went “Now,” said, my friend, for it was “Walworth, a I suspected, “I don't ‘ou’ll say to it, but it’s ab- é & 5 § 2 5 ta saffiauced husband of her ladysbip, the police will be certain to have their eyes ou. Do with mos you pes ” I replied. ery ct bringing a few things with ome. old fashioned frock ‘ovat, t Naaiee “A very old pee one,”” I an- swered, with a “Then put it 2 ti a pale of light -eheck trousers if she I to my ri pai Miva s he de- gired. When I Santee to the study, he bad arrang a number ‘e articles ue “the table—crape hair, spectacles, a.ou- stiously low cut collar paca a soft felt bat with a dented eer Be. gazed at me ‘with approval an poke ae = will ie eaollea I feel sure. Si nm hers Idi - as saint and he immedi- ‘bebind “what ho was doing, but after awhile he ‘took off my own collar, pr feats he bod. brought with bins, cut up some crape bair and gummed it tomy face with hong I believe is technically termed “spirit gum, its exu- But, though abov tie cibnoerniane Idid not recog- aise myself, My mustache was waxed # point sd stood ont: above. close crop tut beard, over my able ere aceepted portrait of the bard at is wonderfol,”’ I said. *‘Nobod would ever retognise me. I feel a theet- Heal agent all oF fe you are Fairlight Tings al my secretury, ayhaberee you do, rion t forget that Now we must be going. Come along.” eis hailed a hansom, were driv ad evidently written pre paring him for our visit, for early as it was we fou wai ceive us. begai i? gaus in broken English, as soon as he had descended from the cab, ‘is it you dot are na. ee idge?”” name, sir,” said the coach alder “ “and you are Mr. Stragaus, I| rn "Dot ae y name. Dis shentleman is fy waaay bee ello Longaman, Now you know, and so we can our bi nese begin to dal “Perhaps you will be good enone, gentlemen, to step into my office first. ‘Wo ahall be mare private there.’* We followed bim into the room he Ni pecert hepa possession of the plane Ne pete oe “Now, Mr. Stragaus, in what way aie ervice to you?” he asked, peatiog vineat as he spoke at his desk. “Zir! My segratary sprechens de Anglaish better nor me, He vill dell ou.’ I felt that is behoved me to do my best, so leaning rag in a confiden- tial manner I's “My em: ace as doubtless you are very well aware, Mr. Ebridge, is one of the largest theatrical entrepreneurs in England. His dealings are gigantic. And it is the business connected with one of thoso enormous productions that brings us here. In the first place, you mast Inow thas oa in ghia peeteut month eae Sraoged feipreanes the ASE and original guia eared Woman’s Pluck, at the Royal Girone theater, Man- chester “By the way, have Sou IRG pre- liminary Posten’ with) yon, Bir! Beta pont? In answer Mr, Stragaus produced ‘rom his bag tho placard before describ- fine 4 “You at ee ‘Mr. Bb ea continued when the other had read i @_ production will be ie a scale of unparalleled splen eT police, i one large wage. It will be had in his last production, it must be a} I real engine, with every peat | comets and an ane per working o am n, when he an a aie an, Ae play yeni fare every particn- ie just as you would make it for her majesty’s bist There. mabene no difference at all in any one respect, neither the ee eit. nor the internal fittings. fé will cost you a int of money, Mr. Stragaus,”’ said the build “Dot is no madder ae all to me,” = plied Mr. Stragaus pompuusly. ‘‘I vill *ave de ding berfect or nod at all. Vot ast ie it at once.”” “Mr. Stragaus, I yon, bei SSIS etsapes “is in a very gr ere has been aight fae cence of dates, and in order to insure a success he is willing to pay you handsomely if you will com- Plete the work ina abort space of ey “How long ean you give me, “A week exactly. Sites aaplcriges wriend” ” said Mr. Stragaus. ““Dotisall If you will underdako to do de vork and to’and me over de van gomplete on Seat Dimalaevtaih 46.419 osha x vill pay yo0 dice do rum you ask mi ow.’ XTi win ooksd Up In marptioo at thid extraordinary offer and asked to be ex- or sngment while be consulted vt ta teed WH He he t, Walworth whispered wir think he'll doe, Aud if we oan arrange it that way we shall be able to see] get it safely up to the yard of the honse unobserved.’ Here the oosch builder seburned. “My foremi e he thinks it the soft felt agri roe may point out to be done, sir. But you must see that it will mean night and day work for us all. Andt Se oma | Collet e to be on phere ws is nodings vi me. You do de pitts an I vill pay de money. Yor m ir is is arasaged shall send mm Duesday Bight “3 i o San ath you il ‘ave it gomplete. Den ve can zen as Cas rail vorst ding in de mo Bat, mind you dis, if it is Ly ae den, I at not pay you Yon farding. You PSs et ‘agree. I have Riven you my prom- , Ms; Stragans, (hd whatever bap- pene it shall be Gompleted by that ioe 4 oot. rah ight, too,’ ave a intee cover itmit, so dat de pub- hak ‘all not seo itn ve dake it away Now, zir, I vish y oWgoot morning, Yop vill be paid for de van ven my men dake delivery. Thank you, sir. Good morning, gen tlemen. ” When we were ote more in the cab and on our way fack to town, Wal- ost discarded ; i accent and ped his naturallon rns far good. That bit of ‘business is satisfactorily acedmplished. did not sy anything to him Boy.” t necessary. That. poster, which you will notite I have left upon is table, will accotnt for everything.”” “But supposing the police get to ines of it and it rouses their euspicic ‘Well, let thendiget to hear af If they suspect, they will call on Bb: 8 Bovirice, Bi sill Ee g s EE: z a : = ‘They may then possibly escent Ane Olympic, Manchestér, and learn shat Mir. Stragaus has booked a season ther for his new play. ‘hat will put ee off the scent com pletely. “And what are we to do si WVelb now. soup better come breakfast with me, J think, at oe lode: ings. Ir OW! everyday appearance, Daring ‘in, ge morn- ing Lam going to meet two men I bavi in my mind for the policemen. vAtter that {shall visita tailor’s shop and order ¢ iforms as arranged, In the afternoon Tim going 60 bunt Me “Gan I do anything else to help you?” “Not just at present unless you can find mo a trustworthy lady who will consent to masguerae for a little while aa. hospital 5 there Lehink Uanihielp ‘you. sister Jauot, Pm sire, would gladly do 0, I'll call upon her this afternoon and see. T did so, and of course secured Janet immediate promise of co-operation. CHAPTER tak At last the Wednesday "preceding the fatal Thursday dawned. ‘This was the iy day permitted, us in which to per- arrangements. ad buen w amet ca Wetwoss that ie would call upon ms ‘inal cea Bnet parti sabia quest I arranged that my ter Jisiet rales peso Iwrote her a note to t 8 o'clock precisely my roo) t, it is Walworth’s wish that you a shea be present at our interview. Have you made up your finite iy) Bapeuber uci sans ae you to draw back if you wish to do w herself up sedate) and 0 . “There me be no cerned,” she said. ‘No, it yon can ‘Alie ieate tee tac aiid Th take me, Iwill go with you gladly. os should I not? I have no one left ft ial de, and without you both would be too lonely. drawing back as to you?” ere, you Re kooiehie foal abont your witleriatey, don't fom?” “J do. S of age, who immediatly agi ie) ever cautious Walworth. He bowed to pepe shook hands wit me, and then said “T couldn't call in the capacity of either Str Maa mndllien Stragaus or my Baker again, you see, 01 ‘his house is watced aed tated. "f you go to the low, you man leaning peninat the lamppot ey’ the otlier side ee agent. But ud wwered. ‘Zhe case, as you Ni tory,’’ he ans I hav wird dive'a pale of vicivua horses, por chased yesterday, ont of a livery stable yard in the direction in which the van Will travel. Whenhosces itabead of him, will certainly run away. He is one of the finest whips living and will drive ‘the orses crash into the team of the van and by so doing will, we Ay | him. trust, cause such damage as will delay hats arrival for at least half an rae in over will ae into the ‘01 the necessai prelinarin at o gree Ihave paral ranged, the price “vill be een ce A it the d door locked, and the van will then drive off to us. We shall be awaiting its mo a Seg in your nuree’s dress, and you, Dr. De Normanville, as I sball Feats A to act the part of a Then the invalid was hoisted in. pide aged maral man whose one hobby ‘iage in the off the station, ee to seas the tiation T have secured @ Pullman car. The house is also en: saged ssid Hs bent: partly. furntbhed tn der to deceive the neighbors. I have tettied that the invalid carriage aball be a the door earlier than it will be wa d, and the yacht, which I have tae tora tate Pantie will be in readi- ‘mess to get under weigh the instant we're aboard !"” [70 BE CONTINUED.] CHARLES STEWART PARNELL Baw phe Grong trish Vapi’ met Polit Charles Faas Parnell was 28 years old before he made his entry into the political arena How the step was taken is thus des by Mr. Barry O'Brien a his keepin of the great Trish “One night during the general elec- tion e 1871 4 Pai ell dined wish bis tis : ickinson, in Dublin. eee dinner Captain Dickinson said ‘Wel See why don't you go into acils ent ? why don’t you stand for your vonage ryan “To the surprise of table, Parnell said Manic ‘Whom ought I to * ‘Oh,’ me at the ‘I will Dickinson, *we will see sbout that tomorrow fo eer thing is fi a bosipean pitt ite once, said Parne sit rie eae bee mind, and I won't wait bea ought I to see? any ae Gray of ‘The Freeman's fournal.’ John, who was also pres cs bd were well,” said Parnell, rising once. Do you ci “The two brothers ae went away to- "clock, and they low as a Home ler. sAsbe that, on the It wason'7 ee death of John Mitchel arnell was re Meath. is plain The ability of the sae e from Meath was questioned Butt was then the controlling power [t was only in 1880 that Parnell became the The ccetbibies ey, 1456 speak of 150 vessels in its basins and of German oer: rope, possessing in t tury 52 que ee 150 000 inhabitants more Ba ies times as many as it 0 jermany, which included every variety of object in ivory, b , Blass, fin, copper, lead, iron, silver and gold It bad its ice Ba its curriers, its dy- ers, and its taxation cneiaeeably ex: ceeded that of Ghent. But at the com- er te of the fourteenth satay its ables began—troubles from within od Rare without. Snone was rendered useless by d as far as Sluis and in 1544 its inhabitants bad Siopinitbed to 7,696. Then came the re- ligious wars and seeeasions from rok 8.1584, e Gueux stroying what Saas: heaviog title for the French reyolutionists.—Good Words. man who is overshrewd in his business relations is pretty sure to learn in the course of time that the world is itself against THE FICKLE SEA Who ‘bes heard toh aad ne diagine ser the wr? Whe tas hanied the lashing prey sorons she wale? Who has felt the wet brine stinging on the row the boat agger ‘neath the gale? Who has tala hin tmeging of the eall the masthend'e acdaing alecpy.t0 xe And has sfumbered till the stars grow dim nd pale? Fill your bumpers’ Join the chorus of my. ‘croon! Oh, the fickle, fuming, frolic fretting seat On. the timp, ping Tnuenter loving aaa t who love her fill our gla i To gio paws of all the lana, | ‘And we drink a briny bumper to the sea | ‘Mo has lata upon the slop iny deck awash? > has hauled and clewed and chanted tm ‘the windt Who hiar watehed the matnmest bending nigh a-erasl While the rival boat's a-dropping off behind? Who has leaned against the creaking. jolting wheel Turough s moonlit sammer night on south- n sea Who has felt the old sea Jonging that I feel? Fill your bumpers, men, and shout alous with me! —Richar THE PROFESSOR’S ADVICE. It Was Followed, but It peties the Ne: xt Recitatio: fi tell this story of a uae prank the boys at Princeton played on Profess- or Winky’ Young. fessor ne omy His recitations were Chale held the first thins: in the morning. and ad to admonish the students in his ault of tardi- aimed was increasing uable an useful invent ta xt Bind aad ehh Sree fs Sefdattin the tudent was cal A eelnerea ee 6 clocks in the t y ut the oth d of the room went of with a ter- rite eee, Au befor in ai Dar of the room hp ts ca ai Prine wake Bridh Ee Tat Lie professor utilized tocall ap another stu Rent, but the lntter fas searcely on his fait batnteltie Fin eMewERKGD. THE performance was continued for half an hour oF more, Ae: the professor. who hy ygmiz of t the Ppp pai cut short the fun by pale aro: the recitation, The boys explained that they had j obedient pe advice and secured alarm they were carrying aro et ith ‘ein because they were likely to aA) ee at most any time. —St lobe- SH AN RSA Fooled by 2 Gas Machin. ye oll bbs, whose gas bills were almost beyond computation and eaaly beyond ae purse, had o1 the Mle in th machines bea in her and antieipated great lai in een tab on her gas expen hese machines, by the way, are oat aug and when the quarter's worth o1 gas is burned they shut off automat- ical! vy. : Toward evening of the day in yas the machine vas Installed he wend t and deposited hee to light ws gus the machine would ear oat of ica and candles. A wrathy the scene the next morning, an thoroughly vinaieatea the reputation f the contrivance w! he unlocked and paid Sa m the inside three zie anda papa w York Mail and Ex- © Wrong House, eather beaten member of the fis Paternity, who had leer a leg and was opent Prctnesslie nonsewite the m: his sepia tome! “If y (ei et I lost my leg” — Ate voces ka cacit antaia eae “‘Aweel. ye didna lose it here!"’ And bang yanks te door in his face —Liverpool Mer iF Childr seaalings ‘what have you dane with tt «Mother, EB cng “Well, w hh, but Tino wees ist I lost it on purpose, to have the pleasure of finding it!’’—Figaro. w Her Business. A wish to get a birthday pres ent for my husbani Shopwal a How ps have you been rego dam “Ten y : careata counter 2 the right, mad- ”—Bostou Travel peed Coa hie to pee it

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