The Milverton Sun THORSDAY, MARCH, 30 1899. The Americans are having a warm time with the insurgents of the Philli pine Islands. Already several spirited engagements have taken place but the | j, rebels show no sighs of abating their stout resistanc The Phillipinos 8. generally fight in ambush and thus keep |S° f American soldiers on the alert. Some correspondents think that iv will be some time before the natives come under subjection. The Government is directing its tention to _ propo railway commbnications into the north country along two important lines. I is proposed to grant a subsidy of $480,- 000 for aline of railway connecting with the C.P.R. at Missanabie Sta tion, and reaching tidewater at the which the railway may pass. A similar subsidy of $2,000 a mee or $350,000 in all, together with a land grant, is proposed: t to be given to the James Bay Railway, which, starting at 0 near Sudbury, is to be pushed forward in, the-direction of Lake Abittibi, and will form an easterly trunk line to Hudson, Bay. The distance is 175 cultural land in. the viginity of Lakes Temiscamingue and Abittibi. her important railway grants are as follow! To the “Haliburton, Whitney and Mattawa Railway, between Halibur- ton and Whitney, a distance not ex- d id: oceding 30 milés, acash subsidy of 0. 000. To the Ontario and Rainy River Railway, from its junction with the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western Railway to Fort Frances, a distance nob-exceeding 205 miles, a cash subs sidy of $1,000 a mile, and. from: Fort PA to the mouth of Rainy River, istance not exceeding 75. miles, a sk “subsidy of $4,000 a nile 5, To. the Contral Ontario B ailway from Ormsby or Coe Hill to a point at or near Bancroft, » distance not exceed- ing 21 miles, ’ a cash subsidy. 3.0 a wile—$63,01 ‘othe Ce a Counties Railway from Glen Robertson to Vankleek Hill, a dis not exceeding 14 miles,: a eash subsidy of $2,000 a mile. To the Ontario, Belmont and North- ern Railway, fron the northern ver- minus thereof in the direction of the is gf 3 S : Post Office St The report of. Postinast Mulock for the year ended June 30, 1898, hns just been issued, and from it the following facts int ers in'this vicinity hav In the first cslumo will’ be found’ the gross postal revenue, in the second the total amount of money. orders issued, being in.all cases omrted) » Atwood . $ 5, 2 Le the ara Falls, whon, they. arreste beri _ Johnston ang:lars. Mary Ohver,, OR sgolen ony. of doediin Himilton, sone intepeee tS Ome or cote ; Tamblyn, of the Township of groom fifty 5 d Lake, a a and the third the total amounts. paid Savings’ Bank business (the odd i Local News.—Continued he promotion examinations es out the townships will be hel Friday. Mr. Wm. Cashin, a former North asthope boy, who has large inte ped see Michigan and_ silver mines in erie spent a few days at home las' A be years ago when winters were milder we used to hear a clamor for the old-fashioned winter had to grumble about something. However, those people, no doubt, have been regarding this winter that may be t fell on Nov. ee Goan. |S Reb, 3in Jan, 7in Feb. and 2 = Hay, of Port Hope. | Mar: afterwards, the Golden Wedding celebrated in the Methodist charch, ae tia on Wednesday, March e were about two hundred Sa friends and relatives present 0 pay their respects to the aged Saal proceedings commenced with prayer by the Rev. H.B. Kenny, pastor of the church, who. occupied the chair. ae a very inte! vir. # R. Pie read made a very suitable and approp ep TebNine: le driehide tie! tints kine membrance of him, Harrison, of Keeue, also made some appropriate remarks. After sentation, the company. adjourned the basement where refresbngenté were ane vo everyone pres d to enjoy thenselves and more eereuliely the honor the gathering thing worthy of note, Mr, and Mrs. Tamblyn are ing house in Sass they went as bride and ears ago The Ghide ex- tends its eongralation co Mr. and Mrs., Tamblyn ROSTOCK. “Messrs Schnei spent Sunday in the village, Dr. Egl internal operation on Augast last the: woods. Mrs. Foam, of Grégon Stat who. has been visiting her hooiatio Ths west da Triday task. access in t 8 Pesicrak Better fad quietly aay Friday at the age of 74, after n lingering illness brought on by the jock on Sunday forenoon. NEWTON. 