A GREAT MAN’S LIFE Stephen J. Field the Subject of a Sermon by <Rev. Dr. Talmage. E &ye4 8 ui His Religious Training Laid the Foundation of His Sterling Char- acter--The Great Divine’s Tribute to a a Departed Friend. ashington, April the aah notable sharers ot oar tina is the and eaten pia 88, “Know parame hat thers 18 a prince and a an fallen th in Israel! ‘Fist, the ls the i snd i ison che indo te Tein ie siatemman,, the pees i ppdacapsioes Par tee ped yonder apt ae na aa mecca al the Easter anthems still Ungering in the air, the eran shall sound, and the dead shall yur friend boy from minister's home in New England. Ho, knelt with, father and ‘mother af history the names of those ministers’ ‘eine wha ‘have Gong, once $6 judicial Dench and commercial olrele and national d foundation of all good law—Roman law, German sg ill raeters law, American law children are growing up take the consolation. See the star =e hope pointing down to sf mai Notice also that our departed fri in _ ‘ily of the Pri Aléxanders, like'a score of fai pone bor I ; if it were best were ‘‘the eg ye ie the them: honors crowns: ti wielded influ- he iD scepters. years Hi dela Feld, coadjutor of William n= Bis Eee wrong from —famisdes that stand for wealth, unrighteously got and stingily ‘Kept or wickedly squandered; families that stand the sense of propriety they do not come to Among the most absorbing books of erie oe be 5 wit nor the Soase: Macken, nor the Sabbath dese- i in imagination gather ouehe os tas = centuries which they decided might again be called on, after the ee nations 1d. by tallow candles, geet: Bield bes pas ts ce he never bey faith of the old fashioned relig! Believed in the Bible. trine or history, much of it the history ither God nor D- proves. Our friend drank the wine of the te Bible as someting pusillanimous, how ent. for Sie. Chritlan faith | S Stephen J ld, whole shelves of the saw brary 0 cried with his magni- ficent deci i ples EY Goodbye, my crt rane pres of more beac 80 years. words 5 their way grave of some one great ly beloved: Neighbor, accept our parting song. ence; This is no house of permanence. On bread of mirth and bread of tears ‘The pilgrim fed these checkered years: Now, landlord world, airal so the door: clare forever more. ‘ea, village bells, ring softly, ring, daa in the bleed Sabbath bring Which from ibis weary. worklay. tryed Avraits God's folk through Jesus Christ. TRAINING THE VOICE. Beauty of Utterance in Speech or Song Is = Mark of Culture in All Good Seciety. Aristotle said: ‘Tt is not only neces- ne to know how y it? A well-trained voice is a mark of culture all refined society. ‘This is as true in in song; the same principles gov th, but are even more im: ant in relation to speech. Song implies a di yhereas speech is uni Modern civilization exacts purity b tinct articulation, but— "Tis not enongh the volce be sound snd lear, "Tis modulation that most charms the ear. Sir Morrell Mackenzie says: 8 so mistake to think that speaking ° requires no special training and exercise. Even in well-modulated voice may jaired in adult life, but the preferable of eirement is in childhood and youth. ipaueeaty or sonia ‘train the! under some system of elocution. Fase for its for the health it affords. educating effects; third, for the advant- it gives over others for usefulness.’’ om long sick- be] ness or insidious aie ‘The quality 8] of the w all Hc ih ii Me Ha EVILS OF INBREEDING. Degeneracy In Sheep Ware: the Prac- tice Is Continu direct ne from ie degeneration of a Hock is #0 Tepid ik sonlce vee one generation to another. It fenabarall Count up how mach wool is produced on a square foot of the sheep's hide and you will get ae exact loss. Then the lam! seat forthe, tapes heli here, foo, is considerable, and. when. Snally sent to be killed the loss an. the wool and ie parler ay ti taba! a rather startlin; But ‘thie i is is not the only loss sustained fro ‘The wool gradually grows thinner on the hide of the poor, scrubby sheep. Only one hair is found eal the thin crop of wool, aoe as of ool naturally degenerates | along with the other things Place the wool of a’scrab on the scales, and it is found wanting in weight. Place it then before the