Subseribers who do rot recetve thelr papers: wegularly will please notify us at once. : “Advertising jrates madejknown on application. ? : “Nothing of very much mom 7 , f ” S98 | aie, I answer. “The negotiations reat MATRON AND MAID. } 10 N | erious « ene sae ena him. i y ‘ England are still proceedii Te Dora Crossett, a 17-veur-old Tilsonburg , 1B! are still pt ling, and ee Phi oe THE MILVERTON SUN. sic gah 9s aN et ‘The real of Miss Maude Adama girl, Ghurear that’ ‘evita exlnced. fae the gifted actress, 1s Maude Kiskadden. Under promise of ‘marriage orer a Tene fain caielderatious, eat bo at be able Paciateaniedal eek: to have Aagartol ag. y morning another cl ‘THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1899. . 5 ‘oearry out his plans and win a free| asa result of too much time, paint and | 32s ald before Magistrate Field agains e tee e, Bri s eed 0,S pardon for a certain, beautiful lady of ek Has Been Set Down for May in| Dovtin, in thar he Secduood the gi while 5 . bag Sarena Harvard's representative to the next trl- tne City of Toronto. of age. : “Then it is all as entistactory as we | ennial congress of orientalists, to be held imple Apres: Remedies. is Ferm and 6 could wish,” she says. ‘Iam thankfu! |4m the Universify of Rome in October. A fonster Pilgrimage. on tained by ayen of constant vigilan Se yin aapiian for tint, And now I bavesomenews gg | WOEDSA fran Maal Nuttall. A WIFE'S) FATAL HEROISM. | London, “April 17.—According to_speo- ime. e wife of the author ial despatches from Paris nster pil- gr infusion. ‘This s an excellent remedy re ee) = peehie’ f highest Standard of quality orpre yon gols to tell me that Tern | of “Cytano de Bergeras,”” 1s ono of, the Saar eae 0 Lourdes se tgeceee dt vee ene is also a tonic “Good Seeds,” which is ie rong fester shapes ‘a pe oan An bonr later a large island bid w: | $80 kayyicas husband in ths world, ox most refined women in Paris, and it is | A Boy Killed by a Metropolitan Trolley Points in France yy. About 50,000 see a from sight of the reef and oer parsners ee ners TP eee eA Sh etre eed Oe tae ‘The warm should be drank in : ‘ PS Sieke ales Si eewige cw gtebonnge cae BPMN) LAAN atte es on Tuesday. lil ppamgegene Among oot many inredoctons of merit : cea bead a Zn ome opie te tame eTeeeieea | tenens on Gemeente | | ul colt fants, d sent to the and hysteria. i } “At 7 o'clock the gong sounded for and seiko Cee os eee Cousbe da ttarnbematas 37 TIMES GOOD IN BRITAIN, sitar enemebeas A ie ,.e 9 1 dinner, and after a last look round we effects of a bite from a poisonous snake. » ore Two Prominent Montrealers Have Be- fsa pleasant and cooling drink in fevers | went below fo it, When we remembered Miss Helen Sargent is. president of the |, Yankee trade dollars, worth 40 cents, | tarnea wi i freely. It is anti-spas- ' how hopeless it had appeared at the be- ‘Axt Workers’ Club For Woinen, a new or- | 87 Plentifal in Toro iis La Saatunesdgatr ea ‘od, and a safe and pieamnt remedy 9 | Fioning, it was aie to believe that Caaimgprisgeronty: | "Ae taki cae Shain of W. A. Powers Pee see nervous! s the social status fe um: | Pembroke was burned dow: on Sunday, a soning _| prove the . wa on Suni Be Montreal, April 17.