5] The ‘winter is about to Gan its struggles and spring claim the vic! Drs, and Mrs. Nichol and they: patients rons Stratford on his daught Monday and hi glad to see him y friends will aa again. Hay Geo, and-John Turnbuil left here on Nica 4s, new laid Monday for ford, Man. acl ashi be bin to! with him. pack them to the best uf rd shine at be know ut Ins) [Ne cea 24 'd have cl ales well, that a stupner P Mar, 8. We had 15 soft Sao in De ch. ‘Phe weather continued ex-| ti cessively cold from Jan 27th to Feb, 13th. Spring will no: doubt be wel: comed when it opens but at present nature assumes quite a wintry appear: the des ray gts (apuahithe rt ting ey UGEMOIM EY ane Sits asia saa in Elizabeth. ville, during the half century p He having uearly the w ole time fill. ed the office of ela and we since t this much: coveted “position uf the next an 2 1 4 One Hundred and twenty dollars in ae Mr. Saoblen br i ba rd C as Ss ae eae Was abje Heat the pre- band all ap- ae os f a ‘that she he fev agar the este venaectal The robins have made their appear- ance ; one was scenon Monday mora- ing. ee eee _ COMMUNICATIONS To the Editor of Tux Ne ear Sry —In Ratepayers lasécommani- cation there was but little worthy of our Firstly. 8 mestiony it world be utterly abeurd and ridiculots for us, who have completely our memorie! f pwhose memo pect 2 con oa ediu igly wonderful 1 Even ye rows, how four gnall heude can ki Spector receiy pro to bis powerful Hi piantan. They report it the best of the R. RANNEY & Se in: de Es as 0 WHR 7 | ion Life Assrawee OMPA! Head Office, - Waterle, Ont.. Authorized Capita = _ $1,000,000" Gov't. Deposit a Ottawa ance Subscribed Capit fee 0 aid up Capit = 5 4 ‘The Dominion Life has _m gains in every eseeential feature during 1897, ith: Gainea m No, of Lives Ansured = 8.2 por cent, in Amount Assured — - Tu Aiberest Receipts. 5) 7 In Ai - In Ssrpite over all Liabi vy sal table of tiore favorable to the -aa) arrangements than the Dominion when thinking of fe can not understand his Ibtingations gatherings, unless the alled) bat, Mr Ratepayer, underst ur ain the vapees Renee = Bs Ae 15th the Inspector's report is dated Ph 1ith, That's wwo days Mr, hat S. regulates ind scone URL vadtiooli any tbe county, but yon were told that the Inspect- ors reportywould compare favorably with any other report y. them mean’s tosti Se i Hh Took at the inconsistency of his language. “He'd: like to thank us, and then he declines with thanks, and just dens we will decline his. thanks Om 3S. "t i yy miclus imagine his reply to learned people, would w moro, grammatically eomposed but w 't we get our education its noted for turning ndent May Liss paris offer eatin nog hor k Mr. Rate ost excellent, trustee, to the fact that ly hops they apps nal meeting, ni Tus Learnep Prrenps, DUATH'S CLOSE Ni BOR, & great suifer in and pulpitati us, and so acu commenced nsing it and in one of hi AL Son HIER euEt ep aaae found. eo fete re- Viehinnina OF vilety an awears by iki COr dig oe the wal pReuetace | Sole James Torrance. tight be rstand this, te faliomian team vie Boat Hons ec ome is! don't puittpl the Weekly Guide ‘refers tothe parents. of Miss Mary:C. Tamblyn, who used to be assistant teacher in the Milverton Public school: “Married at Port is eh ats