sorter and picket and they can quickly dis lere ae he, fourfold losses: Less mutton, tea 1 wool, less wool to aqui quality of wool, which brings only the lowest prices in the markets. Points In Breeding Horses, ‘or more we wrote on the was fine colt. The war changed all this Prices have gone up, and it costs a good- ly sum to buy a matched pair of car- riage horses ora ‘well trained san? for bi ore. fam: cannot had than $100 or ait Now, in order to breed a ay ae there should bea large infusi eland bay blood, oe to bring good sized colts, should be large, le. call betecritess at tases fairs and horse shows, which we have seen, have shown ile horses.—C. W. Murtfeldt in St Republic. Unruly A correspondent of ibe Baral World gives the following on how to keep a rognish hog Tootin; e ‘1 } ty 5 r the make fork in the chain and put the last ring of each fork in each ear. Now, let me e RAILWAY FATALITY. jz Two Tramps Kijed and Two Cars Demolist.ed. REGISTRAR JOHN A. M’DOUGALL. South Catario Election Petition and Grand Trunk—An Eloper Ar rested—Child Killed at Winnipeg. Fire totally destroyed the stabling | cae aera Quoen’s Hotel at Wiarton on Sunday. ‘the North n Gazette denies that the German protected cruiser ‘Deen sent 10a. The trial of the South Ontario election nd cross-petiti for May 25 at Whitby. yser-Hausman ik ae Jerm * suspended payment, ith & deficit of 2,000,000 lire. 6 ester, N.¥., Naval reyes i Eng ae leave Goderich harbor teamer St. An Sich lett at dayne on Saturday. of Richard Harding Davis A child of William Hanbury was into by an electric car on Baturdny ie ‘Winnipeg and killed. The cars there ha no fenders. ‘William Henderson was fatally injured while aa aia at Oliphant, by ring his skull. Lange a an a no ro children cases of diphtheria aan ears ary past few months at the Winnipeg General Hospital. Ib may be closed for thorough disinfection, Xavier Guertin died at Maniwasi, Que., on es “ the ripe old age of years. in- ai aha Geeta ‘Valley. ferred organization ¥ merely all of the larger jncing ines in the United ‘The partly decomposed body kn pres tonne on ee “roads at three miles The ees was ieee all Mond ay: pete) opposition and strychnine con- coe _ wien Roland and fone Bru Edmonton, N.W.'T. Ti eeenneera sjives at, 10.30 on si The Paris correspondent of Tho New York Journal says: “Despite all reports to the contrary, M. Rostand, the author rac, The Allan Line SS. Hhrerposl t "5 Philndelphia, via St. John’ ' ress off Cape Race, reach- ed ‘Philadelphia at 100" clock on Saturday night ‘having failed to got into St. John’ The uae of Salisbury reappeared ‘House of Lords on Friday evening “transforming him from a Cavalier into ead.” ocourred in tod. a. Woile's ieegseeieniid which was siored three oarloads of pra =! Two were in the building; team ae ant, the. other burned to eet Lose 81,00 . Hon. Sir John Robert Mow- tare sceee nt Gia onike oF Comiiond since 1898, is cen an John ius at name, t] Daronetoy re e erat sn t8e0. He was born on June 3, John A. al has been appointed ‘wager Texas, is to de rie -~ city to Wash- ington, D.C., in 61 oe mi ¢ hy swallowing a quantity of ie city physician Dato pumped him out. |B despondent beoause not find he could ndrew Lowe, missing ‘The body of cleriin She rnd a Trunk trelei devas ‘ment and floating in ea tay At tin foot ot Yer ‘ork street bridge on Sarardey morning, He: He diseppenred on| 4 Deo, 6 after making against his pent ‘The City_of Para bronght word urday to San Francisco that wile & an tho ew naval oficer af San a Hennoian identified as one of the “Ram's Horn” Blasts. uithe iene Ea “iowledge is to know OW. “The trae eres can be trusted as far nese of the work He gives us After the King and Queen of Italy, on each ing luncheon followed, at which King Hum- you ask fei credit for good mo- tie heath of 8 tives entemte measures you by on S wonder of 0 The canal advises: ea esha by | the maiMan fa dead man, but the prose of Gerting poms to join the chureh is oom- wely easy work. but the way of the Cross ia ell eapopular. A c many who are called light- thelr oF a inspetion of the canals | ton of the buoyancy—it's in the head. 2 fo very anxious to ain vine Meteorological Institute at open ret ce haiege to