—Two leading good ead ratnfal menstruatl on, li d { ant aie ae safely from our awk: model, to give to the node! si least a por- | ‘Three infants vases een abandoned in | Montrealers, Messrs, E. . Clouston and AR 2 iy on the mucous improve x hla ies a tion of the honor gained by the picture. Toronto within a week. One of them was | Charles M. Hays, arrived home yester- on aes he ayer 8 Mende s god in ‘in ai 5 4 j { ean s . ne I could hardly eat Queen Victoria has conferred the deco- | dead when found. day. The getieral manager of the Bank ny afections as cons hs bron Me Sh ort Whit e m—) i ae: Ree te ee thinking of all pees of the Imperial Order of the Crown | William Marshall was burned to. death | nee says people abroad now call fie, bleeding trams he. at | ents Which had ocourred sinoe dia uyon Lady Curzon, wife of the | on Saturday in a New Yar York stab stable in | Canada’s hopes of a fast Biante rs rot ae pa » i sab ent st tosh. table with her, « Bho wore peperst of, Doel: wie Pe eesti Spebe phe nantes fast Line.” He ad a oust have been thi Curzon Miss toria in present ited state of - shi qin, burdock the root ts the part used and Tied iepponerty called “ttt Is the... . | SES ee ae Micardis ae daughter of LZ Leiter of Wash- Futraeren freight handlers at the | 7a7ds i. would be auto imposto to @ yalusbie.elterative) oot the Giants VSeldoin exceeds ix Kaye é a just as we were Ae ny go on deck, she en en, Trank sheds in ‘Toronto bave | Nave the abips baile. ‘The cosy also would if i | ‘bade the sti ie unt, mother of the bishop of | str ay excessive. He, in fact, not expec’ eras seer =| World's -hampion a ee Bul totem fiangy of 347mm | plans have ey owt Ald hone ra Ses eee ee Raat seneuptl tree Pius aay ees u | : T-drink to the Lone Star and those TH with her ereat-arandmotie, ho waa ree |” The body of Richard. Sprang, who fell! SOS yh bean accomplished tack Because it is the Surest Cropper | swho have saved us toda: born in Queen Anne's reign. 1 beta ae int rare falar at ‘Trenton last | He adds that the general prosper! cary eal i iest Yi We drank th hiner 4 Seat ba sir {Calamus isan excellent aromati a The Heaviest Yielder ' “ne drank the tonot with enthusianm Hives spanned neatly the whole of the Bee fe anata po tates cemetoe ane ve Pee nee aueetecianin ot acsty my especially of children; and ia a é Easiest Harvested Hee 0 Sunt anwe did oo hove wana ond xa a fadenire al inant bere arene Sata psp ONG | Corea aden hunt colt lpm eal ot ore il for tho next year or bre. rene op tak, ghey Se Sree | The Handsome Shaped Roo D | eve atwe dwothevo mara iowa! gant cnt toy, paying with ld Bel| en, ur tnt nyt thane | i yn bukean forte reso | Rar ns ef Say sine and ead asc a gt ar fe Salvation hae Sad apes! And the Very Best Field Carrot 4 ‘ous panto, and then Saar relat Se niggers pottnis 114, crossed whe stieuays lines and entre: | = young man named Pepin at targanyy (sae eee bnspeil Sin sig ralntasion poneoerg erty 4 i “We have strack som " ser} Lote Dhadraieits Re a colonial iar ALAS SMR EEE Ge oe in existence ] Eipeing eyes, to a8 “ oy in nee entire population of tho| When she acted os & Rare, eee Viel aioe Benin's famous high tenartiieny Ansell nave nde ot Ris 1 ay ] atinot, I said, “Ri en diver, was killed on Sai wea, debilitated ean.teone of tha Exhibltion Prize Winner a paper aes “Neither of thowe things, No, it has ie eae pede aan) oe Svaece Be Sea ta eeepel cic clon fie. penal aanape’ tah Ora bitters, siren recive fie fash isan Price (post-paid) per Ib., 45¢:; 4 Ib., 25¢.5 | Th to Se te hice your sister Jani from 60 feet above the water into a te net Z ale weakness it is the Peer Ziby t9p. sees oes P| ey did xo, and by the time they Mme. do Fevrler, a sister-in-law of the tank | Trunk, who had not been across the At- maa be ne If the £ flow aoe ‘are simply a ‘emerged again the DERE was