Milverton Sun, 27 Apr 1899, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol VIII—No 16 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, MALCOLM MacBETH, Editor and Publishe? HE HEE HERE RE HEHE HE HEHE FE FEE HE IE IE IE IE EE EEE Fede eM de ee ae sie eC AC oC A AL EC CIC VIC CC ACCC R cK ES x x K x RS x 3 ss 3 x a 5 y 5 x 4 K R KR 3 3 3 K a BS 4 x 3 y x ¥ ¥ 4 aR 4 ¥ + 3 % » ¥ 3. ie HEE TE TENE TE HEHE TEE HEHE NE ENE IEE ENE HEHEHE HE WE IE IE ETE IE EVE IE TE IE TEE IEE NE HE IE EVE Our shop is ranged with close busy buyers securing Bargains of every description. MILLINERY Miss Broderick busy Trimming up the Latest Styles of Hats. Going at Slaughtering Prices <= H. GleiserE A WORD TO THE WISE ! large doses of the word ‘‘ CGH EAP.” better. the sense of promising a $20 suit for $10 ! Does the person of saverage intelligence expect it ? Mean clothing we will not sell at any price. ‘About Clothing Many Clothiers are feeding you through the papers with} con We try tc do What is We sell a suit for $10 that is worth $10—worth every ‘cent of it, made so well that you can depend on its giving you satisfactory service, but we do not try to deceive you by saying ‘that it is as good as you can buy for $20.00. We give you your| ‘money's worth every time,—that is why we are doubling our. nsineéss. ue FOLKS THAT HAVEN'T A BOY ts and Outing e can’ suit te is , |Garso Promotion Examinations: The Follawaied a a List of the/8"* Successful Candidates from the Various Schools in this Dis- trict who tried the recent exr aminations, MORNINGTON. soa Ne, Lege ath class: Ernest Wi n 403. Mary Riley 360, Maud Tanner 362; to ir. “ ina Conlter 256 ; to s Stas Evely lyn Roe 356, Charles Riley elvina Wit ward fiat: 318, "Sean Sees —Clara Riddell, teacher. To 5 : Ho $46, May Daily, 348.—Joan Hameo, ‘teachen class : Bella 506, Staceice ‘Nicholas, Duncan Davidson ly Diemert 251, wrie 857.—G. W. Thompson, s. —To sr. 3rd cl Davidson 00, Lily Barr 229, Joho Devine 326, Eleda Mitchell 263, Ada Coulter 261 ; Sei deh class « Wastle Marray 33, Albert sn a16 fon Ella’ Hawke 435, Emma ‘Rathig 308-0, ‘C. McKenzie, ee Poser ays eorge Watson 447 ; to jr. 40 Evan Bede gon 416, Eva eds sno, tin, : Howard "280, ee Henry illie Watson 317.— cher. duh clase «Russell n 330, 506, 400, Olive to jr. 4th re 446, Saste Robinson 396, Edith Harron 328, John Gordon 383, Robert Grieve 335, James MeCanley 319, Mary Crawford 285.— Teubella Glenn, veapher, U.S. . lass : Samuel F. lass : Steves Row 315. Querin 435 5 Querin 364, rae Markham 426, Samue White 424 allie Sinith Fl 251,—Lizzie Me! Lenuan, r. No, Gee! 4 sr. 4th. class : Laura Ker ais Ella Ki a Re Sane 20. lla Mi nee 293, ‘Ella ae ae sod fae Clara Ail 9. Eord, Gropp 217, Peter Nufziger 302, teac RR No 15 Ne cera candidates. No. Oscat worth, teacher. bLICE. 4 8.8 No. 8_Tost. 3nd class Grace At tridge 391, “Wille “Kleuel 300, is Schneider 854, Rachael Nafziger 333, reida Hachshauses, 272 3 to jr. 4th clus Alma Gropp Refbetin 300, rank Panels ‘351, ane innie amucel 206 ve Beicclion Aan eok tieek S7.-Edwin Klench 390,.—Wm. H. Hartman, eacher, = S. ye ee sr. 3rd. Sel Baumbach Minnie Becker 274, Nile Ma urray 207; wy Gaul 389.--Jamen 'B. sr. 4th is care shown in ane fit and es Geet 2 i apres sas te Be attractive and will not cost you any more than | ‘the other kind, if bought here. GROSCH & PFEFFER's: rrison 388, Henry iat Daliner 3 18MM J. Miller teacher. who ¥y | Steinberg-Henrich school m: »| are at present LOCAL NEWS, The Stratford Hay team has gone to New stock of Wall papers at Grosch & Pfeffer’s. Inspector Irwin was in the village this week. Schreded Whest Biscuits at Grosch & ae rs. J. an with friends in Mil rybody says he ee & ree aioe takes the cake. Mr, John Stro on Monday for Brtsh Colum Before buying your single harness call and see D. Smith’s assortment. Miss White is at present confined to Read Rudyard Kipling’s story ‘The Rout of the White Hussars’ in this ue. Mr. Jas. Drummond of Mornington has had another paralytie his life is despaired of. A full line -of school supplies at Torrance’s, agent for the aes se The Rev. D. Ande: nesday to attend the convention of the County of Perth at Listowel. on the roxd to do