Tor euniber of the Tio Ios Gaia School Chicago. tepayer, ot %. ‘ p.m. tee tseand Cantal Hotel. Nitruas Oxide and Heal Anueatheties use for pain: ‘e learned. Why wonldn’t a das he says it has no’ been “! and roads, the i clipse ler, of Bornholm, | Corrected yen y by ‘by H sful nid Phi.ip cut his foot tndly 3 “| the other day. while’ out chopping in iter, started for her Moats eeu anerellos aad Miss Edith -Alle§ of the same place |$ were united in wedlock on Thursda last. Their mn =e wish. them fe was among the early|S i pnaears of this township and made a vit Wheat, ae bea here on Thurs- “Columbia.” His i iag-| Owing tothe weather being so fine S.}on Sacrdy night some of our young men tooleadveniage of the good sleigh ing,by,dvivingstea the, debate asi, M COMMERCIAL. M. Schaefer. 01899. Toronto, ee 30). 1399. ¥ # goose. 9 BM es teinces! d ter, Ib roll ze pee fairy fr af S HOF 2. peer an Om. Fad Fs and nd FOR THE |Next - 380. eae we will endéavor to. clear off the balance of our stock to make reom for Spring Suites and Setts. Bargains will be given. Call and see. ». Wiederhold & Honderich Eclipse BICYCLE is no-experiment, but is the per- fected result of mechanical skill coupled with experience, which has.demonstrated the fact that under all conditions of weather more satisfactory and practical than any., other type of driving mechanism, the only bicycle on earth with automatic Coaster ‘jand Brake. PRICE = $50.00 RP CNR >, H. BASTENDORF JEWELER. Next: Door to Postoflice. Call At PERRY'S dealer in Cedar Posts, i ‘ul Ce FOR YOUR dust Takes the Eye We keep Dalley’s Tan Paste, Dalley’s Russet Dressing Daley's Spanish Glycerine Oil Dressing. Boots and Shoes made to order. inet 3 a mote. parties find- negotiate German and English spoken. Pa aepoon Sun /TELD ASDAY, MARCH 30, 1899: fh ees Boots and Shoes... eels GENERAL NEWS = ee +| low ‘CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES- dec! he Brodrick has announced that exiend the courtesy, snd the expen against the Khalifw is pod ecessar, Nicholas Flooa Dae the bard of on the address from the Throne. A a has been passed in the Okia- senate prohi BE Mme. ae has failed in her ef- s to have three Judges known to be excluded from the Bish acibeingiaken at Ont, w quash the city by-law passed authorizing an increase number of liquor lice Z fore at ki ‘Ss on | The Stratford hotleper in oot | Fomeays SE a ee ee wat | ae done care {0m oo Mauser bue E c w whiskey have raised the price of et fo. when you hear sequenc glass. goods to ten cents pe Miss Maggie Anderson, a ter of 64 years, committed s eutting her throat with a raz Mr. an * Fulford, the au Pills and Wednesd ny morning was # the werst of thi on. tn mortof the lines were many hours| priest who had n Jate and on some lines in ths northern | revolutionary parties in Sh. district. were cancelled altogether on | Frai account of the drifts that blocked the ihe, Mackintosh, way. Rev. H. Drumm, of Port Elgin, former! in of Avonton, has Pe appoin' ed moderator of thes West ‘Arran and Dunblane devine the va cancy caused by the death of Rev. John Bell, and leave bas been granted to moderate in a call so soon as the congregations are beled to do so. The prisoners committed to the Stra etd ye during 1896 were 1897, 898, ber cute: a wor 1897, 20 ; 17 5 sted 96, 78: Canada’s Case Before the Joint Mizh i cenminton Tn trade Cass: ee a fraction role nd her position was anit palp Cai fre e ry and ited Stat p protest, flee In the At contacts | aie New Hn iat pS Raae tpi i wi ben % is illing to wipe out one of b uses: | Ta the. bo ndary embrog! Cane a ee welee that was fully Tealilatone to? the “Unt at of Venes Tn none Be DoplnieGt ais yan’ spare anil oft Op 2 coop in natioual progres eratand 1 clash wit ‘the jou senties oe tings pald see all” Ang