deafen- sehen aiolieee ee ae Brenoh General de Fevrier who recent ava ps at the Cataract cota Pe cina ep medics pret! pe eating hawt Lit pacibend * fn; “he e settlement that e | resigned the grand chancel! is e the fact that the great Belching of the food and caee ted ore ae we supply the genuine “1Tm- ) iF fond poephtcr awfal. ‘Thee isting to prolong her stay i Toaion of Hone wal jam edicts CConpenyinew aaa 60 pes, seit sip divilising moe of the world to-day. 18 the stomuch. prove ort Whit ‘arrot in sealed filed packages only, print lors 1 ae male rt. way, and s ms he says, who peuunecrdtareabeeisy pri bearing our name and trade mark as shown in the illustration, If your ery 1 y Shere res suciien and bigsiad goes “How did you guess?”” a ends iemeeing ee cars of | shat it will-make Ti en | gon Go teimabd” a atta yaad soraething Mac “Thal a Furgasire seddeat meschant cannot supply you, write to us for it. Refuse imitations i 4 Sen Se on ree ndise.| “<<Have I not eyes, my wife? You| SX* 400,000francs and making him excou- =i ( Som ot state, leadlag sedi waye wil conse De parce wks culyelfest o¢ auany pil Sf our packages and varieties said to be “just as good.” ‘@ xan on deck and made our way a8] gon mean to tell mo that thick | 7 of her estate. “Although Mareon! has. sent messages | back and proclaimgghiat they are not in i evr gu the tiarksr. | Parmelos's) Vere: 2 4 fast a8 wo could to tho brid Le pape er you think | "Sra J.A. Nelson of Hailey, Ida, wen ent 20 ae ngitsh Channel from. ‘France | as compared with What we. bave ore. than @ purgative. mf < foes nee happened?" ioe $6] tae Walworur kas eet aye sages to the Klondike last ‘and ope’ eG ar umyor Korat oe Pers amps bei ines does not know te eins sl atterson, who was issuing orders as} 44, bakery, which, it is said, pays her a prof cat ‘ashington is irs ing pone - fastias hi ese six months past?’ of the subject of much jubilation. Being asked if there was anythin ue Uver and Kidueys, and new y | | apes jp oaun oe see ere not} “{¥ou,have no objection, T hope?” pease pelea She bought a claim |“ ‘ny¢ action brought by Trent iway man from this side ould Ieee press. Nothing of an injurious | an my chart,” he said Joe have eas ‘Not the very slightest. She isa good ae Who emigrated to Idaho | Hamilton against William Payne of To- | @ the 0! , he replied: “A great for merely purg: ; Vorued the euaines ts on es mia kobe c@iaelaay one enc ago, married and has helped her | 72% for $5,000 damages for the all cal. have returned, in foot, thinking heir com position s. } T donla ese chat oun ulna * torn, | 18 Certainly ter t Hiaeor. develop mining property there, eee her ce pcat Rod Fannie | *at I ‘is ee hi ai 7 a + | If they man ves, “ Is reception at a. Tadured Innovence, | @ diet ovena chiliveams bave told by, tho ye ee eet eae —_—__—_—_——_ 'A Metropolitan street car ran down on | £2° meeting of the Ggand ‘Trunk sbare- That ccelalmod the todignam ¢ ‘way the schooner: moved that it was al np eae eee ve ik PERT PERSONALS. ‘Ciocunlag ap. Coromte the: S-yemihld win oF | Does Was COMM, 1 Ae) extras tis what 1 pears A remarkably bese fal Sa “i Produces, strong, stiff straw, ee } Saaleaiee «i ie vq ‘That's all I can say, my wift 5 Baward M. edhe fs 2 ‘Sean Chaves Rivers.Wil me 0 Cone falseh r By Spal get foes) eats ian oN aie all Here ie pecan: ; Even while be eee Gepealcind ha wae faite you truthfully affirm that By | When the sword and pen join forces, as | and inflicting very serious sare to bis ‘and he 601 's Bathing of the kind,” replied the