all t het isa lttle suspicious of himself. greed to lay the cables Seamedintely, Fourteen inscituves replic the d perspi from fn leaves is highly Aalnable in core insy, ulcerated tel Gil Maes Ocala Sime. c! eee PO ea pathos story 1s revealed in the tok “B James Groundwater, an old man ee i osition and now we are as happy & ‘This marvelous remedy will be mailed in pliin wrapper to th Eb bed by send- ing $3.00 to The ing ‘Toronte, One 4 ot ‘Salvation is trusting im. lows us to see the great- arguments are but the whist- the dark. 4 by a wrong looa- s all right, oe on it several years my hus- lived.” aria Remedy Co., was cured of a _bad_case of Grip by Ltrs LINIMENT. Iwas cured of ARD'S LINIMED I was cured of Sciatica Rheumatism by LEW. S. cesaat ini rh hough ‘Bhs Eingsion isa stable belonging | total loss is badly dam- in C. L. Laaug. ff loss of voice by MIN- ‘CHARLES PLUMMER, oe IMENT. Buren BS banana ae ry Feta even! sf) pdeee sie judge, 1 didn’t; I tried to hold him uj Phen Pe estes, EG brains with Raid aoavemy ee judgment; eee Fifteen oe as ro Adit 4 a a Boat of he F tara at ae April yon a bay it? If you buy it, we will yen- Gonat Whitney, Capt. Hawthorne, sank quality are excellent. Western tarrh in ‘poder sian ait oie insen ases Dut torether, gnd until the last few years was supposed 10 be eure! coe other Seainets a Liberal, ‘The eee former Was sworn the “inctsr by J.T: Stellfker. ‘Tho in: format Narragan: misickquatash jlano-mange means literally white food; ite the Contrary. id you knock this man down? ot i reader, or do say that you don’s Baye much. den this section of the ora erent many years “doctors 0 @ teaspoon- etly on the blood and mucous ful. It acts direct Infact ay! ‘hey offer: poe pepiree: dollars for ae te iB “fails io cure. circulars = Address eo ENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. sa°0ld by Druggiats, How Dishes Were Named. is the North of a misnomer. Charlotte is Se ee nee lish word charlyt, which means a dish of costard, and charlotte russe is Russian charlotte. It may be only a trifling cold, bi lect it andit will festen its fangs i in n Jour , and you will soo! ROE ors ao aie eeaiy roctinre ST. JACOBS OIL A Prompt and Certain Cure No One Refuses. # Cndoo— Didn't Ladun tole yer, Ru- tea “tat T’d whop yer ef yer went black- berryin’ Rafus—Don’t whop me, mammy, mah ia full gb briers an’ yo'll hurt yo’ aunt Chloe—T’ank yer, son; I'll jess ‘use mah slipper. Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete. A Difficult Assignment. porter—That, sir, is a seport of the eae Ms the woman suffrage meet ing last Sivor Bat can't make head or tail of in. Reporter—Neither could 1, They were all talking at once. peat acta “TIRED AND LANGUID. = Her Husband Was a Drunkard. She Finally Administered a Remedy, Without His Knowledge, and The Experience of an Estimable Young Lady. a. Watery—Suffer- ed From Sick Headuches and Fainting Her Blood Was Poor Spells— How She Regained Health’s ‘a practical farmer he represent jericultural implement eompanies. His the eldest being se’ een if age. ‘To a correspondent "Of the Brockville He- called ees Smith? Miss Minnie. Smith bee eldest danghten, related the following sto y work about the house would easily terribly fat ject to terribly stomach bi mach became foot. My sae was further aggravated tried several kinds #3 cae ine, but i medicine and began taking the pills. found shat e y helped me and four —_ boxes wi ash the tim had finished t them z was faint ptoms, which invariably Teed to » pro- mature grave prompt steps are to bring about a natural condition en d | of health. In this emergency no remedy diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, Paralysia, Jocomotor ataris, St Vitus dance, nervous headache, nervo tion, the sttor effects of Ia erippe, influ depending on humors in finthe blood, such as an writ Inet winter, which Teoulted io Dy ees ‘That id fe position to cxortat any or will i borane Ae of Miller's tise wo wien, flesh isheir te, eth nature a Cla If falls ae and is very aS rub a little oil on the attest. * ‘it Hee require : dose They are Siege to take; no ae re juired. ‘Whenever the hoe rung between the ror Atisiot only admits warmth and canses the germina