Without caling i Gui Question Wordeneee Gee THOMAS ATKINS KINS TO KIPLING. “There's a a ceglae ran on since we ‘Axe you meh be in @orspital, the barricks We fave al bee mighty suxions, since we veard it on pare ‘ke onue ees nl ag id. ie "el ‘ An’ wi re fc a 7 i ‘The sergeant eaid, “°E won't get round. A ‘It’s three rounds blank’ for im ! *E mona no more stories!” An’ our ° is bloomin’ dim; But yout vad alyaya‘alped T. Atkne, an? ough things did look, blue— Well, weal ch "ands praia, bat For our fondness of faithfully fitting feet. Not of fitting your ir best for yor oe bad A t die; ae want ‘im! "I Spare hin Hine he pane Lest we forget? We Yeard that yon was fightin’ ‘ard— just a ould; well we ‘ys tah bon, oto y APPY than mur old friend Thomas e we, lest we forget!” .C., in the London Times, THE BIRDS OF BUTHLENEM. I heard the bells of Bethlehe: gees aaa wet than the a pet Above are only a few of our many bargains. Our stock of Wos. A heard the birds of Be Ubi in Ue chart fneta Oxfords is complete, and will be pleased to show you the many ‘They clung and mae nthe Sartueine chain wnted a never- Lodi canes pas feet to our Shoes, but fitting our shoes to your feet. It is our hobby, our aim, our motto, our success. Try us, and see how can do it, Our prices are the lowest : Women's Dongola Button or Bal., sizes 2% to 4 $1.00 Strap Sandals ‘ “a Oxfords «Slippers Men’s Fine Shoes “ Wearing “ : “a ew, Lis eater styles for Spring and Summer wear. Also a complete stock of ‘80 bell and bird and priest Iheard, Baby shoes. But voice of bi ye Was most to me It hadno ritual, n Deere, avsadet cad asa tea’ Trunks and Valises always in stock, I though ug at cae were he ther ou highirds the bes, Your i inspection solicited. +And alate pis Thal ands in air upon his mother’s breast. Sew Gilder Watson, A NEW PARROT STORY, A maiden lady of a certain town in Co wall owned a Yours, J.G. GROSCH & SON 75 15C. to 25 $1.00 1,00 jh AJA willl NE" MILVERTON who have passed away during the last. few ‘ee ei tenth althongh these redords have not the Speed ont in the facia 4 y.01 eee they point to greatly ae eae esti 8 it Was necessary to. 1g among the people of omit the Ht, # the church ser anade. Tn Spite Jf the bur of ‘Household Wore vhirling area, it is an undoubted fact piobiear elon Ontario vs. Quebec. ‘Hamilcon Times.] @ sheds crocodile tears over 2the returns, it might be worth while to ask which is the more to be deplored, early and | the interesting tema ‘immature gnade ai and the bringing into! with regard to sich, that they have looked the world numerous progeny, natarelly | apon three centurie det ti to be killed ‘off by choudends by lack of extra ANTHONY HOPES NEW ROMANCE. ; thony Hope’s new romance, which he has just 8 ished, i d “The Countess | Enmiie,” an phe it will ‘imaeiiely begin. a a beautiful Co te ax et wi ith er husband, and exiled Countess, with the beautiful occupant sanding i ina one with the ‘woctor's CONSOLATION. ia old Be. Hill He Wasa Dying Man, Bat || South’ American Nervine Cured When ths, marriages and jeatha from Ontario and Quebec are grossly} Mr. W. J. Hill, well-known man in wialeadt ing. B e, Ont., suffered for — liver trouble, despepsia v avd 3 ke "5 ness. le says he tried nearly every remedy Rae nig hace ab i ee market wich alae < ese nt Brights, Disease aad. Kindred Kitne wi fe was, told i bye Troubles Have Lost Their Terrore—Soath : evwasa dying man, He be- Arno Kidney Cure Wages a Success- gen ig South American Nervine, and ou . A song man studving for the ministry, and the son of a well-known western mer- & | by James Torrance iti, the famous diva, tellsa writer in fome Journal how she veh th dish untit area isa russ DOIrE TAYE bs ve Loxeuae [Montreal Witnese.J Beaders of the Witness exnuotb = flak cord of deatins tie aes vanced age, nls ‘night Evie ark, eo, vikeeps avg’ wi wrinkle ‘A large number of companies are being formed: throughout the country to develop peat fuel ‘industries, ¢ his life on this great remedy as | st a cure for all ike sufivrere to himself. Sold | 100,000 “thei Norway Spruce And Other Evergreens nA large stock of Fruitand Or- namental Trees and Shrubs, Small Fruits, etc., for spring planting. SendforCataloguesto D. DEMPSEY, Stratford Nurseries. Siailord Ont. MR. WANNAMAKER’S ADVIGE. ymkins. ** Good morning, Mr. Wanna- ‘2 pikes, T have called to see ee can give Millinery Opening Loth & Guenther’s on SATURDAY, April ist Everybody Invited to be Present me @ position in your can ay hand to almost Sane” Mr. W. No, we are full in every de- paecisae! and you are the twentieth man I have refused to-day. Why don’t you tak ‘up a line in which there is less cuetiain and better pa "Tomking, a only be too thankful if you can put me on track of such a position. Mr. W. © When I was twenty Mees age, I was a stranger in a strange land, with neither werk nor seit when a friend of mine, a lawyer, advised me to take a book agency saying he. had eiieaed tunnel by drowning m saved $5,000, and with this sumstarted my present business, It is just fifty years ago to-day that Mr. Bradley, the founder of the Firm of The Bradiey-G % pany. Limited of Toru, eoitt me: any ‘cst book propectns, and to his beautiful letters. and good advice, I owe much of my present success. Yes, young man, if you have any- thing in you, there is just as good a chance to-day with this old established as there was for me. Write them and see Es they have to offer. ‘Tomkins. “I have seen the advertise- ments of this irm, tor agents,for years back, and have often thought ef writing them,but have never done so. I will write t is [aud Lam very thankful to you, Mr. Wass maker, fee your ped coe ve.” ovin We are now in all preparation for moving and will be pre- pared to do business in our new sand in Appel’s Block by April tst. We will then unpack our spring goods and show you one of the finest lines of Suitings ever seen in Milverton. We will 8 now be under less expense and hense better qualified to meet the wants of our customers. If you want a suit or spring over- coat that will fit like a glove and not like a meal sack, try us as we guarantee a perfect fit. age while in old stand, we promise still better satisfaction in ournew pre mises in future. E. KNECHTEL, 1ant Tailc Thanking our many customers for their esteemed patron-