sinkiog p pore tibi ave never regretted giving up 60 much | in General King’s case, success is inevita- ee side. He died at midnight on Sat- pert that au the “aitigulties area the Ani an, Ht gob mln Price by mail ( a) per Th, 350.3 4, Ibs. for 50. oF by freight i Lasts for m fat cisoatan Gite: sins R. and Grand Trank have been set- sede cosmuiiesion for telling that false- Bex express (parc com ing carriage) peck 25¢.; bush:. Soc.; robush, mY Gein mo oe" mid st tae, «sBegretted! How can you ask me| William Nail was recently married in wit now trangpires that the reason tat statutorily to bot eompanisa < Tots ar over, 752 Per bush. Cotton bags, holding’24 bush. at 150. each, q ye ity this'dlian were'ae| eee A question? “Mo, my darling}, sost Cincinnati, Happy man. No woman oan Sampson's squadron will nos vist British ae ee 4 mea ‘Sheie’ wtations, S| eseures ere is one thing for which | drive @ mail.— ras cag ports in response to the recent fou ‘AT FI } eae enone sou have baaes Wie for or, Catalogs, contalnn descripsions snd prices of of the newest stn crauisito eave anid. prosiston, | atm grateful to Providanos it fs)" yr anes i Moray om eceirae ws whe ty cea: Mee Wot eee aa rate Dor oe ca Gnien ‘Seads, s0DGee Please’ 10 ieee Sigal eangt on eater Hote I placed my arm round ber neck only an eto, tgs as ell 8 a epoca think her too friendly with the Tnother| A Bad Blaze in Which Some People thee Noses Plast cook yest ‘uncovered and and drew bh: lovely head down to me. Were Badly Burned—Some of Bed ice Nee het wien Mae “Canada’s Greatest Seed House” i Bee ek Viasat coal de comics aR nee rT be bi Ieee be noel th al of Span i Benton Gil oD o> Them Sing Dien him? It’s ee the ast Shs . Sianhae' wan setenli tied to Balthe beer troubles Don Carlos has not ‘able to | Tonto at the criminal beginning pI iy ‘ever 1 oause for delay. 1us- | make beyond a Cincinnati | May. Justice Robertson’s decision Cleveland, O., April cea im ‘had lany one in the tow band of the Beautiful White Devil!” Lehi biird = aes re Gone. Boab af The we Keeping Alie and Janet by my side, I it Enquirer. provides for the payment by the Crown | wholesale millinery establishment of 3 5 4y descended to the boat allotted to us, and Kah ee ‘The pg te iPolyguanlet Roberts tnais | 2e ores cee ee beme, ane. co uebe Hart & Company, occupying an entire fot reper ere E a ss ‘we took our seats in the a cates geome respects, choy proba) Samaten ob te trial. | block, was ‘burned down on Saturday. ¥ TORONTO, ONT. Limited ‘time we had pulled to a distance of Easily Satisfied. make a eae oe ‘of congressman.— | | At Rochester on Saturday by the fall- About a dozen were cut off from } oe oe vate the deck of the yacht ‘ A manufacturer et tombstones in a. ae Siete ale ‘aaa be suff Bac void "on pay al nek Lagoa Satta si ak anes eile was levs t! is suffer- : Sia aero eee 4 aval mi ie Hee minutes | Sour’ fee pee incial town one day re-| ing trom FS walling St the lower limbs | Were seriously injured. The cables of the ‘The crowd below looked on, begging the ; Messrs. Northrop, & Lyman Co, re the ERO sop Form Versa Tante. gallant but iN) fated Lane Star | ceived a ‘call “from 8 onslomes WHO) Chang will yet endl ap om the staie-— Glevator broke and the men fell to the | Uafortunates vo walt for the laddors. ‘The ts Miss Linsey’s Endorsation of Lt chapman ea tes oe ome Beales Oil..