Milverton Sun, 20 Apr 1899, p. 3

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eascst ; The Milverton Sun Is the best Local Newspaper in the County genera ee! ibe hws Lael Novemams Ho Oa Soft winds kiss her Medium. ble. Subscription Fan the cheeks that Fateh sre fl a Es year, strictly in . $1.50 if, ‘ ‘so paid. —M. MacBer, PUnLIsHER. The Milverton Sun Winsome moods of changing grace Hyon | pee oe a wees ou Tove her woo with fear— THURSDAY, APRIL, 20 1599. Teh ohh eta bids 6 mo. | 3 mo. | ime. % '$30 00| $16.00] $6 00 Progress in the House of, Commons sew yrs eee 1g 00] “9 00] “4 50 ii thi ‘ing. Ritnalis: the Charch of land 9 00) 4 Paponkog Peck aAt RIG? seca eaeprorene nha ts erat 8 ool 2 an maj iy of Commons for 3 00} 2 00) 1 00 the wawilling Conservative Poni to sceopt Tt is rumored in political circles that | s resol «Sir Hibbert Tupper will before Jong] choose its accept the leadership of the Conserva- | re sessive insertio1 tive opposition in British Columbia Rae vein sist, of te Bone 3 and that Dr. Montague will enter the} in Lara trstad ‘efforts to Romanize the national @anking. i rch. Ontario Assembly to strengthen the | Oper iment has new expressed re | Re RANNEY & oogagters debating power of the Opposition. that the Ghurel rch of England ‘iat, ae fers EstaBiisHEp ¥ i ‘Bishops who will not lean to the side of] A general banking business transact ad ot eerdotalinn Tf the Government, is cn- | Drafts issue at all points in Canada an eee thi Mr. Justice Robertson has handed of Bishops, the ritualistic enthusiasm of a section ef the clergy wil by the ecclesiasti of the Ponton trial from Napanee to | Anglo-Catholics profess to revere. out his jadgment changing the venue Toronto. The alleged cause of the action is said to be due to the little ~ cheer that was got up for Ponton in Napanee last fall at the close of bis| won the custom ofthe Judge suing baa | Gt The real cause no doubt is the as ee ire ae ED RAORY = | wher love that circuit judges have of settling |b. amply justified: There is an as oases in Toronto regardless of the cost oe sae porte upon which the as no! trial. - to litigants. ees, to the bene oF Pinos Shahin in sympathy formation pri Transient Advertisements aracharged at ‘with -* rate of 8c. per bags pedro yr the: i c- first insertion, a rolled by restrained accounts collected. ical authority which the | eurrent is COUNSEL TO BLAME AS WELL t. Thomas Journal.) ‘The strictures of the Woodstock E: es and taking, things cosy tonto. seem to | in ered Ades a a Lemon, Bo land. Es ‘Telephone cot jae! Lutheran Church and Rostocl W. EGBERT, uate of College ° a Bh rear of ee, Milverton, Ont. Daas wiles le, Brunner, them aa ae Tt is ramored that the g t of the United States is about to pre- vent the importation of Canadian lumber, as a retaliatory measure to- re hats equa j ee ave no right needles costs by. postpening eu they have had reasonable wards this country for not disallowing the Ontario bill which prevents the ex- rt of logs. If the United States government verifies the statement by action the lumber trade,not of Ontario alone,.but of the Maratime Provinces, will for-te-time: being, be paralyzed. But the tine is coming when Canadians |~ may demand high prices for lumber as the visible supply on the other side of the line has diminished yreatly during the last few years. ‘This is the way that an influential American journal views British capitalists who are expending’ their money in ear the resources of the great repub! Realizing that they sonldn't conquer our country with thei the British are plotting te con dee 1 ih their mone: ‘They are back of every .trust, corporation, ens our form of government to-day ; that is poverty ; ‘that. is reets wil wile the flames burning cities paint hell upon the midnight ; sky. Thisie no figment of fancy. Tam not THE TAILOR Cc Oo. rw 7. 99, Mil Jat meets every ansidie. alarmist. Bat I am # stadent of| Next door to Postoffice. second and last Tuesday of every month, at know that the same causes in: Sorclock, in ‘theit hall ee Slimeulen nce the same ts 5 MutverTon. sf sshuerimel’s store. Visiting brethren al: Something New = in TROUSERINGS in DRESS SHIRTS ate of R. C. D. 8. T Mara aes Foe rember of the orged Post Graduate School eterno en to the master, counsel s! nave i visit cane Queen’s bo a ilsrios, the first ani aid shied Maneey of every month. from 10 Taione _Jradiats of ‘Trinity Cntrers xy pane . d Graduate 0 in SUITINGS. Dental aed i = visit fea : > ton the fi hi ayo in OVERCOATINGS peg are A iss von aspecialty grit work canna tee Dentistry RUCE, L. DS. Dentist. 