ames of nig one jot. forthe, eake a rogress and peace and civilization. Ting as thie difficulties bet th States and Ganada rer tariffs, fishery quarrels, ae Hun ntllowners by the with ‘of raw mate , alien labor laws, iisces ination against for of lawless hot-heads mn remote ai determined boundary —one 2 noe ness betweel brother. races. Fetter than revert to that blind stup that each country shoujd. bow whether it ita loss or gain—to the inpeetiel decisions of 4 responsible and al tribunal cant Monty Ree re RT aa ae Mornington, on M f Sas osc. _ the ‘wife of “born.) ° wasn THE! THE NOSE BLEEDS. “To stop a Bleeding nose, keep tl thrown a and his neh rs ool ‘th ze sping to rece Ate on cn ~ MILLINERY EEL Lai esi se ateeai ta We are making great preparations for.our e First Day:< of April, 1809 One of the most embarrassing one ng the practise connected wit Science within the limies| the shrapnel shells. of the territory. much dang the shrapnel i Da more dis de alihy | would like to ‘know where de -kivtl Marys last Sunday stern bad pa Sir James Maekintosh, who had a fe ville is spoken of as the|a vehement apologist forthe liberal aaa vo fill the vacancy in| revolution, fell later under Sas the Federal parliament caused by the ec Burke, and procisines unmeasur death of Hon, Mr,. Wood. hostil i The snow storm. of ‘Tuesday night Sie Lous | ous uaiaaient of | In anc The trains| claimed oneday t § ak have been mnueh worse. | an Trishman; Scotchman. might have been. ase be 2|b 184,;| made sppivionsy and jn one of ne ‘books pie ati * Grosch & Pfeffer, EE IEEE EEE EEE EEE cartoon OPENINGS 7VUILLINERY O§reENINGS” Commencing on SATURDAY, April ist And The Following Week. We have sécured for our Milliner, MISS MacDONALD, of Guelph, who will show you the finest range of Trimmed Hats, ever shown in Milverton. All the newest French, English and American shapes ; the richest Materials and Colorings. Do not forget to give us a call on SATURDAY or all next week, whether you’ buy or net, You certainly will want a new EASTER BONNET. Our stock at present is complete in every» Department. ‘ SU it aaa «3 We also wish to draw your attention’ to. our : stock of Carpets and Linoleums. We are showing an excellant range and at prices that sun Te MILVERTON. perenne in the garb ota a pber an me Sabbath Gobook, ia a.m. aims on Hat saa OW these lesen offered of 1818 which has hae davon before AR : at Zion ehure chy Wellesey Tp that you give our brend atria and we are sure that you will be gion ite 2 icons 5 ‘at oh Schovh Na. . P. C. A, meets o ings at 8o'clock. aorta Ne : & 40." ‘tem ERAN Cuurci—Rev. i Ene hint Sabbath Se ned a settlement | tee en ham vend United 8. t RS” 50 YEAI EXPERIENCE "Saath ekly. prayer pestis swortl Trave Marks eee jonveiG te Andet ei nyone:sending a sketch an may sat a, ale essere gar onion 200 sata ‘ - in on te propa bly pave ntable,: Ae comauicne Serv) Side a ae a put i ‘tention Mar icone a smithout "Scientifi . Finerican. Ahnndsomely iNustrated weekly or any neon Jorn Sear four months, €L- Sdld by: Ihave used Ripans Tabuleswitts vomnch satis. faction that T can cheerfully recowtnend Have been troubled for abi pe E save been a great auserer from constipation Noming gave me auy rollet 2 and abdon -@ bloated #6 box ks. testimonial for angthing be nial ontais oa doubt oon I want fo inform you, tae ee ign miners, the conflict ace aa times | R. RE Bs of ee aa sere Sipengihne a heart pany potest fe the ood a re psi ely Br ner cob Boschart, Lee re seupation, oy. my ry sie husband. 5 Ripans. na fore, Dut Theta nas, ie jue 1 bsvn tiem en is voce lege gine fn: place Wichaut gett s & MShcuaedaloeacmy * VE POTS > i IS Sanita te Stiescomachy ihe had ach Mysoven-yearold boy suffered with pains in’ his head, constipation ‘and complained of his ou