|.. Sadie—They’re pee afraid of omall-| 4 stn ae, Seis pee oe Elder ota a en SS : ‘Spped up on end, gave a sullen plunge| Wished to buy a stone for his mother’s | Minneapolis Journal. ground, a distance of 40 feet. firemen eventually i ing Dodd’s Kidney Pills. guimutiies rakes ee Sh Ral fae Ae issyon thor sor | been Traught out by a Frenchman, Mt [ee you soak x your breadlin he he dish. It’s 2 he Marelseva ieapetrs pee die wage AU alee us Toole , HEaVGsdae tas basen Oh Louis Montgomery) Forbes) young Feber dahaayat a earn Tapia tasied Seth a Set ts 4 Ti 4, i Ger e exceeding]; P ie oe BP by for | asa juror. He must feel tke anna ho | an who was making ready to ever: where wi : id | Sadie—Well, mamme let me go with treted much anton, eres eee ee ree ae aralty: eos castes : Bod my arm around Alie's waist and| some ‘time and waking numerous re. | bas found a stray dime in bis pocket or | America, has died at ends, #2 60 t| about faco and ead, condition ae . depts oat foal oe “ici {oe ae agree eet 1S etter eA SS ssa ae (e ‘be of insale pists use in offices, since it 1s = her closer td my side. Sho was|™arks as to bismother’s tasto he finally | Obtained @ pass tos theater.—Baltimore poisoning, after having been 7 te ee spots ae hee a “ ie " able sp20 is ; bli 1 fix erald, ‘Alfred, Smith fessi men badly c Were Withent Eayot Her | cvcty ili thas feb to heir sued | her vaccination mark. to approach the iortrument | Mnar’s Liniment Cures Gols, ete, Ev eed sient va," stone Spon atone which the| “ ilfian Russel! f Coen a ees Wectnioccr | Hremen wore slightly soorchod. “Rockers 5 ae the sufferer as, more. precious then lac Saas RC in aeiente carry on @ conversat:on, nor lo ie E whispered. bad prepared for another must feel more or less jumped from a window and is gold. ie of te teeta dass re ad con (SCR tie tram at wee aptea ‘altered Ragal afiioas Sesteber as eit gomenken, bs il grbt cag open or te pipes a Aegean) (ieee of Cleveland, injar ereechernalnd, ‘Wasted frame. ‘To the farmer t india: pale, * nasal even when tranamitteda great dis | King Karreh, chief of o large Kafur 9 turned her Bead int the directi T Tike this oni ” he said id never Knowing but that ono of a .» on Saturday: information with usable, aud i shoald oS | not SSOEE gd ane race a, eee eara moeeneet Shere this Gok sh0he: bed diepe : eS fem prriray pected: mecha is ME Ue 0 | ai euicreke ede ick ead Ceaser pak Fenn bet eal rehyy oe . ae eau 2S ——_—_—_—_—_ snr ides hss clo over he sooth South And said almost under her breath: | _“*But that belongs to another man,’ Raa egal insure ago sucaiar ee] Gaiety Cane oa ier Soldier’s Death. aes frican it nearly lay long. “‘Goodby, Lone Star, goodby. nstrated the stonecutter, ‘‘and ie 4 eoreatedl were} & Company, manufacturer of ladies’ asabek cones ate, ee nae A cyoling frm in Cologne bas patented ——— af | ‘Then she stooped forward and buried as tee aie Ente cut on it, you peat aieeaee er ee oes aa brie ey cloaks, ‘The firemen succeeded in saving a ‘And thoxigh surprised was she, Se er ras fe pecans | eng eee Miller's i Aner face in her hands see, That wouldn'édo for your mother.’" | wonder how the British people can affard $500,000. y pelea pe emactrs on haa ah She only blushed a little bit, Seen trighinig Ewer Re Tee oe a ‘To divert her thonghts 1 sumed to (Oh; yee it sonia Tesponded the | to support im. Re Tiesdiiia, Tisteha acids duet ini kerae er eee ease dee ed 5 ate And said me.’ sdozs and cheeky tramps, By m owe y ¢ nearest us, which was com-| Countryman. “‘Mother couldn’t read, Seer eA Isaac Becker's house exploded, hata under control. The total Tose 4 tod. ressing © touiton attached to the side of . RROWS ‘ amanded by Patterson, and