5 Main strect, Lis! the practice of his pro: R. J. ROBINS, of Stratford, Honor ice at the Grand ii central 1 Hotel. Sitosa Higa and Leal ern, ot used ft ss extraction of tee! Crown a1 in FANCY SHIRTS. in UNDERWEAR in BOYS’ COLLARS in MEN’S COLLARS in MEN’S TIES in DRESS BOWS ~ in GRADUATE TIES in SUSPENDERS, ete. Cal tte! ii ¢ Baggage transfer. A j specialty. f in GENTS % HOSE aateof Oatar ti Veserimary. ENGEL, V. Milverton, Ont. —— RR. VETERINARY SUR- rigs at. all times. Commercial driving a heir wee, rae you will bel behold the most titanic, intervecine conflict in our Canida’s latest contribution towards the consolidation of the Empire is ap agreement to foot five-eighteentis of the cost of constructing a Pacific cable to. Australia touching only British soil. Great Britain will aiso. contri- Tunte five-eighteenths towards the cost of construction while Australia will furnish, the other four-ninths. The total cost is expected to be: about $7,500,000 and Canada’s. share will be _@ little} over $2, 000,000. “Had the work been ‘merely a commercial project, it would no doubt have been lefs to private enterprise, bat itis of great perial ‘value and will bring the] ‘various outlying parts of the Empire closely in touch with each other with- ontfear ‘of interruption from the enemy. ‘The advantage from-military and naval standpoints are obvious as it will in- crease the efficiency. of every Britis! warship in Pacific waters... According to Sir Sanford Fleming. elabor- ating. the details the cable will be self: su porting from the ontses and will pay the future and. it is . reasonable vo suppose that a Pacific =: RipstPrize Bread Tt is asknowledged by nce that our bread is. the best on thi fused to: compete with us for a prize. Though we took frst we do not bake for shows alone * bat make good bread all’ the year round and'to prove, this, we ask that you give our bread a trial convinced, V. WEITZEL, * The Baker. Oh, Say, Going to Sell at Reduced Rates For the You -willisave money by calling and getting your Spring supply, cheap. : We-don't keep any, bank- rupt stogk. All our. stock is} ; and nobby and: . €all and get, your ways welcome. Barth, Recording BS Roessing, N. G and we are sure that you will be PERRY'S: ‘Next 60 Days) societies John Linetont © eR; TO. 0. F, “Silver Star Lodge,” No. 202, Milverton, iday, night at Tieets € riday mia their hall, post olive building. salvage John ae Visiting ee Ww. D. ties of Benth hand Waterloo, aveyancers eeds, Wills and Mortgages drawn an | Affidavits made. Bailiff fith Division Court bass Clerk... Office, ovel x Groseh’s Shoe tore, Main ieee Milverton. LINE, Milverton. NDS BUS eyes ii All citizens ons * Hotels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branner. Ont. John Gropp, Poprietor. Best: liquors and cigars at the bir. First-class accommoda- tion and large stabling. - GRAND CENTRA ae HOTEL, Milverton. mn jon for ¢ommercii Jiquors and: eigar jorner of Main sad Mill streets, C. Hasenpfiag, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The mercial tay Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables and plenty of shed room. Henry Rose; prop. BUILDING SALE! Having decided to enlarge our store we: will have to reduce our $7000 STOCK DOWN TO HALF Boys’ Readymades. _ Good quality and prices right. We have a beauty 4oc worth 50¢, : That's, wi means. Z ‘Misceliancoas . JOHN ee dealer in;.Cedar Posts, Kamber, Lathe, "Shingles Pamps, ete. Brunner, O G. T. R Time Table Crains os to eas Milverton. . corsa ce eae Mixed. a.m. Express. Mixed: p-m., Mixed | Express - p.m. Mixed. . ios fe rgeons and’ bicycle repair}. ha season. cable wouldiget nearly. all the» anble 1 traffic between: this. continents. sel “will be able to. announce. ba ee ee IN SIX WEEKS DRESS GOODS. We carry an elegant range from toc up to $1.25 ; the “| range being so large we are unable to quote prices but drop in and see what we can do for you. PRINTS Nice line of 12%c Prints, 9 yds, for $1.00 Costum