spring sorting an take fall etders for the firm of J. H. Larochellé, Quebec, Ti you have any paper hanging, painting, graining, calciming or any- thing in this line to do call on Schaefer & Schauber, Milverton. Just arcived a carload of Brockville g buggies, the best on the mark: The eb. rig made with steel corners. Call aid see them. D, Smith. The Public ee Hae made a purch: books which which wil ane ar for distri | In bution about the middle of 4 fev be good houses in New week it is ‘ault as the company is all right. Bishop Esher of ambarg this church on Friday evening commencing at 8 oclock. The services will be in German. Rev. Dr. McMullen, ot Woodstock, who one time used to preach at Mill: :} bank, has entered the 40th year of. his pastorate with his ation. present congre- . Peter Ducklow has rented the ies part of Knechtel’s block and uring the . summer residence while he is Wiederhold & Hodderieh busily engaged in digging out the trenches for the foundation of their new factory. The building ee completed will be a cradit to the tow! Mrs, W. H. Coulton of Ellice met with quite a serious accident on Mon- day last. During the absence of Mr. ‘| Coulton at Stratford she attempted to stop the windmill and had her arm caught in the gearing lacerated, Maggie Hanna and Mr. ©. 8) ‘ belies adjoining we store, at present pied by Mrs. Se Narse, of a has por- clased that handsome residence be: ria |Jonging to Mr. H. Gleiser for the sum of $1600. It is the intention of Mrs. store property twhich may be a fe weeks hence. Money ANED. — When _ y mortgage is le = if you want to bo: irst class mortgage, our business with us will Le abhtly private. Jamps Torrance. Miss Guenther wishes to announce | to the public that she his removed her real out nothing phe first-class...wor' gua Gott ee valli thee © | mdaesg hee S S.No. 9— mo yee 4h class a dMasis Goxow 438, Lily Coxon 306, a Ge Langit, sehen ‘The prettiests piney ever shown in town, Grosch & Pleften. d Miller, of Se » Sey Sun- the of Listowel, left bia. mi her room with an attack of la gripe. | ¢ streke and Mr. Simon J, Grosch has again gorie | 53 the Humburg peoples’s wil Chicago, will |S" preach in the Milverton Evangelical |“ and badly | u RE he Ceylon Tea at Grosch & ffer’s. A young hopeful the other afternoo! (insinwatingly). Say Pa, the fishes is is biting like everything down in ae he sire, (reassuringly). Wel, \n, jest keep on diggin’ in the a guess they won't bite you. A Milverton despatch says: fall wheat in this vicinity is almost Where ice has tein upon the fields the wheat has been illed out, but there are many promis- iat fields around. Mr. J. P. Mabee, in appearing be: fore the license commissioners in the terests of his client, J. H. Weaver, Stratford, who had a petition signed by sev justify the granting of this new license, “If 23 per cent. can muzzle,” con- cluded Mr. Mabee, surely 75 per cent can guzzle.” Messrs Coutts & Grimm are ii ceipt of the following communication which If the Bijou Company ne A have Ww Connon & Sweeney: Mr. Chas. tee In conversation the other day with Mr. John Dobson, a represen’ farmer of this district, he. stated with the facilities for seeding now-a- days it takes buta short time to pub in the crop. Ialways keep from two to three seeders and last year I put in rop*in as early as ‘The dark cloud ot deep iallition § hovers over the hom Mr. 3 es Miller, of ‘Wellesley, aie have just sustained by death, the ‘oss of dark only daaghter, Millicent Gertrude, a promising young lady years. filer being an only daughter, and the younger of a family. of two, was much beloved by her par- ents and brother, which to-day makes (heir grief more pointed. Her illness dates back about nine weeks ago and puzzled medical skill. For a part of the time she was in Stratford Hospital began oes and lingered on until oes re- m » Sond meurning. The teenies ok on lay afternoon at. the Mittbank ‘Asntiae cemetery and the cortege was followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relations and friends, i er Pe Wellesley, on Sunday, laty Millicent Gerad Maen feinrad ane ed ‘and Mrs. Thom Miller 48 yr ssh ieeeagones ig

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