asked. what | and besides,”” he added as he saw the THE CYNIC. the, man Into unconsciousness. | Mrs. | at from $000,000 to. $7 = ip estinaiod ‘Worms cause feverichness, moaning and Bie bell cen. carcridges can be fred of in | PLOWS, | arr Fhe HARROW ho thought we.bad batter do ,,[Bfomeoutter's expression, she'd like it Epa Pletal erty Uf Scala entered Sie Tanees’s vistecnn! Ee A cies ee nak succession, these piety such a loud report | coCKSHUTT P oPRANTFORD jail up the coast as fast as we can,’’| All the better id read, for qT poorer tho plato Bl plano player the louder | Ci5tne 2 usband, whose fs in Dodd's Kidnoy Pills # positive cure effectual df yonr druggist bat none in ais. } ho answered. “My boat will take the | Francis was tivayee: aus name of | she Plays. pabaahwiltear oa Ong DEshe honse,, Bes ‘Trace of the hic tha Clasnebs'thabeob Mfg oF alk ize Stock, get him to procure it for = a twice before beating a hasty re- [uos, si STEELE & BRISTOL, 525° fi ‘ Car ‘Tho rest had better follow in sin- | hers anyhow. Every endl cb has customs of its peabee gail Eo ae during’ her era a mane ea and joys. = 5 Sinn Garon ne opine gle file. If this wind holds, we shall] The story is auggestive of cals told of | CV oe Wome not he, tolerated tnlcther } tr " : erable apprehension ‘been ned ‘Miss Linsey writes: “I wien thyecea sina 3 moore Soe ads Wailea WAMILTON, ESM SpISe® r Fotch tho settlement or be somowhere| ® London tradesman enddenly grown | me sus time their severe burns, leaving {hee | here by the announcement that the sufferer from Female nd Head- BINDER TWINE ! ve es } thereabout by daybreak.’” rich, who, having set up bis carriage 1 fy attend eee that | life alone. American Government has notified the cho. I suffered all thetovinrs atton ONTARIO BINDER Ty | ( gay aia i anal we i mats great stato, went fo a harness maker to | selects anew lon a all le whon he ——_ Goreann eg ar eee ‘upon, iseases, and could cet no re-! e settlement by the time he specified. | bave a silver letter put-on the Diders sansa sige: 8 Se DEO beeciggs oer: mien oie dimtanl bornonng | Then passing behind tho great doors | Of his horses. ae pose Mg coaiiies eo wai or, Yon _ April, 17—he “dollar | Me passage KoeUsiory atresia Dove's K Kidney Pills and my complete os —_—_ This brings te 7 sqhich, aa T have sald before, concealed “What is the initial?” asked the har- | about the irony of fate. an ated dy ae cranate | edepted against Jamaica, The nomapapers ‘Dogan at the same tine. a Rogge eget) ‘To Be Depended On. tion and, the victim feels y oni je canal _s0 cleverly | 258 It takes a woman as long tosclecta seat | dacy “f e candi- | o¢ the island regard this notification a 4 pd well in every way, thanks to Dodd's nes ne foe be guartee, Mieco Comm: | sien't Mara a rathor uncertain friend?” Se ee erecta tha celiee will f Wa ‘that even from the olose distance of a} ‘The what?” asked tho rich man, | atthe theater as it docs ioe tia kvesais | Groth Cale Polaca ou Aararlay ices | Core involve fe eoiony tm. nancial Kidney Pills. “Not at all; whenever she comes to see | follow their use. f 3 mile I ee not been able to detect where | looking blank. man to pick out a new suit of clothes. in point of numbers was one of the big | and, commer i) ae ee OE Lead “Weak, pale, nervous wornen, whose lives SEE? me I know she Baber tory tt { the imitation began and tho real alist “What letter shall I put on?” in- | | Have you never noticed how the people | gest affairs ever held in this olty. Near 18° | Cuban and Porto Rican industrial