Prints 12%c per yd, 9 yds for $1.00 Tweed Prints roc per yd, 11 yds,. for $1.00 . Fancy Prints 10c per-ydj.12:yds, for $1.00, COTTONS: We have a 5c line which we think is all 0.K. ; a 6c line. , which is a world beater, we give 17 vds-for $1.00. . jalong and try us for good and aheap Cottons at all prices. FLANETS We havea 6c, 20 yds, for $1.00 ; good range to choose from,—better ones at 7, 8, 10 and 12%. We.don’t pretend to carry to carry the. largest stock in. wae but what we have is right. we start at 25¢ per yd up to $2.50. Gall in and see the suits we have. READYMADES We still carry a large assortment of “Men's, Youths and; CARPETS. We have a nice variety of Hemp, Unions and All-Wools, 4 all prices. FLOOR OILS HOUSH FURNISHINGS _ We have a large stock of Curtains Poles,Oak, Mahogany and Stained Oak) Wood Trimmings at 25c¢ each, which are, We] extra value. WINDOW SHADES é are selling at 35c, a MILLINGRY here we shine.—Having bought. our Millinery early, we are-in.a position to give greater bargains than ever “}and with MISS BUNDY at the helm, you know what that Our motto is still the same, ‘‘ Up-to-date Styles and Prices Right.”” Call in ayd look through our Millinery Department, everything new, no, old goods left ever from last - Now in order to do so we will sell at the: following Low Prices : Come: better one at CROCKERY and GROCERIES We have full lines of everything in these departments. ; LOTH & GUENTHER, iyi sre olson ee The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1899. oun. cRrowmne ‘TINE. to the London ‘Times the magnificent work “country A after elaborating on done for pester ind GENERAL NEWS Pint eo tacmncs 8 progre: ‘Ber ‘one reco cae Domisicu fe just period of extraordinary fxpeanon ge development, to be worked It is said that Lord Roseberry will re-enter politics. Be whe ts this country is REC is expected shortly to superced ining: 6 se dea is in session. es Robb, formerly editor of the sou Herald, died in Kentucky, The Spanish elections resulted in the return 0/ marty anes, Wylie, the checker player, “ Herd John Willoughby, of Dre: ether day died at the age of =e years and 5 months. The debate on the longest on record House of Commons. addrses Miss Becea Easson of Stratford has entered the pa see peel ab. To onto as nurse in trai Dominion civil ser- 1 be i long and ‘teat service entitle on toe | cone assii es aoe ing the exhorbitant Iatend of Be De piube doll Tra Lee, a highly. respected citizen ef Norwich, comm ivead suicide by cutting his throat un Tharsday last. out a channel 200 feet deep, 2,000 feet ada, this Counterfeit fifty cent pieces have | ‘imply go her own way and ‘allow the eon, circulated through “Exsex. So| Michigan lumbermen use their actually been accepted at the banks. It is said that the dove of peace now Hiovers over the Liberals of, North Waterloo and that the election will be brought on in the course vf a few The work of clearing away the debris on the Gorge road at Niagara | Intel er) has been discontinued and the ro: be operated "Cal. Matheson;, McPIPs> says «that the contest in Brockville, which closes tonight (Thursday) will be very close as both partiesare counting on small eae in Chi ‘upper sonkeesaae Sir Pwilteett ice er on the announce ment that the Government had com- pleted pa for the construc- tion of a Paci ab] Only nena ee cactyit British officers will be allowed erate on 501 the Canadian boundary to Ber ames Perkins of Boe tea treasurer of the township of Howick, was drowned on Friday last while try- ing to save the dam. erkins was one of the most prominent men in the community and his untimely end will o be sincerely regretted. The House of Refage at Chatham ni in getting the demented creatures: out. The Klondike Nugget, a newspaper published in the gold» country, urging the claims of ne United States to the whole Yukon, country.and. is: usking the United States to assert her: rights. by claiming it., Exports of domestic vroducts of the United Stacey during March aroun: ed $53,365,427, a decrease of $18,144,- 000, . For the nine months of the fiscal year these exports totalled $574,725,- 291, against pa 104 for the same period last yea’ The legislature has. passed the bill mie ‘Beaforth to issue debentures in order to make a loan of $10,000: to| ¢% the Van-Eginond woolen mill, $17,000 to, the Bell foundry, a 0 Case porkspacking establishment. The wheat crop in Ontario has at present good Progrcie of yielding a bountiful harvest. 1 severe frost caused heaving on dry sandy soil. bu' on the whole farmers {say that more good harm was done, was just as well that the long blades were nipped Daniel Henofer, of Zurich, iid coal oil_on a heifer and set fire to it to kill the vermin on the. animal the Ministry by a large the |ende, The equips isthe |oounery in the Canadian | ased nee e eve le-and seven miles in length through ok. S| Can again this issi iugliedsreisek h is} that was used daring. the last provin- tothe phe p wil especially. helpfal. ‘The ‘new mining tion jon of the far west, with ite remarkable the iron deposi = th he iron deporite of Lake Superior; the ly various mineral Maritime Provinees, all open op an. = nsnal vista of epterprise i The field “before tie. slectrical it manifold supplies of industrial a pment of institutions ft king the it be to train men thorough): mone of these cpactnat es eater reatest material advantaj &90D LUCK To THEN. fanada lever pratited much deni the inBuetics exerted by the Micbizan lumbermen in favour of the policy uf exchanging the American market for| FS Canadian log: good when they were supposed fighting in the oj pen. The Hardy Government did a good day’s work for Canada when it moved rs a a ernment for all it is worth.— _ SuorT STORIES ERTOLD. ‘Mark ‘Twain leotaring in Bagh) ab Vienna, in the hall of the ‘commercial Club, the other day, in gradually mastering German, and had ly annexed the champion word: oungserganzungsrevisionsbefund, “TE” added the humorist uid gat a word of that sort engraved- on my. aker Reed recently met Repre- sentative Lacey, of fowa, in the shad- ow of the entrance the members’ lobby of the Honse. He peered at the Towa man, who bears stiong resem: blance. to. the Secretary of War, Walking up and greéting bim, witha laugh thatconveyed a suggestion , of, relief, he astonished. the representative by drawing out: “Lagey,, you look su ask like the Secrotary: a, War that you ought to ‘itewasl Se paamigee was SI Rea be- fore-a London nae recently for winmon:. biw. says I. ae on know! will | re] Ys al products of Quebec and | con ge to the| of hi M johigen i pabehaan did Canada no on this country’s side, and they can do| ™ Canada no harm now that they are} made to pane the export of saw logs just| by W.. Ra; Niagara River 36,000 years|#s if the Michigan Rat eir SNeogees | nid of a- lucal| J charity, told the aadience that he was|” vombstone I should sleep in peace be- al ELMA ‘The Court of Revision on: the Boyle drain after again con- sidering the appeals per Shanges to be made took must of the day, it was mo’ 2 by Mr. ‘Dewalt af Mr. Rothwell, second ame being owned by Wa $4105.19 acres of said . to J. as. educed waa struck from part of aid lot whick ap- eared to be assessed tot. G. Hurst ; the ast lait of lot 28, con, 11,80 aeres at $5.81; south part of east ball of Lot Nov 38, ¢01 20 acres at $3°87, this made bees at lsnmagy ol once: sad ae. tel of lot No. 38, con. 13, Elma, was chan; ows : m. Inglis, be missed ; and she the total sum: reduced be. 8 inoremsed:-eeusenmebt Sp lobe! he ergedl Wn.the sueohinent of the Condes and tlt tbe Cloris be caution to Have the abeves and to notify the also any ‘person raised that the Oonrt uf-Revision'be now el Carried. T, Fontazro: ae CAPITAL, LABOR, CONSUMER, (Montreal Witness.) of. Small of the Uaivernity of Chicago, to-day,” he is surely open to criticism by Por stoppin’ the line “sf trate,” he|unyoue who has a kuowledge. of history. says. Lays: “Where is the line watch? “Why, ive. gone abend now,” i says he. “Then, ’ COMMERCIAL. - | ped it, then?” r- — monger g0t ae Corrected weekly by Hl. M. Schaefer, M April thy of better things: The smartest bit of political guff| & e Liberals. “Mr. Hurdy claims a Teas he shouted, “and Mr. Whir- ney says there is no surpl n't you see the dulge? Ifthe Tories are elected, they will rush into the treasury, and presently they will. come oot. and |§ say:, ‘Just as we told you, there is no after will see thas sep ls were soun using it onstituency in the province, ffect. ae you will all” to.sitin the and hear me oe i ‘hall eke speech,” he said,. Ye