com) rea cootinnal round ct saffeing, need | “Ob, T woo! A eid ai : cape ek Uap odue iveatoney. * seid me patted faside. ‘Then, to cheer | quired the barness maker, saypressing | 0Urlsh whom you disiiko and what trou- | §,000 men and women, sat down at ‘tong | tlo3- ook no further for s care. If they will peti wousn who bass kind| poi Diba pole bagi es ones that fully two-thirds of aus, standing elas them all, Tieeovecd his amusement. Gaesrbbieararis whom you are fond? | tables a the various room: POPERE DEM tase Dodd's Kidney Pills they are sure of beet pols discoveries itself the whole amount, of pubilo, money-held i | =e ayers ed, perhaps a trifle the- hake Thadn’t quite made up my rarely the case thata mancan light} _Walliam Jennings Bryan cidiae metre Raby Deen eer beret aap Mises ee “What else is be?” asked the caustic fess ‘the London (Eng.) banks does not bear | € atrically : ‘giind;*? musweted the customer, “but! 1| & a die ne ae not Cote ook in her | until shortly after 7 o'clock. Crowds on oe ‘Ont., ae 17.—On Thurs- ‘Dodd's Kidney Pills ongthen aun a \ é “Gentiem en saa We ta ahs 7 saw 10 cents into the | the outside signalized his appearance yy morning a baby, § months o! aes Urinar, .jegans, and bring | i go not Know that he is anything st 6 Safin Abpea ea EOP § ht ABR } Ls ao ke awit acta Se ea ee ae any, Panes pat aa bandos a letter | fre Hemanlods anes’. ‘whe tail saree daughter of J.T. D. Coultard, ae bork weer oe te ality weveel ae | a But ati the duramles I have seen | Tepublic now oy eouie Ts les. It Sa children. requis piyale »ngne act f ‘ ke E. qn Get: reste tiay ae 2 en erm fn poo formerly been Bas to the pe as Bryan was hur- te faced Bison, was fou fone iti‘its cot. % j@ney Disease eel so nice as ‘8 ro 3 very % friends, as a rule, and one is pretty apt to jown one of the main aisl: formation was fore exist when Dodd's Kidney Pills. re used. | would Anns ere es aS 5 enn * 4 mouncement ie ony weet the cease ‘Too Much For Their Curiosity. bale ote the other. * ‘lam the ve teeplond ap demonstration lasted for five eta if wi an inquest. Evidence was ‘Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all drug- irs. Brownston at home? ma eee SS F and entered the little landlocked harbor. | ‘The minister of a country church was Mr, paren’ ‘address, which was a| 8iven by the parents and others, showing manatees a aoe ae dee $2.50, or sens, | yinard’s Linimeat Cares Diphtheria, er ‘m. oo to a sane all ‘The Havana Klectrie Confpany. Z MW iq cain greatly annoyed on Sundays by the wo- sane meat never tastes right resp combed oa devoted. to npholding | Y°Y merloss neglect of the baby on seve s¥2 2 Dodds Medicine oA Ths E BREE LR evening, It’s my Bight out. 01 “with a capital of $5,000,000 hee 3 ¥ | if 8 doctor sits at the head is well-known views on thi tary ts. @ verdict bit = Expecting Teo Much, bas st been Fi +9 Shien as abs, % rp § ‘Three years have passed since the fate in sane Teena the nek the earving It. is (llbead Sergce question, and Dredictions of ‘success, for | shat the ioe of the child a ate ——_—_————_ Banari Thedi gw. ao: Health for the children, Miller’s | through the civy of Havans and elsewhere ‘ my; -wreck of the Lone Star, and| At last he hit w i plant . | surgical operations.