ohey a Tate the folloeiee hae hienught the his Batley per bush Turkeys per pound Hain por. pond. very few speeches, and during preetons | Pecajts wk ater intel alsiuy ie by |B tl his friends. LV ERT! an wheat per bush ring wheat, per b pril 20, 1899, $ 64 ay a er SesSneksee secenece™ ing effec Sorin "Wheat if ell-known Conservative member! Bi arley of the Dominion ment makes is|ket ; but you will find with us,a wellassarted stock at. reason-- | Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Nails “ We make a Specia!ty of Builders Hardware.. - TO BUILDERS cand customers the benefit of the increase of prices in building. Zan ware come to us, Prices on all lines of Hardware have advanced in the mar—. ; able prices. Try us on Barb, Plain, Oiled and Enameied Wire, * Spades, Shovels and Trimming Tools, Ete. , DAIRY UTENSILS: Suet as Milk Cans, Cream Cans, _ Milk -Pans, Strainers, Pails, etc. ‘* Prices and Quality 1 guaranteed.’ \ epee and anything in the line of TINWARE eee : to-ortier. Give us a call and you will be convinced of our Bargains. Finkbeiner Bros., ei! Eggs Taken in Exchange. MILVERTO: Having bought early we are enabled to give our patrons : hardware. We have a very large stock of Paints, Oils, Nails, Hinges, Wire, Glass and other building. material, Eave . oa DUETS done on short notice ° % Calcimine and Wall Colors in a varied assortment. Draining Tools—Shovels, Spades, Spoons, Scoops, ett, ; E for all-kinds of work. In tinware we have Pails, Tins, Milk Cans and all -dairy utensils, We havea large selection of varied and assorted colors of ~ Robertson's. and Sherwin-Williams celebrated brands of ~ ,|mixed paints. If you are in need of anything generally kept in a Hard-~ SCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL MILVERTON. its train or avileati The metancholy fo are come, life and propert: abe saddest evel pot our cine hock, Our summer suits to get, Crossley and Hunter, the nuted + evangelists, will visit Stratford in evober, = tective laws, in favor His honrs, his health, his safety hav supervised, ‘The gigantic truata which have been, ¥ ing, Organized have n Berlin’s dag taxation for this year oT peapony affected the laburer so far. What } will be 174.mi they may do remains seen. ‘The pre te roniirek ecaane teh pick James ae of Réel’ township, terms with the unionsby which the latter | B88 been fined: $100 for keeping. an are, in effect, included in the benefits of the ed still trosts, Ibis the consumer who snffe as Lowes was drowned in. the ‘The Liberal candidate in. Winnipeg cra "River at Brentford on Ta weedy, is likely tobe Mr. ED. Martin, | A hayfamine is reported in the vie >. brother of Hon. Joseph Martin, of{cinity of London, Ont, owing to the Bata Cane: late spring, : ¢ RELIEF IN i0 MINUTES! n eatarr Jef hope. No matter how severe! called remedies he may haye tried, no oma ter how coat. physiciens ‘have & meted upon bin in win: no mater how, compleiely he may ave. despaired of i ding himself of his disgusting ae distressing n he cured J fundreds.upon hundreds of eases as en fly aati cured by. DR. AGNEW'S OhzAlsREAL F0 sommes Temedy never fails if taken catarth fies developed into tal dis it rae at once to yout druggist iéve you in Yo minutes—it will Pisce you oh the Pepyeccinhnet many so salt, was that his barn was burned, with a lot of live stock, and he himself was Toad tt cures -col in the head, ‘s sore ‘throat, tonsilitis, 2: thoRer. “James ‘Murdocl ie Harrisburg, Pa. : ; ously burned. ™ PPh reper Thay Reports from geney al growing States of the say the crop will fall stor of iby a iy der at Jeast 100,000,000 bushels. ‘Along the acreage has fake there are and_ thousands of fields in reporters pine fier ely; the City of Ottaws sat up that night, the seers offices all ver the Dominion held «sp: id ickeu: Batter, th roll pen for what eee tals daisy. Bau thousands which a binder will ee be put. aie acres bi Sete C8 0p was happening, but finally he sto His friends no longer lave hi a.spegc! Lknow ee vis of recommendation, T consider it my dety to let cabarrh of ond ces et men Soe Slnages a week spo 2,Bottic, as it will cure any slight cold 1 may have, | Dr, A Yiver ioe ae cers ats the beats Dr. Ege relieves in “gema, tetter and bees 232

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