—Atchison Globe. the 16 to 1 Democrats in the next Presi- | W20¢ of attention and willful neglect on os a ee = aac! dace’ try to buy my vote outright!” Se in Gubu. pena oe aires today is the third anniversary of our re-| it, The next ae he aashed ey Tae ESE mel eae Roshay tasteane ae peaks © 80 — alogus. . urn to the settlement. It i WARNINGS. oa cirhasty contest’ You're rich, T fel Ike, Swag gor sone ““What is fiction, pat” hin this section of the i be Be pe alse vere Lene Mstee ane prea ua ales 5 Se eer oe nee ahechog trva' | Vousn’s fot Deeps fe Wetanah” | AAny stney. that More Sy ‘Shey. wearriod abs | comery shan, all niber fieases Se soceinee, i. ieee and Iam sitting in the veran-| ‘So that no one need turn round 1| Don'tsend for a physician if Norwich, Ont, April 17-Ia Lee, a Hlatioe 3 sisr ae got it or not. "—Detrott Free Press nukes th int intimas Sie lived happily ever after.” sad unt alt ig taat goth go a nlppove dt be] TN. U. 216 at * cee eae ee Betis. Des pen | will call ont the name of the person or | lovesick. pater highly: a alan of this place, Judgment Against Charlebois, is Listle a curate | Bor a en diseasty, and. prescribe " i es , ‘hose persons entering this church during m Lon’t eat pie with cous suicide on Friday afternoon ebeo, April 17.—J hilo bur I woulsn's sll fs Baggsy—Beliovs in expansion, Tugs-7? ues, and bY constasiy failing g vocure § every day more welcome to m Hay | eeeat sna tien tae peach Tea ammo re case ee le Poin ata tiaadiog | tastease ts Union Bucket Ghanons THE ROOTS Ta there anything mo Seucem ay be whee Re Droven cala;rh tobe cousituilon FREE 23 ie Sire My patience is rowarded when a| —“Detrly beloved brethren—armer | "Don't neglect your tamtly i order vo | riload “the body was found on the | gave jadement against Charlebois for at saat more ar ig ean | square mal Sf isan nd therefore requtes<onmzttonl Saltaire { woman, to whose beanty time has but Jacobs and his wife—the text for today | Pose as a public benefactor. railtoad track a short distance west of | $150,000, the amount of three prom: OF CANCER if .. = we nest. Halls Cauarh cara mannactared ute Finale Ndded, tarns the comer, closcly follow. | will Le—Miss Jones—seventh chapter, | _ Don’t sit down and walt for a good job the aton A note_was found om the | pots even hy fondant “with intros ; ‘This te where the knife f.lls. Plasters also, Aa Go| wo is the father of twelve boys haa best fag mal cure 03 t ae eae Hiei Eee } ed by ai ormons white bulldog, and | second verse of—Mrs. Brown and baby ‘to come along and hunt you up. ia Nee tie te steer ae oa ag This ie from 18th of June, 1894, and costs. althongh infleting CEDURE Baty pale, feu {atroduced in the Transvaal volksraad. Tactrectiy ov she big an mura Sie ak hatin oe re, + ‘Somes toward me. When sbe'reaches|—St. John, where it saye—Mfr. and| , Don’t talk top fresly when you don's any longer.’? Deceased was an insurance ‘Died of eakaiadats: gh dl alge oes Web to thelength of yo and ope foasth as gave fale 1, sy Bont r hed aie ee fan’ doa he end, aking Sicsibe aibevecar ny faeeks cad Deidgeee ualeae pein eee ani money og lie reat oa as shout 05) Ottawa, April 17 1B. Taylor, 4 reas ji , is mistake 3 7 quai ives in itor ete 2 Z : ee eee wr | ralleshaa beon drawn trom the bedy of] int & Gu, Toledo, pest D erento. Da Z Gamat beicas, mi ipl sce lca ab pan] NTONESRE ID Fou coon tee Ye Pore enn Ng Pos eis ices of ocean or ee : . VE ; : ‘on ; | saraoid by Drageiets ee A elt fat cn by the mail feniate All A ‘the women i, th aoe | wo think all amateur photoeraphers | iggy oiarss Agninet w pers, | Bay morning of posumonia. aftor pa ; é }d.— Pearson ‘views of life, Ne sttiatoni a wally ioiis Desl an eee oak Gonen e . or aa names Taylor published ‘The Ottawa Citizen. : ‘Tilsonburg les in the jail here with o